Esempio n. 1
/*${AOs::USBTask::SM::main} ................................................*/
static QState USBTask_main(USBTask * const me, QEvt const * const e) {
    QState status_;
    switch (e->sig) {
        /* ${AOs::USBTask::SM::main::USB_DEV_ATTACH} */
        case USB_DEV_ATTACH_SIG: {
             const char* const udastr = "\r\nUSB device attached  ";
             PrintStringEvt* pse = Q_NEW(PrintStringEvt, PRINT_STRING_SIG);

                    pse->str = udastr;
                    QF_PUBLISH((QEvt*)pse, &me );

                    _DETACHIE = 1;
            status_ = Q_HANDLED();
        /* ${AOs::USBTask::SM::main::USB_DEV_DETACH} */
        case USB_DEV_DETACH_SIG: {
            const char* const uddstr = "\r\nUSB device detached  ";
            PrintStringEvt* pse = Q_NEW(PrintStringEvt, PRINT_STRING_SIG);

                    pse->str = uddstr;
                    QF_PUBLISH((QEvt*)pse, &me );

            status_ = Q_TRAN(&USBTask_idle);
        default: {
            status_ = Q_SUPER(&QHsm_top);
    return status_;
Esempio n. 2
uint8_t onCommandline(char* line) {
    char *next_token
        , *token= strtok_r(line, COMMAND_SEPARATORS, &next_token);
    if(!token) {
        return 0;
    } else {
        for(; token; token = strtok_r(NULL, COMMAND_SEPARATORS, &next_token))
            printf("%s\n", token);
        int i; for(i = 0; token[i]; i++) token[i] = toupper(token[i]);
        /* The following section has to keep up with number of signals */
        if(strcmp(token, "START") == 0) {
            token = strtok_r(NULL, COMMAND_SEPARATORS, &next_token);
            if(!token) {
                return 0;
            } else {
                uint8_t period_in_tick = atoi(token);
                StartEvent* e = Q_NEW(StartEvent, START);
                e->period_in_tick = period_in_tick; 
                QF_PUBLISH((QEvt*)e, NULL /* TODO: declare sender as BSP */);
        } else if(strcmp(token, "STOP") == 0) {
            QF_PUBLISH(Q_NEW(QEvt, STOP), NULL);
        } else {
            return 0;
    return 1;
Esempio n. 3
void SysTick_Handler(void) {
    static uint32_t btn_debounced  = USR_SW1;
    static uint8_t  debounce_state = 0U;
    uint32_t btn;

    QK_ISR_ENTRY();                      /* inform QK about entering an ISR */

#ifdef Q_SPY
        uint32_t dummy = SysTick->CTRL;     /* clear SysTick_CTRL_COUNTFLAG */
        QS_tickTime_ += QS_tickPeriod_;   /* account for the clock rollover */

    QF_TICK_X(0U, &l_SysTick_Handler);    /* process time events for rate 0 */

                                              /* debounce the SW1 button... */
    btn = GPIOF->DATA_Bits[USR_SW1];                   /* read the push btn */
    switch (debounce_state) {
        case 0:
            if (btn != btn_debounced) {
                debounce_state = 1U;        /* transition to the next state */
        case 1:
            if (btn != btn_debounced) {
                debounce_state = 2U;        /* transition to the next state */
            else {
                debounce_state = 0U;          /* transition back to state 0 */
        case 2:
            if (btn != btn_debounced) {
                debounce_state = 3U;        /* transition to the next state */
            else {
                debounce_state = 0U;          /* transition back to state 0 */
        case 3:
            if (btn != btn_debounced) {
                btn_debounced = btn;     /* save the debounced button value */

                if (btn == 0U) {                /* is the button depressed? */
                    static QEvt const pauseEvt = { PAUSE_SIG, 0U, 0U};
                    QF_PUBLISH(&pauseEvt, &l_SysTick_Handler);
                else {
                    static QEvt const pauseEvt = { PAUSE_SIG, 0U, 0U};
                    QF_PUBLISH(&pauseEvt, &l_SysTick_Handler);
            debounce_state = 0U;              /* transition back to state 0 */

