Esempio n. 1
File: unif.c Progetto: cran/actuar
double levunif(double limit, double min, double max, double order, int give_log)
#ifdef IEEE_754
    if (ISNAN(limit) || ISNAN(min) || ISNAN(max) || ISNAN(order))
	return limit + min + max + order;
    if (!R_FINITE(min) ||
        !R_FINITE(max) ||
        min >= max)
        return R_NaN;

    if (limit <= min)
        return R_pow(limit, order);

    if (limit >= max)
        return munif(order, min, max, give_log);

    if (order == -1.0)
        return (log(fabs(limit)) - log(fabs(min))) / (max - min) +
            (max - limit) / (limit * (max - min));

    double tmp = order + 1;

    return (R_pow(limit, tmp) - R_pow(min, tmp)) / ((max - min) * tmp) +
        R_pow(limit, order) * (max - limit) / (max - min);
Esempio n. 2
double levinvparalogis(double limit, double shape, double scale, double order,
                       int give_log)
    double u, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3;

    if (!R_FINITE(shape) ||
        !R_FINITE(scale) ||
        !R_FINITE(order) ||
        shape <= 0.0 ||
        scale <= 0.0)
        return R_NaN;

    if (order <= -shape * shape)
	return R_PosInf;

    tmp1 = order / shape;
    tmp2 = shape + tmp1;
    tmp3 = 1.0 - tmp1;

    u = exp(-log1pexp(shape * (log(scale) - log(limit))));

    return R_pow(scale, order) * gammafn(tmp2) * gammafn(tmp3)
        * pbeta(u, tmp2, tmp3, 1, 0) / gammafn(shape)
        + ACT_DLIM__0(limit, order) * (0.5 - R_pow(u, shape) + 0.5);
Esempio n. 3
File: sim.c Progetto: cran/evd
/* produces standard Frechet margins */
void rbvalog_shi(int *n, double *alpha, double *asy, double *sim)
  double v1_1,v2_2,v1_12,v2_12,u,z;
  int i;

  if(*alpha == 1)
    for(i=0;i<2*(*n);i++) sim[i] = 1/EXP;
  else {
      v1_1 = (1-asy[0]) / EXP;
      v2_2 = (1-asy[1]) / EXP;
      u = UNIF;
      if(UNIF < *alpha) z = EXP+EXP;
      else z = EXP;
      v1_12 = asy[0] / (z * R_pow(u,*alpha));
      v2_12 = asy[1] / (z * R_pow(1-u,*alpha));
      sim[2*i] = fmax2(v1_1,v1_12); 
      sim[2*i+1] = fmax2(v2_2,v2_12);
Esempio n. 4
  void Cfunc(double *xvec, int *xlen, int *M, double *beta0, double *alpha, double *res) {

    //    double qt(double p, double ndf, int lower_tail,int log_p);
    //    double runif(double a, double b);
    int d = 0, m, i, n = xlen[0];
    double *yvec;
    yvec = new double[n];
    double meanxy = 0.0, meanx = 0.0, meany = 0.0, meanx2 = 0.0, meany2 = 0.0;
    double thresh, num = 0.0, denom = 0.0, tobs, beta1hat, beta0hat, sighat, sighatbeta1hat;
    thresh = qt(1.0 - alpha[0] / 2.0, (double)(n - 2), 1, 0);
    //   Rprintf("Value of thresh: %g", thresh);
    //   Rprintf("\n");

    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
      meanx = meanx + xvec[i];
      meanx2 = meanx2 + R_pow(xvec[i], 2.0);
    meanx = meanx / (double)n;
    meanx2 = meanx2 / (double)n;

    for (m = 0; m < M[0]; m++) {
      meany = 0;
      meany2 = 0;
      meanxy = 0;
      for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { 
	yvec[i] = beta0[0] + runif(0.0, 1.0);
	meany = meany + yvec[i];
	meany2 = meany2 + R_pow(yvec[i], 2.0);
	meanxy = meanxy + xvec[i] * yvec[i]; 
      meany = meany / (double)n;
      meany2 = meany2 / (double)n;
      meanxy = meanxy / (double)n;
      num = meanxy - meanx * meany;
      denom = meanx2 - meanx * meanx;
      beta1hat = num / denom;
      beta0hat = meany - beta1hat * meanx;
      sighat = sqrt((double)n * (meany2 + beta0hat * beta0hat + beta1hat * beta1hat * meanx2 - 2.0 * beta0hat * meany
				 - 2.0 * beta1hat * meanxy + 2.0 * beta0hat * beta1hat * meanx) / (double)(n - 2));
      sighatbeta1hat = sighat / sqrt((double)n * denom);
      tobs = beta1hat / sighatbeta1hat;
      if (fabs(tobs) > thresh) d = d + 1;

