Esempio n. 1
 * Process a sentence with xml annotation
 * Xml tags may specifiy additional/replacing translation options
 * and reordering constraints
 * \param line in: sentence, out: sentence without the xml
 * \param res vector with translation options specified by xml
 * \param reorderingConstraint reordering constraint zones specified by xml
 * \param walls reordering constraint walls specified by xml
 * \param lbrackStr xml tag's left bracket string, typically "<"
 * \param rbrackStr xml tag's right bracket string, typically ">"
bool ProcessAndStripXMLTags(string &line, vector<XmlOption*> &res, ReorderingConstraint &reorderingConstraint, vector< size_t > &walls,
                            std::vector< std::pair<size_t, std::string> > &placeholders,
                            int offset,
                            const std::string& lbrackStr, const std::string& rbrackStr)
  //parse XML markup in translation line

  const StaticData &staticData = StaticData::Instance();

  // hack. What pt should XML trans opt be assigned to?
  PhraseDictionary *firstPt = NULL;
  if (PhraseDictionary::GetColl().size() == 0) {
    firstPt = PhraseDictionary::GetColl()[0];

  // no xml tag? we're done.
//if (line.find_first_of('<') == string::npos) {
  if (line.find(lbrackStr) == string::npos) {
    return true;

  // break up input into a vector of xml tags and text
  // example: (this), (<b>), (is a), (</b>), (test .)
  vector<string> xmlTokens = TokenizeXml(line, lbrackStr, rbrackStr);

  // we need to store opened tags, until they are closed
  // tags are stored as tripled (tagname, startpos, contents)
  typedef pair< string, pair< size_t, string > > OpenedTag;
  vector< OpenedTag > tagStack; // stack that contains active opened tags

  string cleanLine; // return string (text without xml)
  size_t wordPos = 0; // position in sentence (in terms of number of words)

  const vector<FactorType> &outputFactorOrder = staticData.GetOutputFactorOrder();
  // const string &factorDelimiter = staticData.GetFactorDelimiter();

  // loop through the tokens
  for (size_t xmlTokenPos = 0 ; xmlTokenPos < xmlTokens.size() ; xmlTokenPos++) {
    // not a xml tag, but regular text (may contain many words)
    if(!isXmlTag(xmlTokens[xmlTokenPos], lbrackStr, rbrackStr)) {
      // add a space at boundary, if necessary
      if (cleanLine.size()>0 &&
          cleanLine[cleanLine.size() - 1] != ' ' &&
          xmlTokens[xmlTokenPos][0] != ' ') {
        cleanLine += " ";
      cleanLine += xmlTokens[xmlTokenPos]; // add to output
      wordPos = Tokenize(cleanLine).size(); // count all the words

    // process xml tag
    else {
      // *** get essential information about tag ***

      // strip extra boundary spaces and "<" and ">"
      string tag =  Trim(TrimXml(xmlTokens[xmlTokenPos], lbrackStr, rbrackStr));
      VERBOSE(3,"XML TAG IS: " << tag << std::endl);

      if (tag.size() == 0) {
        TRACE_ERR("ERROR: empty tag name: " << line << endl);
        return false;

      // check if unary (e.g., "<wall/>")
      bool isUnary = ( tag[tag.size() - 1] == '/' );

      // check if opening tag (e.g. "<a>", not "</a>")g
      bool isClosed = ( tag[0] == '/' );
      bool isOpen = !isClosed;

      if (isClosed && isUnary) {
        TRACE_ERR("ERROR: can't have both closed and unary tag " << lbrackStr << tag << rbrackStr << ": " << line << endl);
        return false;

      if (isClosed)
        tag = tag.substr(1); // remove "/" at the beginning
      if (isUnary)
        tag = tag.substr(0,tag.size()-1); // remove "/" at the end

      // find the tag name and contents
      string::size_type endOfName = tag.find_first_of(' ');
      string tagName = tag;
      string tagContent = "";
      if (endOfName != string::npos) {
        tagName = tag.substr(0,endOfName);
        tagContent = tag.substr(endOfName+1);

