Esempio n. 1
static void ARGB_8888_To_RGBA(const uint8_t* in, uint8_t* rgb, int width,
                              const SkPMColor*) {
    const uint32_t* SK_RESTRICT src = (const uint32_t*)in;
    const SkUnPreMultiply::Scale* SK_RESTRICT table =
    for (int i = 0; i < width; ++i) {
        const uint32_t c = *src++;
        uint8_t a = SkGetPackedA32(c);
        uint8_t r = SkGetPackedR32(c);
        uint8_t g = SkGetPackedG32(c);
        uint8_t b = SkGetPackedB32(c);
        if (0 != a && 255 != a) {
            SkUnPreMultiply::Scale scale = table[a];
            r = SkUnPreMultiply::ApplyScale(scale, r);
            g = SkUnPreMultiply::ApplyScale(scale, g);
            b = SkUnPreMultiply::ApplyScale(scale, b);
        rgb[0] = r;
        rgb[1] = g;
        rgb[2] = b;
        rgb[3] = a;
        rgb += 4;
static void dilate(const SkPMColor* src, SkPMColor* dst,
                   int radius, int width, int height,
                   int srcStride, int dstStride)
    const int srcStrideX = direction == kX ? 1 : srcStride;
    const int dstStrideX = direction == kX ? 1 : dstStride;
    const int srcStrideY = direction == kX ? srcStride : 1;
    const int dstStrideY = direction == kX ? dstStride : 1;
    radius = SkMin32(radius, width - 1);
    const SkPMColor* upperSrc = src + radius * srcStrideX;
    for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
        const SkPMColor* lp = src;
        const SkPMColor* up = upperSrc;
        SkPMColor* dptr = dst;
        for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
            int maxB = 0, maxG = 0, maxR = 0, maxA = 0;
            for (const SkPMColor* p = lp; p <= up; p += srcStrideX) {
                int b = SkGetPackedB32(*p);
                int g = SkGetPackedG32(*p);
                int r = SkGetPackedR32(*p);
                int a = SkGetPackedA32(*p);
                if (b > maxB) maxB = b;
                if (g > maxG) maxG = g;
                if (r > maxR) maxR = r;
                if (a > maxA) maxA = a;
            *dptr = SkPackARGB32(maxA, maxR, maxG, maxB);
            dptr += dstStrideY;
            lp += srcStrideY;
            up += srcStrideY;
        if (x >= radius) src += srcStrideX;
        if (x + radius < width - 1) upperSrc += srcStrideX;
        dst += dstStrideX;
static void erode(const SkPMColor* src, SkPMColor* dst,
                  int radius, int width, int height,
                  int srcStride, int dstStride)
    const int srcStrideX = direction == kX ? 1 : srcStride;
    const int dstStrideX = direction == kX ? 1 : dstStride;
    const int srcStrideY = direction == kX ? srcStride : 1;
    const int dstStrideY = direction == kX ? dstStride : 1;
    radius = SkMin32(radius, width - 1);
    const SkPMColor* upperSrc = src + radius * srcStrideX;
    for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
        const SkPMColor* lp = src;
        const SkPMColor* up = upperSrc;
        SkPMColor* dptr = dst;
        for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
            int minB = 255, minG = 255, minR = 255, minA = 255;
            for (const SkPMColor* p = lp; p <= up; p += srcStrideX) {
                int b = SkGetPackedB32(*p);
                int g = SkGetPackedG32(*p);
                int r = SkGetPackedR32(*p);
                int a = SkGetPackedA32(*p);
                if (b < minB) minB = b;
                if (g < minG) minG = g;
                if (r < minR) minR = r;
                if (a < minA) minA = a;
            *dptr = SkPackARGB32(minA, minR, minG, minB);
            dptr += dstStrideY;
            lp += srcStrideY;
            up += srcStrideY;
        if (x >= radius) src += srcStrideX;
        if (x + radius < width - 1) upperSrc += srcStrideX;
        dst += dstStrideX;
Esempio n. 4
void SkBlitLCD16OpaqueRow_neon(SkPMColor dst[], const uint16_t src[],
                                        SkColor color, int width,
                                        SkPMColor opaqueDst) {
    int colR = SkColorGetR(color);
    int colG = SkColorGetG(color);
    int colB = SkColorGetB(color);

