Esempio n. 1
/** FJOIN, almost identical to TS6 SJOIN, except for nicklist handling. */
CmdResult CommandFJoin::Handle(const std::vector<std::string>& params, User *srcuser)
	SpanningTreeUtilities* Utils = ((ModuleSpanningTree*)(Module*)creator)->Utils;
	/* 1.1+ FJOIN works as follows:
	 * Each FJOIN is sent along with a timestamp, and the side with the lowest
	 * timestamp 'wins'. From this point on we will refer to this side as the
	 * winner. The side with the higher timestamp loses, from this point on we
	 * will call this side the loser or losing side. This should be familiar to
	 * anyone who's dealt with dreamforge or TS6 before.
	 * When two sides of a split heal and this occurs, the following things
	 * will happen:
	 * If the timestamps are exactly equal, both sides merge their privilages
	 * and users, as in InspIRCd 1.0 and ircd2.8. The channels have not been
	 * re-created during a split, this is safe to do.
	 * If the timestamps are NOT equal, the losing side removes all of its
	 * modes from the channel, before introducing new users into the channel
	 * which are listed in the FJOIN command's parameters. The losing side then
	 * LOWERS its timestamp value of the channel to match that of the winning
	 * side, and the modes of the users of the winning side are merged in with
	 * the losing side.
	 * The winning side on the other hand will ignore all user modes from the
	 * losing side, so only its own modes get applied. Life is simple for those
	 * who succeed at internets. :-)
	 * Syntax:
	 * :<sid> FJOIN <chan> <TS> <modes> :[[modes,]<uuid> [[modes,]<uuid> ... ]]
	 * The last parameter is a list consisting of zero or more (modelist, uuid)
	 * pairs (permanent channels may have zero users). The mode list for each
	 * user is a concatenation of the mode letters the user has on the channel
	 * (e.g.: "ov" if the user is opped and voiced). The order of the mode letters
	 * are not important but if a server ecounters an unknown mode letter, it will
	 * drop the link to avoid desync.
	 * InspIRCd 2.0 and older required a comma before the uuid even if the user
	 * had no prefix modes on the channel, InspIRCd 2.2 and later does not require
	 * a comma in this case anymore.

	time_t TS = ConvToInt(params[1]);
	if (!TS)
		ServerInstance->Logs->Log("m_spanningtree",LOG_DEFAULT,"*** BUG? *** TS of 0 sent to FJOIN. Are some services authors smoking craq, or is it 1970 again?. Dropped.");
		ServerInstance->SNO->WriteToSnoMask('d', "WARNING: The server %s is sending FJOIN with a TS of zero. Total craq. Command was dropped.", srcuser->server.c_str());
		return CMD_INVALID;

	const std::string& channel = params[0];
	Channel* chan = ServerInstance->FindChan(channel);
	bool apply_other_sides_modes = true;

	if (!chan)
		chan = new Channel(channel, TS);
		time_t ourTS = chan->age;
		if (TS != ourTS)
			ServerInstance->SNO->WriteToSnoMask('d', "Merge FJOIN received for %s, ourTS: %lu, TS: %lu, difference: %lu",
				chan->name.c_str(), (unsigned long)ourTS, (unsigned long)TS, (unsigned long)(ourTS - TS));
			/* If our TS is less than theirs, we dont accept their modes */
			if (ourTS < TS)
				apply_other_sides_modes = false;
			else if (ourTS > TS)
				/* Our TS greater than theirs, clear all our modes from the channel, accept theirs. */
				if (Utils->AnnounceTSChange)
					chan->WriteChannelWithServ(ServerInstance->Config->ServerName, "NOTICE %s :TS for %s changed from %lu to %lu", chan->name.c_str(), channel.c_str(), (unsigned long) ourTS, (unsigned long) TS);

				// while the name is equal in case-insensitive compare, it might differ in case; use the remote version
				chan->name = channel;
				chan->age = TS;


				// XXX: If the channel does not exist in the chan hash at this point, create it so the remote modes can be applied on it.
				// This happens to 0-user permanent channels on the losing side, because those are removed (from the chan hash, then
				// deleted later) as soon as the permchan mode is removed from them.
				if (ServerInstance->FindChan(channel) == NULL)
					chan = new Channel(channel, TS);