      // *** process new tag ***

      if (isOpen || isUnary) {
        // put the tag on the tag stack
        OpenedTag openedTag = make_pair( tagName, make_pair( wordPos, tagContent ) );
        tagStack.push_back( openedTag );
        VERBOSE(3,"XML TAG " << tagName << " (" << tagContent << ") added to stack, now size " << tagStack.size() << endl);

      // *** process completed tag ***

      if (isClosed || isUnary) {
        // pop last opened tag from stack;
        if (tagStack.size() == 0) {
          TRACE_ERR("ERROR: tag " << tagName << " closed, but not opened" << ":" << line << endl);
          return false;
        OpenedTag openedTag = tagStack.back();

        // tag names have to match
        if (openedTag.first != tagName) {
          TRACE_ERR("ERROR: tag " << openedTag.first << " closed by tag " << tagName << ": " << line << endl );
          return false;

        // assemble remaining information about tag
        size_t startPos = openedTag.second.first;
        string tagContent = openedTag.second.second;
        size_t endPos = wordPos;

        // span attribute overwrites position
        string span = ParseXmlTagAttribute(tagContent,"span");
        if (! span.empty()) {
          vector<string> ij = Tokenize(span, "-");
          if (ij.size() != 1 && ij.size() != 2) {
            TRACE_ERR("ERROR: span attribute must be of the form \"i-j\" or \"i\": " << line << endl);
            return false;
          startPos = atoi(ij[0].c_str());
          if (ij.size() == 1) endPos = startPos + 1;
          else endPos = atoi(ij[1].c_str()) + 1;

        VERBOSE(3,"XML TAG " << tagName << " (" << tagContent << ") spanning " << startPos << " to " << (endPos-1) << " complete, commence processing" << endl);

        // special tag: wall
        if (tagName == "wall") {
          size_t start = (startPos == 0) ? 0 : startPos-1;
          for(size_t pos = start; pos < endPos; pos++)
            walls.push_back( pos );

        // special tag: zone
        else if (tagName == "zone") {
          if (startPos >= endPos) {
            TRACE_ERR("ERROR: zone must span at least one word: " << line << endl);
            return false;
          reorderingConstraint.SetZone( startPos, endPos-1 );

        // name-entity placeholder
        else if (tagName == "ne") {
          if (startPos != (endPos - 1)) {
            TRACE_ERR("ERROR: Placeholder must only span 1 word: " << line << endl);
            return false;
          string entity = ParseXmlTagAttribute(tagContent,"entity");
          placeholders.push_back(std::pair<size_t, std::string>(startPos, entity));

        // update: add new aligned sentence pair to Mmsapt identified by name
        else if (tagName == "update") {
#if PT_UG
          // get model name and aligned sentence pair
          string pdName = ParseXmlTagAttribute(tagContent,"name");
          string source = ParseXmlTagAttribute(tagContent,"source");
          string target = ParseXmlTagAttribute(tagContent,"target");
          string alignment = ParseXmlTagAttribute(tagContent,"alignment");
          // find PhraseDictionary by name
          const vector<PhraseDictionary*> &pds = PhraseDictionary::GetColl();
          PhraseDictionary* pd = NULL;
          for (vector<PhraseDictionary*>::const_iterator i = pds.begin(); i != pds.end(); ++i) {
            PhraseDictionary* curPd = *i;
            if (curPd->GetScoreProducerDescription() == pdName) {
              pd = curPd;
          if (pd == NULL) {
            TRACE_ERR("ERROR: No PhraseDictionary with name " << pdName << ", no update" << endl);
            return false;
          // update model
          VERBOSE(3,"Updating " << pdName << " ||| " << source << " ||| " << target << " ||| " << alignment << endl);
          Mmsapt* pdsa = reinterpret_cast<Mmsapt*>(pd);
          pdsa->add(source, target, alignment);
          TRACE_ERR("ERROR: recompile with --with-mm to update PhraseDictionary at runtime" << endl);
          return false;

        // weight-overwrite: update feature weights, unspecified weights remain unchanged
        // IMPORTANT: translation models that cache phrases or apply table-limit during load
        // based on initial weights need to be reset.  Sending an empty update will do this
        // for PhraseDictionaryBitextSampling (Mmsapt) models:
        // <update name="TranslationModelName" source=" " target=" " alignment=" " />
        else if (tagName == "weight-overwrite") {

