Esempio n. 1
_CODE_ACCESS int fputc(int _c, register FILE *_fp)
   /* The current thread in a multi-threaded application must protect access */
   /* to the file stream. In this case, _fp may be updated, so we must       */
   /* ensure that the local copy of _fp is flushed to shared memory before   */
   /* leaving the critical section (invalidated if it is not modified).      */

   /* Make sure that the stream is writeable.                                */
   if (!__TI_wrt_ok(_fp)) 
      __TI_data_synch_INV(_fp, sizeof(FILE));
      return EOF; 

   /* If the stream is non-buffered, call the lowlevel WRITE function.       */
   if(_BUFFMODE(_fp) == _IONBF)
      char cbuf = (char)_c;

      if ((write(_fp->fd, &cbuf, 1)) == -1)
         _SET(_fp, _STATERR);
         __TI_data_synch_WBINV(_fp, sizeof(FILE));
         return (EOF);

         __TI_data_synch_WBINV(_fp, sizeof(FILE));
	 return ((unsigned char)_c);

   /* Check for room in the buffer. If room, add the character. Must         */
   /* check before writing because C++ library fills the buffer to           */
   /* capacity, then calls fputc() from overflow() (CQXXXXX).                */
   if ((_fp->pos >= _fp->bufend) && __TI_doflush(_fp))
      _SET(_fp, _STATERR);
      __TI_data_synch_WBINV(_fp, sizeof(FILE));
      return (EOF);

   *(_fp->pos++) = (unsigned char)_c;

   /* If a line-buffered stream reached a newline character, flush it.       */
   if ((_STCHK(_fp, _IOLBF) && _c == '\n') && __TI_doflush(_fp))
      _SET(_fp, _STATERR);
      __TI_data_synch_WBINV(_fp, sizeof(FILE));
      return (EOF);

   __TI_data_synch_WBINV(_fp, sizeof(FILE));
   return ((unsigned char)_c);
Esempio n. 2
_CODE_ACCESS int fputs(const char *_ptr, register FILE *_fp)
   /* Local variables                                                        */
   size_t   num_left, ptr_strlen;
   char     *fpos          = (char *)_ptr;
   int      room_left,
            flush_flag     = 0,

   /* The current thread in a multi-threaded application must protect access */
   /* to the file stream. In this case, _fp may be updated, so we must       */
   /* ensure that the local copy of _fp is flushed to shared memory before   */
   /* leaving the critical section (invalidated if it is not modified).      */

   /* Make sure that the stream is writeable.                                */
   if (!__TI_wrt_ok(_fp)) 
      __TI_data_synch_INV(_fp, sizeof(FILE));
      return (EOF);
   room_left = (int)(_fp->bufend - _fp->pos);
   ptr_strlen = num_left = strlen(_ptr);

   /* If the stream is non-buffered, call the lowlevel WRITE function.       */
   if (_BUFFMODE(_fp) == _IONBF) 
       int num_written = 0;

       while (num_left > 0)
	   int write_return = write(_fp->fd, _ptr + num_written, num_left);
	   if (write_return < 0) 
	       _SET(_fp, _STATERR); 
               __TI_data_synch_WBINV(_fp, sizeof(FILE));
	       return (EOF);
	       num_written += write_return;
	       num_left    -= write_return;

       __TI_data_synch_WBINV(_fp, sizeof(FILE));
       return ptr_strlen;
   /* Write the string into the buffer, flushing it when full.               */
   while (num_left > 0)
      num_to_write = (num_left > room_left) ? room_left : num_left;
      if ((_BUFFMODE(_fp) == _IOLBF) && memchr(fpos, '\n', num_to_write))
         num_to_write = (char *)memchr(fpos, '\n', num_to_write) - fpos + 1;
         flush_flag = 1;
      memcpy(_fp->pos, fpos, num_to_write);

      /* Update pointers and counters.                                       */
      _fp->pos  += num_to_write;
      fpos      += num_to_write;
      num_left  -= num_to_write;
      room_left -= num_to_write;

      /* If the buffer is full, flush it.  Any I/O errors cause this         */
      /* function to exit, returning an EOF.                                 */
      if (room_left == 0 || flush_flag)
         if (__TI_doflush(_fp))
            _SET(_fp, _STATERR);
            __TI_data_synch_WBINV(_fp, sizeof(FILE));
            return (EOF);
         room_left = (int)(_fp->bufend - _fp->pos);
         _SET(_fp, _MODEW);
         flush_flag = 0;

