Esempio n. 1
inline bool CDS_YHay<Tprec, Dim>::calcCoefficients2D () {
    prec_t dy_dx = Gamma * dy / dx;
    prec_t dx_dy = Gamma * dx / dy;
    prec_t dxy_dt = dx * dy / dt;
    prec_t RaGaVol = Rayleigh * Gamma * 0.5 * dx * dy;
    prec_t ce, cw;
    prec_t cn, cs;
    aE = 0.0; aW = 0.0; aN = 0.0; aS = 0.0; aP = 0.0; 
    sp = 0.0;
    for (int j = bj; j <= ej; ++j)
	for (int i =  bi; i <= ei; ++i)
	    ce = ( u(i  ,j) + u(i  ,j+1) ) * 0.5 * dy;
	    cw = ( u(i-1,j) + u(i-1,j+1) ) * 0.5 * dy;
	    cn = ( v(i  ,j) + v(i  ,j+1) ) * 0.5 * dx;
	    cs = ( v(i  ,j) + v(i  ,j-1) ) * 0.5 * dx;

	    aE (i,j) = dy_dx - ce * 0.5;
	    aW (i,j) = dy_dx + cw * 0.5;
	    aN (i,j) = dx_dy - cn * 0.5;
	    aS (i,j) = dx_dy + cs * 0.5;
	    aP (i,j) = aE (i,j) + aW (i,j) + aN (i,j) + aS (i,j) + dxy_dt;
//		+ (ce - cw) + (cn - cs);
// Term (ce - cw) is part of discretizated continuity equation, and
// must be equal to zero when that equation is valid, so I can avoid
// this term for efficiency.
	    sp (i,j) = v(i,j) * dxy_dt - ( p(i,j+1) - p(i,j) ) * dx +
	      RaGaVol * ( T(i,j) + T(i,j+1) );
    return 0;  
Esempio n. 2
void LExec::plm_trace()
   if (*Port=='C' && 0 == strcmp(Cur_goal,"clause"))
      plmtrace_msg("CLAUSE ");
   else return;
   if (*Port==aS('C') || *Port==aS('R') || *Port==aS('X')) 

DUMP << "TR " << depth << "[" << Cur_clause << "] " << Port << SP << MODPREDAR(Cur_modix, Cur_goala, Cur_arity) << NL;

//   plmtrace_msg(aS("pt %d/[%d]%ls: %ls/%d"), depth, Cur_clause, Port, Cur_goal, 
//					 (int)Cur_arity);

//   plm_xs(Cur_arity);

   if (*Port == aS('F') || *Port == aS('E')) 
Esempio n. 3
inline bool Upwind_ZCoDiS<Tprec, Dim>::calcCoefficients3D () {
    prec_t dyz = dy * dz, dyz_dx = Gamma * dyz / dx;
    prec_t dxz = dx * dz, dxz_dy = Gamma * dxz / dy;
    prec_t dxy = dx * dy, dxy_dz = Gamma * dxy / dz;
    prec_t dxyz_dt = dx * dy * dz / dt;
    prec_t ce, cw;
    prec_t cn, cs;
    prec_t cf, cb;
    aE = 0.0; aW = 0.0; aN = 0.0; aS = 0.0; aF = 0.0; aB = 0.0; aP = 0.0; 
    sp = 0.0;

   for (int k = bk; k <= ek; ++k)
       for (int i =  bi; i <= ei; ++i)
	   for (int j = bj; j <= ej; ++j)
	       ce = ( u(i,j,k) + u(i,j+1,k) ) * 0.5 * dyz;
	       cw = ( u(i-1,j,k) + u(i-1,j+1,k) ) * 0.5 * dyz;
	       cn = ( v(i,j,k) + v(i+1,j,k) ) * 0.5 * dxz;
	       cs = ( v(i,j-1,k) + v(i+1,j-1,k) ) * 0.5 * dxz;
	       cf = ( w(i,j,k) + w(i,j,k+1) ) * 0.5 * dxy;
	       cb = ( w(i,j,k) + w(i,j,k-1) ) * 0.5 * dxy;

	       if ( ce > 0 ) ce = 0.0; 
	       else          ce = -ce;
// This statement:	    
	       if ( cw <= 0 ) cw = 0.0; 
// is more efficient than the next similar one:
//	    if ( cw > 0 ) cw = cw; 
//	    else          cw = 0.0;

	       if ( cn > 0 ) cn = 0.0;
	       else          cn = -cn;
	       if ( cs <= 0 ) cs = 0.0; 

	       if ( cf > 0 ) cf = 0.0;
	       else          cf = -cf;
	       if ( cb <= 0 ) cb = 0.0; 
	       aE (i,j,k) = (dyz_dx + ce);
	       aW (i,j,k) = (dyz_dx + cw);
	       aN (i,j,k) = (dxz_dy + cn);
	       aS (i,j,k) = (dxz_dy + cs);
	       aF (i,j,k) = (dxy_dz + cf);
	       aB (i,j,k) = (dxy_dz + cb);
	       aP (i,j,k) = aE (i,j,k) + aW (i,j,k) + aN (i,j,k) + aS (i,j,k)
		   + aF (i,j,k) + aB (i,j,k) + dxyz_dt;
//		+ (ce - cw);	    
// Term (ce - cw) is part of discretizated continuity equation, and
// must be equal to zero when that equation is valid, so I can avoid
// this term for efficiency.

	       sp(i,j,k) = w(i,j,k) * dxyz_dt - 
		 ( p(i,j,k+1)- p(i,j,k) ) * dxy; 
   return 0;   
Esempio n. 4
int Linker::map_atom(int anumber)
  aCHAR *name;
  int oldhash;
  int ahash;
  name = LAtomTable[anumber];

#ifdef BUG_LINK
  fprintf(lout, "map_atom: %d, %ls\n", anumber, name);
   if (name == NULL)
      abort_linker(aS("Error: Local atom table disaster (# %d)"), anumber);
   oldhash = ahash = AtomHash(name);
   while (GAtomTable[ahash].name)    // while slot full
      if(0 == Lstrcmp(name, GAtomTable[ahash].name)) // found it 
         ahash = GAtomTable[ahash].index ;
         // bigdig if(anumber < 0)
         // bigdig    ahash = -ahash;
      // if collision, bump it
      ahash = (ahash < eMaxAtoms  - 1) ? ahash + 1 : 0;
      if (ahash == oldhash)    // full circle
         abort_linker(aS("Error: Local atom %s not found in GAtomTable"), name);
  abort_linker(aS("Error: Local atom %s not found in GAtomTable"), name);
  return 0;   // a formality
Esempio n. 5
void Linker::EnterGAtom(aCHAR * abuf, int filei)
{                                  // Enter one global atom whose name is abuf 
   int ahash;
   int oldhash;
   aCHAR *pb;
   const int bbufsize = TERM_BUFSIZE;
   //aCHAR bbuf[bbufsize+1];
   aCHAR *buf;

   buf = abuf;
#ifdef BUG_LINK
   fprintf(lout, "atom: %ls\n", buf);

   oldhash = ahash = AtomHash(buf);     

   while (GAtomTable[ahash].name)      // while slot full 
      if (0 == Lstrcmp(buf, GAtomTable[ahash].name))
         return;    // symbol already installed
      // if collision, bump it else wrap around
      ahash = (ahash < eMaxAtoms  - 1) ? ahash + 1 :   0;
      if (ahash == oldhash)       // full circle
         abort_linker(aS("Error: Global atom table full"));
   if (NULL == (pb = (aCHAR*) new aCHAR[1+Lstrlen(buf)]))
      abort_linker(aS("Error: Out of memory"));

   Lstrcpy(pb, buf);
   GAtomTable[ahash].name = pb;
Esempio n. 6
bool CDS_YLES<T_number, Dim>::calcCoefficients(const ScalarField &nut) { 
    T_number dyz = dy * dz, dxz = dx * dz, dxy = dx * dy;
    T_number dyz_dx = dyz / dx, dxz_dy = dxz / dy, dxy_dz = dxy / dz;
    T_number ce, cw, cn, cs, cf, cb;
    T_number nutinter;
    T_number dxyz_dt = dx * dy * dz / dt;
    T_number RaGaVol = Rayleigh * Gamma * 0.5 * dx * dy * dz;
    for (int i =  bi; i <= ei; ++i)
	for (int j = bj; j <= ej; ++j)
	    for (int k = bk; k <= ek; ++k)
		ce = ( u(i,j,k) + u(i,j+1,k) ) * 0.5 * dyz;
		cw = ( u(i-1,j,k) + u(i-1,j+1,k) ) * 0.5 * dyz;
		cn = ( v(i,j,k) + v(i,j+1,k) ) * 0.5 * dxz;
		cs = ( v(i,j,k) + v(i,j-1,k) ) * 0.5 * dxz;
		cf = ( w(i,j,k) + w(i,j,k+1) ) * 0.5 * dxy;
		cb = ( w(i-1,j,k) + w(i-1,j,k+1) ) * 0.5 * dxy;