          // is a name->ff map stored anywhere so we don't have to build it every time?
          const vector<FeatureFunction*> &ffs = FeatureFunction::GetFeatureFunctions();
          boost::unordered_map<string, FeatureFunction*> map;
          BOOST_FOREACH(FeatureFunction* const& ff, ffs) {
            map[ff->GetScoreProducerDescription()] = ff;

          // update each weight listed
          ScoreComponentCollection allWeights = StaticData::Instance().GetAllWeights();
          boost::unordered_map<string, FeatureFunction*>::iterator ffi;
          string ffName("");
          vector<float> ffWeights;
          vector<string> toks = Tokenize(ParseXmlTagAttribute(tagContent,"weights"));
          BOOST_FOREACH(string const& tok, toks) {
            if (tok.substr(tok.size() - 1, 1) == "=") {
              // start new feature
              if (ffName != "") {
                // set previous feature weights
                if (ffi != map.end()) {
                  allWeights.Assign(ffi->second, ffWeights);
              ffName = tok.substr(0, tok.size() - 1);
              ffi = map.find(ffName);
              if (ffi == map.end()) {
                TRACE_ERR("ERROR: No FeatureFunction with name " << ffName << ", no weight update" << endl);
            } else {
              // weight for current feature
          if (ffi != map.end()) {
            allWeights.Assign(ffi->second, ffWeights);

        // default: opening tag that specifies translation options
        else {
          if (startPos > endPos) {
            TRACE_ERR("ERROR: tag " << tagName << " startPos > endPos: " << line << endl);
            return false;
          } else if (startPos == endPos) {
            TRACE_ERR("WARNING: tag " << tagName << " 0 span: " << line << endl);

          // specified translations -> vector of phrases
          // multiple translations may be specified, separated by "||"
          vector<string> altTexts = TokenizeMultiCharSeparator(ParseXmlTagAttribute(tagContent,"translation"), "||");
          if( altTexts.size() == 1 && altTexts[0] == "" )
            altTexts.pop_back(); // happens when nothing specified
          // deal with legacy annotations: "translation" was called "english"
          vector<string> moreAltTexts = TokenizeMultiCharSeparator(ParseXmlTagAttribute(tagContent,"english"), "||");
          if (moreAltTexts.size()>1 || moreAltTexts[0] != "") {
            for(vector<string>::iterator translation=moreAltTexts.begin();
                translation != moreAltTexts.end();
                translation++) {
              string t = *translation;
              altTexts.push_back( t );

          // specified probabilities for the translations -> vector of probs
          vector<string> altProbs = TokenizeMultiCharSeparator(ParseXmlTagAttribute(tagContent,"prob"), "||");
          if( altProbs.size() == 1 && altProbs[0] == "" )
            altProbs.pop_back(); // happens when nothing specified

          // report what we have processed so far
          VERBOSE(3,"XML TAG NAME IS: '" << tagName << "'" << endl);
          VERBOSE(3,"XML TAG TRANSLATION IS: '" << altTexts[0] << "'" << endl);
          VERBOSE(3,"XML TAG PROB IS: '" << altProbs[0] << "'" << endl);
          VERBOSE(3,"XML TAG SPAN IS: " << startPos << "-" << (endPos-1) << endl);
          if (altProbs.size() > 0 && altTexts.size() != altProbs.size()) {
            TRACE_ERR("ERROR: Unequal number of probabilities and translation alternatives: " << line << endl);
            return false;

          // store translation options into members
          if (staticData.GetXmlInputType() != XmlIgnore) {
            // only store options if we aren't ignoring them
            for (size_t i=0; i<altTexts.size(); ++i) {
              Phrase sourcePhrase; // TODO don't know what the source phrase is

              // set default probability
              float probValue = 1;
              if (altProbs.size() > 0) probValue = Scan<float>(altProbs[i]);
              // convert from prob to log-prob
              float scoreValue = FloorScore(TransformScore(probValue));

