Esempio n. 1
static void TexCoordsFromArray(RageSpriteVertex *v, const float *f)
	v[0].t = RageVector2( f[0], f[1] );	// top left
	v[1].t = RageVector2( f[2],	f[3] );	// bottom left
	v[2].t = RageVector2( f[4],	f[5] );	// bottom right
	v[3].t = RageVector2( f[6],	f[7] );	// top right
Esempio n. 2
void Sprite::ScaleToClipped( float fWidth, float fHeight )
	m_fRememberedClipWidth = fWidth;
	m_fRememberedClipHeight = fHeight;

	if( !m_pTexture )

	float fScaleFudgePercent = 0.15f;	// scale up to this amount in one dimension to avoid clipping.

	// save the original X and Y.  We're going to restore them later.
	float fOriginalX = GetX();
	float fOriginalY = GetY();

	if( fWidth != -1 && fHeight != -1 )
		// this is probably a background graphic or something not intended to be a CroppedSprite

		// first find the correct zoom
		Sprite::ScaleToCover( RectF(0, 0, fWidth, fHeight) );
		// find which dimension is larger
		bool bXDimNeedsToBeCropped = GetZoomedWidth() > fWidth+0.01;
		if( bXDimNeedsToBeCropped ) // crop X
			float fPercentageToCutOff = (this->GetZoomedWidth() - fWidth) / this->GetZoomedWidth();
			fPercentageToCutOff = max( fPercentageToCutOff-fScaleFudgePercent, 0 );
			float fPercentageToCutOffEachSide = fPercentageToCutOff / 2;

			// generate a rectangle with new texture coordinates
			RectF fCustomImageRect( 
				1 - fPercentageToCutOffEachSide, 
				1 );
			SetCustomImageRect( fCustomImageRect );
		else // crop Y
			float fPercentageToCutOff = (this->GetZoomedHeight() - fHeight) / this->GetZoomedHeight();
			fPercentageToCutOff = max( fPercentageToCutOff-fScaleFudgePercent, 0 );
			float fPercentageToCutOffEachSide = fPercentageToCutOff / 2;

			// generate a rectangle with new texture coordinates
			RectF fCustomImageRect( 
				1 - fPercentageToCutOffEachSide );
			SetCustomImageRect( fCustomImageRect );
		m_size = RageVector2( fWidth, fHeight );
		SetZoom( 1 );

	// restore original XY
	SetXY( fOriginalX, fOriginalY );
Esempio n. 3
void BitmapText::BuildChars()
	/* If we don't have a font yet, we'll do this when it loads. */
	if( m_pFont == NULL )

	/* calculate line lengths and widths */
	m_size.x = 0;

	for( unsigned l=0; l<m_wTextLines.size(); l++ )	// for each line
		m_iLineWidths.push_back(m_pFont->GetLineWidthInSourcePixels( m_wTextLines[l] ));
		m_size.x = max( m_size.x, m_iLineWidths.back() );

	if( m_wTextLines.empty() )

	m_size.y = float(m_pFont->GetHeight() * m_wTextLines.size());
	int MinSpacing = 0;

	/* The height (from the origin to the baseline): */
	int Padding = max(m_pFont->GetLineSpacing(), MinSpacing) - m_pFont->GetHeight();

	/* There's padding between every line: */
	m_size.y += Padding * (m_wTextLines.size()-1);

	int iY;	//	 the top position of the first row of characters
	switch( m_VertAlign )
	case align_top:		iY = 0;					break;
	case align_middle:	iY = -(int)roundf(m_size.y/2.0f);	break;
	case align_bottom:	iY = -(int)m_size.y;	break;
	default:			ASSERT( false );		return;

	for( unsigned i=0; i<m_wTextLines.size(); i++ )		// foreach line
		iY += m_pFont->GetHeight();

		const wstring &szLine = m_wTextLines[i];
		const int iLineWidth = m_iLineWidths[i];
		int iX;
		switch( m_HorizAlign )
		case align_left:	iX = 0;				break;
		case align_center:	iX = -(int)roundf(iLineWidth/2.0f);	break;
		case align_right:	iX = -iLineWidth;	break;
		default:			ASSERT( false );	return;

		for( unsigned j=0; j<szLine.size(); j++ )	// for each character in the line
			RageSpriteVertex v[4];
			const glyph &g = m_pFont->GetGlyph(szLine[j]);

