Esempio n. 1
    CONST char *src,		/* Pathname of file or dir to be renamed
				 * (UTF-8). */
    CONST char *dst)		/* New pathname of file or directory
				 * (UTF-8). */
    int result;
    TCHAR *nativeSrc;
    Tcl_DString srcString, dstString;

    nativeSrc = Tcl_WinUtfToTChar(src, -1, &srcString);
    Tcl_WinUtfToTChar(dst, -1, &dstString);

    if ((TclWinGetPlatformId() == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32s) 
	    && ((Tcl_DStringLength(&srcString) >= MAX_PATH - 1) ||
		    (Tcl_DStringLength(&dstString) >= MAX_PATH - 1))) {
	 * On Win32s, really long file names cause the MoveFile() call
	 * to lock up, endlessly throwing an access violation and 
	 * retrying the operation.

	result = TCL_ERROR;
    } else {
	result = DoRenameFile(nativeSrc, &dstString);
    return result;
Esempio n. 2
    int platformId, useWide;

    platformId = TclWinGetPlatformId();
    useWide = ((platformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT)
	    || (platformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_CE));
Esempio n. 3
    char *path)			/* Pathname of directory to create */
    int error;

    if (CreateDirectory(path, NULL) == 0) {
	error = GetLastError();
	if (TclWinGetPlatformId() == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32s) {
	    if ((error == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) 
		    && (GetFileAttributes(path) != (DWORD) -1)) {
	return TCL_ERROR;
    return TCL_OK;
Esempio n. 4
static int
    Tcl_DString *pathPtr)	/* Pathname of directory to create (native). */
    int error;
    CONST TCHAR *nativePath;

    nativePath = (TCHAR *) Tcl_DStringValue(pathPtr);
    if ((*tclWinProcs->createDirectoryProc)(nativePath, NULL) == 0) {
	error = GetLastError();
	if (TclWinGetPlatformId() == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32s) {
	    if ((error == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) 
		    && ((*tclWinProcs->getFileAttributesProc)(nativePath) 
			    != 0xffffffff)) {
	return TCL_ERROR;
    return TCL_OK;
Esempio n. 5
    char *path,			/* Pathname of directory to be removed. */
    int recursive,		/* If non-zero, removes directories that
				 * are nonempty.  Otherwise, will only remove
				 * empty directories. */
    Tcl_DString *errorPtr)	/* If non-NULL, initialized DString for
				 * error reporting. */
    int result;
    Tcl_DString buffer;
    DWORD attr;

    if (RemoveDirectory(path) != FALSE) {
	return TCL_OK;
    if (path[0] == '\0') {
	 * Win32s thinks that "" is the same as "." and then reports EACCES
	 * instead of ENOENT.

	errno = ENOENT;
    if (errno == EACCES) {
	attr = GetFileAttributes(path);
	if (attr != (DWORD) -1) {
	    if ((attr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) == 0) {
		 * Windows 95 reports calling RemoveDirectory on a file as an 
		 * EACCES, not an ENOTDIR.
		errno = ENOTDIR;
		goto end;

	    if (attr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY) {
		if (SetFileAttributes(path, attr) == FALSE) {
		    goto end;
		if (RemoveDirectory(path) != FALSE) {
		    return TCL_OK;
		SetFileAttributes(path, attr | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY);

	     * Windows 95 and Win32s report removing a non-empty directory 
	     * as EACCES, not EEXIST.  If the directory is not empty,
	     * change errno so caller knows what's going on.

	    if (TclWinGetPlatformId() != VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) {
		HANDLE handle;
		WIN32_FIND_DATA data;
		Tcl_DString buffer;
		char *find;
		int len;

		find = Tcl_DStringAppend(&buffer, path, -1);
		len = Tcl_DStringLength(&buffer);
		if ((len > 0) && (find[len - 1] != '\\')) {
		    Tcl_DStringAppend(&buffer, "\\", 1);
		find = Tcl_DStringAppend(&buffer, "*.*", 3);
		handle = FindFirstFile(find, &data);
		if (handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
		    while (1) {
			if ((strcmp(data.cFileName, ".") != 0)
				&& (strcmp(data.cFileName, "..") != 0)) {
			     * Found something in this directory.

			    errno = EEXIST;
			if (FindNextFile(handle, &data) == FALSE) {
    if (errno == ENOTEMPTY) {
	 * The caller depends on EEXIST to signify that the directory is
	 * not empty, not ENOTEMPTY. 

	errno = EEXIST;
    if ((recursive != 0) && (errno == EEXIST)) {
	 * The directory is nonempty, but the recursive flag has been
	 * specified, so we recursively remove all the files in the directory.