              WordsRange range(startPos + offset,endPos-1 + offset); // span covered by phrase
              TargetPhrase targetPhrase(firstPt);
              // targetPhrase.CreateFromString(Output, outputFactorOrder,altTexts[i],factorDelimiter, NULL);
              targetPhrase.CreateFromString(Output, outputFactorOrder,altTexts[i], NULL);

              // lhs
              const UnknownLHSList &lhsList = staticData.GetUnknownLHS();
              if (!lhsList.empty()) {
                const Factor *factor = FactorCollection::Instance().AddFactor(lhsList[0].first, true);
                Word *targetLHS = new Word(true);
                targetLHS->SetFactor(0, factor); // TODO - other factors too?


              XmlOption *option = new XmlOption(range,targetPhrase);

Esempio n. 2
 * Process a sentence with xml annotation
 * Xml tags may specifiy additional/replacing translation options
 * and reordering constraints
 * \param line in: sentence, out: sentence without the xml
 * \param res vector with translation options specified by xml
 * \param reorderingConstraint reordering constraint zones specified by xml
 * \param walls reordering constraint walls specified by xml
bool TreeInput::ProcessAndStripXMLTags(string &line, std::vector<XMLParseOutput> &sourceLabels)
  //parse XML markup in translation line

  // no xml tag? we're done.
  if (line.find_first_of('<') == string::npos) {
    return true;

  // break up input into a vector of xml tags and text
  // example: (this), (<b>), (is a), (</b>), (test .)
  vector<string> xmlTokens = TokenizeXml(line);

  // we need to store opened tags, until they are closed
  // tags are stored as tripled (tagname, startpos, contents)
  typedef pair< string, pair< size_t, string > > OpenedTag;
  vector< OpenedTag > tagStack; // stack that contains active opened tags

  string cleanLine; // return string (text without xml)
  size_t wordPos = 0; // position in sentence (in terms of number of words)

  // loop through the tokens
  for (size_t xmlTokenPos = 0 ; xmlTokenPos < xmlTokens.size() ; xmlTokenPos++) {
    // not a xml tag, but regular text (may contain many words)
    if(!isXmlTag(xmlTokens[xmlTokenPos])) {
      // add a space at boundary, if necessary
      if (cleanLine.size()>0 &&
          cleanLine[cleanLine.size() - 1] != ' ' &&
          xmlTokens[xmlTokenPos][0] != ' ') {
        cleanLine += " ";
      cleanLine += xmlTokens[xmlTokenPos]; // add to output
      wordPos = Tokenize(cleanLine).size(); // count all the words

    // process xml tag
    else {
      // *** get essential information about tag ***

      // strip extra boundary spaces and "<" and ">"
      string tag =  Trim(TrimXml(xmlTokens[xmlTokenPos]));
      VERBOSE(3,"XML TAG IS: " << tag << std::endl);

      if (tag.size() == 0) {
        TRACE_ERR("ERROR: empty tag name: " << line << endl);
        return false;

      // check if unary (e.g., "<wall/>")
      bool isUnary = ( tag[tag.size() - 1] == '/' );

      // check if opening tag (e.g. "<a>", not "</a>")g
      bool isClosed = ( tag[0] == '/' );
      bool isOpen = !isClosed;

      if (isClosed && isUnary) {
        TRACE_ERR("ERROR: can't have both closed and unary tag <" << tag << ">: " << line << endl);
        return false;

      if (isClosed)
        tag = tag.substr(1); // remove "/" at the beginning
      if (isUnary)
        tag = tag.substr(0,tag.size()-1); // remove "/" at the end

      // find the tag name and contents
      string::size_type endOfName = tag.find_first_of(' ');
      string tagName = tag;
      string tagContent = "";
      if (endOfName != string::npos) {
        tagName = tag.substr(0,endOfName);
        tagContent = tag.substr(endOfName+1);

      // *** process new tag ***

      if (isOpen || isUnary) {
        // put the tag on the tag stack
        OpenedTag openedTag = make_pair( tagName, make_pair( wordPos, tagContent ) );
        tagStack.push_back( openedTag );
        VERBOSE(3,"XML TAG " << tagName << " (" << tagContent << ") added to stack, now size " << tagStack.size() << endl);

