Esempio n. 1
static int rtsp_send_reply(AVFormatContext *s, enum RTSPStatusCode code,
                           const char *extracontent, uint16_t seq)
    RTSPState *rt = s->priv_data;
    char message[4096];
    int index = 0;
    while (status_messages[index].code) {
        if (status_messages[index].code == code) {
            snprintf(message, sizeof(message), "RTSP/1.0 %d %s\r\n",
                     code, status_messages[index].message);
    if (!status_messages[index].code)
        return AVERROR(EINVAL);
    av_strlcatf(message, sizeof(message), "CSeq: %d\r\n", seq);
    av_strlcatf(message, sizeof(message), "Server: %s\r\n", LIBAVFORMAT_IDENT);
    if (extracontent)
        av_strlcat(message, extracontent, sizeof(message));
    av_strlcat(message, "\r\n", sizeof(message));
    av_dlog(s, "Sending response:\n%s", message);
    ffurl_write(rt->rtsp_hd, message, strlen(message));

    return 0;
Esempio n. 2
/* Match desired bitrate */
static int get_bitrate_mode(int bitrate, void *log_ctx)
    /* make the correspondance between bitrate and mode */
    static const AMR_bitrates rates[] = {
        { 4750, MR475 }, { 5150, MR515 }, {  5900, MR59  }, {  6700, MR67  },
        { 7400, MR74 },  { 7950, MR795 }, { 10200, MR102 }, { 12200, MR122 }
    int i, best = -1, min_diff = 0;
    char log_buf[200];

    for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
        if (rates[i].rate == bitrate)
            return rates[i].mode;
        if (best < 0 || abs(rates[i].rate - bitrate) < min_diff) {
            best     = i;
            min_diff = abs(rates[i].rate - bitrate);
    /* no bitrate matching exactly, log a warning */
    snprintf(log_buf, sizeof(log_buf), "bitrate not supported: use one of ");
    for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
        av_strlcatf(log_buf, sizeof(log_buf), "%.2fk, ", rates[i].rate    / 1000.f);
    av_strlcatf(log_buf, sizeof(log_buf), "using %.2fk", rates[best].rate / 1000.f);
    av_log(log_ctx, AV_LOG_WARNING, "%s\n", log_buf);

    return best;
Esempio n. 3
static int framecrc_write_packet(struct AVFormatContext *s, AVPacket *pkt)
    uint32_t crc = av_adler32_update(0, pkt->data, pkt->size);
    char buf[256];

    snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d, %10"PRId64", %10"PRId64", %8d, %8d, 0x%08x",
             pkt->stream_index, pkt->dts, pkt->pts, pkt->duration, pkt->size, crc);
    if (pkt->flags != AV_PKT_FLAG_KEY)
        av_strlcatf(buf, sizeof(buf), ", F=0x%0X", pkt->flags);
    if (pkt->side_data_elems) {
        int i, j;
        av_strlcatf(buf, sizeof(buf), ", S=%d", pkt->side_data_elems);

        for (i=0; i<pkt->side_data_elems; i++) {
            uint32_t side_data_crc = 0;
            if (HAVE_BIGENDIAN && AV_PKT_DATA_PALETTE == pkt->side_data[i].type) {
                for (j=0; j<pkt->side_data[i].size; j++) {
                    side_data_crc = av_adler32_update(side_data_crc,
                                                      pkt->side_data[i].data + (j^3),
            } else {
                side_data_crc = av_adler32_update(0,
            av_strlcatf(buf, sizeof(buf), ", %8d, 0x%08x", pkt->side_data[i].size, side_data_crc);
    av_strlcatf(buf, sizeof(buf), "\n");
    avio_write(s->pb, buf, strlen(buf));
    return 0;
Esempio n. 4
static void sdp_write_media(char *buff, int size, AVCodecContext *c, const char *dest_addr, int port, int ttl)
    const char *type;
    int payload_type;

    payload_type = ff_rtp_get_payload_type(c);
    if (payload_type < 0) {
        payload_type = RTP_PT_PRIVATE + (c->codec_type == CODEC_TYPE_AUDIO);

    switch (c->codec_type) {
        case CODEC_TYPE_VIDEO   : type = "video"      ; break;
        case CODEC_TYPE_AUDIO   : type = "audio"      ; break;
        case CODEC_TYPE_SUBTITLE: type = "text"       ; break;
        default                 : type = "application"; break;

    av_strlcatf(buff, size, "m=%s %d RTP/AVP %d\r\n", type, port, payload_type);
    sdp_write_address(buff, size, dest_addr, ttl);
    if (c->bit_rate) {
        av_strlcatf(buff, size, "b=AS:%d\r\n", c->bit_rate / 1000);

    sdp_write_media_attributes(buff, size, c, payload_type);
Esempio n. 5
static int func_eval_expr_int_format(AVFilterContext *ctx, AVBPrint *bp,
                          char *fct, unsigned argc, char **argv, int tag)
    DrawTextContext *s = ctx->priv;
    double res;
    int intval;
    int ret;
    unsigned int positions = 0;
    char fmt_str[30] = "%";

     * argv[0] expression to be converted to `int`
     * argv[1] format: 'x', 'X', 'd' or 'u'
     * argv[2] positions printed (optional)

    ret = av_expr_parse_and_eval(&res, argv[0], var_names, s->var_values,
                                 NULL, NULL, fun2_names, fun2,
                                 &s->prng, 0, ctx);
    if (ret < 0) {
        av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR,
               "Expression '%s' for the expr text expansion function is not valid\n",
        return ret;

    if (!strchr("xXdu", argv[1][0])) {
        av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Invalid format '%c' specified,"
                " allowed values: 'x', 'X', 'd', 'u'\n", argv[1][0]);
        return AVERROR(EINVAL);

    if (argc == 3) {
        ret = sscanf(argv[2], "%u", &positions);
        if (ret != 1) {
            av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "expr_int_format(): Invalid number of positions"
                    " to print: '%s'\n", argv[2]);
            return AVERROR(EINVAL);

    intval = res;
    if ((ret = fetestexcept(FE_INVALID|FE_OVERFLOW|FE_UNDERFLOW))) {
        av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Conversion of floating-point result to int failed. Control register: 0x%08x. Conversion result: %d\n", ret, intval);
        return AVERROR(EINVAL);

    if (argc == 3)
        av_strlcatf(fmt_str, sizeof(fmt_str), "0%u", positions);
    av_strlcatf(fmt_str, sizeof(fmt_str), "%c", argv[1][0]);

    av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "Formatting value %f (expr '%s') with spec '%s'\n",
            res, argv[0], fmt_str);

    av_bprintf(bp, fmt_str, intval);

    return 0;
Esempio n. 6
static void sdp_write_address(char *buff, int size, const char *dest_addr, int ttl)
    if (dest_addr) {
        if (ttl > 0) {
            av_strlcatf(buff, size, "c=IN IP4 %s/%d\r\n", dest_addr, ttl);
        } else {
            av_strlcatf(buff, size, "c=IN IP4 %s\r\n", dest_addr);
Esempio n. 7
static void sdp_write_header(char *buff, int size, struct sdp_session_level *s)
    av_strlcatf(buff, size, "v=%d\r\n"
                            "o=- %d %d IN IP4 %s\r\n"
                            s->id, s->version, s->src_addr,
    sdp_write_address(buff, size, s->dst_addr, s->ttl);
    av_strlcatf(buff, size, "t=%d %d\r\n"
                            "a=tool:libavformat " AV_STRINGIFY(LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION) "\r\n",
                            s->start_time, s->end_time);
Esempio n. 8
ff_rdt_subscribe_rule (char *cmd, int size,
                       int stream_nr, int rule_nr)
    av_strlcatf(cmd, size, "stream=%d;rule=%d,stream=%d;rule=%d",
                stream_nr, rule_nr * 2, stream_nr, rule_nr * 2 + 1);
Esempio n. 9
static av_cold void uninit(AVFilterContext *ctx)
    PSNRContext *s = ctx->priv;