    QK_ISR_EXIT();                        /* inform QK about exiting an ISR */
void SysTick_Handler(void) {
    static uint32_t btn_debounced  = 0;
    static uint8_t  debounce_state = 0;
    uint32_t volatile tmp;

    QK_ISR_ENTRY();                            /* inform QK about ISR entry */

    ++l_nTicks;                          /* count the number of clock ticks */

#ifdef Q_SPY
    tmp = SysTick->CTRL;                    /* clear SysTick_CTRL_COUNTFLAG */
    QS_tickTime_ += QS_tickPeriod_;       /* account for the clock rollover */

    QF_TICK(&l_SysTick_Handler);           /* process all armed time events */

    tmp = GPIOF->DATA_Bits[USER_BTN];               /* read the User Button */
    switch (debounce_state) {
        case 0:
            if (tmp != btn_debounced) {
                debounce_state = 1;         /* transition to the next state */
        case 1:
            if (tmp != btn_debounced) {
                debounce_state = 2;         /* transition to the next state */
            else {
                debounce_state = 0;           /* transition back to state 0 */
        case 2:
            if (tmp != btn_debounced) {
                debounce_state = 3;         /* transition to the next state */
            else {
                debounce_state = 0;           /* transition back to state 0 */
        case 3:
            if (tmp != btn_debounced) {
                btn_debounced = tmp;     /* save the debounced button value */
                if (tmp == 0) {                 /* is the button depressed? */
                    static QEvt const bd = { BTN_DOWN_SIG, 0 };
                    QF_PUBLISH(&bd, &l_SysTick_Handler);
                else {
                    static QEvt const bu = { BTN_UP_SIG, 0 };
                    QF_PUBLISH(&bu, &l_SysTick_Handler);
            debounce_state = 0;               /* transition back to state 0 */

    QK_ISR_EXIT();                              /* inform QK about ISR exit */
void QF_onClockTick(void) {
    QF_TICK(&l_clock_tick);         /* perform the QF clock tick processing */
    if (_kbhit()) {                                     /* any key pressed? */
        int ch = _getch();
        if (ch == '\33') {                    /* see if the ESC key pressed */
            QF_PUBLISH(Q_NEW(QEvt, TERMINATE_SIG), &l_clock_tick);
        else if (ch == 'p') {
            QF_PUBLISH(Q_NEW(QEvt, PAUSE_SIG), &l_clock_tick);
Esempio n. 6
QState Philo_eating(Philo *me, QEvt const *e) {
    switch (e->sig) {
        case Q_ENTRY_SIG: {
            QTimeEvt_postIn(&me->timeEvt, (QActive *)me, EAT_TIME);
            return Q_HANDLED();
        case Q_EXIT_SIG: {
            TableEvt *pe = Q_NEW(TableEvt, DONE_SIG);
            pe->philoNum = PHILO_ID(me);
            QF_PUBLISH((QEvt *)pe, me);
            return Q_HANDLED();
        case TIMEOUT_SIG: {
            return Q_TRAN(&Philo_thinking);
        case EAT_SIG:                         /* intentionally fall-through */
        case DONE_SIG: {
                      /* EAT or DONE must be for other Philos than this one */
            Q_ASSERT(((TableEvt const *)e)->philoNum != PHILO_ID(me));
            return Q_HANDLED();
    return Q_SUPER(&QHsm_top);
/* @(/2/0/2/3) .............................................................*/
QState Philo_eating(Philo *me, QEvent const *e) {
    switch (e->sig) {
        /* @(/2/0/2/3) */
        case Q_ENTRY_SIG: {
            QTimeEvt_postIn(&me->timeEvt, &me->super, EAT_TIME);
            return Q_HANDLED();
        /* @(/2/0/2/3) */
        case Q_EXIT_SIG: {
            TableEvt *pe = Q_NEW(TableEvt, DONE_SIG);
            pe->philoNum = PHILO_ID(me);
            QF_PUBLISH((QEvent const *)pe, me);
            return Q_HANDLED();
        /* @(/2/0/2/3/0) */
        case TIMEOUT_SIG: {
            return Q_TRAN(&Philo_thinking);
        /* @(/2/0/2/3/1) */
        case TERMINATE_SIG: /* intentionally fall through */
        case DONE_SIG: {
            return Q_HANDLED();
        /* @(/2/0/2/3/2) */
        case EAT_SIG: {
            Q_ASSERT(((TableEvt const *)e)->philoNum != PHILO_ID(me));
            return Q_HANDLED();
    return Q_SUPER(&QHsm_top);
Esempio n. 8
QState Philo_eating(Philo * const me, QEvt const * const e) {
    QState status;
    switch (e->sig) {
        case Q_ENTRY_SIG: {
            QTimeEvt_armX(&me->timeEvt, EAT_TIME, 0U); /* one shot */
            status = Q_HANDLED();
        case Q_EXIT_SIG: {
            TableEvt *pe;
            pe = Q_NEW(TableEvt, DONE_SIG);
            pe->philNum = me->num;
            QF_PUBLISH((QEvt *)pe, me);
            status = Q_HANDLED();
        case TIMEOUT_SIG: {
            status = Q_TRAN(&Philosopher_thinking);
        default: {
            status = Q_SUPER(&QHsm_top);

