/* A very simple binary search function on an ordered array.  */
int belongs( int el, int *v, int low, int high )

    /* Variable containing the index of the middle element.  */
    int mid;

    if ( high < low || low > high ) {
        /* Element not found or invalid initial input of low and high
         * variables.  */
        mid = -1;
        return mid;
    } else {

        /* Check if array is ordered within every function call.  */
        assert( isArrayOrdered( v, low, high ) );

        mid = ( low + high ) / 2;

        if ( v[mid] == el )
            return mid;
        /* v[mid : 1 : high] > el && v[low : 1 : mid - 1] <= el  */
        else if ( v[mid] > el )
            return ( belongs( el, v, low, mid - 1 ) );
        /* v[low : 1 : mid ] < el && v[mid + 1 : 1 : high] >= el  */
        else if ( v[mid] < el )
            return ( belongs( el, v, mid + 1, high ) );

    /* This part of the function is never reached.  */

    return -1;

Esempio n. 2
void fighting(const PUnit* a, const PUnit* b, PCommand &cmd) //单位a对单位b发起进攻
    Operation op;
    op.id = a->id;

    vector<const PSkill*> useSkill;
    for (int i = 0; i < a->skills.size(); ++i)
        const PSkill* ptr = &a->skills[i];
        if (ptr->isHeroSkill() && a->canUseSkill(ptr->typeId))
            PUnits ptr_foe;
            infectedBySkill(*INFO, a->id, ptr->typeId, ptr_foe); //寻找可用技能
            if (belongs(b->id, ptr_foe) || !strcmp(ptr->name,"Hide") || !strcmp(ptr->name,"PowerUp"))
    if (useSkill.size()) //策略:优先使用技能
        const PSkill* ptr = useSkill[rand()%useSkill.size()];
        op.type = ptr->name;
        if (ptr->needTarget())
    } else
        if (dis2(a->pos, b->pos) <= a->range) //判断单位b是否在攻击范围内
            op.type = "Attack";
        } else
            op.type = "Move";
            findShortestPath(*MAP, a->pos, b->pos, blocks, op.targets);
Esempio n. 3
void fightAlone(const PUnit* ptr, const PPlayerInfo &info, PCommand &cmd)
    info.findUnitInArea(ptr->pos, ptr->view, nearBy); //寻找附近的人
    fixPos[ptr->id] = EMPTYPOS;
    for (int i = 0; i < nearBy.size(); ++i)
        if (unitEvaluation(nearBy[i]->name) > ptr->level ||
                nearBy[i]->camp == ptr->camp ||
                nearBy[i]->pos == Bow_pos[0] || nearBy[i]->pos == Bow_pos[3] ||
    if (nearBy.size()) //策略:若周边有弱小对手则进行攻击
        const PUnit* ptr_foe = fixId[ptr->id]!=EMPTYID ?
                    belongs(fixId[ptr->id], nearBy) : NULL; //判断之前是否锁定过目标
        if (!ptr_foe)
            ptr_foe = nearBy[rand()%nearBy.size()];
            fixId[ptr->id] = ptr_foe->id; //若之前未锁定过目标,随机选定目标
        fighting(ptr, ptr_foe, cmd); //与目标打斗
    } else
        findFoes(ptr, cmd); //若附近没有敌军,在地图中寻找一个
Esempio n. 4
 // UnionMember
 void UnionMember::
 traverse (Type& m)
   pre (m);
   belongs (m);
   name (m);
   post (m);
Esempio n. 5
 // Attribute
 void Attribute::
 traverse (Type& a)
   pre (a);
   belongs (a);
   name (a);
   post (a);
Esempio n. 6
 * Name    : computeAIC_AC                                      *
 * Function: compute absolute inter-connectivity and absolute   *
 *           closeness of two nodes.                            *
 * Input   : struct node * node0 -- pointer to node0.           *
 *           struct node * node1 -- pointer to node1.           *
 *           float * aic -- pointer to the return value for     *
 *                          absolute inter-connectivity.        *
 *           float * ac  -- pointer to the return value for     *
 *                          absolute closeness.                 *
 * Output  :  float                                             *
static int computeAIC_AC(struct node * node0, struct node * node1, float * aic, float * ac){
  int count, i, j;