// nut is calculated on center of volumes, therefore, nut
// must be staggered in y direction:	    
		nutinter = 0.5 * ( nut(i,j,k) + nut(i,j+1,k) );

		aE (i,j,k) = (Gamma + nutinter) * dyz_dx - ce * 0.5;
		aW (i,j,k) = (Gamma + nutinter) * dyz_dx + cw * 0.5;
		aN (i,j,k) = 2 * (Gamma + nutinter) * dxz_dy - cn * 0.5;
		aS (i,j,k) = 2 * (Gamma + nutinter) * dxz_dy + cs * 0.5;
		aF (i,j,k) = (Gamma + nutinter) * dxy_dz - cf * 0.5;
		aB (i,j,k) = (Gamma + nutinter) * dxy_dz + cb * 0.5;
		aP (i,j,k) = aE (i,j,k) + aW (i,j,k) +
		             aN (i,j,k) + aS (i,j,k) +
		             aF (i,j,k) + aB (i,j,k) +
//		aP (i,j,k) /= alpha;  // under-relaxation
//		+ (ce - cw)  + (cn - cs) + (cf - cb);	    
// Term (ce - cw) is part of discretizated continuity equation, and
// must be equal to zero when that equation is valid, so I can avoid
// this term for efficiency.

		sp (i,j,k) = v(i,j,k) * dxyz_dt - 
		    ( p(i,j+1,k) - p(i,j,k) ) * dxz +
		    RaGaVol * ( T(i,j,k) + T(i,j+1,k) ) +
		    nutinter * ( (u(i,j+1,k) - u(i,j,k) - 
				  u(i-1,j+1,k) + u(i-1,j,k)) * dz +
				 (w(i,j+1,k) - w(i,j,k) - 
				  w(i,j+1,k-1) + w(i,j,k-1)) * dx );
//		    v(i,j,k) * (1-alpha) * aP(i,j,k)/alpha; // under-relaxation

    return 1;
Esempio n. 7
inline bool Upwind_XCoDiS<Tprec, Dim>::calcCoefficients2D()
    prec_t dy_dx = Gamma * dy / dx;
    prec_t dx_dy = Gamma * dx / dy;
    prec_t dxy_dt = dx * dy / dt;
    prec_t ce, cw;
    prec_t cn, cs;
    aE = 0.0;
    aW = 0.0;
    aN = 0.0;
    aS = 0.0;
    aP = 0.0;
    sp = 0.0;

    for (int i =  bi; i <= ei; ++i)
        for (int j = bj; j <= ej; ++j)
            ce = ( u(i+1, j) + u(i,j) ) * 0.5 * dy;
            cw = ( u(i-1, j) + u(i,j) ) * 0.5 * dy;
            cn = ( v(i,j) + v(i+1,j) ) * 0.5 * dx;
            cs = ( v(i,j-1) + v(i+1,j-1) ) * 0.5 * dx;

            if ( ce > 0 ) ce = 0.0;
            else          ce = -ce;
// This statement:
            if ( cw <= 0 ) cw = 0.0;
// is more efficient than the next similar one:
//	    if ( cw > 0 ) cw = cw;
//	    else          cw = 0.0;

            if ( cn > 0 ) cn = 0.0;
            else          cn = -cn;
            if ( cs <= 0 ) cs = 0.0;

            aE (i,j) = (dy_dx + ce);
            aW (i,j) = (dy_dx + cw);
            aN (i,j) = (dx_dy + cn);
            aS (i,j) = (dx_dy + cs);
            aP (i,j) = aE (i,j) + aW (i,j) + aN (i,j) + aS (i,j);
            //+ dxy_dt;
//		+ (ce - cw) + (cn - cs);
// Term (ce - cw) is part of discretizated continuity equation, and
// must be equal to zero when that equation is valid, so I can avoid
// this term for efficiency.
//	    sp (i,j) = u(i,j) * dxy_dt - ( p(i+1,j) - p(i,j) ) * dy;
            sp (i,j) = - ( p(i+1,j) - p(i,j) ) * dy;
    return 0;
Esempio n. 8
void Linker::read_l_atoms(FILE * f, aUINT16 length, int filei)
{                                       // read local atom table for predicate 
   int i;
   int ccount, ichar;
   aCHAR *pbuf, *qbuf;
   const int bufsize = TERM_BUFSIZE;
   aCHAR abuf[bufsize+1];
   //aCHAR bbuf[bufsize+1];
   static int id;

   for(i = 0; i < eMaxAtoms; ++i) // 1st, reset local atom table from last time
      if (LAtomTable[i])
         delete[] LAtomTable[i];
         LAtomTable[i] = NULL;

   ccount = 0;
   if (isunicode)
      length = length / 2;
   for(i=0; i < eMaxAtoms; ++i)
      if(ccount < length)    // read atom table
         pbuf = abuf;
            if (pbuf >= (abuf + bufsize))
               abort_linker(aS("Error: Local atom too long in code"));
            if (-1 == (ichar = ISUNIGETC(f)))
               aborteof(aS("local atom table"));
         } while((*pbuf++ = (aCHAR) ichar) != EOS);
         qbuf = abuf;
         if (NULL == (pbuf = (aCHAR*) new aCHAR[Lstrlen(qbuf) + 1] ))
            abort_linker(aS("Error: Out of memory"));
         Lstrcpy(pbuf, qbuf);
         LAtomTable[i] = pbuf;
   abort_linker(aS("Error: Local atom table full"));
Esempio n. 9
void Linker::initialize( void(*pfM)(aCHAR*) )
#ifdef BUG_LINK
 lout = fopen("buglink.txt","w");
// printf("buglink open\n");
 fprintf(lout, "** Buglink open\n");
 fprintf(lout, "%s\n", __TIME__);
// return;
   aCHAR  outbuf[512];

#ifdef BUG_LINK
   pfMsg = NULL;
   pfMsg = pfM;
   eMaxAtoms = 1024 * MAX_ATOM_TABLE_SZ;
   GAtomTable = NULL;
   LAtomTable = NULL;
   zero_fill(m_ver, 256);
   Lstrcpy(m_ver, AMZI_VERSION);

   Lstrncpy(outbuf, aS("\nAmzi! Prolog Linker "), 256);
   Lstrncat(outbuf, m_ver, 256);
#ifdef BUG_LINK
Esempio n. 10
int Linker::fread_int16(FILE *f)
{                        // read a 2-byte integer -- if you can't then blow up 
  aINT16 i;
  if (!read_int16(&i, f))
    //   if (0 == fread((aBYTE *) &i, 2, 1, f))
    aborteof(aS("while processing"));
  return((int) i);
Esempio n. 11
void LExec::plm_xs(ARITY ar)
  int i;
  TERM   t;
   if (ar == 0)

   plmtrace_msg(aS("( "));
   for (i = 0; i < (int) ar; i++)
      t = (pHXL->XVar(i))->dref();
//      plmtrace_msg("\n  X[%d] ", i); 
      if (i) plmtrace_msg(aS(", "));
//      plmprint_cell(t); 
  plmtrace_msg(aS(" )\n"));
Esempio n. 12
void Linker::read_atom(FILE* f, FILE* pFtarg)
   aBYTE buf[2];
   aINT16 temp, gatom;

   if (0 == fread(buf, 2, 1, f))
      aborteof(aS("read atom"));
   temp = getint16(buf);
   gatom = map_atom(temp);
   //fwrite(&gatom, 2, 1, pFtarg);
   write_int16(gatom, pFtarg);
Esempio n. 13
void Linker::initialize( void(*pfM)(char*) )
#ifdef BUG_LINK
 lout = fopen("buglink.txt","w");
// printf("buglink open\n");
 fprintf(lout, "** Buglink open\n");
 fprintf(lout, "%s\n", __TIME__);
// return;
   aCHAR  outbuf[120];
   pfMsgA = pfM;
   pfMsg = NULL;
   eMaxAtoms = 1024 * MAX_ATOM_TABLE_SZ;
   GAtomTable = NULL;
   LAtomTable = NULL;
   Lstrcpy(m_ver,  AMZI_VERSION);

   Lstrncpy(outbuf, aS("\nAmzi! Prolog Linker "), 120);
   Lstrncat(outbuf, m_ver, 120);
Esempio n. 14
void Linker::read_code_segs(FILE *f, FILE *pFtarg, int filei)
   aUINT16 length;

   aBYTE mod, type;

   fseek(f, 1L, SEEK_SET);                     // get to byte 1 
   fread(&type, sizeof(aBYTE), 1, f);          // 1
   if ((type & 0x03) != 0x03)
      abort_linker(aS("Error: Input file not a .PLM file"));
   isunicode = type & 0x10 ? LTRUE :  LFALSE;
   fread(&mod, sizeof(aBYTE), 1, f);           // 2  is it a module 

