static void count_events(countlist_t **hostcounthead, countlist_t **svccounthead) { void *hostwalk; for (hostwalk = first_host(); (hostwalk); hostwalk = next_host(hostwalk, 0)) { eventcount_t *swalk; countlist_t *hrec, *srec; swalk = (eventcount_t *)bbh_item(hostwalk, BBH_DATA); if (!swalk) continue; hrec = (countlist_t *)malloc(sizeof(countlist_t)); hrec->src = hostwalk; hrec->total = 0; hrec->next = *hostcounthead; *hostcounthead = hrec; for (swalk = (eventcount_t *)bbh_item(hostwalk, BBH_DATA); (swalk); swalk = swalk->next) { hrec->total += swalk->count; for (srec = *svccounthead; (srec && (srec->src != (void *)swalk->service)); srec = srec->next) ; if (!srec) { srec = (countlist_t *)malloc(sizeof(countlist_t)); srec->src = (void *)swalk->service; srec->total = 0; srec->next = *svccounthead; *svccounthead = srec; } srec->total += swalk->count; } } }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { void *walk; load_hostnames(xgetenv("BBHOSTS"), NULL, get_fqdn()); for (walk = first_host(); (walk); walk=next_host(walk, 0)) { char *nk, *nktime, *tok; nk = bbh_item(walk, BBH_NK); if (!nk) continue; nktime = bbh_item(walk, BBH_NKTIME); nk = strdup(nk); tok = strtok(nk, ","); while (tok) { char *hostname = bbh_item(walk, BBH_HOSTNAME); char *startstr = "", *endstr = "", *ttgroup = "", *ttextra = "", *updinfo = "Migrated"; int priority = 2; fprintf(stdout, "%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%d|%s|%s|%s\n", hostname, tok, startstr, endstr, (nktime ? nktime : ""), priority, ttgroup, ttextra, updinfo); tok = strtok(NULL, ","); } xfree(nk); } return 0; }
void loadhostdata(char *hostname, char **ip, char **displayname) { namelist_t *hinfo = NULL; load_hostnames(xgetenv("BBHOSTS"), NULL, get_fqdn()); if ((hinfo = hostinfo(hostname)) == NULL) { errormsg("No such host"); exit(1); } *ip = bbh_item(hinfo, BBH_IP); *displayname = bbh_item(hinfo, BBH_DISPLAYNAME); if (!(*displayname)) *displayname = hostname; }
void send_data(void *host, char *beadomain, char *databuf, char **items) { bea_idx_t *idxwalk; strbuffer_t *msgbuf; char *p; int i; msgbuf = newstrbuffer(0); for (idxwalk = bea_idxhead; (idxwalk); idxwalk = idxwalk->next) { sprintf(msgline, "data %s.bea\n\n", commafy(bbh_item(host, BBH_HOSTNAME))); addtobuffer(msgbuf, msgline); if (beadomain && *beadomain) { sprintf(msgline, "DOMAIN:%s\n", beadomain); addtobuffer(msgbuf, msgline); } for (i=0; (items[i]); i++) { p = getstring(databuf, idxwalk->idx, items[i]); sprintf(msgline, "%s\n", p); addtobuffer(msgbuf, msgline); } sendmessage(STRBUF(msgbuf), NULL, BBTALK_TIMEOUT, NULL); clearstrbuffer(msgbuf); } freestrbuffer(msgbuf); }
char *bbh_item_byname(void *hostin, char *item) { enum bbh_item_t i; namelist_t *host = (namelist_t *)hostin; i = bbh_key_idx(item); return ((i == -1) ? NULL : bbh_item(host, i)); }
int wanted_host(void *host, char *netstring) { char *netlocation = bbh_item(host, BBH_NET); return ((strlen(netstring) == 0) || /* No BBLOCATION = do all */ (netlocation && (strcmp(netlocation, netstring) == 0)) || /* BBLOCATION && matching NET: tag */ (testuntagged && (netlocation == NULL))); /* No NET: tag for this host */ }
char *check_downtime(char *hostname, char *testname) { namelist_t *hinfo = hostinfo(hostname); char *dtag; if (hinfo == NULL) return NULL; dtag = bbh_item(hinfo, BBH_DOWNTIME); if (dtag && *dtag) { static char *downtag = NULL; static unsigned char *cause = NULL; static int causelen = 0; char *s1, *s2, *s3, *s4, *s5, *p; char timetxt[30]; if (downtag) xfree(downtag); if (cause) xfree(cause); p = downtag = strdup(dtag); do { /* Its either DAYS:START:END or SERVICE:DAYS:START:END:CAUSE */ s1 = p; p += strcspn(p, ":"); if (*p != '\0') { *p = '\0'; p++; } s2 = p; p += strcspn(p, ":"); if (*p != '\0') { *p = '\0'; p++; } s3 = p; p += strcspn(p, ":;,"); if ((*p == ',') || (*p == ';') || (*p == '\0')) { if (*p != '\0') { *p = '\0'; p++; } snprintf(timetxt, sizeof(timetxt), "%s:%s:%s", s1, s2, s3); cause = strdup("Planned downtime"); s1 = "*"; } else if (*p == ':') { *p = '\0'; p++; s4 = p; p += strcspn(p, ":"); if (*p != '\0') { *p = '\0'; p++; } s5 = p; p += strcspn(p, ",;"); if (*p != '\0') { *p = '\0'; p++; } snprintf(timetxt, sizeof(timetxt), "%s:%s:%s", s2, s3, s4); getescapestring(s5, &cause, &causelen); } if (within_sla(timetxt, 0)) { char *onesvc, *buf; if (strcmp(s1, "*") == 0) return cause; onesvc = strtok_r(s1, ",", &buf); while (onesvc) { if (strcmp(onesvc, testname) == 0) return cause; onesvc = strtok_r(NULL, ",", &buf); } } } while (*p); } return NULL; }
static void build_hosttree(void) { static int hosttree_exists = 0; namelist_t *walk; RbtStatus status; char *tstr; if (hosttree_exists) { rbtDelete(rbhosts); rbtDelete(rbclients); } rbhosts = rbtNew(name_compare); rbclients = rbtNew(name_compare); hosttree_exists = 1; for (walk = namehead; (walk); walk = walk->next) { status = rbtInsert(rbhosts, walk->bbhostname, walk); if (walk->clientname) rbtInsert(rbclients, walk->clientname, walk); switch (status) { case RBT_STATUS_OK: case RBT_STATUS_DUPLICATE_KEY: break; case RBT_STATUS_MEM_EXHAUSTED: errprintf("loadhosts:build_hosttree - insert into tree failed (out of memory)\n"); break; default: errprintf("loadhosts:build_hosttree - insert into tree failed code %d\n", status); break; } tstr = bbh_item(walk, BBH_NOTBEFORE); walk->notbefore = (tstr ? timestr2timet(tstr) : 0); if (walk->notbefore == -1) walk->notbefore = 0; tstr = bbh_item(walk, BBH_NOTAFTER); walk->notafter = (tstr ? timestr2timet(tstr) : INT_MAX); if (walk->notafter == -1) walk->notafter = INT_MAX; } }
static void dump_eventtree(void) { void *hwalk; elist_t *lwalk; ed_t *ewalk; for (hwalk = first_host(); (hwalk); hwalk = next_host(hwalk, 0)) { printf("%s\n", bbh_item(hwalk, BBH_HOSTNAME)); lwalk = (elist_t *)bbh_item(hwalk, BBH_DATA); while (lwalk) { printf("\t%s\n", lwalk->svc->name); ewalk = lwalk->head; while (ewalk) { printf("\t\t%ld->%ld = %6ld %s\n", (long) ewalk->event->changetime, (long) ewalk->event->eventtime, (long) ewalk->event->duration, colorname(ewalk->event->oldcolor)); ewalk = ewalk->next; } lwalk = lwalk->next; } } }
void dump_countlists(countlist_t *hosthead, countlist_t *svchead) { countlist_t *cwalk; printf("Hosts\n"); for (cwalk = hosthead; (cwalk); cwalk = cwalk->next) { printf("\t%20s : %lu\n", bbh_item(cwalk->src, BBH_HOSTNAME), cwalk->total); } printf("\n"); printf("Services\n"); for (cwalk = svchead; (cwalk); cwalk = cwalk->next) { printf("\t%20s : %lu\n", ((htnames_t *)cwalk->src)->name, cwalk->total); } printf("\n"); }
char *bbh_item_multi(void *hostin, enum bbh_item_t item) { namelist_t *host = (namelist_t *)hostin; static namelist_t *keyhost = NULL, *curhost = NULL; if (item == BBH_LAST) return NULL; if ((host == NULL) && (keyhost == NULL)) return NULL; /* Programmer failure */ if (host != NULL) curhost = keyhost = host; else { curhost = curhost->next; if (!curhost || (strcmp(curhost->bbhostname, keyhost->bbhostname) != 0)) curhost = keyhost = NULL; /* End of hostlist */ } return bbh_item(curhost, item); }
int unwantedcolumn(char *hostname, char *testname) { void *hinfo; char *nc, *tok; int result = 0; hinfo = hostinfo(hostname); if (!hinfo) return 1; nc = bbh_item(hinfo, BBH_NOCOLUMNS); if (!nc) return 0; nc = strdup(nc); tok = strtok(nc, ","); while (tok && (result == 0)) { if (strcmp(tok, testname) == 0) result = 1; tok = strtok(NULL, ","); } return result; }
static void print_host(hostlist_t *host, htnames_t *testnames[], int testcount) { int testi, rowcount, netcount; void *hinfo = hostinfo(host->hostname); char *dispname = NULL, *clientalias = NULL, *comment = NULL, *description = NULL, *pagepathtitle = NULL; char *net = NULL, *nkalerts = NULL; char *nktime = NULL, *downtime = NULL, *reporttime = NULL; char *itm; tag_t *taghead = NULL; int contidx = 0, haveping = 0; char contcol[1024]; activealerts_t *alert; strbuffer_t *buf = newstrbuffer(0); fprintf(stdout, "<p style=\"page-break-before: always\">\n"); fprintf(stdout, "<table width=\"100%%\" border=1 summary=\"%s configuration\">\n", host->hostname); pagepathtitle = bbh_item(hinfo, BBH_PAGEPATHTITLE); if (!pagepathtitle || (strlen(pagepathtitle) == 0)) pagepathtitle = "Top page"; dispname = bbh_item(hinfo, BBH_DISPLAYNAME); if (dispname && (strcmp(dispname, host->hostname) == 0)) dispname = NULL; clientalias = bbh_item(hinfo, BBH_CLIENTALIAS); if (clientalias && (strcmp(clientalias, host->hostname) == 0)) clientalias = NULL; comment = bbh_item(hinfo, BBH_COMMENT); description = bbh_item(hinfo, BBH_DESCRIPTION); net = bbh_item(hinfo, BBH_NET); nkalerts = bbh_item(hinfo, BBH_NK); nktime = bbh_item(hinfo, BBH_NKTIME); if (!nktime) nktime = "24x7"; else nktime = strdup(timespec_text(nktime)); downtime = bbh_item(hinfo, BBH_DOWNTIME); if (downtime) downtime = strdup(timespec_text(downtime)); reporttime = bbh_item(hinfo, BBH_REPORTTIME); if (!reporttime) reporttime = "24x7"; else reporttime = strdup(timespec_text(reporttime)); rowcount = 1; if (pagepathtitle) rowcount++; if (dispname || clientalias) rowcount++; if (comment) rowcount++; if (description) rowcount++; if (!newnkconfig && nktime) rowcount++; if (downtime) rowcount++; if (reporttime) rowcount++; fprintf(stdout, "<tr>\n"); fprintf(stdout, "<th rowspan=%d align=left width=\"25%%\" valign=top>Basics</th>\n", rowcount); fprintf(stdout, "<th align=center>%s (%s)</th>\n", (dispname ? dispname : host->hostname), bbh_item(hinfo, BBH_IP)); fprintf(stdout, "</tr>\n"); if (dispname || clientalias) { fprintf(stdout, "<tr><td>Aliases:"); if (dispname) fprintf(stdout, " %s", dispname); if (clientalias) fprintf(stdout, " %s", clientalias); fprintf(stdout, "</td></tr>\n"); } if (pagepathtitle) fprintf(stdout, "<tr><td>Monitoring location: %s</td></tr>\n", pagepathtitle); if (comment) fprintf(stdout, "<tr><td>Comment: %s</td></tr>\n", comment); if (description) fprintf(stdout, "<tr><td>Description: %s</td></tr>\n", description); if (!newnkconfig && nktime) fprintf(stdout, "<tr><td>NK monitoring period: %s</td></tr>\n", nktime); if (downtime) fprintf(stdout, "<tr><td>Planned downtime: %s</td></tr>\n", downtime); if (reporttime) fprintf(stdout, "<tr><td>SLA Reporting Period: %s</td></tr>\n", reporttime); /* Build a list of the network tests */ itm = bbh_item_walk(hinfo); while (itm) { char *visdata = NULL, *colname = NULL, *expdata = NULL; bburl_t bu; int dialuptest = 0, reversetest = 0, alwaystruetest = 0, httpextra = 0; if (*itm == '?') { dialuptest=1; itm++; } if (*itm == '!') { reversetest=1; itm++; } if (*itm == '~') { alwaystruetest=1; itm++; } if ( argnmatch(itm, "http") || argnmatch(itm, "content=http") || argnmatch(itm, "cont;http") || argnmatch(itm, "cont=") || argnmatch(itm, "nocont;http") || argnmatch(itm, "nocont=") || argnmatch(itm, "post;http") || argnmatch(itm, "post=") || argnmatch(itm, "nopost;http") || argnmatch(itm, "nopost=") || argnmatch(itm, "type;http") || argnmatch(itm, "type=") ) { visdata = decode_url(itm, &bu); colname = bu.columnname; if (!colname) { if (bu.expdata) { httpextra = 1; if (contidx == 0) { colname = "content"; contidx++; } else { sprintf(contcol, "content%d", contidx); colname = contcol; contidx++; } } else { colname = "http"; } } expdata = bu.expdata; } else if (strncmp(itm, "rpc=", 4) == 0) { colname = "rpc"; visdata = strdup(itm+4); } else if (strncmp(itm, "dns=", 4) == 0) { colname = "dns"; visdata = strdup(itm+4); } else if (strncmp(itm, "dig=", 4) == 0) { colname = "dns"; visdata = strdup(itm+4); } else if (strncmp(itm, pingplus, strlen(pingplus)) == 0) { haveping = 1; colname = pingcolumn; visdata = strdup(itm+strlen(pingplus)); } else if (is_net_test(itm)) { colname = strdup(itm); } if (colname) { tag_t *newitem; addtolist: for (newitem = taghead; (newitem && strcmp(newitem->columnname, colname)); newitem = newitem->next); if (!newitem) { newitem = (tag_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(tag_t)); newitem->columnname = strdup(colname); newitem->visualdata = (visdata ? strdup(visdata) : NULL); newitem->expdata = (expdata ? strdup(expdata) : NULL); newitem->next = taghead; taghead = newitem; } else { /* Multiple tags for one column - must be http */ newitem->visualdata = (char *)realloc(newitem->visualdata, strlen(newitem->visualdata) + strlen(visdata) + 5); strcat(newitem->visualdata, "<br>"); strcat(newitem->visualdata, visdata); } if (httpextra) { httpextra = 0; colname = "http"; expdata = NULL; goto addtolist; } } itm = bbh_item_walk(NULL); } if (!haveping && !bbh_item(hinfo, BBH_FLAG_NOCONN)) { for (testi = 0; (testi < testcount); testi++) { if (strcmp(testnames[testi]->name, pingcolumn) == 0) { tag_t *newitem = (tag_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(tag_t)); newitem->columnname = strdup(pingcolumn); newitem->next = taghead; taghead = newitem; } } } /* Add the "badFOO" settings */ itm = bbh_item_walk(hinfo); while (itm) { if (strncmp(itm, "bad", 3) == 0) { char *tname, *p; int b1, b2, b3, n = -1; tag_t *tag = NULL; tname = itm+3; p = strchr(tname, ':'); if (p) { *p = '\0'; n = sscanf(p+1, "%d:%d:%d", &b1, &b2, &b3); for (tag = taghead; (tag && strcmp(tag->columnname, tname)); tag = tag->next); *p = ':'; } if (tag && (n == 3)) { tag->b1 = b1; tag->b2 = b2; tag->b3 = b3; } } itm = bbh_item_walk(NULL); } if (taghead) { fprintf(stdout, "<tr>\n"); fprintf(stdout, "<th align=left valign=top>Network tests"); if (net) fprintf(stdout, "<br>(from %s)", net); fprintf(stdout, "</th>\n"); fprintf(stdout, "<td><table border=0 cellpadding=\"3\" cellspacing=\"5\" summary=\"%s network tests\">\n", host->hostname); fprintf(stdout, "<tr><th align=left valign=top>Service</th><th align=left valign=top>NK</th><th align=left valign=top>C/Y/R limits</th><th align=left valign=top>Specifics</th></tr>\n"); } for (testi = 0, netcount = 0; (testi < testcount); testi++) { tag_t *twalk; for (twalk = taghead; (twalk && strcasecmp(twalk->columnname, testnames[testi]->name)); twalk = twalk->next); if (!twalk) continue; use_columndoc(testnames[testi]->name); fprintf(stdout, "<tr>"); fprintf(stdout, "<td valign=top>%s</td>", testnames[testi]->name); fprintf(stdout, "<td valign=top>%s</td>", nkval(host->hostname, testnames[testi]->name, nkalerts)); fprintf(stdout, "<td valign=top>"); if (twalk->b1 || twalk->b2 || twalk->b3) { fprintf(stdout, "%d/%d/%d", twalk->b1, twalk->b2, twalk->b3); } else { fprintf(stdout, "-/-/-"); } fprintf(stdout, "</td>"); fprintf(stdout, "<td valign=top>"); fprintf(stdout, "<i>%s</i>", (twalk->visualdata ? twalk->visualdata : " ")); if (twalk->expdata) fprintf(stdout, " must return <i>'%s'</i>", twalk->expdata); fprintf(stdout, "</td>"); fprintf(stdout, "</tr>"); netcount++; } if (taghead) { fprintf(stdout, "</table></td>\n"); fprintf(stdout, "</tr>\n"); } if (netcount != testcount) { fprintf(stdout, "<tr>\n"); fprintf(stdout, "<th align=left valign=top>Local tests</th>\n"); fprintf(stdout, "<td><table border=0 cellpadding=\"3\" cellspacing=\"5\" summary=\"%s local tests\">\n", host->hostname); fprintf(stdout, "<tr><th align=left valign=top>Service</th><th align=left valign=top>NK</th><th align=left valign=top>C/Y/R limits</th><th align=left valign=top>Configuration <i>(NB: Thresholds on client may differ)</i></th></tr>\n"); } for (testi = 0; (testi < testcount); testi++) { tag_t *twalk; for (twalk = taghead; (twalk && strcasecmp(twalk->columnname, testnames[testi]->name)); twalk = twalk->next); if (twalk) continue; use_columndoc(testnames[testi]->name); fprintf(stdout, "<tr>"); fprintf(stdout, "<td valign=top>%s</td>", testnames[testi]->name); fprintf(stdout, "<td valign=top>%s</td>", nkval(host->hostname, testnames[testi]->name, nkalerts)); fprintf(stdout, "<td valign=top>-/-/-</td>"); /* Make up some default configuration data */ fprintf(stdout, "<td valign=top>"); if (strcmp(testnames[testi]->name, "cpu") == 0) { fprintf(stdout, "UNIX - Yellow: Load average > 1.5, Red: Load average > 3.0<br>"); fprintf(stdout, "Windows - Yellow: CPU utilisation > 80%%, Red: CPU utilisation > 95%%"); } else if (strcmp(testnames[testi]->name, "disk") == 0) { fprintf(stdout, "Default limits: Yellow 90%% full, Red 95%% full<br>\n"); print_disklist(host->hostname); } else if (strcmp(testnames[testi]->name, "memory") == 0) { fprintf(stdout, "Yellow: swap/pagefile use > 80%%, Red: swap/pagefile use > 90%%"); } else if (strcmp(testnames[testi]->name, "procs") == 0) { htnames_t *walk; if (!host->procs) fprintf(stdout, "No processes monitored<br>\n"); for (walk = host->procs; (walk); walk = walk->next) { fprintf(stdout, "%s<br>\n", walk->name); } } else if (strcmp(testnames[testi]->name, "svcs") == 0) { htnames_t *walk; if (!host->svcs) fprintf(stdout, "No services monitored<br>\n"); for (walk = host->svcs; (walk); walk = walk->next) { fprintf(stdout, "%s<br>\n", walk->name); } } else { fprintf(stdout, " "); } fprintf(stdout, "</td>"); fprintf(stdout, "</tr>"); } if (netcount != testcount) { fprintf(stdout, "</table></td>\n"); fprintf(stdout, "</tr>\n"); } /* Do the alerts */ alert = (activealerts_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(activealerts_t)); alert->hostname = host->hostname; alert->location = bbh_item(hinfo, BBH_ALLPAGEPATHS); strcpy(alert->ip, ""); alert->color = COL_RED; alert->pagemessage = ""; alert->state = A_PAGING; alert->cookie = 12345; alert_printmode(2); for (testi = 0; (testi < testcount); testi++) { alert->testname = testnames[testi]->name; if (have_recipient(alert, NULL)) print_alert_recipients(alert, buf); } xfree(alert); if (STRBUFLEN(buf) > 0) { fprintf(stdout, "<tr>\n"); fprintf(stdout, "<th align=left valign=top>Alerts</th>\n"); fprintf(stdout, "<td><table border=0 cellpadding=\"3\" cellspacing=\"5\" summary=\"%s alerts\">\n", host->hostname); fprintf(stdout, "<tr><th>Service</th><th>Recipient</th><th>1st Delay</th><th>Stop after</th><th>Repeat</th><th>Time of Day</th><th>Colors</th></tr>\n"); fprintf(stdout, "%s", STRBUF(buf)); fprintf(stdout, "</table></td>\n"); fprintf(stdout, "</tr>\n"); } /* Finish off this host */ fprintf(stdout, "</table>\n"); freestrbuffer(buf); }
void do_eventlog(FILE *output, int maxcount, int maxminutes, char *fromtime, char *totime, char *pageregex, char *expageregex, char *hostregex, char *exhostregex, char *testregex, char *extestregex, char *colrregex, int ignoredialups, f_hostcheck hostcheck, event_t **eventlist, countlist_t **hostcounts, countlist_t **servicecounts, countsummary_t counttype, eventsummary_t sumtype, char *periodstring) { FILE *eventlog; char eventlogfilename[PATH_MAX]; time_t firstevent = 0; time_t lastevent = getcurrenttime(NULL); event_t *eventhead = NULL; struct stat st; char l[MAX_LINE_LEN]; char title[200]; /* For the PCRE matching */ const char *errmsg = NULL; int errofs = 0; pcre *pageregexp = NULL; pcre *expageregexp = NULL; pcre *hostregexp = NULL; pcre *exhostregexp = NULL; pcre *testregexp = NULL; pcre *extestregexp = NULL; pcre *colrregexp = NULL; countlist_t *hostcounthead = NULL, *svccounthead = NULL; if (eventlist) *eventlist = NULL; if (hostcounts) *hostcounts = NULL; if (servicecounts) *servicecounts = NULL; havedoneeventlog = 1; if ((maxminutes > 0) && (fromtime || totime)) { fprintf(output, "<B>Only one time interval type is allowed!</B>"); return; } if (fromtime) { firstevent = eventreport_time(fromtime); if(firstevent < 0) { if (output) fprintf(output,"<B>Invalid 'from' time: %s</B>", fromtime); return; } } else if (maxminutes == -1) { /* Unlimited number of minutes */ firstevent = 0; } else if (maxminutes > 0) { firstevent = getcurrenttime(NULL) - maxminutes*60; } else { firstevent = getcurrenttime(NULL) - 86400; } if (totime) { lastevent = eventreport_time(totime); if (lastevent < 0) { if (output) fprintf(output,"<B>Invalid 'to' time: %s</B>", totime); return; } if (lastevent < firstevent) { if (output) fprintf(output,"<B>'to' time must be after 'from' time.