    return status;
Esempio n. 9
static void interrupt ISR_kbd() {
    static uint8_t ship_pos = GAME_SHIP_Y;
    uint8_t key;
    uint8_t kcr;

    QF_ISR_ENTRY();                                /* QF-specific ISR entry */

    key = inp(0x60);              /* key scan code from 8042 kbd controller */
    kcr = inp(0x61);                       /* get keyboard control register */
    outp(0x61, (uint8_t)(kcr | 0x80));       /* toggle acknowledge bit high */
    outp(0x61, kcr);                          /* toggle acknowledge bit low */

    switch (key) {
        case 200:                                               /* Up-arrow */
        case 208: {                                           /* Down-arrow */
            ObjectPosEvt *ope = Q_NEW(ObjectPosEvt, PLAYER_SHIP_MOVE_SIG);
            if ((key == (uint8_t)200) && (ship_pos > 0x00)) {
            else if ((key == (uint8_t)208)
                     && (ship_pos < (GAME_SCREEN_HEIGHT - 3))) {
            ope->x = (uint8_t)GAME_SHIP_X;           /* x-position is fixed */
            ope->y = (uint8_t)ship_pos;
            QACTIVE_POST(AO_Ship, (QEvt *)ope, &l_kbd);    /* to the ship */

            Video_printNumAt(24, 24, VIDEO_FGND_YELLOW, ship_pos);
        case 57: {                                                 /* Space */
            static uint16_t ntrig = 0;
            static QEvt const fireEvt = { PLAYER_TRIGGER_SIG, 0, 0 };
            QF_PUBLISH(&fireEvt, &l_kbd);

            Video_printNumAt(47, 24, VIDEO_FGND_YELLOW, ++ntrig);
        }                                                            /* Esc */
        case 129: {
            static QEvt const quitEvt = { PLAYER_QUIT_SIG, 0, 0 };
            QF_PUBLISH(&quitEvt, &l_kbd);

    QF_ISR_EXIT();                                  /* QF-specific ISR exit */
Esempio n. 10
    #error MSP430 compiler not supported!
    /* state of the button debouncing, see below */
    static struct ButtonsDebouncing {
        uint8_t depressed;
        uint8_t previous;
    } buttons = { (uint8_t)~0U, (uint8_t)~0U };
    uint8_t current;
    uint8_t tmp;
    TACTL &= ~TAIFG;   /* clear the interrupt pending flag */