    if (s->nb_frames > 0) {
        int j;
        char buf[256];

        buf[0] = 0;
        for (j = 0; j < s->nb_components; j++) {
            int c = s->is_rgb ? s->rgba_map[j] : j;
            av_strlcatf(buf, sizeof(buf), " %c:%f", s->comps[j],
                        get_psnr(s->mse_comp[c], s->nb_frames, s->max[c]));
        av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_INFO, "PSNR%s average:%f min:%f max:%f\n",
               get_psnr(s->mse, s->nb_frames, s->average_max),
               get_psnr(s->max_mse, 1, s->average_max),
               get_psnr(s->min_mse, 1, s->average_max));


    if (s->stats_file && s->stats_file != stdout)
Esempio n. 10
int avfilter_process_command(AVFilterContext *filter, const char *cmd, const char *arg, char *res, int res_len, int flags)
    if(!strcmp(cmd, "ping")){
        av_strlcatf(res, res_len, "pong from:%s %s\n", filter->filter->name, filter->name);
        return 0;
    }else if(filter->filter->process_command) {
        return filter->filter->process_command(filter, cmd, arg, res, res_len, flags);
    return AVERROR(ENOSYS);
Esempio n. 11
File: url.c Progetto: 0day-ci/FFmpeg
int ff_url_join(char *str, int size, const char *proto,
                const char *authorization, const char *hostname,
                int port, const char *fmt, ...)
    struct addrinfo hints = { 0 }, *ai;

    str[0] = '\0';
    if (proto)
        av_strlcatf(str, size, "%s://", proto);
    if (authorization && authorization[0])
        av_strlcatf(str, size, "%s@", authorization);
#if CONFIG_NETWORK && defined(AF_INET6)
    /* Determine if hostname is a numerical IPv6 address,
     * properly escape it within [] in that case. */
    hints.ai_flags = AI_NUMERICHOST;
    if (!getaddrinfo(hostname, NULL, &hints, &ai)) {
        if (ai->ai_family == AF_INET6) {
            av_strlcat(str, "[", size);
            av_strlcat(str, hostname, size);
            av_strlcat(str, "]", size);
        } else {
            av_strlcat(str, hostname, size);
    } else
        /* Not an IPv6 address, just output the plain string. */
        av_strlcat(str, hostname, size);

    if (port >= 0)
        av_strlcatf(str, size, ":%d", port);
    if (fmt) {
        va_list vl;
        size_t len = strlen(str);

        va_start(vl, fmt);
        vsnprintf(str + len, size > len ? size - len : 0, fmt, vl);
    return strlen(str);
Esempio n. 12
static int trace_headers(AVBSFContext *bsf, AVPacket *out)
    TraceHeadersContext *ctx = bsf->priv_data;
    CodedBitstreamFragment au;
    AVPacket *in;
    char tmp[256] = { 0 };
    int err;

    err = ff_bsf_get_packet(bsf, &in);
    if (err < 0)
        return err;

    if (in->flags & AV_PKT_FLAG_KEY)
        av_strlcat(tmp, ", key frame", sizeof(tmp));
    if (in->flags & AV_PKT_FLAG_CORRUPT)
        av_strlcat(tmp, ", corrupt", sizeof(tmp));

    if (in->pts != AV_NOPTS_VALUE)
        av_strlcatf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), ", pts %"PRId64, in->pts);
        av_strlcat(tmp, ", no pts", sizeof(tmp));
    if (in->dts != AV_NOPTS_VALUE)
        av_strlcatf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), ", dts %"PRId64, in->dts);
        av_strlcat(tmp, ", no dts", sizeof(tmp));
    if (in->duration > 0)
        av_strlcatf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), ", duration %"PRId64, in->duration);

    av_log(bsf, AV_LOG_INFO, "Packet: %d bytes%s.\n", in->size, tmp);

    err = ff_cbs_read_packet(&ctx->cbc, &au, in);
    if (err < 0)
        return err;

    ff_cbs_fragment_uninit(&ctx->cbc, &au);

    av_packet_move_ref(out, in);

    return 0;
Esempio n. 13
int configure_filtergraph(FilterGraph *fg)
    AVFilterInOut *inputs, *outputs, *cur;
    int ret, i, simple = !fg->graph_desc;
    const char *graph_desc = simple ? fg->outputs[0]->ost->avfilter :

    if (!(fg->graph = avfilter_graph_alloc()))
        return AVERROR(ENOMEM);

    if (simple) {
        OutputStream *ost = fg->outputs[0]->ost;
        char args[512];
        AVDictionaryEntry *e = NULL;

        snprintf(args, sizeof(args), "flags=0x%X", (unsigned)ost->sws_flags);
        fg->graph->scale_sws_opts = av_strdup(args);

        args[0] = '\0';
        while ((e = av_dict_get(fg->outputs[0]->ost->resample_opts, "", e,
                                AV_DICT_IGNORE_SUFFIX))) {
            av_strlcatf(args, sizeof(args), "%s=%s:", e->key, e->value);
        if (strlen(args))
            args[strlen(args) - 1] = '\0';
        fg->graph->resample_lavr_opts = av_strdup(args);

    if ((ret = avfilter_graph_parse2(fg->graph, graph_desc, &inputs, &outputs)) < 0)
        return ret;

    if (simple && (!inputs || inputs->next || !outputs || outputs->next)) {
        av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Simple filtergraph '%s' does not have "
               "exactly one input and output.\n", graph_desc);
        return AVERROR(EINVAL);

    for (cur = inputs, i = 0; cur; cur = cur->next, i++)
        if ((ret = configure_input_filter(fg, fg->inputs[i], cur)) < 0)
            return ret;

    for (cur = outputs, i = 0; cur; cur = cur->next, i++)
        configure_output_filter(fg, fg->outputs[i], cur);

    if ((ret = avfilter_graph_config(fg->graph, NULL)) < 0)
        return ret;

    return 0;
Esempio n. 14
static int peak_write_chunk(AVFormatContext *s)
    WAVMuxContext *wav = s->priv_data;
    AVIOContext *pb = s->pb;
    AVCodecContext *enc = s->streams[0]->codec;
    int64_t peak = ff_start_tag(s->pb, "levl");
    int64_t now0;
    time_t now_secs;
    char timestamp[28];