</B>"); return; } } if (!maxcount) maxcount = 100; if (pageregex && *pageregex) pageregexp = pcre_compile(pageregex, PCRE_CASELESS, &errmsg, &errofs, NULL); if (expageregex && *expageregex) expageregexp = pcre_compile(expageregex, PCRE_CASELESS, &errmsg, &errofs, NULL); if (hostregex && *hostregex) hostregexp = pcre_compile(hostregex, PCRE_CASELESS, &errmsg, &errofs, NULL); if (exhostregex && *exhostregex) exhostregexp = pcre_compile(exhostregex, PCRE_CASELESS, &errmsg, &errofs, NULL); if (testregex && *testregex) testregexp = pcre_compile(testregex, PCRE_CASELESS, &errmsg, &errofs, NULL); if (extestregex && *extestregex) extestregexp = pcre_compile(extestregex, PCRE_CASELESS, &errmsg, &errofs, NULL); if (colrregex && *colrregex) colrregexp = pcre_compile(colrregex, PCRE_CASELESS, &errmsg, &errofs, NULL); sprintf(eventlogfilename, "%s/allevents", xgetenv("BBHIST")); eventlog = fopen(eventlogfilename, "r"); if (eventlog && (stat(eventlogfilename, &st) == 0)) { time_t curtime; int done = 0; int unlimited = (maxcount == -1); if (unlimited) maxcount = 1000; do { /* Find a spot in the eventlog file close to where the firstevent time is */ fseeko(eventlog, 0, SEEK_END); do { /* Go back maxcount*80 bytes - one entry is ~80 bytes */ if (ftello(eventlog) > maxcount*80) { unsigned int uicurtime; fseeko(eventlog, -maxcount*80, SEEK_CUR); fgets(l, sizeof(l), eventlog); /* Skip to start of line */ fgets(l, sizeof(l), eventlog); sscanf(l, "%*s %*s %u %*u %*u %*s %*s %*d", &uicurtime); curtime = uicurtime; done = (curtime < firstevent); if (unlimited && !done) maxcount += 1000; } else { off_t ofs; rewind(eventlog); curtime = 0; ofs = ftello(eventlog); done = 1; } } while (!done); if (unlimited) unlimited = ((curtime > firstevent) && (ftello(eventlog) > 0)); } while (unlimited); } eventhead = NULL; while (eventlog && (fgets(l, sizeof(l), eventlog))) { time_t eventtime, changetime, duration; unsigned int uievt, uicht, uidur; char hostname[MAX_LINE_LEN], svcname[MAX_LINE_LEN], newcol[MAX_LINE_LEN], oldcol[MAX_LINE_LEN]; char *newcolname, *oldcolname; int state, itemsfound, pagematch, hostmatch, testmatch, colrmatch; event_t *newevent; void *eventhost; struct htnames_t *eventcolumn; int ovector[30]; eventcount_t *countrec; itemsfound = sscanf(l, "%s %s %u %u %u %s %s %d", hostname, svcname, &uievt, &uicht, &uidur, newcol, oldcol, &state); eventtime = uievt; changetime = uicht; duration = uidur; oldcolname = colorname(eventcolor(oldcol)); newcolname = colorname(eventcolor(newcol)); /* For DURATION counts, we must parse all events until now */ if ((counttype != COUNT_DURATION) && (eventtime > lastevent)) break; eventhost = hostinfo(hostname); eventcolumn = getname(svcname, 1); if ( (itemsfound == 8) && (eventtime >= firstevent) && (eventhost && !bbh_item(eventhost, BBH_FLAG_NOBB2)) && (wanted_eventcolumn(svcname)) ) { if (eventfilter(eventhost, svcname, pageregexp, expageregexp, hostregexp, exhostregexp, testregexp, extestregexp, ignoredialups, hostcheck) == 0) continue; /* For duration counts, record all events. We'll filter out the colors later. */ if (colrregexp && (counttype != COUNT_DURATION)) { colrmatch = ( (pcre_exec(colrregexp, NULL, newcolname, strlen(newcolname), 0, 0, ovector, (sizeof(ovector)/sizeof(int))) >= 0) || (pcre_exec(colrregexp, NULL, oldcolname, strlen(oldcolname), 0, 0, ovector, (sizeof(ovector)/sizeof(int))) >= 0) ); } else colrmatch = 1; if (!colrmatch) continue; newevent = (event_t *) malloc(sizeof(event_t)); newevent->host = eventhost; newevent->service = eventcolumn; newevent->eventtime = eventtime; newevent->changetime = changetime; newevent->duration = duration; newevent->newcolor = eventcolor(newcol); newevent->oldcolor = eventcolor(oldcol); newevent->next = eventhead; eventhead = newevent; if (counttype != COUNT_DURATION) { countrec = (eventcount_t *)bbh_item(eventhost, BBH_DATA); while (countrec && (countrec->service != eventcolumn)) countrec = countrec->next; if (countrec == NULL) { countrec = (eventcount_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(eventcount_t)); countrec->service = eventcolumn; countrec->next = (eventcount_t *)bbh_item(eventhost, BBH_DATA); bbh_set_item(eventhost, BBH_DATA, (void *)countrec); } countrec->count++; } } } /* Count the state changes per host */ svccounthead = hostcounthead = NULL; switch (counttype) { case COUNT_EVENTS: count_events(&hostcounthead, &svccounthead); break; case COUNT_DURATION: count_duration(firstevent, lastevent, pageregexp, expageregexp, hostregexp, exhostregexp, testregexp, extestregexp, ignoredialups, hostcheck, eventhead, &hostcounthead, &svccounthead); break; default: break; } if (hostcounthead) hostcounthead = msort(hostcounthead, record_compare, record_getnext, record_setnext); if (svccounthead) svccounthead = msort(svccounthead, record_compare, record_getnext, record_setnext); if (eventhead && (output != NULL)) { char *bgcolors[2] = { "#000000", "#000033" }; int bgcolor = 0; struct event_t *ewalk, *lasttoshow = eventhead; countlist_t *cwalk; unsigned long totalcount = 0; if (periodstring) fprintf(output, "<p><font size=+1>%s</font></p>\n", periodstring); switch (sumtype) { case S_HOST_BREAKDOWN: /* Request for a specific service, show breakdown by host */ for (cwalk = hostcounthead; (cwalk); cwalk = cwalk->next) totalcount += cwalk->total; fprintf(output, "<table summary=\"Breakdown by host\" border=0>\n"); fprintf(output, "<tr><th align=left>Host</th><th colspan=2>%s</th></tr>\n", (counttype == COUNT_EVENTS) ? "State changes" : "Seconds red/yellow"); fprintf(output, "<tr><td colspan=3><hr width=\"100%%\"></td></tr>\n"); for (cwalk = hostcounthead; (cwalk && (cwalk->total > 0)); cwalk = cwalk->next) { fprintf(output, "<tr><td align=left>%s</td><td align=right>%lu</td><td align=right>(%6.2f %%)</tr>\n", bbh_item(cwalk->src, BBH_HOSTNAME), cwalk->total, ((100.0 * cwalk->total) / totalcount)); } fprintf(output, "</table>\n"); break; case S_SERVICE_BREAKDOWN: /* Request for a specific host, show breakdown by service */ for (cwalk = svccounthead; (cwalk); cwalk = cwalk->next) totalcount += cwalk->total; fprintf(output, "<table summary=\"Breakdown by service\" border=0>\n"); fprintf(output, "<tr><th align=left>Service</th><th colspan=2>%s</th></tr>\n", (counttype == COUNT_EVENTS) ? "State changes" : "Seconds red/yellow"); fprintf(output, "<tr><td colspan=3><hr width=\"100%%\"></td></tr>\n"); for (cwalk = svccounthead; (cwalk && (cwalk->total > 0)); cwalk = cwalk->next) { fprintf(output, "<tr><td align=left>%s</td><td align=right>%lu</td><td align=right>(%6.2f %%)</tr>\n", ((htnames_t *)cwalk->src)->name, cwalk->total, ((100.0 * cwalk->total) / totalcount)); } fprintf(output, "</table>\n"); break; case S_NONE: break; } if (sumtype == S_NONE) { int count; count=0; ewalk=eventhead; do { count++; lasttoshow = ewalk; ewalk = ewalk->next; } while (ewalk && (count<maxcount)); if (ewalk) ewalk->next = NULL; /* Terminate list if any items left */ if (maxminutes > 0) { sprintf(title, "%d events received in the past %u minutes", count, (unsigned int)((getcurrenttime(NULL) - lasttoshow->eventtime) / 60)); } else { sprintf(title, "%d events received.", count); } } else { strcpy(title, "Events in summary"); } fprintf(output, "<BR><BR>\n"); fprintf(output, "<TABLE SUMMARY=\"$EVENTSTITLE\" BORDER=0>\n"); fprintf(output, "<TR BGCOLOR=\"#333333\">\n"); fprintf(output, "<TD ALIGN=CENTER COLSPAN=6><FONT SIZE=-1 COLOR=\"#33ebf4\">%s</FONT></TD></TR>\n", title); for (ewalk=eventhead; (ewalk); ewalk=ewalk->next) { char *hostname = bbh_item(ewalk->host, BBH_HOSTNAME); if ( (counttype == COUNT_DURATION) && (ewalk->oldcolor < COL_YELLOW) && (ewalk->newcolor < COL_YELLOW) ) continue; if ( (counttype == COUNT_DURATION) && (ewalk->eventtime >= lastevent) ) continue; fprintf(output, "<TR BGCOLOR=%s>\n", bgcolors[bgcolor]); bgcolor = ((bgcolor + 1) % 2); fprintf(output, "<TD ALIGN=CENTER>%s</TD>\n", ctime(&ewalk->eventtime)); if (ewalk->newcolor == COL_CLEAR) { fprintf(output, "<TD ALIGN=CENTER BGCOLOR=black><FONT COLOR=white>%s</FONT></TD>\n", hostname); } else { fprintf(output, "<TD ALIGN=CENTER BGCOLOR=%s><FONT COLOR=black>%s</FONT></TD>\n", colorname(ewalk->newcolor), hostname); } fprintf(output, "<TD ALIGN=LEFT>%s</TD>\n", ewalk->service->name); fprintf(output, "<TD><A HREF=\"%s\">\n", histlogurl(hostname, ewalk->service->name, ewalk->changetime, NULL)); fprintf(output, "<IMG SRC=\"%s/%s\" HEIGHT=\"%s\" WIDTH=\"%s\" BORDER=0 ALT=\"%s\" TITLE=\"%s\"></A>\n", xgetenv("BBSKIN"), dotgiffilename(ewalk->oldcolor, 0, 0), xgetenv("DOTHEIGHT"), xgetenv("DOTWIDTH"), colorname(ewalk->oldcolor), colorname(ewalk->oldcolor)); fprintf(output, "<IMG SRC=\"%s/arrow.gif\" BORDER=0 ALT=\"From -> To\">\n", xgetenv("BBSKIN")); fprintf(output, "<TD><A HREF=\"%s\">\n", histlogurl(hostname, ewalk->service->name, ewalk->eventtime, NULL)); fprintf(output, "<IMG SRC=\"%s/%s\" HEIGHT=\"%s\" WIDTH=\"%s\" BORDER=0 ALT=\"%s\" TITLE=\"%s\"></A></TD>\n", xgetenv("BBSKIN"), dotgiffilename(ewalk->newcolor, 0, 0), xgetenv("DOTHEIGHT"), xgetenv("DOTWIDTH"), colorname(ewalk->newcolor), colorname(ewalk->newcolor)); fprintf(output, "</TR>\n"); } fprintf(output, "</TABLE>\n"); } else if (output != NULL) { /* No events during the past maxminutes */ if (eventlog) sprintf(title, "No events received in the last %d minutes", maxminutes); else strcpy(title, "No events logged"); fprintf(output, "<CENTER><BR>\n"); fprintf(output, "<TABLE SUMMARY=\"%s\" BORDER=0>\n", title); fprintf(output, "<TR BGCOLOR=\"#333333\">\n"); fprintf(output, "<TD ALIGN=CENTER COLSPAN=6><FONT SIZE=-1 COLOR=\"#33ebf4\">%s</FONT></TD>\n", title); fprintf(output, "</TR>\n"); fprintf(output, "</TABLE>\n"); fprintf(output, "</CENTER>\n"); } if (eventlog) fclose(eventlog); if (pageregexp) pcre_free(pageregexp); if (hostregexp) pcre_free(hostregexp); if (testregexp) pcre_free(testregexp); if (colrregexp) pcre_free(colrregexp); /* Return the event- and count-lists, if wanted - or clean them up */ if (eventlist) { *eventlist = eventhead; } else { event_t *zombie, *ewalk = eventhead; while (ewalk) { zombie = ewalk; ewalk = ewalk->next; xfree(zombie); } } if (hostcounts) { *hostcounts = hostcounthead; } else { countlist_t *zombie, *hwalk = hostcounthead; while (hwalk) { zombie = hwalk; hwalk = hwalk->next; xfree(zombie); } } if (servicecounts) { *servicecounts = svccounthead; } else { countlist_t *zombie, *swalk = svccounthead; while (swalk) { zombie = swalk; swalk = swalk->next; xfree(zombie); } } }