    res[0] = (double)d / (double)M[0];
    delete[] yvec;
  }	// End of Cfunc
Esempio n. 5
/* The function to integrate in the limited moment */
static void fn(double *x, int n, void *ex)
    int i;
    double *pars = (double *) ex, shape, scale, order;

    shape = pars[0];
    scale = pars[1];
    order = pars[2];

    for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
	x[i] = R_pow(x[i], shape + order - 1) * R_pow(1 - x[i], -order);
Esempio n. 6
double rinvparalogis(double shape, double scale)
    double tmp;

    if (!R_FINITE(shape) ||
        !R_FINITE(scale) ||
        shape <= 0.0 ||
        scale <= 0.0)
        return R_NaN;;

    tmp = -1.0 / shape;

    return scale * R_pow(R_pow(unif_rand(), tmp) - 1.0, tmp);
Esempio n. 7
double dcppos(double y, double mu, double phi, double p) {
    double a, a1, logz, drop = 37, jmax, j, cc, wmax, estlogw;
    double wm = -1.0E16, sum_ww = 0, *ww, ld;
    int k, lo_j, hi_j;

    a = (2-p)/(1-p);
    a1 = 1 - a ;
    logz = -a*log(y)+a*log(p-1)-a1*log(phi)-log(2-p);
    jmax = R_pow(y,2-p)/(phi*(2-p));

    jmax = Rf_fmax2(1.0,jmax);
    j = jmax;
    cc = logz+a1+a*log(-a);
    wmax = a1*jmax;
    estlogw = wmax;

    while(estlogw > (wmax - drop)) {
        j += 2.0;
        estlogw = j*(cc-a1*log(j)) ;

    hi_j = ceil(j);
    j = jmax;
    estlogw = wmax;

    while((estlogw > (wmax - drop)) && (j >= 2)) {
        j = Rf_fmax2(1,j-2);
        estlogw = j*(cc-a1*log(j));

    lo_j = Rf_imax2(1,floor(j));
    ww = Calloc(hi_j-lo_j+1, double);

    for(k=lo_j; k<hi_j+1; k++) {
        ww[k-lo_j] = k*logz-lgamma(1+k)-lgamma(-a*k);
        wm = Rf_fmax2(wm,ww[k-lo_j]);

    for(k=lo_j; k<hi_j+1; k++)
        sum_ww += exp(ww[k-lo_j]-wm);

    ld = -y/(phi*(p-1)*R_pow(mu, p-1))-
         (R_pow(mu, 2-p)/(phi*(2-p)))-log(y)+

    return ld;
Esempio n. 8
File: sim.c Progetto: cran/evd
/* produces uniform margins */
void rbvamix(int *n, double *alpha, double *beta, double *sim)
  double delta,eps,llim,midpt,ulim,ilen,lval,midval,uval;
  int i,j;

    delta = eps = llim = R_pow(DOUBLE_EPS, 0.5);
    ulim = 1 - llim;
    ilen = 1;
    midpt = 0.5;
    lval = ccbvamix(llim, sim[2*i+1], sim[2*i+0], *alpha, *beta);
    uval = ccbvamix(ulim, sim[2*i+1], sim[2*i+0], *alpha, *beta);
    if(!(sign(lval) != sign(uval))) 
      error("values at end points are not of opposite sign");
    for(j=0;j<DOUBLE_DIGITS;j++) {
      ilen = ilen/2;
      midpt = llim + ilen;
      midval = ccbvamix(midpt, sim[2*i+1], sim[2*i+0], *alpha, *beta);
      if(fabs(midval) < eps || fabs(ilen) < delta) 
      if(sign(lval) != sign(midval)) {
        ulim = midpt;
        uval = midval;
      else {
        llim = midpt;
        lval = midval;
      if(j == DOUBLE_DIGITS-1) 
        error("numerical problem in root finding algorithm");
    sim[2*i+0] = midpt;
Esempio n. 9
double levgamma(double limit, double shape, double scale, double order,
                int give_log)
    if (!R_FINITE(shape) ||
        !R_FINITE(scale) ||
        !R_FINITE(order) ||
        shape <= 0.0 ||
        scale <= 0.0)
        return R_NaN;