   __TI_data_synch_WBINV(_fp, sizeof(FILE));
   return ptr_strlen;
Esempio n. 3
_CODE_ACCESS size_t fwrite(const void *_ptr, size_t _size, size_t _count,
                           register FILE *_fp)
   /* Local variables                                                        */
   unsigned char    *fpos       = (unsigned char *)_ptr;
   unsigned char    *nl_pos;
            size_t   buffer_size,
            size_t   num_left    = _size * _count,
                     num_written  = 0;

   /* The current thread in a multi-threaded application must protect access */
   /* to the file stream. In this case, _fp may be updated, so we must       */
   /* ensure that the local copy of _fp is flushed to shared memory before   */
   /* leaving the critical section (invalidated if it is not modified).      */

   /* Make sure that the stream is writeable.                                */
   buffer_size = (_fp->bufend - _fp->buf);
   if (!__TI_wrt_ok(_fp) || _size == 0 || _count == 0) 
      __TI_data_synch_INV(_fp, sizeof(FILE));
      return (0);
   /* If the stream is non-buffered, call the lowlevel WRITE function.       */
   if(_BUFFMODE(_fp) == _IONBF) 
       int num_written = 0;

       while (num_left > 0)
	   int write_return = write(_fp->fd, 
				    (char *)fpos + num_written, num_left);
	   if (write_return <= 0) 
	       _SET(_fp, _STATERR); 
	       num_written += write_return;
	       num_left    -= write_return;

       __TI_data_synch_WBINV(_fp, sizeof(FILE));
       return (num_written / _size);
   room_left   = (_fp->bufend - _fp->pos);
   if (_STCHK(_fp, _IOLBF))
       next_nl = (char *)memchr(fpos, '\n', num_left) - (char *)fpos + 1;
   while (num_left > 0)
      /* Determine how many characters should be written based on buffering  */
      /* mode.  For non-buffered streams, call the lowlevel WRITE function.  */
      /* For fully buffered streams, put as many characters in the buffer as */
      /* possible.  For line buffered streams, put characters into the       */
      /* util the buffer is full, the last character is reached, or a        */
      /* newline character is reached.                                       */
      switch (_BUFFMODE(_fp))
         case _IOFBF : num_to_write = (room_left > num_left) ? 
                       num_left : room_left;
         case _IOLBF : num_to_write = (room_left > next_nl) ? next_nl :
                       (room_left > num_left) ? num_left : room_left;
	 /* The only other available _BUFFMODE for _fp is _IONBF which has   */
	 /* already been accounted for above. We should never get here.      */
         default     : return (0);
      /* Write the data to the buffer, and update the buffer pointer and the */
      /* ROOM_LEFT coutner.                                                  */
      memcpy(_fp->pos, fpos, num_to_write);
      _fp->pos += num_to_write;
      room_left = (_fp->bufend - _fp->pos);

      /* If the buffer is full, or a newline character has been encountered  */
      /* on a line-buffered stream, flush it.                                */
      if (room_left == 0 || (_STCHK(_fp, _IOLBF) && num_to_write == next_nl))
         if (__TI_doflush(_fp))
            _SET(_fp, _STATERR); 
            __TI_data_synch_WBINV(_fp, sizeof(FILE));
            return (num_written / _size);
         room_left = buffer_size;

         /* The _DOFLUSH function clears the write flag on streams opened in */
         /* update mode.  Make sure that the write flag is still set here.   */
         _SET(_fp, _MODEW);

      /* Update pointers and counters.                                       */
      num_written += num_to_write;
      fpos += num_to_write;
      num_left -= num_to_write;
      /* For line-buffered streams, find the next occurance of a newline     */
      /* character.  If there are no more, and the remaining data will fit   */
      /* in the buffer, exit the loop where the remaining data will be moved */
      /* there.  Otherwise loop until this condition is true.                */
      if (_STCHK(_fp, _IOLBF))
         nl_pos = (unsigned char *)memchr((fpos + 1), '\n', 
					  (num_left > 0) ? (num_left-1) : 0);
         if (! nl_pos)
            if (num_left < room_left) break;
            else next_nl = buffer_size + 1;
         else next_nl = (nl_pos - fpos) + 1;

   /* Copy the rest of the characters into the buffer for line-buffered      */
   /* streams.                                                               */
   if (_STCHK(_fp, _IOLBF))
      memcpy(_fp->pos, fpos, num_left);
      num_written += num_left;
      _fp->pos += num_left;
   __TI_data_synch_WBINV(_fp, sizeof(FILE));
   return (num_written / _size);