Esempio n. 1
/* local fill the buffer with block or more  */
rc_t KWGAEncFileReadInt (KWGAEncFile * self, uint64_t pos, size_t bsize)
    uint64_t adjpos;
    size_t tot_read;
    size_t num_read;
    rc_t rc = 0;

    assert (self);
    assert (bsize);
    assert (bsize <= 32 * 1024);
    assert (128%16 == 0);

    memset (self->, 0, sizeof self->;
    tot_read = num_read = 0;
    adjpos = pos + sizeof (KWGAEncFileHeader);
#if 0
        rc = KFileRead (self->encrypted, adjpos + tot_read,
                        self-> + tot_read, bsize - tot_read,
        if (rc)
            return rc;        
        tot_read += num_read;
    } while ((tot_read < bsize) && (num_read > 0));
    rc = KFileReadAll (self->encrypted, adjpos, self->, bsize,
    self->buffer.offset = pos;
    self->buffer.valid = tot_read;

    if (tot_read & 15)
        rc = RC (rcKrypto, rcFile, rcReading, rcSize, rcInsufficient);
    else if (tot_read > 0)
#if 1

        KCipherDecryptECB (self->cipher, self->, self->,
                           (tot_read / ECB_BYTES));
/* Well this is wrong for even being wrong now */
        KCipherDecryptECB (self->cipher, self->, self->,

        uint32_t count;
        uint32_t ix;

        /* this loop can be replaced by the KCipherDecryptECB
         * with care taken to match the error in the original
         * C++

        count = tot_read / ECB_BYTES;
        /* do all full 16 byte blocks plus a last partial block */
        count = (tot_read + (ECB_BYTES-1)) / ECB_BYTES;
        for (ix = 0; ix < count; ++ix)
            uint8_t * pb = self-> + (ix * ECB_BYTES);

            rc = KCipherDecrypt (self->cipher, pb, pb);
            if (rc)
    return rc;
Esempio n. 2
/* MakeSet
 *  load a dynamic library
 *  "set" [ OUT ] - return parameter for lib set
LIB_EXPORT rc_t CC KDyldMakeSet ( const KDyld *self, KDlset **setp )
    rc_t rc = 0;

    if ( setp == NULL )
        rc = RC ( rcFS, rcDylib, rcConstructing, rcParam, rcNull );
        if ( self == NULL )
            rc = RC ( rcFS, rcDylib, rcConstructing, rcSelf, rcNull );
            KDlset *set = malloc ( sizeof * set );
            if ( set == NULL )
                rc = RC ( rcFS, rcDylib, rcConstructing, rcMemory, rcExhausted );
                set -> dl = KDyldAttach ( self );
                VectorInit ( & set -> name, 0, 16 );
                VectorInit ( & set -> ord, 0, 16 );
                KRefcountInit ( & set -> refcount, 1, "KDlset", "make", "dlset" );
                    KDylib *jni;
                    const char* libname = LIBNAME(LIBPREFIX, "vdb_jni.", SHLIBEXT);
                    if ( KDyldLoadLib ( ( KDyld* ) self, & jni, libname ) == 0 )
                        rc = KDlsetAddLib ( set, jni );
                        KDylibRelease ( jni );
                    if (rc == 0)
                        * setp = set;
                        return 0;
                    KDylib *exe;
                    rc = KDyldLoadLib ( ( KDyld* ) self, & exe, NULL );
                    if ( rc == 0 )
                        rc = KDlsetAddLib ( set, exe );
                        KDylibRelease ( exe );
                        if ( rc == 0 )
                            * setp = set;
                            return 0;
                KDlsetRelease ( set );

        * setp = NULL;

    return rc;
Esempio n. 3
rc_t matcher_execute( matcher* self, const p_matcher_input in )
    VSchema * dflt_schema;
    const VTable * src_table;
    rc_t rc;

    if ( self == NULL )
        return RC( rcExe, rcNoTarg, rcResolving, rcSelf, rcNull );
    if ( in->manager == NULL || in->add_schemas == NULL || 
         in->cfg == NULL || in->columns == NULL || 
         in->src_path == NULL || in->dst_path == NULL ||
         in->dst_tabname == NULL )
        return RC( rcExe, rcNoTarg, rcResolving, rcParam, rcNull );

    rc = matcher_build_column_vector( self, in->columns );
    if ( rc != 0 ) return rc;

    rc = matcher_exclude_columns( self, in->excluded_columns );
    if ( rc != 0 ) return rc;

    rc = helper_parse_schema( in->manager, &dflt_schema, in->add_schemas );
    if ( rc != 0 ) return rc;

    rc = VDBManagerOpenTableRead( in->manager, &src_table, dflt_schema, "%s", in->src_path );
    if ( rc == 0 )
        const VSchema * src_schema;
        rc = VTableOpenSchema ( src_table, &src_schema );
        if ( rc == 0 )
            rc = matcher_read_src_types( self, src_table, src_schema );
            if ( rc == 0 )
                if ( in->legacy_schema != NULL )
                    rc = VSchemaParseFile ( dflt_schema, "%s", in->legacy_schema );
                if ( rc == 0 )
                    VTable * dst_table;
                    KCreateMode cmode = kcmParents;
                    const VSchema * dst_schema = src_schema;

                    if ( in->legacy_schema != NULL )
                        dst_schema = dflt_schema;

                    if ( in->force_unlock )
                        VDBManagerUnlock ( in->manager, "%s", in->dst_path );

                    if ( in->force_kcmInit )
                        cmode |= kcmInit;
                        cmode |= kcmCreate;

                    rc = VDBManagerCreateTable( in->manager, &dst_table, 
                                                dst_schema, in->dst_tabname, cmode, "%s", in->dst_path );

                    if ( rc == 0 )
                        rc = matcher_read_dst_types( self, dst_table, dst_schema );
                        if ( rc == 0 )
                            rc = matcher_make_type_matrix( self );
                            if ( rc == 0 )
                                rc = matcher_match_matrix( self, src_schema, in->cfg );
                        VTableRelease( dst_table );
                        if ( !(in->force_kcmInit) )
                            KDirectoryRemove ( in->dir, true, "%s", in->dst_path );
            VSchemaRelease( src_schema );
        VTableRelease( src_table );
    VSchemaRelease( dflt_schema );
    return rc;
Esempio n. 4
rc_t MakeIndexes(const SRATable* stbl, KTable* ktbl, KMetadata* meta)
    rc_t rc = 0;
    int i;
    char* buffer = NULL;
    size_t buffer_sz = g_file_block_sz * 100;

    SIndexObj idx[] = {
     /*  meta, file,        format,         index,          func,    file_size, buffer_sz, minSpotId, maxSpotId */
        {NULL, "fastq",    "fastq",      "fuse-fastq",    Fastq_Idx,     0, 0, 0, 0},
        {NULL, "sff",      "SFF",        "fuse-sff",      SFF_Idx,       0, 0, 0, 0},
        {NULL, "fastq.gz", "fastq-gzip", "fuse-fastq-gz", FastqGzip_Idx, 0, 0, 0, 0},
        {NULL, "sff.gz",   "SFF-gzip",   "fuse-sff-gz",   SFFGzip_Idx,   0, 0, 0, 0}

    for(i = 0; rc == 0 && i < sizeof(idx) / sizeof(idx[0]); i++) {
        KMDataNode* parent = NULL;
        if( (rc = KMetadataOpenNodeUpdate(meta, &parent, "/FUSE")) == 0 ) {
            KMDataNodeDropChild(parent, "root"); /* drop old stuff */
            if( g_ungzip || strcmp(&idx[i].file[strlen(idx[i].file) - 3], ".gz") == 0 ) {
                STSMSG(0, ("Preparing index %s", idx[i].index));
                KMDataNodeDropChild(parent, "%s.tmp", idx[i].file);
                if( (rc = KMDataNodeOpenNodeUpdate(parent, &idx[i].meta, "%s.tmp", idx[i].file)) == 0 ) {
                    if( idx[i].func != NULL ) {
                        if( buffer == NULL ) {
                            if( (buffer = malloc(buffer_sz)) == NULL ) {
                                rc = RC(rcExe, rcIndex, rcConstructing, rcMemory, rcExhausted);
                        rc = idx[i].func(stbl, &idx[i], buffer, buffer_sz);
                        if( rc == 0 ) {
                            MD5StateFinish(&idx[i].md5, idx[i].md5_digest);
                            rc = CommitIndex(ktbl, idx[i].index, &idx[i].li);
                    if( rc == 0 ) {
                        rc = WriteFileMeta(&idx[i]);
                if( GetRCState(rc) == rcUnsupported ) {
                    KMDataNodeDropChild(parent, "%s", idx[i].file);
                    PLOGERR(klogWarn, (klogWarn, rc, "Index $(i) is not supported for this table", PLOG_S(i), idx[i].index));
                    rc = 0;
                } else if( rc == 0 ) {
                    char f[4096];
                    strcpy(f, idx[i].file);
                    strcat(f, ".tmp");
                    KMDataNodeDropChild(parent, "%s", idx[i].file);
                    rc = KMDataNodeRenameChild(parent, f, idx[i].file);
            } else if( !g_ungzip ) {
                KTableDropIndex(ktbl, idx[i].index);
                KMDataNodeDropChild(parent, "%s", idx[i].file);
            KMDataNodeDropChild(parent, "%s.tmp", idx[i].file);
        SLListWhack(&idx[i].li, WhackIndexData, NULL);
    return rc;
Esempio n. 5
/* HomeDirectory
 *  returns a KDirectory where the binary for a given function is located
 *  "dir" [ OUT ] - return parameter for home directory ( read-only ), if found
 *  "func" [ IN ] - function pointer within binary to be located
LIB_EXPORT rc_t CC KDyldHomeDirectory ( const KDyld *self, const KDirectory **dir, fptr_t func )
    rc_t rc;

    if ( dir == NULL )
        rc = RC ( rcFS, rcDylib, rcSearching, rcParam, rcNull );
        * dir = NULL;

        if ( self == NULL )
            rc = RC ( rcFS, rcDylib, rcSearching, rcSelf, rcNull );
        else if ( func == NULL )
            rc = RC ( rcFS, rcDylib, rcSearching, rcFunction, rcNull );
            Dl_info info;
            memset ( & info, 0, sizeof info );
            if ( dladdr ( ( void* ) func, & info ) == 0 )
                rc = RC ( rcFS, rcDylib, rcSearching, rcFunction, rcNotFound );
                KDirectory *wd;
                rc = KDirectoryNativeDir ( & wd );
                if ( rc == 0 )
                    /* turn this into a real path */
                    const KSysDir *sdir = KDirectoryGetSysDir ( wd );
                    if ( sdir == NULL )
                        rc = RC ( rcFS, rcDylib, rcSearching, rcDirectory, rcIncorrect );
                        /* "dladdr" will return a simple name rather than a path
                           when the address is within the application itself and
                           the application was found using PATH. this is brilliant
                           design at its best. */
                        char thanks_for_brilliant_APIs [ PATH_MAX ];
                        const char *dli_fname = info . dli_fname;

                        /* check for a path rather than a name */
                        const char *last_slash = strrchr ( info . dli_fname, '/' );
                        if ( last_slash == NULL )
                            /* simple name - get PATH */
                            const char *PATH = getenv ( "PATH" );
                            rc = RC ( rcFS, rcDylib, rcSearching, rcPath, rcNotFound );
                            if ( PATH != NULL )
                                /* loop over PATH */
                                const char *path_start, *path_end;
                                for ( path_start = PATH;; path_start = path_end + 1 )
                                    /* look for non-empty directory */
                                    path_end = strchr ( path_start, ':' );
                                    if ( path_start != path_end && path_start [ 0 ] != 0 )
                                        rc_t rc2;
                                        uint32_t path_type;

                                        /* handle last element in list */
                                        if ( path_end == NULL )
                                            last_slash = path_start + strlen ( path_start );
                                        else for ( last_slash = path_end; last_slash > path_start; -- last_slash )
                                            if ( last_slash [ -1 ] != '/' )

                                        /* create possible path, using up to ':' */
                                        rc2 = string_printf ( thanks_for_brilliant_APIs, sizeof thanks_for_brilliant_APIs, NULL,
                                                              "%.*s/%s", ( int ) ( last_slash - path_start ), path_start, dli_fname );

                                        /* if failed to create path string */
                                        if ( rc2 != 0 )

                                        /* check path against working directory */
                                        path_type = KDirectoryPathType ( wd, thanks_for_brilliant_APIs );
                                        if ( ( path_type & ~ kptAlias ) == kptFile )
                                            uint32_t access = 0;
                                            rc = KDirectoryAccess ( wd, & access, thanks_for_brilliant_APIs );
                                            if ( rc != 0 )

                                            /* try to do a quick check that the file can be executed.
                                               but it could fail to do the right guess. */
                                            if ( access & 0100 || access & 0010 || access & 0001 ) {
                                                /* this is a file, which can be assumed to be an executable */
                                                dli_fname = thanks_for_brilliant_APIs;
                                                    = & thanks_for_brilliant_APIs [ last_slash - path_start ];
                                                rc = 0;

                                    /* exit if no more paths */
                                    if ( path_end == NULL )

                        if ( rc == 0 )
                            char real [ PATH_MAX ];
                            rc = KSysDirRealPath ( sdir, real, sizeof real, "%.*s"
                                , ( int ) ( last_slash - dli_fname ), dli_fname );

                            if ( rc == 0 )
                                rc = KDirectoryOpenDirRead ( wd, dir, false, real );