#ifdef NDEBUG
    __low_power_mode_off_on_exit(); /* see NOTE1 */

#ifdef Q_SPY
    QS_tickTime_ +=
       (((BSP_SMCLK / 8) + BSP_TICKS_PER_SEC/2) / BSP_TICKS_PER_SEC) + 1;

    QF_TICK_X(0U, (void *)0);  /* process all time events at rate 0 */

    /* Perform the debouncing of buttons. The algorithm for debouncing
    * adapted from the book "Embedded Systems Dictionary" by Jack Ganssle
    * and Michael Barr, page 71.
    current = ~P1IN; /* read P1 port with the state of BTN1 */
    tmp = buttons.depressed; /* save the debounced depressed buttons */
    buttons.depressed |= (buttons.previous & current); /* set depressed */
    buttons.depressed &= (buttons.previous | current); /* clear released */
    buttons.previous   = current; /* update the history */
    tmp ^= buttons.depressed;     /* changed debounced depressed */
    if ((tmp & BTN1) != 0U) {     /* debounced BTN1 state changed? */
        if ((buttons.depressed & BTN1) != 0U) { /* is BTN1 depressed? */
            static QEvt const pauseEvt = { PAUSE_SIG, 0U, 0U};
            QF_PUBLISH(&pauseEvt, &l_timerA_ISR);
        else {            /* the button is released */
            static QEvt const serveEvt = { SERVE_SIG, 0U, 0U};
            QF_PUBLISH(&serveEvt, &l_timerA_ISR);
Esempio n. 11
File: bsp.c Progetto: alisonjoe/qpc
/* ISRs used in the application ==========================================*/
void SysTick_Handler(void) {   /* system clock tick ISR */
    /* state of the button debouncing, see below */
    static struct ButtonsDebouncing {
        uint32_t depressed;
        uint32_t previous;
    } buttons = { ~0U, ~0U };
    uint32_t current;
    uint32_t tmp;

    QK_ISR_ENTRY();   /* inform QK about entering an ISR */

#ifdef Q_SPY
        tmp = SysTick->CTRL; /* clear CTRL_COUNTFLAG */
        QS_tickTime_ += QS_tickPeriod_; /* account for the clock rollover */

    QF_TICK_X(0U, &l_SysTick_Handler); /* process time events for rate 0 */

    /* get state of the user button */
    /* Perform the debouncing of buttons. The algorithm for debouncing
    * adapted from the book "Embedded Systems Dictionary" by Jack Ganssle
    * and Michael Barr, page 71.
    current = ~GPIOC->IDR; /* read Port C with the state of Button B1 */
    tmp = buttons.depressed; /* save the debounced depressed buttons */
    buttons.depressed |= (buttons.previous & current); /* set depressed */
    buttons.depressed &= (buttons.previous | current); /* clear released */
    buttons.previous   = current; /* update the history */
    tmp ^= buttons.depressed;     /* changed debounced depressed */
    if ((tmp & BTN_B1) != 0U) {  /* debounced B1 state changed? */
        if ((buttons.depressed & BTN_B1) != 0U) { /* is B1 depressed? */
            static QEvt const pauseEvt = { PAUSE_SIG, 0U, 0U};
            QF_PUBLISH(&pauseEvt, &l_SysTick_Handler);
        else {            /* the button is released */
            static QEvt const serveEvt = { SERVE_SIG, 0U, 0U};
            QF_PUBLISH(&serveEvt, &l_SysTick_Handler);

    QK_ISR_EXIT();             /* inform QK about exiting an ISR */
Esempio n. 12
void SysTick_Handler(void) {
    /* state of the button debouncing, see below */
    static struct ButtonsDebouncing {
        uint32_t depressed;
        uint32_t previous;
    } buttons = { ~0U, ~0U };
    uint32_t current;
    uint32_t volatile tmp;

    QK_ISR_ENTRY();    /* inform QK about ISR entry */

    ++l_nTicks;        /* count the number of clock ticks */

#ifdef Q_SPY
    tmp = SysTick->CTRL; /* clear SysTick_CTRL_COUNTFLAG */
    QS_tickTime_ += QS_tickPeriod_; /* account for the clock rollover */