	Tcl_DStringAppend(&buffer, path, -1);
	result = TraverseWinTree(TraversalDelete, &buffer, NULL, errorPtr);
	return result;

    if (errorPtr != NULL) {
        Tcl_DStringAppend(errorPtr, path, -1);
    return TCL_ERROR;
Esempio n. 6
    char *src,			/* Pathname of file or dir to be renamed. */ 
    char *dst)			/* New pathname for file or directory. */
    DWORD srcAttr, dstAttr;
     * Would throw an exception under NT if one of the arguments is a 
     * char block device.

    try {
	if (MoveFile(src, dst) != FALSE) {
	    return TCL_OK;
    } except (-1) {}


    srcAttr = GetFileAttributes(src);
    dstAttr = GetFileAttributes(dst);
    if (srcAttr == (DWORD) -1) {
	srcAttr = 0;
    if (dstAttr == (DWORD) -1) {
	dstAttr = 0;

    if (errno == EBADF) {
	errno = EACCES;
	return TCL_ERROR;
    if ((errno == EACCES) && (TclWinGetPlatformId() == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32s)) {
	if ((srcAttr != 0) && (dstAttr != 0)) {
	     * Win32s reports trying to overwrite an existing file or directory
	     * as EACCES.

	    errno = EEXIST;
    if (errno == EACCES) {
	    char srcPath[MAX_PATH], dstPath[MAX_PATH];
	    int srcArgc, dstArgc;
	    char **srcArgv, **dstArgv;
	    char *srcRest, *dstRest;
	    int size;

	    size = GetFullPathName(src, sizeof(srcPath), srcPath, &srcRest);
	    if ((size == 0) || (size > sizeof(srcPath))) {
		return TCL_ERROR;
	    size = GetFullPathName(dst, sizeof(dstPath), dstPath, &dstRest);
	    if ((size == 0) || (size > sizeof(dstPath))) {
		return TCL_ERROR;
	    if (srcRest == NULL) {
		srcRest = srcPath + strlen(srcPath);
	    if (strnicmp(srcPath, dstPath, srcRest - srcPath) == 0) {
		 * Trying to move a directory into itself.

		errno = EINVAL;
		return TCL_ERROR;
	    Tcl_SplitPath(srcPath, &srcArgc, &srcArgv);
	    Tcl_SplitPath(dstPath, &dstArgc, &dstArgv);
	    if (srcArgc == 1) {
		 * They are trying to move a root directory.  Whether
		 * or not it is across filesystems, this cannot be
		 * done.

		errno = EINVAL;
	    } else if ((srcArgc > 0) && (dstArgc > 0) &&
		    (stricmp(srcArgv[0], dstArgv[0]) != 0)) {
		 * If src is a directory and dst filesystem != src
		 * filesystem, errno should be EXDEV.  It is very
		 * important to get this behavior, so that the caller
		 * can respond to a cross filesystem rename by
		 * simulating it with copy and delete.  The MoveFile
		 * system call already handles the case of moving a
		 * file between filesystems.

		errno = EXDEV;

	    ckfree((char *) srcArgv);
	    ckfree((char *) dstArgv);

	 * Other types of access failure is that dst is a read-only
	 * filesystem, that an open file referred to src or dest, or that
	 * src or dest specified the current working directory on the
	 * current filesystem.  EACCES is returned for those cases.

    } else if (errno == EEXIST) {
	 * Reports EEXIST any time the target already exists.  If it makes
	 * sense, remove the old file and try renaming again.

	    if (dstAttr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) {
		 * Overwrite empty dst directory with src directory.  The
		 * following call will remove an empty directory.  If it
		 * fails, it's because it wasn't empty.

		if (TclpRemoveDirectory(dst, 0, NULL) == TCL_OK) {
		     * Now that that empty directory is gone, we can try
		     * renaming again.  If that fails, we'll put this empty
		     * directory back, for completeness.

		    if (MoveFile(src, dst) != FALSE) {
			return TCL_OK;

		     * Some new error has occurred.  Don't know what it
		     * could be, but report this one.