    /* Peak frame of incomplete block at end */
    if (wav->peak_block_pos)

    memset(timestamp, 0, sizeof(timestamp));
    if (!(s->flags & AVFMT_FLAG_BITEXACT)) {
        struct tm tmpbuf;
        av_log(s, AV_LOG_INFO, "Writing local time and date to Peak Envelope Chunk\n");
        now0 = av_gettime();
        now_secs = now0 / 1000000;
        if (strftime(timestamp, sizeof(timestamp), "%Y:%m:%d:%H:%M:%S:", localtime_r(&now_secs, &tmpbuf))) {
            av_strlcatf(timestamp, sizeof(timestamp), "%03d", (int)((now0 / 1000) % 1000));
        } else {
            av_log(s, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to write timestamp\n");
            return -1;

    avio_wl32(pb, 1);                           /* version */
    avio_wl32(pb, wav->peak_format);            /* 8 or 16 bit */
    avio_wl32(pb, wav->peak_ppv);               /* positive and negative */
    avio_wl32(pb, wav->peak_block_size);        /* frames per value */
    avio_wl32(pb, enc->channels);               /* number of channels */
    avio_wl32(pb, wav->peak_num_frames);        /* number of peak frames */
    avio_wl32(pb, wav->peak_pos_pop);           /* audio sample frame index */
    avio_wl32(pb, 128);                         /* equal to size of header */
    avio_write(pb, timestamp, 28);              /* ASCII time stamp */
    ffio_fill(pb, 0, 60);

    avio_write(pb, wav->peak_output, wav->peak_outbuf_bytes);

    ff_end_tag(pb, peak);

    if (!wav->data)
        wav->data = peak;

    return 0;
Esempio n. 15
int avf_sdp_create(AVFormatContext *ac[], int n_files, char *buff, int size)
    AVMetadataTag *title = av_metadata_get(ac[0]->metadata, "title", NULL, 0);
    struct sdp_session_level s;
    int i, j, port, ttl;
    char dst[32];

    memset(buff, 0, size);
    memset(&s, 0, sizeof(struct sdp_session_level));
    s.user = "******";
    s.src_addr = "";    /* FIXME: Properly set this */ = title ? title->value : "No Name";

    port = 0;
    ttl = 0;
    if (n_files == 1) {
        port = sdp_get_address(dst, sizeof(dst), &ttl, ac[0]->filename);
        resolve_destination(dst, sizeof(dst));
        if (dst[0]) {
            s.dst_addr = dst;
            s.ttl = ttl;
    sdp_write_header(buff, size, &s);

    dst[0] = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < n_files; i++) {
        if (n_files != 1) {
            port = sdp_get_address(dst, sizeof(dst), &ttl, ac[i]->filename);
            resolve_destination(dst, sizeof(dst));
        for (j = 0; j < ac[i]->nb_streams; j++) {
            sdp_write_media(buff, size,
                                  ac[i]->streams[j]->codec, dst[0] ? dst : NULL,
                                  (port > 0) ? port + j * 2 : 0, ttl);
            if (port <= 0) {
                av_strlcatf(buff, size,
                                   "a=control:streamid=%d\r\n", i + j);

    return 0;
Esempio n. 16
int avfilter_process_command(AVFilterContext *filter, const char *cmd, const char *arg, char *res, int res_len, int flags)
    if(!strcmp(cmd, "ping")){
        char local_res[256] = {0};

        if (!res) {
            res = local_res;
            res_len = sizeof(local_res);
        av_strlcatf(res, res_len, "pong from:%s %s\n", filter->filter->name, filter->name);
        if (res == local_res)
            av_log(filter, AV_LOG_INFO, "%s", res);
        return 0;
    }else if(!strcmp(cmd, "enable")) {
        return set_enable_expr(filter, arg);
    }else if(filter->filter->process_command) {
        return filter->filter->process_command(filter, cmd, arg, res, res_len, flags);
    return AVERROR(ENOSYS);
Esempio n. 17
// Concat all Icy- header lines
static int parse_icy(HTTPContext *s, const char *tag, const char *p)
    int len = 4 + strlen(p) + strlen(tag);
    int is_first = !s->icy_metadata_headers;
    int ret;

    av_dict_set(&s->metadata, tag, p, 0);

    if (s->icy_metadata_headers)
        len += strlen(s->icy_metadata_headers);

    if ((ret = av_reallocp(&s->icy_metadata_headers, len)) < 0)
        return ret;

    if (is_first)
        *s->icy_metadata_headers = '\0';

    av_strlcatf(s->icy_metadata_headers, len, "%s: %s\n", tag, p);

    return 0;
Esempio n. 18
static int cookie_string(AVDictionary *dict, char **cookies)
    AVDictionaryEntry *e = NULL;
    int len = 1;

    // determine how much memory is needed for the cookies string
    while (e = av_dict_get(dict, "", e, AV_DICT_IGNORE_SUFFIX))
        len += strlen(e->key) + strlen(e->value) + 1;

    // reallocate the cookies
    e = NULL;
    if (*cookies) av_free(*cookies);
    *cookies = av_malloc(len);
    if (!*cookies) return AVERROR(ENOMEM);
    *cookies[0] = '\0';

    // write out the cookies
    while (e = av_dict_get(dict, "", e, AV_DICT_IGNORE_SUFFIX))
        av_strlcatf(*cookies, len, "%s%s\n", e->key, e->value);

    return 0;
Esempio n. 19
int ff_rtsp_setup_input_streams(AVFormatContext *s, RTSPMessageHeader *reply)
    RTSPState *rt = s->priv_data;
    char cmd[1024];
    unsigned char *content = NULL;
    int ret;

    /* describe the stream */
    snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd),
             "Accept: application/sdp\r\n");
    av_strlcatf(cmd, sizeof(cmd),
                "User-Agent: %s\r\n", rt->user_agent);
    if (rt->server_type == RTSP_SERVER_REAL) {
         * The Require: attribute is needed for proper streaming from
         * Realmedia servers.
                   "Require: com.real.retain-entity-for-setup\r\n",
    ff_rtsp_send_cmd(s, "DESCRIBE", rt->control_uri, cmd, reply, &content);
    if (!content)
    if (reply->status_code != RTSP_STATUS_OK) {

    av_log(s, AV_LOG_VERBOSE, "SDP:\n%s\n", content);
    /* now we got the SDP description, we parse it */
    ret = ff_sdp_parse(s, (const char *)content);
    if (ret < 0)
        return ret;

    return 0;
Esempio n. 20
static av_cold void uninit(AVFilterContext *ctx)
    SSIMContext *s = ctx->priv;

    if (s->nb_frames > 0) {
        char buf[256];
        int i;
        buf[0] = 0;
        for (i = 0; i < s->nb_components; i++) {
            int c = s->is_rgb ? s->rgba_map[i] : i;
            av_strlcatf(buf, sizeof(buf), " %c:%f (%f)", s->comps[i], s->ssim[c] / s->nb_frames,
                        ssim_db(s->ssim[c], s->nb_frames));
        av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_INFO, "SSIM%s All:%f (%f)\n", buf,
               s->ssim_total / s->nb_frames, ssim_db(s->ssim_total, s->nb_frames));


    if (s->stats_file && s->stats_file != stdout)

