Esempio n. 1
BOOL CDCNeighbour::OnHubName(CDCPacket *pPacket)
	// Name of hub
	// $HubName Title [Description]|

	CString sDescription;
	int nHubInfo = pPacket->Find( ' ', 9 );
	if ( nHubInfo != -1 )
		m_sServerName = UTF8Decode( (LPCSTR)&pPacket->m_pBuffer[ 9 ], nHubInfo - 9 );
		sDescription = UTF8Decode( (LPCSTR)&pPacket->m_pBuffer[ nHubInfo + 1 ], pPacket->m_nLength - nHubInfo - 2 ).TrimLeft( _T(" -") );
		m_sServerName = UTF8Decode( (LPCSTR)&pPacket->m_pBuffer[ 9 ], pPacket->m_nLength - 9 - 1 );

	if ( CHostCacheHostPtr pServer = HostCache.DC.Find( &m_pHost.sin_addr ) )
		pServer->m_sName = m_sServerName;
		pServer->m_sDescription = sDescription;

	ChatCore.OnMessage( this, pPacket );

	return TRUE;
Esempio n. 2
BOOL CDCNeighbour::OnConnectToMe(LPSTR szParams)
	// Client connection request
	// $ConnectToMe MyNick SenderIp:SenderPort|
	// or
	// $ConnectToMe SenderNick MyNick SenderIp:SenderPort|

	if ( LPSTR szSenderNick = szParams )
		if ( LPSTR szMyNick = strchr( szSenderNick, ' ' ) )
			*szMyNick++ = 0;
			LPSTR szAddress = strchr( szMyNick, ' ' );
			if ( szAddress )
				*szAddress++ = 0;
				szAddress = szMyNick;
				szMyNick = szSenderNick;
				szSenderNick = "";

			CString sMyNick( UTF8Decode( szMyNick) );
			CString sSenderNick( UTF8Decode( szSenderNick ) );

			if ( LPSTR szPort = strchr( szAddress, ':' ) )
				*szPort++ = 0;
				int nPort = atoi( szPort );
				IN_ADDR nAddress;
				nAddress.s_addr = inet_addr( szAddress );
				if ( m_sNick == sMyNick )
					// Ok
					DCClients.ConnectTo( &nAddress, (WORD)nPort, this, sSenderNick );
					// Wrong nick, bad IP

	return TRUE;
Esempio n. 3
BOOL CDCNeighbour::OnQuit(LPSTR szNick)
	// User leave hub
	// $Quit nick|

	if ( szNick )
		CString sNick = UTF8Decode( szNick );
		CChatUser* pUser;
		if ( m_oUsers.Lookup( sNick, pUser ) )
			m_oUsers.RemoveKey( sNick );
			delete pUser;

		if ( m_nNodeType == ntHub )
			HostCache.DC.Add( &m_pHost.sin_addr, htons( m_pHost.sin_port ), 0, 0, 0, GetUserCount() );

		// Notify chat window
		ChatCore.OnDeleteUser( this, new CString( sNick ) );

	return TRUE;
Esempio n. 4
BOOL CDCNeighbour::OnHello(LPSTR szNick)
	// User logged-in
	// $Hello Nick|

	m_nState = nrsConnected;

	m_bNickValid = TRUE;
	m_sNick = UTF8Decode( szNick );

	if ( CHostCacheHostPtr pServer = HostCache.DC.Find( &m_pHost.sin_addr ) )
		pServer->m_sUser = m_sNick;

	// NMDC version
	if ( CDCPacket* pPacket = CDCPacket::New() )
		pPacket->Write( _P("$Version 1,0091|") );
		Send( pPacket );


	// Request nick list
	if ( CDCPacket* pPacket = CDCPacket::New() )
		pPacket->Write( _P("$GetNickList|") );
		Send( pPacket );

	return TRUE;
Esempio n. 5
// Takes access to a string, default peek false to move a line from the buffer to the string, and default CP_ACP to read ASCII text
// Looks for bytes like "line\r\n" in the buffer, and moves them from the buffer to the string, throwing away the "\r\n" part
// Returns true if a line was found and moved from the buffer to the string, false if there isn't a '\n' in the buffer right now
BOOL CBuffer::ReadLine(CString& strLine, BOOL bPeek)
	// Empty the string, making it blank

	// If this buffer is empty, tell the caller we didn't find a complete line
	if ( ! m_nLength ) return FALSE;