  count = 0;
  (* aic) = 0.0;
  (* ac) = 0.0;
  /* count the edges from node0 */
  for(i=0; i<node0->numberPoints; i++){
    for(j=0; j<points[node0->points[i]].length; j++){
      if(belongs(node1, points[node0->points[i]].edges[j].pointNO)>0){
	(* aic) = (* aic) + points[node0->points[i]].edges[j].similarity;
      }/* end if */
    }/* end for j */
  }/* end for i */
  /*  printf("!!! aic is %f,", *aic);*/
  /* count the edges from node1 */
  for(i=0; i<node1->numberPoints; i++){
    for(j=0; j<points[node1->points[i]].length; j++){
      if(belongs(node0, points[node1->points[i]].edges[j].pointNO)>0){
	(* aic) = (* aic) + points[node1->points[i]].edges[j].similarity;
      }/* end if */
    }/* end for j */
  }/* end for i */
  /* printf(" aic is %f !!!", *aic);*/

  /*  printf("count is %d, ", count);*/

      (* ac) = (* aic)/((float)count);
      (*ac) = 0;
      (* aic) = 0;

  if(*ac > 10000 || *aic > 10000){
    printf("ac is %e, aic is %e, count is %d \n", (*ac), (*aic), count);

  return 1;
}/* end computeAIC_AC */
Esempio n. 7
 // ReadAttribute
 void ReadAttribute::
 traverse (Type& a)
   pre (a);
   belongs (a);
   name (a);
   get_raises (a);
   post (a);
Esempio n. 8
// loadDictionnary();
// saveDictionnary();
int belongs(Dictionnary d, char* word){/*Marche partiellement.*/
  printf("Lettre courante du dico %c, lettre du mot %c", d->car, word[0]);
  if(word[0] != '*'){
      return 0;
    if(d->car == word[0]){
      return belongs(d->left, word);
    if(word[0] < d->car){
      return 0;
    if(word[0] > d->car){
      return belongs(d->right, word);
  return d->car == word[0];
 //reassign mouths in m to m1 and m2
 inline void splitSingleMouth
 (se_m* m1,se_m* m,const c_diagonal& dia,const Vector2d& n)
 	const Point2d& o=dia.getV1()->getPos();//.v[0];

 	//for each mouth in m
 	typedef list<se_mouth*>::iterator MIT;
 	for( MIT im=m->mouth.begin();im!=m->mouth.end();im++ ){
 		se_mouth * mt=*im;

 		const Point2d& p1=mt->mouth.front();
 		const Point2d& p2=mt->mouth.back();

 		se_m* target=belongs(m1,m1,p1,p2);
 		//mouth mt is not intersected by the cutting line
 		if( target!=NULL ){
 			// Assign the mouth to m1 or m2
 			if( mt->connect[0]==m ) mt->connect[0]=target;
 			else mt->connect[1]=target;
 		//mouth mt is intersected with the cutting line
 		//split a mouth into two and assign the mouth to m1 or m2

 		double u=intersect(p1,p2,o,n);

 		Point2d newp;
 		for(int i=0;i<2;i++) newp[i]=(1-u)*p1[i]+u*p2[i];
 		double dot=(p1-o)*n;
 		const Point2d& up=(dot>0)?p1:p2;
 		const Point2d& down=(dot>0)?p2:p1;

 		double u_d=(up-newp).normsqr();
 		double d_d=(down-newp).normsqr();