    uint8x8_t vcolR, vcolG, vcolB;
    uint8x8_t vopqDstA, vopqDstR, vopqDstG, vopqDstB;

    if (width >= 8) {
        vcolR = vdup_n_u8(colR);
        vcolG = vdup_n_u8(colG);
        vcolB = vdup_n_u8(colB);
        vopqDstA = vdup_n_u8(SkGetPackedA32(opaqueDst));
        vopqDstR = vdup_n_u8(SkGetPackedR32(opaqueDst));
        vopqDstG = vdup_n_u8(SkGetPackedG32(opaqueDst));
        vopqDstB = vdup_n_u8(SkGetPackedB32(opaqueDst));

    while (width >= 8) {
        uint8x8x4_t vdst;
        uint16x8_t vmask;
        uint16x8_t vmaskR, vmaskG, vmaskB;
        uint8x8_t vsel_trans, vsel_opq;

        vdst = vld4_u8((uint8_t*)dst);
        vmask = vld1q_u16(src);

        // Prepare compare masks
        vsel_trans = vmovn_u16(vceqq_u16(vmask, vdupq_n_u16(0)));
        vsel_opq = vmovn_u16(vceqq_u16(vmask, vdupq_n_u16(0xFFFF)));

        // Get all the color masks on 5 bits
        vmaskR = vshrq_n_u16(vmask, SK_R16_SHIFT);
        vmaskG = vshrq_n_u16(vshlq_n_u16(vmask, SK_R16_BITS),
                             SK_B16_BITS + SK_R16_BITS + 1);
        vmaskB = vmask & vdupq_n_u16(SK_B16_MASK);

        // Upscale to 0..32
        vmaskR = vmaskR + vshrq_n_u16(vmaskR, 4);
        vmaskG = vmaskG + vshrq_n_u16(vmaskG, 4);
        vmaskB = vmaskB + vshrq_n_u16(vmaskB, 4);

        vdst.val[NEON_A] = vbsl_u8(vsel_trans, vdst.val[NEON_A], vdup_n_u8(0xFF));
        vdst.val[NEON_A] = vbsl_u8(vsel_opq, vopqDstA, vdst.val[NEON_A]);

        vdst.val[NEON_R] = SkBlend32_neon8(vcolR, vdst.val[NEON_R], vmaskR);
        vdst.val[NEON_G] = SkBlend32_neon8(vcolG, vdst.val[NEON_G], vmaskG);
        vdst.val[NEON_B] = SkBlend32_neon8(vcolB, vdst.val[NEON_B], vmaskB);

        vdst.val[NEON_R] = vbsl_u8(vsel_opq, vopqDstR, vdst.val[NEON_R]);
        vdst.val[NEON_G] = vbsl_u8(vsel_opq, vopqDstG, vdst.val[NEON_G]);
        vdst.val[NEON_B] = vbsl_u8(vsel_opq, vopqDstB, vdst.val[NEON_B]);

        vst4_u8((uint8_t*)dst, vdst);

        dst += 8;
        src += 8;
        width -= 8;

    // Leftovers
    for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) {
        dst[i] = SkBlendLCD16Opaque(colR, colG, colB, dst[i], src[i],
Esempio n. 5
// static
SkBitmap ImageOperations::ResizeSubpixel(const SkBitmap& source,
                                         int dest_width, int dest_height,
                                         const SkIRect& dest_subset) {
  // Currently only works on Linux/BSD because these are the only platforms
  // where SkFontHost::GetSubpixelOrder is defined.
#if defined(XP_UNIX)
  // Understand the display.
  const SkFontHost::LCDOrder order = SkFontHost::GetSubpixelOrder();
  const SkFontHost::LCDOrientation orientation =