	// Scan down each byte in the buffer
	DWORD nLength = 0;
	for ( ; nLength < m_nLength ; nLength++ )
		// If the byte at this length is the newline character '\n', exit the loop
		if ( m_pBuffer[ nLength ] == '\n' ) break;

	// If the loop didn't find a '\n' and instead stopped because nLength grew to equal m_nLength
	if ( nLength >= m_nLength ) return FALSE;	// No '\n' in buffer, tell the caller we didn't find a complete line

	strLine = UTF8Decode( (LPCSTR)m_pBuffer, nLength );

	strLine.TrimRight( _T("\r\n") );

	// Now that the line has been copied into the string, remove it and the '\n' from the buffer
	if ( ! bPeek )
		Remove( nLength + 1 );	// Unless we're peeking, then leave it in the buffer

	// Report that we found a line and moved it from the buffer to the string
	return TRUE;
Esempio n. 6
**  Checks for the ServerConf values before we actually decode.
**  This function is really a ServerConf wrapper for UTF8Decode.
**  @param ServerConf  the server configuration
**  @param start       the start of the URI
**  @param end         the end of the URI
**  @param ptr         the current pointer into the URI
**  @return integer
**  @retval char       the decode/undecoded byte.
**  @see GetByte()
static int UnicodeDecode(HI_SESSION *Session, const u_char *start,
                         const u_char *end, const u_char **ptr, int iFirst,
                         URI_NORM_STATE *norm_state, uint16_t *encodeType)
    HTTPINSPECT_CONF *ServerConf = Session->server_conf;
    int iNorm = iFirst;

    if(ServerConf->iis_unicode.on || ServerConf->utf_8.on)
        iNorm = UTF8Decode(Session, start, end, ptr, iFirst, norm_state, encodeType);

    return iNorm;
Esempio n. 7
BOOL CDCNeighbour::OnRevConnectToMe(LPSTR szParams)
	// Callback connection request
	// $RevConnectToMe RemoteNick MyNick|

	if ( LPSTR szRemoteNick = szParams )
		if ( LPSTR szMyNick = strchr( szRemoteNick, ' ' ) )
			*szMyNick++ = 0;

			CString sNick( UTF8Decode( szMyNick ) );
			CString sRemoteNick( UTF8Decode( szRemoteNick ) );

			if ( m_bNickValid && m_sNick == sNick )
				ConnectToMe( sRemoteNick );

	return TRUE;
Esempio n. 8
BOOL CDCNeighbour::OnChat(CDCPacket* pPacket)
	// Chat message
	// <Nick> Message|

	if ( LPCSTR szMessage = strchr( (LPCSTR)pPacket->m_pBuffer, '>' ) )
		int nNickLen = szMessage - (LPCSTR)pPacket->m_pBuffer - 1;
		CString sNick( UTF8Decode( (LPCSTR)&pPacket->m_pBuffer[ 1 ], nNickLen ) );

		if ( nNickLen > 0 && m_sNick != sNick )
			ChatCore.OnMessage( this, pPacket );

	return TRUE;
Esempio n. 9
BOOL CDCNeighbour::OnForceMove(LPSTR szParams)
	// User redirection
	// $ForceMove IP:Port|

	if ( LPSTR szAddress = szParams )
		int nPort = protocolPorts[ PROTOCOL_DC ];
		if ( LPSTR szPort = strchr( szAddress, ':' ) )
			*szPort++ = 0;
			nPort = atoi( szPort );

		Network.ConnectTo( UTF8Decode( szAddress ), nPort, PROTOCOL_DC );

	return TRUE;
Esempio n. 10
File: XML.cpp Progetto: GetEnvy/Envy
CXMLElement* CXMLElement::FromBytes(BYTE* pByte, DWORD nByte, BOOL bHeader)
	CString strXML;

	if ( nByte >= 2 && ( ( pByte[0] == 0xFE && pByte[1] == 0xFF ) || ( pByte[0] == 0xFF && pByte[1] == 0xFE ) ) )
		nByte = nByte / 2 - 1;

		if ( pByte[0] == 0xFE && pByte[1] == 0xFF )
			pByte += 2;

			for ( DWORD nSwap = 0; nSwap < nByte; nSwap ++ )
				register CHAR nTemp = pByte[ ( nSwap << 1 ) + 0 ];
				pByte[ ( nSwap << 1 ) + 0 ] = pByte[ ( nSwap << 1 ) + 1 ];
				pByte[ ( nSwap << 1 ) + 1 ] = nTemp;
			pByte += 2;