		    CreateDirectory(dst, NULL);
		    SetFileAttributes(dst, dstAttr);
		    if (errno == EACCES) {
			 * Decode the EACCES to a more meaningful error.

			goto decode;
	    } else {	/* (dstAttr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) == 0 */
		errno = ENOTDIR;
	} else {    /* (srcAttr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) == 0 */
	    if (dstAttr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) {
		errno = EISDIR;
	    } else {
		 * Overwrite existing file by:
		 * 1. Rename existing file to temp name.
		 * 2. Rename old file to new name.
		 * 3. If success, delete temp file.  If failure,
		 *    put temp file back to old name.

		char tempName[MAX_PATH];
		int result, size;
		char *rest;
		size = GetFullPathName(dst, sizeof(tempName), tempName, &rest);
		if ((size == 0) || (size > sizeof(tempName)) || (rest == NULL)) {
		    return TCL_ERROR;
		*rest = '\0';
		result = TCL_ERROR;
		if (GetTempFileName(tempName, "tclr", 0, tempName) != 0) {
		     * Strictly speaking, need the following DeleteFile and
		     * MoveFile to be joined as an atomic operation so no
		     * other app comes along in the meantime and creates the
		     * same temp file.
		    if (MoveFile(dst, tempName) != FALSE) {
			if (MoveFile(src, dst) != FALSE) {
			    SetFileAttributes(tempName, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL);
			    return TCL_OK;
			} else {
			    MoveFile(tempName, dst);

		     * Can't backup dst file or move src file.  Return that
		     * error.  Could happen if an open file refers to dst.

		    if (errno == EACCES) {
			 * Decode the EACCES to a more meaningful error.

			goto decode;
		return result;
    return TCL_ERROR;
Esempio n. 7
static int
    Tcl_DString *pathPtr,	/* Pathname of directory to be removed
				 * (native). */
    int recursive,		/* If non-zero, removes directories that
				 * are nonempty.  Otherwise, will only remove
				 * empty directories. */
    Tcl_DString *errorPtr)	/* If non-NULL, uninitialized or free
				 * DString filled with UTF-8 name of file
				 * causing error. */
    CONST TCHAR *nativePath;
    DWORD attr;

    nativePath = (TCHAR *) Tcl_DStringValue(pathPtr);

    if ((*tclWinProcs->removeDirectoryProc)(nativePath) != FALSE) {
	return TCL_OK;

     * Win32s thinks that "" is the same as "." and then reports EACCES
     * instead of ENOENT.

    if (tclWinProcs->useWide) {
	if (((WCHAR *) nativePath)[0] == '\0') {
	    return TCL_ERROR;
    } else {
	if (((char *) nativePath)[0] == '\0') {
	    return TCL_ERROR;
    if (Tcl_GetErrno() == EACCES) {
	attr = (*tclWinProcs->getFileAttributesProc)(nativePath);
	if (attr != 0xffffffff) {
	    if ((attr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) == 0) {
		 * Windows 95 reports calling RemoveDirectory on a file as an 
		 * EACCES, not an ENOTDIR.
		goto end;

	    if (attr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY) {
		if ((*tclWinProcs->setFileAttributesProc)(nativePath, attr) == FALSE) {
		    goto end;
		if ((*tclWinProcs->removeDirectoryProc)(nativePath) != FALSE) {
		    return TCL_OK;

	     * Windows 95 and Win32s report removing a non-empty directory 
	     * as EACCES, not EEXIST.  If the directory is not empty,
	     * change errno so caller knows what's going on.

	    if (TclWinGetPlatformId() != VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) {
		char *path, *find;
		HANDLE handle;
		WIN32_FIND_DATAA data;
		Tcl_DString buffer;
		int len;

		path = (char *) nativePath;

		len = strlen(path);
		find = Tcl_DStringAppend(&buffer, path, len);
		if ((len > 0) && (find[len - 1] != '\\')) {
		    Tcl_DStringAppend(&buffer, "\\", 1);
		find = Tcl_DStringAppend(&buffer, "*.*", 3);
		handle = FindFirstFileA(find, &data);
		if (handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
		    while (1) {
			if ((strcmp(data.cFileName, ".") != 0)
				&& (strcmp(data.cFileName, "..") != 0)) {
			     * Found something in this directory.