	/* First up, apply their channel modes if they won the TS war */
	if (apply_other_sides_modes)
		std::vector<std::string> modelist;

		/* Remember, params[params.size() - 1] is userlist, and we don't want to apply *that* */
		modelist.insert(modelist.end(), params.begin()+2, params.end()-1);
		ServerInstance->SendMode(modelist, srcuser);

	irc::modestacker modestack(true);
	TreeSocket* src_socket = Utils->FindServer(srcuser->server)->GetRoute()->GetSocket();

	/* Now, process every 'modes,uuid' pair */
	irc::tokenstream users(*params.rbegin());
	std::string item;
	irc::modestacker* modestackptr = (apply_other_sides_modes ? &modestack : NULL);
	while (users.GetToken(item))
		if (!ProcessModeUUIDPair(item, src_socket, chan, modestackptr))
			return CMD_INVALID;

	/* Flush mode stacker if we lost the FJOIN or had equal TS */
	if (apply_other_sides_modes)
		CommandFJoin::ApplyModeStack(srcuser, chan, modestack);

	return CMD_SUCCESS;
Esempio n. 2
/** FJOIN, almost identical to TS6 SJOIN, except for nicklist handling. */
CmdResult CommandFJoin::Handle(User* srcuser, Params& params)
	/* 1.1+ FJOIN works as follows:
	 * Each FJOIN is sent along with a timestamp, and the side with the lowest
	 * timestamp 'wins'. From this point on we will refer to this side as the
	 * winner. The side with the higher timestamp loses, from this point on we
	 * will call this side the loser or losing side. This should be familiar to
	 * anyone who's dealt with dreamforge or TS6 before.
	 * When two sides of a split heal and this occurs, the following things
	 * will happen:
	 * If the timestamps are exactly equal, both sides merge their privilages
	 * and users, as in InspIRCd 1.0 and ircd2.8. The channels have not been
	 * re-created during a split, this is safe to do.
	 * If the timestamps are NOT equal, the losing side removes all of its
	 * modes from the channel, before introducing new users into the channel
	 * which are listed in the FJOIN command's parameters. The losing side then
	 * LOWERS its timestamp value of the channel to match that of the winning
	 * side, and the modes of the users of the winning side are merged in with
	 * the losing side.
	 * The winning side on the other hand will ignore all user modes from the
	 * losing side, so only its own modes get applied. Life is simple for those
	 * who succeed at internets. :-)
	 * Outside of netbursts, the winning side also resyncs the losing side if it
	 * detects that the other side recreated the channel.
	 * Syntax:
	 * :<sid> FJOIN <chan> <TS> <modes> :[<member> [<member> ...]]
	 * The last parameter is a list consisting of zero or more channel members
	 * (permanent channels may have zero users). Each entry on the list is in the
	 * following format:
	 * [[<modes>,]<uuid>[:<membid>]
	 * <modes> is a concatenation of the mode letters the user has on the channel
	 * (e.g.: "ov" if the user is opped and voiced). The order of the mode letters
	 * are not important but if a server ecounters an unknown mode letter, it will
	 * drop the link to avoid desync.
	 * InspIRCd 2.0 and older required a comma before the uuid even if the user
	 * had no prefix modes on the channel, InspIRCd 3.0 and later does not require
	 * a comma in this case anymore.
	 * <membid> is a positive integer representing the id of the membership.
	 * If not present (in FJOINs coming from pre-1205 servers), 0 is assumed.
	 * Forwarding:
	 * FJOIN messages are forwarded with the new TS and modes. Prefix modes of
	 * members on the losing side are not forwarded.
	 * This is required to only have one server on each side of the network who
	 * decides the fate of a channel during a network merge. Otherwise, if the
	 * clock of a server is slightly off it may make a different decision than
	 * the rest of the network and desync.
	 * The prefix modes are always forwarded as-is, or not at all.
	 * One incoming FJOIN may result in more than one FJOIN being generated
	 * and forwarded mainly due to compatibility reasons with non-InspIRCd
	 * servers that don't handle more than 512 char long lines.
	 * Forwarding examples:
	 * Existing channel #chan with TS 1000, modes +n.
	 * Incoming:  :220 FJOIN #chan 1000 +t :o,220AAAAAB:0
	 * Forwarded: :220 FJOIN #chan 1000 +nt :o,220AAAAAB:0
	 * Merge modes and forward the result. Forward their prefix modes as well.
	 * Existing channel #chan with TS 1000, modes +nt.
	 * Incoming:  :220 FJOIN #CHAN 2000 +i :ov,220AAAAAB:0 o,220AAAAAC:20
	 * Forwarded: :220 FJOIN #chan 1000 +nt :,220AAAAAB:0 ,220AAAAAC:20
	 * Drop their modes, forward our modes and TS, use our channel name
	 * capitalization. Don't forward prefix modes.