		CopyMemory( strXML.GetBuffer( nByte ), pByte, nByte * sizeof( TCHAR ) );
		strXML.ReleaseBuffer( nByte );
		if ( nByte >= 3 && pByte[0] == 0xEF && pByte[1] == 0xBB && pByte[2] == 0xBF )
			pByte += 3;
			nByte -= 3;

		strXML = UTF8Decode( (LPCSTR)pByte, nByte );

	return FromString( strXML, bHeader );
Esempio n. 11
int C86ZW::Search(const char* book, const char* author, char *bookUri)
	char name[256] = {0};
	char request[256] = {0};

	int r = url_encode(UTF8Decode(book), -1, name, sizeof(name));
	sprintf(request, "searchkey=%s&searchtype=articlename", name);

	const char* uri = "";
	r = SearchBook(this, uri, request, book, author, name);
	if(0 == r)
		// book:
		// index:
		char* p = strrchr(name, '.');
			*p = 0;
			sprintf(bookUri, "%s/index.html", name);
	return 0;
Esempio n. 12
BOOL CDCNeighbour::OnUserIP(LPSTR szIP)
	// User address
	// $UserIP MyNick IP|

	if ( LPSTR szMyNick = szIP )
		if ( LPSTR szAddress = strchr( szMyNick, ' ' ) )
			*szAddress++ = 0;

			CString sNick( UTF8Decode( szMyNick ) );

			if ( m_bNickValid && m_sNick == sNick )
				IN_ADDR nAddress;
				nAddress.s_addr = inet_addr( szAddress );
				Network.AcquireLocalAddress( nAddress );

	return TRUE;
Esempio n. 13
void CRemote::Output(LPCTSTR pszName)
	if ( _tcsstr( pszName, L".." ) || _tcschr( pszName, L'/' ) ) return;

	CString strValue = Settings.General.Path + L"\\Remote\\" + pszName + L".html";

	CFile hFile;
	if ( ! hFile.Open( strValue, CFile::modeRead ) ) return;

	int nBytes = (int)hFile.GetLength();
	CAutoVectorPtr< BYTE > pBytes( new BYTE[ nBytes ] );
	hFile.Read( pBytes, nBytes );
	LPCSTR pBody = (LPCSTR)(BYTE*)pBytes;
	if ( nBytes > 3 && pBytes[0] == 0xEF && pBytes[1] == 0xBB && pBytes[2] == 0xBF )
		// Skip BOM
		pBody  += 3;
		nBytes -= 3;

	CString strBody = UTF8Decode( pBody, nBytes );

	CList<BOOL> pDisplayStack;

	for ( BOOL bDisplay = TRUE; ; )
		int nStart = strBody.Find( L"<%" );

		if ( nStart < 0 )
			if ( bDisplay )
				m_sResponse += strBody;
		else if ( nStart >= 0 )
			if ( bDisplay && nStart > 0 )
				m_sResponse += strBody.Left( nStart );
			strBody = strBody.Mid( nStart + 2 );

		int nEnd = strBody.Find( L"%>" );
		if ( nEnd < 0 ) break;

		CString strKey = strBody.Left( nEnd );
		strBody = strBody.Mid( nEnd + 2 );

		ToLower( strKey );

		if ( strKey.IsEmpty() )
			// Nothing
		else if ( strKey.GetAt( 0 ) == L'=' && bDisplay )
			strKey = strKey.Mid( 1 );
			if ( m_pKeys.Lookup( strKey, strValue ) )
				m_sResponse += strValue;
		else if ( strKey.GetAt( 0 ) == L'?' )
			strKey = strKey.Mid( 1 );

			if ( strKey.IsEmpty() )
				if ( ! pDisplayStack.IsEmpty() )
					bDisplay = pDisplayStack.RemoveTail();
				if ( strKey.GetAt( 0 ) == L'!' )
					strKey = strKey.Mid( 1 );
					if ( ! m_pKeys.Lookup( strKey, strValue ) ) strValue.Empty();
					pDisplayStack.AddTail( bDisplay );
					bDisplay = bDisplay && strValue.IsEmpty();
					if ( ! m_pKeys.Lookup( strKey, strValue ) ) strValue.Empty();
					pDisplayStack.AddTail( bDisplay );
					bDisplay = bDisplay && ! strValue.IsEmpty();
Esempio n. 14
BOOL CDCNeighbour::OnUserInfo(LPSTR szInfo)
	// User info
	// $MyINFO $ALL nick description<tag>$ $connection$e-mail$sharesize$|

	if ( strncmp( szInfo, _P("$ALL ") ) == 0 )
		LPSTR szNick = szInfo + 5;
		if ( LPSTR szDescription = strchr( szNick, ' ' ) )
			*szDescription++ = 0;