    QF_TICK_X(0U, &l_SysTick_Handler); /* process time events for rate 0 */

    /* Perform the debouncing of buttons. The algorithm for debouncing
    * adapted from the book "Embedded Systems Dictionary" by Jack Ganssle
    * and Michael Barr, page 71.
    current = ~GPIOF->DATA_Bits[USER_BTN]; /* read USER_BTN */
    tmp = buttons.depressed; /* save the debounced depressed buttons */
    buttons.depressed |= (buttons.previous & current); /* set depressed */
    buttons.depressed &= (buttons.previous | current); /* clear released */
    buttons.previous   = current; /* update the history */
    tmp ^= buttons.depressed;     /* changed debounced depressed */
    if ((tmp & USER_BTN) != 0U) { /* debounced USER_BTN state changed? */
        if ((buttons.depressed & USER_BTN) != 0U) { /* is BTN depressed? */
            static QEvt const bd = { BTN_DOWN_SIG, 0U, 0U };
            QF_PUBLISH(&bd, &l_SysTick_Handler);
        else { /* the button is released */
            static QEvt const bu = { BTN_UP_SIG, 0U, 0U };
            QF_PUBLISH(&bu, &l_SysTick_Handler);

    QK_ISR_EXIT();  /* inform QK about ISR exit */
/* UDP receive handler -----------------------------------------------------*/
static void udp_rx_handler(void *arg, struct udp_pcb *upcb,
                           struct pbuf *p, struct ip_addr *addr, u16_t port)
    TextEvt *te = Q_NEW(TextEvt, DISPLAY_UDP_SIG);
    strncpy(te->text, (char *)p->payload, Q_DIM(te->text));
    QF_PUBLISH((QEvt *)te, AO_LwIPMgr);

    udp_connect(upcb, addr, port);            /* connect to the remote host */
    pbuf_free(p);                                   /* don't leak the pbuf! */
Esempio n. 14
static void interrupt ISR_tmr() {
    static QEvt const tickEvt = { TIME_TICK_SIG, 0, 0 };

    QF_ISR_ENTRY();                                /* QF-specific ISR entry */

    QF_TICK(&l_tmr);          /* call QF_tick() outside of critical section */
    QF_PUBLISH(&tickEvt, &l_tmr);                 /* publish the tick event */

#ifdef Q_SPY
    l_tickTime += 0x10000;

    QF_ISR_EXIT();                                  /* QF-specific ISR exit */
Esempio n. 15
/* ISRs --------------------------------------------------------------------*/
static void ISR_tick(void) {
    /* state of the button debouncing, see below */
    static struct ButtonsDebouncing {
        uint32_t depressed;
        uint32_t previous;
    } buttons = { ~0U, ~0U };
    uint32_t current;
    uint32_t volatile tmp;

    /* clear the interrupt source */

    QF_TICK_X(0U, &l_ISR_tick); /* process all time events at tick rate 0 */

    /* Perform the debouncing of buttons. The algorithm for debouncing
    * adapted from the book "Embedded Systems Dictionary" by Jack Ganssle
    * and Michael Barr, page 71.
    current = ~AT91C_BASE_PIOA->PIO_PDSR;/* read PIOA with state of Buttons */
    tmp = buttons.depressed; /* save the debounced depressed buttons */
    buttons.depressed |= (buttons.previous & current); /* set depressed */
    buttons.depressed &= (buttons.previous | current); /* clear released */
    buttons.previous   = current; /* update the history */
    tmp ^= buttons.depressed;     /* changed debounced depressed */
    if ((tmp & l_btn[0]) != 0U) {  /* debounced BTN_P1 state changed? */
        if ((buttons.depressed & l_btn[0]) != 0U) { /* is BTN_P1 depressed? */
            static QEvt const pauseEvt = { PAUSE_SIG, 0U, 0U};
            QF_PUBLISH(&pauseEvt, &l_ISR_tick);
        else {            /* the button is released */
            static QEvt const serveEvt = { SERVE_SIG, 0U, 0U};
            QF_PUBLISH(&serveEvt, &l_ISR_tick);