			/* set vertex positions */
			v[0].p = RageVector3( iX+g.m_fHshift,				iY+g.m_pPage->m_fVshift,		  0 );	// top left
			v[1].p = RageVector3( iX+g.m_fHshift,				iY+g.m_pPage->m_fVshift+g.m_fHeight, 0 );	// bottom left
			v[2].p = RageVector3( iX+g.m_fHshift+g.m_fWidth,	iY+g.m_pPage->m_fVshift+g.m_fHeight, 0 );	// bottom right
			v[3].p = RageVector3( iX+g.m_fHshift+g.m_fWidth,	iY+g.m_pPage->m_fVshift,		  0 );	// top right

			/* Advance the cursor. */
			iX += g.m_iHadvance;

			/* set texture coordinates */
			v[0].t = RageVector2( g.m_TexRect.left, );
			v[1].t = RageVector2( g.m_TexRect.left,	g.m_TexRect.bottom );
			v[2].t = RageVector2( g.m_TexRect.right,	g.m_TexRect.bottom );
			v[3].t = RageVector2( g.m_TexRect.right, );

			m_aVertices.insert( m_aVertices.end(), &v[0], &v[4] );
			m_pTextures.push_back( g.GetTexture() );

		/* The amount of padding a line needs: */
		iY += Padding;
Esempio n. 4
void Sprite::DrawTexture( const TweenState *state )
	Actor::SetGlobalRenderStates(); // set Actor-specified render states

	RectF crop = state->crop;
	// bail if cropped all the way 
	if( crop.left + crop.right >= 1  || + crop.bottom >= 1 ) 

	// use m_temp_* variables to draw the object
	RectF quadVerticies;
	quadVerticies.left   = -m_size.x/2.0f;
	quadVerticies.right  = +m_size.x/2.0f;    = -m_size.y/2.0f;
	quadVerticies.bottom = +m_size.y/2.0f;

	/* Don't draw anything outside of the texture's image area.  Texels outside 
	 * of the image area aren't guaranteed to be initialized. */
	/* HACK: Clamp the crop values. It would be more accurate to clip the 
	 * vertices so that the diffuse value is adjusted. */
	CLAMP( crop.left, 0, 1 );
	CLAMP( crop.right, 0, 1 );
	CLAMP(, 0, 1 );
	CLAMP( crop.bottom, 0, 1 );

	RectF croppedQuadVerticies = quadVerticies; 
#define IF_CROP_POS(side,opp_side) \
	if(state->crop.side!=0) \
		croppedQuadVerticies.side = \
			SCALE( crop.side, 0.f, 1.f, quadVerticies.side, quadVerticies.opp_side )
	IF_CROP_POS( left, right ); 
	IF_CROP_POS( top, bottom ); 
	IF_CROP_POS( right, left ); 
	IF_CROP_POS( bottom, top ); 

	static RageSpriteVertex v[4];
	v[0].p = RageVector3( croppedQuadVerticies.left,,	0 );	// top left
	v[1].p = RageVector3( croppedQuadVerticies.left,	croppedQuadVerticies.bottom,	0 );	// bottom left
	v[2].p = RageVector3( croppedQuadVerticies.right,	croppedQuadVerticies.bottom,	0 );	// bottom right
	v[3].p = RageVector3( croppedQuadVerticies.right,,	0 );	// top right
	if( m_bUsingCustomPosCoords )
		for( int i=0; i < 4; ++i)
			v[i].p.x+= m_CustomPosCoords[i*2];
			v[i].p.y+= m_CustomPosCoords[(i*2)+1];

	DISPLAY->SetTexture( TextureUnit_1, m_pTexture? m_pTexture->GetTexHandle():0 );

	// Must call this after setting the texture or else texture 
	// parameters have no effect.
	Actor::SetTextureRenderStates(); // set Actor-specified render states
	DISPLAY->SetEffectMode( m_EffectMode );

	if( m_pTexture )
		float f[8];
		GetActiveTextureCoords( f );

		if( state->crop.left || state->crop.right || state-> || state->crop.bottom )
			RageVector2 texCoords[4] = {
				RageVector2( f[0], f[1] ),	// top left
				RageVector2( f[2], f[3] ),	// bottom left
				RageVector2( f[4], f[5] ),	// bottom right
				RageVector2( f[6], f[7] ) 	// top right