   //fread(&ver, sizeof(aBYTE), 1, f);           // 3  get the version number 
   //if (ver < CUR_COMPILER)
   //  abort_linker(aS("Error: .PLM file not at current level, %d"), 
   //               CUR_COMPILER);

   fseek(f, CC_HEAD_LENGTH, SEEK_SET);         // 8  skip header 

   // check for 00 at end of .plm, put there for VMS bug 
   while(read_uint16(&length, f) && length) 
     { read_linked_segs(f, length, pFtarg, filei); }
Esempio n. 15
void LExec::plmprint_cell(TERM t)
   int            i;
   ARITY            ar;
//   DynamicClause*   pdb;
   STRptr         name;
   //PATOM          a;
   plmtrace_msg(aS("%0*lx: "), PP_SIZE, * (intCptr) t);
//      case consT :
//         switch(pTSVC->SubType(t))
//         {
         case atomS:
            //a = t->getAtom();
            //if (i >= 0 && i < pATAB->GetMaxAtoms())            
               ar = t->getArity();
               name = *(t->getAtom());
               plmtrace_msg(aS("ATOM %s/%d "), name, ar);
               i = 1;
               while (ar-- > 0)
                  plmtrace_msg(aS("\n  %s[%d]: "), name, i++);
            //   plmtrace_msg(aS("ATOM - bad atom %0*lx"), PP_SIZE, *(intCptr)t);

         case intS:   plmtrace_msg(aS("INTG %d "), t->getInt());

         case dbrefS:
            plmtrace_msg(aS("DBREF "));
            pdb = t->getDBRef()->getClause();
            plmtrace_msg(aS("\n  DB: "));

            case doubleS:   plmtrace_msg(aS("DOUBLE "));
            case singleS:   plmtrace_msg(aS("SINGLE "));

            //case longS:   plmtrace_msg(aS("LONG "));
            //            break;

            //case mscwS:  plmtrace_msg(aS("MSCW "));
            //            break;

            case strS:   plmtrace_msg(aS("STRING "));

//         default:    plmtrace_msg(aS("GARBAGE CONSTANT TYPE "));
//         }
//         break;

      case strucT:
         plmtrace_msg(aS("STRUCT "));
         t = t->getTerm();
         plmtrace_msg(aS("\n   --> "));

      case refT:
         if (t != t->getTerm())

			  plmtrace_msg(aS("REF "));
			  t = t->getTerm();
			  plmtrace_msg(aS("\n   --> "));
            plmtrace_msg(aS("UNBOUND "));
	  case listT:
		 plmtrace_msg(aS("LIST "));
		 t = t->getTerm();
		 plmtrace_msg(aS("\n   --> "));
		 plmtrace_msg(aS("GARBAGE CELL TYPE "));
Esempio n. 16
void LExec::cdDebugCode(CODEptr p, int length)
   cdOP      op;
   CODEptr   stop, start, q;
   cdSINT    i, x;
   PATOM     a;

   stop = p + length;
   start = p;
   DUMP << aS("--- Code Listing ---") << NL << FLUSH;
   while(p < stop)
      op = * (cdOPptr) p;
      DUMP  << p 
            << std::setw(5) << p-start
            << std::setw(4) << op
            << SP << ops[op] << SP;
      p += cdOP_L;
         case Owho_am_i:
            p -= cdOP_L;
            DUMP << ((CODE_HEADERptr) p) -> mod_ix << aS(":");
            a = (PATOM) ((CODE_HEADERptr) p) -> pred_atom;
            DUMP << PREDAR( *(a), ((CODE_HEADERptr) p) -> pred_arity ); 
            p += sizeof(CODE_HEADER) / sizeof(CODE);

         case Ono_op:       // no args
         case Ofail:
         case Oproceed:
         case Odealloc:
         case Ocut:
         case Otrust_me_else:
         case Ou_var_getlist:
         case Ounify_nil:
         case Oget_nil:     // Xi
         case Oget_list:
         case Oput_nil:
         case Oput_list:
         case Ounify_x_var:
         case Ounify_x_val:
            DUMP << aS("Xi ") << * (TERMptr) p;
            p += PTR_L;

         case Oget_x_var:   // Xi, Xj
         case Oget_x_val:
         case Oput_x_var:
         case Oput_x_val:
            DUMP << aS("Xi ") << * (TERMptr) p << aS(", ");
            p += PTR_L;
            DUMP << aS("Xj ") << * (TERMptr) p;
            p += PTR_L;

         case Ounify_y_var:         // Yi
         case Ounify_y_val:
            DUMP << aS("Yi ") << * (cdSMINTptr) p;
            p += cdSMINT_L;

         case Ounify_unsafe:
            DUMP << aS("Yi ") << * (cdSMINTptr) p;
            p += cdSMINT_L;

         case Oget_y_var:      // Yi, Xj
         case Oget_y_val:
         case Oput_y_var:
         case Oput_y_val:
         case Oput_unsafe:
            DUMP << aS("Yi ") << * (cdSMINTptr) p << aS(", ");
            p += cdSMINT_L;
            DUMP << aS("Xi ") << * (cdSMINTptr) p;
            p += PTR_L;

         case Ounify_void:          // short int
         case Oalloc:
         case Olabel:
            DUMP << * (cdSINTptr) p << SP;
            p += cdSINT_L;

         case Ocutd:
         case Oretry_me_else:
         case Oretry:
         case Otrust:
         case Ogoto:
         case Otrust_me_2_else:  
            DUMP << aS(" offset ") << * (cdSINTptr) p + (p - start);
            p += cdSINT_L;

         case Otry_me_or_else:
         case Otry_me_else:
         case Otry:
            DUMP << aS(" offset ") << * (cdSINTptr) p + (p - start) << aS(", ");
            p += cdSINT_L;
            DUMP << aS("NTV ") << * (cdSINTptr) p << aS(", ");
            p += cdSINT_L;

         case Oget_con:        // Constant, Xi
         case Oput_con:
            DUMP << * (TERM) p;
            DUMP << aS(", ");
            p += CELL_L;
            DUMP << aS("Xi ") << * (TERMptr) p;
            p += PTR_L;

         case Oescape:
            DUMP << *(cdESCAPEptr)p;
            p += cdESCAPE_L;

         case Oexec:
         case Ocall:   
         case Omod_exec:
         case Omod_call:   
            DUMP << " module:" << *(cdMODIXptr)p << SP;
            p += cdMODIX_L;
         case Oget_struc:  // functor, arity, (Xi or short or null)
         case Oput_struc:
            DUMP << * (cdATOMptr) p << SP;
            p += cdATOM_L;
            if (op == Ocall || op == Oexec || op == Omod_call || op == Omod_exec)
               DUMP << * (cdATOMptr) p;
               p += cdATOM_L;
            DUMP << aS(" / ") << * (cdSMINTptr) p;
            p += cdSMINT_L;
            // now figure third (optional arg
            if (op == Oget_struc || op == Oput_struc)  // Xi
               DUMP << aS(", Xi ") << * (TERMptr) p;
               p += PTR_L;
            else if (op == Ocall || op == Omod_call) // short 
               DUMP << aS(", ") << * (cdSINTptr) p;
               p += cdSINT_L;
            // else no 3rd arg

         case Oexec_direct:
         case Ocall_direct:
            DUMP << aS("code* ") << * (CODEhnd) p;
            p += cdMODIX_L + 2 * cdATOM_L + cdSMINT_L;               /* the sizes from Ocall & Oexec */
            if (op == Ocall_direct)
               DUMP << aS(", ") << * (cdSINTptr) p;
               p += cdSINT_L;

         case Ounify_con:
            DUMP << * (TERM) p;
            p += CELL_L;

         case Oswitch_on_term:
            // three short ints
            // we map these to match what the pcode expects
            q = p;
            for (i=0; i<3; i++)
               if (* (cdSINTptr) p == 0)
                  DUMP << aS(" offset fail ");
                  DUMP << aS(" offset ")
                       << i * (cdSINT_L) + * (cdSINTptr) p + (q - start);
               p += cdSINT_L;

         case Oswitch_on_cons:
            // short size, (size x |CELL|LABEL|)
            x = * (cdSINTptr) p;
            i = 0;
            //errDebugMsg("%d: ", * (cdSINTptr) p);
            p += cdSINT_L;
               DUMP << aS("  ") << * (TERM) p;
               p += CELL_L;
               DUMP << aS("  offset[") << * (cdSINTptr) p + (p - start) << aS("]");
               p += cdSINT_L;

         case Oswitch_on_struc:
            // short size, (size x |NAME|ARITY|LABEL|)
            x = * (cdSINTptr) p;
            i = 0;
            DUMP << * (cdSINTptr) p << aS(": ");
            p += cdSINT_L;
               // functor
               DUMP << SP << * (cdATOMptr) p;
               p += cdATOM_L;
               // arity
               DUMP << aS("/") <<  * (cdSMINTptr) p;
               p += cdSMINT_L;
               // label
               DUMP << aS("  offset[") << * (cdSINTptr) p + (p - start) << aS("] ");
               p += cdSINT_L;