 		//if( u_d>d_d ) m1->mouth.push_back(mt);
 		//else  m2->mouth.push_back(mt);
Esempio n. 10
int main(){
	std::unordered_map<int, std::vector<int>> equiv_class;
	std::vector<unsigned long> primes = pe::PrimeSieve<30000>::make_vector();
    for (auto i : primes) {
        for (auto j : primes) {
			if(belongs(j, equiv_class[i])){
				if(equiv_class[i].size() == 5) {
					long ans = std::accumulate(equiv_class[i].begin(),
                                               equiv_class[i].end(), 0);
					std::cout << ans << std::endl;
					return 0;
	return 0;
Esempio n. 11
 void UnionMember::
 belongs (Type& m)
   belongs (m, edge_traverser ());
Esempio n. 12
 void ReadAttribute::
 belongs (Type& a)
   belongs (a, edge_traverser ());
Esempio n. 13
 * This is the interactive menu. It is launched if the number of given args is == 1.
 * @param tab     the array containing the parsed data.
 * @param tab_len the length of the array
 * @param alphab  the pointer to the Liste which will contain the alphabetically-sorted data
static void interactive_menu(Cellule* tab, int tab_len, Liste* alphab) {
    char choice = 0;
    char fname[256];
    char mot[32];
    printf("Index v%s - Menu interactif\n\n", version);
    printf("Entrez le nom du fichier à analyser: ");
    if(scanf("%s", fname) != 1) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Error while reading input\n");
    getchar(); /* removes the \n */
    FILE* tmp;
    if((tmp = fopen(fname, "r")) == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Error: file %s cannot be found.", fname);

    parse_file(tab, tab_len, fname, alphab);
    while(choice != 'q' && choice != EOF) {
            "a - teste l'appartenance d'un mot au fichier\n"
            "p - affiche les positions de mot dans le fichier\n"
            "P - affiche les phrases contenant mot dans le fichier\n"
            "l - affiche l'intégralité ddes mots (triés) présents dans le texte\n"
            "d - affiche l'ensemble des mots du texte ayant pour préfixe mot\n"
            "D - sauvegarde dans un fichier la liste des mots, avec leurs positions\n"
            "q ou ctrl+d - quitter\n"
            "Que voulez vous faire?\n"
        choice = getchar();
        if(choice != EOF)
            getchar(); /* removes the \n */
        #ifdef DEBUG
        printf("Choice: %c (%d)", choice, choice);
        if(choice == 'a'){
            printf("Entrez le mot à rechercher: ");
            if(scanf("%s", mot) != 1) {
                fprintf(stderr, "Error while reading input\n");
            getchar(); /* removes the \n */
            if(belongs(mot, tab, tab_len)) {
                printf("%s appartient à %s\n", mot, fname);
                printf("%s n'appartient pas à %s\n", mot, fname);
        else if(choice == 'p') {
            printf("Entrez le mot à rechercher: ");
            if(scanf("%s", mot) != 1) {
                fprintf(stderr, "Error while reading input\n");
            getchar(); /* removes the \n */
            print_positions(mot, tab, tab_len);
        else if(choice == 'P') {
            printf("Entrez le mot à rechercher: ");
            if(scanf("%s", mot) != 1) {
                fprintf(stderr, "Error while reading input\n");
            getchar(); /* removes the \n */
            print_sentences_containing_word(mot, fname, tab, tab_len);
        else if(choice == 'l') {
        else if(choice =='d') {
            printf("Entrez le mot à rechercher: ");
            if(scanf("%s", mot) != 1) {
                fprintf(stderr, "Error while reading input\n");
            getchar(); /* removes the \n */
            print_all_from_prefix(mot, *alphab);
        else if(choice == 'D') {
            char fsave[256];
            printf("Entrez le nom de fichier dans lequel sauvegarder: ");
            if(scanf("%s", fname) != 1) {
                fprintf(stderr, "Error while reading input\n");
            getchar(); /* removes the \n */
            save_positions_to_file(fsave, *alphab);
        else if(choice == 'q' || choice == EOF) {
            printf("Not a valid choice: %c\n", choice);