void do_acklog(FILE *output, int maxcount, int maxminutes) { FILE *acklog; char acklogfilename[PATH_MAX]; time_t cutoff; struct stat st; char l[MAX_LINE_LEN]; char title[200]; ack_t *acks; int num, ackintime_count; havedoneacklog = 1; cutoff = ( (maxminutes) ? (getcurrenttime(NULL) - maxminutes*60) : 0); if ((!maxcount) || (maxcount > 100)) maxcount = 100; sprintf(acklogfilename, "%s/acknowledge.log", xgetenv("BBSERVERLOGS")); acklog = fopen(acklogfilename, "r"); if (!acklog) { /* BB compatible naming */ sprintf(acklogfilename, "%s/acklog", xgetenv("BBACKS")); acklog = fopen(acklogfilename, "r"); } if (!acklog) { /* If no acklog, that is OK - some people dont use acks */ dbgprintf("Cannot open acklog\n"); return; } /* HACK ALERT! */ if (stat(acklogfilename, &st) == 0) { if (st.st_size != 0) { /* Assume a log entry is max 150 bytes */ if (150*maxcount < st.st_size) { fseeko(acklog, -150*maxcount, SEEK_END); fgets(l, sizeof(l), acklog); if (strchr(l, '\n') == NULL) { errprintf("Oops - couldnt find a newline in acklog\n"); } } } } acks = (ack_t *) calloc(maxcount, sizeof(ack_t)); ackintime_count = num = 0; while (fgets(l, sizeof(l), acklog)) { char ackedby[MAX_LINE_LEN], hosttest[MAX_LINE_LEN], color[10], ackmsg[MAX_LINE_LEN]; char ackfn[PATH_MAX]; char *testname; void *hinfo; int ok; if (atol(l) >= cutoff) { int c_used; char *p, *p1, *hobbitdacker = NULL; sscanf(l, "%u\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%n", (time_t *)&acks[num].acktime, &acks[num].acknum, &acks[num].duration, &acks[num].acknum2, ackedby, hosttest, color, &c_used); p1 = ackmsg; for (p=l+c_used, p1=ackmsg; (*p); ) { /* * Need to de-code the ackmsg - it may have been entered * via a web page that did "%asciival" encoding. */ if ((*p == '%') && (strlen(p) >= 3) && isxdigit((int)*(p+1)) && isxdigit((int)*(p+2))) { char hexnum[3]; hexnum[0] = *(p+1); hexnum[1] = *(p+2); hexnum[2] = '\0'; *p1 = (char) strtol(hexnum, NULL, 16); p1++; p += 3; } else { *p1 = *p; p1++; p++; } } *p1 = '\0'; /* Hobbit uses \n in the ack message, for the "acked by" data. Cut it off. */ nldecode(ackmsg); p = strchr(ackmsg, '\n'); if (p) { if (strncmp(p, "\nAcked by:", 10) == 0) hobbitdacker = p+10; *p = '\0'; } /* Show only the first 30 characters in message */ if (strlen(ackmsg) > 30) ackmsg[30] = '\0'; sprintf(ackfn, "%s/ack.%s", xgetenv("BBACKS"), hosttest); testname = strrchr(hosttest, '.'); if (testname) { *testname = '\0'; testname++; } else testname = "unknown"; ok = 1; /* Ack occurred within wanted timerange ? */ if (ok && (acks[num].acktime < cutoff)) ok = 0; /* Unknown host ? */ hinfo = hostinfo(hosttest); if (!hinfo) ok = 0; if (hinfo && bbh_item(hinfo, BBH_FLAG_NOBB2)) ok = 0; if (ok) { char *ackerp; /* If ack has expired or tag file is gone, the ack is no longer valid */ acks[num].ackvalid = 1; if ((acks[num].acktime + 60*acks[num].duration) < getcurrenttime(NULL)) acks[num].ackvalid = 0; if (acks[num].ackvalid && (stat(ackfn, &st) != 0)) acks[num].ackvalid = 0; if (strcmp(ackedby, "np_filename_not_used") != 0) { ackerp = ackedby; if (strncmp(ackerp, "np_", 3) == 0) ackerp += 3; p = strrchr(ackerp, '_'); if (p > ackerp) *p = '\0'; acks[num].ackedby = strdup(ackerp); } else if (hobbitdacker) { acks[num].ackedby = strdup(hobbitdacker); } else { acks[num].ackedby = ""; } acks[num].hostname = strdup(hosttest); acks[num].testname = strdup(testname); strcat(color, " "); acks[num].color = parse_color(color); acks[num].ackmsg = strdup(ackmsg); ackintime_count++; num = (num + 1) % maxcount; } } } if (ackintime_count > 0) { int firstack, lastack; int period = maxminutes; if (ackintime_count <= maxcount) { firstack = 0; lastack = ackintime_count-1; period = maxminutes; } else { firstack = num; lastack = ( (num == 0) ? maxcount : (num-1)); ackintime_count = maxcount; period = ((getcurrenttime(NULL)-acks[firstack].acktime) / 60); } sprintf(title, "%d events acknowledged in the past %u minutes", ackintime_count, period); fprintf(output, "<BR><BR>\n"); fprintf(output, "<TABLE SUMMARY=\"%s\" BORDER=0>\n", title); fprintf(output, "<TR BGCOLOR=\"#333333\">\n"); fprintf(output, "<TD ALIGN=CENTER COLSPAN=6><FONT SIZE=-1 COLOR=\"#33ebf4\">%s</FONT></TD></TR>\n", title); for (num = lastack; (ackintime_count); ackintime_count--, num = ((num == 0) ? (maxcount-1) : (num - 1)) ) { fprintf(output, "<TR BGCOLOR=#000000>\n"); fprintf(output, "<TD ALIGN=CENTER><FONT COLOR=white>%s</FONT></TD>\n", ctime(&acks[num].acktime)); fprintf(output, "<TD ALIGN=CENTER BGCOLOR=%s><FONT COLOR=black>%s</FONT></TD>\n", colorname(acks[num].color), acks[num].hostname); fprintf(output, "<TD ALIGN=CENTER><FONT COLOR=white>%s</FONT></TD>\n", acks[num].testname); if (acks[num].color != -1) { fprintf(output, "<TD ALIGN=CENTER><IMG SRC=\"%s/%s\"></TD>\n", xgetenv("BBSKIN"), dotgiffilename(acks[num].color, acks[num].ackvalid, 1)); } else fprintf(output, "<TD ALIGN=CENTER><FONT COLOR=white> </FONT></TD>\n"); fprintf(output, "<TD ALIGN=LEFT BGCOLOR=#000033>%s</TD>\n", acks[num].ackedby); fprintf(output, "<TD ALIGN=LEFT>%s</TD></TR>\n", acks[num].ackmsg); } } else { sprintf(title, "No events acknowledged in the last %u minutes", maxminutes); fprintf(output, "<BR><BR>\n"); fprintf(output, "<TABLE SUMMARY=\"%s\" BORDER=0>\n", title); fprintf(output, "<TR BGCOLOR=\"#333333\">\n"); fprintf(output, "<TD ALIGN=CENTER COLSPAN=6><FONT SIZE=-1 COLOR=\"#33ebf4\">%s</FONT></TD></TR>\n", title); } fprintf(output, "</TABLE>\n"); fclose(acklog); }
static int eventfilter(void *hinfo, char *testname, pcre *pageregexp, pcre *expageregexp, pcre *hostregexp, pcre *exhostregexp, pcre *testregexp, pcre *extestregexp, int ignoredialups, f_hostcheck hostcheck) { int pagematch, hostmatch, testmatch; char *hostname = bbh_item(hinfo, BBH_HOSTNAME); int ovector[30]; if (ignoredialups && bbh_item(hinfo, BBH_FLAG_DIALUP)) return 0; if (hostcheck && (hostcheck(hostname) == 0)) return 0; if (pageregexp) { char *pagename; pagename = bbh_item_multi(hinfo, BBH_PAGEPATH); pagematch = 0; while (!pagematch && pagename) { pagematch = (pcre_exec(pageregexp, NULL, pagename, strlen(pagename), 0, 0, ovector, (sizeof(ovector)/sizeof(int))) >= 0); pagename = bbh_item_multi(NULL, BBH_PAGEPATH); } } else pagematch = 1; if (!pagematch) return 0; if (expageregexp) { char *pagename; pagename = bbh_item_multi(hinfo, BBH_PAGEPATH); pagematch = 0; while (!pagematch && pagename) { pagematch = (pcre_exec(expageregexp, NULL, pagename, strlen(pagename), 0, 0, ovector, (sizeof(ovector)/sizeof(int))) >= 0); pagename = bbh_item_multi(NULL, BBH_PAGEPATH); } } else pagematch = 0; if (pagematch) return 0; if (hostregexp) hostmatch = (pcre_exec(hostregexp, NULL, hostname, strlen(hostname), 0, 0, ovector, (sizeof(ovector)/sizeof(int))) >= 0); else hostmatch = 1; if (!hostmatch) return 0; if (exhostregexp) hostmatch = (pcre_exec(exhostregexp, NULL, hostname, strlen(hostname), 0, 0, ovector, (sizeof(ovector)/sizeof(int))) >= 0); else hostmatch = 0; if (hostmatch) return 0; if (testregexp) testmatch = (pcre_exec(testregexp, NULL, testname, strlen(testname), 0, 0, ovector, (sizeof(ovector)/sizeof(int))) >= 0); else testmatch = 1; if (!testmatch) return 0; if (extestregexp) testmatch = (pcre_exec(extestregexp, NULL, testname, strlen(testname), 0, 0, ovector, (sizeof(ovector)/sizeof(int))) >= 0); else testmatch = 0; if (testmatch) return 0; return 1; }
