Esempio n. 1
void project_data_free(AMem *amem, Project *pr)
    unsigned int i;
    if (!pr) {
    amem_free(amem, pr->description);
    amem_free(amem, pr->timestamp);
    for (i = 0; i < pr->nfonts; i++) {
        Fontdef *f = &pr->fontmap[i];
        amem_free(amem, f->fontname);
        amem_free(amem, f->fallback);
    amem_free(amem, pr->fontmap);
    for (i = 0; i < pr->ncolors; i++) {
        Colordef *c = &pr->colormap[i];
        amem_free(amem, c->cname);
    amem_free(amem, pr->colormap);
    amem_free(amem, pr);
Esempio n. 2
 * drop rows
int ssd_delete_rows(Quark *q, unsigned int startno, unsigned int endno)
    ss_data *ssd = ssd_get_data(q);

    unsigned int i, j, dist;

    if (!ssd || startno >= ssd->nrows || endno >= ssd->nrows) {
        return RETURN_FAILURE;
    if (endno < startno) {
        uswap(&endno, &startno);

    if (endno == ssd->nrows - 1) {
        /* trivial case */
        return ssd_set_nrows(q, startno);
    dist = endno - startno + 1;
    for (j = 0; j < ssd->ncols; j++) {
        ss_column *col = &ssd->cols[j];
        if (col->format == FFORMAT_STRING) {
            char **s = col->data;
            for (i = startno; i <= endno; i++) {
                amem_free(q->amem, s[i]);
            memmove(s + startno, s + endno + 1,
                (ssd->nrows - endno - 1)*SIZEOF_VOID_P);
        } else {
            double *x = col->data;
            memmove(x + startno, x + endno + 1,
                (ssd->nrows - endno - 1)*SIZEOF_DOUBLE);
    ssd->nrows -= dist;
    quark_dirtystate_set(q, TRUE);
    return RETURN_SUCCESS;
Esempio n. 3
int set_axisgrid_data(AGridUI *ui, Quark *q, void *caller)
    tickmarks *t = axisgrid_get_data(q);

    if (t && ui) {
        AMem *amem = quark_get_amem(q);
        int i;
        if (!caller || caller == ui->type) {
            t->type = GetOptionChoice(ui->type);

        if (!caller || caller == ui->tmajor) {
            if (xv_evalexpr(ui->tmajor, &t->tmajor) != RETURN_SUCCESS) {
                errmsg("Specify major tick spacing");
                return RETURN_FAILURE;
        if (!caller || caller == ui->nminor) {
            t->nminor = (int) SpinChoiceGetValue(ui->nminor);
        if (!caller || caller == ui->tlform) {
            Format *format = GetFormatChoice(ui->tlform);
            AMem *amem = quark_get_amem(q);
            amem_free(amem, t->tl_format.fstring);
            t->tl_format = *format;
            t->tl_format.fstring = amem_strdup(amem, format->fstring);
        if (!caller || caller == ui->tlfont) {
            t->tl_tprops.font = GetOptionChoice(ui->tlfont);
        if (!caller || caller == ui->tlcolor) {
            t->tl_tprops.color = GetOptionChoice(ui->tlcolor);
        if (!caller || caller == ui->barpen) {
            GetPenChoice(ui->barpen, &t->bar.pen);
        if (!caller || caller == ui->barlinew) {
            t->bar.width = SpinChoiceGetValue(ui->barlinew);
        if (!caller || caller == ui->barlines) {
            t-> = GetOptionChoice(ui->barlines);
        if (!caller || caller == ui->tlcharsize) {
            t->tl_tprops.charsize = SpinChoiceGetValue(ui->tlcharsize);
        if (!caller || caller == ui->tlangle) {
            t->tl_tprops.angle = GetAngleChoice(ui->tlangle);
        if (!caller || caller == ui->tlstagger) {
            t->tl_staggered = GetOptionChoice(ui->tlstagger);
        if (!caller || caller == ui->tlstarttype) {
            t->tl_starttype = GetOptionChoice(ui->tlstarttype) == 0 ?
                TYPE_AUTO : TYPE_SPEC;
        if (!caller || caller == ui->tlstart) {
            if (t->tl_starttype == TYPE_SPEC) {
                if (xv_evalexpr(ui->tlstart, &t->tl_start) != RETURN_SUCCESS) {
                errmsg("Specify tick label start");
                    return RETURN_FAILURE;
        if (!caller || caller == ui->tlstoptype) {
            t->tl_stoptype = GetOptionChoice(ui->tlstoptype) == 0 ?
                TYPE_AUTO : TYPE_SPEC;
        if (!caller || caller == ui->tlstop) {
            if (t->tl_stoptype == TYPE_SPEC) {
                if (xv_evalexpr(ui->tlstop, &t->tl_stop) != RETURN_SUCCESS) {
                    errmsg("Specify tick label stop");
                    return RETURN_FAILURE;
        if (!caller || caller == ui->tlskip) {
            t->tl_skip = GetOptionChoice(ui->tlskip);
        if (!caller || caller == ui->tlformula) {
            char *s = TextGetString(ui->tlformula);
            t->tl_formula = amem_strcpy(amem, t->tl_formula, s);
        if (!caller || caller == ui->tlprestr) {
            char *s = TextGetString(ui->tlprestr);
            t->tl_prestr = amem_strcpy(amem, t->tl_prestr, s);
        if (!caller || caller == ui->tlappstr) {
            char *s = TextGetString(ui->tlappstr);
            t->tl_appstr = amem_strcpy(amem, t->tl_appstr, s);
        if (!caller || caller == ui->tlgap_para) {
            xv_evalexpr(ui->tlgap_para, &t->tl_gap.x);
        if (!caller || caller == ui->tlgap_perp) {
            xv_evalexpr(ui->tlgap_perp, &t->tl_gap.y);
        if (!caller || caller == ui->tround) {
            t->t_round = ToggleButtonGetState(ui->tround);
        if (!caller || caller == ui->autonum) {
            t->t_autonum = GetOptionChoice(ui->autonum) + 2;