Esempio n. 21
int configure_filtergraph(FilterGraph *fg)
    AVFilterInOut *inputs, *outputs, *cur;
    int ret, i, init = !fg->graph, simple = !fg->graph_desc;
    const char *graph_desc = simple ? fg->outputs[0]->ost->avfilter :

    if (!(fg->graph = avfilter_graph_alloc()))
        return AVERROR(ENOMEM);

    if (simple) {
        OutputStream *ost = fg->outputs[0]->ost;
        char args[512];
        AVDictionaryEntry *e = NULL;

        snprintf(args, sizeof(args), "flags=0x%X", (unsigned)ost->sws_flags);
        fg->graph->scale_sws_opts = av_strdup(args);

        args[0] = '\0';
        while ((e = av_dict_get(fg->outputs[0]->ost->resample_opts, "", e,
                                AV_DICT_IGNORE_SUFFIX))) {
            av_strlcatf(args, sizeof(args), "%s=%s:", e->key, e->value);
        if (strlen(args))
            args[strlen(args) - 1] = '\0';
        fg->graph->resample_lavr_opts = av_strdup(args);

    if ((ret = avfilter_graph_parse2(fg->graph, graph_desc, &inputs, &outputs)) < 0)
        return ret;

    if (simple && (!inputs || inputs->next || !outputs || outputs->next)) {
        av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Simple filtergraph '%s' does not have "
               "exactly one input and output.\n", graph_desc);
        return AVERROR(EINVAL);

    for (cur = inputs; !simple && init && cur; cur = cur->next)
        init_input_filter(fg, cur);

    for (cur = inputs, i = 0; cur; cur = cur->next, i++)
        if ((ret = configure_input_filter(fg, fg->inputs[i], cur)) < 0)
            return ret;

    if (!init || simple) {
        /* we already know the mappings between lavfi outputs and output streams,
         * so we can finish the setup */
        for (cur = outputs, i = 0; cur; cur = cur->next, i++)
            configure_output_filter(fg, fg->outputs[i], cur);

        if ((ret = avfilter_graph_config(fg->graph, NULL)) < 0)
            return ret;
    } else {
        /* wait until output mappings are processed */
        for (cur = outputs; cur;) {
            GROW_ARRAY(fg->outputs, fg->nb_outputs);
            if (!(fg->outputs[fg->nb_outputs - 1] = av_mallocz(sizeof(*fg->outputs[0]))))
            fg->outputs[fg->nb_outputs - 1]->graph   = fg;
            fg->outputs[fg->nb_outputs - 1]->out_tmp = cur;
            cur = cur->next;
            fg->outputs[fg->nb_outputs - 1]->out_tmp->next = NULL;

    return 0;
Esempio n. 22
/* parse HTTP request and prepare header */
static int http_parse_request(HTTPContext *c)
    char *q, msg[1024];
    const char *mime_type, *p;
	HTTPContext *ctx;
	int ret = 0, is_first = 0;
	const char *first_tag = "First-Request=0";
	RequestData rd = {{0}};

    p = c->buffer;
	while(get_line(msg, sizeof(msg), &p) > 0){
		ret = handle_line(c, msg, sizeof(msg), &rd);
		if(ret < 0)return ret;
	is_first = !av_stristr(rd.cookie, first_tag);
	if(c->post && c->content_length 
		&& !av_match_ext(c->url, "m3u8")
		&& !av_match_ext(c->url, "ts")
		&& !av_match_ext(c->url, "flv")){
		c->post = 0;
		c->content_length = read_request_content(c, rd.content, sizeof(rd.content));
	#if defined(PLUGIN_DVB)
	if(!c->post && !strcmp(c->url, "digitalDvb/allServiceType/getClientInfo")){
		uint32_t *ptr = (uint32_t*)rd.content, *ptr_end = (uint32_t*)(rd.content+sizeof(rd.content)-8);
		for(ctx = first_http_ctx; ctx; ctx = ctx->next) 
			if(!ctx->post && av_match_ext(ctx->url, "flv") )
			{/*todo: record hls*/
				if(ptr < ptr_end){
					int chid = -1;
					sscanf(ctx->url, "%d", &chid);
					*ptr++ = inet_addr(inet_ntoa(ctx->from_addr.sin_addr));
					*ptr++ = chid;

					printf("ip %s id %u %s\t", inet_ntoa(ctx->from_addr.sin_addr), chid, ctx->url);

    //http_log("New conn: %s:%u %d %s cookie:%s\n", inet_ntoa(c->from_addr.sin_addr), ntohs(c->from_addr.sin_port), c->post, c->url, rd.cookie);

	/*handle m3u8/ts request solely*/
	if(av_match_ext(c->url, "m3u8") 
			|| av_match_ext(c->url, "ts")){
		c->keep_alive = 0; 
		ret = hls_parse_request(c, c->url, is_first);
		if(ret < 0)goto send_error;
		else if(ret == 1){
			long chid = atoi(c->url);
			if(!(0 <= chid && chid <= 10000)){
				sprintf(msg, "bad request: %s-->%ld", c->url, chid);
				http_log("%s\n", msg);
				goto send_error;
			#if defined(PLUGIN_DVB)
			ff_ctl_send_string(1, c->url, rd.content);
			http_log("wait get %s\n", c->url);
		if(c->state == HTTPSTATE_SEND_HEADER)
			goto send_header;
		return 0; /*end here*/

	#if defined(PLUGIN_DVB)
	ret = plugin_dvb(c, &rd);
	if(ret < 0){
		goto send_error;
	}else if(ret > 0){
		return 0;

    /*handle feed request*/
    if (c->post) {
		ctx = find_feed(c->url);
		if(ctx && ctx != c){
			sprintf(msg, "file %s has been feeded", c->url);
			http_log("%s\n", msg);
			goto send_error;
        c->http_error = 0;
        c->state = HTTPSTATE_RECEIVE_DATA;
        return 0; /*end here*/
		if(prepare_local_file(c) > 0){
			c->http_error = 200;
			return 0; /*no need feed, send local files directly.*/
		ctx = find_feed(c->url);
			c->keep_alive = 0; 
			sprintf(msg, "wait to get %s", c->url);
			http_log("%s\n", msg);
			#if defined(PLUGIN_DVB)
			ff_ctl_send(2, c->url, strlen(c->url)+1, rd.content, sizeof(rd.content)); 
		c->feed_ctx = ctx; 

    /* prepare HTTP header */
    c->buffer[0] = 0;
    av_strlcatf(c->buffer, c->buffer_size, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n");
	mime_type =  get_mine_type(c->url);
    av_strlcatf(c->buffer, c->buffer_size, "Pragma: no-cache\r\n");
    av_strlcatf(c->buffer, c->buffer_size, "Content-Type: %s\r\n", mime_type);
	av_strlcatf(c->buffer, c->buffer_size, "Connection: %s\r\n", (c->keep_alive ? "keep-alive" : "close"));
	av_strlcatf(c->buffer, c->buffer_size, "Set-Cookie: %s; Path=/; Domain=%s\r\n", first_tag, rd.domain);
    av_strlcatf(c->buffer, c->buffer_size, "\r\n");

    q = c->buffer + strlen(c->buffer);

    /* prepare output buffer */
    c->http_error = 0;
    c->buffer_ptr = c->buffer;
    c->buffer_end = q;