			for( int i = 0; i < 4; ++i )
				RageSpriteVertex *pVert = &v[i];

				float fTopX = SCALE( pVert->p.x, quadVerticies.left, quadVerticies.right, texCoords[0].x, texCoords[3].x );
				float fBottomX = SCALE( pVert->p.x, quadVerticies.left, quadVerticies.right, texCoords[1].x, texCoords[2].x );
				pVert->t.x = SCALE( pVert->p.y,, quadVerticies.bottom, fTopX, fBottomX );

				float fLeftY = SCALE( pVert->p.y,, quadVerticies.bottom, texCoords[0].y, texCoords[1].y );
				float fRightY = SCALE( pVert->p.y,, quadVerticies.bottom, texCoords[3].y, texCoords[2].y );
				pVert->t.y = SCALE( pVert->p.x, quadVerticies.left, quadVerticies.right, fLeftY, fRightY );
			v[0].t = RageVector2( f[0], f[1] );	// top left
			v[1].t = RageVector2( f[2], f[3] );	// bottom left
			v[2].t = RageVector2( f[4], f[5] );	// bottom right
			v[3].t = RageVector2( f[6], f[7] );	// top right
		// Just make sure we don't throw NaN/INF at the renderer:
		for( unsigned i = 0; i < 4; ++i )
			v[i].t.x = v[i].t.y = 0;

	// Draw if we're not fully transparent
	if( state->diffuse[0].a > 0 || 
		state->diffuse[1].a > 0 ||
		state->diffuse[2].a > 0 ||
		state->diffuse[3].a > 0 )
		DISPLAY->SetTextureMode( TextureUnit_1, TextureMode_Modulate );

		// render the shadow
		if( m_fShadowLengthX != 0  ||  m_fShadowLengthY != 0 )
			DISPLAY->TranslateWorld( m_fShadowLengthX, m_fShadowLengthY, 0 );	// shift by 5 units
			RageColor c = m_ShadowColor;
			c.a *= state->diffuse[0].a;
			v[0].c = v[1].c = v[2].c = v[3].c = c;	// semi-transparent black
			DISPLAY->DrawQuad( v );

		// render the diffuse pass
		v[0].c = state->diffuse[0]; // top left
		v[1].c = state->diffuse[2]; // bottom left
		v[2].c = state->diffuse[3]; // bottom right
		v[3].c = state->diffuse[1]; // top right
		DISPLAY->DrawQuad( v );

	// render the glow pass
	if( state->glow.a > 0.0001f )
		DISPLAY->SetTextureMode( TextureUnit_1, TextureMode_Glow );
		v[0].c = v[1].c = v[2].c = v[3].c = state->glow;
		DISPLAY->DrawQuad( v );
	DISPLAY->SetEffectMode( EffectMode_Normal );
Esempio n. 5
void Sprite::ScaleToClipped( float fWidth, float fHeight )
	m_fRememberedClipWidth = fWidth;
	m_fRememberedClipHeight = fHeight;

	if( !m_pTexture )

	int iSourceWidth	= m_pTexture->GetSourceWidth();
	int iSourceHeight	= m_pTexture->GetSourceHeight();

	// save the original X&Y.  We're going to resore them later.
	float fOriginalX = GetX();
	float fOriginalY = GetY();

	if( IsDiagonalBanner(iSourceWidth, iSourceHeight) )		// this is a SSR/DWI CroppedSprite
		float fCustomImageCoords[8] = {
			0.02f,	0.78f,	// top left
			0.22f,	0.98f,	// bottom left
			0.98f,	0.22f,	// bottom right
			0.78f,	0.02f,	// top right
		Sprite::SetCustomImageCoords( fCustomImageCoords );

		if( fWidth != -1 && fHeight != -1)
			m_size = RageVector2( fWidth, fHeight );
			/* If no crop size is set, then we're only being used to crop diagonal
			 * banners so they look like regular ones. We don't actually care about
			 * the size of the image, only that it has an aspect ratio of 4:1.  */
			m_size = RageVector2(256, 64);
		SetZoom( 1 );
	else if( m_pTexture->GetID().filename.find( "(was rotated)" ) != m_pTexture->GetID().filename.npos && 
			 fWidth != -1 && fHeight != -1 )
		/* Dumb hack.  Normally, we crop all sprites except for diagonal banners,
		 * which are stretched.  Low-res versions of banners need to do the same
		 * thing as their full resolution counterpart, so the crossfade looks right.
		 * However, low-res diagonal banners are un-rotated, to save space.  BannerCache
		 * drops the above text into the "filename" (which is otherwise unused for
		 * these banners) to tell us this.
		m_size = RageVector2( fWidth, fHeight );
		SetZoom( 1 );
	else if( fWidth != -1 && fHeight != -1 )
		// this is probably a background graphic or something not intended to be a CroppedSprite

