Esempio n. 1
File: group.c Progetto: BIC-MNI/minc
/* ----------------------------- MNI Header -----------------------------------
@NAME       : acr_output_group
@INPUT      : afp - acr file pointer
@OUTPUT     : (none)
@RETURNS    : status
@DESCRIPTION: Write out an acr-nema group
@METHOD     : 
@GLOBALS    : 
@CALLS      : 
@CREATED    : November 10, 1993 (Peter Neelin)
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Acr_Status acr_output_group(Acr_File *afp, Acr_Group group)
   long ielement, nelements;
   Acr_Element cur, next;
   Acr_Status status;

   /* Update the length element */
   update_group_length_element(group, acr_get_vr_encoding(afp));

   /* Loop through the elements of the group, writing them out */
   nelements = acr_get_group_nelements(group);
   next = acr_get_group_element_list(group);
   for (ielement=0; ielement < nelements && next != NULL; ielement++) {
      cur = next;
      next = cur->next;
      status = acr_output_element(afp, cur);
      if (status != ACR_OK) {
         return status;

   /* Check for a bogus group (the true number of elements is different from
      nelements) */
   if ((ielement < nelements) || (next != NULL)) {
      status = ACR_OTHER_ERROR;
      return status;

   return status;

Esempio n. 2
File: group.c Progetto: BIC-MNI/minc
/* ----------------------------- MNI Header -----------------------------------
@NAME       : acr_dump_group_list
@INPUT      : file_pointer - where output should go
@OUTPUT     : (none)
@RETURNS    : (nothing)
@DESCRIPTION: Dump information from an acr-nema group list
@METHOD     : 
@GLOBALS    : 
@CALLS      : 
@CREATED    : November 24, 1993 (Peter Neelin)
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void acr_dump_group_list(FILE *file_pointer, Acr_Group group_list)
   Acr_Group cur_group;

   /* Check for empty list */
   cur_group = group_list;
   if (cur_group == NULL) {
      (void) fprintf(file_pointer,"\nEmpty group list\n\n");

   /* Loop over groups */
   while (cur_group != NULL) {

      /* Print the group id */
      (void) fprintf(file_pointer, "\nGroup 0x%04x :\n\n", 

      /* Print the elements */

      /* Go to the next group */
      cur_group = acr_get_group_next(cur_group);

   /* Print a blank line after dump */
   (void) fprintf(file_pointer, "\n");

   /* Flush the buffer */
   (void) fflush(file_pointer);


Esempio n. 3
File: group.c Progetto: BIC-MNI/minc
/* ----------------------------- MNI Header -----------------------------------
@NAME       : acr_find_group_element
@INPUT      : group_list
@OUTPUT     : (none)
@RETURNS    : element pointer
@DESCRIPTION: Find an element in a group list
@METHOD     : 
@GLOBALS    : 
@CALLS      : 
@CREATED    : November 10, 1993 (Peter Neelin)
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Acr_Element acr_find_group_element(Acr_Group group_list,
                                   Acr_Element_Id elid)
   Acr_Group group;

   /* Find the group */
   group = acr_find_group(group_list, elid->group_id);

   /* If not found return NULL */
   if (group == NULL) return NULL;

   /* Search through element list for element */
   return acr_find_element_id(acr_get_group_element_list(group), elid);

Esempio n. 4
File: group.c Progetto: BIC-MNI/minc
/* ----------------------------- MNI Header -----------------------------------
@NAME       : acr_input_group_with_max
@INPUT      : afp - acr file pointer
              max_group_id - maximum group id to read in. If <= 0 then any
                 group is read in.
@OUTPUT     : group
@RETURNS    : status
@DESCRIPTION: Read in an acr-nema group with an optional maximum group id.
              If group id exceeds max, then *group is set to NULL. If an
              error occurs, then a group may still be returned. This routine
              will stop reading when it reaches a watchpoint.
@METHOD     : 
@GLOBALS    : 
@CALLS      : 
@CREATED    : November 10, 1993 (Peter Neelin)
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static Acr_Status acr_input_group_with_max(Acr_File *afp, Acr_Group *group, 
                                           int max_group_id)
   int group_id, element_id, next_group_id;
   long group_length;
   Acr_Status status;
   Acr_Element element;
   int have_length_element;
   int get_more_elements;
   Acr_VR_encoding_type vr_encoding;

   /* Initialize the group pointer */
   *group = NULL;

   /* Look ahead at the next element */
   status = acr_peek_at_next_element_id(afp, &group_id, &element_id);
   if (status != ACR_OK) return status;

   /* Check for a group past the limit */
   if ((max_group_id > 0) && (group_id > max_group_id)) {
      return status;

   /* Check for a length element */
   have_length_element = (element_id == ACR_EID_GRPLEN);

   /* Read the length element and check it */
   if (have_length_element) {
      status = acr_input_element(afp, &element);
      if (status != ACR_OK) {
         return status;
      if ((acr_get_element_element(element) != ACR_EID_GRPLEN) || 
           (acr_get_element_length(element) != ACR_SIZEOF_LONG)) {
         if (acr_ignore_protocol_errors(afp)) {
            group_length = 0;
         else {
            status = ACR_PROTOCOL_ERROR;
            return status;
      else {
         group_length = acr_get_element_long(element);

   /* Create the group */
   *group = acr_create_group(group_id);