	#if 0
	if(S == c->hls_idx){
		HLS *s = &s_hls[c->hls_idx];
		char *ext = strrchr(c->url, '.');
		if(!(2 == s->flag && s->data && s->csize > 0)){/*not exist yet, fake one*/
			c->http_error = 200;
			c->buffer_end += sprintf(c->buffer_end, 
				"%.*s0.ts\n", ext - c->url, c->url);
    return 0;
	c->keep_alive = 0;
    c->http_error = 404;
    q = c->buffer;
    snprintf(q, c->buffer_size,
                  "HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found\r\n"
                  "Content-type: text/html\r\n"
                  "<head><title>404 Not Found</title></head>\n"
                  "</html>\n", msg);
    q += strlen(q);
    /* prepare output buffer */
    c->buffer_ptr = c->buffer;
    c->buffer_end = q;
    return 0;
Esempio n. 23
static int rtsp_read_packet(AVFormatContext *s, AVPacket *pkt)
    RTSPState *rt = s->priv_data;
    int ret;
    RTSPMessageHeader reply1, *reply = &reply1;
    char cmd[1024];

    if (rt->server_type == RTSP_SERVER_REAL) {
        int i;

        for (i = 0; i < s->nb_streams; i++)
            rt->real_setup[i] = s->streams[i]->discard;

        if (!rt->need_subscription) {
            if (memcmp (rt->real_setup, rt->real_setup_cache,
                        sizeof(enum AVDiscard) * s->nb_streams)) {
                snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd),
                         "Unsubscribe: %s\r\n",
                ff_rtsp_send_cmd(s, "SET_PARAMETER", rt->control_uri,
                                 cmd, reply, NULL);
                if (reply->status_code != RTSP_STATUS_OK)
                    return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA;
                rt->need_subscription = 1;

        if (rt->need_subscription) {
            int r, rule_nr, first = 1;

            memcpy(rt->real_setup_cache, rt->real_setup,
                   sizeof(enum AVDiscard) * s->nb_streams);
            rt->last_subscription[0] = 0;

            snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd),
                     "Subscribe: ");
            for (i = 0; i < rt->nb_rtsp_streams; i++) {
                rule_nr = 0;
                for (r = 0; r < s->nb_streams; r++) {
                    if (s->streams[r]->id == i) {
                        if (s->streams[r]->discard != AVDISCARD_ALL) {
                            if (!first)
                                av_strlcat(rt->last_subscription, ",",
                                sizeof(rt->last_subscription), i, rule_nr);
                            first = 0;
            av_strlcatf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "%s\r\n", rt->last_subscription);
            ff_rtsp_send_cmd(s, "SET_PARAMETER", rt->control_uri,
                             cmd, reply, NULL);
            if (reply->status_code != RTSP_STATUS_OK)
                return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA;
            rt->need_subscription = 0;

            if (rt->state == RTSP_STATE_STREAMING)
                rtsp_read_play (s);

    ret = ff_rtsp_fetch_packet(s, pkt);
    if (ret < 0) {
        if (ret == AVERROR(ETIMEDOUT) && !rt->packets) {
            if (rt->lower_transport == RTSP_LOWER_TRANSPORT_UDP &&
                rt->lower_transport_mask & (1 << RTSP_LOWER_TRANSPORT_TCP)) {
                RTSPMessageHeader reply1, *reply = &reply1;
                av_log(s, AV_LOG_WARNING, "UDP timeout, retrying with TCP\n");
                if (rtsp_read_pause(s) != 0)
                    return -1;
                // TEARDOWN is required on Real-RTSP, but might make
                // other servers close the connection.
                if (rt->server_type == RTSP_SERVER_REAL)
                    ff_rtsp_send_cmd(s, "TEARDOWN", rt->control_uri, NULL,
                                     reply, NULL);
                rt->session_id[0] = '\0';
                if (resetup_tcp(s) == 0) {
                    rt->state = RTSP_STATE_IDLE;
                    rt->need_subscription = 1;
                    if (rtsp_read_play(s) != 0)
                        return -1;
                    goto retry;
        return ret;

    /* send dummy request to keep TCP connection alive */
    if ((av_gettime() - rt->last_cmd_time) / 1000000 >= rt->timeout / 2 ||
         rt->auth_state.stale) {
        if (rt->server_type == RTSP_SERVER_WMS ||
           (rt->server_type != RTSP_SERVER_REAL &&
            rt->get_parameter_supported)) {
            ff_rtsp_send_cmd_async(s, "GET_PARAMETER", rt->control_uri, NULL);
        } else {
            ff_rtsp_send_cmd_async(s, "OPTIONS", "*", NULL);
        /* The stale flag should be reset when creating the auth response in
         * ff_rtsp_send_cmd_async, but reset it here just in case we never
         * called the auth code (if we didn't have any credentials set). */
        rt->auth_state.stale = 0;

    return 0;
Esempio n. 24
int configure_filtergraph(FilterGraph *fg)
    AVFilterInOut *inputs, *outputs, *cur;
    int ret, i, simple = !fg->graph_desc;
    const char *graph_desc = simple ? fg->outputs[0]->ost->avfilter :

    if (!(fg->graph = avfilter_graph_alloc()))
        return AVERROR(ENOMEM);

    if (simple) {
        OutputStream *ost = fg->outputs[0]->ost;
        char args[512];
        AVDictionaryEntry *e = NULL;

        args[0] = 0;
        while ((e = av_dict_get(ost->sws_dict, "", e,
                                AV_DICT_IGNORE_SUFFIX))) {
            av_strlcatf(args, sizeof(args), "%s=%s:", e->key, e->value);
        if (strlen(args))
            args[strlen(args)-1] = 0;
        fg->graph->scale_sws_opts = av_strdup(args);

        args[0] = 0;
        while ((e = av_dict_get(ost->swr_opts, "", e,
                                AV_DICT_IGNORE_SUFFIX))) {
            av_strlcatf(args, sizeof(args), "%s=%s:", e->key, e->value);
        if (strlen(args))
            args[strlen(args)-1] = 0;
        av_opt_set(fg->graph, "aresample_swr_opts", args, 0);

        args[0] = '\0';
        while ((e = av_dict_get(fg->outputs[0]->ost->resample_opts, "", e,
                                AV_DICT_IGNORE_SUFFIX))) {
            av_strlcatf(args, sizeof(args), "%s=%s:", e->key, e->value);
        if (strlen(args))
            args[strlen(args) - 1] = '\0';
        fg->graph->resample_lavr_opts = av_strdup(args);

        e = av_dict_get(ost->encoder_opts, "threads", NULL, 0);
        if (e)
            av_opt_set(fg->graph, "threads", e->value, 0);

    if ((ret = avfilter_graph_parse2(fg->graph, graph_desc, &inputs, &outputs)) < 0)
        return ret;

    if (simple && (!inputs || inputs->next || !outputs || outputs->next)) {
        const char *num_inputs;
        const char *num_outputs;
        if (!outputs) {
            num_outputs = "0";
        } else if (outputs->next) {
            num_outputs = ">1";
        } else {
            num_outputs = "1";
        if (!inputs) {
            num_inputs = "0";
        } else if (inputs->next) {
            num_inputs = ">1";
        } else {
            num_inputs = "1";
        av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Simple filtergraph '%s' was expected "
               "to have exactly 1 input and 1 output."
               " However, it had %s input(s) and %s output(s)."
               " Please adjust, or use a complex filtergraph (-filter_complex) instead.\n",
               graph_desc, num_inputs, num_outputs);
        return AVERROR(EINVAL);

    for (cur = inputs, i = 0; cur; cur = cur->next, i++)
        if ((ret = configure_input_filter(fg, fg->inputs[i], cur)) < 0) {
            return ret;

    for (cur = outputs, i = 0; cur; cur = cur->next, i++)
        configure_output_filter(fg, fg->outputs[i], cur);

    if ((ret = avfilter_graph_config(fg->graph, NULL)) < 0)
        return ret;

    fg->reconfiguration = 1;