		// first find the correct zoom
		Sprite::ScaleToCover( RectF(0,0,fWidth,fHeight) );
		// find which dimension is larger
		bool bXDimNeedsToBeCropped = GetZoomedWidth() > fWidth+0.01;
		if( bXDimNeedsToBeCropped )	// crop X
			float fPercentageToCutOff = (this->GetZoomedWidth() - fWidth) / this->GetZoomedWidth();
			float fPercentageToCutOffEachSide = fPercentageToCutOff / 2;
			// generate a rectangle with new texture coordinates
			RectF fCustomImageRect( 
				1 - fPercentageToCutOffEachSide, 
				1 );
			SetCustomImageRect( fCustomImageRect );
		else		// crop Y
			float fPercentageToCutOff = (this->GetZoomedHeight() - fHeight) / this->GetZoomedHeight();
			float fPercentageToCutOffEachSide = fPercentageToCutOff / 2;
			// generate a rectangle with new texture coordinates
			RectF fCustomImageRect( 
				1 - fPercentageToCutOffEachSide );
			SetCustomImageRect( fCustomImageRect );
		m_size = RageVector2( fWidth, fHeight );
		SetZoom( 1 );

	// restore original XY
	SetXY( fOriginalX, fOriginalY );
Esempio n. 6
void Sprite::DrawTexture( const TweenState *state )
	Actor::SetGlobalRenderStates();	// set Actor-specified render states

	// bail if cropped all the way 
    if( state->crop.left + state->crop.right >= 1  || 
		state-> + state->crop.bottom >= 1 ) 

	// use m_temp_* variables to draw the object
	RectF quadVerticies;

	switch( m_HorizAlign )
	case align_left:	quadVerticies.left = 0;				quadVerticies.right = m_size.x;		break;
	case align_center:	quadVerticies.left = -m_size.x/2;	quadVerticies.right = m_size.x/2;	break;
	case align_right:	quadVerticies.left = -m_size.x;		quadVerticies.right = 0;			break;
	default:		ASSERT( false );

	switch( m_VertAlign )
	case align_top: = 0;				quadVerticies.bottom = m_size.y;	break;
	case align_middle: = -m_size.y/2;	quadVerticies.bottom = m_size.y/2;	break;
	case align_bottom: = -m_size.y;		quadVerticies.bottom = 0;			break;
	default:		ASSERT(0);

	/* Don't draw anything outside of the texture's image area.  Texels outside 
	 * of the image area aren't guaranteed to be initialized. */
	/* HACK: Clamp the crop values. It would be more accurate to clip the 
	 * vertices to that the diffuse value is adjusted. */
	RectF crop = state->crop;
	CLAMP( crop.left, 0, 1 );
	CLAMP( crop.right, 0, 1 );
	CLAMP(, 0, 1 );
	CLAMP( crop.bottom, 0, 1 );

	RectF croppedQuadVerticies = quadVerticies; 
#define IF_CROP_POS(side,opp_side) \
	if(state->crop.side!=0) \
		croppedQuadVerticies.side = \
			SCALE( crop.side, 0.f, 1.f, quadVerticies.side, quadVerticies.opp_side ); 
	IF_CROP_POS( left, right ); 
	IF_CROP_POS( top, bottom ); 
	IF_CROP_POS( right, left ); 
	IF_CROP_POS( bottom, top ); 

	static RageSpriteVertex v[4];
	v[0].p = RageVector3( croppedQuadVerticies.left,,		0 );	// top left
	v[1].p = RageVector3( croppedQuadVerticies.left,	croppedQuadVerticies.bottom,	0 );	// bottom left
	v[2].p = RageVector3( croppedQuadVerticies.right,	croppedQuadVerticies.bottom,	0 );	// bottom right
	v[3].p = RageVector3( croppedQuadVerticies.right,,		0 );	// top right

	DISPLAY->SetTexture( 0, m_pTexture );

