Esempio n. 1
void ApproximateEllipseByArcs (Real a, Real b, int numArcs,
    Vector2<Real>*& points, Vector2<Real>*& centers, Real*& radii)
    // Allocate arrays.
    assertion(numArcs >= 2, "Must specify at least two arcs\n");
    if (numArcs < 2)
        points = 0;
        centers = 0;
        radii = 0;

    points = new1<Vector2<Real> >(numArcs + 1);
    centers = new1<Vector2<Real> >(numArcs);
    radii = new1<Real>(numArcs);

    // Intermediate ellipse quantities.
    Real a2 = a*a, b2 = b*b, ab = a*b;
    Real invB2mA2 = ((Real)1)/(b2 - a2);

    // End points of ellipse in first quadrant.  Points are generated in
    // counterclockwise order.
    points[0] = Vector2<Real>(a, (Real)0);
    points[numArcs] = Vector2<Real>((Real)0, b);

    // Curvature at end points, store curvature for computing arcs.
    Real curv0 = a/b2;
    Real curv1 = b/a2;

    // Select ellipse points based on curvature properties.
    Real invNumArcs = ((Real)1)/numArcs;
    int i;
    for (i = 1; i < numArcs; ++i)
        // Curvature at new point is weighted average of curvature at ends.
        Real weight1 = i*invNumArcs;
        Real weight0 = (Real)1 - weight1;
        Real curv = weight0*curv0 + weight1*curv1;

        // Compute point having this curvature.
        Real tmp = Math<Real>::Pow(ab/curv, (Real)2/(Real)3);
        points[i][0] = a*Math<Real>::Sqrt(
            Math<Real>::FAbs((tmp - a2)*invB2mA2));
        points[i][1] = b*Math<Real>::Sqrt(
            Math<Real>::FAbs((tmp - b2)*invB2mA2));

    // Compute arc at (a,0).
    Circle2<Real> circle;
    Circumscribe<Real>(Vector2<Real>(points[1][0], -points[1][1]),
        points[0], points[1], circle);
    centers[0] = circle.Center;
    radii[0] = circle.Radius;

    // Compute arc at (0,b).
    int last = numArcs - 1;
    Circumscribe(Vector2<Real>(-points[last][0], points[last][1]),
        points[numArcs], points[last], circle);
    centers[last] = circle.Center;
    radii[last] = circle.Radius;

    // Compute arcs at intermediate points between (a,0) and (0,b).
    int iM, iP;
    for (iM = 0, i = 1, iP = 2; i < last; ++iM, ++i, ++iP)
        Circumscribe<Real>(points[iM], points[i], points[iP], circle);
        centers[i] = circle.Center;
        radii[i] = circle.Radius;
Real EigenDecomposition<Real>::GetEigenvalue (int i) const
    assertion(0 <= i && i < mSize, "Invalid index in GetEigenvalue\n");
    return mDiagonal[i];
Esempio n. 3
void peano::applications::poisson::multigrid::records::RegularGridStatePacked::setMeshWidth(int elementIndex, const double& meshWidth) {
   _persistentRecords._meshWidth[elementIndex]= meshWidth;
Esempio n. 4
void XMLTag:: parse
  XMLTag::XMLReader* xmlReader )
  preciceTrace1("parse()", _fullName);
  try {
    if (xmlReader->getNodeType() == tarch::irr::io::EXN_ELEMENT){
      assertion(xmlReader->getNodeName() != NULL);
      preciceDebug("reading attributes of tag " << xmlReader->getNodeName());