                            DBGMSG(DBG_KFS, DBG_FLAG(DBG_KFS_DIR), ("%s: %R path is '%s'\n", __func__, rc, real));

                    KDirectoryRelease ( wd );

    return rc;
Esempio n. 6
rc_t SFF_Idx(const SRATable* sratbl, SIndexObj* obj, char* buffer, const size_t buffer_sz)
    rc_t rc = 0;
    const SFFReader* reader = NULL;

    if( (rc = SFFReaderMake(&reader, sratbl, g_accession, obj->minSpotId, obj->maxSpotId)) != 0 ) {
        return rc;
    } else {
        size_t written = 0;
        uint32_t blk = 0;
        SIndexNode* inode = NULL;

        while( rc == 0 ) {
            rc = SFFReader_GetNextSpotData(reader, buffer, buffer_sz, &written);
            if( blk >= g_file_block_sz || (GetRCObject(rc) == rcRow && GetRCState(rc) == rcExhausted) ) {
                inode->key_size = blk;
                SLListPushTail(&obj->li, &inode->n);
                DEBUG_MSG(5, ("SFF index closed spots %lu, offset %lu, block size %lu\n", inode->id_qty, inode->key, inode->key_size));
                inode = NULL;
                if( blk > obj->buffer_sz ) {
                    obj->buffer_sz = blk;
                blk = 0;
            if( GetRCObject(rc) == rcRow && GetRCState(rc) == rcExhausted ) {
                rc = 0;
            if( inode == NULL ) {
                spotid_t spotid = 0;
                if( (rc = SFFReaderCurrentSpot(reader, &spotid)) != 0 ) {
                inode = malloc(sizeof(SIndexNode));
                if( inode == NULL ) {
                    rc = RC(rcExe, rcIndex, rcConstructing, rcMemory, rcExhausted);
                inode->key = obj->file_size;
                inode->key_size = 0;
                inode->id = spotid;
                inode->id_qty = 0;
                DEBUG_MSG(5, ("SFF index opened spot %ld, offset %lu\n", inode->id, inode->key));
                if( spotid == 1 ) {
                    char hd[10240];
                    size_t hd_sz = 0;
                    if( (rc = SFFReaderHeader(reader, 0, hd, sizeof(hd), &hd_sz)) == 0 ) {
                        obj->file_size += hd_sz;
                        blk += hd_sz;
                        MD5StateAppend(&obj->md5, hd, hd_sz);
                        if( g_dump ) {
                            fwrite(hd, hd_sz, 1, stderr);
            obj->file_size += written;
            blk += written;
            MD5StateAppend(&obj->md5, buffer, written);
            if( g_dump ) {
                fwrite(buffer, written, 1, stderr);
        rc = rc ? rc : Quitting();
        if( rc != 0 ) {
            spotid_t spot = 0;
            SFFReaderCurrentSpot(reader, &spot);
            PLOGERR(klogErr, (klogErr, rc, "spot $(s)", PLOG_U32(s), spot));
    return rc;
Esempio n. 7
rc_t Fastq_Idx(const SRATable* sratbl, SIndexObj* obj, char* buffer, const size_t buffer_sz)
    rc_t rc = 0;
    const FastqReader* reader = NULL;

    uint8_t colorSpace = false;
    char* colorSpaceKey = "\0";
    uint8_t origFormat = false;
    uint8_t printLabel = true;
    uint8_t printReadId = true;
    uint8_t clipQuality = true;
    uint32_t minReadLen = 0;
    uint16_t qualityOffset = 0;

        const SRAColumn* c = NULL;
        const uint8_t *platform = SRA_PLATFORM_UNDEFINED;
        bitsz_t o, z;

        if( (rc = SRATableOpenColumnRead(sratbl, &c, "PLATFORM", sra_platform_id_t)) != 0 ) {
            return rc;
        if( (rc = SRAColumnRead(c, 1, (const void **)&platform, &o, &z)) != 0 ) {
            return rc;
        if( *platform == SRA_PLATFORM_ABSOLID ) {
            colorSpace = true;

    if( (rc = FastqReaderMake(&reader, sratbl, g_accession,
                        colorSpace, origFormat, false, printLabel, printReadId,
                        !clipQuality, minReadLen, qualityOffset, colorSpaceKey[0],
                        obj->minSpotId, obj->maxSpotId)) != 0 ) {
        return rc;
    } else {
        KMDataNode* opt = NULL, *nd = NULL;

        if( (rc = KMDataNodeOpenNodeUpdate(obj->meta, &opt, "Format/Options")) != 0 ) {
            return rc;
        if( rc == 0 && (rc = KMDataNodeOpenNodeUpdate(opt, &nd, "colorSpace")) == 0 ) {
            rc = KMDataNodeWriteB8(nd, &colorSpace);
        if( rc == 0 && (rc = KMDataNodeOpenNodeUpdate(opt, &nd, "colorSpaceKey")) == 0 ) {
            rc = KMDataNodeWrite(nd, colorSpaceKey, 1);
        if( rc == 0 && (rc = KMDataNodeOpenNodeUpdate(opt, &nd, "origFormat")) == 0 ) {
            rc = KMDataNodeWriteB8(nd, &origFormat);
        if( rc == 0 && (rc = KMDataNodeOpenNodeUpdate(opt, &nd, "printLabel")) == 0 ) {
            rc = KMDataNodeWriteB8(nd, &printLabel);
        if( rc == 0 && (rc = KMDataNodeOpenNodeUpdate(opt, &nd, "printReadId")) == 0 ) {
            rc = KMDataNodeWriteB8(nd, &printReadId);
        if( rc == 0 && (rc = KMDataNodeOpenNodeUpdate(opt, &nd, "clipQuality")) == 0 ) {
            rc = KMDataNodeWriteB8(nd, &clipQuality);
        if( rc == 0 && (rc = KMDataNodeOpenNodeUpdate(opt, &nd, "minReadLen")) == 0 ) {
            rc = KMDataNodeWriteB32(nd, &minReadLen);
        if( rc == 0 && (rc = KMDataNodeOpenNodeUpdate(opt, &nd, "qualityOffset")) == 0 ) {
            rc = KMDataNodeWriteB16(nd, &qualityOffset);

    if( rc == 0 ) {
        size_t written = 0;
        uint32_t blk = 0;
        SIndexNode* inode = NULL;

        while( rc == 0 ) {
            rc = FastqReader_GetNextSpotSplitData(reader, buffer, buffer_sz, &written);
            if( blk >= g_file_block_sz || (GetRCObject(rc) == rcRow && GetRCState(rc) == rcExhausted) ) {
                inode->key_size = blk;
                SLListPushTail(&obj->li, &inode->n);
                DEBUG_MSG(5, ("Fastq index closed spots %lu, offset %lu, block size %lu\n",
                                                            inode->id_qty, inode->key, inode->key_size));
                inode = NULL;
                if( blk > obj->buffer_sz ) {
                    obj->buffer_sz = blk;
                blk = 0;
            if( GetRCObject(rc) == rcRow && GetRCState(rc) == rcExhausted ) {
                rc = 0;
            if( inode == NULL ) {
                spotid_t spotid = 0;
                if( (rc = FastqReaderCurrentSpot(reader, &spotid)) != 0 ) {
                inode = malloc(sizeof(SIndexNode));
                if( inode == NULL ) {
                    rc = RC(rcExe, rcIndex, rcConstructing, rcMemory, rcExhausted);
                inode->key = obj->file_size;
                inode->key_size = 0;
                inode->id = spotid;
                inode->id_qty = 0;
                DEBUG_MSG(5, ("Fastq index opened spot %ld, offset %lu\n", inode->id, inode->key));
            obj->file_size += written;
            blk += written;
            MD5StateAppend(&obj->md5, buffer, written);
            if( g_dump ) {
                fwrite(buffer, written, 1, stderr);
        rc = rc ? rc : Quitting();
        if( rc != 0 ) {
            spotid_t spot = 0;
            FastqReaderCurrentSpot(reader, &spot);
            PLOGERR(klogErr, (klogErr, rc, "spot $(s)", PLOG_U32(s), spot));
    return rc;
Esempio n. 8
rc_t FastqReaderFileGetRecord ( const FastqReaderFile *f, const Record** result )
    rc_t rc;
    FastqReaderFile* self = (FastqReaderFile*) f;

    if (self->pb.fatalError)
        return 0;

    self->pb.record = (FastqRecord*)malloc(sizeof(FastqRecord));
    if (self->pb.record == NULL)
        rc = RC ( RC_MODULE, rcData, rcAllocating, rcMemory, rcExhausted );
        return 0;
    rc = FastqRecordInit(self->pb.record);
    if (rc != 0)
        return rc;

    FASTQ_ParseBlockInit( & self->pb );

    if ( FASTQ_parse( & self->pb ) == 0 && self->pb.record->rej == 0 )
    {   /* normal end of input */
        RecordRelease((const Record*)self->pb.record);
        *result = 0;
        return 0;

    /*TODO: remove? compensate for an artificially inserted trailing \n */
    if ( self->eolInserted )
        -- self->pb.length;
        self->eolInserted = false;

    if (self->pb.record->rej != 0) /* had error(s) */
    {   /* save the complete raw source in the Rejected object */
        StringInit(& self->pb.record->rej->source, string_dup(self->recordStart, self->pb.length), self->pb.length, (uint32_t)self->pb.length);
        self->pb.record->rej->fatal = self->pb.fatalError;

    if (rc == 0 && self->reader != 0)
        /* advance the record start pointer beyond the last token */
        size_t length;
        rc = KLoaderFile_Read( self->reader, self->pb.length, 0, (const void**)& self->recordStart, & length);
        if (rc != 0)
            LogErr(klogErr, rc, "FastqReaderFileGetRecord failed");

        self->curPos -= self->pb.length;

    StringInit( & self->pb.record->seq.spotname,    (const char*)self->pb.record->source.base + self->pb.spotNameOffset,    self->pb.spotNameLength, (uint32_t)self->pb.spotNameLength);
    StringInit( & self->pb.record->seq.spotgroup,   (const char*)self->pb.record->source.base + self->pb.spotGroupOffset,   self->pb.spotGroupLength, (uint32_t)self->pb.spotGroupLength);
    StringInit( & self->pb.record->,        (const char*)self->pb.record->source.base + self->pb.readOffset,        self->pb.readLength, (uint32_t)self->pb.readLength);
    StringInit( & self->pb.record->seq.quality,     (const char*)self->pb.record->source.base + self->pb.qualityOffset,     self->pb.qualityLength, (uint32_t)self->pb.qualityLength);
    self->pb.record->seq.qualityFormat = self->pb.qualityFormat;
    self->pb.record->seq.qualityAsciiOffset = self->pb.qualityAsciiOffset;

    if (self->pb.record->seq.readnumber == 0)
        self->pb.record->seq.readnumber = self->pb.defaultReadNumber;

    *result = (const Record*) self->pb.record;

    return rc;
Esempio n. 9
rc_t populate_stype_tbl ( BSTree *stype_tbl, const VSchema *schema )
    rc_t rc;
    uint32_t i;
    static struct
        const char *typename;
        const char *redact_value;
    } sensitive_types [] =
        /* original SRA types */
        { "INSDC:fasta", "N" },
        { "INSDC:csfasta", "." },
        { "NCBI:2na", "\x00" },
        { "NCBI:2cs", "\x00" },
        { "NCBI:4na", "\xFF" },
        { "NCBI:qual1", "\x00" },
        { "NCBI:qual4", "\xFB\xFB\xFB\xFB" },
        { "NCBI:isamp1", "\x00\x00\x00" },
        { "NCBI:isamp4", "\x00\x00\x00" },
        { "NCBI:fsamp1", "\x00\x00\x00" },
        { "NCBI:fsamp4", "\x00\x00\x00" },
        { "INSDC:dna:text", "N" },
        { "INSDC:dna:bin", "\x04" },
        { "INSDC:dna:4na", "\xFF" },
        { "INSDC:dna:2na", "\x00" },
        { "INSDC:color:text", "." },
        { "INSDC:color:bin", "\x04" },
        { "INSDC:color:2cs", "\x00" },
        { "INSDC:quality:phred", "\x00" },
        { "INSDC:quality:log_odds", "\x00\x00\x00" }
        /* signal types TBD */

    BSTreeInit ( stype_tbl );

    for ( rc = 0, i = 0; i < sizeof sensitive_types / sizeof sensitive_types [ 0 ]; ++ i )
        VTypedecl td;
        const char *decl = sensitive_types [ i ] . typename;
        rc = VSchemaResolveTypedecl ( schema, & td, decl );
        if ( rc == 0 )
            stype_id *n;
            BSTNode *exist;