            DUMP << aS("Unknown op");
      DUMP << NL << FLUSH;
   DUMP << NL << aS("--- end ---") << NL << FLUSH;
Esempio n. 17
inline bool CDS_YHay<Tprec, Dim>::calcCoefficients3D () 
    prec_t dyz = dy * dz, dyz_dx = Gamma * dyz / dx;
    prec_t dxz = dx * dz, dxz_dy = Gamma * dxz / dy;
    prec_t dxy = dx * dy, dxy_dz = Gamma * dxy / dz;
    prec_t dxyz_dt = dx * dy * dz / dt;
    prec_t ce, cep, cem, cw, cwp, cwm, CE, CW;
    prec_t cn, cnp, cnm, cs, csp, csm, CN, CS;
    prec_t cf, cfp, cfm, cb, cbp, cbm, CF, CB;
    prec_t RaGaVol = Rayleigh * Gamma * 0.5 * dx * dy * dz;
    aE = 0.0; aW = 0.0; aN = 0.0; aS = 0.0; aF = 0.0; aB = 0.0; aP = 0.0; 
    sp = 0.0;

    for (int k = bk; k <= ek; ++k)
      for (int i =  bi; i <= ei; ++i)
	for (int j = bj; j <= ej; ++j)
	    CE = ce = ( u(i  ,j,k) + u(i  ,j+1,k  ) ) * 0.5 * dyz;
	    CW = cw = ( u(i-1,j,k) + u(i-1,j+1,k  ) ) * 0.5 * dyz;
	    CN = cn = ( v(i  ,j,k) + v(i  ,j+1,k  ) ) * 0.5 * dxz;
	    CS = cs = ( v(i  ,j,k) + v(i  ,j-1,k  ) ) * 0.5 * dxz;
	    CF = cf = ( w(i  ,j,k) + w(i  ,j  ,k+1) ) * 0.5 * dxy;
	    CB = cb = ( w(i-1,j,k) + w(i-1,j  ,k+1) ) * 0.5 * dxy;
	    cem = cep = 0;
	    cwm = cwp = 0;
	    cnm = cnp = 0;
	    csm = csp = 0;
	    cfm = cfp = 0;
	    cbm = cbp = 0;

	    if ( ce > 0 ){
	      CE = 0;
	      cep = ce * 0.5 * (-phi_0(i,j,k) + phi_0(i+1,j,k));
	    } else {
	      cem = ce * 0.5 * (phi_0(i,j,k) - phi_0(i+1,j,k));
	    if ( cw > 0 ){
	      cwp = cw * 0.5 * (-phi_0(i-1,j,k) + phi_0(i,j,k));
	    } else {
	      CW = 0.0;
	      cwm = cw * 0.5 * (phi_0(i-1,j,k) - phi_0(i,j,k));
	    if ( cn > 0 ){
	      CN = 0;
	      cnp = cn * 0.5 * (-phi_0(i,j,k) + phi_0(i,j+1,k));
	    } else {
	      cnm = cn * 0.5 * (phi_0(i,j,k) - phi_0(i,j+1,k));
	    if ( cs > 0 ){
	      csp = cs * 0.5 * (-phi_0(i,j-1,k) + phi_0(i,j,k));
	    } else {
	      CS = 0.0;
	      csm = cs * 0.5 * (phi_0(i,j-1,k) - phi_0(i,j,k));

	    if ( cf > 0 ){
	      CF = 0;
	      cfp = cf * 0.5 * (-phi_0(i,j,k) + phi_0(i,j,k+1));
	    } else {
	      cfm = cf * 0.5 * (phi_0(i,j,k) - phi_0(i,j,k+1));
	    if ( cb > 0 ){
	      cbp = cb * 0.5 * (-phi_0(i,j,k-1) + phi_0(i,j,k));
	    } else {
	      CB = 0.0;
	      cbm = cb * 0.5 * (phi_0(i,j,k-1) - phi_0(i,j,k));
	    aE (i,j,k) = dyz_dx - CE;
	    aW (i,j,k) = dyz_dx + CW;
	    aN (i,j,k) = dxz_dy - CN;
	    aS (i,j,k) = dxz_dy + CS;
	    aF (i,j,k) = dxy_dz - CF;
	    aB (i,j,k) = dxy_dz + CB;
	    aP (i,j,k) = aE (i,j,k) + aW (i,j,k) + aN (i,j,k) + aS (i,j,k)
	      + aF (i,j,k) + aB (i,j,k) + dxyz_dt
	      + (ce - cw) + (cn - cs) + (cn - cs);
	    sp (i,j,k) += v(i,j,k) * dxyz_dt - 
	      ( p(i,j+1,k) - p(i,j,k) ) * dxz +
	      RaGaVol * ( T(i,j,k) + T(i,j+1,k) )
	      - (cep + cem - cwp - cwm + cnp + cnm - csp - csm + cfp + cfm - cbp - cbm); 
    return 0;
Esempio n. 18
int Linker::Link(int argctr, aCHAR* *pargv)
   FILE   *pFobj, *pFtarg;
   int    filei, i, j, count, pos;
   int    fpos_eoa;
   aBYTE  ibuf[CL_HEAD_LENGTH+4];
   aBYTE  checksum, curbyte;
   bool   is_system = false;

#if defined(_WIN32)
   DWORD v = ::GetVersion();
   g_osver = v < 0x80000000 ? WNT : W95;
   g_osver = OtherOS;

   try {
//   locking();   // get the registration status and info
   output(aS("Linking: %s"), pargv[0]);

   if (Lstrstr(pargv[0], aS("alis.xpl")) != NULL ||
       Lstrstr(pargv[0], aS("acmp.xpl")) != NULL ||
       Lstrstr(pargv[0], aS("aidl.xpl")) != NULL ||
       Lstrstr(pargv[0], aS("axrf.xpl")) != NULL ) {
          is_system = true; }

   // Open output .xpl file
   if (NULL == (pFtarg = Lfopen(pargv[0], aS("w+b"))))
      abort_linker(aS("Error: Cannot open xpl file %s"), pargv[0]);

	// make two passes through files - first one builds
	// complete atom table - second pass constructs new file
	// header and atom table then writes out clauses

	// pass 0 - initialise
   if (NULL == (GAtomTable = (G_ATOM*) new G_ATOM[eMaxAtoms] ))
      abort_linker(aS("Insufficient memory for global atom table"));
   //for(i = 0; i < eMaxAtoms; ++i)
   //   GAtomTable[i].name = NULL;

   if (NULL == (LAtomTable = (L_ATOM*) new L_ATOM[eMaxAtoms] ))
      abort_linker(aS("Insufficient memory for local atom table"));
   for(i = 0; i < eMaxAtoms; ++i)
      LAtomTable[i] = NULL;

	// pass1
   for (filei = 1; filei < argctr; ++filei)
      output(aS("Opening: '%s'"), pargv[filei]);
      if (NULL == (pFobj = Lasys_fopen(pargv[filei], aS("rb"), aS("abin"))))
         abort_linker(aS("Error: Cannot open plm file '%s'"), pargv[filei]);
         //output(aS("Reading Atom Table: %s"), pargv[filei]);
         read_g_atoms(pFobj, filei);

	// now read through global atom table setting index field
	// to the index of the atom as it will be when the table
	// is written out
   count = 0;
   for(i = 0; i < eMaxAtoms; ++i)
      if (GAtomTable[i].name)
          GAtomTable[i].index = count;

   for (i = 0; i < CL_HEAD_LENGTH+4; i++)
      ibuf[i] = 0;

   /* Header bytes
   0 - ff indicating a load module
   1 - xpl/plm flag + unicode flag + large + longcode

   2 - version
   3 - build
   4 - check sum of remaining header stuff + atom table
   5 - 0, 1, 2 for professional or personal or evaluation edition
   6 - platform id based on linker - 1 - Win32
   7-? - serial number product code (ex. APX)
       - serial number platform code (ex. PC)
       - serial number sequence ID, as a long (ex. 93309)

                                      // write header 
   ibuf[0] = 0xFF;                    // the tag 
#ifdef _UNICODE
   ibuf[1] = 0x72;                    // .xpl + Unicode + large + long code

   ibuf[1] = 0x22;                    // signifying .xpl file + large
   ibuf[2] = VERSION_NUMBER;          // set module bit 
   ibuf[3] = BUILD_NUMBER;            // oldest compiler version supported 