	// Must call this after setting the texture or else texture 
	// parameters have no effect.
	Actor::SetTextureRenderStates();	// set Actor-specified render states

	if( m_pTexture )
		float f[8];
		TexCoordsFromArray(v, f);

		RageVector2 texCoords[4] = {
			RageVector2( f[0], f[1] ),	// top left
			RageVector2( f[2],	f[3] ),	// bottom left
			RageVector2( f[4],	f[5] ),	// bottom right
			RageVector2( f[6],	f[7] ) 	// top right

		if( crop.left!=0 )
			v[0].t.x = SCALE( crop.left, 0.f, 1.f, texCoords[0].x, texCoords[3].x );
			v[1].t.x = SCALE( crop.left, 0.f, 1.f, texCoords[1].x, texCoords[2].x );
		if( crop.right!=0 )
			v[2].t.x = SCALE( crop.right, 0.f, 1.f, texCoords[2].x, texCoords[1].x );
			v[3].t.x = SCALE( crop.right, 0.f, 1.f, texCoords[3].x, texCoords[0].x );
		if(!=0 )
			v[0].t.y = SCALE(, 0.f, 1.f, texCoords[0].y, texCoords[1].y );
			v[3].t.y = SCALE(, 0.f, 1.f, texCoords[3].y, texCoords[2].y );
		if( crop.bottom!=0 )
			v[1].t.y = SCALE( crop.bottom, 0.f, 1.f, texCoords[1].y, texCoords[0].y );
			v[2].t.y = SCALE( crop.bottom, 0.f, 1.f, texCoords[2].y, texCoords[3].y );
		// Just make sure we don't throw NaN/INF at the renderer:
		for( unsigned i = 0; i < 4; ++i )
			v[i].t.x = v[i].t.y = 0;

	/* Draw if we're not fully transparent */
	if( state->diffuse[0].a > 0 || 
		state->diffuse[1].a > 0 ||
		state->diffuse[2].a > 0 ||
		state->diffuse[3].a > 0 )

		// render the shadow
		if( m_fShadowLength != 0 )
			DISPLAY->TranslateWorld( m_fShadowLength, m_fShadowLength, 0 );	// shift by 5 units
			v[0].c = v[1].c = v[2].c = v[3].c = RageColor(0,0,0,0.5f*state->diffuse[0].a);	// semi-transparent black
			DISPLAY->DrawQuad( v );

		// render the diffuse pass
		v[0].c = state->diffuse[0];	// top left
		v[1].c = state->diffuse[2];	// bottom left
		v[2].c = state->diffuse[3];	// bottom right
		v[3].c = state->diffuse[1];	// top right
		DISPLAY->DrawQuad( v );

	// render the glow pass
	if( state->glow.a > 0.0001f )
		v[0].c = v[1].c = v[2].c = v[3].c = state->glow;
		DISPLAY->DrawQuad( v );
Esempio n. 7
void BitmapText::BuildChars()
	// If we don't have a font yet, we'll do this when it loads.
	if( m_pFont == NULL )

	// calculate line lengths and widths
	m_size.x = 0;

	for( unsigned l=0; l<m_wTextLines.size(); l++ ) // for each line
		m_iLineWidths.push_back(m_pFont->GetLineWidthInSourcePixels( m_wTextLines[l] ));
		m_size.x = max( m_size.x, m_iLineWidths.back() );

	/* Ensure that the width is always even. This maintains pixel alignment;
	 * fX below will always be an integer. */
	m_size.x = QuantizeUp( m_size.x, 2.0f );


	if( m_wTextLines.empty() )

	m_size.y = float(m_pFont->GetHeight() * m_wTextLines.size());

	// The height (from the origin to the baseline):
	int iPadding = m_pFont->GetLineSpacing() - m_pFont->GetHeight();
	iPadding += m_iVertSpacing;

	// There's padding between every line:
	m_size.y += iPadding * int(m_wTextLines.size()-1);