			CString sNick( UTF8Decode( szNick ) );

			CChatUser* pUser;
			if ( ! m_oUsers.Lookup( sNick, pUser ) )
				pUser = new CChatUser;
				m_oUsers.SetAt( sNick, pUser );
			pUser->m_bType = ( sNick == m_sNick ) ? cutMe : cutUser;
			pUser->m_sNick = sNick;

			if ( LPSTR szConnection = strchr( szDescription, '$' ) )
				*szConnection++ = 0;

				if ( LPSTR szVendor = strchr( szDescription, '<' ) )
					if ( *(szConnection - 2) == '>' )
						*szVendor++ = 0;
						*(szConnection - 2) = 0;

						CStringA sVersion;
						if ( LPSTR szTags = strchr( szVendor, ' ' ) )
							*szTags++ = 0;

							for ( CStringA sTags( szTags ); ! sTags.IsEmpty(); )
								CStringA sTag = sTags.SpanExcluding( "," );
								sTags = sTags.Mid( sTag.GetLength() + 1 );
								if ( sTag.IsEmpty() )
								int nPos = sTag.Find( ':' );
								if ( nPos > 0 )
									CStringA sTagName = sTag.Left( nPos );
									sTag = sTag.Mid( nPos + 1 );

									if ( sTagName == "V" )
										// Version

										sVersion = sTag;
									else if ( sTagName == "M" )
										// Mode
									else if ( sTagName == "H" )
										// Hubs
									else if ( sTagName == "S" )
										// Slots

						pUser->m_sUserAgent = UTF8Decode( szVendor );
						if ( ! sVersion.IsEmpty() )
							pUser->m_sUserAgent += _T(" ") + UTF8Decode( sVersion );

			pUser->m_sDescription = UTF8Decode( szDescription );

			if ( m_nNodeType == ntHub )
				HostCache.DC.Add( &m_pHost.sin_addr, htons( m_pHost.sin_port ), 0, 0, 0, GetUserCount() );

			// Notify chat window
			ChatCore.OnAddUser( this, new CChatUser( *pUser ) );

	return TRUE;
Esempio n. 15
BOOL CDCNeighbour::OnLock(LPSTR szParams)
	// $Lock [EXTENDEDPROTOCOL]Challenge Pk=Vendor|

	if  ( LPSTR szLock = szParams )
		m_bExtended = ( strncmp( szParams, _P("EXTENDEDPROTOCOL") ) == 0 );

		if ( LPSTR szUserAgent = strstr( szParams, " Pk=" ) )
			// Good way
			*szUserAgent = 0;
			szUserAgent += 4;
			m_sUserAgent = UTF8Decode( szUserAgent );
			// Bad way
			if ( LPSTR szUserAgent = strchr( szParams, ' ' ) )
				*szUserAgent++ = 0;
				m_sUserAgent = UTF8Decode( szUserAgent );

		if ( m_nState < nrsHandshake2 )
			m_nState = nrsHandshake2;	// Waiting for $Hello

		if ( m_nNodeType == ntHub )
			HostCache.DC.Add( &m_pHost.sin_addr, htons( m_pHost.sin_port ) );

		if ( m_bExtended )
			if ( CDCPacket* pPacket = CDCPacket::New() )
				pPacket->Write( _P(DC_HUB_SUPPORTS) );
				Send( pPacket );

		std::string strKey = DCClients.MakeKey( szLock );
		if ( CDCPacket* pPacket = CDCPacket::New() )
			pPacket->Write( _P("$Key ") );
			pPacket->Write( strKey.c_str(), (DWORD)strKey.size() );
			pPacket->Write( _P("|") );
			Send( pPacket );

		m_bNickValid = FALSE;
		if ( CHostCacheHostPtr pServer = HostCache.DC.Find( &m_pHost.sin_addr ) )
			m_sNick = pServer->m_sUser;
		m_sNick = DCClients.CreateNick( m_sNick );

		if ( CDCPacket* pPacket = CDCPacket::New() )
			pPacket->Write( _P("$ValidateNick ") );
			pPacket->WriteString( m_sNick, FALSE );
			pPacket->Write( _P("|") );
			Send( pPacket );

	return TRUE;