			if (FindNextFileA(handle, &data) == FALSE) {
    if (Tcl_GetErrno() == ENOTEMPTY) {
	 * The caller depends on EEXIST to signify that the directory is
	 * not empty, not ENOTEMPTY. 

    if ((recursive != 0) && (Tcl_GetErrno() == EEXIST)) {
	 * The directory is nonempty, but the recursive flag has been
	 * specified, so we recursively remove all the files in the directory.

	return TraverseWinTree(TraversalDelete, pathPtr, NULL, errorPtr);
    if (errorPtr != NULL) {
	Tcl_WinTCharToUtf(nativePath, -1, errorPtr);
    return TCL_ERROR;
Esempio n. 8
static int
    CONST TCHAR *nativeSrc,	/* Pathname of file or dir to be renamed
				 * (native). */ 
    Tcl_DString *dstPtr)	/* New pathname for file or directory
				 * (native). */
    const TCHAR *nativeDst;
    DWORD srcAttr, dstAttr;

    nativeDst = (TCHAR *) Tcl_DStringValue(dstPtr);

     * Would throw an exception under NT if one of the arguments is a 
     * char block device.

    __try {
	if ((*tclWinProcs->moveFileProc)(nativeSrc, nativeDst) != FALSE) {
	    return TCL_OK;
    } __except (-1) {}


    srcAttr = (*tclWinProcs->getFileAttributesProc)(nativeSrc);
    dstAttr = (*tclWinProcs->getFileAttributesProc)(nativeDst);
    if (srcAttr == 0xffffffff) {
	if ((*tclWinProcs->getFullPathNameProc)(nativeSrc, 0, NULL, NULL) >= MAX_PATH) {
	    errno = ENAMETOOLONG;
	    return TCL_ERROR;
	srcAttr = 0;
    if (dstAttr == 0xffffffff) {
	if ((*tclWinProcs->getFullPathNameProc)(nativeDst, 0, NULL, NULL) >= MAX_PATH) {
	    errno = ENAMETOOLONG;
	    return TCL_ERROR;
	dstAttr = 0;

    if (errno == EBADF) {
	errno = EACCES;
	return TCL_ERROR;
    if ((TclWinGetPlatformId() == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32s) && (errno == EACCES)) {
	if ((srcAttr != 0) && (dstAttr != 0)) {
	     * Win32s reports trying to overwrite an existing file or directory
	     * as EACCES.

	    errno = EEXIST;
    if (errno == EACCES) {
	    TCHAR *nativeSrcRest, *nativeDstRest;
	    char **srcArgv, **dstArgv;
	    int size, srcArgc, dstArgc;
	    WCHAR nativeSrcPath[MAX_PATH];
	    WCHAR nativeDstPath[MAX_PATH];
	    Tcl_DString srcString, dstString;
	    CONST char *src, *dst;

	    size = (*tclWinProcs->getFullPathNameProc)(nativeSrc, MAX_PATH, 
		    nativeSrcPath, &nativeSrcRest);
	    if ((size == 0) || (size > MAX_PATH)) {
		return TCL_ERROR;
	    size = (*tclWinProcs->getFullPathNameProc)(nativeDst, MAX_PATH, 
		    nativeDstPath, &nativeDstRest);
	    if ((size == 0) || (size > MAX_PATH)) {
		return TCL_ERROR;
	    (*tclWinProcs->charLowerProc)((TCHAR *) nativeSrcPath);
	    (*tclWinProcs->charLowerProc)((TCHAR *) nativeDstPath);

	    src = Tcl_WinTCharToUtf((TCHAR *) nativeSrcPath, -1, &srcString);
	    dst = Tcl_WinTCharToUtf((TCHAR *) nativeDstPath, -1, &dstString);
	    if (strncmp(src, dst, Tcl_DStringLength(&srcString)) == 0) {
		 * Trying to move a directory into itself.

		errno = EINVAL;
		return TCL_ERROR;
	    Tcl_SplitPath(src, &srcArgc, &srcArgv);
	    Tcl_SplitPath(dst, &dstArgc, &dstArgv);

	    if (srcArgc == 1) {
		 * They are trying to move a root directory.  Whether
		 * or not it is across filesystems, this cannot be
		 * done.