#ifdef DISTVER
#ifdef BUG_LINK
   fprintf(lout, "** Starting Initialization\n");

	ibuf[8] = 0;
    ibuf[9]  = 0;
    ibuf[10] = 0;
    ibuf[11] = 0;
	ibuf[12] = 0;
	ibuf[13] = 0;
	ibuf[14] = 0;
	ibuf[15] = 0;

	for (i = 16, j=0; i < CL_HEAD_LENGTH; i++, j++)
		ibuf[i] = ibuf[8+j] ^ (aBYTE)i;

#endif // DISTVER

	// fill out header and first four bytes of atom table length with 0s
   ucFWRITE(ibuf, 1, CL_HEAD_LENGTH+4, pFtarg);

   count = 0;

   for(i = 0; i < eMaxAtoms; ++i)             // now write the atom table 
      if (GAtomTable[i].name)
         aCHAR *nptr = GAtomTable[i].name;
         write_wstring(GAtomTable[i].name, pFtarg);
   pos = (int) ftell(pFtarg);                 // currrent pos 
   fpos_eoa = pos;                            // end of atom table file pos
   fseek(pFtarg, CL_HEAD_LENGTH, SEEK_SET);   // posn for atom table length 
   pos = pos - (CL_HEAD_LENGTH + 4);          // length of table 
   //printf("pos = 0x%x\n",pos);        ray
   write_int32(pos, pFtarg);                  // write it out 
//   write_int16(pos, pFtarg);                  // write it out 
#ifdef BUG_LINK
   fprintf(lout, "** Atom Table Done\n");

   // compute check sum, starting with byte #5 and ending before fpos_eoa.
   fseek(pFtarg, 5, SEEK_SET);                // write it in byte #4.
   checksum = 0xaa;
   for (i=5; i<fpos_eoa; i++)
      fread(&curbyte, 1, 1, pFtarg);
      curbyte += (aBYTE)i;
      checksum ^= curbyte;
   fseek(pFtarg, 4, SEEK_SET);
   ucFWRITE(&checksum, 1, 1, pFtarg);

#ifdef BUG_LINK
   fprintf(lout, "** Check Sum Done\n");
   // Back to the end of the atom table to continue the real work.
   fseek(pFtarg, (long)(pos+CL_HEAD_LENGTH+4), SEEK_SET);

   for (filei = 1; filei < argctr; ++filei)
      if (NULL == (pFobj = Lasys_fopen(pargv[filei], aS("rb"), aS("abin"))))
         abort_linker(aS("Warning: Cannot open PLM file %s"), pargv[filei]);
         //output(aS("Reading Code Segments: %s"), pargv[filei]);
         read_code_segs(pFobj, pFtarg, filei);
#ifdef BUG_LINK
   fprintf(lout, "** Code Segments Done\n");
   // originally added to catch a bug with binary files and VMS,
   // but is now used to determine end of code, so leave in.
   ibuf[0] = 0;
   for (i=0; i<4; i++)
      ucFWRITE(ibuf, 1, 1, pFtarg);

   // write file names at end of file, so that ensure_loaded, if
   // used, can check to see if a given file was loaded as part
   // of an .xpl file, end with zeroes as above.
   for (filei = 1; filei < argctr; ++filei)
      write_wstring(pargv[filei], pFtarg);

   // originally added to catch a bug with binary files and VMS,
   // but is now used to determine end of file as well, so leave in.
   ibuf[0] = 0;
   for (i=0; i<4; i++)
      ucFWRITE(ibuf, 1, 1, pFtarg);

   for(i = 1, count = 0; i < eMaxAtoms; ++i)
      if (GAtomTable[i].name)

   //output(aS("%d Global Atoms"), count);
   output(aS("Link Done"));
   } catch (ErrCode)
#ifdef BUG_LINK
   fprintf(lout, "** Returning NOTOK 1\n");
#ifdef BUG_LINK
      return NOTOK;
   catch (...)
#ifdef BUG_LINK
   fprintf(lout, "** Returning NOTOK 2\n");
#ifdef BUG_LINK
      output(aS("\nUnrecognized system error"));
      return NOTOK;

#ifdef BUG_LINK
   fprintf(lout, "** Returning OK\n");
#ifdef BUG_LINK

   return OK;
Esempio n. 19
int Linker::read_code(FILE* f, FILE* pFtarg, long init_pos, int length, 
							 aBYTE* buf)
  aBYTE op;
  int   x;
#ifdef BUG_LINK
  int   i;
  while( init_pos < length)
#ifdef BUG_LINK
      fprintf(lout, "\nstart length %d init_pos %d ", length, init_pos);
      if (0 == fread(buf, CODESIZE, 1, f))
      ucFWRITE(buf, CODESIZE, 1, pFtarg);
      init_pos += CODESIZE;
      op = *buf;
#ifdef BUG_LINK
      fprintf(lout, "\nop %d, %s: ", (int) op, lops[op]);
        case Ono_op:                           // no args 
        case Ofail:
        case Oproceed:
        case Odealloc:
        case Ocut:
        case Ocut64:
        case Otrust_me_else:
        case Ou_var_getlist:
        case Ounify_nil:
        case Ounify_y_var:                     // Xi or Yi 
        case Ounify_y_val:
        case Ounify_unsafe:
        case Oget_nil:
        case Oget_list:
        case Oput_nil:
        case Oput_list:
        case Ounify_x_var:
        case Ounify_x_val:
          if (0 == fread(buf, 2, 1, f))
            aborteof(aS("unify x val"));
          ucFWRITE(buf, 2, 1, pFtarg);
          init_pos += 2;
        case Oget_y_var:                       // Xi and Yi or Xj 
        case Oget_y_val:
        case Oput_y_var:
        case Oput_y_val:
        case Oput_unsafe:
        case Oget_x_var:
        case Oget_x_val:
        case Oput_x_var:
        case Oput_x_val:
          if (0 == fread(buf, 2, 2, f))
            aborteof(aS("put x val"));
          ucFWRITE(buf, 2, 2, pFtarg);
          init_pos += 4;
        case Ounify_void:                      // short int 
        case Oalloc:
        case Ocutd:
        case Oretry_me_else:
        case Oretry:
        case Otrust:
        case Ogoto:
        case Otrust_me_2_else:
        case Olabel:
          if (0 == fread(buf, 2, 1, f))
          ucFWRITE(buf, 2, 1, pFtarg);
          init_pos += 2;
#ifdef BUG_LINK
          fprintf(lout, "%d", (int) getint16(buf));
        case Otry_me_else:
        case Otry_me_or_else:
        case Otry:                             // 2 short ints 
          if (0 == fread(buf, 2, 2, f))
          ucFWRITE(buf, 2, 2, pFtarg);
          init_pos += 4;
#ifdef BUG_LINK
          fprintf(lout, "%d, %d", 
                  (int) getint16(buf), (int) getint16(buf+2));
        case Oget_con:                         // Constant, Xi 
        case Oput_con:
          read_const(f, pFtarg, &init_pos);
          if (0 == fread(buf, 2, 1, f))
            aborteof(aS("put con"));
          ucFWRITE(buf, 2, 1, pFtarg);
          init_pos += 2;
        case Oexec:
        case Oescape:
        case Ocall:                          
        case Omod_call:
        case Omod_exec:
        case Oget_struc:              // functor, arity, (Xi or short or null)
        case Oput_struc:
          read_atom(f, pFtarg);                // functor 
          init_pos += 2;
          if (op == Ocall || op == Oexec || op == Omod_call || op == Omod_exec)      // new style call/exec 
              //if (0 == fread(buf, 2, 1, f)) 
              //  aborteof(aS("put struc"));
              //ucFWRITE(buf, 2, 1, pFtarg);
             // shouldn't this be a read atom, not just a buf??
             read_atom(f, pFtarg);
              init_pos += 2;
          if (0 == fread(buf, 2, 1, f))
            aborteof(aS("put struc 2"));
          ucFWRITE(buf, 2, 1, pFtarg);
          init_pos += 2;
#ifdef BUG_LINK
          fprintf(lout, "  arity = %d", (int) getint16(buf));
                                             // now figure third (optional arg 
          if (op == Oget_struc || 
              op == Oput_struc)                // Xi 
              if (0 == fread(buf, 2, 1, f))
                aborteof(aS("put struc 3"));
              ucFWRITE(buf, 2, 1, pFtarg);
              init_pos += 2;
#ifdef BUG_LINK
          fprintf(lout, "  xi(get/put_struc) = %d", (int) getint16(buf));
          else if (op == Ocall || op == Omod_call)                // short 
              if (0 == fread(buf, 2, 1, f))
                aborteof(aS("put struc 4"));
              ucFWRITE(buf, 2, 1, pFtarg);
              init_pos += 2;
#ifdef BUG_LINK
          fprintf(lout, "  short(call/mod_call) = %d", (int) getint16(buf));
                                              // else no 3rd arg 
        case Ounify_con:
          read_const(f, pFtarg, &init_pos);
        case Oswitch_on_term:
          if (0 == fread(buf, 2, 3, f))        // lab1, lab2, lab3 
            aborteof(aS("switch on term"));
          init_pos += 6;
          ucFWRITE(buf, 2, 3, pFtarg);
#ifdef BUG_LINK
          for (i=0; i<3; i++) 
            fprintf(lout, " %d ",(int) getint16(buf + 2 * i));
        case Oswitch_on_cons:           // short size, (size x |CELL|LABEL|) 
          if (0 == fread(buf, 2, 1, f))
            aborteof(aS("switch on cons"));
          ucFWRITE(buf, 2, 1, pFtarg);
          x = getint16(buf);
          init_pos += 2;
              read_const(f, pFtarg, &init_pos); // get const 
              if (0 == fread(buf, 2, 1, f))     // branch label 
                aborteof(aS("switch on cons 2"));