    if (_subtags.size() > 0){
      while (xmlReader->read()){
        if (xmlReader->getNodeType() == tarch::irr::io::EXN_ELEMENT){
          assertion(xmlReader->getNodeName() != NULL);
          preciceDebug("reading subtag " << xmlReader->getNodeName()
                       << " of tag " << _fullName);
        else if (xmlReader->getNodeType() == tarch::irr::io::EXN_ELEMENT_END){
          assertion(xmlReader->getNodeName() != NULL);
          if (std::string(xmlReader->getNodeName()) == _fullName){
            preciceDebug("end of tag " << xmlReader->getNodeName());
            _configured = true;
          else {
            std::ostringstream stream;
            if (not _fullName.empty()){
              stream << "Invalid closing tag </" << xmlReader->getNodeName() << ">";
              throw stream.str();
            //else {
            //  stream << "Invalid closing tag </" << xmlReader->getNodeName()
            //         << ">, expected closing of tag <" << _fullName << "> instead";
      if (not _name.empty()){
        std::ostringstream error;
        error << "Missing closing tag </" << _fullName << ">";
        throw error.str();
    else {
      _configured = true;
  catch (std::string errorMsg){
    if (not _name.empty()){
      errorMsg += "\n   in tag <" + _fullName + ">";
    throw errorMsg;
Esempio n. 5
peano::applications::poisson::multigrid::records::RegularGridStatePacked::RegularGridStatePacked(const double& omega, const tarch::la::Vector<DIMENSIONS,double>& meshWidth, const double& numberOfInnerVertices, const double& numberOfBoundaryVertices, const double& numberOfOuterVertices, const double& numberOfInnerCells, const double& numberOfOuterCells, const bool& gridIsStationary):
_persistentRecords(omega, meshWidth, numberOfInnerVertices, numberOfBoundaryVertices, numberOfOuterVertices, numberOfInnerCells, numberOfOuterCells, gridIsStationary) {
   assertion((1 < (8 * sizeof(short int))));
Esempio n. 6
double peano::applications::poisson::multigrid::records::RegularGridStatePacked::getMeshWidth(int elementIndex) const {
   return _persistentRecords._meshWidth[elementIndex];
Esempio n. 7
peano::applications::poisson::multigrid::records::RegularGridStatePacked::RegularGridStatePacked() {
   assertion((1 < (8 * sizeof(short int))));
Esempio n. 8
peano::applications::poisson::multigrid::records::RegularGridStatePacked::RegularGridStatePacked(const PersistentRecords& persistentRecords):
_persistentRecords(persistentRecords._omega, persistentRecords._meshWidth, persistentRecords._numberOfInnerVertices, persistentRecords._numberOfBoundaryVertices, persistentRecords._numberOfOuterVertices, persistentRecords._numberOfInnerCells, persistentRecords._numberOfOuterCells, persistentRecords.getGridIsStationary()) {
   assertion((1 < (8 * sizeof(short int))));
Esempio n. 9
 int peano::applications::poisson::multigrid::records::RegularGridState::getSenderRank() const {
    assertion( _senderRank!=-1 );
    return _senderRank;
Esempio n. 10
bool start_ndfsm(int argc, char** argv, ndfsm* test)
NDFSM_TestEngineData ndfsm_state;
bool tracing_was_started_here = false;
bool was_accidental_transition_traced;
AssertionExit prev_assert = NULL;
TestSystemParameters* pars;
bool verdict;
bool verdict_init;

  // Initialize test engine data
  init_NDFSM_TestEngineData( &ndfsm_state, test );

  // Process standard parameters
  pars = processStandardParameters(test->name,test->actions,argc,argv);
  assertion( pars != NULL, "start_ndfsm: standard parameters processing fails");

  // Start tracing if it has not been started yet
  if (!isInTrace())
    tracing_was_started_here = true;
    prev_assert = ts_setup_assert_function();



  // Scenario initialization
  verdict = true;
  if (test->init != NULL)
    // Trace pseudo transition start
    was_accidental_transition_traced = setTraceAccidental(true);
    traceScenarioValue ("state", "", "", "start");
    traceScenarioValue ("scenario method", "", "", "initialize");

    // Call 'init' function
    verdict_init = test->init(pars->argc, pars->argv);
    verdict = verdict_init && getOracleVerdict();

    // Frame end
    verdict = onFrameEnd( &ndfsm_state.executor.model_state, verdict );

    // Trace initialization failed message
    if (!verdict_init)
      testVerdict = TD_faulted;