static void count_duration(time_t fromtime, time_t totime, pcre *pageregexp, pcre *expageregexp, pcre *hostregexp, pcre *exhostregexp, pcre *testregexp, pcre *extestregexp, int ignoredialups, f_hostcheck hostcheck, event_t *eventhead, countlist_t **hostcounthead, countlist_t **svccounthead) { void *hwalk; elist_t *lwalk; event_t *ewalk; ed_t *ed; sendreturn_t *bdata; /* * Restructure the event-list so we have a tree instead: * * HostRecord * | *Data ----> EventList * | | *Service * | | *EventHead --> Event --> Event --> Event * | | *EventTail --------------------------^ * | | * | v * | * v * */ for (ewalk = eventhead; (ewalk); ewalk = ewalk->next) { lwalk = (elist_t *)bbh_item(ewalk->host, BBH_DATA); while (lwalk && (lwalk->svc != ewalk->service)) lwalk = lwalk->next; if (lwalk == NULL) { lwalk = (elist_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(elist_t)); lwalk->svc = ewalk->service; lwalk->next = (elist_t *)bbh_item(ewalk->host, BBH_DATA); bbh_set_item(ewalk->host, BBH_DATA, (void *)lwalk); } ed = (ed_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(ed_t)); ed->event = ewalk; ed->next = lwalk->head; if (lwalk->head == NULL) lwalk->tail = ed; lwalk->head = ed; } if (debug) { printf("\n\nEventtree before fixups\n\n"); dump_eventtree(); } /* * Next, we must add a pseudo record for the current state. * This is for those statuses that haven't changed since the * start of our data-collection period - they won't have any events * so we cannot tell what color they are. By grabbing the current * color we can add a pseudo-event that lets us determine what the * color has been since the start of the event-period. */ bdata = newsendreturnbuf(1, NULL); if (sendmessage("hobbitdboard fields=hostname,testname,color,lastchange", NULL, BBTALK_TIMEOUT, bdata) == BB_OK) { char *bol, *eol; char *hname, *tname; int color; time_t lastchange; void *hrec; htnames_t *srec; char *icname = xgetenv("INFOCOLUMN"); char *tcname = xgetenv("TRENDSCOLUMN"); bol = getsendreturnstr(bdata, 0); while (bol) { eol = strchr(bol, '\n'); if (eol) *eol = '\0'; hname = strtok(bol, "|"); tname = (hname ? strtok(NULL, "|") : NULL); color = (tname ? parse_color(strtok(NULL, "|")) : -1); lastchange = ((color != -1) ? atol(strtok(NULL, "\n")) : totime+1); if (hname && tname && (color != -1) && (strcmp(tname, icname) != 0) && (strcmp(tname, tcname) != 0)) { int addrec = 1; hrec = hostinfo(hname); srec = getname(tname, 1); if (eventfilter(hrec, tname, pageregexp, expageregexp, hostregexp, exhostregexp, testregexp, extestregexp, ignoredialups, hostcheck) == 0) goto nextrecord; lwalk = (elist_t *)bbh_item(hrec, BBH_DATA); while (lwalk && (lwalk->svc != srec)) lwalk = lwalk->next; if (lwalk == NULL) { lwalk = (elist_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(elist_t)); lwalk->svc = srec; lwalk->next = (elist_t *)bbh_item(hrec, BBH_DATA); bbh_set_item(hrec, BBH_DATA, (void *)lwalk); } /* See if we already have an event past the "totime" value */ if (lwalk->head) { addrec = 0; ed = lwalk->head; while (ed && (ed->event->eventtime < totime)) ed = ed->next; if (ed) { ed->next = NULL; lwalk->tail = ed; } else { ed = (ed_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(ed_t)); ed->event = (event_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(event_t)); lwalk->tail->next = ed; ed->event->host = hrec; ed->event->service = srec; ed->event->eventtime = totime; ed->event->changetime = lwalk->tail->event->eventtime; ed->event->duration = (totime - lwalk->tail->event->eventtime); ed->event->newcolor = -1; ed->event->oldcolor = lwalk->tail->event->newcolor; ed->event->next = NULL; ed->next = NULL; lwalk->tail = ed; } } else if (lastchange < totime) { ed = (ed_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(ed_t)); ed->event = (event_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(event_t)); ed->event->host = hrec; ed->event->service = srec; ed->event->eventtime = totime; ed->event->changetime = (lwalk->tail ? lwalk->tail->event->eventtime : fromtime); ed->event->duration = (totime - ed->event->changetime); ed->event->newcolor = color; ed->event->oldcolor = (lwalk->tail ? lwalk->tail->event->newcolor : color); ed->event->next = NULL; ed->next = NULL; lwalk->head = lwalk->tail = ed; } } nextrecord: bol = (eol ? eol+1 : NULL); } freesendreturnbuf(bdata); } else { errprintf("Cannot get the current state\n"); freesendreturnbuf(bdata); return; } if (debug) { printf("\n\nEventtree after pseudo-events\n\n"); dump_eventtree(); } /* * Fixup the beginning-time (and duration) of the first events recorded. * This is to handle events that begin BEFORE our event-logging period. * Fixup the end-time (and duration) of the last events recorded. * This is to handle events that end AFTER our event-logging period. */ for (hwalk = first_host(); (hwalk); hwalk = next_host(hwalk, 0)) { elist_t *lwalk; event_t *erec; ed_t *ewalk; lwalk = (elist_t *)bbh_item(hwalk, BBH_DATA); while (lwalk) { if (lwalk->head) { erec = lwalk->head->event; if (erec->changetime > totime) { /* First event is after our start-time. Drop the events */ lwalk->head = lwalk->tail = NULL; } else if (erec->changetime < fromtime) { /* First event is before our start-time. Adjust to starttime. */ erec->changetime = fromtime; erec->duration = (erec->eventtime - fromtime); } ewalk = lwalk->head; while (ewalk && (ewalk->event->eventtime < totime)) ewalk = ewalk->next; if (ewalk) { lwalk->tail = ewalk; lwalk->tail->next = 0; } if (lwalk->tail) { erec = lwalk->tail->event; if (erec->eventtime > totime) { /* Last event is after our end-time. Adjust to end-time */ erec->eventtime = totime; erec->duration = (totime - erec->changetime); } } } lwalk = lwalk->next; } } if (debug) { printf("\n\nEventtree after fixups\n\n"); dump_eventtree(); } for (hwalk = first_host(); (hwalk); hwalk = next_host(hwalk, 0)) { countlist_t *hrec, *srec; hrec = (countlist_t *)malloc(sizeof(countlist_t)); hrec->src = hwalk; hrec->total = 0; hrec->next = *hostcounthead; *hostcounthead = hrec; lwalk = (elist_t *)bbh_item(hwalk, BBH_DATA); while (lwalk) { for (srec = *svccounthead; (srec && (srec->src != (void *)lwalk->svc)); srec = srec->next) ; if (!srec) { srec = (countlist_t *)malloc(sizeof(countlist_t)); srec->src = (void *)lwalk->svc; srec->total = 0; srec->next = *svccounthead; *svccounthead = srec; } if (lwalk->head) { ed_t *ewalk = lwalk->head; while (ewalk) { if (ewalk->event->oldcolor >= COL_YELLOW) { hrec->total += ewalk->event->duration; srec->total += ewalk->event->duration; } ewalk = ewalk->next; } } lwalk = lwalk->next; } } if (debug) dump_countlists(*hostcounthead, *svccounthead); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int argi; struct sigaction sa; namelist_t *hostwalk; time_t nexttimeout; for (argi=1; (argi < argc); argi++) { if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--server=")) { char *p = strchr(argv[argi], '='); serverip = strdup(p+1); } else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--interval=")) { char *p = strchr(argv[argi], '='); pollinterval = atoi(p+1); } else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--log-interval=")) { char *p = strchr(argv[argi], '='); errorloginterval = atoi(p+1); } else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--id=")) { char *p = strchr(argv[argi], '='); serverid = atoi(p+1); } else if (strcmp(argv[argi], "--debug") == 0) { debug = 1; } } setup_signalhandler("hobbitfetch"); memset(&sa, 0, sizeof(sa)); sa.sa_handler = sigmisc_handler; sigaction(SIGHUP, &sa, NULL); sigaction(SIGTERM, &sa, NULL); sigaction(SIGUSR1, &sa, NULL); /* SIGUSR1 triggers logging of active requests */ clients = rbtNew(name_compare); nexttimeout = time(NULL) + 60; { /* Seed the random number generator */ struct timeval tv; struct timezone tz; gettimeofday(&tv, &tz); srandom(tv.tv_usec); } do { RbtIterator handle; conn_t *connwalk, *cprev; fd_set fdread, fdwrite; int n, maxfd; struct timeval tmo; time_t now; now = time(NULL); if (now > reloadtime) { /* Time to reload the bb-hosts file */ reloadtime = now + 600; load_hostnames(xgetenv("BBHOSTS"), NULL, get_fqdn()); for (hostwalk = first_host(); (hostwalk); hostwalk = hostwalk->next) { char *hname; clients_t *newclient; if (!bbh_item(hostwalk, BBH_FLAG_PULLDATA)) continue; hname = bbh_item(hostwalk, BBH_HOSTNAME); handle = rbtFind(clients, hname); if (handle == rbtEnd(clients)) { newclient = (clients_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(clients_t)); newclient->hostname = strdup(hname); rbtInsert(clients, newclient->hostname, newclient); whentoqueue = now; } } } now = time(NULL); if (now > nexttimeout) { /* Check for connections that have timed out */ nexttimeout = now + 60; for (connwalk = chead; (connwalk); connwalk = connwalk->next) { if ((connwalk->tstamp + 60) < now) { if (debug || (connwalk->client->nexterrortxt < now)) { errprintf("Timeout while talking to %s (req %lu): Aborting session\n", addrstring(&connwalk->caddr), connwalk->seq); connwalk->client->nexterrortxt = now + errorloginterval; } flag_cleanup(connwalk); } } } if (needcleanup) { /* Remove any finished requests */ needcleanup = 0; connwalk = chead; cprev = NULL; dbgprintf("Doing cleanup\n"); while (connwalk) { conn_t *zombie; if ((connwalk->action == C_READING) || (connwalk->action == C_WRITING)) { /* Active connection - skip to the next conn_t record */ cprev = connwalk; connwalk = connwalk->next; continue; } if (connwalk->action == C_CLEANUP) { if (connwalk->ctype == C_CLIENT) { /* * Finished getting data from a client, * flag idle and set next poll time. */ connwalk->client->busy = 0; set_polltime(connwalk->client); } else if (connwalk->ctype == C_SERVER) { /* Nothing needed for server cleanups */ } } /* Unlink the request from the list of active connections */ zombie = connwalk; if (cprev == NULL) { chead = zombie->next; connwalk = chead; cprev = NULL; } else { cprev->next = zombie->next; connwalk = zombie->next; } /* Purge the zombie */ dbgprintf("Request completed: req %lu, peer %s, action was %d, type was %d\n", zombie->seq, addrstring(&zombie->caddr), zombie->action, zombie->ctype); close(zombie->sockfd); freestrbuffer(zombie->msgbuf); xfree(zombie); } /* Set the tail pointer correctly */ ctail = chead; if (ctail) { while (ctail->next) ctail = ctail->next; } } if (dumpsessions) { /* Set by SIGUSR1 - dump the list of active requests */ dumpsessions = 0; for (connwalk = chead; (connwalk); connwalk = connwalk->next) { char *ctypestr, *actionstr; char timestr[30]; switch (connwalk->ctype) { case C_CLIENT: ctypestr = "client"; break; case C_SERVER: ctypestr = "server"; break; } switch (connwalk->action) { case C_READING: actionstr = "reading"; break; case C_WRITING: actionstr = "writing"; break; case C_CLEANUP: actionstr = "cleanup"; break; } strftime(timestr, sizeof(timestr), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime(&connwalk->tstamp)); errprintf("Request %lu: state %s/%s, peer %s, started %s (%lu secs ago)\n", connwalk->seq, ctypestr, actionstr, addrstring(&connwalk->caddr), timestr, (now - connwalk->tstamp)); } } now = time(NULL); if (now >= whentoqueue) { /* Scan host-tree for clients we need to