Esempio n. 16
inline void Serial_DMASendCallback( void )
    /* Test on DMA Stream Transfer Complete interrupt */
    if ( RESET != DMA_GetITStatus(DMA2_Stream7, DMA_IT_TCIF7) ) {
        /* Disable DMA so it doesn't keep outputting the buffer. */
        DMA_Cmd(DMA2_Stream7, DISABLE);

        /* Publish event stating that the count has been reached */
        QEvt *qEvt = Q_NEW(QEvt, UART_DMA_DONE_SIG);
        QF_PUBLISH((QEvent *)qEvt, AO_SerialMgr );

        /* Clear DMA Stream Transfer Complete interrupt pending bit */
        DMA_ClearITPendingBit(DMA2_Stream7, DMA_IT_TCIF7);
Esempio n. 17
__interrupt void timer2_ISR(void) {
    /* state of the button debouncing, see below */
    static struct ButtonsDebouncing {
        uint8_t depressed;
        uint8_t previous;
    } buttons = { 0xFFU, 0xFFU };
    uint8_t current;
    uint8_t tmp;

    QF_TICK_X(0U, &l_ISR_TIMER2_COMPA); /* process time events at rate 0 */

#ifdef Q_SPY
    BSP_tickTime += (F_CPU / BSP_TICKS_PER_SEC / 1024U);

    /* Perform the debouncing of buttons. The algorithm for debouncing
    * adapted from the book "Embedded Systems Dictionary" by Jack Ganssle
    * and Michael Barr, page 71.
    current = PIND; /* read PORTD with the state of BTN_EXT */
    tmp = buttons.depressed; /* save the debounced depressed buttons */
    buttons.depressed |= (buttons.previous & current); /* set depressed */
    buttons.depressed &= (buttons.previous | current); /* clear released */
    buttons.previous   = current; /* update the history */
    tmp ^= buttons.depressed;     /* changed debounced depressed */
    if ((tmp & BTN_EXT) != 0U) {  /* debounced BTN_EXT state changed? */
        if ((buttons.depressed & BTN_EXT) != 0U) { /* is BTN_EXT depressed? */
            static QEvt const pauseEvt = { PAUSE_SIG, 0U, 0U};
            QF_PUBLISH(&pauseEvt, &l_ISR_TIMER2_COMPA);
        else {            /* the button is released */
            static QEvt const serveEvt = { SERVE_SIG, 0U, 0U};
            QF_PUBLISH(&serveEvt, &l_ISR_TIMER2_COMPA);
/* Common Gateway Iinterface (CG) handler ..................................*/
static char const *cgi_display(int index, int numParams,
                               char const *param[],
                               char const *value[])
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < numParams; ++i) {
        if (strstr(param[i], "text") != (char *)0) {   /* param text found? */
            TextEvt *te = Q_NEW(TextEvt, DISPLAY_CGI_SIG);
            strncpy(te->text, value[i], Q_DIM(te->text));
            QF_PUBLISH((QEvt *)te, AO_LwIPMgr);
            return "/thank_you.htm";
    return (char *)0;/*no URI, HTTPD will send 404 error page to the browser*/
Esempio n. 19
void interrupt ISR_kbd(void) {
    uint8_t key;
    uint8_t kcr;

    QF_ISR_ENTRY();                                /* QF-specific ISR entry */

    key = inp(0x60);          /* key scan code from the 8042 kbd controller */
    kcr = inp(0x61);                       /* get keyboard control register */
    outp(0x61, (uint8_t)(kcr | 0x80));       /* toggle acknowledge bit high */
    outp(0x61, kcr);                          /* toggle acknowledge bit low */
    if (key == (uint8_t)129) {                          /* ESC key pressed? */
        static QEvt term = {TERMINATE_SIG, 0, 0 };        /* static event */
        QF_PUBLISH(&term, &l_kbd);         /* publish to all interested AOs */