  // Decide on which dimension, if any, to deploy subpixel rendering.
  int w = 1;
  int h = 1;
  switch (orientation) {
    case SkFontHost::kHorizontal_LCDOrientation:
      w = dest_width < source.width() ? 3 : 1;
    case SkFontHost::kVertical_LCDOrientation:
      h = dest_height < source.height() ? 3 : 1;

  // Resize the image.
  const int width = dest_width * w;
  const int height = dest_height * h;
  SkIRect subset = { dest_subset.fLeft, dest_subset.fTop,
                     dest_subset.fLeft + dest_subset.width() * w,
                     dest_subset.fTop + dest_subset.height() * h };
  SkBitmap img = ResizeBasic(source, ImageOperations::RESIZE_LANCZOS3, width,
                             height, subset);
  const int row_words = img.rowBytes() / 4;
  if (w == 1 && h == 1)
    return img;

  // Render into subpixels.
  SkBitmap result;
  SkImageInfo info = SkImageInfo::Make(dest_subset.width(),

  if (!result.readyToDraw())
    return img;

  SkAutoLockPixels locker(img);
  if (!img.readyToDraw())
    return img;

  uint32_t* src_row = img.getAddr32(0, 0);
  uint32_t* dst_row = result.getAddr32(0, 0);
  for (int y = 0; y < dest_subset.height(); y++) {
    uint32_t* src = src_row;
    uint32_t* dst = dst_row;
    for (int x = 0; x < dest_subset.width(); x++, src += w, dst++) {
      uint8_t r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 0;
      switch (order) {
        case SkFontHost::kRGB_LCDOrder:
          switch (orientation) {
            case SkFontHost::kHorizontal_LCDOrientation:
              r = SkGetPackedR32(src[0]);
              g = SkGetPackedG32(src[1]);
              b = SkGetPackedB32(src[2]);
              a = SkGetPackedA32(src[1]);
            case SkFontHost::kVertical_LCDOrientation:
              r = SkGetPackedR32(src[0 * row_words]);
              g = SkGetPackedG32(src[1 * row_words]);
              b = SkGetPackedB32(src[2 * row_words]);
              a = SkGetPackedA32(src[1 * row_words]);
        case SkFontHost::kBGR_LCDOrder:
          switch (orientation) {
            case SkFontHost::kHorizontal_LCDOrientation:
              b = SkGetPackedB32(src[0]);
              g = SkGetPackedG32(src[1]);
              r = SkGetPackedR32(src[2]);
              a = SkGetPackedA32(src[1]);
            case SkFontHost::kVertical_LCDOrientation:
              b = SkGetPackedB32(src[0 * row_words]);
              g = SkGetPackedG32(src[1 * row_words]);
              r = SkGetPackedR32(src[2 * row_words]);
              a = SkGetPackedA32(src[1 * row_words]);
        case SkFontHost::kNONE_LCDOrder:
      // Premultiplied alpha is very fragile.
      a = a > r ? a : r;
      a = a > g ? a : g;
      a = a > b ? a : b;
      *dst = SkPackARGB32(a, r, g, b);
    src_row += h * row_words;
    dst_row += result.rowBytes() / 4;
  return result;
  return SkBitmap();
#endif  // OS_POSIX && !OS_MACOSX && !defined(OS_ANDROID)
 *  Test decoding an image in premultiplied mode and unpremultiplied mode and compare
 *  them.
static void compare_unpremul(skiatest::Reporter* reporter, const SkString& filename) {
    // Decode a resource:
    SkBitmap bm8888;
    SkBitmap bm8888Unpremul;

    SkFILEStream stream(filename.c_str());

    SkImageDecoder::Format format = SkImageDecoder::GetStreamFormat(&stream);
    if (skip_image_format(format)) {

    SkAutoTDelete<SkImageDecoder> decoder(SkImageDecoder::Factory(&stream));
    if (NULL == decoder.get()) {
        SkDebugf("couldn't decode %s\n", filename.c_str());

    bool success = decoder->decode(&stream, &bm8888, SkBitmap::kARGB_8888_Config,
    if (!success) {

    success = stream.rewind();
    REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, success);
    if (!success) {

    success = decoder->decode(&stream, &bm8888Unpremul, SkBitmap::kARGB_8888_Config,
    if (!success) {

    bool dimensionsMatch = bm8888.width() == bm8888Unpremul.width()
                           && bm8888.height() == bm8888Unpremul.height();
    REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, dimensionsMatch);
    if (!dimensionsMatch) {