    if (order <= -shape)
	return R_PosInf;

    if (limit <= 0.0)
        return 0.0;

    double u, tmp;

    tmp = order + shape;
    u = exp(log(limit) - log(scale));

    return R_pow(scale, order) * gammafn(tmp) *
        pgamma(u, tmp, 1.0, 1, 0) / gammafn(shape) +
        ACT_DLIM__0(limit, order) * pgamma(u, shape, 1.0, 0, 0);
Esempio n. 10
File: sim.c Progetto: cran/evd
/* produces standard Frechet margins */
void rbvlog_shi(int *n, double *alpha, double *sim)
  double u,z;
  int i;
    u = UNIF;
    if(UNIF < *alpha) z = EXP+EXP;
    else z = EXP;
    sim[2*i] = 1/(z * R_pow(u,*alpha));
    sim[2*i+1] = 1/(z * R_pow(1-u,*alpha));
Esempio n. 11
double powerExp(double *dist, int n, double nugget, double sill, double range,
		double smooth, double *rho){

  //This function computes the powered exponential covariance function
  //between each pair of locations.
  //When ans != 0.0, the powered exponential parameters are ill-defined.

  const double irange = 1 / range;

  //Some preliminary steps: Valid points?
  if ((smooth < 0) || (smooth > 2))
    return (1 - smooth) * (1 - smooth) * MINF;

  if (range <= 0)
    return (1 - range) * (1 - range) * MINF;

  if (sill <= 0)
    return (1 - sill) * (1 - sill) * MINF;

  if (nugget < 0)
    return (1 - nugget) * (1 - nugget) * MINF;

  #pragma omp parallel for
  for (int i=0;i<n;i++){
    if (dist[i] == 0)
      rho[i] = nugget + sill;

      rho[i] = sill * exp(-R_pow(dist[i] * irange, smooth));

  return 0.0;
  double minkowski(t_index i1, t_index i2) const {
    double dev, dist;
    int count, j;

    count= 0;
    dist = 0;
    double * p1 = x+i1*nc;
    double * p2 = x+i2*nc;
    for(j = 0 ; j < nc ; ++j) {
      if(both_non_NA(*p1, *p2)) {
        dev = (*p1 - *p2);
        if(!ISNAN(dev)) {
          dist += R_pow(fabs(dev), p);
    if(count == 0) return NA_REAL;
    if(count != nc) dist /= (static_cast<double>(count)/static_cast<double>(nc));
    //return R_pow(dist, 1.0/p);
    // raise to the (1/p)-th power later
    return dist;
Esempio n. 13
double bessel(double *dist, int n, int dim, double nugget, double sill,
	      double range, double smooth, double *rho){
  //This function computes the bessel covariance function
  //between each pair of locations.
  //When ans != 0.0, the powered exponential parameters are ill-defined.

  const double irange = 1 / range, cst = sill * R_pow(2, smooth) * gammafn(smooth + 1);

  //Some preliminary steps: Valid points?
  if (smooth < (0.5 * (dim - 2)))
    return (1 + 0.5 * (dim - 2) - smooth) * (1 + 0.5 * (dim - 2) - smooth) * MINF;

  /* else if (smooth > 100)
    //Require as bessel_j will be numerically undefined
    return (smooth - 99) * (smooth - 99) * MINF; */

  if (range <= 0)
    return (1 - range) * (1 - range) * MINF;

  if (sill <= 0)
    return (1 - sill) * (1 - sill) * MINF;

  if (nugget < 0)
    return (1 - nugget) * (1 - nugget) * MINF;

  #pragma omp parallel for
  for (int i=0;i<n;i++){
    double cst2 = dist[i] * irange;

    if (cst2 == 0)
      rho[i] = nugget + sill;

    else if (cst2 <= 1e5)
      rho[i] = cst * R_pow(cst2, -smooth) * bessel_j(cst2, smooth);