    QF_ISR_EXIT();                                  /* QF-specific ISR exit */
Esempio n. 20
void ucosTask(void *pdata) {
    (void)pdata; /* avoid the compiler warning about unused parameter */

    QF_onStartup(); /* start interrupts including the clock tick, NOTE01 */

    for (;;) {

        OSTimeDly(OS_TICKS_PER_SEC/10); /* sleep for 1/10 s */

        if (kbhit()) { /* poll for a new keypress */
            uint8_t key = (uint8_t)getch();
            if (key == 0x1B) { /* is this the ESC key? */
                QF_PUBLISH(Q_NEW(QEvt, TERMINATE_SIG), &l_kbdTask);
            else {  /* other key pressed */
                Video_printNumAt(30, 13 + N_PHILO, VIDEO_FGND_YELLOW, key);
Esempio n. 21
static void playerTrigger(void) {
    static QEvt const fireEvt = { PLAYER_TRIGGER_SIG, 0U, 0U };
    QF_PUBLISH(&fireEvt, (void*)0);
Esempio n. 22
void QF_onClockTick(void) {
    static QEvt const tickEvt = { TIME_TICK_SIG, 0U, 0U };
    QF_TICK_X(0U, &l_clock_tick);  /* process time events for rate 0 */
    QF_PUBLISH(&tickEvt, &l_clock_tick); /* publish the tick event */
Esempio n. 23
/* ${AOs::Philo::SM::eating} */
static QState Philo_eating_x(Philo * const me) {
    TableEvt *pe = Q_NEW(TableEvt, DONE_SIG);
    pe->philoNum = PHILO_ID(me);
    QF_PUBLISH(&pe->super, me);
    return QM_EXIT(&Philo_eating_s);
Esempio n. 24
inline void Serial_UART1Callback(void)
    while (USART_GetITStatus(USART1, USART_IT_RXNE) != RESET) {
        uint8_t data = (uint8_t)USART_ReceiveData(USART1);

        if ( '\n' == data && a_UARTSettings[SERIAL_UART1].indexRX > 0 ) {

            /* If a newline is received and the buffer is not empty, post event
             * with the buffer data */
            a_UARTSettings[SERIAL_UART1].bufferRX[ a_UARTSettings[SERIAL_UART1].indexRX++ ] = data;

#if 0 // TODO: Old menu stuff.  Keep for now but get rid of eventually
            /* Serial can only receive menu commands */
            MenuEvt *menuEvt = Q_NEW( MenuEvt, DBG_MENU_REQ_SIG );

            /* 2. Fill the msg payload with payload (the actual received msg)*/
            menuEvt->bufferLen = a_UARTSettings[SERIAL_UART1].indexRX;
            menuEvt->msgSrc = _DC3_Serial;

            /* 3. Publish the newly created event to current AO */
            QF_PUBLISH( (QEvent *)menuEvt, AO_SerialMgr );

            /* 1. Construct a new msg event indicating that a msg has been received */
            LrgDataEvt *msgEvt = Q_NEW(LrgDataEvt, SER_RECEIVED_SIG);

            /* 2. Fill the msg payload and get the msg source and length */
            msgEvt->dataLen = a_UARTSettings[SERIAL_UART1].indexRX;
            msgEvt->src = _DC3_Serial;
            msgEvt->dst = _DC3_Serial;

            /* 3.Publish the newly created event */
            QF_PUBLISH((QEvent *)msgEvt, AO_SerialMgr);
            a_UARTSettings[SERIAL_UART1].indexRX = 0;       /* Reset the RX buffer */