    // Trace pseudo transition end

  // FSM traversing
  if (verdict)
   {if (check_consistency_NDFSM(test))
      traceProperties_NDFSM( &ndfsm_state );
      traverse_NDFSM( &ndfsm_state );
      // Evaluate historical test verdict
      if (ndfsm_state.fatal_failure)
        verdict = false;
        testVerdict = TD_faulted;
      else if (ndfsm_state.failure_number > 0)
        verdict = false;
        testVerdict = TD_bad_verdict;
        testVerdict = TD_ok;
    if (test->finish != NULL)
      // Trace pseudo transition start
      was_accidental_transition_traced = setTraceAccidental(true);
      traceScenarioValue ("scenario method", "", "", "finalize");

      // Call 'finish' function
      verdict = verdict && getOracleVerdict();

      // Frame end
      verdict = onFrameEnd( &ndfsm_state.executor.model_state, verdict );

      // Trace pseudo transition end
      traceScenarioValue ("state", "", "", "end");


  // Deallocate resources
  destroy_NDFSM_TestEngineData( &ndfsm_state );


  // Stop tracing if it was started here
  if (tracing_was_started_here)

  // Disable standard parameters

  return verdict;
Esempio n. 11
static void destroy_NDFSM_Arc( NDFSM_Arc* arc )
  assertion( (arc != NULL), "destroy_NDFSM_Arc: arc is NULL" );

  destroy_ArcSymbol( &arc->symbol );
int IntrLine3Cylinder3<Real>::Find (const Vector3<Real>& origin,
    const Vector3<Real>& dir, const Cylinder3<Real>& cylinder, Real t[2])
    // Create a coordinate system for the cylinder.  In this system, the
    // cylinder segment center C is the origin and the cylinder axis direction
    // W is the z-axis.  U and V are the other coordinate axis directions.
    // If P = x*U+y*V+z*W, the cylinder is x^2 + y^2 = r^2, where r is the
    // cylinder radius.  The end caps are |z| = h/2, where h is the cylinder
    // height.
    Vector3<Real> U, V, W = cylinder.Axis.Direction;
    Vector3<Real>::GenerateComplementBasis(U, V, W);
    Real halfHeight = ((Real)0.5)*cylinder.Height;
    Real rSqr = cylinder.Radius*cylinder.Radius;

    // convert incoming line origin to cylinder coordinates
    Vector3<Real> diff = origin - cylinder.Axis.Origin;
    Vector3<Real> P(U.Dot(diff), V.Dot(diff), W.Dot(diff));

    // Get the z-value, in cylinder coordinates, of the incoming line's
    // unit-length direction.
    Real dz = W.Dot(dir);

    if (Math<Real>::FAbs(dz) >= (Real)1 - Math<Real>::ZERO_TOLERANCE)
        // The line is parallel to the cylinder axis.  Determine if the line
        // intersects the cylinder end disks.
        Real radialSqrDist = rSqr - P.X()*P.X() - P.Y()*P.Y();
        if (radialSqrDist < (Real)0)
            // Line outside the cylinder, no intersection.
            return 0;

        // Line intersects the cylinder end disks.
        if (dz > (Real)0)
            t[0] = -P.Z() - halfHeight;
            t[1] = -P.Z() + halfHeight;
            t[0] = P.Z() - halfHeight;
            t[1] = P.Z() + halfHeight;
        return 2;

    // convert incoming line unit-length direction to cylinder coordinates
    Vector3<Real> D(U.Dot(dir),V.Dot(dir),dz);

    Real a0, a1, a2, discr, root, inv, tValue;

    if (Math<Real>::FAbs(D.Z()) <= Math<Real>::ZERO_TOLERANCE)
        // The line is perpendicular to the cylinder axis.
        if (Math<Real>::FAbs(P.Z()) > halfHeight)
            // Line is outside the planes of the cylinder end disks.
            return 0;