      // approximation of the besselJ function for large x
      rho[i] = cst * R_pow(cst2, -smooth) * M_SQRT_2dPI *
	cos(cst2 - smooth * M_PI_2 - M_PI_4);

    /*if (!R_FINITE(rho[i]))
      return MINF;*/

  return 0.0;
Esempio n. 14
void pplik(double *data, int *n, double *loc, double *scale,
	   double *shape, double *thresh, double *noy, double *dns)
  int i;
  double *dvec, preg;
  dvec = (double *)R_alloc(*n, sizeof(double));
  if(*scale <= 0) {
     *dns = -1e6;

  preg = (*thresh - *loc) / *scale;

  if (*shape == 0)
    preg = - *noy * exp(-preg);

  else {

    preg = 1 + *shape * preg;

    if ((preg <= 0) && (*shape > 0)){
      *dns = -1e6;

    else {
      preg = fmax2(preg, 0);
      preg = - *noy * R_pow(preg, -1 / *shape);

  for(i=0;i<*n;i++)  {
    data[i] = (data[i] - *loc) / *scale;
    if(*shape == 0)
      dvec[i] = log(1 / *scale) - data[i];
    else {
      data[i] = 1 + *shape * data[i];
      if(data[i] <= 0) {
	*dns = -1e6;
      dvec[i] = log(1 / *scale) - (1 / *shape + 1) * log(data[i]);
    *dns = *dns + dvec[i];

  *dns = *dns + preg; 

Esempio n. 15
double qinvparalogis(double p, double shape, double scale, int lower_tail,
                     int log_p)
    double tmp;

    if (!R_FINITE(shape) ||
        !R_FINITE(scale) ||
        shape <= 0.0 ||
        scale <= 0.0)
        return R_NaN;;

    ACT_Q_P01_boundaries(p, 0, R_PosInf);
    p = ACT_D_qIv(p);

    tmp = -1.0 / shape;

    return scale * R_pow(R_pow(ACT_D_Lval(p), tmp) - 1.0, tmp);
Esempio n. 16
File: unif.c Progetto: cran/actuar
double munif(double order, double min, double max, int give_log)
#ifdef IEEE_754
    if (ISNAN(order) || ISNAN(min) || ISNAN(max))
	return order + min + max;
    if (!R_FINITE(min) ||
        !R_FINITE(max) ||
        min >= max)
        return R_NaN;

    if (order == -1.0)
        return (log(fabs(max)) - log(fabs(min))) / (max - min);

    double tmp = order + 1;

    return (R_pow(max, tmp) - R_pow(min, tmp)) / ((max - min) * tmp);
Esempio n. 17
double rpareto1(double shape, double min)
    if (!R_FINITE(shape) ||
        !R_FINITE(min)   ||
        shape <= 0.0 ||
        min <= 0.0)
        return R_NaN;

    return min / R_pow(unif_rand(), 1.0 / shape);
Esempio n. 18
double rinvpareto(double shape, double scale)
    if (!R_FINITE(shape) ||
        !R_FINITE(scale) ||
        shape <= 0.0 ||
        scale <= 0.0)
        return R_NaN;;

    return scale / (R_pow(unif_rand(), -1.0 / shape) - 1.0);
Esempio n. 19
double levinvpareto(double limit, double shape, double scale, double order,
                    int give_log)
    double u;
    double ex[3], lower, upper, epsabs, epsrel, result, abserr, *work;
    int neval, ier, subdiv, lenw, last, *iwork;

    if (!R_FINITE(shape) ||
        !R_FINITE(scale) ||
        !R_FINITE(order) ||
        shape <= 0.0 ||
        scale <= 0.0)
        return R_NaN;

    if (order <= -shape)
	return R_PosInf;

    if (limit <= 0.0)
        return 0.0;

    /* Parameters for the integral are pretty much fixed here */
    ex[0] = shape; ex[1] = scale; ex[2] = order;
    lower = 0.0; upper = limit / (limit + scale);
    subdiv = 100;
    epsabs = R_pow(DOUBLE_EPS, 0.25);
    epsrel = epsabs;
    lenw = 4 * subdiv;		     /* as instructed in WRE */
    iwork =   (int *) R_alloc(subdiv, sizeof(int));  /* idem */
    work = (double *) R_alloc(lenw, sizeof(double)); /* idem */

