Esempio n. 1
static int
ts_lua_client_request_set_url_host(lua_State *L)
    const char  *host;
    size_t      len;

    ts_lua_http_ctx  *http_ctx;

    http_ctx = ts_lua_get_http_ctx(L);

    host = luaL_checklstring(L, 1, &len);

    TSUrlHostSet(http_ctx->client_request_bufp, http_ctx->client_request_url, host, len);

    return 0;
static int
ts_lua_server_request_set_url_host(lua_State *L)
  const char *host;
  size_t len;

  ts_lua_http_ctx *http_ctx;

  GET_HTTP_CONTEXT(http_ctx, L);

  host = luaL_checklstring(L, 1, &len);

  TSUrlHostSet(http_ctx->server_request_bufp, http_ctx->server_request_url, host, len);

  return 0;
Esempio n. 3
TSRemapStatus TSRemapDoRemap(void* ih, TSHttpTxn rh, TSRemapRequestInfo *rri) {
    hash_remap_struct *hash = (hash_remap_struct*) ih;

    if (rri == NULL || ih == NULL) {
        TSError(PLUGIN_NAME "NULL pointer for rri or ih");
        return TSREMAP_NO_REMAP;

    int req_host_len;
    int req_path_len;

    const char* req_host = TSUrlHostGet(rri->requestBufp, rri->requestUrl, &req_host_len);
    const char* req_path = TSUrlPathGet(rri->requestBufp, rri->requestUrl, &req_path_len);

    uint32_t hash_value_host = hash_fnv32((char *) req_host, req_host_len);

    uint64_t hash_value_host_and_path = hash_fnv64((char *) req_host, req_host_len);
    hash_fnv64_continue((char *) req_path, req_path_len, &hash_value_host_and_path);

    memset(hash->hash, 0, hash->hash_len);
    int len = sprintf(hash->hash, "%lx%x.%.*s", hash_value_host_and_path, hash_value_host, hash->isp_name_len, hash->isp_name);

    if (len > hash->hash_len) {
        TSError(PLUGIN_NAME "Memory probably corrupt :whistle:");
        return TSREMAP_NO_REMAP;

    if (TSUrlHostSet(rri->requestBufp, rri->requestUrl, hash->hash, len) != TS_SUCCESS) {
        /* the request was not modified, TS will use the toURL from the remap rule */
        TSError(PLUGIN_NAME "Failed to modify the Host in request URL");
        return TSREMAP_NO_REMAP;

    TSDebug(PLUGIN_NAME, "host changed from [%.*s] to [%.*s]", req_host_len, req_host, len, hash->hash);
//    fprintf(stderr, "host changed from [%.*s] to [%.*s/%.*s]\n", req_host_len, req_host, len, hash->hash, req_path_len, req_path);
    return TSREMAP_DID_REMAP; /* host has been modified */