Esempio n. 14
int main(int argc, char *argv[])

    const char* optstring = ":ha:p:P:ld:D:";
    const struct option lopts[] = {
        {"help", no_argument, NULL, 'h'},
        {"appartient", required_argument, NULL, 'a'},
        {"positions", required_argument, NULL, 'p'},
        {"phrases", required_argument, NULL, 'P'},
        {"liste", no_argument, NULL, 'l'},
        {"prefixe", required_argument, NULL, 'd'},
        {"tofile", required_argument, NULL, 'D'},
        {NULL, no_argument, NULL, 0}

    int val,index=-1;
    int last_val = val;
    char* last_optarg;

    while (EOF!=(val=getopt_long(argc,argv,optstring,lopts,&index))) {
        char msg[32];
        if (index==-1) sprintf(msg,"short option -%c",val);
        else sprintf(msg,"long option --%s",lopts[index].name);

        if(val == 'h') {
        last_val = val;
        last_optarg = optarg;
        #ifdef DEBUG
        printf("Option %c with opt %s recieved\n", val, optarg);

    Cellule tab[N];
    int i = 0;
    for(; i<N; ++i) {
        tab[i].valeur = NULL;
        tab[i].suivant = NULL;
    Liste alphab = NULL;
    if(argc == 1) {
        interactive_menu(tab, N, &alphab);

    if(optind < argc) {
        parse_file(tab, N, argv[optind], &alphab);
        if(last_val == 'a') {
            int res = belongs(last_optarg, tab, N);
                printf("Word %s is in file %s",last_optarg, argv[optind]);
                printf("Word %s is not in file %s", last_optarg, argv[optind]);
        else if(last_val == 'p') {
            print_positions(last_optarg, tab, N);
        else if(last_val == 'P') {
            print_sentences_containing_word(last_optarg, argv[optind], tab, N);
        else if(last_val == 'l') {
        else if(last_val =='d') {
            print_all_from_prefix(last_optarg, alphab);
        else if(last_val == 'D') {
            save_positions_to_file(last_optarg, alphab);
    else {
        fprintf(stderr, "Error: not enough arguments\n");

    #ifdef DEBUG
    print_tab(tab, N);

    for(i = 0; i<N; ++i)
        liste_free(tab[i].suivant, 0x3);
    liste_free(alphab, 0x0);

    return 0;
Esempio n. 15
 returns () const
   return dynamic_cast<Returns&> (belongs ());
Esempio n. 16
/* May 30th, Weinan: one problem I have just found is that I need to 
 * establish a kind of checking table to connect my global vertex 
 * number with local vertex number to be used in the HMETIS_PartRecursive
 * function calling.
static int cutNode(struct node * source, struct node * left, struct node * right, int ub){
  int nvtxs, nhedges;
  int * vwgts = NULL;
  int * eptr = NULL;
  int * eind = NULL;
  int * hewgts = NULL;
  int nparts;
  int ubfactor;
  int * options = NULL;
  int * part = NULL;
  int * edgecut = NULL;

  int tmp, i, j, k, l, tmpNO, flag, found, group0, group1, index0, index1;
  /* this is the table used to correspond global vertice number with 
   * local vertice number.
  int * checkTable;

  /* number of vertices */
  nvtxs = source->numberPoints;
  checkTable = (int *)calloc(nvtxs, sizeof(int));
  if(checkTable == NULL)
      printf("cannot allocate memory for checkTable! \n");
      return -1;
  /* load the vertice's number into the checkTable */
  for(i=0; i<nvtxs; i++){
    checkTable[i] = source->points[i];
  }/* end for */

  /* number of edges */
  for(i=0; i<nvtxs; i++){
    for(j=0; j<points[source->points[i]].length; j++){
      /* decide a point whether belongs to a node */
      if(belongs(source, points[source->points[i]].edges[j].pointNO)==1) /* !!!!!! */
    }/* end for j*/
  }/* end for i*/
  nhedges = tmp;

  /* weight of the vertices, because 
   * the vertices are not weighted, so
   * according to p13 of the hMETIS manual,
   * vwgts can be NULL.
  vwgts = NULL;

  /* eptr and eind */
  /* because all my edges are of
   * size 2, so it makes things 
   * easier.
  tmp = nhedges+1;
  eptr = (int *)calloc(tmp, sizeof(int));
  if(eptr == NULL)
      printf("cannot allocate memory for eptr! \n");
      return -1;
  for(i=0; i<tmp; i++)