      // *** process completed tag ***

      if (isClosed || isUnary) {
        // pop last opened tag from stack;
        if (tagStack.size() == 0) {
          TRACE_ERR("ERROR: tag " << tagName << " closed, but not opened" << ":" << line << endl);
          return false;
        OpenedTag openedTag = tagStack.back();

        // tag names have to match
        if (openedTag.first != tagName) {
          TRACE_ERR("ERROR: tag " << openedTag.first << " closed by tag " << tagName << ": " << line << endl );
          return false;

        // assemble remaining information about tag
        size_t startPos = openedTag.second.first;
        string tagContent = openedTag.second.second;
        size_t endPos = wordPos;

        // span attribute overwrites position
        string span = ParseXmlTagAttribute(tagContent,"span");
        if (! span.empty()) {
          vector<string> ij = Tokenize(span, "-");
          if (ij.size() != 1 && ij.size() != 2) {
            TRACE_ERR("ERROR: span attribute must be of the form \"i-j\" or \"i\": " << line << endl);
            return false;
          startPos = atoi(ij[0].c_str());
          if (ij.size() == 1) endPos = startPos + 1;
          else endPos = atoi(ij[1].c_str()) + 1;

        VERBOSE(3,"XML TAG " << tagName << " (" << tagContent << ") spanning " << startPos << " to " << (endPos-1) << " complete, commence processing" << endl);

        if (startPos >= endPos) {
          TRACE_ERR("ERROR: tag " << tagName << " must span at least one word: " << line << endl);
          return false;

        WordsRange range(startPos,endPos-1);
        // specified translations -> vector of phrases
        // multiple translations may be specified, separated by "||"
        vector<string> altTexts = TokenizeMultiCharSeparator(ParseXmlTagAttribute(tagContent,"label"), "||");
        CHECK(altTexts.size() == 1);

        XMLParseOutput item(altTexts[0], range);
  // we are done. check if there are tags that are still open
  if (tagStack.size() > 0) {
    TRACE_ERR("ERROR: some opened tags were never closed: " << line << endl);
    return false;

  // return de-xml'ed sentence in line
  line = cleanLine;
  return true;
Esempio n. 3
/*TODO: we'd only have to return a vector of XML options if we dropped linking. 2-d vector
	is so we can link things up afterwards. We can't create TranslationOptions as we
	parse because we don't have the completed source parsed until after this function
	removes all the markup from it (CreateFromString in Sentence::Read).
bool ProcessAndStripXMLTags(string &line, SyntaxTree &tree, set< string > &labelCollection, map< string, int > &topLabelCollection, bool unescapeSpecialChars )
    //parse XML markup in translation line

    // no xml tag? we're done.
    if (line.find_first_of('<') == string::npos) {
        return true;

    // break up input into a vector of xml tags and text
    // example: (this), (<b>), (is a), (</b>), (test .)
    vector<string> xmlTokens = TokenizeXml(line);

    // we need to store opened tags, until they are closed
    // tags are stored as tripled (tagname, startpos, contents)
    typedef pair< string, pair< size_t, string > > OpenedTag;
    vector< OpenedTag > tagStack; // stack that contains active opened tags

    string cleanLine; // return string (text without xml)
    size_t wordPos = 0; // position in sentence (in terms of number of words)
    bool isLinked = false;

    // loop through the tokens
    for (size_t xmlTokenPos = 0 ; xmlTokenPos < xmlTokens.size() ; xmlTokenPos++) {
        // not a xml tag, but regular text (may contain many words)
        if(!isXmlTag(xmlTokens[xmlTokenPos])) {
            // add a space at boundary, if necessary
            if (cleanLine.size()>0 &&
                    cleanLine[cleanLine.size() - 1] != ' ' &&
                    xmlTokens[xmlTokenPos][0] != ' ') {
                cleanLine += " ";
            // add words to output
            if (unescapeSpecialChars) {
                cleanLine += unescape(xmlTokens[xmlTokenPos]);
            } else {
                cleanLine += xmlTokens[xmlTokenPos];
            wordPos = Tokenize(cleanLine).size(); // count all the words