   /* Set the VR encoding and the byte ordering for the length element 
      according to the input stream. If the vr_encoding is implicit, then
      make the VR unknown. Note that the group will always have a length
      element even if the input stream does not. */
   element = acr_get_group_element_list(*group);
   vr_encoding = acr_get_vr_encoding(afp);
   acr_set_element_vr_encoding(element, vr_encoding);
   acr_set_element_byte_order(element, acr_get_byte_order(afp));
   if (vr_encoding == ACR_IMPLICIT_VR) {
      acr_set_element_vr(element, ACR_VR_UNKNOWN);

   /* Loop through elements, adding them to the list */
   get_more_elements = (have_length_element ? (group_length > 0) : TRUE);
   while (get_more_elements) {

      /* Check for a watchpoint */
      if (acr_get_io_watchpoint(afp) <= 0) {
         get_more_elements = FALSE;

      /* Look ahead at next element */
      status = acr_peek_at_next_element_id(afp, &next_group_id, &element_id);
      if ((status != ACR_OK) || (next_group_id != group_id)) {
         if ( status == ACR_REACHED_WATCHPOINT )
            status = ACR_OK;
         get_more_elements = FALSE;

      /* Read in the next element */
      status = acr_input_element(afp, &element);
      if (status != ACR_OK) {
         get_more_elements = FALSE;

      /* Add it to the group */
      if (element != NULL) {
         acr_group_add_element(*group, element);
         if (have_length_element) {
            group_length -= 
               acr_get_element_total_length(element, acr_get_vr_encoding(afp));

      /* Check group length */
      if (have_length_element && !acr_ignore_protocol_errors(afp)) {
         get_more_elements = (group_length > 0);


   /* Check that we got a full group */
   if (have_length_element && (group_length != 0) && 
       !acr_ignore_protocol_errors(afp)) {
      switch (status) {
      case ACR_OK:
         status = ACR_PROTOCOL_ERROR;
      case ACR_END_OF_INPUT:
         status = ACR_ABNORMAL_END_OF_INPUT; 

   return status;
Esempio n. 5
/* ----------------------------- MNI Header -----------------------------------
@NAME       : save_transferred_object
@INPUT      : group_list - list of acr-nema groups that make up object
              file_prefix - prefix for file names
@OUTPUT     : new_file_name - name for newly created file
              data_info - information about data object
@RETURNS    : (nothing)
@DESCRIPTION: Routine to save the object in a file.
@METHOD     :
@CALLS      :
@CREATED    : November 24, 1993 (Peter Neelin)
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
public void save_transferred_object(Acr_Group group_list, char *file_prefix,
                                    char **new_file_name,
                                    Data_Object_Info *data_info)
    Acr_Group group;
    Acr_Element element;
    char temp_name[256];
    char patient_name[256];
    int study_id, acquisition_id, image_id;
    Acr_File *afp;
    FILE *fp;
    Acr_Status status;
    Acr_VR_encoding_type vr_encoding;
    Acr_byte_order byte_order;
    static int file_counter = 0;

    /* Get the VR encoding state and byte order */
    element = acr_get_group_element_list(group_list);
    vr_encoding = acr_get_element_vr_encoding(element);
    byte_order = acr_get_element_byte_order(element);

    /* Get data info */
                            &(data_info->study_id), &(data_info->acq_id),
                            &(data_info->rec_num), &(data_info->image_type));

    /* Get number of echos, echo number, number of dynamic scans and
       dynamic_scan_number */
    data_info->num_echoes =
        acr_find_int(group_list, SPI_Number_of_echoes, 1);
    data_info->echo_number =
        acr_find_int(group_list, ACR_Echo_number, 1);
    data_info->num_dyn_scans =
        acr_find_int(group_list, ACR_Acquisitions_in_series, 1);
    data_info->dyn_scan_number =
        acr_find_int(group_list, ACR_Series, 1);

    /* Look for patient name */
    element = acr_find_group_element(group_list, ACR_Patient_name);
    if (element != NULL) {
        string_to_filename(acr_get_element_string(element), patient_name,
    if ((element == NULL) || (strlen(patient_name) == 0))
        (void) strcpy(patient_name, "unknown");

    /* Look for study and image numbers */
    study_id = data_info->study_id;
    acquisition_id = data_info->acq_id;
    image_id = acr_find_int(group_list, ACR_Image, 0);

    /* Create the new file name */
    (void) sprintf(temp_name, "%s-%04d-%s_%d_%d_%d.dcm",
                   file_prefix, file_counter++, patient_name, study_id,
                   acquisition_id, image_id);

    /* Create the file and write out the data */
    fp = fopen(temp_name, "w");
    if (fp == NULL) {
        (void) fprintf(stderr, "Error opening file for write: %s\n",
    else {
        /* Set up the output stream */
        afp = acr_file_initialize(fp, 0, acr_stdio_write);
        acr_set_vr_encoding(afp, vr_encoding);
        acr_set_byte_order(afp, byte_order);

        /* Loop over groups */
        group = group_list;
        status = ACR_OK;
        while ((group != NULL) && (status == ACR_OK)) {

            /* Write out the group */
            status = acr_output_group(afp, group);
            if (status != ACR_OK) {
                (void) fprintf(stderr, "Error writing file %s\n",
            group = acr_get_group_next(group);


        /* Close the file */
        (void) fclose(fp);

    /* Copy the name */
    *new_file_name = strdup(temp_name);