    for (i = 0; i < fg->nb_outputs; i++) {
        OutputStream *ost = fg->outputs[i]->ost;
        if (!ost->enc) {
            /* identical to the same check in ffmpeg.c, needed because
               complex filter graphs are initialized earlier */
            av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Encoder (codec %s) not found for output stream #%d:%d\n",
                     avcodec_get_name(ost->st->codec->codec_id), ost->file_index, ost->index);
            return AVERROR(EINVAL);
        if (ost->enc->type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO &&
            !(ost->enc->capabilities & AV_CODEC_CAP_VARIABLE_FRAME_SIZE))

    return 0;
Esempio n. 25
static int rtsp_read_setup(AVFormatContext *s, char* host, char *controlurl)
    RTSPState *rt             = s->priv_data;
    RTSPMessageHeader request = { 0 };
    int ret                   = 0;
    char url[1024];
    RTSPStream *rtsp_st;
    char responseheaders[1024];
    int localport    = -1;
    int transportidx = 0;
    int streamid     = 0;

    ret = rtsp_read_request(s, &request, "SETUP");
    if (ret)
        return ret;
    if (!request.nb_transports) {
        av_log(s, AV_LOG_ERROR, "No transport defined in SETUP\n");
    for (transportidx = 0; transportidx < request.nb_transports;
         transportidx++) {
        if (!request.transports[transportidx].mode_record ||
            (request.transports[transportidx].lower_transport !=
             request.transports[transportidx].lower_transport !=
            av_log(s, AV_LOG_ERROR, "mode=record/receive not set or transport"
                   " protocol not supported (yet)\n");
            return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA;
    if (request.nb_transports > 1)
        av_log(s, AV_LOG_WARNING, "More than one transport not supported, "
               "using first of all\n");
    for (streamid = 0; streamid < rt->nb_rtsp_streams; streamid++) {
        if (!strcmp(rt->rtsp_streams[streamid]->control_url,
    if (streamid == rt->nb_rtsp_streams) {
        av_log(s, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Unable to find requested track\n");
    rtsp_st   = rt->rtsp_streams[streamid];
    localport = rt->rtp_port_min;

    if (request.transports[0].lower_transport == RTSP_LOWER_TRANSPORT_TCP) {
        rt->lower_transport = RTSP_LOWER_TRANSPORT_TCP;
        if ((ret = ff_rtsp_open_transport_ctx(s, rtsp_st))) {
            rtsp_send_reply(s, RTSP_STATUS_TRANSPORT, NULL, request.seq);
            return ret;
        rtsp_st->interleaved_min = request.transports[0].interleaved_min;
        rtsp_st->interleaved_max = request.transports[0].interleaved_max;
        snprintf(responseheaders, sizeof(responseheaders), "Transport: "
                 "\r\n", request.transports[0].interleaved_min,
    } else {
        do {
            ff_url_join(url, sizeof(url), "rtp", NULL, host, localport, NULL);
            av_dlog(s, "Opening: %s", url);
            ret = ffurl_open(&rtsp_st->rtp_handle, url, AVIO_FLAG_READ_WRITE,
                             &s->interrupt_callback, NULL);
            if (ret)
                localport += 2;
        } while (ret || localport > rt->rtp_port_max);
        if (localport > rt->rtp_port_max) {
            rtsp_send_reply(s, RTSP_STATUS_TRANSPORT, NULL, request.seq);
            return ret;

        av_dlog(s, "Listening on: %d",
        if ((ret = ff_rtsp_open_transport_ctx(s, rtsp_st))) {
            rtsp_send_reply(s, RTSP_STATUS_TRANSPORT, NULL, request.seq);
            return ret;

        localport = ff_rtp_get_local_rtp_port(rtsp_st->rtp_handle);
        snprintf(responseheaders, sizeof(responseheaders), "Transport: "
                 host, request.transports[0].client_port_min,
                 request.transports[0].client_port_max, localport,
                 localport + 1);

    /* Establish sessionid if not previously set */
    /* Put this in a function? */
    /* RFC 2326: session id must be at least 8 digits */
    while (strlen(rt->session_id) < 8)
        av_strlcatf(rt->session_id, 512, "%u", av_get_random_seed());

    av_strlcatf(responseheaders, sizeof(responseheaders), "Session: %s\r\n",
    /* Send Reply */
    rtsp_send_reply(s, RTSP_STATUS_OK, responseheaders, request.seq);

    rt->state = RTSP_STATE_PAUSED;
    return 0;
Esempio n. 26
static int http_connect(URLContext *h, const char *path, const char *hoststr,
                        const char *auth, int *new_location)
    HTTPContext *s = h->priv_data;
    int post, err;
    char line[1024];
    char headers[1024] = "";
    char *authstr = NULL;
    int64_t off = s->off;
    int len = 0;

    /* send http header */
    post = h->flags & URL_WRONLY;
    authstr = ff_http_auth_create_response(&s->auth_state, auth, path,
                                        post ? "POST" : "GET");

    /* set default headers if needed */
    if (!has_header(s->headers, "\r\nUser-Agent: "))
       len += av_strlcatf(headers + len, sizeof(headers) - len,
                          "User-Agent: %s\r\n", LIBAVFORMAT_IDENT);
    if (!has_header(s->headers, "\r\nAccept: "))
        len += av_strlcpy(headers + len, "Accept: */*\r\n",
                          sizeof(headers) - len);
    if (!has_header(s->headers, "\r\nRange: "))
        len += av_strlcatf(headers + len, sizeof(headers) - len,
                           "Range: bytes=%"PRId64"-\r\n", s->off);
    if (!has_header(s->headers, "\r\nConnection: "))
        len += av_strlcpy(headers + len, "Connection: close\r\n",
    if (!has_header(s->headers, "\r\nHost: "))
        len += av_strlcatf(headers + len, sizeof(headers) - len,
                           "Host: %s\r\n", hoststr);

    /* now add in custom headers */
    av_strlcpy(headers+len, s->headers, sizeof(headers)-len);

    snprintf(s->buffer, sizeof(s->buffer),
             "%s %s HTTP/1.1\r\n"
             post ? "POST" : "GET",
             post && s->is_chunked ? "Transfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n" : "",
             authstr ? authstr : "");

    if (url_write(s->hd, s->buffer, strlen(s->buffer)) < 0)
        return AVERROR(EIO);

    /* init input buffer */
    s->buf_ptr = s->buffer;
    s->buf_end = s->buffer;
    s->line_count = 0;
    s->off = 0;
    s->filesize = -1;
    s->chunksize = -1;
    if (post) {
        /* always use chunked encoding for upload data */
        s->chunksize = 0;
        /* Pretend that it did work. We didn't read any header yet, since
         * we've still to send the POST data, but the code calling this
         * function will check http_code after we return. */
        s->http_code = 200;
        return 0;

    /* wait for header */
    for(;;) {
        if (http_get_line(s, line, sizeof(line)) < 0)
            return AVERROR(EIO);

        dprintf(NULL, "header='%s'\n", line);

        err = process_line(h, line, s->line_count, new_location);
        if (err < 0)
            return err;
        if (err == 0)

    return (off == s->off) ? 0 : -1;
Esempio n. 27
/* Generate a digest reply, according to RFC 2617. */
static char *make_digest_auth(HTTPAuthState *state, const char *username,
                              const char *password, const char *uri,
                              const char *method)
    DigestParams *digest = &state->digest_params;
    int len;
    uint32_t cnonce_buf[2];
    char cnonce[17];
    char nc[9];
    int i;
    char A1hash[33], A2hash[33], response[33];
    struct AVMD5 *md5ctx;
    uint8_t hash[16];
    char *authstr;

    snprintf(nc, sizeof(nc), "%08x", digest->nc);