            VTypedesc desc;
            rc = VSchemaDescribeTypedecl ( schema, & desc, & td );
            if ( rc != 0 )
                PLOGERR ( klogInt,  (klogInt, rc, "failed to describe type '$(type)'", "type=%s", decl ));

            n = malloc ( sizeof * n );
            if ( n == NULL )
                rc = RC ( rcExe, rcNode, rcAllocating, rcMemory, rcExhausted );
                LOGERR ( klogInt, rc, "failed to record sensitive data type" );

            n -> redact_value = sensitive_types [ i ] . redact_value;
            n -> type_id = td . type_id;
            n -> elem_size = VTypedescSizeof ( & desc );

            rc = BSTreeInsertUnique ( stype_tbl, & n -> n, & exist, stype_id_sort );
            if ( rc != 0 )
                free ( n );
                if ( GetRCState ( rc ) != rcExists )
                    LOGERR ( klogInt, rc, "failed to record sensitive data type" );
                rc = 0;
        else if ( GetRCState ( rc ) == rcNotFound )
            rc = 0;

    return rc;
Esempio n. 10
static __inline__
rc_t WGAEncValidateHeader (const KWGAEncFileHeader * header,
                           size_t header_size)
    rc_t rc = 0;
    unsigned ix;

    if (header_size != sizeof * header)
        rc = RC (rcKrypto, rcFile, rcValidating, rcHeader, rcInsufficient);
        LOGERR (klogErr, rc, "incomplete header");
        return rc;

    if (memcmp (header, &header_const, sizeof header->magic) != 0)
        rc = RC (rcKrypto, rcFile, rcValidating, rcHeader, rcInvalid);
        LOGERR (klogErr, rc, "bad signature in encrypted file header");
        return rc;

#if 0
    /* check block_size */
        for (ix = 0; isspace(header->block_sz[ix]); ++ix)

        if (ix >= sizeof (header->block_sz))

        if (header->block_sz[ix] == '+')

        if (ix >= sizeof (header->block_sz))

        for (; (ix < sizeof header->block_sz); ++ix)
            if (isdigit (header->block_sz[ix]))
            else if ((header->block_sz[ix] >= 'a') &&
                     (header->block_sz[ix] <= 'w'))
            else if ((header->block_sz[ix] >= 'A') &&
                     (header->block_sz[ix] <= 'W'))
        for (; (ix < sizeof header->block_sz); ++ix)
            if (header->block_sz[ix] == '\0')
        if (rc)

        for (ix = 0; ix < sizeof header->block_size; ++ix)
            if ()
        else if (header->block_sz[ix] == '-')
    }while (0);
Esempio n. 11
 * neither.
 * This list should probably be more configurable, and more than
 * likely on a per-realm basis, so locally-defined services can be
 * added, or not.
static const struct krb_convert sconv_list[] = {
    /* Realm conversion, Change service name */
    /* Realm conversion */
#define R(NAME)         { NAME, NAME, DO_REALM_CONVERSION, sizeof(NAME)-1 }
    /* No Realm conversion */
#define NR(NAME)        { NAME, NAME, 0, sizeof(NAME)-1 }

    RC("rcmd", "host"),
Esempio n. 12
/* read only version for decrypting of existing files */
KRYPTO_EXTERN rc_t CC KFileMakeWGAEncRead (const struct KFile ** pself, 
                                           const struct KFile * encrypted,
                                           const char * key,
                                           size_t key_size)
    rc_t rc;

    if (pself == NULL)
        rc = RC (rcFS, rcFile, rcConstructing, rcSelf, rcNull);
        LOGERR (klogErr, rc, "key parameter for WGA encrypted file is empty");
        return rc;

    *pself = NULL;

    if ((encrypted == NULL)||(key == NULL))
        rc = RC (rcFS, rcFile, rcConstructing, rcParam, rcNull);
        LOGERR (klogErr, rc, "missing WGA encrypted file passed in to constructor");

    else if (key_size == 0)
        rc = RC (rcFS, rcFile, rcConstructing, rcParam, rcInvalid);
        LOGERR (klogErr, rc, "missing WGA encrypted file passed in to constructor");

    else if (encrypted->read_enabled == 0)
        rc = RC (rcFS, rcFile, rcConstructing, rcParam, rcIncorrect);
        LOGERR (klogErr, rc, "encrypted file not readable");
        KCipherManager * cipher_mgr;

        rc = KCipherManagerMake (&cipher_mgr);
        if (rc == 0)
            KCipher * cipher;

            rc = KCipherManagerMakeCipher (cipher_mgr, &cipher, kcipher_AES);
            if (rc == 0)
                size_t z;

                rc = KCipherBlockSize (cipher, &z);
                if (rc)
                    LOGERR (klogErr, rc, "unable to get block size for WGA "
                            "encrypted file cipher passed in to constructor");
                    if (z != ECB_BYTES)
                        rc = RC (rcFS, rcFile, rcConstructing, rcParam,
                        LOGERR (klogErr, rc, "wrong block size for WGA "
                                "encrypted file cipher passed in to "
                        KWGAEncFile * self;

                        self = calloc (sizeof (*self), sizeof (uint8_t));
                        if (self == NULL)
                            rc = RC (rcFS, rcFile, rcConstructing, rcMemory,
                            LOGERR (klogErr, rc, "out of memory while "
                                    "constructing decryptor");
                            rc = KFileAddRef (encrypted);
                            if (rc)
                                LOGERR (klogErr, rc, "unable to add reference "
                                "to encrypted file");
                                /* cast to strip const */
                                self->encrypted = encrypted;
                                self->cipher = cipher;

                                /* read the header of the encrypted file for
                                 * details about the  decrypted file */
                                DEBUG_STS(("%s: calling KWGAEncFileHeaderRead\n",
                                rc = KWGAEncFileHeaderRead (self);
                                if (rc == 0)
                                    /* using the file header's stored encoding
                                     * key build a key from the parameter key */
                                    DEBUG_STS(("%s: calling "
                                    rc = KWGAEncFileKeyInit (self, key,
                                if (rc == 0)
                                    rc = KFileInit (&self->dad, 
                                                    (const KFile_vt*)
                                                    "KWGAEncFile", "no-name",
                                                    true, false);
                                    if (rc)
                                        LOGERR (klogInt, rc, "Failed to initialize decrypting file");
                                        *pself = &self->dad;
                                        self->buffer.offset = 0;
                                        self->buffer.valid = 0;
                                        KCipherManagerRelease (cipher_mgr);
                                        return 0;
                                /* release of encrypted handled in destroy() */
                            KWGAEncFileDestroyRead (self);
                KCipherRelease (cipher);
    return rc; 
Esempio n. 13
rc_t KWGAEncFileHeaderRead (KWGAEncFile * self)
    KWGAEncFileHeader header;
    uint8_t * pb;
    size_t num_read;
    size_t tot_read;
    rc_t rc;

    assert (self);
    assert (sizeof (KWGAEncFileHeader) == 128);

    DEBUG_STS (("s: Enter '%p'\n", __func__, self));
    pb = (void*)&header;
    for (num_read = tot_read = 0; tot_read < sizeof header; )
        rc = KFileRead (self->encrypted, (uint64_t)tot_read, pb, 
                        sizeof (header) - tot_read, &num_read);
        if (rc)
            LOGERR (klogErr, rc, "Error reading the header for an encrypted file");
            return rc;

        if (num_read == 0)
            rc =  RC (rcFS, rcFile, rcReading, rcFile, rcInsufficient);
            LOGERR (klogErr, rc, "Header incomplete for an encrypted file");
            return rc;
        tot_read += num_read;
        pb += num_read;

    KWGAEncFileHeaderDecrypt (&header);

    if (memcmp (header.magic, ncbi_crypt_magic, sizeof ncbi_crypt_magic) != 0)
        rc = RC (rcFS, rcFile, rcReading, rcHeader, rcCorrupt);
        LOGERR (klogErr, rc, "Header's magic bad for encrypted file");
        return rc;

    /* so far unknown legal range */
    self->block_size = strtou32 (header.block_sz, NULL, KWGA_ENC_FILE_HEADER_RADIX);

    self->file_size = strtou64 (header.file_sz, NULL, KWGA_ENC_FILE_HEADER_RADIX);

    /* file format has limiting feature of a 32 bit timestamp */
    self->mtime = (KTime_t)strtol (header.mtime, NULL, KWGA_ENC_FILE_HEADER_RADIX);

    switch ((FER_ENCODING)header.fer_enc)
        rc = RC (rcFS, rcFile, rcReading, rcHeader, rcOutofrange);
        LOGERR (klogErr, rc, "Enryption type code out of range");
        return rc;
    case fer_encDES:
    case fer_encBLF:
        rc = RC (rcFS, rcFile, rcReading, rcHeader, rcIncorrect);
        LOGERR (klogErr, rc, "Enryption type code not supported");
        return rc;
    case fer_encAES:

    self->md5_here = (header.md5_here != 0);

    if (self->md5_here)
        memcpy (self->md5, header.md5, sizeof (self->md5));

    memcpy (self->md51, header.md51, sizeof (self->md51));

    return 0; /* yeah not really checking later errors am i? */
Esempio n. 14
rc_t CC KWGAEncFileRead	(const KWGAEncFile *cself,
                         uint64_t pos,
                         void *buffer,
                         size_t bsize,
                         size_t *num_read)
    KWGAEncFile * self = (KWGAEncFile *)cself; /* mutable values */
    rc_t rc = 0;

    assert (cself);
    assert (buffer);
    assert (num_read);

    *num_read = 0;

    /* are we even within the file? If not just say no. Drugs are bad Mmmkay */
    if (pos >= self->file_size)
    /* are we not reading from out what is already in the decrypted buffer space? */
        if ((self->buffer.valid == 0) ||
            (pos < self->buffer.offset) ||
            (pos >= (self->buffer.offset + self->buffer.valid)))
            if (pos < self->block_size) /* we'll be reading from the first 'block' */
                rc = KWGAEncFileReadInt (self, 0, self->block_size);
                if (rc)
                    LOGERR (klogErr, rc, "error reading first data block of"
                            " encrypted file");
                    return rc;
                if (self->buffer.valid > self->block_size)
                    rc = RC (rcFS, rcFile, rcReading, rcBuffer, rcTooBig);
                    LOGERR (klogInt, rc, "read wrong amount for first block");
                    return rc;
                    size_t md5_size;
                    size_t nudge = 0;
                    char md51_comp [32];

                    if (self->buffer.valid & (ECB_BYTES-1))
                        nudge = ECB_BYTES - (self->buffer.valid & (ECB_BYTES-1));
                    if (nudge)
                        memset (self-> + self->buffer.valid, 0, nudge);

                    md5_size = self->buffer.valid + nudge;

                    CalcMD5 (self->, md5_size, md51_comp);

#if 1
                    if (strcase_cmp (self->md51, string_size(self->md51),
                                     md51_comp, string_size(md51_comp), 32) != 0)
                    if (strncasecmp (self->md51, md51_comp, 32) != 0)
                        rc = RC (rcFS, rcFile, rcReading, rcConstraint, rcCorrupt);
                        LOGERR (klogErr, rc, "MD5 does not match in decryption");
                        return rc;
            else /* if (pos >= self->block_size) */
                rc = KWGAEncFileReadInt (self, (pos & ~(16-1)),
                if (rc)
                    LOGERR (klogErr, rc, "error reading data block of"
                            " encrypted file");
                    return rc;
            }  /* if (pos < self->block_size) */
        } /* if ((self->buffer.valid == 0) || etc. */
        /* if here we have a valid buffer and it contains the start pos requested */
/*     assert (pos >= self->buffer.offset); */
/*     assert (pos < (self->buffer.offset +self->buffer.valid)); */
            size_t start;
            size_t limit;

            /* find offset of start for copy within the buffer */
            start = (size_t)(pos - self->buffer.offset);
            /* how many bytes available starting here */
            limit = self->buffer.valid - start;

            if (pos + limit > self->file_size)
                limit = self->file_size - pos;

            /* are we asking to read more than we have? is so trim the request */
            if (limit < bsize)
                bsize = limit;

            memmove (buffer, self-> + start, bsize);
            *num_read = bsize;
    return 0;
Esempio n. 15
static rc_t align_info(const Params* prm) {
    rc_t rc = 0;

    const VDatabase* db = NULL;
    const VDBManager* mgr = NULL;
    const KDBManager *kmgr = NULL;
    VSchema* schema = NULL;
    bool is_db = false;

    if (prm == NULL)
    {   return RC(rcExe, rcQuery, rcExecuting, rcParam, rcNull); }

    if (rc == 0) {
        rc = VDBManagerMakeRead(&mgr, NULL);
        DISP_RC(rc, "while calling VDBManagerMakeRead");

    if (rc == 0) {
        rc = VDBManagerOpenKDBManagerRead(mgr, &kmgr);
        DISP_RC(rc, "while calling VDBManagerOpenKDBManagerRead");

    if (rc == 0) {
        rc = VDBManagerMakeSRASchema(mgr, &schema);
        DISP_RC(rc, "while calling VDBManagerMakeSRASchema");

    if (rc == 0) {
        rc = VDBManagerOpenDBRead(mgr, &db, schema, prm->dbPath);
        if (rc == 0) {
            is_db = true;
        else if (rc == SILENT_RC(rcDB, rcMgr, rcOpening, rcDatabase, rcIncorrect)) {
            PLOGMSG(klogWarn, (klogWarn,
                "'$(path)' is not a database", "path=%s", prm->dbPath));
            rc = 0;
        else {
                (klogErr, rc, "$(path)", "path=%s", prm->dbPath));