    // Only do the comparison if the two bitmaps are both 8888.
    if (bm8888.config() != SkBitmap::kARGB_8888_Config
        || bm8888Unpremul.config() != SkBitmap::kARGB_8888_Config) {

    // Now compare the two bitmaps.
    for (int i = 0; i < bm8888.width(); ++i) {
        for (int j = 0; j < bm8888.height(); ++j) {
            // "c0" is the color of the premultiplied bitmap at (i, j).
            const SkPMColor c0 = *bm8888.getAddr32(i, j);
            // "c1" is the result of premultiplying the color of the unpremultiplied
            // bitmap at (i, j).
            const SkPMColor c1 = premultiply_unpmcolor(*bm8888Unpremul.getAddr32(i, j));
            // Compute the difference for each component.
            int da = SkAbs32(SkGetPackedA32(c0) - SkGetPackedA32(c1));
            int dr = SkAbs32(SkGetPackedR32(c0) - SkGetPackedR32(c1));
            int dg = SkAbs32(SkGetPackedG32(c0) - SkGetPackedG32(c1));
            int db = SkAbs32(SkGetPackedB32(c0) - SkGetPackedB32(c1));

            // Alpha component must be exactly the same.
            REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, 0 == da);

            // Color components may not match exactly due to rounding error.
            REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, dr <= 1);
            REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, dg <= 1);
            REPORTER_ASSERT(reporter, db <= 1);
Esempio n. 7
void SkPixelXorXfermode::flatten(SkWriteBuffer& wb) const {
PassRefPtr<ByteArray> getImageData(const IntRect& rect, SkDevice& srcDevice,
                                   const IntSize& size)
    RefPtr<ByteArray> result = ByteArray::create(rect.width() * rect.height() * 4);

    SkBitmap::Config srcConfig = srcDevice.accessBitmap(false).config();

    if (srcConfig == SkBitmap::kNo_Config) {
        // This is an empty SkBitmap that could not be configured.
        ASSERT(!size.width() || !size.height());
        return result.release();

    unsigned char* data = result->data();

    if (rect.x() < 0
        || rect.y() < 0
        || rect.maxX() > size.width()
        || rect.maxY() > size.height())
        memset(data, 0, result->length());

    int originX = rect.x();
    int destX = 0;
    if (originX < 0) {
        destX = -originX;
        originX = 0;
    int endX = rect.maxX();
    if (endX > size.width())
        endX = size.width();
    int numColumns = endX - originX;

    if (numColumns <= 0)
        return result.release();

    int originY = rect.y();
    int destY = 0;
    if (originY < 0) {
        destY = -originY;
        originY = 0;
    int endY = rect.maxY();
    if (endY > size.height())
        endY = size.height();
    int numRows = endY - originY;

    if (numRows <= 0)
        return result.release();

    ASSERT(srcConfig == SkBitmap::kARGB_8888_Config);

    unsigned destBytesPerRow = 4 * rect.width();

    SkBitmap srcBitmap;
    srcDevice.readPixels(SkIRect::MakeXYWH(originX, originY, numColumns, numRows), &srcBitmap);

    unsigned char* destRow = data + destY * destBytesPerRow + destX * 4;