        if (!caller || caller == ui->tgrid) {
            t->gprops.onoff = ToggleButtonGetState(ui->tgrid);
        if (!caller || caller == ui->tgridpen) {
            GetPenChoice(ui->tgridpen, &t->gprops.line.pen);
        if (!caller || caller == ui->tgridlinew) {
            t->gprops.line.width = SpinChoiceGetValue(ui->tgridlinew);
        if (!caller || caller == ui->tgridlines) {
            t-> = GetOptionChoice(ui->tgridlines);

        if (!caller || caller == ui->tmgrid) {
            t->mgprops.onoff = ToggleButtonGetState(ui->tmgrid);
        if (!caller || caller == ui->tmgridpen) {
            GetPenChoice(ui->tmgridpen, &t->mgprops.line.pen);
        if (!caller || caller == ui->tmgridlinew) {
            t->mgprops.line.width = SpinChoiceGetValue(ui->tmgridlinew);
        if (!caller || caller == ui->tmgridlines) {
            t-> = GetOptionChoice(ui->tmgridlines);

        if (!caller || caller == ui->tinout) {
            t->props.inout = GetOptionChoice(ui->tinout);
        if (!caller || caller == ui->tlen) {
            t->props.size = SpinChoiceGetValue(ui->tlen);
        if (!caller || caller == ui->tpen) {
            GetPenChoice(ui->tpen, &t->props.line.pen);
        if (!caller || caller == ui->tgridlinew) {
            t->props.line.width = SpinChoiceGetValue(ui->tlinew);
        if (!caller || caller == ui->tgridlines) {
            t-> = GetOptionChoice(ui->tlines);
        if (!caller || caller == ui->tminout) {
            t->mprops.inout = GetOptionChoice(ui->tminout);
        if (!caller || caller == ui->tmlen) {
            t->mprops.size = SpinChoiceGetValue(ui->tmlen);
        if (!caller || caller == ui->tmpen) {
            GetPenChoice(ui->tmpen, &t->mprops.line.pen);
        if (!caller || caller == ui->tmgridlinew) {
            t->mprops.line.width = SpinChoiceGetValue(ui->tmlinew);
        if (!caller || caller == ui->tmgridlines) {
            t-> = GetOptionChoice(ui->tmlines);
        if (!caller ||
            caller == ui->specticks || caller == ui->nspec || caller == ui->specloc) {
            t->t_spec = GetOptionChoice(ui->specticks);
            /* only read special info if special ticks used */
            if (t->t_spec != TICKS_SPEC_NONE) {
                t->nticks = (int) SpinChoiceGetValue(ui->nspec);
                /* ensure that enough tick positions have been specified */
                for (i = 0; i < t->nticks; i++) {
                    if (xv_evalexpr(ui->specloc[i], &t->tloc[i].wtpos) ==
                                                        RETURN_SUCCESS) {
                        char *cp, *s;
                        cp = TextGetString(ui->speclabel[i]);
                        if (cp[0] == '\0') {
                            t->tloc[i].type = TICK_TYPE_MINOR;
                        } else {
                            t->tloc[i].type = TICK_TYPE_MAJOR;
                        if (t->t_spec == TICKS_SPEC_BOTH) {
                            s = cp;
                        } else {
                            s = NULL;
                        t->tloc[i].label =
                            amem_strcpy(amem, t->tloc[i].label, s);
        quark_dirtystate_set(q, TRUE);
        return RETURN_SUCCESS;
    } else {
        return RETURN_FAILURE;
Esempio n. 4
int graph_set_data(GraphUI *ui, Quark *q, void *caller)
    if (quark_fid_get(q) == QFlavorGraph) {
        double axislim, znorm;
        world w;
        GLocator *locator;