    if (is_db) {
        if (rc == 0) {
            if (prm->paramRef) {
                const VDBDependencies* dep = NULL;
                uint32_t count = 0;
                int i = 0;
                if (prm->paramHeaders) {
                rc = VDatabaseListDependencies(db, &dep, false);
                DISP_RC2(rc, prm->dbPath,
                    "while calling VDatabaseListDependencies");
                if (rc == 0) {
                    rc = VDBDependenciesCount(dep, &count);
                    DISP_RC2(rc, prm->dbPath,
                        "while calling VDBDependenciesCount");
                for (i = 0; i < count && rc == 0; ++i) {
                    bool circular = false;
                    const char* name = NULL;
                    const char* path = NULL;
                    const char* remote = NULL;
                    bool local = false;
                    const char* seqId = NULL;
                    rc = VDBDependenciesCircular(dep, &circular, i);
                    if (rc != 0) {
                        DISP_RC2(rc, prm->dbPath,
                            "while calling VDBDependenciesCircular");
                    rc = VDBDependenciesName(dep, &name, i);
                    if (rc != 0) {
                        DISP_RC2(rc, prm->dbPath,
                            "while calling VDBDependenciesName");
                    rc = VDBDependenciesPath(dep, &path, i);
                    if (rc != 0) {
                        DISP_RC2(rc, prm->dbPath,
                            "while calling VDBDependenciesPath");
                    rc = VDBDependenciesLocal(dep, &local, i);
                    if (rc != 0) {
                        DISP_RC2(rc, prm->dbPath,
                            "while calling VDBDependenciesLocal");
                    rc = VDBDependenciesSeqId(dep, &seqId, i);
                    if (rc != 0) {
                        DISP_RC2(rc, prm->dbPath,
                            "while calling VDBDependenciesSeqId");
                    rc = VDBDependenciesPathRemote(dep, &remote, i);
                    if (rc != 0) {
                        DISP_RC2(rc, prm->dbPath,
                            "while calling VDBDependenciesRemote");
                    OUTMSG(("%s,%s,%s,%s", seqId, name,
                        (circular ? "true" : "false"),
                        (local ? "local" : "remote")));
                    if (path && path[0]) {
                        OUTMSG((":%s", path));
                    else if (remote && remote[0]) {
                        OUTMSG(("::%s", remote));
                DESTRUCT(VDBDependencies, dep);
                if (prm->paramHeaders) {

            if (prm->paramBamHeader) {
                rc_t rc3 = bam_header(db);
                if (rc3 != 0 && rc == 0)
                {   rc = rc3; }

            if (prm->paramQuality) {
                rc_t rc3 = qual_stats(prm, db);
                if (rc3 != 0 && rc == 0)
                {   rc = rc3; }


    DESTRUCT(VSchema, schema);
    DESTRUCT(KDBManager, kmgr);
    DESTRUCT(VDBManager, mgr);
    DESTRUCT(VDatabase, db);

    return rc;
Esempio n. 16
rc_t populate_cursors ( VTable *dtbl, VCursor *dcurs, const VCursor *scurs,
    vtblcp_column_map *cm, const Vector *v, uint32_t *rd_filt )
    uint32_t end = VectorLength ( v );
    uint32_t i = VectorStart ( v );

    BSTree stype_tbl, rftype_tbl;

    const VSchema *schema;
    rc_t rc = VTableOpenSchema ( dtbl, & schema );
    if ( rc != 0 )
        LOGERR ( klogInt, rc, "failed to open destination table schema" );
        return rc;

    /* populate sensitive type table */
    rc = populate_stype_tbl ( & stype_tbl, schema );
    if ( rc != 0 )
        VSchemaRelease ( schema );
        return rc;

    /* populate read filter type table */
    rc = populate_rdfilt_tbl ( & rftype_tbl, schema );
    if ( rc != 0 )
        BSTreeWhack ( & stype_tbl, stype_id_whack, NULL );
        VSchemaRelease ( schema );
        return rc;

    for ( end += i, rc = 0, * rd_filt = 0; i < end; ++ i )
        VTypedecl td;
        char typedecl [ 128 ];

        const char *spec = ( const void* ) VectorGet ( v, i );

        /* request column in destination */
        rc = VCursorAddColumn ( dcurs, & cm [ i ] . wr, spec );
        if ( rc != 0 )
            PLOGERR ( klogErr,  (klogErr, rc, "failed to add '$(spec)' to destination cursor", "spec=%s", spec ));

        /* always retrieve data type */
        rc = VCursorDatatype ( dcurs, cm [ i ] . wr, & td, NULL );
        if ( rc != 0 )
            PLOGERR ( klogInt,  (klogInt, rc, "failed to determine datatype of destination column '$(name)'", "name=%s", spec ));

        /* mark column as sensitive or not */
        rc = mark_type_sensitivity ( & stype_tbl, schema, & td, & cm [ i ] );
        if ( rc != 0 )

        /* if spec is already typed, request it in source */
        if ( spec [ 0 ] == '(' )
            rc = VCursorAddColumn ( scurs, & cm [ i ] . rd, spec );
            if ( rc != 0 )
                PLOGERR ( klogErr,  (klogErr, rc, "failed to add '$(spec)' to source cursor", "spec=%s", spec ));
            rc = VTypedeclToText ( & td, schema, typedecl, sizeof typedecl );
            if ( rc != 0 )
                PLOGERR ( klogInt,  (klogInt, rc, "failed to print datatype of destination column '$(name)'", "name=%s", spec ));

            rc = VCursorAddColumn ( scurs, & cm [ i ] . rd, "(%s)%s", typedecl, spec );
            if ( rc != 0 )
                PLOGERR ( klogErr,  (klogErr, rc, "failed to add '$(spec)' to source cursor", "spec=(%s)%s", typedecl, spec ));

        /* check if column is a read filter */
        cm [ i ] . rd_filter = false;
        if ( ! cm [ i ] . sensitive )
            if ( BSTreeFind ( & rftype_tbl, & td, stype_id_cmp ) != NULL )
                if ( * rd_filt != 0 )
                    rc = RC ( rcExe, rcColumn, rcOpening, rcColumn, rcExists );
                    PLOGERR ( klogInt,  (klogInt, rc, "can't use column '$(name)' as read filter", "name=%s", spec ));

                * rd_filt = cm [ i ] . rd;
                cm [ i ] . rd_filter = true;

    BSTreeWhack ( & rftype_tbl, stype_id_whack, NULL );
    BSTreeWhack ( & stype_tbl, stype_id_whack, NULL );
    VSchemaRelease ( schema );

    /* add read filter to input if not already there in some way */
    if ( * rd_filt == 0 )
        rc = VCursorAddColumn ( scurs, rd_filt, "RD_FILTER" );
        if ( rc != 0 && GetRCState ( rc ) == rcNotFound )
            rc = 0;

    return rc;
Esempio n. 17
rc_t CC KMain(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    rc_t rc = 0;
    Args* args = NULL;

    Params prm;
    memset(&prm, 0, sizeof prm);

    do {
        uint32_t pcount = 0;

        rc = ArgsMakeAndHandle(&args, argc, argv, 1,
            Options, sizeof Options / sizeof (OptDef));
        if (rc) {
            LOGERR(klogErr, rc, "While calling ArgsMakeAndHandle");
        rc = ArgsParamCount(args, &pcount);
        if (rc) {
            LOGERR(klogErr, rc, "While calling ArgsParamCount");
        if (pcount < 1) {
            DESTRUCT(Args, args);
        if (pcount > 1) {
            rc = RC(rcExe, rcArgv, rcParsing, rcParam, rcAmbiguous);
            LOGERR(klogErr, rc, "Too many database parameters");
        rc = ArgsParamValue(args, 0, &prm.dbPath);
        if (rc) {
            LOGERR(klogErr, rc, "Failure retrieving database name");

        rc = ArgsOptionCount (args, OPTION_ALL, &pcount);
        if (rc) {
            LOGERR(klogErr, rc, "Failure to get '" OPTION_ALL "' argument");
        if (pcount)
        {   prm.paramBamHeader = prm.paramQuality = prm.paramRef = true; }

        rc = ArgsOptionCount (args, OPTION_BAM, &pcount);
        if (rc) {
            LOGERR(klogErr, rc, "Failure to get '" OPTION_BAM "' argument");
        if (pcount)
        {   prm.paramBamHeader = true; }

        rc = ArgsOptionCount (args, OPTION_QUA, &pcount);
        if (rc) {
            LOGERR(klogErr, rc, "Failure to get '" OPTION_QUA "' argument");
        if (pcount)
        {   prm.paramQuality = true; }

        rc = ArgsOptionCount (args, OPTION_REF, &pcount);
        if (rc) {
            LOGERR(klogErr, rc, "Failure to get '" OPTION_REF "' argument");
        if (pcount)
        {   prm.paramRef = true; }

        if (!prm.paramBamHeader && !prm.paramQuality && !prm.paramRef)
        {   prm.paramRef = true; }

        rc = ArgsOptionCount (args, OPTION_HEA, &pcount);
        if (rc) {
            LOGERR(klogErr, rc, "Failure to get '" OPTION_HEA "' argument");
        if (pcount) {
            prm.paramHeaders = true;
    } while (false);

    if (rc == 0)
    {   rc = align_info(&prm); }

    DESTRUCT(Args, args);
    return rc;
Esempio n. 18
/* KMain
rc_t CC KMain ( int argc, char *argv [] )
    int i;
    rc_t rc;

    /* expect paths and schema types */
    vtblcp_parms pb;
    memset ( & pb, 0, sizeof pb );
    pb . columns = ( const char** ) & argv [ 1 ];

    /* parse arguments */
    for ( rc = 0, i = 1; i < argc; ++ i )
        const char *arg = argv [ i ];
        if ( arg [ 0 ] != '-' )
            if ( pb . src_path == NULL )
                pb . src_path = arg;
            else if ( pb . dst_path == NULL )
                pb . dst_path = NULL;
                /* capture column name/spec */
                pb . columns [ pb . column_cnt ++ ] = arg;
        else do switch ( ( ++ arg ) [ 0 ] )
        case 'K':
            pb . schema_src = NextArg ( & arg, & i, argc, argv, NULL, NULL );
        case 'T':
            pb . dst_type = NextArg ( & arg, & i, argc, argv, NULL, NULL );
        case 'h':
        case '?':
            s_Usage ( argv [ 0 ] );
            return 0;
            fprintf ( stderr, "unrecognized switch: '%s'\n", argv [ i ] );
            MiniUsage ( argv [ 0 ] );
            return RC ( rcExe, rcArgv, rcReading, rcParam, rcInvalid );
        while ( arg [ 1 ] != 0 );

    /* check arguments */
    if ( pb . src_path == NULL )
        fprintf ( stderr, "missing source table path\n" );
        MiniUsage ( argv [ 0 ] );
        return RC ( rcExe, rcArgv, rcReading, rcParam, rcNotFound );
    if ( pb . dst_path == NULL )
        fprintf ( stderr, "missing destination table path\n" );
        MiniUsage ( argv [ 0 ] );
        return RC ( rcExe, rcArgv, rcReading, rcParam, rcNotFound );
    if ( pb . schema_src == NULL )
        fprintf ( stderr, "missing schema source file\n" );
        MiniUsage ( argv [ 0 ] );
        return RC ( rcExe, rcArgv, rcReading, rcParam, rcNotFound );
    if ( pb . dst_type == NULL )
        fprintf ( stderr, "missing destination table type description\n" );
        MiniUsage ( argv [ 0 ] );
        return RC ( rcExe, rcArgv, rcReading, rcParam, rcNotFound );

    /* run tool */
    return run ( & pb );
Esempio n. 19
rc_t SFFGzip_Idx(const SRATable* sratbl, SIndexObj* obj, char* buffer, const size_t buffer_sz)
    rc_t rc = 0;
    uint16_t zlib_ver = ZLIB_VERNUM;
    const SFFReader* reader = NULL;

    if( (rc = SFFReaderMake(&reader, sratbl, g_accession, obj->minSpotId, obj->maxSpotId)) != 0 ) {
        return rc;
    } else {
        size_t written = 0;
        uint32_t blk = 0, spots_per_block = 0, proj_id_qty = 0;
        SIndexNode* inode = NULL;
        size_t z_blk = 0;
        size_t spots_buf_sz = g_file_block_sz * 100;
        size_t zbuf_sz = spots_buf_sz + 100;

        char* zbuf = malloc(zbuf_sz);
        char* spots_buf = malloc(spots_buf_sz);
        bool eof = false;

        if( zbuf == NULL || spots_buf == NULL ) {
            rc = RC(rcExe, rcIndex, rcConstructing, rcMemory, rcExhausted);
        while( rc == 0 ) {
            if( (rc = SFFReader_GetNextSpotData(reader, buffer, buffer_sz, &written)) == 0 ) {
                if( inode == NULL ) {
                    spotid_t spotid = 0;
                    if( (rc = SFFReaderCurrentSpot(reader, &spotid)) != 0 ) {
                    inode = malloc(sizeof(SIndexNode));
                    if( inode == NULL ) {
                        rc = RC(rcExe, rcIndex, rcConstructing, rcMemory, rcExhausted);
                    inode->key = obj->file_size;
                    inode->key_size = 0;
                    inode->id = spotid;
                    inode->id_qty = 0;
                    DEBUG_MSG(5, ("%s open key: spot %ld, offset %lu\n", obj->index, inode->id, inode->key));
                    if( spotid == 1 ) {
                        char hd[10240];
                        size_t hd_sz = 0;
                        if( (rc = SFFReaderHeader(reader, 0, hd, sizeof(hd), &hd_sz)) == 0 ) {
                            if( hd_sz + written > spots_buf_sz ) {
                                rc = RC(rcExe, rcIndex, rcConstructing, rcMemory, rcInsufficient);
                            memmove(&spots_buf[blk], hd, hd_sz);
                            blk += hd_sz;
                            if( g_dump ) {
                                fwrite(hd, hd_sz, 1, stderr);