    Rdqags(fn, (void *) &ex,
	   &lower, &upper, &epsabs, &epsrel, &result,
	   &abserr, &neval, &ier, &subdiv, &lenw, &last, iwork, work);

    if (ier == 0)
	u = exp(-log1pexp(log(scale) - log(limit)));
	return R_pow(scale, order) * shape * result
	    + ACT_DLIM__0(limit, order) * (0.5 - R_pow(u, shape) + 0.5);
	error(_("integration failed"));
Esempio n. 20
double whittleMatern(double *dist, int n, double nugget, double sill, double range,
		     double smooth, double *rho){

  //This function computes the whittle-matern covariance function
  //between each pair of locations.
  //When ans != 0.0, the whittle-matern parameters are ill-defined.

  const double cst = sill * R_pow(2, 1 - smooth) / gammafn(smooth),
    irange = 1 / range;

  //Some preliminary steps: Valid points?
  if (smooth < EPS)
    return (1 - smooth + EPS) * (1 - smooth + EPS) * MINF;

  else if (smooth > 100)
    /* Not really required but larger smooth parameters are unlikely
       to occur */
    return (smooth - 99) * (smooth - 99) * MINF;

  if (range <= 0)
    return (1 - range) * (1 - range) * MINF;

  if (sill <= 0)
    return (1 - sill) * (1 - sill) * MINF;

  if (nugget < 0)
    return (1 - nugget) * (1 - nugget) * MINF;

  #pragma omp parallel for
  for (int i=0;i<n;i++){
    double cst2 = dist[i] * irange;

    if (cst2 == 0)
      rho[i] = sill + nugget;

      rho[i] = cst * R_pow(cst2, smooth) * bessel_k(cst2, smooth, 1);

  return 0.0;
Esempio n. 21
double minvexp(double order, double scale, int give_log)
    if (!R_FINITE(scale) ||
        !R_FINITE(order) ||
        scale <= 0.0)
        return R_NaN;

    if (order >= 1.0)
	return R_PosInf;

    return R_pow(scale, order) * gammafn(1.0 - order);
Esempio n. 22
double caugen(double *dist, int n, double nugget, double sill, double range,
	      double smooth, double smooth2, double *rho){

  /*This function computes the generalized cauchy covariance function
    between each pair of locations.  When ans != 0.0, the parameters
    are ill-defined. */

  const double irange = 1 / range, ratioSmooth = -smooth / smooth2;

  //Some preliminary steps: Valid points?
  if (smooth < 0)
    return (1 - smooth) * (1 - smooth) * MINF;

  /*else if (smooth1 > 500)
    return (smooth1 - 499) * (smooth1 - 499) * MINF; */

  if ((smooth2 > 2) || (smooth2 <= 0))
    return (1 - smooth2) * (1 - smooth2) * MINF;

  if (range <= 0)
    return (1 - range) * (1 - range)* MINF;

  if (sill <= 0)
    return (1 - sill) * (1 - sill) * MINF;

  if (nugget < 0)
    return (1 - nugget) * (1 - nugget) * MINF;

  #pragma omp parallel for
  for (int i=0;i<n;i++){
    if (dist[i] == 0)
      rho[i] = nugget + sill;

      rho[i] = sill * R_pow(1 + R_pow(dist[i] * irange, smooth2),

  return 0.0;
Esempio n. 23
double levpareto1(double limit, double shape, double min, double order,
                  int give_log)
#ifdef IEEE_754
    if (ISNAN(limit) || ISNAN(shape) || ISNAN(min) || ISNAN(order))
	return limit + shape + min + order;
    if (!R_FINITE(shape) ||
        !R_FINITE(min)   ||
        !R_FINITE(order) ||
        shape <= 0.0 ||
        min <= 0.0)
        return R_NaN;

    if (limit <= min)
        return 0.0;

    double tmp = shape - order;