    /* Generate a client nonce. */
    for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
        cnonce_buf[i] = av_get_random_seed();
    ff_data_to_hex(cnonce, (const uint8_t*) cnonce_buf, sizeof(cnonce_buf), 1);
    cnonce[2*sizeof(cnonce_buf)] = 0;

    md5ctx = av_md5_alloc();
    if (!md5ctx)
        return NULL;

    update_md5_strings(md5ctx, username, ":", state->realm, ":", password, NULL);
    av_md5_final(md5ctx, hash);
    ff_data_to_hex(A1hash, hash, 16, 1);
    A1hash[32] = 0;

    if (!strcmp(digest->algorithm, "") || !strcmp(digest->algorithm, "MD5")) {
    } else if (!strcmp(digest->algorithm, "MD5-sess")) {
        update_md5_strings(md5ctx, A1hash, ":", digest->nonce, ":", cnonce, NULL);
        av_md5_final(md5ctx, hash);
        ff_data_to_hex(A1hash, hash, 16, 1);
        A1hash[32] = 0;
    } else {
        /* Unsupported algorithm */
        return NULL;

    update_md5_strings(md5ctx, method, ":", uri, NULL);
    av_md5_final(md5ctx, hash);
    ff_data_to_hex(A2hash, hash, 16, 1);
    A2hash[32] = 0;

    update_md5_strings(md5ctx, A1hash, ":", digest->nonce, NULL);
    if (!strcmp(digest->qop, "auth") || !strcmp(digest->qop, "auth-int")) {
        update_md5_strings(md5ctx, ":", nc, ":", cnonce, ":", digest->qop, NULL);
    update_md5_strings(md5ctx, ":", A2hash, NULL);
    av_md5_final(md5ctx, hash);
    ff_data_to_hex(response, hash, 16, 1);
    response[32] = 0;


    if (!strcmp(digest->qop, "") || !strcmp(digest->qop, "auth")) {
    } else if (!strcmp(digest->qop, "auth-int")) {
        /* qop=auth-int not supported */
        return NULL;
    } else {
        /* Unsupported qop value. */
        return NULL;

    len = strlen(username) + strlen(state->realm) + strlen(digest->nonce) +
              strlen(uri) + strlen(response) + strlen(digest->algorithm) +
              strlen(digest->opaque) + strlen(digest->qop) + strlen(cnonce) +
              strlen(nc) + 150;

    authstr = av_malloc(len);
    if (!authstr)
        return NULL;
    snprintf(authstr, len, "Authorization: Digest ");

    /* TODO: Escape the quoted strings properly. */
    av_strlcatf(authstr, len, "username=\"%s\"",   username);
    av_strlcatf(authstr, len, ", realm=\"%s\"",     state->realm);
    av_strlcatf(authstr, len, ", nonce=\"%s\"",     digest->nonce);
    av_strlcatf(authstr, len, ", uri=\"%s\"",       uri);
    av_strlcatf(authstr, len, ", response=\"%s\"",  response);

    if (digest->algorithm[0])
        av_strlcatf(authstr, len, ", algorithm=%s",  digest->algorithm);
    if (digest->opaque[0])
        av_strlcatf(authstr, len, ", opaque=\"%s\"", digest->opaque);
    if (digest->qop[0]) {
        av_strlcatf(authstr, len, ", qop=\"%s\"",    digest->qop);
        av_strlcatf(authstr, len, ", cnonce=\"%s\"", cnonce);
        av_strlcatf(authstr, len, ", nc=%s",         nc);

    av_strlcatf(authstr, len, "\r\n");

    return authstr;
Esempio n. 28
int ff_rtsp_setup_output_streams(AVFormatContext *s, const char *addr)
    RTSPState *rt = s->priv_data;
    RTSPMessageHeader reply1, *reply = &reply1;
    int i;
    char *sdp;
    AVFormatContext sdp_ctx, *ctx_array[1];

    s->start_time_realtime = av_gettime();

    /* Announce the stream */
    sdp = av_mallocz(SDP_MAX_SIZE);
    if (sdp == NULL)
        return AVERROR(ENOMEM);
    /* We create the SDP based on the RTSP AVFormatContext where we
     * aren't allowed to change the filename field. (We create the SDP
     * based on the RTSP context since the contexts for the RTP streams
     * don't exist yet.) In order to specify a custom URL with the actual
     * peer IP instead of the originally specified hostname, we create
     * a temporary copy of the AVFormatContext, where the custom URL is set.
     * FIXME: Create the SDP without copying the AVFormatContext.
     * This either requires setting up the RTP stream AVFormatContexts
     * already here (complicating things immensely) or getting a more
     * flexible SDP creation interface.
    sdp_ctx = *s;
    ff_url_join(sdp_ctx.filename, sizeof(sdp_ctx.filename),
                "rtsp", NULL, addr, -1, NULL);
    ctx_array[0] = &sdp_ctx;
    if (av_sdp_create(ctx_array, 1, sdp, SDP_MAX_SIZE)) {
    av_log(s, AV_LOG_VERBOSE, "SDP:\n%s\n", sdp);
    ff_rtsp_send_cmd_with_content(s, "ANNOUNCE", rt->control_uri,
                                  "Content-Type: application/sdp\r\n",
                                  reply, NULL, sdp, strlen(sdp));
    if (reply->status_code != RTSP_STATUS_OK)

    /* Set up the RTSPStreams for each AVStream */
    for (i = 0; i < s->nb_streams; i++) {
        RTSPStream *rtsp_st;

        rtsp_st = av_mallocz(sizeof(RTSPStream));
        if (!rtsp_st)
            return AVERROR(ENOMEM);
        dynarray_add(&rt->rtsp_streams, &rt->nb_rtsp_streams, rtsp_st);

        rtsp_st->stream_index = i;

        av_strlcpy(rtsp_st->control_url, rt->control_uri, sizeof(rtsp_st->control_url));
        /* Note, this must match the relative uri set in the sdp content */
        av_strlcatf(rtsp_st->control_url, sizeof(rtsp_st->control_url),
                    "/streamid=%d", i);

    return 0;
Esempio n. 29
static int http_connect(URLContext *h, const char *path, const char *local_path,
                        const char *hoststr, const char *auth,
                        const char *proxyauth, int *new_location)
    HTTPContext *s = h->priv_data;
    int post, err;
    char headers[HTTP_HEADERS_SIZE] = "";
    char *authstr = NULL, *proxyauthstr = NULL;
    int64_t off = s->off;
    int len = 0;
    const char *method;
    int send_expect_100 = 0;