                if( blk + written > spots_buf_sz ) {
                    rc = RC(rcExe, rcIndex, rcConstructing, rcMemory, rcInsufficient);
                memmove(&spots_buf[blk], buffer, written);
                blk += written;
                if( g_dump ) {
                    fwrite(buffer, written, 1, stderr);
            if( (eof = (GetRCObject(rc) == rcRow && GetRCState(rc) == rcExhausted)) ) {
                rc = 0;
                if( inode == NULL ) {
            if( rc == 0 && (eof || 
                            (proj_id_qty == 0 && inode->id_qty > (spots_per_block * 0.95)) || 
                            (proj_id_qty > 0 && inode->id_qty >= proj_id_qty) ) ) {
                rc = ZLib_DeflateBlock(spots_buf, blk, zbuf, zbuf_sz, &z_blk);
                if( z_blk < g_file_block_sz ) {
                    /* project needed id_qty */
                    proj_id_qty = g_file_block_sz * inode->id_qty / z_blk * 1.05;
                    DEBUG_MSG(5, ("%s: project id qty %lu\n", obj->index, proj_id_qty));
                } else {
                    DEBUG_MSG(10, ("%s: no projection %lu > %lu\n", obj->index, z_blk, g_file_block_sz));
            if( rc == 0 && (eof || z_blk >= g_file_block_sz) ) {
                obj->file_size += z_blk;
                MD5StateAppend(&obj->md5, zbuf, z_blk);
                inode->key_size = z_blk;
                SLListPushTail(&obj->li, &inode->n);
                DEBUG_MSG(5, ("%s close key: spots %lu, size %lu, ratio %hu%%, raw %lu\n",
                         obj->index, inode->id_qty, inode->key_size, (uint16_t)(((float)(blk - z_blk)/blk)*100), blk));
                spots_per_block = inode->id_qty;
                inode = NULL;
                if( blk > obj->buffer_sz ) {
                    obj->buffer_sz = blk;
                blk = 0;
                z_blk = 0;
                proj_id_qty = 0;
            if( eof ) {
        rc = rc ? rc : Quitting();
        if( rc != 0 ) {
            spotid_t spot = 0;
            SFFReaderCurrentSpot(reader, &spot);
            PLOGERR(klogErr, (klogErr, rc, "spot $(s)", PLOG_U32(s), spot));
    if( rc == 0 ) {
        KMDataNode* opt = NULL, *nd = NULL;

        if( (rc = KMDataNodeOpenNodeUpdate(obj->meta, &opt, "Format/Options")) != 0 ) {
            return rc;
        if( rc == 0 && (rc = KMDataNodeOpenNodeUpdate(opt, &nd, "ZlibVersion")) == 0 ) {
            rc = KMDataNodeWriteB16(nd, &zlib_ver);
    return rc;
Esempio n. 20
/* InitDNSEndpoint
 *  initialize the endpoint with a DNS name and a port number
 *  "ep" [ OUT ] - address of endpoint block to be intialized
 *  "dns" [ IN ] - textual DNS address.
 *  "port" [ IN, DEFAULT 0 ] - binary port number in native integer byte order.
 *   if the special port number 0 is given, it represents any available port.
rc_t CC KNSManagerInitDNSEndpoint ( struct KNSManager const *self,
    KEndPoint *ep, struct String const *dns, uint16_t port )
    rc_t rc = 0;

    if ( ep == NULL )
        rc = RC (rcNS, rcNoTarg, rcInitializing, rcParam, rcNull );
        if ( self == NULL )
            rc = RC ( rcNS, rcNoTarg, rcInitializing, rcSelf, rcNull );
        else if ( dns == NULL )
            rc = RC ( rcNS, rcNoTarg, rcInitializing, rcParam, rcNull );
        else if ( dns -> size == 0 )
            rc = RC ( rcNS, rcNoTarg, rcInitializing, rcSelf, rcInsufficient );
            KDataBuffer b;
            char buffer [ 4096 ], * hostname = buffer;
            size_t buff_size = sizeof buffer;

            if ( dns -> size >= sizeof buffer )
                rc = KDataBufferMakeBytes ( & b, dns -> size + 1 );
                if ( rc == 0 )
                    hostname = b . base;
                    buff_size = ( size_t ) b . elem_count;

            if ( rc == 0 )
                size_t size;
                rc = string_printf ( hostname, buff_size, & size, "%S", dns );

                assert ( rc == 0 );
                assert ( size < buff_size );
                assert ( hostname [ size ] == 0 );

                if ( rc ==  0 )
                    int lerrno;
                    struct hostent *remote = gethostbyname ( hostname );
                    if ( remote != NULL )
                        ep -> type = epIPV4;
                        memcpy ( & ep -> u . ipv4 . addr, remote -> h_addr_list [ 0 ], sizeof ep -> u . ipv4 . addr );
                        ep -> u . ipv4 . addr = htonl ( ep -> u . ipv4 . addr );
                        ep -> u . ipv4 . port = ( uint16_t ) port;
                    else switch ( lerrno = WSAGetLastError () )
                    case WSANOTINITIALISED: /* Must have WSAStartup call */
                        rc = RC ( rcNS, rcNoTarg, rcInitializing, rcEnvironment, rcUndefined );
                    case WSAENETDOWN:/* network subsystem failed */
                        rc = RC ( rcNS, rcNoTarg, rcInitializing, rcNoObj, rcFailed );
                    case WSAHOST_NOT_FOUND: /* Answer host not found */
                        rc = RC ( rcNS, rcNoTarg, rcValidating, rcConnection, rcNotFound );
                    case WSATRY_AGAIN: /* host not found or server failure */
                        rc = RC ( rcNS, rcNoTarg, rcValidating, rcConnection, rcBusy );
                    case WSANO_RECOVERY: /* non-recoverable error */
                        rc = RC ( rcNS, rcNoTarg, rcValidating, rcConnection, rcError );
                    case WSANO_DATA: /* name is valid but no data */
                        rc = RC ( rcNS, rcNoTarg, rcValidating, rcConnection, rcEmpty );
                    case WSAEINPROGRESS: /* call is in progress */
                        rc = RC ( rcNS, rcNoTarg, rcReading, rcId, rcUndefined );
                    case WSAEFAULT: /* name paremeter is not valid part of addr space */
                        rc = RC ( rcNS, rcNoTarg, rcReading, rcMemory, rcOutofrange );
                    case WSAEINTR: /* socket call was calanceled */
                        rc = RC ( rcNS, rcNoTarg, rcReading, rcConnection, rcCanceled );
                        rc = RC ( rcNS, rcNoTarg, rcReading, rcNoObj, rcError );

            if ( hostname != buffer )
                KDataBufferWhack ( & b );

        if ( rc != 0 )
            memset ( ep, 0, sizeof * ep );        

    return rc;
Esempio n. 21
rc_t FastqGzip_Idx(const SRATable* sratbl, SIndexObj* obj, char* buffer, const size_t buffer_sz)
    rc_t rc = 0;
    const FastqReader* reader = NULL;

    uint16_t zlib_ver = ZLIB_VERNUM;
    uint8_t colorSpace = false;
    char* colorSpaceKey = "\0";
    uint8_t origFormat = false;
    uint8_t printLabel = true;
    uint8_t printReadId = true;
    uint8_t clipQuality = true;
    uint32_t minReadLen = 0;
    uint16_t qualityOffset = 0;

        const SRAColumn* c = NULL;
        const uint8_t *platform = SRA_PLATFORM_UNDEFINED;
        bitsz_t o, z;

        if( (rc = SRATableOpenColumnRead(sratbl, &c, "PLATFORM", sra_platform_id_t)) != 0 ) {
            return rc;
        if( (rc = SRAColumnRead(c, 1, (const void **)&platform, &o, &z)) != 0 ) {
            return rc;
        if( *platform == SRA_PLATFORM_ABSOLID ) {
            colorSpace = true;

    if( (rc = FastqReaderMake(&reader, sratbl, g_accession,
                        colorSpace, origFormat, false, printLabel, printReadId,
                        !clipQuality, minReadLen, qualityOffset, colorSpaceKey[0],
                        obj->minSpotId, obj->maxSpotId)) != 0 ) {
        return rc;
    } else {
        size_t written = 0;
        uint32_t blk = 0, spots_per_block = 0, proj_id_qty = 0;
        SIndexNode* inode = NULL;
        size_t z_blk = 0;
        size_t spots_buf_sz = g_file_block_sz * 100;
        size_t zbuf_sz = spots_buf_sz + 100;
        char* zbuf = malloc(zbuf_sz);
        char* spots_buf = malloc(spots_buf_sz);
        bool eof = false;

        if( zbuf == NULL || spots_buf == NULL ) {
            rc = RC(rcExe, rcIndex, rcConstructing, rcMemory, rcExhausted);
        while( rc == 0 ) {
            if( (rc = FastqReader_GetNextSpotSplitData(reader, buffer, buffer_sz, &written)) == 0 ) {
                if( inode == NULL ) {
                    spotid_t spotid = 0;
                    if( (rc = FastqReaderCurrentSpot(reader, &spotid)) != 0 ) {
                    inode = malloc(sizeof(SIndexNode));
                    if( inode == NULL ) {
                        rc = RC(rcExe, rcIndex, rcConstructing, rcMemory, rcExhausted);
                    inode->key = obj->file_size;
                    inode->key_size = 0;
                    inode->id = spotid;
                    inode->id_qty = 0;
                    DEBUG_MSG(5, ("%s open key: spot %ld, offset %lu\n", obj->index, inode->id, inode->key));
                if( blk + written > spots_buf_sz ) {
                    rc = RC(rcExe, rcIndex, rcConstructing, rcMemory, rcInsufficient);
                memmove(&spots_buf[blk], buffer, written);
                blk += written;
                if( g_dump ) {
                    fwrite(buffer, written, 1, stderr);
            if( (eof = (GetRCObject(rc) == rcRow && GetRCState(rc) == rcExhausted)) ) {
                rc = 0;
                if( inode == NULL ) {
            if( rc == 0 && (eof || 
                            (proj_id_qty == 0 && inode->id_qty > (spots_per_block * 0.95)) || 
                            (proj_id_qty > 0 && inode->id_qty >= proj_id_qty) ) ) {
                rc = ZLib_DeflateBlock(spots_buf, blk, zbuf, zbuf_sz, &z_blk);
                if( z_blk < g_file_block_sz ) {
                    /* project needed id_qty */
                    proj_id_qty = g_file_block_sz * inode->id_qty / z_blk * 1.05;
                    DEBUG_MSG(5, ("%s: project id qty %u\n", obj->index, proj_id_qty));
                } else {
                    DEBUG_MSG(10, ("%s: no projection %u > %u\n", obj->index, z_blk, g_file_block_sz));
            if( rc == 0 && (eof || z_blk >= g_file_block_sz) ) {
                obj->file_size += z_blk;
                MD5StateAppend(&obj->md5, zbuf, z_blk);
                inode->key_size = z_blk;
                SLListPushTail(&obj->li, &inode->n);
                DEBUG_MSG(5, ("%s close key: spots %lu, size %lu, ratio %hu%%, raw %u\n",
                         obj->index, inode->id_qty, inode->key_size, (uint16_t)(((float)(blk - z_blk)/blk)*100), blk ));
                spots_per_block = inode->id_qty;
                inode = NULL;
                if( blk > obj->buffer_sz ) {
                    obj->buffer_sz = blk;
                blk = 0;
                z_blk = 0;
                proj_id_qty = 0;
            if( eof ) {
        rc = rc ? rc : Quitting();
        if( rc != 0 ) {
            spotid_t spot = 0;
            FastqReaderCurrentSpot(reader, &spot);
            PLOGERR(klogErr, (klogErr, rc, "spot $(s)", PLOG_U32(s), spot));
    if( rc == 0 ) {
        KMDataNode* opt = NULL, *nd = NULL;

        if( (rc = KMDataNodeOpenNodeUpdate(obj->meta, &opt, "Format/Options")) != 0 ) {
            return rc;
        if( rc == 0 && (rc = KMDataNodeOpenNodeUpdate(opt, &nd, "ZlibVersion")) == 0 ) {
            rc = KMDataNodeWriteB16(nd, &zlib_ver);
        if( rc == 0 && (rc = KMDataNodeOpenNodeUpdate(opt, &nd, "colorSpace")) == 0 ) {
            rc = KMDataNodeWriteB8(nd, &colorSpace);
        if( rc == 0 && (rc = KMDataNodeOpenNodeUpdate(opt, &nd, "colorSpaceKey")) == 0 ) {
            rc = KMDataNodeWrite(nd, colorSpaceKey, 1);
        if( rc == 0 && (rc = KMDataNodeOpenNodeUpdate(opt, &nd, "origFormat")) == 0 ) {
            rc = KMDataNodeWriteB8(nd, &origFormat);
        if( rc == 0 && (rc = KMDataNodeOpenNodeUpdate(opt, &nd, "printLabel")) == 0 ) {
            rc = KMDataNodeWriteB8(nd, &printLabel);
        if( rc == 0 && (rc = KMDataNodeOpenNodeUpdate(opt, &nd, "printReadId")) == 0 ) {
            rc = KMDataNodeWriteB8(nd, &printReadId);
        if( rc == 0 && (rc = KMDataNodeOpenNodeUpdate(opt, &nd, "clipQuality")) == 0 ) {
            rc = KMDataNodeWriteB8(nd, &clipQuality);
        if( rc == 0 && (rc = KMDataNodeOpenNodeUpdate(opt, &nd, "minReadLen")) == 0 ) {
            rc = KMDataNodeWriteB32(nd, &minReadLen);
        if( rc == 0 && (rc = KMDataNodeOpenNodeUpdate(opt, &nd, "qualityOffset")) == 0 ) {
            rc = KMDataNodeWriteB16(nd, &qualityOffset);
    return rc;
Esempio n. 22
static rc_t ReadFilterSplitter_GetKeySet( const SRASplitter* cself,
        const SRASplitter_Keys** key, uint32_t* keys, spotid_t spot, const readmask_t* readmask )
    rc_t rc = 0;
    ReadFilterSplitter* self = ( ReadFilterSplitter* )cself;

    if ( self == NULL || key == NULL )
        rc = RC( rcSRA, rcNode, rcExecuting, rcParam, rcNull );
        const INSDC_SRA_read_filter* rdf;
        bitsz_t o = 0, sz = 0;