        graph_get_world(q, &w);
        locator = graph_get_locator(q);

        if (!caller || caller == ui->graph_type) {
            graph_set_type(q, GetOptionChoice(ui->graph_type));
        if (!caller || caller == ui->stacked) {
            graph_set_stacked(q, GetToggleButtonState(ui->stacked));
        if (!caller || caller == ui->flip_xy) {
            graph_set_xyflip(q, GetToggleButtonState(ui->flip_xy));

        if (!caller || caller == ui->start_x) {
            if (xv_evalexpr(ui->start_x, &axislim) != RETURN_SUCCESS) {
                errmsg("Axis start/stop values undefined");
                return RETURN_FAILURE;
            w.xg1 = axislim;
        if (!caller || caller == ui->stop_x) {
            if (xv_evalexpr(ui->stop_x, &axislim) != RETURN_SUCCESS) {
                errmsg("Axis start/stop values undefined");
                return RETURN_FAILURE;
            w.xg2 = axislim;

        if (!caller || caller == ui->start_y) {
            if (xv_evalexpr(ui->start_y, &axislim) != RETURN_SUCCESS) {
                errmsg("Axis start/stop values undefined");
                return RETURN_FAILURE;
            w.yg1 = axislim;
        if (!caller || caller == ui->stop_y) {
            if (xv_evalexpr(ui->stop_y, &axislim) != RETURN_SUCCESS) {
                errmsg("Axis start/stop values undefined");
                return RETURN_FAILURE;
            w.yg2 = axislim;

        if (!caller ||
            caller == ui->start_x || caller == ui->stop_x ||
            caller == ui->start_y || caller == ui->stop_y) {
            graph_set_world(q, &w);

        if (!caller || caller == ui->scale_x) {
            graph_set_xscale(q, GetOptionChoice(ui->scale_x));
        if (!caller || caller == ui->invert_x)  {
            graph_set_xinvert(q, GetToggleButtonState(ui->invert_x));

        if (!caller || caller == ui->scale_y) {
            graph_set_yscale(q, GetOptionChoice(ui->scale_y));
        if (!caller || caller == ui->invert_y)  {
            graph_set_yinvert(q, GetToggleButtonState(ui->invert_y));

        if (!caller || caller == ui->bargap) {
            graph_set_bargap(q, GetSpinChoice(ui->bargap));
        if (!caller || caller == ui->znorm) {
            xv_evalexpr(ui->znorm, &znorm);
            graph_set_znorm(q, znorm);

        if (!caller || caller == ui->loc_type) {
            locator->type = GetOptionChoice(ui->loc_type);
            quark_dirtystate_set(q, TRUE);
        if (!caller || caller == ui->loc_fx) {
            Format *format = GetFormatChoice(ui->loc_fx);
            AMem *amem = quark_get_amem(q);
            amem_free(amem, locator->fx.fstring);
            locator->fx = *format;
            locator->fx.fstring = amem_strdup(amem, format->fstring);
            quark_dirtystate_set(q, TRUE);
        if (!caller || caller == ui->loc_fy) {
            Format *format = GetFormatChoice(ui->loc_fy);
            AMem *amem = quark_get_amem(q);
            amem_free(amem, locator->fy.fstring);
            locator->fy = *format;
            locator->fy.fstring = amem_strdup(amem, format->fstring);
            quark_dirtystate_set(q, TRUE);
        if (!caller || caller == ui->fixedp) {
            locator->pointset = GetToggleButtonState(ui->fixedp);
            quark_dirtystate_set(q, TRUE);
        if (!caller || caller == ui->locx) {
            xv_evalexpr(ui->locx, &locator->origin.x); 
            quark_dirtystate_set(q, TRUE);
        if (!caller || caller == ui->locy) {
            xv_evalexpr(ui->locy, &locator->origin.y); 
            quark_dirtystate_set(q, TRUE);

        return RETURN_SUCCESS;
    } else {
        return RETURN_FAILURE;