	// the top position of the first row of characters
	int iY = lrintf(-m_size.y/2.0f);

	for( unsigned i=0; i<m_wTextLines.size(); i++ ) // foreach line
		iY += m_pFont->GetHeight();

		wstring sLine = m_wTextLines[i];
		if( m_pFont->IsRightToLeft() )
			reverse( sLine.begin(), sLine.end() );
		const int iLineWidth = m_iLineWidths[i];

		float fX = SCALE( m_fHorizAlign, 0.0f, 1.0f, -m_size.x/2.0f, +m_size.x/2.0f - iLineWidth );
		int iX = lrintf( fX );

		for( unsigned j = 0; j < sLine.size(); ++j )
			RageSpriteVertex v[4];
			const glyph &g = m_pFont->GetGlyph( sLine[j] );

			if( m_pFont->IsRightToLeft() )
				iX -= g.m_iHadvance;

			// set vertex positions
			v[0].p = RageVector3( iX+g.m_fHshift,			iY+g.m_pPage->m_fVshift,		0 );	// top left
			v[1].p = RageVector3( iX+g.m_fHshift,			iY+g.m_pPage->m_fVshift+g.m_fHeight,	0 );	// bottom left
			v[2].p = RageVector3( iX+g.m_fHshift+g.m_fWidth,	iY+g.m_pPage->m_fVshift+g.m_fHeight,	0 );	// bottom right
			v[3].p = RageVector3( iX+g.m_fHshift+g.m_fWidth,	iY+g.m_pPage->m_fVshift,		0 );	// top right

			// Advance the cursor.
			iX += g.m_iHadvance;

			// set texture coordinates
			v[0].t = RageVector2( g.m_TexRect.left, );
			v[1].t = RageVector2( g.m_TexRect.left,	g.m_TexRect.bottom );
			v[2].t = RageVector2( g.m_TexRect.right,	g.m_TexRect.bottom );
			v[3].t = RageVector2( g.m_TexRect.right, );

			m_aVertices.insert( m_aVertices.end(), &v[0], &v[4] );
			m_vpFontPageTextures.push_back( g.GetFontPageTextures() );

		// The amount of padding a line needs:
		iY += iPadding;

	if( m_bUsingDistortion )
		int iSeed = lrintf( RageTimer::GetTimeSinceStartFast()*500000.0f );
		RandomGen rnd( iSeed );
		for(unsigned int i= 0; i < m_aVertices.size(); i+=4)
			float w= m_aVertices[i+2].p.x - m_aVertices[i].p.x;
			float h= m_aVertices[i+2].p.y - m_aVertices[i].p.y;
			for(unsigned int ioff= 0; ioff < 4; ++ioff)
				m_aVertices[i+ioff].p.x += ((rnd()%9) / 8.0f - .5f) * m_fDistortion * w;
				m_aVertices[i+ioff].p.y += ((rnd()%9) / 8.0f - .5f) * m_fDistortion * h;
Esempio n. 8
	m_size = RageVector2( 1, 1 );
	m_bFirstUpdate = true;
Esempio n. 9
void NoteDisplay::DrawHoldBottomCap( const TapNote& tn, int iCol, int iRow, bool bIsBeingHeld, float fYHead, float fYTail, int	fYStep, float fPercentFadeToFail, float fColorScale, bool bGlow, float fYStartOffset, float fYEndOffset )
	// Draw the bottom cap (always wavy)
	StripBuffer queue;

	Sprite* pBottomCap = GetHoldBottomCapSprite( NoteRowToBeat(iRow), tn.subType == TapNote::hold_head_roll, bIsBeingHeld );

	pBottomCap->SetZoom( ArrowEffects::GetZoom( m_pPlayerState ) );

	// draw manually in small segments
	RageTexture* pTexture = pBottomCap->GetTexture();
	const RectF *pRect = pBottomCap->GetCurrentTextureCoordRect();
	DISPLAY->SetTexture( 0, pTexture );

	const float fFrameWidth		= pBottomCap->GetZoomedWidth();
	const float fFrameHeight	= pBottomCap->GetZoomedHeight();
	const float fYCapTop		= fYTail+cache->m_iStopDrawingHoldBodyOffsetFromTail;
	const float fYCapBottom		= fYTail+cache->m_iStopDrawingHoldBodyOffsetFromTail+fFrameHeight;

	bool bReverse = m_pPlayerState->m_CurrentPlayerOptions.GetReversePercentForColumn(iCol) > 0.5f;

	if( bGlow )
		fColorScale = 1;