#ifdef BUG_LINK

              fprintf(lout, " branch[%d] ", (int) getint16(buf));
              ucFWRITE(buf, 2, 1, pFtarg);
              init_pos += 2;
        case Oswitch_on_struc:    // short size, (size x |NAME|ARITY|LABEL|) 
          if (0 == fread(buf, 2, 1, f))
            aborteof(aS("switch on struc"));
          ucFWRITE(buf, 2, 1, pFtarg);
          x = getint16(buf);
          init_pos += 2;
              read_atom(f, pFtarg);
              if (0 == fread(buf, 2, 1, f)) // arity 
                aborteof(aS("switch on struc 2"));
              ucFWRITE(buf, 2, 1, pFtarg);
              if (0 == fread(buf, 2, 1, f))    // label 
                aborteof(aS("switch on struc 2"));

#ifdef BUG_LINK
              fprintf(lout, " branch[%d] ", (int) getint16(buf));

              ucFWRITE(buf, 2, 1, pFtarg);
              init_pos += 2 + 2 + 2;
          abort_linker(aS("Error: Bad opcode in CodeStream %d"), op);
#ifdef BUG_LINK
      fprintf(lout, "\nend length %d init_pos %d ", length, init_pos);
Esempio n. 20
/* ----- Includes -------------------------------------------------------- */

#include "inc.h"
#include "pch.h"

#if defined(DOS) && defined(P16)
#include <conio.h>

/* ----- Internal definitions -------------------------------------------- */

aCHAR * ops[] =
/*  0 */      aS("no_op"),
/*  1 */      aS("get_con"),
/*  2 */      aS("get_nil"),
/*  3 */      aS("get_struc"),
/*  4 */      aS("get_list"),
/*  5 */      aS("put_unsafe"),
/*  6 */      aS("put_con"),
/*  7 */      aS("put_nil"),
/*  8 */      aS("put_struct"),
/*  9 */      aS("put_list"),
/* 10 */      aS("call"),
/* 11 */      aS("proceed"),
/* 12 */      aS("exec"),
/* 13 */      aS("escape"),
/* 14 */      aS("alloc"),
/* 15 */      aS("dealloc"),
Esempio n. 21
void Linker::aborteof(aCHAR * s)
   abort_linker(aS("Error: Unexpected end-of-file reading %s"), s);
Esempio n. 22
inline bool Quick_ZHay<Tprec, Dim>::calcCoefficients3D () {
    prec_t dyz = dy * dz, dyz_dx = Gamma * dyz / dx;
    prec_t dxz = dx * dz, dxz_dy = Gamma * dxz / dy;
    prec_t dxy = dx * dy, dxy_dz = Gamma * dxy / dz;
    prec_t dxyz_dt = dx * dy * dz / dt;
    prec_t ce, cem, cep, cw, cwm, cwp, CE, CW;
    prec_t cn, cnm, cnp, cs, csm, csp, CN, CS;
    prec_t cf, cfm, cfp, cb, cbm, cbp, CF, CB;
    aE = 0.0; aW = 0.0; aN = 0.0; aS = 0.0; aF = 0.0; aB = 0.0; aP = 0.0; 
    sp = 0.0;
    for (int k = bk; k <= ek; ++k)
      for (int i =  bi; i <= ei; ++i)
	for (int j = bj; j <= ej; ++j)
	    CE = ce = ( u(i  ,j  ,k) + u(i  ,j+1,k  ) ) * 0.5 * dyz;
	    CW = cw = ( u(i-1,j  ,k) + u(i-1,j+1,k  ) ) * 0.5 * dyz;
	    CN = cn = ( v(i  ,j  ,k) + v(i+1,j  ,k  ) ) * 0.5 * dxz;
	    CS = cs = ( v(i  ,j-1,k) + v(i+1,j-1,k  ) ) * 0.5 * dxz;
	    CF = cf = ( w(i  ,j  ,k) + w(i  ,j  ,k+1) ) * 0.5 * dxy;
	    CB = cb = ( w(i  ,j  ,k) + w(i  ,j  ,k-1) ) * 0.5 * dxy;
	    cem = cep = 0.0;
	    cwm = cwp = 0.0;
	    cnm = cnp = 0.0;
	    csm = csp = 0.0;
	    cfm = cfp = 0.0;
	    cbm = cbp = 0.0;

	    // QUICK as presented in Hayase et al.
// ---- X
	    if ( ce > 0 ) { 
	      CE = 0;
	      if (i == bi) {
		cep = ce * (phi_0(i+1,j,k) - phi_0(i-1,j,k)) / 3.0;
	      } else {
		cep = ce * 0.125 * (-phi_0(i-1,j,k) - 2*phi_0(i,j,k) + 3*phi_0(i+1,j,k));
	    } else {
	      // The case i == ei is taken in to account in applyBoundaryConditions3D.
	      if (i == ei-1) {
		cem = ce * (phi_0(i+2,j,k) - phi_0(i,j,k)) / 3.0;
	      } else if (i < ei-1) {
		cem = ce * 0.125 * (-phi_0(i+2,j,k) - 2*phi_0(i+1,j,k) + 3*phi_0(i,j,k));
	    if ( cw > 0 ) { 
	      // The case i == bi is taken in to account in applyBoundaryConditions3D.
	      if (i == bi+1) {
		cwp = cw * (phi_0(i,j,k) - phi_0(i-2,j,k)) / 3.0;
	      } else if (i > bi+1) {
		cwp = cw * 0.125 * (-phi_0(i-2,j,k) - 2*phi_0(i-1,j,k) + 3*phi_0(i,j,k));
	    } else {
	      CW = 0;
	      if (i == ei) {
		cwm = cw * (phi_0(i-1,j,k) - phi_0(i+1,j,k)) / 3.0;
	      } else {
		cwm = cw * 0.125 * (-phi_0(i+1,j,k) - 2*phi_0(i,j,k) + 3*phi_0(i-1,j,k));

// ---- Y
	    if ( cn > 0 ) { 
	      CN = 0;
	      if (j == bj) {
		cnp = cn * (phi_0(i,j+1,k) - phi_0(i,j-1,k)) / 3.0;
	      } else {
		cnp = cn * 0.125 * (-phi_0(i,j-1,k) - 2*phi_0(i,j,k) + 3*phi_0(i,j+1,k));
	    } else {
	      if (j == ej-1) {
		cnm = cn * (phi_0(i,j+2,k) - phi_0(i,j,k)) / 3.0;
	      } else if (i < ei-1) {
		cnm = cn * 0.125 * (-phi_0(i,j+2,k) - 2*phi_0(i,j+1,k) + 3*phi_0(i,j,k));
	    if ( cs > 0 ) { 
	      if (j == bj+1) {
		csp = cs * (phi_0(i,j,k) - phi_0(i,j-2,k)) / 3.0;
	      } else if (j > bj+1) {
		csp = cs * 0.125 * (-phi_0(i,j-2,k) - 2*phi_0(i,j-1,k) + 3*phi_0(i,j,k));
	    } else {
	      CS = 0;
	      if (j == ej) {
		csm = cs * (phi_0(i,j-1,k) - phi_0(i,j+1,k)) / 3.0;
	      } else {
		csm = cs * 0.125 * (-phi_0(i,j+1,k) - 2*phi_0(i,j,k) + 3*phi_0(i,j-1,k));

