Esempio n. 1
/* constuct subpath with moveto and repeated lineto from Points */
int construct_path(struct line_pnts *Points, double shift, int t)
    int i, np, k = 1;
    double *xarray, *yarray, x, y;

    np = Points->n_points;
    xarray = Points->x;
    yarray = Points->y;

    for (i = 0; i < np; i++) {
	x = XCONV(xarray[0] + shift);
	y = YCONV(yarray[0]);
	fprintf(PS.fp, "%.1f %.1f ", x, y);
	if (i == 0 && (t == START_PATH || t == WHOLE_PATH)) {
	    fprintf(PS.fp, "M ");
	else {
	    fprintf(PS.fp, "LN ");
	if (k == 2) {
	    fprintf(PS.fp, "\n");
	    k = 0;
	else {
	    fprintf(PS.fp, " ");
    if (t == CLOSE_PATH || t == WHOLE_PATH) {
	fprintf(PS.fp, "CP\n");
    return 1;
Esempio n. 2
 *			S E P A R A T E
 *  Unpack RGB byte tripples into three separate arrays of integers.
 *  The first and last pixels are replicated twice, to handle border effects.
 *  Updated version:  the outputs are Y U V values, not R G B.
separate(register int *rop, register int *gop, register int *bop, register unsigned char *cp, long int num)
    /* Y */
    /* U */
    /* V */

    register long int 	i;
    register int	r, g, b;

    r = cp[0];
    g = cp[1];
    b = cp[2];

#define YCONV(_r, _g, _b)	(_r * 0.299 + _g * 0.587 + _b * 0.144 + 0.9)
#define UCONV(_r, _g, _b)	(_r * -0.1686 + _g * -0.3311 + _b * 0.4997 + 0.9)
#define VCONV(_r, _g, _b)	(_r * 0.4998 + _g * -0.4185 + _b * -0.0813 + 0.9)

    rop[-1] = rop[-2] = YCONV(r, g, b);
    gop[-1] = gop[-2] = UCONV(r, g, b);
    bop[-1] = bop[-2] = VCONV(r, g, b);

    for ( i = num-1; i >= 0; i-- )  {
	r = cp[0];
	g = cp[1];
	b = cp[2];
	cp += 3;
	*rop++ = YCONV(r, g, b);
	*gop++ = UCONV(r, g, b);
	*bop++ = VCONV(r, g, b);

    r = cp[-3];
    g = cp[-2];
    b = cp[-1];

    *rop++ = YCONV(r, g, b);
    *gop++ = UCONV(r, g, b);
    *bop++ = VCONV(r, g, b);

    *rop++ = YCONV(r, g, b);
    *gop++ = UCONV(r, g, b);
    *bop++ = VCONV(r, g, b);