Esempio n. 1
 * leadlag_common
 * common operation of lead() and lag()
 * For lead() forward is true, whereas for lag() it is false.
 * withoffset indicates we have an offset second argument.
 * withdefault indicates we have a default third argument.
static Datum
leadlag_common(FunctionCallInfo fcinfo,
			   bool forward, bool withoffset, bool withdefault)
	WindowObject winobj = PG_WINDOW_OBJECT();
	int32		offset;
	bool		const_offset;
	Datum		result;
	bool		isnull;
	bool		isout;

	if (withoffset)
		offset = DatumGetInt32(WinGetFuncArgCurrent(winobj, 1, &isnull));
		if (isnull)
		const_offset = get_fn_expr_arg_stable(fcinfo->flinfo, 1);
		offset = 1;
		const_offset = true;

	result = WinGetFuncArgInPartition(winobj, 0,
									  (forward ? offset : -offset),
									  &isnull, &isout);

	if (isout)
		 * target row is out of the partition; supply default value if
		 * provided.  otherwise it'll stay NULL
		if (withdefault)
			result = WinGetFuncArgCurrent(winobj, 2, &isnull);

	if (isnull)

Esempio n. 2
static Datum
kmeans_impl(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS, bool initial_mean_supplied)
	WindowObject winobj = PG_WINDOW_OBJECT();
	kmeans_context *context;
	int64		curpos, rowcount;

	rowcount = WinGetPartitionRowCount(winobj);
	context = (kmeans_context *)
			sizeof(kmeans_context) + sizeof(int) * rowcount);

	if (!context->isdone)
		int			dim, k, N;
		Datum		arg;
		bool		isnull, isout;
		myvector	inputs, mean, maxlist, minlist;
		int		   *r;
		int			i, a;
		ArrayType  *x;

		arg = WinGetFuncArgCurrent(winobj, 0, &isnull);
		if (!isnull)
			x = DatumGetArrayTypeP(
					WinGetFuncArgCurrent(winobj, 0, &isnull));
		KMEANS_CHECK_V(x, ARR_DIMS(x)[0], isnull);

		dim = ARR_DIMS(x)[0];
		k = DatumGetInt32(WinGetFuncArgCurrent(winobj, 1, &isnull));
		 * Since window function ignores STRICT mark,
		 * return NULL simply.
		if (isnull || k <= 0)
			context->isdone = true;
			context->isnull = true;

		N = (int) WinGetPartitionRowCount(winobj);
		inputs = (myvector) palloc(SIZEOF_V(dim) * N);
		maxlist = (myvector) palloc(SIZEOF_V(dim));
		minlist = (myvector) palloc(SIZEOF_V(dim));
		for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
			x = DatumGetArrayTypeP(
					WinGetFuncArgInPartition(winobj, 0, i,
						WINDOW_SEEK_HEAD, false, &isnull, &isout));
			KMEANS_CHECK_V(x, dim, isnull);
			memcpy(&inputs[i * dim], ARR_DATA_PTR(x), SIZEOF_V(dim));
			/* update min/max for later use of init mean */
			for (a = 0; a < dim; a++)
				if (i == 0 || maxlist[a] < inputs[i * dim + a])
					maxlist[a] = inputs[i * dim + a];
				if (i == 0 || minlist[a] > inputs[i * dim + a])
					minlist[a] = inputs[i * dim + a];

		 * initial mean vectors. need improve how to define them.
		mean = (myvector) palloc(SIZEOF_V(dim) * k);
		/* only the result is stored in the partition local memory */
		r = context->result;
		if (initial_mean_supplied)
			ArrayType	   *init = DatumGetArrayTypeP(
								WinGetFuncArgCurrent(winobj, 2, &isnull));

			 * we can accept 1d or 2d array as mean vectors.
			if (isnull || ARR_HASNULL(init) ||
				!((ARR_NDIM(init) == 2 && ARR_DIMS(init)[0] == k &&
					ARR_DIMS(init)[1] == dim) ||
					(ARR_NDIM(init) == 1 &&
						ARR_DIMS(init)[0] == k * dim)))
						 errmsg("initial mean vector must be 2d without NULL element")));
			memcpy(mean, ARR_DATA_PTR(init), SIZEOF_V(dim) * k);
			initialize_mean(inputs, dim, N, k, mean, r);
			kmeans_debug(mean, dim, k);
		/* run it! */
		calc_kmeans(inputs, dim, N, k, mean, r);
		context->isdone = true;

	if (context->isnull)

	curpos = WinGetCurrentPosition(winobj);