// ---- Z
	    if ( cf > 0 ) { 
	      CF = 0;
	      cfp = cf * 0.125 * (-phi_0(i,j,k-1) - 2*phi_0(i,j,k) + 3*phi_0(i,j,k+1));
	    } else {
	      if (k == ek) {
		cfm = cf * 0.125 * (-5*phi_0(i,j,k+1) + 6*phi_0(i,j,k) - phi_0(i,j,k-1));
	      } else {
		cfm = cf * 0.125 * (-phi_0(i,j,k+2) - 2*phi_0(i,j,k+1) + 3*phi_0(i,j,k));
	    if ( cb > 0 ) { 
	      if (k == bk) {
		cbp = cb * 0.125 * (-5*phi_0(i,j,k-1) + 6*phi_0(i,j,k) - phi_0(i,j,k+1));
	      } else {
		cbp = cb * 0.125 * (-phi_0(i,j,k-2) - 2*phi_0(i,j,k-1) + 3*phi_0(i,j,k));
	    } else {
	      CB = 0;
	      cbm = cb * 0.125 * (-phi_0(i,j,k+1) - 2*phi_0(i,j,k) + 3*phi_0(i,k,k-1));
	    aE (i,j,k) = dyz_dx - CE;
	    aW (i,j,k) = dyz_dx + CW;
	    aN (i,j,k) = dxz_dy - CN;
	    aS (i,j,k) = dxz_dy + CS;
	    aF (i,j,k) = dxy_dz - CF;
	    aB (i,j,k) = dxy_dz + CB;
	    aP (i,j,k) = aE (i,j,k) + aW (i,j,k) + aN (i,j,k) + aS (i,j,k) 
	      + aF (i,j,k) + aB (i,j,k) + dxyz_dt
	      + (ce - cw) + (cn - cs) + (cf - cb);

	    sp(i,j,k) = w(i,j,k) * dxyz_dt - 
	      ( p(i,j,k+1)- p(i,j,k) ) * dxy
	      - (cep + cem - cwp - cwm + 
		 cnp + cnm - csp - csm +
		 cfp + cfm - cbp - cbm);    
    return 0;     
Esempio n. 23
suppl_log_stack_t suppl_stack1 = {
    0					/* no next item */
    ,						/* files to be logged */
    {   0
        , { '-', '\0' }
    ,						/* classes to be logged */
    {   0
        , { '-', '\0' }
    ,						/* functions to be logged */
    {   0
        , { '-', '\0' }
    ,INT_MAX				/* maximum nesting level */
    ,0						/* logging active? */
    ,1						/* indent output? */
    ,1						/* 'files' member NOT inherited */
    ,1						/* 'classes' member NOT inherited */
    ,1						/* 'functions' member NOT inherited */

suppl_log_stack_t *suppl_Stack = aS(suppl_stack1);

int suppl_l_nestlevel = 0;				/* current nesting level */
FLAG suppl_l_fct_enabled = 0;			/* function class permits logging */
FILE *suppl_l_logfile = 0;			/* logfile opened? */
char suppl_l_openmode[] = "wt";			/* openmode for the logfile
											first character must be w/a */
long suppl_l_count = 0;					/* line counter */
Esempio n. 24
void Linker::read_g_atoms(FILE* f, int filei) 
{                                              // Build the Global atom table
   aUINT16     atom_table_length, code_length;
   short     posn;
   aCHAR     buf[TERM_BUFSIZE], *p;
   int       ichar;
   aBYTE     type, version, build;

   if (0 == fread(&type, 1, 1, f))             // 0
   if (type != 0xFF)
     abort_linker(aS("Error: File is not an Amzi! Prolog object file (.PLM)"));
   if (0 == fread(&type, 1, 1, f))             // 1
   if (0x03 != (type & 0x03))
     abort_linker(aS("Error: File is not an Amzi! Prolog object file (.PLM)"));
   if (type & 0x10)
      isunicode = LTRUE;
      isunicode = LFALSE;

   if (0 == fread(&version, 1, 1, f))             // 1
   if (version < COMPATIBLE_VERSION)
      abort_linker(aS("Error: Out-of-date .PLM file needs to be recompiled"));
   if (0 == fread(&build, 1, 1, f))             // 1
   if (version == COMPATIBLE_VERSION && build < COMPATIBLE_BUILD)
      abort_linker(aS("Error: Out-of-date .PLM file needs to be recompiled"));

   fseek(f, CC_HEAD_LENGTH, SEEK_SET);         // 8  skip header 

   while(LTRUE)                 // for each  atomtable / code segment sequence 
      if (!read_uint16(&atom_table_length, f) || // 8
            atom_table_length == 0)
         return;                                // all done
      if (isunicode)
         atom_table_length = atom_table_length / 2;

      posn = 0;
      while (posn < atom_table_length)         // read atom table
         p = buf;
            if ( p >= (buf + TERM_BUFSIZE))
               //buf[511] = EOS;
               //Lprintf(aS("%d %d %d %d"), buf[0], buf[1], buf[2], buf[3]);
               abort_linker(aS("Error: Global atom too long in code"));
            if (EOF == (ichar = ISUNIGETC(f))) // read chars
               aborteof(aS("global atom table"));
         while((*p++ = (aCHAR) ichar) != 0);   // until null char
         //Lprintf(aS("atom = '%s'\n"), buf);
         EnterGAtom(buf, filei);

      if (!read_uint16(&code_length, f))        // 10   get code seg length 
         aborteof(aS("code segment length"));
      fseek(f, (long) code_length, SEEK_CUR);  // and seek past it 
Esempio n. 25
void disp_msg(aCHAR * msg)
   wcscat(MsgBuf, msg);
   wcscat(MsgBuf, aS("\n"));
Esempio n. 26
 * Class:     amzi_ls_ARulesLogicServer
 * Method:    Link
 * Signature: (Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_amzi_ls_ARulesLogicServer_Link
  (JNIEnv * jenv, jobject jobj, jstring jxpl, jobjectArray jplms, jstring joptions)
#if defined(_WINDOWS)
   //wcscpy(MsgBuf, aS("Link not implemented yet"));
   //return -1;

//   HINSTANCE m_hLinkDLL;
//   pfLINK    m_pfL;

/*   m_hLinkDLL = LoadLibraryExA("alnk.dll", NULL, 0);
   if (m_hLinkDLL != NULL)
      m_pfL = (pfLINK)GetProcAddress(m_hLinkDLL, "cpLinkW");
      if (m_pfL == NULL)
         wsprintf(MsgBuf, aS("Unable to find Linker entry point: %d"), GetLastError());
         return -2;
      m_pfL = NULL;
      wsprintf(MsgBuf, aS("Unable to load Linker library: %d"), GetLastError());
      return -3;
   jsize jlen, ji;
   int i, argctr;
   aCHAR * pargv[128];
   jobject jplm;

   pargv[0] = JtoC(jenv, jxpl);
   pargv[1] = new aCHAR[1 + wcslen(aS("alib.plm"))];
   wcscpy(pargv[1], aS("alib.plm"));

   jlen = jenv->GetArrayLength(jplms);
   argctr = jlen + 2;

   for (ji=0; ji<jlen; ji++)
      jplm = jenv->GetObjectArrayElement(jplms, ji);
      i = ji + 2;
      pargv[i] = JtoC(jenv, (jstring)jplm);
   // Call the linker with the list of files to link
//   int rc = (*m_pfL)(disp_msg, argctr, (aCHAR **)pargv);
   int rc = aLinkW(disp_msg, argctr, (aCHAR **)pargv);

   for (i=0; i<argctr; i++)
      delete pargv[i];

//   FreeLibrary(m_hLinkDLL);
   //wsprintf(MsgBuf, aS("Link successful"));

   return rc;

   jsize jlen, ji;
   int i, argctr;
   aCHAR * pargv[128];
   jobject jplm;

   pargv[0] = JtoC(jenv, jxpl);
   pargv[1] = new aCHAR[1 + wcslen(aS("alib.plm"))];
   wcscpy(pargv[1], aS("alib.plm"));

   jlen = jenv->GetArrayLength(jplms);
   argctr = jlen + 2;

   for (ji=0; ji<jlen; ji++)
      jplm = jenv->GetObjectArrayElement(jplms, ji);
      i = ji + 2;
      pargv[i] = JtoC(jenv, (jstring)jplm);
   // Call the linker with the list of files to link
   int rc = aLinkW(disp_msg, argctr, (aCHAR **)pargv);

   for (i=0; i<argctr; i++)
      delete pargv[i];

   return rc;