  /* when loading eind, need to check the checkTable */
  eind = (int *)calloc(2*tmp, sizeof(int));
  if(eind == 0)
      printf("cannot allocate memory for eind! \n");
      return -1;
  k = 0;
  for(i=0; i<nvtxs; i++){
    for(j=0; j<points[source->points[i]].length; j++){
      /* decide a point whether belongs to a node */
      if(belongs(source, points[source->points[i]].edges[j].pointNO)==1){
	/* eind[k] = source->points[i];*/
	eind[k] = i;
	/* eind[k] = points[source->points[i]].edges[j].pointNO; */
	tmpNO =  points[source->points[i]].edges[j].pointNO;
	flag = 0;
	for(l=0; l<nvtxs; l++){
	  if (tmpNO == checkTable[l]){
	    flag = 1;
	    found = l;
	if(flag == 1)
	  eind[k] = found;
	    printf("some thing wrong with checkTable! \n");
	    return -1;
	  }/* end if...else... */
      }/* end if */
    }/* end for j*/
  }/* end for i*/
  if(k != 2*nhedges){
    printf("some thing wrong with eind! \n");
    return -1;
  }/* end if */

  /* hewgts: an array of size nhedges that stores the weight
   * of the hyperedges.
  hewgts = (int *)calloc(nhedges, sizeof(int));
  if(hewgts == 0)
      printf("cannot allocate memory for hewgts! \n");
      return -1;
  k = 0;
  for(i=0; i<nvtxs; i++){
    for(j=0; j<points[source->points[i]].length; j++){
      /* decide a point whether belongs to a node */
      if(belongs(source, points[source->points[i]].edges[j].pointNO)==1){
	/*!!!!!! here I have to do a cast becasue now similarity is a double */
	hewgts[k] = (int)(points[source->points[i]].edges[j].similarity*DIAG);
      }/* end if */
    }/* end for j*/
  }/* end for i*/
  if(k != nhedges){
    printf("some thing wrong with hewgts! \n");
    return -1;
  }/* end if */

  /* nparts: number of desired partitions */
  nparts = 2;

  /* ubfactor: relative imbalance factor */
  ubfactor = ub;

  /* options */
  /* note that is options[0]=0,
   * then default values are used.
  options =  (int *)calloc(9, sizeof(int));
  if(options == 0)
      printf("cannot allocate memory for options! \n");
      return -1;
  options[0] = 0;

  /* part */
  part =  (int *)calloc(nvtxs, sizeof(int));
  if(part == 0)
      printf("cannot allocate memory for part! \n");
      return -1;

  /* edgecut */
  edgecut = (int *)calloc(1, sizeof(int));
  if(edgecut == 0)
      printf("cannot allocate memory for edgecut! \n");
      return -1;

  HMETIS_PartRecursive(nvtxs, nhedges, vwgts, eptr, eind, hewgts, 
		       nparts, ubfactor, options, part, edgecut);

  group0 = 0;
  group1 = 0;
  for(i=0; i<nvtxs; i++){
    if(part[i] == 0)
    else if(part[i] == 1)
	printf("something wrong with part. \n");
	return -1;
      }/* end if..else...*/
  }/* end for */

  left->numberPoints = group0;
  right->numberPoints = group1;
  left->points = (int *)calloc(group0, sizeof(int));
  if(left->points == NULL)
      printf("cannot allocate memory for left->points \n");
      return -1;
  right->points = (int *)calloc(group1, sizeof(int));
  if(right->points == NULL)
      printf("cannot allocate memory for right->points \n");
      return -1;
  left->left = NULL;
  left->right = NULL;
  right->left = NULL;
  right->right = NULL;

  index0 = 0;
  index1 = 0;
  for(i=0; i<nvtxs; i++){
    if(part[i] == 0)
	left->points[index0] = checkTable[i];
    else if(part[i] == 1)
	right->points[index1] = checkTable[i];
	printf("something wrong with part. \n");
	return -1;
      }/* end if..else...*/
  }/* end for */
  if(index0!=group0 || index1!=group1)
      printf("some thing wrong with index0-1. \n");
      return -1;



  return 1;

}/* end cutNode */