	float fDrawYCapTop;
	float fDrawYCapBottom;
		float fYStartPos = ArrowEffects::GetYPos( m_pPlayerState, iCol, fYStartOffset, m_fYReverseOffsetPixels );
		float fYEndPos = ArrowEffects::GetYPos( m_pPlayerState, iCol, fYEndOffset, m_fYReverseOffsetPixels );
		fDrawYCapTop = max( fYCapTop, bReverse ? fYEndPos : fYStartPos );
		fDrawYCapBottom = min( fYCapBottom, bReverse ? fYStartPos : fYEndPos );

	bool bAllAreTransparent = true;
	bool bLast = false;
	// don't draw any part of the tail that is before the middle of the head
	float fY=max( fDrawYCapTop, fYHead );
	for( ; !bLast; fY += fYStep )
		if( fY >= fDrawYCapBottom )
			fY = fDrawYCapBottom;
			bLast = true;

		const float fYOffset		= ArrowEffects::GetYOffsetFromYPos( m_pPlayerState, iCol, fY, m_fYReverseOffsetPixels );
		const float fX			= ArrowEffects::GetXPos( m_pPlayerState, iCol, fYOffset );
		const float fZ			= ArrowEffects::GetZPos( m_pPlayerState, iCol, fYOffset );

		// XXX: Actor rotations use degrees, RageFastCos/Sin use radians. Convert here.
		const float fRotationY		= ArrowEffects::GetRotationY( m_pPlayerState, fYOffset ) * PI/180;

		// if we're rotating, we need to modify the X and Z coords for the outer edges.
		const float fRotOffsetX		= fFrameWidth/2 * RageFastCos(fRotationY);
		const float fRotOffsetZ		= fFrameWidth/2 * RageFastSin(fRotationY);
		const float fXLeft		= fX - fRotOffsetX;
		const float fXRight		= fX + fRotOffsetX;
		const float fZLeft		= fZ - fRotOffsetZ;
		const float fZRight		= fZ + fRotOffsetZ;

		const float fTopDistFromTail	= fY - fYCapTop;
		const float fTexCoordTop	= SCALE( fTopDistFromTail,    0, fFrameHeight, pRect->top, pRect->bottom );
		const float fTexCoordLeft	= pRect->left;
		const float fTexCoordRight	= pRect->right;
		const float	fAlpha		= ArrowGetAlphaOrGlow( bGlow, m_pPlayerState, iCol, fYOffset, fPercentFadeToFail, m_fYReverseOffsetPixels );
		const RageColor color		= RageColor(fColorScale,fColorScale,fColorScale,fAlpha);

		if( fAlpha > 0 )
			bAllAreTransparent = false;

		queue.v[0].p = RageVector3(fXLeft,  fY, fZLeft);	queue.v[0].c = color; queue.v[0].t = RageVector2(fTexCoordLeft,  fTexCoordTop);
		queue.v[1].p = RageVector3(fXRight, fY, fZRight);	queue.v[1].c = color; queue.v[1].t = RageVector2(fTexCoordRight, fTexCoordTop);

		if( queue.Free() < 2 )
			/* The queue is full.  Render it, clear the buffer, and move back a step to
			 * start off the quad strip again. */
			if( !bAllAreTransparent )
			bAllAreTransparent = true;
			fY -= fYStep;
	if( !bAllAreTransparent )
Esempio n. 10
void NoteDisplay::DrawHoldBody( const TapNote& tn, int iCol, int iRow, bool bIsBeingHeld, float fYHead, float fYTail, int fYStep, float fPercentFadeToFail, float fColorScale, bool bGlow,
							   float fYStartOffset, float fYEndOffset )
	// Draw the body (always wavy)
	StripBuffer queue;

	Sprite* pSprBody = GetHoldBodySprite( NoteRowToBeat(iRow), tn.subType == TapNote::hold_head_roll, bIsBeingHeld );

	pSprBody->SetZoom( ArrowEffects::GetZoom( m_pPlayerState ) );

	// draw manually in small segments
	RageTexture* pTexture = pSprBody->GetTexture();
	const RectF *pRect = pSprBody->GetCurrentTextureCoordRect();
	DISPLAY->SetTexture( 0, pTexture );
	DISPLAY->SetTextureWrapping( true );

	const float fFrameWidth  = pSprBody->GetZoomedWidth();
	const float fFrameHeight = pSprBody->GetZoomedHeight();
	const float fYBodyTop = fYHead + cache->m_iStartDrawingHoldBodyOffsetFromHead;
	const float fYBodyBottom = fYTail + cache->m_iStopDrawingHoldBodyOffsetFromTail;

	const bool bReverse = m_pPlayerState->m_CurrentPlayerOptions.GetReversePercentForColumn(iCol) > 0.5f;
	bool bAnchorToBottom = bReverse && cache->m_bFlipHeadAndTailWhenReverse;

	if( bGlow )
		fColorScale = 1;