   //   wcscpy(MsgBuf, aS("Link not implemented yet"));
   //   return -1;
Esempio n. 27
void Linker::read_linked_segs(FILE * f, aUINT16 atom_table_length, 
                              FILE * pFtarg, int filei)
{                             //  reads the linked segments for one PROCEDURE 
  aINT32      proc_code_length;
  aUINT16      clause_code_length;
  CODE       buf[6];
  aUINT16     last_clause, first_clause;
  aINT32      start_of_proc, end_of_proc;  // changed from long
  aINT16     zero = 0;
  char       op;   
  start_of_proc = ftell(pFtarg);
  /* build the procedure prefix segment

  read_l_atoms(f, atom_table_length, filei);    // Read the local atom table 
  if (!read_uint16(&clause_code_length, f))      // code length 
    aborteof(aS("linked segment length"));
#ifdef BUG_LINK
  fprintf(lout, "clause_length = %u, local_atom_table_length = %u\n", clause_code_length, atom_table_length);
  //  ucFWRITE(&zero, sizeof(aINT16), 1, pFtarg);      // reserve this 
  // ucFWRITE(&zero, sizeof(intC), 1, pFtarg);      // reserve this  ray
  ucFWRITE(&zero, sizeof(aINT32), 1, pFtarg);      // no ray, should be int32, intC might be 64
  if (!read_uint16(&last_clause, f))             // last clause marker 
    aborteof(aS("linked segment clause marker"));
  read_atom(f, pFtarg);                         // functor 
  if (0 == fread(buf, sizeof(aINT16), 1, f))     // arity 
    aborteof(aS("linked segment arity"));
  ucFWRITE(buf, 2, 1, pFtarg);
  proc_code_length = clause_code_length - 2;     // size of first clause 
     There is no last clause marker in the created prefix segment 
     so subtract this off
   first_clause = 1;
   while (1)
   {                                            // We are now at the code

#ifdef BUG_LINK
      fprintf(lout, "\nNext clause");
      if (first_clause)
         first_clause = 0;
         fread(&op, sizeof(aBYTE), 1, f);       // see if  switch is active
         if (op == Ono_switch)
#ifdef xBUG_LINK
            fprintf(lout, "\nno switch");
            fseek(f, 6L, SEEK_CUR);            // skip the remaining labels
            clause_code_length -= 7;
            proc_code_length -= 7;
            fread(&op, sizeof(aBYTE), 1, f);   // now look at try_me_else
            if (op == Ono_try)
#ifdef xBUG_LINK
               fprintf(lout, "\nno try_me_else");
               clause_code_length -= 5;
               proc_code_length -= 5;
               fseek(f, 4L, SEEK_CUR);         // skip label and NTV
               fseek(f, -1L, SEEK_CUR);          // get back to the try_me
            fseek(f, -1L, SEEK_CUR);              // get back to first op code
      read_code(f, pFtarg, PLM_CLHEAD_L, clause_code_length, (aBYTE*) buf);
      if (last_clause)                            // was last clause 
      if (!read_uint16(&atom_table_length, f))
         aborteof(aS("linked atom table length"));
      read_l_atoms(f, atom_table_length, filei);
      if (!read_uint16(&clause_code_length, f))    
         aborteof(aS("linked clause length"));
#ifdef BUG_LINK
  fprintf(lout, "clause_length = %d\n", clause_code_length);

      /* We don't include junk in prefix as part of length 
         after the first clause (we only have ONE name, arity etc) */
      proc_code_length += clause_code_length - PLM_CLHEAD_L;
      if (!read_uint16(&last_clause, f))
        aborteof(aS("linked last clause"));
      fseek(f, 4L, SEEK_CUR);                 // skip Name, ARITY 
#ifdef BUG_LINK
  fprintf(lout, "\n  ----- end of predicate ----- \n");
                         // seek back to fill in proc_size & proc length 
  end_of_proc = ftell(pFtarg);
  fseek(pFtarg, start_of_proc, SEEK_SET);
#ifdef BUG_LINK
  fprintf(lout, "proc_length = %d\n", proc_code_length);
  write_int32(proc_code_length, pFtarg);
  fseek(pFtarg, end_of_proc, SEEK_SET);

Esempio n. 28
void cElHJaPlan3D::Show
          Video_Win aW,
          INT       aCoul,
          bool ShowDroite,
          bool ShowInterEmpr
    if (aCoul >=0)

    Box2dr aBoxW(Pt2dr(0,0),Pt2dr(;
    for (INT aK=0; aK<INT(mVInters.size()) ; aK++)
        cElHJaDroite * aDr =mVInters[aK];
	if (aDr)
            ElSeg3D aSeg = aDr->Droite();
	    Pt3dr aQ0 = aSeg.P0();
	    Pt3dr aQ1 = aSeg.P1();
	    Pt2dr aP0(aQ0.x,aQ0.y);
	    Pt2dr aP1(aQ1.x,aQ1.y);

	    Seg2d aS(aP0,aP1);
            Seg2d aSC = aS.clipDroite(aBoxW);
            if (ShowDroite && (! aSC.empty()))

    tFullSubGrPl aSGrFul;
    if (ShowInterEmpr)
        for (tItSomGrPl itS=mGr->begin(aSGrFul) ; itS.go_on() ; itS++)
	    for (tItArcGrPl itA=(*itS).begin(aSGrFul) ; itA.go_on() ; itA++)
                 tSomGrPl &s1 = (*itA).s1();
                 tSomGrPl &s2 = (*itA).s2();
		 if (&s1 < &s2)

    // for (INT aK=0 ; aK<INT(mFacOblig.size()) ; aK++)
    //    mFacOblig[aK]->Show(PI/2.0,P8COL::cyan,false);
Esempio n. 29
void Linker::read_const(FILE *f, FILE *pFtarg, long *pi)
   /* a constant is  a tag followed by constant data 
   tag = 1 -> constant is short atom
   tag = 2 -> constant is short int
   tag = 3 -> constant is arb string terminated by EOS
   tag = 4 -> constant is 4 byte float
   tag = 5 -> constant is 4 byte long
   tag = 6 -> constant is 4 byte long wide char
   tag = 7 -> constant is 8 byte double
   tag = 8 -> constant is real
   aBYTE buf[8];
   int   ccount;
   aBYTE ibyte;
   aINT16 temp, length;
	aINT32 temp32;
   aCHAR ichar;

   if (0 == fread(buf, 1, 1, f))
      aborteof(aS("read const"));
   ucFWRITE(buf, 1, 1, pFtarg);
   (*pi) += 1;
     case 1:
       read_atom(f, pFtarg);
       (*pi) += 2;
     case 2:
       if (0 == fread(buf, 2, 1, f))
         aborteof(aS("read const 2"));
       ucFWRITE(buf, 2, 1, pFtarg);
       (*pi) += 2;     
     case 3:                                      // single byte string 
       ccount = 1;
       if (0 == fread(&ibyte, 1, 1, f))
         aborteof(aS("read const 3"));
       ichar = (aCHAR)ibyte;
           ucFWRITE(&ichar, 1, 1, pFtarg);
           if (0 == fread(&ibyte, 1, 1, f))
             aborteof(aS("read const 3b"));
           ichar = (aCHAR)ibyte;
       ucFWRITE(&ichar, 1, 1, pFtarg);
       (*pi) += ccount*sizeof(char);
     case 4:                                      // float
       if (0 == fread(buf, 4, 1, f))
         aborteof(aS("read const 4"));
       ucFWRITE(buf, 4, 1, pFtarg);
       (*pi) += 4;     
     case 5:                                      // long
       if (0 == fread(buf, 4, 1, f))
         aborteof(aS("read const 5"));
       ucFWRITE(buf, 4, 1, pFtarg);
       (*pi) += 4;     
     case 6:                                      // wide character string 
       ccount = 1;
       //    if (0 == fread(&ichar, sizeof(aCHAR), 1, f))
       if (!read_int16(&temp, f))
         aborteof(aS("read const 3"));
           //       ucFWRITE(&ichar, sizeof(aCHAR), 1, pFtarg);
           write_int16(temp, pFtarg);
           //       if (0 == fread(&ichar, sizeof(aCHAR), 1, f))
           if (!read_int16(&temp, f))
             aborteof(aS("read const 3b"));
       //    fwrite(&ichar, sizeof(aCHAR), 1, pFtarg);
       write_int16(temp, pFtarg);
       (*pi) += ccount*2;
	  case 9:                                   // fixed
     case 7:                                   // C double
       if (0 == fread(buf, 8, 1, f))
         aborteof(aS("read const 7"));
       ucFWRITE(buf, 8, 1, pFtarg);
       (*pi) += 8;     

	  case 8:
		 for(ccount = 0; ccount < 6; ccount += 2)
			{                                    // copy the real descr
			  if (!read_int16(&temp, f))
				 aborteof(aS("read const 3"));
			  if(ccount == 0) 
				 length = temp;                   // length
           write_int16(temp, pFtarg);
			{                                    // copy the gigits
			  if (!read_int32(&temp32, f))
				 aborteof(aS("read const 3b"));
           write_int32(temp32, pFtarg);
			  ccount+= 4;
       (*pi) += ccount;
     }                                        // end switch