        // Test intersection of line P+t*D with infinite cylinder
        // x^2+y^2 = r^2.  This reduces to computing the roots of a
        // quadratic equation.  If P = (px,py,pz) and D = (dx,dy,dz),
        // then the quadratic equation is
        //   (dx^2+dy^2)*t^2 + 2*(px*dx+py*dy)*t + (px^2+py^2-r^2) = 0
        a0 = P.X()*P.X() + P.Y()*P.Y() - rSqr;
        a1 = P.X()*D.X() + P.Y()*D.Y();
        a2 = D.X()*D.X() + D.Y()*D.Y();
        discr = a1*a1 - a0*a2;
        if (discr < (Real)0)
            // Line does not intersect cylinder.
            return 0;
        else if (discr > Math<Real>::ZERO_TOLERANCE)
            // Line intersects cylinder in two places.
            root = Math<Real>::Sqrt(discr);
            inv = ((Real)1)/a2;
            t[0] = (-a1 - root)*inv;
            t[1] = (-a1 + root)*inv;
            return 2;
            // Line is tangent to the cylinder.
            t[0] = -a1/a2;
            return 1;

    // Test plane intersections first.
    int quantity = 0;
    inv = ((Real)1.0)/D.Z();

    Real t0 = (-halfHeight - P.Z())*inv;
    Real xTmp = P.X() + t0*D.X();
    Real yTmp = P.Y() + t0*D.Y();
    if (xTmp*xTmp + yTmp*yTmp <= rSqr)
        // Planar intersection inside the top cylinder end disk.
        t[quantity++] = t0;

    Real t1 = (+halfHeight - P.Z())*inv;
    xTmp = P.X() + t1*D.X();
    yTmp = P.Y() + t1*D.Y();
    if (xTmp*xTmp + yTmp*yTmp <= rSqr)
        // Planar intersection inside the bottom cylinder end disk.
        t[quantity++] = t1;

    if (quantity == 2)
        // Line intersects both top and bottom cylinder end disks.
        if (t[0] > t[1])
            Real save = t[0];
            t[0] = t[1];
            t[1] = save;
        return 2;

    // If quantity == 1, then the line must intersect cylinder wall in a
    // single point somewhere between the end disks.  This case is detected
    // in the following code that tests for intersection between line and
    // cylinder wall.
    a0 = P.X()*P.X() + P.Y()*P.Y() - rSqr;
    a1 = P.X()*D.X() + P.Y()*D.Y();
    a2 = D.X()*D.X() + D.Y()*D.Y();
    discr = a1*a1 - a0*a2;
    if (discr < (Real)0)
        // Line does not intersect cylinder wall.
        assertion(quantity == 0, "Unexpected condition\n");
        return 0;
    else if (discr > Math<Real>::ZERO_TOLERANCE)
        root = Math<Real>::Sqrt(discr);
        inv = ((Real)1)/a2;
        tValue = (-a1 - root)*inv;
        if (t0 <= t1)
            if (t0 <= tValue && tValue <= t1)
                t[quantity++] = tValue;
            if (t1 <= tValue && tValue <= t0)
                t[quantity++] = tValue;

        if (quantity == 2)
            // Line intersects one of the cylinder end disks and once on the
            // cylinder wall.
            if (t[0] > t[1])
                Real save = t[0];
                t[0] = t[1];
                t[1] = save;
            return 2;

        tValue = (-a1 + root)*inv;
        if (t0 <= t1)
            if (t0 <= tValue && tValue <= t1)
                t[quantity++] = tValue;
            if (t1 <= tValue && tValue <= t0)
                t[quantity++] = tValue;
        tValue = -a1/a2;
        if (t0 <= t1)
            if (t0 <= tValue && tValue <= t1)
                t[quantity++] = tValue;
            if (t1 <= tValue && tValue <= t0)
                t[quantity++] = tValue;

    if (quantity == 2)
        if (t[0] > t[1])
            Real save = t[0];
            t[0] = t[1];
            t[1] = save;

    return quantity;
peano::applications::pic::demo::repositories::PICBatchJobRepositoryForSpacetreeGridArrayStackImplementation::~PICBatchJobRepositoryForSpacetreeGridArrayStackImplementation() {
  assertion( _repositoryState.getAction() == PICBatchJobRepositoryState::Terminate );