Esempio n. 1
void rtems_smp_secondary_cpu_initialize( void )
  Per_CPU_Control *self_cpu = _Per_CPU_Get();
  Thread_Control  *heir;

  #if defined(RTEMS_DEBUG)
    printk( "Made it to %d -- ", _Per_CPU_Get_index( self_cpu ) );


  _Per_CPU_Wait_for_state( self_cpu, PER_CPU_STATE_BEGIN_MULTITASKING );

  _Per_CPU_Change_state( self_cpu, PER_CPU_STATE_UP );

   *  The Scheduler will have selected the heir thread for each CPU core.
   *  Now we have been requested to perform the first context switch.  So
   *  force a switch to the designated heir and make it executing on
   *  THIS core.
  heir = self_cpu->heir;
  heir->is_executing = true;
  self_cpu->executing->is_executing = false;
  self_cpu->executing = heir;
  self_cpu->dispatch_necessary = false;

   * Threads begin execution in the _Thread_Handler() function.   This function
   * will call _Thread_Enable_dispatch().

  _CPU_Context_switch_to_first_task_smp( &heir->Registers );
Esempio n. 2
 *  Process request to switch to the first task on a secondary core.
void rtems_smp_run_first_task(int cpu)
  Thread_Control *heir;
  ISR_Level       level;

  _ISR_Disable_on_this_core( level );

   *  The Scheduler will have selected the heir thread for each CPU core.
   *  Now we have been requested to perform the first context switch.  So
   *  force a switch to the designated heir and make it executing on 
   *  THIS core.
  heir              = _Thread_Heir;
  _Thread_Executing = heir;

  _CPU_Context_switch_to_first_task_smp( &heir->Registers );