    // Do conversion of byte order and alpha divide (if necessary)
    for (int y = 0; y < numRows; ++y) {
        SkPMColor* srcBitmapRow = srcBitmap.getAddr32(0, y);
        for (int x = 0; x < numColumns; ++x) {
            SkPMColor srcPMColor = srcBitmapRow[x];
            unsigned char* destPixel = &destRow[x * 4];
            if (multiplied == Unmultiplied) {
                unsigned char a = SkGetPackedA32(srcPMColor);
                destPixel[0] = a ? SkGetPackedR32(srcPMColor) * 255 / a : 0;
                destPixel[1] = a ? SkGetPackedG32(srcPMColor) * 255 / a : 0;
                destPixel[2] = a ? SkGetPackedB32(srcPMColor) * 255 / a : 0;
                destPixel[3] = a;
            } else {
                // Input and output are both pre-multiplied, we just need to re-arrange the
                // bytes from the bitmap format to RGBA.
                destPixel[0] = SkGetPackedR32(srcPMColor);
                destPixel[1] = SkGetPackedG32(srcPMColor);
                destPixel[2] = SkGetPackedB32(srcPMColor);
                destPixel[3] = SkGetPackedA32(srcPMColor);
        destRow += destBytesPerRow;

    return result.release();
PassRefPtr<ImageData> getImageData(const IntRect& rect, const SkBitmap& bitmap, 
                                   const IntSize& size)
    RefPtr<ImageData> result = ImageData::create(rect.width(), rect.height());

    if (bitmap.config() == SkBitmap::kNo_Config) {
        // This is an empty SkBitmap that could not be configured.
        ASSERT(!size.width() || !size.height());
        return result;

    unsigned char* data = result->data()->data()->data();

    if (rect.x() < 0 || rect.y() < 0 ||
        (rect.x() + rect.width()) > size.width() ||
        (rect.y() + rect.height()) > size.height())
        memset(data, 0, result->data()->length());

    int originX = rect.x();
    int destX = 0;
    if (originX < 0) {
        destX = -originX;
        originX = 0;
    int endX = rect.x() + rect.width();
    if (endX > size.width())
        endX = size.width();
    int numColumns = endX - originX;

    int originY = rect.y();
    int destY = 0;
    if (originY < 0) {
        destY = -originY;
        originY = 0;
    int endY = rect.y() + rect.height();
    if (endY > size.height())
        endY = size.height();
    int numRows = endY - originY;

    ASSERT(bitmap.config() == SkBitmap::kARGB_8888_Config);
    SkAutoLockPixels bitmapLock(bitmap);

    unsigned destBytesPerRow = 4 * rect.width();
    unsigned char* destRow = data + destY * destBytesPerRow + destX * 4;

    for (int y = 0; y < numRows; ++y) {
        uint32_t* srcRow = bitmap.getAddr32(originX, originY + y);
        for (int x = 0; x < numColumns; ++x) {
            unsigned char* destPixel = &destRow[x * 4];
            if (multiplied == Unmultiplied) {
                SkColor color = srcRow[x];
                unsigned a = SkColorGetA(color);
                destPixel[0] = a ? SkColorGetR(color) * 255 / a : 0;
                destPixel[1] = a ? SkColorGetG(color) * 255 / a : 0;
                destPixel[2] = a ? SkColorGetB(color) * 255 / a : 0;
                destPixel[3] = a;
            } else {
                // Input and output are both pre-multiplied, we just need to re-arrange the
                // bytes from the bitmap format to RGBA.
                destPixel[0] = SkGetPackedR32(srcRow[x]);
                destPixel[1] = SkGetPackedG32(srcRow[x]);
                destPixel[2] = SkGetPackedB32(srcRow[x]);
                destPixel[3] = SkGetPackedA32(srcRow[x]);
        destRow += destBytesPerRow;

    return result;
Esempio n. 10
// unpremultiply and extract R, G, B components.
static void pmcolor_to_rgb24(SkPMColor pmColor, uint8_t* rgb) {
    uint32_t s = SkUnPreMultiply::GetScale(SkGetPackedA32(pmColor));
    rgb[0] = SkUnPreMultiply::ApplyScale(s, SkGetPackedR32(pmColor));
    rgb[1] = SkUnPreMultiply::ApplyScale(s, SkGetPackedG32(pmColor));
    rgb[2] = SkUnPreMultiply::ApplyScale(s, SkGetPackedB32(pmColor));
static inline SkPMColor luma_proc(const SkPMColor a, const SkPMColor b) {
    unsigned luma = SkComputeLuminance(SkGetPackedR32(b),
    return SkAlphaMulQ(a, SkAlpha255To256(luma));