        // process xml tag
        else {
            // *** get essential information about tag ***

            // strip extra boundary spaces and "<" and ">"
            string tag =  Trim(TrimXml(xmlTokens[xmlTokenPos]));
            // cerr << "XML TAG IS: " << tag << std::endl;

            if (tag.size() == 0) {
                cerr << "ERROR: empty tag name: " << line << endl;
                return false;

            // check if unary (e.g., "<wall/>")
            bool isUnary = ( tag[tag.size() - 1] == '/' );

            // check if opening tag (e.g. "<a>", not "</a>")g
            bool isClosed = ( tag[0] == '/' );
            bool isOpen = !isClosed;

            if (isClosed && isUnary) {
                cerr << "ERROR: can't have both closed and unary tag <" << tag << ">: " << line << endl;
                return false;

            if (isClosed)
                tag = tag.substr(1); // remove "/" at the beginning
            if (isUnary)
                tag = tag.substr(0,tag.size()-1); // remove "/" at the end

            // find the tag name and contents
            string::size_type endOfName = tag.find_first_of(' ');
            string tagName = tag;
            string tagContent = "";
            if (endOfName != string::npos) {
                tagName = tag.substr(0,endOfName);
                tagContent = tag.substr(endOfName+1);

            // *** process new tag ***

            if (isOpen || isUnary) {
                // put the tag on the tag stack
                OpenedTag openedTag = make_pair( tagName, make_pair( wordPos, tagContent ) );
                tagStack.push_back( openedTag );
                // cerr << "XML TAG " << tagName << " (" << tagContent << ") added to stack, now size " << tagStack.size() << endl;

            // *** process completed tag ***

            if (isClosed || isUnary) {
                // pop last opened tag from stack;
                if (tagStack.size() == 0) {
                    cerr << "ERROR: tag " << tagName << " closed, but not opened" << ":" << line << endl;
                    return false;
                OpenedTag openedTag = tagStack.back();

                // tag names have to match
                if (openedTag.first != tagName) {
                    cerr << "ERROR: tag " << openedTag.first << " closed by tag " << tagName << ": " << line << endl;
                    return false;

                // assemble remaining information about tag
                size_t startPos = openedTag.second.first;
                string tagContent = openedTag.second.second;
                size_t endPos = wordPos;

                // span attribute overwrites position
                string span = ParseXmlTagAttribute(tagContent,"span");
                if (! span.empty()) {
                    vector<string> ij = Tokenize(span, "-");
                    if (ij.size() != 1 && ij.size() != 2) {
                        cerr << "ERROR: span attribute must be of the form \"i-j\" or \"i\": " << line << endl;
                        return false;
                    startPos = atoi(ij[0].c_str());
                    if (ij.size() == 1) endPos = startPos + 1;
                    else endPos = atoi(ij[1].c_str()) + 1;

                // cerr << "XML TAG " << tagName << " (" << tagContent << ") spanning " << startPos << " to " << (endPos-1) << " complete, commence processing" << endl;

                if (startPos >= endPos) {
                    cerr << "ERROR: tag " << tagName << " must span at least one word (" << startPos << "-" << endPos << "): " << line << endl;
                    return false;

                string label = ParseXmlTagAttribute(tagContent,"label");
                labelCollection.insert( label );

                string pcfgString = ParseXmlTagAttribute(tagContent,"pcfg");
                float pcfgScore = pcfgString == "" ? 0.0f
                                  : std::atof(pcfgString.c_str());

                // report what we have processed so far
                if (0) {
                    cerr << "XML TAG NAME IS: '" << tagName << "'" << endl;
                    cerr << "XML TAG LABEL IS: '" << label << "'" << endl;
                    cerr << "XML SPAN IS: " << startPos << "-" << (endPos-1) << endl;
                SyntaxNode *node = tree.AddNode( startPos, endPos-1, label );
    // we are done. check if there are tags that are still open
    if (tagStack.size() > 0) {
        cerr << "ERROR: some opened tags were never closed: " << line << endl;
        return false;