        } else if ( '\r' == data ) {
            /* If a linefeed is received, toss it out. */
            data = 0;
        } else {
            if ( a_UARTSettings[SERIAL_UART1].indexRX >= DC3_MAX_MSG_LEN ) {
                    "Attempting to RX a serial msg over %d bytes which will overrun the buffer. Ignoring\n",
                a_UARTSettings[SERIAL_UART1].indexRX = 0;       /* Reset the RX buffer */
            } else {
                /* If any other data is recieved, add it to the buffer */
                a_UARTSettings[SERIAL_UART1].bufferRX[ a_UARTSettings[SERIAL_UART1].indexRX++ ] = data;
void Gui::onQuit() {                                                   // slot
    static QEvt const e = { TERMINATE_SIG, 0U, 0U };
    QF_PUBLISH(&e, (void *)0);
void Gui::onPauseReleased() {                                          // slot
    static QEvt const e = { PAUSE_SIG, 0U, 0U };
    QF_PUBLISH(&e, (void *)0);
QState LwIPMgr_running(LwIPMgr *me, QEvent const *e) {
    switch (e->sig) {
        case Q_ENTRY_SIG: {
            QTimeEvt_postEvery(&me->te_LWIP_SLOW_TICK, (QActive *)me,
                (LWIP_SLOW_TICK_MS * BSP_TICKS_PER_SEC) / 1000);
            return Q_HANDLED();
        case Q_EXIT_SIG: {
            return Q_HANDLED();

        case SEND_UDP_SIG: {
            if (me->upcb->remote_port != (uint16_t)0) {
                struct pbuf *p = pbuf_new((u8_t *)((TextEvt const *)e)->text,
                                      strlen(((TextEvt const *)e)->text) + 1);
                if (p != (struct pbuf *)0) {
                    udp_send(me->upcb, p);
                    printf("Sent: %s\n", ((TextEvt const *)e)->text);
                    pbuf_free(p);                   /* don't leak the pbuf! */
            return Q_HANDLED();

        case LWIP_RX_READY_SIG: {
            return Q_HANDLED();
        case LWIP_TX_READY_SIG: {
            return Q_HANDLED();
        case LWIP_SLOW_TICK_SIG: {
                                                 /* has IP address changed? */
            if (me->ip_addr != me->netif->ip_addr.addr) {
                TextEvt *te;
                uint32_t ip_net;    /* IP address in the network byte order */

                me->ip_addr = me->netif->ip_addr.addr; /* save the IP addr. */
                ip_net  = ntohl(me->ip_addr);
                    /* publish the text event to display the new IP address */
                te = Q_NEW(TextEvt, DISPLAY_IPADDR_SIG);
                snprintf(te->text, Q_DIM(te->text), "%d.%d.%d.%d",
                         ((ip_net) >> 24) & 0xFF,
                         ((ip_net) >> 16) & 0xFF,
                         ((ip_net) >> 8)  & 0xFF,
                         ip_net           & 0xFF);
                QF_PUBLISH((QEvent *)te, me);

            me->tcp_tmr += LWIP_SLOW_TICK_MS;
            if (me->tcp_tmr >= TCP_TMR_INTERVAL) {
                me->tcp_tmr = 0;
            me->arp_tmr += LWIP_SLOW_TICK_MS;
            if (me->arp_tmr >= ARP_TMR_INTERVAL) {
                me->arp_tmr = 0;
            me->dhcp_fine_tmr += LWIP_SLOW_TICK_MS;
            if (me->dhcp_fine_tmr >= DHCP_FINE_TIMER_MSECS) {
                me->dhcp_fine_tmr = 0;
            me->dhcp_coarse_tmr += LWIP_SLOW_TICK_MS;
            if (me->dhcp_coarse_tmr >= DHCP_COARSE_TIMER_MSECS) {
                me->dhcp_coarse_tmr = 0;
            me->auto_ip_tmr += LWIP_SLOW_TICK_MS;
            if (me->auto_ip_tmr >= AUTOIP_TMR_INTERVAL) {
                me->auto_ip_tmr = 0;
            return Q_HANDLED();
        case LWIP_RX_OVERRUN_SIG: {
            return Q_HANDLED();