contact */ for (handle = rbtBegin(clients); (handle != rbtEnd(clients)); handle = rbtNext(clients, handle)) { clients_t *clientwalk; char msgline[100]; strbuffer_t *request; char *pullstr, *ip; int port; clientwalk = (clients_t *)gettreeitem(clients, handle); if (clientwalk->busy) continue; if (clientwalk->nextpoll > now) continue; /* Deleted hosts stay in our tree - but should disappear from the known hosts */ hostwalk = hostinfo(clientwalk->hostname); if (!hostwalk) continue; pullstr = bbh_item(hostwalk, BBH_FLAG_PULLDATA); if (!pullstr) continue; ip = strchr(pullstr, '='); port = atoi(xgetenv("BBPORT")); if (!ip) { ip = strdup(bbh_item(hostwalk, BBH_IP)); } else { /* There is an explicit IP setting in the pulldata tag */ char *p; ip++; /* Skip the '=' */ ip = strdup(ip); p = strchr(ip, ':'); if (p) { *p = '\0'; port = atoi(p+1); } if (*ip == '\0') { /* No IP given, just a port number */ xfree(ip); ip = strdup(bbh_item(hostwalk, BBH_IP)); } } if (strcmp(ip, "") == 0) { struct hostent *hent; xfree(ip); ip = NULL; hent = gethostbyname(clientwalk->hostname); if (hent) { struct in_addr addr; memcpy(&addr, *(hent->h_addr_list), sizeof(addr)); ip = strdup(inet_ntoa(addr)); } } if (!ip) continue; /* * Build the "pullclient" request, which includes the latest * clientdata config we got from the server. Keep the clientdata * here - we send "pullclient" requests more often that we actually * contact the server, but we should provide the config data always. */ request = newstrbuffer(0); sprintf(msgline, "pullclient %d\n", serverid); addtobuffer(request, msgline); if (clientwalk->clientdata) addtobuffer(request, clientwalk->clientdata); /* Put the request on the connection queue */ addrequest(C_CLIENT, ip, port, request, clientwalk); clientwalk->busy = 1; xfree(ip); } } /* Handle request queue */ FD_ZERO(&fdread); FD_ZERO(&fdwrite); maxfd = -1; for (connwalk = chead; (connwalk); connwalk = connwalk->next) { switch (connwalk->action) { case C_READING: FD_SET(connwalk->sockfd, &fdread); if (connwalk->sockfd > maxfd) maxfd = connwalk->sockfd; break; case C_WRITING: FD_SET(connwalk->sockfd, &fdwrite); if (connwalk->sockfd > maxfd) maxfd = connwalk->sockfd; break; case C_CLEANUP: break; } } /* Do select with a 1 second timeout */ tmo.tv_sec = 1; tmo.tv_usec = 0; n = select(maxfd+1, &fdread, &fdwrite, NULL, &tmo); if (n == -1) { if (errno == EINTR) continue; /* Interrupted, e.g. a SIGHUP */ /* This is a "cannot-happen" failure. Bail out */ errprintf("select failure: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return 0; } if (n == 0) continue; /* Timeout */ for (connwalk = chead; (connwalk); connwalk = connwalk->next) { switch (connwalk->action) { case C_READING: if (FD_ISSET(connwalk->sockfd, &fdread)) grabdata(connwalk); break; case C_WRITING: if (FD_ISSET(connwalk->sockfd, &fdwrite)) senddata(connwalk); break; case C_CLEANUP: break; } } } while (running); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { void *hwalk; char *bbhostsfn = NULL; char *netstring = NULL; char *include2 = NULL; int extras = 1; int testuntagged = 0; int nodownhosts = 0; int onlypreferredentry = 0; char *p; char **lookv; int argi, lookc; strbuffer_t *wantedtags; if ((argc <= 1) || (strcmp(argv[1], "--help") == 0)) { printf("Usage:\n%s test1 [test1] [test2] ... \n", argv[0]); exit(1); } lookv = (char **)malloc(argc*sizeof(char *)); lookc = 0; bbhostsfn = xgetenv("BBHOSTS"); conncolumn = xgetenv("PINGCOLUMN"); for (argi=1; (argi < argc); argi++) { if (strcmp(argv[argi], "--noextras") == 0) { extras = 0; } else if (strcmp(argv[argi], "--test-untagged") == 0) { testuntagged = 1; } else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--no-down")) { char *p; nodownhosts = 1; p = strchr(argv[argi], '='); if (p) testcolumn = strdup(p+1); } else if (strcmp(argv[argi], "--version") == 0) { printf("bbhostgrep version %s\n", VERSION); exit(0); } else if (strcmp(argv[argi], "--bbnet") == 0) { include2 = "netinclude"; onlypreferredentry = 0; } else if (strcmp(argv[argi], "--bbdisp") == 0) { include2 = "dispinclude"; onlypreferredentry = 1; } else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--bbhosts=")) { bbhostsfn = strchr(argv[argi], '=') + 1; } else { lookv[lookc] = strdup(argv[argi]); lookc++; } } lookv[lookc] = NULL; if ((bbhostsfn == NULL) || (strlen(bbhostsfn) == 0)) { errprintf("Environment variable BBHOSTS is not set - aborting\n"); exit(2); } load_hostnames(bbhostsfn, include2, get_fqdn()); if (first_host() == NULL) { errprintf("Cannot load bb-hosts, or file is empty\n"); exit(3); } /* If we must avoid downed or disabled hosts, let's find out what those are */ if (nodownhosts) load_hoststatus(); /* Each network test tagged with NET:locationname */ p = xgetenv("BBLOCATION"); if (p && strlen(p)) netstring = strdup(p); hwalk = first_host(); wantedtags = newstrbuffer(0); while (hwalk) { char hostip[IP_ADDR_STRLEN]; char *curnet = bbh_item(hwalk, BBH_NET); char *curname = bbh_item(hwalk, BBH_HOSTNAME); /* * Only look at the hosts whose NET: definition matches the wanted one. * Must also check if the host is currently down (not responding to ping). * And if the host is OK with knownhost(), because it may be time-limited. */ if (netok(netstring, curnet, testuntagged) && downok(curname, nodownhosts) && knownhost(curname, hostip, 1)) { char *item; clearstrbuffer(wantedtags); for (item = bbh_item_walk(hwalk); (item); item = bbh_item_walk(NULL)) { int i; char *realitem = item + strspn(item, "!~?"); for (i=0; lookv[i]; i++) { char *outitem = NULL; if (lookv[i][strlen(lookv[i])-1] == '*') { if (strncasecmp(realitem, lookv[i], strlen(lookv[i])-1) == 0) { outitem = (extras ? item : realitem); } } else if (strcasecmp(realitem, lookv[i]) == 0) { outitem = (extras ? item : realitem); } if (outitem) { int needquotes = ((strchr(outitem, ' ') != NULL) || (strchr(outitem, '\t') != NULL)); addtobuffer(wantedtags, " "); if (needquotes) addtobuffer(wantedtags, "\""); addtobuffer(wantedtags, outitem); if (needquotes) addtobuffer(wantedtags, "\""); } } } if (STRBUF(wantedtags) && (*STRBUF(wantedtags) != '\0') && extras) { if (bbh_item(hwalk, BBH_FLAG_DIALUP)) addtobuffer(wantedtags, " dialup"); if (bbh_item(hwalk, BBH_FLAG_TESTIP)) addtobuffer(wantedtags, " testip"); } if (STRBUF(wantedtags) && *STRBUF(wantedtags)) { printf("%s %s #%s\n", bbh_item(hwalk, BBH_IP), bbh_item(hwalk, BBH_HOSTNAME), STRBUF(wantedtags)); } } do { hwalk = next_host(hwalk, 1); } while (hwalk && onlypreferredentry && (strcmp(curname, bbh_item(hwalk, BBH_HOSTNAME)) == 0)); } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char histlogfn[PATH_MAX]; FILE *fd; char textrepfullfn[PATH_MAX], textrepfn[1024], textrepurl[PATH_MAX]; FILE *textrep; reportinfo_t repinfo; int argi; char *envarea = NULL; namelist_t *hinfo; for (argi=1; (argi < argc); argi++) { if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--env=")) { char *p = strchr(argv[argi], '='); loadenv(p+1, envarea); } else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--area=")) { char *p = strchr(argv[argi], '='); envarea = strdup(p+1); } } redirect_cgilog("bb-replog"); cgidata = cgi_request(); parse_query(); load_hostnames(xgetenv("BBHOSTS"), NULL, get_fqdn()); if ((hinfo = hostinfo(hostname)) == NULL) { errormsg("No such host"); return 1; } ip = bbh_item(hinfo, BBH_IP); displayname = bbh_item(hinfo, BBH_DISPLAYNAME); if (!displayname) displayname = hostname; sprintf(histlogfn, "%s/%s.%s", xgetenv("BBHIST"), commafy(hostname), service); fd = fopen(histlogfn, "r"); if (fd == NULL) { errormsg("Cannot open history file"); } color = parse_historyfile(fd, &repinfo, hostname, service, st, end, 0, reportwarnlevel, reportgreenlevel, reporttime); fclose(fd); sprintf(textrepfn, "avail-%s-%s-%u-%u.txt", hostname, service, (unsigned int)time(NULL), (int)getpid()); sprintf(textrepfullfn, "%s/%s", xgetenv("BBREP"), textrepfn); sprintf(textrepurl, "%s/%s", xgetenv("BBREPURL"), textrepfn); textrep = fopen(textrepfullfn, "w"); /* Now generate the webpage */ printf("Content-Type: %s\n\n", xgetenv("HTMLCONTENTTYPE")); generate_replog(stdout, textrep, textrepurl, hostname, service, color, style, ip, displayname, st, end, reportwarnlevel, reportgreenlevel, &repinfo); if (textrep) fclose(textrep); return 0; }
void generate_compactitems(state_t **topstate) { void *bbh; compact_t **complist = NULL; int complistsz = 0; hostlist_t *h; entry_t *e; char *compacted; char *tok1, *tok2, *savep1, *savep2; compact_t *itm; int i; state_t *newstate; time_t now = getcurrenttime(NULL); for (h = hostlistBegin(); (h); h = hostlistNext()) { bbh = hostinfo(h->hostentry->hostname); compacted = bbh_item(bbh, BBH_COMPACT); if (!compacted) continue; tok1 = strtok_r(compacted, ",", &savep1); while (tok1) { char *members; itm = (compact_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(compact_t)); itm->compactname = strdup(strtok_r(tok1, "=", &savep2)); members = strtok_r(NULL, "\n", &savep2); itm->members = (char *)malloc(3 + strlen(members)); sprintf(itm->members, "|%s|", members); if (complistsz == 0) { complist = (compact_t **)calloc(2, sizeof(compact_t *)); } else { complist = (compact_t **)realloc(complist, (complistsz+2)*sizeof(compact_t *)); } complist[complistsz++] = itm; complist[complistsz] = NULL; tok1 = strtok_r(NULL, ",", &savep1); } for (e = h->hostentry->entries; (e); e = e->next) { for (i = 0; (i < complistsz); i++) { if (wantedcolumn(e->column->name, complist[i]->members)) { e->compacted = 1; if (e->color > complist[i]->color) complist[i]->color = e->color; if (e->fileage > complist[i]->fileage) complist[i]->fileage = e->fileage; } } } for (i = 0; (i < complistsz); i++) { logdata_t log; char fn[PATH_MAX]; memset(&log, 0, sizeof(log)); sprintf(fn, "%s.