    // collect top labels
    const vector< SyntaxNode* >& topNodes = tree.GetNodes( 0, wordPos-1 );
    for( vector< SyntaxNode* >::const_iterator node = topNodes.begin(); node != topNodes.end(); node++ ) {
        SyntaxNode *n = *node;
        const string &label = n->GetLabel();
        if (topLabelCollection.find( label ) == topLabelCollection.end())
            topLabelCollection[ label ] = 0;
        topLabelCollection[ label ]++;

    // return de-xml'ed sentence in line
    line = cleanLine;
    return true;
Esempio n. 4
 * Process a sentence with xml annotation
 * Xml tags may specifiy additional/replacing translation options
 * and reordering constraints
 * \param line in: sentence, out: sentence without the xml
 * \param res vector with translation options specified by xml
 * \param reorderingConstraint reordering constraint zones specified by xml
 * \param walls reordering constraint walls specified by xml
bool TreeInput::ProcessAndStripXMLTags(string &line, std::vector<XMLParseOutput> &sourceLabels, std::vector<XmlOption*> &xmlOptions)
  //parse XML markup in translation line

  // no xml tag? we're done.
  if (line.find_first_of('<') == string::npos) {
    return true;

  // break up input into a vector of xml tags and text
  // example: (this), (<b>), (is a), (</b>), (test .)
  vector<string> xmlTokens = TokenizeXml(line);

  // we need to store opened tags, until they are closed
  // tags are stored as tripled (tagname, startpos, contents)
  typedef pair< string, pair< size_t, string > > OpenedTag;
  vector< OpenedTag > tagStack; // stack that contains active opened tags

  string cleanLine; // return string (text without xml)
  size_t wordPos = 0; // position in sentence (in terms of number of words)

  // keep this handy for later
  const vector<FactorType> &outputFactorOrder = StaticData::Instance().GetOutputFactorOrder();
  const string &factorDelimiter = StaticData::Instance().GetFactorDelimiter();

  // loop through the tokens
  for (size_t xmlTokenPos = 0 ; xmlTokenPos < xmlTokens.size() ; xmlTokenPos++) {
    // not a xml tag, but regular text (may contain many words)
    if(!isXmlTag(xmlTokens[xmlTokenPos])) {
      // add a space at boundary, if necessary
      if (cleanLine.size()>0 &&
          cleanLine[cleanLine.size() - 1] != ' ' &&
          xmlTokens[xmlTokenPos][0] != ' ') {
        cleanLine += " ";
      cleanLine += xmlTokens[xmlTokenPos]; // add to output
      wordPos = Tokenize(cleanLine).size(); // count all the words

    // process xml tag
    else {
      // *** get essential information about tag ***

      // strip extra boundary spaces and "<" and ">"
      string tag =  Trim(TrimXml(xmlTokens[xmlTokenPos]));
      VERBOSE(3,"XML TAG IS: " << tag << std::endl);

      if (tag.size() == 0) {
        TRACE_ERR("ERROR: empty tag name: " << line << endl);
        return false;

      // check if unary (e.g., "<wall/>")
      bool isUnary = ( tag[tag.size() - 1] == '/' );

      // check if opening tag (e.g. "<a>", not "</a>")g
      bool isClosed = ( tag[0] == '/' );
      bool isOpen = !isClosed;

      if (isClosed && isUnary) {
        TRACE_ERR("ERROR: can't have both closed and unary tag <" << tag << ">: " << line << endl);
        return false;

      if (isClosed)
        tag = tag.substr(1); // remove "/" at the beginning
      if (isUnary)
        tag = tag.substr(0,tag.size()-1); // remove "/" at the end

      // find the tag name and contents
      string::size_type endOfName = tag.find_first_of(' ');
      string tagName = tag;
      string tagContent = "";
      if (endOfName != string::npos) {
        tagName = tag.substr(0,endOfName);
        tagContent = tag.substr(endOfName+1);

      // *** process new tag ***

      if (isOpen || isUnary) {
        // put the tag on the tag stack
        OpenedTag openedTag = make_pair( tagName, make_pair( wordPos, tagContent ) );
        tagStack.push_back( openedTag );
        VERBOSE(3,"XML TAG " << tagName << " (" << tagContent << ") added to stack, now size " << tagStack.size() << endl);