        *keys = 0;
        if ( self->col_rdf != NULL )
            rc = SRAColumnRead( self->col_rdf, spot, (const void **)&rdf, &o, &sz );
            if ( rc == 0 )
                int32_t j, i = sz / sizeof( INSDC_SRA_read_filter ) / 8;
                *key = self->keys;
                *keys = sizeof( self->keys ) / sizeof( self->keys[ 0 ] );
                for ( j = 0; j < *keys; j++ )
                    clear_readmask( self->keys[ j ].readmask );
                while ( i > 0 )
                    if ( self->read_filter != 0xFF && self->read_filter != rdf[i] )
                        /* skip by filter value != to command line */
                    else if ( rdf[ i ] == SRA_READ_FILTER_PASS )
                        set_readmask( self->keys[ EReadFilterSplitter_pass ].readmask, i );
                    else if ( rdf[ i ] == SRA_READ_FILTER_REJECT )
                        set_readmask( self->keys[ EReadFilterSplitter_reject ].readmask, i );
                    else if( rdf[ i ] == SRA_READ_FILTER_CRITERIA )
                        set_readmask( self->keys[ EReadFilterSplitter_criteria ].readmask, i );
                    else if( rdf[ i ] == SRA_READ_FILTER_REDACTED )
                        set_readmask( self->keys[ EReadFilterSplitter_redacted ].readmask, i );
                        set_readmask( self->keys[ EReadFilterSplitter_unknown ].readmask, i );
                        PLOGMSG( klogWarn, ( klogWarn,
                                             "unknown READ_FILTER value $(value) at spot id $(row)",
                                             PLOG_2( PLOG_U8( value ), PLOG_I64( row ) ), rdf[ i ], spot ) );
    return rc;
Esempio n. 23
rc_t KMain(int argc, char *argv[])
    rc_t rc = 0;
    Args* args = NULL;
    const char* errmsg = NULL, *table_dir = NULL;
    char accn[1024];
    if( (rc = ArgsMakeAndHandle(&args, argc, argv, 1, MainArgs, MainArgsQty)) == 0 ) {
        const char* blksz = NULL;
        uint32_t count, dump = 0, gzip = 0;

        if( (rc = ArgsParamCount(args, &count)) != 0 || count != 1 ) {
            rc = rc ? rc : RC(rcExe, rcArgv, rcParsing, rcParam, count > 1 ? rcExcessive : rcInsufficient);
            errmsg = "table";

        } else if( (rc = ArgsOptionCount(args, MainArgs[eopt_BlockSize].name, &count)) != 0 || count > 1 ) {
            rc = rc ? rc : RC(rcExe, rcArgv, rcParsing, rcParam, rcExcessive);
            errmsg = MainArgs[eopt_BlockSize].name;
        } else if( count > 0 && (rc = ArgsOptionValue(args, MainArgs[eopt_BlockSize].name, 0, (const void **)&blksz)) != 0 ) {
            errmsg = MainArgs[eopt_BlockSize].name;

        } else if( (rc = ArgsOptionCount(args, MainArgs[eopt_Accession].name, &count)) != 0 || count > 1 ) {
            rc = rc ? rc : RC(rcExe, rcArgv, rcParsing, rcParam, rcExcessive);
            errmsg = MainArgs[eopt_Accession].name;
        } else if( count > 0 && (rc = ArgsOptionValue(args, MainArgs[eopt_Accession].name, 0, (const void **)&g_accession)) != 0 ) {
            errmsg = MainArgs[eopt_Accession].name;

        } else if( (rc = ArgsOptionCount(args, MainArgs[eopt_DumpIndex].name, &dump)) != 0 ) {
            errmsg = MainArgs[eopt_DumpIndex].name;

        } else if( (rc = ArgsOptionCount(args, MainArgs[eopt_noGzip].name, &gzip)) != 0 ) {
            errmsg = MainArgs[eopt_noGzip].name;
        while( rc == 0 ) {
            long val = 0;
            char* end = NULL;

            if( blksz != NULL ) {
                errno = 0;
                val = strtol(blksz, &end, 10);
                if( errno != 0 || blksz == end || *end != '\0' || val <= 0 ) {
                    rc = RC(rcExe, rcArgv, rcReading, rcParam, rcInvalid);
                    errmsg = MainArgs[eopt_BlockSize].name;
                } else if( val <= 128 || val > (1024 * 1024 * 1024) ) {
                    rc = RC(rcExe, rcArgv, rcValidating, rcParam, rcEmpty);
                    errmsg = "block size invalid";
                g_file_block_sz = val;
            if( (rc = ArgsParamValue(args, 0, (const void **)&table_dir)) != 0 ) {
                errmsg = "table";
            if( g_accession == NULL ) {
                const char* p = strchr(table_dir, '/');
                size_t l = 0;

                g_accession = accn;
                if( p == NULL ) {
                    p = strchr(table_dir, '\\');
                strncpy(accn, p == NULL ? table_dir : p + 1, sizeof(accn) - 1);
                if( accn[0] == '\0' ) {
                    rc = RC(rcExe, rcArgv, rcValidating, rcParam, rcEmpty);
                    errmsg = "accession";
                l = strlen(accn);
                if( accn[l - 1] == '/' || accn[l - 1] == '\\') {
                    accn[--l] = '\0';
                if( strncmp(&accn[l - 9], ".lite.sra", 9) == 0 ) {
                    accn[l - 9] = '\0';
                } else if( strncmp(&accn[l - 4], ".sra", 4) == 0 ) {
                    accn[l - 4] = '\0';
            g_dump = dump > 0;
            g_ungzip = gzip > 0;
    if( rc == 0 ) {
        SRAMgr* smgr = NULL;
        KDBManager* kmgr = NULL;

        DEBUG_MSG(5, ("table %s, accession %s\n", table_dir, g_accession));
        if( (rc = SRAMgrMakeUpdate(&smgr, NULL)) == 0 ) {
            if( (rc = KDBManagerMakeUpdate(&kmgr, NULL)) == 0 ) {
                bool relock = true;
                if( (rc = KDBManagerUnlock(kmgr, table_dir)) != 0 ) {
                    relock = false;
                    rc = GetRCState(rc) == rcUnlocked ? 0 : rc;
                } else {
                    PLOGMSG(klogInfo, (klogInfo, "Table $(p) locked, unlocking", PLOG_S(p), table_dir));
                if( rc == 0 ) {
                    KTable* ktbl = NULL;
                    if( (rc = KDBManagerOpenTableUpdate(kmgr, &ktbl, table_dir)) == 0 ) {
                        KMetadata* meta = NULL;
                        if( (rc = KTableOpenMetadataUpdate(ktbl, &meta)) == 0 ) {
                            const SRATable* stbl = NULL;
                            if( (rc = SRAMgrOpenTableRead(smgr, &stbl, table_dir)) == 0 ) {
                                rc = MakeIndexes(stbl, ktbl, meta);
                if( rc == 0 && relock ) {
                    rc = KDBManagerLock(kmgr, table_dir);
    if( rc != 0 && rc != KLogLastErrorCode() ) {
        if( errmsg ) {
        LOGERR(klogErr, rc, errmsg ? errmsg : "stop");
    return rc;
Esempio n. 24
bool CC SRADumper_GetArg( const SRADumperFmt* fmt, char const* const abbr, char const* const full,
                          int* i, int argc, char *argv[], const char** value )
    rc_t rc = 0;
    const char* arg = argv[*i];
    while ( *arg == '-' && *arg != '\0')
    if ( abbr != NULL && strcmp(arg, abbr) == 0 )
        SRA_DUMP_DBG( 9, ( "GetArg key: '%s'\n", arg ) );
        arg = arg + strlen( abbr );
        if ( value != NULL && arg[0] == '\0' && (*i + 1) < argc )
            arg = NULL;
            if ( argv[ *i + 1 ][ 0 ] != '-' )
                /* advance only if next is not an option with '-' */
                *i = *i + 1;
                arg = argv[ *i ];
            arg = NULL;
    else if ( full != NULL && strcmp( arg, full ) == 0 )
        SRA_DUMP_DBG( 9, ( "GetArg key: '%s'\n", arg ) );
        arg = NULL;
        if ( value != NULL && ( *i + 1 ) < argc )
            if ( argv[ *i + 1 ][ 0 ] != '-' )
                /* advance only if next is not an option with '-' */
                *i = *i + 1;
                arg = argv[ *i ];
        return false;

    SRA_DUMP_DBG( 9, ( "GetArg val: '%s'\n", arg ) );
    if ( value == NULL && arg != NULL )
        rc = RC( rcApp, rcArgv, rcAccessing, rcParam, rcUnexpected );
    else if ( value != NULL )
        if ( arg == NULL && *value == '\0' )
            rc = RC( rcApp, rcArgv, rcAccessing, rcParam, rcNotFound );
        else if ( arg != NULL && arg[0] != '\0' )
            *value = arg;
    if ( rc != 0 )
        PLOGERR( klogErr, ( klogErr, rc, "$(a0)$(a1)$(a2)$(f0)$(f1): $(v)",
                            abbr ? "-": "", abbr ? abbr : "", abbr ? ", " : "", full ? "--" : "", full ? full : "", arg));
        CoreUsage( argv[ 0 ], fmt, true, EXIT_FAILURE );
    return rc == 0 ? true : false;
Esempio n. 25
LIB_EXPORT rc_t CC KDyldVLoadLib ( KDyld *self,
    KDylib **lib, const char *path, va_list args )
    rc_t rc;

    if ( lib == NULL )
        rc = RC ( rcFS, rcDylib, rcLoading, rcParam, rcNull );
        if ( self == NULL )
            rc = RC ( rcFS, rcDylib, rcLoading, rcSelf, rcNull );
        else if ( path == NULL || path [ 0 ] == 0 )
            String pstr;
            CONST_STRING ( & pstr, "" );

            rc = KDylibMake ( lib, & pstr );
            if ( rc == 0 )
                rc = KDyldLoad ( self, * lib, NULL );
                if ( rc == 0 )
                    return 0;
                free ( * lib );
            uint32_t i = VectorStart ( & self -> search );
            uint32_t end = i + VectorLength ( & self -> search );

            if ( i == end )
                char name [ 4096 ];
                int len = vsnprintf ( name, sizeof name, path, args );
                if ( len < 0 || len >= sizeof name )
                    rc = RC ( rcFS, rcDylib, rcLoading, rcPath, rcExcessive );
                    String pstr;
                    StringInit ( & pstr, name, len, string_len ( name, len ) );

                    rc = KDylibMake ( lib, & pstr );
                    if ( rc == 0 )
                        rc = KDyldLoad ( self, * lib, name );
                        if ( rc == 0 )
                            return 0;
                        free ( * lib );
                for ( * lib = NULL; i < end; ++ i )
                    const KDirectory *dir;

                    va_list cpy;
                    va_copy ( cpy, args );

                    dir = ( const void* ) VectorGet ( & self -> search, i );
                    rc = KDyldVTryLoadLib ( self, lib, dir, path, cpy );

                    va_end ( cpy );

                    if ( rc == 0 || GetRCState ( rc ) != rcNotFound )
                        return rc;

                rc = RC ( rcFS, rcDylib, rcLoading, rcPath, rcNotFound );

        * lib = NULL;

    return rc;
Esempio n. 26
 * KMain - defined for use with kapp library
rc_t CC KMain ( int argc, char* argv[] )
    rc_t rc = 0;
    int i;
    const char* arg;
    uint64_t total_spots = 0;

    const SRAMgr* sraMGR = NULL;
    SRADumperFmt fmt;

    bool to_stdout = false, do_gzip = false, do_bzip2 = false;
    char const* outdir = NULL;
    spotid_t minSpotId = 1;
    spotid_t maxSpotId = ~0;
    bool sub_dir = false;
    bool keep_empty = false;
    const char* table_path[10240];
    int table_path_qty = 0;

    char const* D_option = NULL;
    char const* P_option = NULL;
    char P_option_buffer[4096];
    const char* accession = NULL;
    const char* table_name = NULL;

    bool spot_group_on = false;
    int spot_groups = 0;
    char* spot_group[128] = {NULL};
    bool read_filter_on = false;
    SRAReadFilter read_filter = 0xFF;

    bool failed_to_open = false;

    /* for the fasta-ouput of fastq-dump: branch out completely of 'common' code */
    if ( fasta_dump_requested( argc, argv ) )
        return fasta_dump( argc, argv );