    /* send http header */
    post = h->flags & AVIO_FLAG_WRITE;

    if (s->post_data) {
        /* force POST method and disable chunked encoding when
         * custom HTTP post data is set */
        post            = 1;
        s->chunked_post = 0;

    if (s->method)
        method = s->method;
        method = post ? "POST" : "GET";

    authstr      = ff_http_auth_create_response(&s->auth_state, auth,
                                                local_path, method);
    proxyauthstr = ff_http_auth_create_response(&s->proxy_auth_state, proxyauth,
                                                local_path, method);
    if (post && !s->post_data) {
        send_expect_100 = s->send_expect_100;
        /* The user has supplied authentication but we don't know the auth type,
         * send Expect: 100-continue to get the 401 response including the
         * WWW-Authenticate header, or an 100 continue if no auth actually
         * is needed. */
        if (auth && *auth &&
            s->auth_state.auth_type == HTTP_AUTH_NONE &&
            s->http_code != 401)
            send_expect_100 = 1;

    /* set default headers if needed */
    if (!has_header(s->headers, "\r\nUser-Agent: "))
        len += av_strlcatf(headers + len, sizeof(headers) - len,
                           "User-Agent: %s\r\n", s->user_agent);
    if (!has_header(s->headers, "\r\nAccept: "))
        len += av_strlcpy(headers + len, "Accept: */*\r\n",
                          sizeof(headers) - len);
    // Note: we send this on purpose even when s->off is 0 when we're probing,
    // since it allows us to detect more reliably if a (non-conforming)
    // server supports seeking by analysing the reply headers.
    if (!has_header(s->headers, "\r\nRange: ") && !post && (s->off > 0 || s->end_off || s->seekable == -1)) {
        len += av_strlcatf(headers + len, sizeof(headers) - len,
                           "Range: bytes=%"PRId64"-", s->off);
        if (s->end_off)
            len += av_strlcatf(headers + len, sizeof(headers) - len,
                               "%"PRId64, s->end_off - 1);
        len += av_strlcpy(headers + len, "\r\n",
                          sizeof(headers) - len);
    if (send_expect_100 && !has_header(s->headers, "\r\nExpect: "))
        len += av_strlcatf(headers + len, sizeof(headers) - len,
                           "Expect: 100-continue\r\n");

    if (!has_header(s->headers, "\r\nConnection: ")) {
        if (s->multiple_requests)
            len += av_strlcpy(headers + len, "Connection: keep-alive\r\n",
                              sizeof(headers) - len);
            len += av_strlcpy(headers + len, "Connection: close\r\n",
                              sizeof(headers) - len);

    if (!has_header(s->headers, "\r\nHost: "))
        len += av_strlcatf(headers + len, sizeof(headers) - len,
                           "Host: %s\r\n", hoststr);
    if (!has_header(s->headers, "\r\nContent-Length: ") && s->post_data)
        len += av_strlcatf(headers + len, sizeof(headers) - len,
                           "Content-Length: %d\r\n", s->post_datalen);

    if (!has_header(s->headers, "\r\nContent-Type: ") && s->content_type)
        len += av_strlcatf(headers + len, sizeof(headers) - len,
                           "Content-Type: %s\r\n", s->content_type);
    if (!has_header(s->headers, "\r\nCookie: ") && s->cookies) {
        char *cookies = NULL;
        if (!get_cookies(s, &cookies, path, hoststr) && cookies) {
            len += av_strlcatf(headers + len, sizeof(headers) - len,
                               "Cookie: %s\r\n", cookies);
    if (!has_header(s->headers, "\r\nIcy-MetaData: ") && s->icy)
        len += av_strlcatf(headers + len, sizeof(headers) - len,
                           "Icy-MetaData: %d\r\n", 1);

    /* now add in custom headers */
    if (s->headers)
        av_strlcpy(headers + len, s->headers, sizeof(headers) - len);

    snprintf(s->buffer, sizeof(s->buffer),
             "%s %s HTTP/1.1\r\n"
             post && s->chunked_post ? "Transfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n" : "",
             authstr ? authstr : "",
             proxyauthstr ? "Proxy-" : "", proxyauthstr ? proxyauthstr : "");

    av_log(h, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "request: %s\n", s->buffer);

    if ((err = ffurl_write(s->hd, s->buffer, strlen(s->buffer))) < 0)
        goto done;

    if (s->post_data)
        if ((err = ffurl_write(s->hd, s->post_data, s->post_datalen)) < 0)
            goto done;

    /* init input buffer */
    s->buf_ptr          = s->buffer;
    s->buf_end          = s->buffer;
    s->line_count       = 0;
    s->off              = 0;
    s->icy_data_read    = 0;
    s->filesize         = -1;
    s->willclose        = 0;
    s->end_chunked_post = 0;
    s->end_header       = 0;
    if (post && !s->post_data && !send_expect_100) {
        /* Pretend that it did work. We didn't read any header yet, since
         * we've still to send the POST data, but the code calling this
         * function will check http_code after we return. */
        s->http_code = 200;
        err = 0;
        goto done;

    /* wait for header */
    err = http_read_header(h, new_location);
    if (err < 0)
        goto done;

    if (*new_location)
        s->off = off;

    err = (off == s->off) ? 0 : -1;
    return err;
Esempio n. 30
static int rtsp_read_packet(AVFormatContext *s, AVPacket *pkt)
    RTSPState *rt = s->priv_data;
    int ret;
    RTSPMessageHeader reply1, *reply = &reply1;
    char cmd[1024];

    if (rt->server_type == RTSP_SERVER_REAL) {
        int i;

        for (i = 0; i < s->nb_streams; i++)
            rt->real_setup[i] = s->streams[i]->discard;

        if (!rt->need_subscription) {
            if (memcmp (rt->real_setup, rt->real_setup_cache,
                        sizeof(enum AVDiscard) * s->nb_streams)) {
                snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd),
                         "Unsubscribe: %s\r\n",
                ff_rtsp_send_cmd(s, "SET_PARAMETER", rt->control_uri,
                                 cmd, reply, NULL);
                if (reply->status_code != RTSP_STATUS_OK)
                    return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA;
                rt->need_subscription = 1;

        if (rt->need_subscription) {
            int r, rule_nr, first = 1;

            memcpy(rt->real_setup_cache, rt->real_setup,
                   sizeof(enum AVDiscard) * s->nb_streams);
            rt->last_subscription[0] = 0;

            snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd),
                     "Subscribe: ");
            for (i = 0; i < rt->nb_rtsp_streams; i++) {
                rule_nr = 0;
                for (r = 0; r < s->nb_streams; r++) {
                    if (s->streams[r]->priv_data == rt->rtsp_streams[i]) {
                        if (s->streams[r]->discard != AVDISCARD_ALL) {
                            if (!first)
                                av_strlcat(rt->last_subscription, ",",
                                sizeof(rt->last_subscription), i, rule_nr);
                            first = 0;
            av_strlcatf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), "%s\r\n", rt->last_subscription);
            ff_rtsp_send_cmd(s, "SET_PARAMETER", rt->control_uri,
                             cmd, reply, NULL);
            if (reply->status_code != RTSP_STATUS_OK)
                return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA;
            rt->need_subscription = 0;

            if (rt->state == RTSP_STATE_STREAMING)
                rtsp_read_play (s);

    ret = ff_rtsp_fetch_packet(s, pkt);
    if (ret < 0)
        return ret;

    /* send dummy request to keep TCP connection alive */
    if ((av_gettime() - rt->last_cmd_time) / 1000000 >= rt->timeout / 2) {
        if (rt->server_type == RTSP_SERVER_WMS) {
            ff_rtsp_send_cmd_async(s, "GET_PARAMETER", rt->control_uri, NULL);
        } else {
            ff_rtsp_send_cmd_async(s, "OPTIONS", "*", NULL);

    return 0;