	    } else if ((srcArgc > 0) && (dstArgc > 0) &&
		    (strcmp(srcArgv[0], dstArgv[0]) != 0)) {
		 * If src is a directory and dst filesystem != src
		 * filesystem, errno should be EXDEV.  It is very
		 * important to get this behavior, so that the caller
		 * can respond to a cross filesystem rename by
		 * simulating it with copy and delete.  The MoveFile
		 * system call already handles the case of moving a
		 * file between filesystems.


	    ckfree((char *) srcArgv);
	    ckfree((char *) dstArgv);

	 * Other types of access failure is that dst is a read-only
	 * filesystem, that an open file referred to src or dest, or that
	 * src or dest specified the current working directory on the
	 * current filesystem.  EACCES is returned for those cases.

    } else if (Tcl_GetErrno() == EEXIST) {
	 * Reports EEXIST any time the target already exists.  If it makes
	 * sense, remove the old file and try renaming again.

	    if (dstAttr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) {
		 * Overwrite empty dst directory with src directory.  The
		 * following call will remove an empty directory.  If it
		 * fails, it's because it wasn't empty.

		if (DoRemoveDirectory(dstPtr, 0, NULL) == TCL_OK) {
		     * Now that that empty directory is gone, we can try
		     * renaming again.  If that fails, we'll put this empty
		     * directory back, for completeness.

		    if ((*tclWinProcs->moveFileProc)(nativeSrc, nativeDst) != FALSE) {
			return TCL_OK;

		     * Some new error has occurred.  Don't know what it
		     * could be, but report this one.

		    (*tclWinProcs->createDirectoryProc)(nativeDst, NULL);
		    (*tclWinProcs->setFileAttributesProc)(nativeDst, dstAttr);
		    if (Tcl_GetErrno() == EACCES) {
			 * Decode the EACCES to a more meaningful error.

			goto decode;
	    } else {	/* (dstAttr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) == 0 */
	} else {    /* (srcAttr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) == 0 */
	    if (dstAttr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) {
	    } else {
		 * Overwrite existing file by:
		 * 1. Rename existing file to temp name.
		 * 2. Rename old file to new name.
		 * 3. If success, delete temp file.  If failure,
		 *    put temp file back to old name.

		TCHAR *nativeRest, *nativeTmp, *nativePrefix;
		int result, size;
		WCHAR tempBuf[MAX_PATH];
		size = (*tclWinProcs->getFullPathNameProc)(nativeDst, MAX_PATH, 
			tempBuf, &nativeRest);
		if ((size == 0) || (size > MAX_PATH) || (nativeRest == NULL)) {
		    return TCL_ERROR;
		nativeTmp = (TCHAR *) tempBuf;
		((char *) nativeRest)[0] = '\0';
		((char *) nativeRest)[1] = '\0';    /* In case it's Unicode. */

		result = TCL_ERROR;
		nativePrefix = (tclWinProcs->useWide) 
			? (TCHAR *) L"tclr" : (TCHAR *) "tclr";
		if ((*tclWinProcs->getTempFileNameProc)(nativeTmp, 
			nativePrefix, 0, tempBuf) != 0) {
		     * Strictly speaking, need the following DeleteFile and
		     * MoveFile to be joined as an atomic operation so no
		     * other app comes along in the meantime and creates the
		     * same temp file.
		    nativeTmp = (TCHAR *) tempBuf;
		    if ((*tclWinProcs->moveFileProc)(nativeDst, nativeTmp) != FALSE) {
			if ((*tclWinProcs->moveFileProc)(nativeSrc, nativeDst) != FALSE) {
			    return TCL_OK;
			} else {
			    (*tclWinProcs->moveFileProc)(nativeTmp, nativeDst);

		     * Can't backup dst file or move src file.  Return that
		     * error.  Could happen if an open file refers to dst.

		    if (Tcl_GetErrno() == EACCES) {
			 * Decode the EACCES to a more meaningful error.

			goto decode;
		return result;
    return TCL_ERROR;