    /* Prepare for the worst: report this information after disaster */
    ReportBuildDate ( __DATE__ );

    memset( &fmt, 0, sizeof( fmt ) );
    rc = SRADumper_Init( &fmt );
    if ( rc != 0 )
        LOGERR(klogErr, rc, "formatter initialization");
        return 100;
    else if ( fmt.get_factory == NULL )
        rc = RC( rcExe, rcFormatter, rcValidating, rcInterface, rcNull );
        LOGERR( klogErr, rc, "formatter factory" );
        return 101;
        rc = SRADumper_ArgsValidate( argv[0], &fmt );
        if ( rc != 0 )
            LOGERR( klogErr, rc, "formatter args list" );
            return 102;

    if ( argc < 2 )
        CoreUsage( argv[0], &fmt, true, EXIT_FAILURE );
        return 0;

    for ( i = 1; i < argc; i++ )
        arg = argv[ i ];
        if ( arg[ 0 ] != '-' )
            uint32_t k;
            for ( k = 0; k < table_path_qty; k++ )
                if ( strcmp( arg, table_path[ k ] ) == 0 )
            if ( k >= table_path_qty )
                if ( ( table_path_qty + 1 ) >= ( sizeof( table_path ) / sizeof( table_path[ 0 ] ) ) )
                    rc = RC( rcExe, rcArgv, rcReading, rcBuffer, rcInsufficient );
                    goto Catch;
                table_path[ table_path_qty++ ] = arg;
        arg = NULL;
        if ( SRADumper_GetArg( &fmt, "L", "log-level", &i, argc, argv, &arg ) )
            rc = LogLevelSet( arg );
            if ( rc != 0 )
                PLOGERR( klogErr, ( klogErr, rc, "log level $(lvl)", PLOG_S( lvl ), arg ) );
                goto Catch;
        else if ( SRADumper_GetArg( &fmt, NULL, OPTION_REPORT, &i, argc, argv, &arg ) )
        else if ( SRADumper_GetArg( &fmt, "+", "debug", &i, argc, argv, &arg ) )
            rc = KDbgSetString( arg );
            if ( rc != 0 )
                PLOGERR( klogErr, ( klogErr, rc, "debug level $(lvl)", PLOG_S( lvl ), arg ) );
                goto Catch;
        else if ( SRADumper_GetArg( &fmt, "H", "help", &i, argc, argv, NULL ) ||
                  SRADumper_GetArg( &fmt, "?", "h", &i, argc, argv, NULL ) )
            CoreUsage( argv[ 0 ], &fmt, false, EXIT_SUCCESS );

        else if ( SRADumper_GetArg( &fmt, "V", "version", &i, argc, argv, NULL ) )
            HelpVersion ( argv[ 0 ], KAppVersion() );
            return 0;
        else if ( SRADumper_GetArg( &fmt, "v", NULL, &i, argc, argv, NULL ) )
            KStsLevelAdjust( 1 );

        else if ( SRADumper_GetArg( &fmt, "D", "table-path", &i, argc, argv, &D_option ) )
            LOGMSG( klogErr, "option -D is deprecated, see --help" );
        else if ( SRADumper_GetArg( &fmt, "P", "path", &i, argc, argv, &P_option ) )
            LOGMSG( klogErr, "option -P is deprecated, see --help" );

        else if ( SRADumper_GetArg( &fmt, "A", "accession", &i, argc, argv, &accession ) )
        else if ( SRADumper_GetArg( &fmt, "O", "outdir", &i, argc, argv, &outdir ) )
        else if ( SRADumper_GetArg( &fmt, "Z", "stdout", &i, argc, argv, NULL ) )
            to_stdout = true;
        else if ( fmt.gzip && SRADumper_GetArg( &fmt, NULL, "gzip", &i, argc, argv, NULL ) )
            do_gzip = true;
        else if ( fmt.bzip2 && SRADumper_GetArg( &fmt, NULL, "bzip2", &i, argc, argv, NULL ) )
            do_bzip2 = true;
        else if ( SRADumper_GetArg( &fmt, NULL, "table", &i, argc, argv, &table_name ) )
        else if ( SRADumper_GetArg( &fmt, "N", "minSpotId", &i, argc, argv, &arg ) )
            minSpotId = AsciiToU32( arg, NULL, NULL );
        else if ( SRADumper_GetArg( &fmt, "X", "maxSpotId", &i, argc, argv, &arg ) )
            maxSpotId = AsciiToU32( arg, NULL, NULL );
        else if ( SRADumper_GetArg( &fmt, "G", "spot-group", &i, argc, argv, NULL ) )
            spot_group_on = true;
        else if ( SRADumper_GetArg( &fmt, NULL, "spot-groups", &i, argc, argv, NULL ) )
            if ( i + 1 < argc && argv[ i + 1 ][ 0 ] != '-' )
                int f = 0, t = 0;
                while ( argv[ i ][ t ] != '\0' )
                    if ( argv[ i ][ t ] == ',' )
                        if ( t - f > 0 )
                            spot_group[ spot_groups++ ] = strndup( &argv[ i ][ f ], t - f );
                        f = t + 1;
                if ( t - f > 0 )
                    spot_group[ spot_groups++ ] = strndup( &argv[ i ][ f ], t - f );
                if ( spot_groups < 1 )
                    rc = RC( rcApp, rcArgv, rcReading, rcParam, rcEmpty );
                    PLOGERR( klogErr, ( klogErr, rc, "$(p)", PLOG_S( p ), argv[ i - 1 ] ) );
                    CoreUsage( argv[ 0 ], &fmt, false, EXIT_FAILURE );
                spot_group[ spot_groups ] = NULL;
        else if ( SRADumper_GetArg( &fmt, "R", "read-filter", &i, argc, argv, NULL ) )
            read_filter_on = true;
            if ( i + 1 < argc && argv[ i + 1 ][ 0 ] != '-' )
                if ( read_filter != 0xFF )
                    rc = RC( rcApp, rcArgv, rcReading, rcParam, rcDuplicate );
                    PLOGERR( klogErr, ( klogErr, rc, "$(p): $(o)",
                                        PLOG_2( PLOG_S( p ),PLOG_S( o ) ), argv[ i - 1 ], argv[ i ] ) );
                    CoreUsage( argv[ 0 ], &fmt, false, EXIT_FAILURE );
                if ( strcasecmp( argv[ i ], "pass" ) == 0 )
                    read_filter = SRA_READ_FILTER_PASS;
                else if ( strcasecmp( argv[ i ], "reject" ) == 0 )
                    read_filter = SRA_READ_FILTER_REJECT;
                else if ( strcasecmp( argv[ i ], "criteria" ) == 0 )
                    read_filter = SRA_READ_FILTER_CRITERIA;
                else if ( strcasecmp( argv[ i ], "redacted" ) == 0 )
                    read_filter = SRA_READ_FILTER_REDACTED;
                    /* must be accession */
        else if ( SRADumper_GetArg( &fmt, "T", "group-in-dirs", &i, argc, argv, NULL ) )
            sub_dir = true;
        else if ( SRADumper_GetArg( &fmt, "K", "keep-empty-files", &i, argc, argv, NULL ) )
            keep_empty = true;
        else if ( SRADumper_GetArg( &fmt, NULL, "no-user-settings", &i, argc, argv, NULL ) )
            KConfigDisableUserSettings ();
        else if ( fmt.add_arg && fmt.add_arg( &fmt, SRADumper_GetArg, &i, argc, argv ) )
            rc = RC( rcApp, rcArgv, rcReading, rcParam, rcIncorrect );
            PLOGERR( klogErr, ( klogErr, rc, "$(p)", PLOG_S( p ), argv[ i ] ) );
            CoreUsage( argv[ 0 ], &fmt, false, EXIT_FAILURE );

    if ( to_stdout )
        if ( outdir != NULL || sub_dir || keep_empty ||
                spot_group_on || ( read_filter_on && read_filter == 0xFF ) )
            LOGMSG( klogWarn, "stdout mode is set, some options are ignored" );
            spot_group_on = false;
            if ( read_filter == 0xFF )
                read_filter_on = false;
        ( void ) KDbgHandlerSetStdErr();

    if ( do_gzip && do_bzip2 )
        rc = RC( rcApp, rcArgv, rcReading, rcParam, rcAmbiguous );
        LOGERR( klogErr, rc, "output compression method" );
        CoreUsage( argv[ 0 ], &fmt, false, EXIT_FAILURE );

    if ( minSpotId > maxSpotId )
        spotid_t temp = maxSpotId;
        maxSpotId = minSpotId;
        minSpotId = temp;

    if ( table_path_qty == 0 )
        if ( D_option != NULL && D_option[ 0 ] != '\0' )
            /* support deprecated '-D' option */
            table_path[ table_path_qty++ ] = D_option;
        else if ( accession == NULL || accession[ 0 ] == '\0' )
            /* must have accession to proceed */
            rc = RC( rcExe, rcArgv, rcValidating, rcParam, rcEmpty );
            LOGERR( klogErr, rc, "expected accession" );
            goto Catch;
        else if ( P_option != NULL && P_option[ 0 ] != '\0' )
            /* support deprecated '-P' option */
            i = snprintf( P_option_buffer, sizeof( P_option_buffer ), "%s/%s", P_option, accession );
            if ( i < 0 || i >= sizeof( P_option_buffer ) )
                rc = RC( rcExe, rcArgv, rcValidating, rcParam, rcExcessive );
                LOGERR( klogErr, rc, "path too long" );
                goto Catch;
            table_path[ table_path_qty++ ] = P_option_buffer;
            table_path[ table_path_qty++ ] = accession;

    rc = SRAMgrMakeRead( &sraMGR );
    if ( rc != 0 )
        LOGERR( klogErr, rc, "failed to open SRA manager" );
        goto Catch;
        rc = SRASplitterFactory_FilerInit( to_stdout, do_gzip, do_bzip2, sub_dir, keep_empty, outdir );
        if ( rc != 0 )
            LOGERR( klogErr, rc, "failed to initialize files" );
            goto Catch;

        const VDBManager* vmgr = NULL;
        rc_t rc2 = SRAMgrGetVDBManagerRead( sraMGR, &vmgr );
        if ( rc2 != 0 )
            LOGERR( klogErr, rc2, "while calling SRAMgrGetVDBManagerRead" );
        rc2 = ReportSetVDBManager( vmgr );
        VDBManagerRelease( vmgr );

    /* loop tables */
    for ( i = 0; i < table_path_qty; i++ )
        const SRASplitterFactory* fact_head = NULL;
        spotid_t smax, smin;

        SRA_DUMP_DBG( 5, ( "table path '%s', name '%s'\n", table_path[ i ], table_name ) );
        if ( table_name != NULL )
            rc = SRAMgrOpenAltTableRead( sraMGR, &fmt.table, table_name, table_path[ i ] );
            if ( rc != 0 )
                PLOGERR( klogErr, ( klogErr, rc,
                                    "failed to open '$(path):$(table)'", "path=%s,table=%s",
                                    table_path[ i ], table_name ) );

        ReportResetObject( table_path[ i ] );
        if ( fmt.table == NULL )
            rc = SRAMgrOpenTableRead( sraMGR, &fmt.table, table_path[ i ] );
            if ( rc != 0 )
                if ( UIError( rc, NULL, NULL ) )
                    UITableLOGError( rc, NULL, true );
                    PLOGERR( klogErr, ( klogErr, rc,
                                        "failed to open '$(path)'", "path=%s",
                                        table_path[ i ] ) );
                    if (GetRCState(rc) == rcNotFound) {
                        failed_to_open = true;

        /* infer accession from table_path if missing or more than one table */
        fmt.accession = table_path_qty > 1 ? NULL : accession;
        if ( fmt.accession == NULL || fmt.accession[ 0 ] == 0 )
            char * basename;
            char *ext;
            size_t l;
            bool is_url = false;

            strcpy( P_option_buffer, table_path[ i ] );

            basename = strchr ( P_option_buffer, ':' );
            if ( basename )
                if ( basename [0] == '\0' )
                    basename = P_option_buffer;
                    is_url = true;
                basename = P_option_buffer;

            if ( is_url )
                ext = strchr ( basename, '#' );
                if ( ext )
                    ext[ 0 ] = '\0';
                ext = strchr ( basename, '?' );
                if ( ext )
                    ext[ 0 ] = '\0';

            l = strlen( basename  );
            while ( strchr( "\\/", basename[ l - 1 ] ) != NULL )
                basename[ --l ] = '\0';
            fmt.accession = strrchr( basename, '/' );
            if ( fmt.accession++ == NULL )
                fmt.accession = basename;

            /* cut off [.lite].[c]sra[.nenc||.ncbi_enc] if any */
            ext = strrchr( fmt.accession, '.' );
            if ( ext != NULL )
                if ( strcasecmp( ext, ".nenc" ) == 0 || strcasecmp( ext, ",ncbi_enc" ) == 0 )
                    *ext = '\0';
                    ext = strrchr( fmt.accession, '.' );
                if ( ext != NULL && ( strcasecmp( ext, ".sra" ) == 0 || strcasecmp( ext, ".csra" ) == 0 ) )
                    *ext = '\0';
                    ext = strrchr( fmt.accession, '.' );
                    if ( ext != NULL && strcasecmp( ext, ".lite" ) == 0 )
                        *ext = '\0';