	time_t TS = ServerCommand::ExtractTS(params[1]);

	const std::string& channel = params[0];
	Channel* chan = ServerInstance->FindChan(channel);
	bool apply_other_sides_modes = true;
	TreeServer* const sourceserver = TreeServer::Get(srcuser);

	if (!chan)
		chan = new Channel(channel, TS);
		time_t ourTS = chan->age;
		if (TS != ourTS)
			ServerInstance->Logs.Log(MODNAME, LOG_DEBUG, "Merge FJOIN received for %s, ourTS: %lu, TS: %lu, difference: %ld",
				chan->name.c_str(), (unsigned long)ourTS, (unsigned long)TS, (long)(ourTS - TS));
			/* If our TS is less than theirs, we dont accept their modes */
			if (ourTS < TS)
				// If the source server isn't bursting then this FJOIN is the result of them recreating the channel with a higher TS.
				// This happens if the last user on the channel hops and before the PART propagates a user on another server joins. Fix it by doing a resync.
				// Servers behind us won't react this way because the forwarded FJOIN will have the correct TS.
				if (!sourceserver->IsBursting())
					ServerInstance->Logs.Log(MODNAME, LOG_DEBUG, "Server %s recreated channel %s with higher TS, resyncing", sourceserver->GetName().c_str(), chan->name.c_str());
				apply_other_sides_modes = false;
			else if (ourTS > TS)
				// Our TS is greater than theirs, remove all modes, extensions, etc. from the channel
				LowerTS(chan, TS, channel);

				// XXX: If the channel does not exist in the chan hash at this point, create it so the remote modes can be applied on it.
				// This happens to 0-user permanent channels on the losing side, because those are removed (from the chan hash, then
				// deleted later) as soon as the permchan mode is removed from them.
				if (ServerInstance->FindChan(channel) == NULL)
					chan = new Channel(channel, TS);

	// Apply their channel modes if we have to
	Modes::ChangeList modechangelist;
	if (apply_other_sides_modes)
		ServerInstance->Modes.ModeParamsToChangeList(srcuser, MODETYPE_CHANNEL, params, modechangelist, 2, params.size() - 1);
		ServerInstance->Modes.Process(srcuser, chan, NULL, modechangelist, ModeParser::MODE_LOCALONLY | ModeParser::MODE_MERGE);
		// Reuse for prefix modes

	// Build a new FJOIN for forwarding. Put the correct TS in it and the current modes of the channel
	// after applying theirs. If they lost, the prefix modes from their message are not forwarded.
	FwdFJoinBuilder fwdfjoin(chan, sourceserver);

	// Process every member in the message
	irc::spacesepstream users(params.back());
	std::string item;
	Modes::ChangeList* modechangelistptr = (apply_other_sides_modes ? &modechangelist : NULL);
	while (users.GetToken(item))
		ProcessModeUUIDPair(item, sourceserver, chan, modechangelistptr, fwdfjoin);


	// Set prefix modes on their users if we lost the FJOIN or had equal TS
	if (apply_other_sides_modes)
		ServerInstance->Modes.Process(srcuser, chan, NULL, modechangelist, ModeParser::MODE_LOCALONLY);

	return CMD_SUCCESS;