%s", commafy(h->hostentry->hostname), complist[i]->compactname); log.hostname = h->hostentry->hostname; log.testname = complist[i]->compactname; log.color = complist[i]->color; log.testflags = ""; log.lastchange = now - complist[i]->fileage; log.logtime = getcurrenttime(NULL); log.validtime = log.logtime + 300; log.sender = ""; log.msg = ""; newstate = init_state(fn, &log); if (newstate) { newstate->next = *topstate; *topstate = newstate; } } } }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int argi, hosti, testi; char *pagepattern = NULL, *hostpattern = NULL; char *envarea = NULL, *cookie = NULL, *nexthost; char *hobbitcmd, *procscmd, *svcscmd; int alertcolors, alertinterval; char configfn[PATH_MAX]; char *respbuf = NULL, *procsbuf = NULL, *svcsbuf = NULL; hostlist_t *hwalk; htnames_t *twalk; hostlist_t **allhosts = NULL; htnames_t **alltests = NULL; int hostcount = 0, maxtests = 0; time_t now = getcurrenttime(NULL); sendreturn_t *sres; for (argi=1; (argi < argc); argi++) { if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--env=")) { char *p = strchr(argv[argi], '='); loadenv(p+1, envarea); } else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--area=")) { char *p = strchr(argv[argi], '='); envarea = strdup(p+1); } else if (strcmp(argv[argi], "--debug") == 0) { debug = 1; } else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--delimiter=")) { char *p = strchr(argv[argi], '='); coldelim = strdup(p+1); } else if (strcmp(argv[argi], "--critical") == 0) { nkonly = 1; } else if (strcmp(argv[argi], "--old-nk-config") == 0) { newnkconfig = 0; } } redirect_cgilog("hobbit-confreport"); load_hostnames(xgetenv("BBHOSTS"), NULL, get_fqdn()); load_nkconfig(NULL); /* Setup the filter we use for the report */ cookie = get_cookie("pagepath"); if (cookie && *cookie) pagepattern = strdup(cookie); cookie = get_cookie("host"); if (cookie && *cookie) hostpattern = strdup(cookie); /* Fetch the list of host+test statuses we currently know about */ if (pagepattern) { hobbitcmd = (char *)malloc(2*strlen(pagepattern) + 1024); procscmd = (char *)malloc(2*strlen(pagepattern) + 1024); svcscmd = (char *)malloc(2*strlen(pagepattern) + 1024); sprintf(hobbitcmd, "hobbitdboard page=^%s$|^%s/.+ fields=hostname,testname", pagepattern, pagepattern); sprintf(procscmd, "hobbitdboard page=^%s$|^%s/.+ test=procs fields=hostname,msg", pagepattern, pagepattern); sprintf(svcscmd, "hobbitdboard page=^%s$|^%s/.+ test=svcs fields=hostname,msg", pagepattern, pagepattern); } else if (hostpattern) { hobbitcmd = (char *)malloc(strlen(hostpattern) + 1024); procscmd = (char *)malloc(strlen(hostpattern) + 1024); svcscmd = (char *)malloc(strlen(hostpattern) + 1024); sprintf(hobbitcmd, "hobbitdboard host=^%s$ fields=hostname,testname", hostpattern); sprintf(procscmd, "hobbitdboard host=^%s$ test=procs fields=hostname,msg", hostpattern); sprintf(svcscmd, "hobbitdboard host=^%s$ test=svcs fields=hostname,msg", hostpattern); } else { hobbitcmd = (char *)malloc(1024); procscmd = (char *)malloc(1024); svcscmd = (char *)malloc(1024); sprintf(hobbitcmd, "hobbitdboard fields=hostname,testname"); sprintf(procscmd, "hobbitdboard test=procs fields=hostname,msg"); sprintf(svcscmd, "hobbitdboard test=svcs fields=hostname,msg"); } sres = newsendreturnbuf(1, NULL); if (sendmessage(hobbitcmd, NULL, BBTALK_TIMEOUT, sres) != BB_OK) { errormsg("Cannot contact the Hobbit server\n"); return 1; } respbuf = getsendreturnstr(sres, 1); if (sendmessage(procscmd, NULL, BBTALK_TIMEOUT, sres) != BB_OK) { errormsg("Cannot contact the Hobbit server\n"); return 1; } procsbuf = getsendreturnstr(sres, 1); if (sendmessage(svcscmd, NULL, BBTALK_TIMEOUT, sres) != BB_OK) { errormsg("Cannot contact the Hobbit server\n"); return 1; } svcsbuf = getsendreturnstr(sres, 1); freesendreturnbuf(sres); if (!respbuf) { errormsg("Unable to find host information\n"); return 1; } /* Parse it into a usable list */ nexthost = respbuf; do { char *hname, *tname, *eoln; int wanted = 1; eoln = strchr(nexthost, '\n'); if (eoln) *eoln = '\0'; hname = nexthost; tname = strchr(nexthost, '|'); if (tname) { *tname = '\0'; tname++; } if (nkonly) { void *hinfo = hostinfo(hname); char *nkalerts = bbh_item(hinfo, BBH_NK); if (newnkconfig) { if (strcmp(nkval(hname, tname, nkalerts), "No") == 0 ) wanted = 0; } else { if (!nkalerts) wanted = 0; } } if (wanted && hname && tname && strcmp(hname, "summary") && strcmp(tname, xgetenv("INFOCOLUMN")) && strcmp(tname, xgetenv("TRENDSCOLUMN"))) { htnames_t *newitem = (htnames_t *)malloc(sizeof(htnames_t)); for (hwalk = hosthead; (hwalk && strcmp(hwalk->hostname, hname)); hwalk = hwalk->next); if (!hwalk) { hwalk = (hostlist_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(hostlist_t)); hwalk->hostname = strdup(hname); hwalk->procs = get_proclist(hname, procsbuf); hwalk->svcs = get_proclist(hname, svcsbuf); hwalk->next = hosthead; hosthead = hwalk; hostcount++; } newitem->name = strdup(tname); newitem->next = hwalk->tests; hwalk->tests = newitem; hwalk->testcount++; } if (eoln) { nexthost = eoln+1; if (*nexthost == '\0') nexthost = NULL; } } while (nexthost); allhosts = (hostlist_t **) malloc(hostcount * sizeof(hostlist_t *)); for (hwalk = hosthead, hosti=0; (hwalk); hwalk = hwalk->next, hosti++) { allhosts[hosti] = hwalk; if (hwalk->testcount > maxtests) maxtests = hwalk->testcount; } alltests = (htnames_t **) malloc(maxtests * sizeof(htnames_t *)); qsort(&allhosts[0], hostcount, sizeof(hostlist_t **), host_compare); /* Get the static info */ load_all_links(); init_tcp_services(); pingcolumn = xgetenv("PINGCOLUMN"); pingplus = (char *)malloc(strlen(pingcolumn) + 2); sprintf(pingplus, "%s=", pingcolumn); /* Load alert config */ alertcolors = colorset(xgetenv("ALERTCOLORS"), ((1 << COL_GREEN) | (1 << COL_BLUE))); alertinterval = 60*atoi(xgetenv("ALERTREPEAT")); sprintf(configfn, "%s/etc/hobbit-alerts.cfg", xgetenv("BBHOME")); load_alertconfig(configfn, alertcolors, alertinterval); load_columndocs(); printf("Content-Type: %s\n\n", xgetenv("HTMLCONTENTTYPE")); sethostenv("", "", "", colorname(COL_BLUE), NULL); headfoot(stdout, "confreport", "", "header", COL_BLUE); fprintf(stdout, "<table width=\"100%%\" border=0>\n"); fprintf(stdout, "<tr><th align=center colspan=2><font size=\"+2\">Hobbit configuration Report</font></th></tr>\n"); fprintf(stdout, "<tr><th valign=top align=left>Date</th><td>%s</td></tr>\n", ctime(&now)); fprintf(stdout, "<tr><th valign=top align=left>%d hosts included</th><td>\n", hostcount); for (hosti=0; (hosti < hostcount); hosti++) { fprintf(stdout, "%s ", allhosts[hosti]->hostname); } fprintf(stdout, "</td></tr>\n"); if (nkonly) { fprintf(stdout, "<tr><th valign=top align=left>Filter</th><td>Only data for the "Critical Systems" view reported</td></tr>\n"); } fprintf(stdout, "</table>\n"); headfoot(stdout, "confreport", "", "front", COL_BLUE); for (hosti=0; (hosti < hostcount); hosti++) { for (twalk = allhosts[hosti]->tests, testi = 0; (twalk); twalk = twalk->next, testi++) { alltests[testi] = twalk; } qsort(&alltests[0], allhosts[hosti]->testcount, sizeof(htnames_t **), test_compare); print_host(allhosts[hosti], alltests, allhosts[hosti]->testcount); } headfoot(stdout, "confreport", "", "back", COL_BLUE); print_columndocs(); headfoot(stdout, "confreport", "", "footer", COL_BLUE); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { void *hwalk; int argi; strbuffer_t *statusmsg, *jrockout, *qout; for (argi = 1; (argi < argc); argi++) { if ((strcmp(argv[argi], "--help") == 0)) { printf("beastat version %s\n\n", VERSION); printf("Usage:\n%s [--debug] [--no-update] [--port=SNMPPORT] [--community=SNMPCOMMUNITY]\n", argv[0]); exit(0); } else if ((strcmp(argv[argi], "--version") == 0)) { printf("beastat version %s\n", VERSION); exit(0); } else if ((strcmp(argv[argi], "--debug") == 0)) { debug = 1; } else if ((strcmp(argv[argi], "--no-update") == 0)) { dontsendmessages = 1; } else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--timeout=")) { char *p = strchr(argv[argi], '='); extcmdtimeout = atoi(p+1); } else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--port=")) { char *p = strchr(argv[argi], '='); default_port = atoi(p+1); } else if (argnmatch(argv[argi], "--community=")) { char *p = strchr(argv[argi], '='); default_community = strdup(p+1); } } load_hostnames(xgetenv("BBHOSTS"), "netinclude", get_fqdn()); if (first_host() == NULL) { errprintf("Cannot load bb-hosts\n"); return 1; } if (xgetenv("BBLOCATION")) location = strdup(xgetenv("BBLOCATION")); init_timestamp(); combo_start(); statusmsg = newstrbuffer(0); jrockout = newstrbuffer(0); qout = newstrbuffer(0); for (hwalk = first_host(); (hwalk); hwalk = next_host(hwalk, 0)) { char *tspec = bbh_custom_item(hwalk, "bea="); char *snmpcommunity = default_community; char *beadomain = ""; int snmpport = default_port; char *p; char pipecmd[4096]; int jrockres, qres; clearstrbuffer(statusmsg); clearstrbuffer(jrockout); clearstrbuffer(qout); /* Check if we have a "bea" test for this host, and it is a host we want to test */ if (!tspec || !wanted_host(hwalk, location)) continue; /* Parse the testspec: bea=[SNMPCOMMUNITY@]BEADOMAIN[:SNMPPORT] */ tspec = strdup(tspec+strlen("bea=")); p = strchr(tspec, ':'); if (p) { *p = '\0'; snmpport = atoi(p+1); } p = strchr(tspec, '@'); if (p) { *p = '\0'; snmpcommunity = strdup(tspec); beadomain = strdup(p+1); } else { beadomain = strdup(tspec); } /* Prepare for the host status */ statuscolor = COL_GREEN; /* Setup the snmpwalk pipe-command for jrockit stats */ sprintf(pipecmd, "snmpwalk -m BEA-WEBLOGIC-MIB -c %s@%s -v 1 %s:%d enterprises.140.625.302.1", snmpcommunity, beadomain, bbh_item(hwalk, BBH_IP), snmpport); jrockres = run_command(pipecmd, NULL, jrockout, 0, extcmdtimeout); if (jrockres == 0) { find_idxes(STRBUF(jrockout), "BEA-WEBLOGIC-MIB::jrockitRuntimeIndex."); send_data(hwalk, beadomain, STRBUF(jrockout), jrockitems); } else { if (statuscolor < COL_YELLOW) statuscolor = COL_YELLOW; sprintf(msgline, "Could not retrieve BEA jRockit statistics from %s:%d domain %s (code %d)\n", bbh_item(hwalk, BBH_IP), snmpport, beadomain, jrockres); addtobuffer(statusmsg, msgline); } /* Setup the snmpwalk pipe-command for executeQueur stats */ sprintf(pipecmd, "snmpwalk -m BEA-WEBLOGIC-MIB -c %s@%s -v 1 %s:%d enterprises.140.625.180.1", snmpcommunity, beadomain, bbh_item(hwalk, BBH_IP), snmpport); qres = run_command(pipecmd, NULL, qout, 0, extcmdtimeout); if (qres == 0) { find_idxes(STRBUF(qout), "BEA-WEBLOGIC-MIB::executeQueueRuntimeIndex."); send_data(hwalk, beadomain, STRBUF(qout), qitems); } else { if (statuscolor < COL_YELLOW) statuscolor = COL_YELLOW; sprintf(msgline, "Could not retrieve BEA executeQueue statistics from %s:%d domain %s (code %d)\n", bbh_item(hwalk, BBH_IP), snmpport, beadomain, qres); addtobuffer(statusmsg, msgline); } /* FUTURE: Have the statuscolor/statusmsg be updated to check against thresholds */ /* Right now, the "bea" status is always green */ init_status(statuscolor); sprintf(msgline, "status %s.