      // *** process completed tag ***

      if (isClosed || isUnary) {
        // pop last opened tag from stack;
        if (tagStack.size() == 0) {
          TRACE_ERR("ERROR: tag " << tagName << " closed, but not opened" << ":" << line << endl);
          return false;
        OpenedTag openedTag = tagStack.back();

        // tag names have to match
        if (openedTag.first != tagName) {
          TRACE_ERR("ERROR: tag " << openedTag.first << " closed by tag " << tagName << ": " << line << endl );
          return false;

        // assemble remaining information about tag
        size_t startPos = openedTag.second.first;
        string tagContent = openedTag.second.second;
        size_t endPos = wordPos;

        // span attribute overwrites position
        string span = ParseXmlTagAttribute(tagContent,"span");
        if (! span.empty()) {
          vector<string> ij = Tokenize(span, "-");
          if (ij.size() != 1 && ij.size() != 2) {
            TRACE_ERR("ERROR: span attribute must be of the form \"i-j\" or \"i\": " << line << endl);
            return false;
          startPos = atoi(ij[0].c_str());
          if (ij.size() == 1) endPos = startPos + 1;
          else endPos = atoi(ij[1].c_str()) + 1;

        VERBOSE(3,"XML TAG " << tagName << " (" << tagContent << ") spanning " << startPos << " to " << (endPos-1) << " complete, commence processing" << endl);

        if (startPos >= endPos) {
          TRACE_ERR("ERROR: tag " << tagName << " must span at least one word: " << line << endl);
          return false;

	// may be either a input span label ("label"), or a specified output translation "translation"
        string label = ParseXmlTagAttribute(tagContent,"label");
        string translation = ParseXmlTagAttribute(tagContent,"translation");

        // specified label
        if (translation.length() == 0 && label.length() > 0) {
          WordsRange range(startPos,endPos-1); // really?
          XMLParseOutput item(label, range);

        // specified translations -> vector of phrases, separated by "||"
        if (translation.length() > 0 && StaticData::Instance().GetXmlInputType() != XmlIgnore) {
          vector<string> altTexts = TokenizeMultiCharSeparator(translation, "||");
          vector<string> altLabel = TokenizeMultiCharSeparator(label, "||");
          vector<string> altProbs = TokenizeMultiCharSeparator(ParseXmlTagAttribute(tagContent,"prob"), "||");
	  //TRACE_ERR("number of translations: " << altTexts.size() << endl);
          for (size_t i=0; i<altTexts.size(); ++i) {
            // set target phrase
            TargetPhrase targetPhrase(Output);

            // set constituent label
	    string targetLHSstr;
            if (altLabel.size() > i && altLabel[i].size() > 0) {
              targetLHSstr = altLabel[i];
            else {
              const UnknownLHSList &lhsList = StaticData::Instance().GetUnknownLHS();
              UnknownLHSList::const_iterator iterLHS = lhsList.begin();
              targetLHSstr = iterLHS->first;
            Word targetLHS(true);
            targetLHS.CreateFromString(Output, outputFactorOrder, targetLHSstr, true);
            CHECK(targetLHS.GetFactor(0) != NULL);

            // get probability
            float probValue = 1;
            if (altProbs.size() > i && altProbs[i].size() > 0) {
              probValue = Scan<float>(altProbs[i]);
            // convert from prob to log-prob
            float scoreValue = FloorScore(TransformScore(probValue));

            // set span and create XmlOption
            WordsRange range(startPos+1,endPos);
            XmlOption *option = new XmlOption(range,targetPhrase);

            VERBOSE(2,"xml translation = [" << range << "] " << targetLHSstr << " -> " << altTexts[i] << " prob: " << probValue << endl);
  // we are done. check if there are tags that are still open
  if (tagStack.size() > 0) {
    TRACE_ERR("ERROR: some opened tags were never closed: " << line << endl);
    return false;

  // return de-xml'ed sentence in line
  line = cleanLine;
  return true;