        SRA_DUMP_DBG( 5, ( "accession: '%s'\n", fmt.accession ) );
        rc = SRASplitterFactory_FilerPrefix( accession ? accession : fmt.accession );

        while ( rc == 0 )
            /* sort out the spot id range */
            if ( ( rc = SRATableMaxSpotId( fmt.table, &smax ) ) != 0 ||
                    ( rc = SRATableMinSpotId( fmt.table, &smin ) ) != 0 )

                const struct VTable* tbl = NULL;
                rc_t rc2 = SRATableGetVTableRead( fmt.table, &tbl );
                if ( rc == 0 )
                    rc = rc2;
                rc2 = ReportResetTable( table_path[i], tbl );
                if ( rc == 0 )
                    rc = rc2;
                VTableRelease( tbl );   /* SRATableGetVTableRead adds Reference to tbl! */

            /* test if we have to dump anything... */
            if ( smax < minSpotId || smin > maxSpotId )
            if ( smax > maxSpotId )
                smax = maxSpotId;
            if ( smin < minSpotId )
                smin = minSpotId;

            /* hack to reduce looping in AddSpot: needs redesign to pass nreads along through tree */
            if ( true ) /* ??? */
                const SRAColumn* c = NULL;
                nreads_max = NREADS_MAX;
                rc = SRATableOpenColumnRead( fmt.table, &c, "PLATFORM", sra_platform_id_t );
                if ( rc == 0 )
                    const INSDC_SRA_platform_id *platform;
                    bitsz_t o, z;
                    rc = SRAColumnRead( c, 1, (const void **)&platform, &o, &z );
                    if ( rc == 0 && platform != NULL )
                        if ( *platform != SRA_PLATFORM_PACBIO_SMRT )
                            nreads_max = 32;
                    SRAColumnRelease( c );
                else if ( GetRCState( rc ) == rcNotFound && GetRCObject( rc ) == rcColumn )
                    rc = 0;

            /* table dependent */
            rc = fmt.get_factory( &fmt, &fact_head );
            if ( rc != 0 )
            if ( fact_head == NULL )
                rc = RC( rcExe, rcFormatter, rcResolving, rcInterface, rcNull );

            if ( rc == 0 && ( spot_group_on || spot_groups > 0 ) )
                const SRASplitterFactory* f = NULL;
                rc = SpotGroupSplitterFactory_Make( &f, fmt.table, spot_group_on, spot_group );
                if ( rc == 0 )
                    rc = SRASplitterFactory_AddNext( f, fact_head );
                    if ( rc == 0 )
                        fact_head = f;
                        SRASplitterFactory_Release( f );

            if ( rc == 0 && read_filter_on )
                const SRASplitterFactory* f = NULL;
                rc = ReadFilterSplitterFactory_Make( &f, fmt.table, read_filter );
                if ( rc == 0 )
                    rc = SRASplitterFactory_AddNext( f, fact_head );
                    if ( rc == 0 )
                        fact_head = f;
                        SRASplitterFactory_Release( f );

            if ( rc == 0 )
                /* this filter takes over head of chain to be first and kill off bad NREADS */
                const SRASplitterFactory* f = NULL;
                rc = MaxNReadsValidatorFactory_Make( &f, fmt.table );
                if ( rc == 0 )
                    rc = SRASplitterFactory_AddNext( f, fact_head );
                    if ( rc == 0 )
                        fact_head = f;
                        SRASplitterFactory_Release( f );

            rc = SRASplitterFactory_Init( fact_head );
            if ( rc == 0 )
                /* ********************************************************** */
                rc = SRADumper_DumpRun( fmt.table, smin, smax, fact_head );
                /* ********************************************************** */
                if ( rc == 0 )
                    uint64_t total = 0, file = 0;
                    SRASplitterFactory_FilerReport( &total, &file );
                    OUTMSG(( "Written %lu spots for %s\n", total - total_spots, table_path[ i ] ));
                    if ( to_stdout && total > 0 )
                        PLOGMSG( klogInfo, ( klogInfo, "$(t) biggest file has $(n) spots",
                                             PLOG_2( PLOG_S( t ), PLOG_U64( n ) ), table_path[ i ], file ));
                    total_spots = total;

        SRASplitterFactory_Release( fact_head );
        SRATableRelease( fmt.table );
        fmt.table = NULL;
        if ( rc == 0 )
            PLOGMSG( klogInfo, ( klogInfo, "$(path)$(dot)$(table) $(spots) spots",
                                 table_path[ i ], table_name ? ":" : "", table_name ? table_name : "", smax - smin + 1 ) );
        else if ( !reportToUser( rc, argv [0 ] ) )
            PLOGERR( klogErr, ( klogErr, rc, "failed $(path)$(dot)$(table)",
                                table_path[ i ], table_name ? ":" : "", table_name ? table_name : "" ) );

    if ( fmt.release )
        rc_t rr = fmt.release( &fmt );
        if ( rr != 0 )
            SRA_DUMP_DBG( 1, ( "formatter release error %R\n", rr ) );

    for ( i = 0; i < spot_groups; i++ )
        free( spot_group[ i ] );
    SRAMgrRelease( sraMGR );
    OUTMSG(( "Written %lu spots total\n", total_spots ));

    if (failed_to_open) {
        /* Report execution environment if necessary */
        rc_t rc2 = ReportFinalize( rc );
        if ( rc == 0 )
            rc = rc2;
    return rc;
Esempio n. 27
rc_t extract_statistic_from_row(statistic *self, 
                                row_input const *data)
    rc_t rc = 0;
    spotgrp *sg;
    char const *spotgrp_base;
    uint32_t spotgrp_len;
    unsigned i;
    uint8_t lb = 4;
    unsigned hpr = 0;
    unsigned gcc = 0;
    if (data == NULL) {
        return RC(rcXF, rcFunction, rcExecuting, rcParam, rcNull);
    if (self == NULL) {
        return RC(rcXF, rcFunction, rcExecuting, rcSelf, rcNull);
    rc = validate_row_data(self, data);
    if (rc)
        return rc;
    spotgrp_base = data->spotgroup;
    spotgrp_len = data->spotgroup_len;
    if (spotgrp_base == NULL || spotgrp_len == 0) {
        spotgrp_base = "";
        spotgrp_len = 0;

    sg = find_spotgroup( self, spotgrp_base, spotgrp_len );
    if ( sg == NULL )
        sg = make_spotgrp( spotgrp_base, spotgrp_len );
        if ( sg == NULL )
            return RC( rcXF, rcFunction, rcExecuting, rcMemory, rcExhausted );
            rc = BSTreeInsert ( &self->spotgroups, (BSTNode *)sg, spotgroup_sort );
            if (rc)
                return rc;
    for (i = 0; i < data->read_len && rc == 0; ++i) {
        unsigned const base = data->read[i];
        unsigned dimer;

        if (base > 3) {
            dimer = 16;
            hpr = 0;
        else {
            dimer = (lb > 3) ? 16 : ((lb << 2) | base);
            if (lb == base)
                hpr = 0;
        if (i > 0)
            rc = spotgroup_enter_values(sg, data->quality[i], dimer, gcc, hpr, data->base_pos_offset + i, CASE_MATCH);

        if (base == 1 || base == 2)
        if (i >= self->gc_window) {
            unsigned const out = data->read[i - self->gc_window];
            if (out == 1 || out == 2)
        lb = base;
    return rc;
Esempio n. 28
static rc_t qual_stats(const Params* prm, const VDatabase* db) {
    rc_t rc = 0;
    const char tblName[] = "SEQUENCE";
    const VTable* tbl = NULL;
    const KMetadata* meta = NULL;
    const KMDataNode* node = NULL;
    assert(prm && db);
    if (rc == 0) {
        rc = VDatabaseOpenTableRead(db, &tbl, tblName);
        DISP_RC2(rc, tblName, "while calling VDatabaseOpenTableRead");
    if (rc == 0) {
        rc = VTableOpenMetadataRead(tbl, &meta);
        DISP_RC2(rc, tblName, "while calling VTableOpenMetadataRead");
    if (rc == 0) {
        bool found = false;
        const char path[] = "STATS/QUALITY";
        rc = KMetadataOpenNodeRead(meta, &node, path);
        if (rc == 0)
        {   found = true; }
        else if (GetRCState(rc) == rcNotFound)
        {   rc = 0; }
        DISP_RC2(rc, path, "while calling KMetadataOpenNodeRead");
        if (found) {
            uint32_t i = 0;
            int nbr = 0;
            uint32_t count = 0;
            KNamelist* names = NULL;
            int* quals = NULL;
            if (rc == 0) {
                rc = KMDataNodeListChild(node, &names);
                DISP_RC2(rc, path, "while calling KMDataNodeListChild");
            if (rc == 0) {
                rc = KNamelistCount(names, &count);
                DISP_RC2(rc, path, "while calling KNamelistCount");
                if (rc == 0 && count > 0) {
                    quals = calloc(count, sizeof *quals);
                    if (quals == NULL) {
                        rc = RC(rcExe,
                            rcStorage, rcAllocating, rcMemory, rcExhausted);
            for (i = 0; i < count && rc == 0; ++i) {
             /* uint64_t u = 0;
                const KMDataNode* n = NULL; */
                const char* nodeName = NULL;
                const char* name = NULL;
                rc = KNamelistGet(names, i, &nodeName);
                DISP_RC2(rc, path, "while calling KNamelistGet");
                if (rc)
                {   break; }
                name = nodeName;
             /* rc = KMDataNodeOpenNodeRead(node, &n, name);
                DISP_RC(rc, name);
                if (rc == 0) {
                    rc = KMDataNodeReadAsU64(n, &u);
                    DISP_RC(rc, name);
                } */
                if (rc == 0) {
                    char* c = strchr(name, '_');
                    if (c != NULL && *(c + 1) != '\0') {
                        name = c + 1;
                        if (sscanf(name, "%d", &quals[i]) != 1) {
                            rc = RC(rcExe,
                                rcNode, rcParsing, rcName, rcUnexpected);
                                (klogInt, rc, "$(name)", "name=%s", nodeName));
                    /* OUTMSG(("QUALITY %s %lu\n", name, u)); */
             /* DESTRUCT(KMDataNode, n); */
            if (rc == 0 && count > 0)
            {   ksort(quals, count, sizeof *quals, sort_callback, NULL); }

            if (rc == 0) {
                if (prm->paramHeaders) {
                    OUTMSG(("Quality statistics - rows per value\n"));
                    OUTMSG(("Quality values:"));
                    for (i = 0; i <= 40; ++i) {
                        OUTMSG(("\t%d", i));
                OUTMSG(("%s", prm->dbPath));

            for (i = 0, nbr = 0; i < count && rc == 0; ++i, ++nbr) {
                uint64_t u = 0;
                char name[64];
                const KMDataNode* n = NULL;
                sprintf(name, "PHRED_%d", quals[i]);
                rc = KMDataNodeOpenNodeRead(node, &n, name);
                DISP_RC(rc, name);
                if (rc == 0) {
                    rc = KMDataNodeReadAsU64(n, &u);
                    DISP_RC(rc, name);
                    if (rc == 0) {
                        while (nbr < quals[i]) {
                        OUTMSG(("\t%lu", u));
                    /*  OUTMSG(("QUALITY %d %lu\n", quals[i], u)); */
                DESTRUCT(KMDataNode, n);
            while (rc == 0 && nbr <= 40) {
            if (rc == 0) {
            DESTRUCT(KNamelist, names);
    DESTRUCT(KMDataNode, node);
    DESTRUCT(KMetadata, meta);
    DESTRUCT(VTable, tbl);
    return rc;
Esempio n. 29
/* alter cursor
 *  'alter <cursor> add column [ ( <typedecl> ) ] NAME;'
 *  all data after the 'column' keyword are gathered into
 *  ( typedecl, name ) pairs. we are going to allow comma
 *  separation, but otherwise just gather everything up to
 *  the semi-colon.
rc_t kqsh_alter_cursor_add_column ( KSymTable *tbl, KTokenSource *src, KToken *t, KSymbol *cursor )
    rc_t rc;

        size_t i;
        uint32_t idx;
        char coldecl [ 256 ];

        for ( i = 0; i < sizeof coldecl - 1; )
            /* end of column */
            if ( t -> id == eSemiColon || t -> id == eComma )

            /* accumulate */
            i += string_copy ( & coldecl [ i ],
                sizeof coldecl - i, t -> str . addr, t -> str . size );

            next_token ( tbl, src, t );

        /* the name needs to fit in our buffer */
        if ( i == sizeof coldecl - 1 )
            rc = RC ( rcExe, rcCursor, rcUpdating, rcName, rcExcessive );
            if ( interactive )
                kqsh_printf ( "this is really hard to believe, but you managed to request\n"
                              "a column with a %u byte expression. please stop trying to abuse me.\n",
                              ( unsigned int ) i );
                LOGERR ( klogErr, rc, "failed to add column to cursor" );
            return rc;

        /* perform the task */
        rc = _VCursorAddColumn ( cursor -> u . obj, & idx, coldecl );
        if ( rc != 0 )
            PLOGERR ( klogErr,  (klogErr, rc, "cannot add column '$(expr)' to cursor '$(curs)'",
                      , coldecl
                                 , ( int ) cursor -> name . size, cursor -> name . addr));

        else if ( interactive )
            kqsh_printf ( "added column '%s' ( idx %u ) to cursor '%N' ( %p )\n"
                          , coldecl
                          , idx
                          , cursor
                          , cursor -> u . obj
    while ( t -> id == eComma );

    if ( t -> id != eSemiColon )
        return expected ( t, klogErr, ";" );

    return 0;
Esempio n. 30
rc_t TextFile_Write(TextFile *self, uint64_t pos, const void *buffer, size_t size, size_t *num_writ)
    return RC(rcExe, rcFile, rcWriting, rcInterface, rcUnsupported);