    return shape * R_pow(min, order) / tmp
        - order * R_pow(min, shape) / (tmp * R_pow(limit, tmp));
Esempio n. 24
Real geoRmatern(Real uphi, Real kappa)
  Real ans,cte;
  if (uphi==0) return 1;
    if (kappa==0.5) 
      ans = exp(-uphi);
    else {
      cte = R_pow(2, (-(kappa-1)))/gammafn(kappa); 
      ans = cte * R_pow(uphi, kappa) * bessel_k(uphi, kappa, 1); 
  /* Rprintf("   ans=%d ", ans); */
  return ans; 
Esempio n. 25
static double R_minkowski(double *x, int nr, int nc, int i1, int i2, double p)
    double dev, dist;
    int count, j;

    count= 0;
    dist = 0;
    for(j = 0 ; j < nc ; j++) {
        if(both_non_NA(x[i1], x[i2])) {
            dev = (x[i1] - x[i2]);
            if(!ISNAN(dev)) {
                dist += R_pow(fabs(dev), p);
        i1 += nr;
        i2 += nr;
    if(count == 0) return NA_REAL;
    if(count != nc) dist /= ((double)count/nc);
    return R_pow(dist, 1.0/p);
Esempio n. 26
static double minkowski(double *x, double *y, int nx, int ny, int nc)
    double dev, dist;
    int count, j;

    count = 0;
    dist  = 0;
    for (j = 0; j < nc; j++) {
        if (both_non_NA(*x, *y)) {
            dev = (*x - *y);
            if (!ISNAN(dev)) {
                dist += R_pow(fabs(dev), dfp);
        x += nx;
        y += ny;
    if (count == 0) return NA_REAL;
    if (count != nc) dist /= ((double)count/nc);
    return R_pow(dist, 1.0/dfp);
double R_pow_di(double x, int n)
    double pow = 1.0;

    if (ISNAN(x)) return x;
    if (n != 0) {
	if (!R_FINITE(x)) return R_pow(x, (double)n);
	if (n < 0) { n = -n; x = 1/x; }
	for(;;) {
	    if(n & 01) pow *= x;
	    if(n >>= 1) x *= x; else break;
Esempio n. 28
double gev2unifTrend(double *data, int nObs, int nSite, double *locs,
		     double *scales, double *shapes, double *trendlocs,
		     double *trendscales, double *trendshapes, double *unif,
		     double *logdens){

  /* This function transforms the GEV observations to U(0,1) ones with
     a temporal trend.

     When ans > 0.0, the GEV parameters are invalid. */

  for (int i=0;i<nSite;i++){
    for (int j=0;j<nObs;j++){
      double loc = locs[i] + trendlocs[j], scale = scales[i] + trendscales[j],
	shape = shapes[i] + trendshapes[j], iscale = 1 / scale,
	logIscale = log(iscale), ishape = 1 / shape;

      if (shape == 0.0){
	unif[i * nObs + j] = (data[i * nObs + j] - loc) * iscale;
	logdens[i * nObs + j] = logIscale - unif[i * nObs + j] -
	  exp(-unif[i * nObs + j]);
	unif[i * nObs + j] = exp(-exp(-unif[i * nObs + j]));

      else {
	unif[i * nObs + j] = 1 + shape * (data[i * nObs + j] - loc) * iscale;

	if (unif[i * nObs + j] <= 0)
	  return MINF;

	logdens[i * nObs + j] = logIscale - (1 + ishape) * log(unif[i * nObs + j]) -
	  R_pow(unif[i * nObs + j], -ishape);
	unif[i * nObs + j] = exp(-R_pow(unif[i * nObs + j], -ishape));

  return 0.0;
Esempio n. 29
double brownResnick(double *dist, int n, double range, double smooth,
		    double *rho){

  const double halfSmooth = 0.5 * smooth, irange = 1 / range;

  if ((smooth <= 0) || (smooth > 2))
    return (smooth - 1) * (smooth - 1) * MINF;

  #pragma omp parallel for
  for (int i=0;i<n;i++)
    rho[i] = M_SQRT2 * R_pow(dist[i] * irange, halfSmooth);

  return 0;
Esempio n. 30
double mgamma(double order, double shape, double scale, int give_log)
    if (!R_FINITE(shape) ||
        !R_FINITE(scale) ||
        !R_FINITE(order) ||
        shape <= 0.0 ||
        scale <= 0.0)
        return R_NaN;

    if (order <= -shape)
	return R_PosInf;

    return R_pow(scale, order) * gammafn(order + shape) / gammafn(shape);