	/* Only draw the section that's within the range specified.  If a hold note is
	 * very long, don't process or draw the part outside of the range.  Don't change
	 * fYBodyTop or fYBodyBottom; they need to be left alone to calculate texture
	 * coordinates. */
	float fDrawYBodyTop;
	float fDrawYBodyBottom;
		float fYStartPos = ArrowEffects::GetYPos( m_pPlayerState, iCol, fYStartOffset, m_fYReverseOffsetPixels );
		float fYEndPos = ArrowEffects::GetYPos( m_pPlayerState, iCol, fYEndOffset, m_fYReverseOffsetPixels );

		fDrawYBodyTop = max( fYBodyTop, bReverse ? fYEndPos : fYStartPos );
		fDrawYBodyBottom = min( fYBodyBottom, bReverse ? fYStartPos : fYEndPos );

	// top to bottom
	bool bAllAreTransparent = true;
	bool bLast = false;
	float fVertTexCoordOffset = 0;
	for( float fY = fDrawYBodyTop; !bLast; fY += fYStep )
		if( fY >= fDrawYBodyBottom )
			fY = fDrawYBodyBottom;
			bLast = true;

		const float fYOffset		= ArrowEffects::GetYOffsetFromYPos( m_pPlayerState, iCol, fY, m_fYReverseOffsetPixels );
		const float fX			= ArrowEffects::GetXPos( m_pPlayerState, iCol, fYOffset );
		const float fZ			= ArrowEffects::GetZPos( m_pPlayerState, iCol, fYOffset );

		// XXX: Actor rotations use degrees, RageFastCos/Sin use radians. Convert here.
		const float fRotationY		= ArrowEffects::GetRotationY( m_pPlayerState, fYOffset ) * PI/180;

		// if we're rotating, we need to modify the X and Z coords for the outer edges.
		const float fRotOffsetX		= fFrameWidth/2 * RageFastCos(fRotationY);
		const float fRotOffsetZ		= fFrameWidth/2 * RageFastSin(fRotationY);
		const float fXLeft		= fX - fRotOffsetX;
		const float fXRight		= fX + fRotOffsetX;
		const float fZLeft		= fZ - fRotOffsetZ;
		const float fZRight		= fZ + fRotOffsetZ;

		const float fDistFromBodyBottom	= fYBodyBottom - fY;
		const float fDistFromBodyTop	= fY - fYBodyTop;
		float fTexCoordTop		= SCALE( bAnchorToBottom ? fDistFromBodyTop : fDistFromBodyBottom,    0, fFrameHeight, pRect->bottom, pRect->top );
		/* For very large hold notes, shift the texture coordinates to be near 0, so we
		 * don't send very large values to the renderer. */
		if( fY == fDrawYBodyTop ) // first
				fVertTexCoordOffset = floorf( fTexCoordTop );
		fTexCoordTop -= fVertTexCoordOffset;
		const float fTexCoordLeft		= pRect->left;
		const float fTexCoordRight		= pRect->right;
		const float	fAlpha				= ArrowGetAlphaOrGlow( bGlow, m_pPlayerState, iCol, fYOffset, fPercentFadeToFail, m_fYReverseOffsetPixels );
		const RageColor color			= RageColor(fColorScale,fColorScale,fColorScale,fAlpha);

		if( fAlpha > 0 )
			bAllAreTransparent = false;

		queue.v[0].p = RageVector3(fXLeft,  fY, fZLeft);	queue.v[0].c = color; queue.v[0].t = RageVector2(fTexCoordLeft,  fTexCoordTop);
		queue.v[1].p = RageVector3(fXRight, fY, fZRight);	queue.v[1].c = color; queue.v[1].t = RageVector2(fTexCoordRight, fTexCoordTop);
		if( queue.Free() < 2 )
			/* The queue is full.  Render it, clear the buffer, and move back a step to
			 * start off the quad strip again. */
			if( !bAllAreTransparent )
			bAllAreTransparent = true;
			fY -= fYStep;

	if( !bAllAreTransparent )