%s %s %s\n\n", commafy(bbh_item(hwalk, BBH_HOSTNAME)), "bea", colorname(statuscolor), timestamp); addtostatus(msgline); if (STRBUFLEN(statusmsg) == 0) addtobuffer(statusmsg, "All BEA monitors OK\n"); addtostrstatus(statusmsg); finish_status(); } combo_end(); freestrbuffer(statusmsg); freestrbuffer(jrockout); freestrbuffer(qout); return 0; }
void send_alert(activealerts_t *alert, FILE *logfd) { recip_t *recip; int first = 1; int alertcount = 0; time_t now = getcurrenttime(NULL); char *alerttxt[A_DEAD+1] = { "Paging", "Acked", "Recovered", "Notify", "Dead" }; dbgprintf("send_alert %s:%s state %d\n", alert->hostname, alert->testname, (int)alert->state); traceprintf("send_alert %s:%s state %s\n", alert->hostname, alert->testname, alerttxt[alert->state]); stoprulefound = 0; while (!stoprulefound && ((recip = next_recipient(alert, &first, NULL, NULL)) != NULL)) { /* If this is an "UNMATCHED" rule, ignore it if we have already sent out some alert */ if (recip->unmatchedonly && (alertcount != 0)) { traceprintf("Recipient '%s' dropped, not unmatched (count=%d)\n", recip->recipient, alertcount); continue; } if (recip->noalerts && ((alert->state == A_PAGING) || (alert->state == A_RECOVERED))) { traceprintf("Recipient '%s' dropped (NOALERT)\n", recip->recipient); continue; } if (recip->method == M_IGNORE) { traceprintf("IGNORE rule found\n"); continue; } if (alert->state == A_PAGING) { repeat_t *rpt = NULL; /* * This runs in a child-process context, so the record we * might create here is NOT used later on. */ rpt = find_repeatinfo(alert, recip, 1); if (!rpt) continue; /* Happens for e.g. M_IGNORE recipients */ dbgprintf(" repeat %s at %d\n", rpt->recipid, rpt->nextalert); if (rpt->nextalert > now) { traceprintf("Recipient '%s' dropped, next alert due at %ld > %ld\n", rpt->recipid, (long)rpt->nextalert, (long)now); continue; } alertcount++; } else if (alert->state == A_RECOVERED) { /* RECOVERED messages require that we've sent out an alert before */ repeat_t *rpt = NULL; rpt = find_repeatinfo(alert, recip, 0); if (!rpt) continue; alertcount++; } dbgprintf(" Alert for %s:%s to %s\n", alert->hostname, alert->testname, recip->recipient); switch (recip->method) { case M_IGNORE: break; case M_MAIL: { char cmd[32768]; char *mailsubj; FILE *mailpipe; MEMDEFINE(cmd); mailsubj = message_subject(alert, recip); if (mailsubj) { if (xgetenv("MAIL")) sprintf(cmd, "%s \"%s\" ", xgetenv("MAIL"), mailsubj); else if (xgetenv("MAILC")) sprintf(cmd, "%s -s \"%s\" ", xgetenv("MAILC"), mailsubj); else sprintf(cmd, "mail -s \"%s\" ", mailsubj); } else { if (xgetenv("MAILC")) sprintf(cmd, "%s ", xgetenv("MAILC")); else sprintf(cmd, "mail "); } strcat(cmd, recip->recipient); traceprintf("Mail alert with command '%s'\n", cmd); if (testonly) { MEMUNDEFINE(cmd); break; } mailpipe = popen(cmd, "w"); if (mailpipe) { fprintf(mailpipe, "%s", message_text(alert, recip)); pclose(mailpipe); if (logfd) { init_timestamp(); fprintf(logfd, "%s %s.%s (%s) %s[%d] %ld %d", timestamp, alert->hostname, alert->testname, alert->ip, recip->recipient, recip->cfid, (long)now, servicecode(alert->testname)); if (alert->state == A_RECOVERED) { fprintf(logfd, " %ld\n", (long)(now - alert->eventstart)); } else { fprintf(logfd, "\n"); } fflush(logfd); } } else { errprintf("ERROR: Cannot open command pipe for '%s' - alert lost!\n", cmd); traceprintf("Mail pipe failed - alert lost\n"); } MEMUNDEFINE(cmd); } break; case M_SCRIPT: { pid_t scriptpid; traceprintf("Script alert with command '%s' and recipient %s\n", recip->scriptname, recip->recipient); if (testonly) break; scriptpid = fork(); if (scriptpid == 0) { /* Setup all of the environment for a paging script */ void *hinfo; char *p; int ip1=0, ip2=0, ip3=0, ip4=0; char *bbalphamsg, *ackcode, *rcpt, *bbhostname, *bbhostsvc, *bbhostsvccommas, *bbnumeric, *machip, *bbsvcname, *bbsvcnum, *bbcolorlevel, *recovered, *downsecs, *eventtstamp, *downsecsmsg, *cfidtxt; char *alertid, *alertidenv; int msglen; cfidtxt = (char *)malloc(strlen("CFID=") + 10); sprintf(cfidtxt, "CFID=%d", recip->cfid); putenv(cfidtxt); p = message_text(alert, recip); msglen = strlen(p); if (msglen > MAX_ALERTMSG_SCRIPTS) { dbgprintf("Cropping large alert message from %d to %d bytes\n", msglen, MAX_ALERTMSG_SCRIPTS); msglen = MAX_ALERTMSG_SCRIPTS; } msglen += strlen("BBALPHAMSG="); bbalphamsg = (char *)malloc(msglen + 1); snprintf(bbalphamsg, msglen, "BBALPHAMSG=%s", p); putenv(bbalphamsg); ackcode = (char *)malloc(strlen("ACKCODE=") + 10); sprintf(ackcode, "ACKCODE=%d", alert->cookie); putenv(ackcode); rcpt = (char *)malloc(strlen("RCPT=") + strlen(recip->recipient) + 1); sprintf(rcpt, "RCPT=%s", recip->recipient); putenv(rcpt); bbhostname = (char *)malloc(strlen("BBHOSTNAME=") + strlen(alert->hostname) + 1); sprintf(bbhostname, "BBHOSTNAME=%s", alert->hostname); putenv(bbhostname); bbhostsvc = (char *)malloc(strlen("BBHOSTSVC=") + strlen(alert->hostname) + 1 + strlen(alert->testname) + 1); sprintf(bbhostsvc, "BBHOSTSVC=%s.%s", alert->hostname, alert->testname); putenv(bbhostsvc); bbhostsvccommas = (char *)malloc(strlen("BBHOSTSVCCOMMAS=") + strlen(alert->hostname) + 1 + strlen(alert->testname) + 1); sprintf(bbhostsvccommas, "BBHOSTSVCCOMMAS=%s.%s", commafy(alert->hostname), alert->testname); putenv(bbhostsvccommas); bbnumeric = (char *)malloc(strlen("BBNUMERIC=") + 22 + 1); p = bbnumeric; p += sprintf(p, "BBNUMERIC="); p += sprintf(p, "%03d", servicecode(alert->testname)); sscanf(alert->ip, "%d.%d.%d.%d", &ip1, &ip2, &ip3, &ip4); p += sprintf(p, "%03d%03d%03d%03d", ip1, ip2, ip3, ip4); p += sprintf(p, "%d", alert->cookie); putenv(bbnumeric); machip = (char *)malloc(strlen("MACHIP=") + 13); sprintf(machip, "MACHIP=%03d%03d%03d%03d", ip1, ip2, ip3, ip4); putenv(machip); bbsvcname = (char *)malloc(strlen("BBSVCNAME=") + strlen(alert->testname) + 1); sprintf(bbsvcname, "BBSVCNAME=%s", alert->testname); putenv(bbsvcname); bbsvcnum = (char *)malloc(strlen("BBSVCNUM=") + 10); sprintf(bbsvcnum, "BBSVCNUM=%d", servicecode(alert->testname)); putenv(bbsvcnum); bbcolorlevel = (char *)malloc(strlen("BBCOLORLEVEL=") + strlen(colorname(alert->color)) + 1); sprintf(bbcolorlevel, "BBCOLORLEVEL=%s", colorname(alert->color)); putenv(bbcolorlevel); recovered = (char *)malloc(strlen("RECOVERED=") + 2); sprintf(recovered, "RECOVERED=%d", ((alert->state == A_RECOVERED) ? 1 : 0)); putenv(recovered); downsecs = (char *)malloc(strlen("DOWNSECS=") + 20); sprintf(downsecs, "DOWNSECS=%ld", (long)(getcurrenttime(NULL) - alert->eventstart)); putenv(downsecs); eventtstamp = (char *)malloc(strlen("EVENTSTART=") + 20); sprintf(eventtstamp, "EVENTSTART=%ld", (long)alert->eventstart); putenv(eventtstamp); if (alert->state == A_RECOVERED) { downsecsmsg = (char *)malloc(strlen("DOWNSECSMSG=Event duration :") + 20); sprintf(downsecsmsg, "DOWNSECSMSG=Event duration : %ld", (long)(getcurrenttime(NULL) - alert->eventstart)); } else { downsecsmsg = strdup("DOWNSECSMSG="); } putenv(downsecsmsg); alertid = make_alertid(alert->hostname, alert->testname, alert->eventstart); alertidenv = (char *)malloc(strlen("ALERTID=") + strlen(alertid) + 10); sprintf(alertidenv, "ALERTID=%s", alertid); putenv(alertidenv); hinfo = hostinfo(alert->hostname); if (hinfo) { enum bbh_item_t walk; char *itm, *id, *bbhenv; for (walk = 0; (walk < BBH_LAST); walk++) { itm = bbh_item(hinfo, walk); id = bbh_item_id(walk); if (itm && id) { bbhenv = (char *)malloc(strlen(id) + strlen(itm) + 2); sprintf(bbhenv, "%s=%s", id, itm); putenv(bbhenv); } } } /* The child starts the script */ execlp(recip->scriptname, recip->scriptname, NULL); errprintf("Could not launch paging script %s: %s\n", recip->scriptname, strerror(errno)); exit(0); } else if (scriptpid > 0) { /* Parent waits for child to complete */ int childstat; wait(&childstat); if (WIFEXITED(childstat) && (WEXITSTATUS(childstat) != 0)) { errprintf("Paging script %s terminated with status %d\n", recip->scriptname, WEXITSTATUS(childstat)); } else if (WIFSIGNALED(childstat)) { errprintf("Paging script %s terminated by signal %d\n", recip->scriptname, WTERMSIG(childstat)); } if (logfd) { init_timestamp(); fprintf(logfd, "%s %s.%s (%s) %s %ld %d", timestamp, alert->hostname, alert->testname, alert->ip, recip->recipient, (long)now, servicecode(alert->testname)); if (alert->state == A_RECOVERED) { fprintf(logfd, " %ld\n", (long)(now - alert->eventstart)); } else { fprintf(logfd, "\n"); } fflush(logfd); } } else { errprintf("ERROR: Fork failed to launch script '%s' - alert lost\n", recip->scriptname); traceprintf("Script fork failed - alert lost\n"); } } break; } } }