Esempio n. 1
static void memmgr_final (void)
	struct block *block = block_first;
	struct unit_head_large *large = unit_head_large_first;
	int count = 0;
#endif /* LOG_MEMMGR */

	while (block) {
		if (block->unit_used) {
			int i;

			for (i = 0; i < block->unit_maxused; i++) {
				struct unit_head *head = block2unit (block, i);

				if (head->block != NULL) {
					char *ptr = (char *) head + sizeof (struct unit_head) - sizeof (long);
					char buf[1024];
					sprintf (buf,
							 "%04d : %s line %d size %lu address 0x%p\n", ++count,
							 head->file, head->line, (unsigned long) head->size, ptr);
					memmgr_log (buf);
#endif /* LOG_MEMMGR */
					// get block pointer and free it [celest]
					_mfree (ptr, ALC_MARK);

		block = block->block_next;

	while (large) {
		struct unit_head_large *large2;
		char buf[1024];
		sprintf (buf,
				 "%04d : %s line %d size %lu address 0x%p\n", ++count,
				 large->unit_head.file, large->unit_head.line, (unsigned long) large->size, &large->unit_head.checksum);
		memmgr_log (buf);
#endif /* LOG_MEMMGR */
		large2 = large->next;
		FREE (large, file, line, func);
		large = large2;


	if (count == 0) {
		ShowInfo ("Memory manager: No memory leaks found.\n");
	} else {
		ShowWarning ("Memory manager: Memory leaks found and fixed.\n");
		fclose (log_fp);

#endif /* LOG_MEMMGR */
Esempio n. 2
/// Returns true if the memory location is active.
/// Active means it is allocated and points to a usable part.
/// @param ptr Pointer to the memory
/// @return true if the memory is active
bool memmgr_verify (void *ptr)
	struct block *block = block_first;
	struct unit_head_large *large = unit_head_large_first;

	if (ptr == NULL)
		return false;// never valid

	// search small blocks
	while (block) {
		if ( (char *) ptr >= (char *) block && (char *) ptr < ( (char *) block) + sizeof (struct block)) {
			// found memory block
			if (block->unit_used && (char *) ptr >= block->data) {
				// memory block is being used and ptr points to a sub-unit
				size_t i = (size_t) ( (char *) ptr - block->data) / block->unit_size;
				struct unit_head *head = block2unit (block, i);

				if (i < block->unit_maxused && head->block != NULL) {
					// memory unit is allocated, check if ptr points to the usable part
					return ( (char *) ptr >= ( (char *) head) + sizeof (struct unit_head) - sizeof (long)
							 && (char *) ptr < ( (char *) head) + sizeof (struct unit_head) - sizeof (long) + head->size);

			return false;

		block = block->block_next;

	// search large blocks
	while (large) {
		if ( (char *) ptr >= (char *) large && (char *) ptr < ( (char *) large) + large->size) {
			// found memory block, check if ptr points to the usable part
			return ( (char *) ptr >= ( (char *) large) + sizeof (struct unit_head_large) - sizeof (long)
					 && (char *) ptr < ( (char *) large) + sizeof (struct unit_head_large) - sizeof (long) + large->size);

		large = large->next;

	return false;
Esempio n. 3
void* _mmalloc(size_t size, const char *file, int line, const char *func )
	struct block *block;
	short size_hash = size2hash( size );
	struct unit_head *head;

	if (((long) size) < 0) {
		ShowError("_mmalloc: %d\n", size);
		return NULL;
	if(size == 0) {
		return NULL;
	memmgr_usage_bytes += size;

	/* To ensure the area that exceeds the length of the block, using malloc () to */
	/* At that time, the distinction by assigning NULL to unit_head.block */
	if(hash2size(size_hash) > BLOCK_DATA_SIZE - sizeof(struct unit_head)) {
		struct unit_head_large* p = (struct unit_head_large*)MALLOC(sizeof(struct unit_head_large)+size,file,line,func);
		if(p != NULL) {
			p->size            = size;
			p->unit_head.block = NULL;
			p->unit_head.size  = 0;
			p->unit_head.file  = file;
			p->unit_head.line  = line;
			p->prev = NULL;
			if (unit_head_large_first == NULL)
				p->next = NULL;
			else {
				unit_head_large_first->prev = p;
				p->next = unit_head_large_first;
			unit_head_large_first = p;
			*(long*)((char*)p + sizeof(struct unit_head_large) - sizeof(long) + size) = 0xdeadbeaf;
			return (char *)p + sizeof(struct unit_head_large) - sizeof(long);
		} else {
			ShowFatalError("Memory manager::memmgr_alloc failed (allocating %d+%d bytes at %s:%d).\n", sizeof(struct unit_head_large), size, file, line);

	/* When a block of the same size is not ensured, to ensure a new */
	if(hash_unfill[size_hash]) {
		block = hash_unfill[size_hash];
	} else {
		block = block_malloc(size_hash);

	if( block->unit_unfill == 0xFFFF ) {
		// there are no more free space that
		memmgr_assert(block->unit_used <  block->unit_count);
		memmgr_assert(block->unit_used == block->unit_maxused);
		head = block2unit(block, block->unit_maxused);
	} else {
		head = block2unit(block, block->unit_unfill);
		block->unit_unfill = head->size;

	if( block->unit_unfill == 0xFFFF && block->unit_maxused >= block->unit_count) {
		// Since I ran out of the unit, removed from the list unfill
		if( block->unfill_prev == &block_head) {
			hash_unfill[ size_hash ] = block->unfill_next;
		} else {
			block->unfill_prev->unfill_next = block->unfill_next;
		if( block->unfill_next ) {
			block->unfill_next->unfill_prev = block->unfill_prev;
		block->unfill_prev = NULL;

		size_t i, sz = hash2size( size_hash );
		for( i=0; i<sz; i++ )
			if( ((unsigned char*)head)[ sizeof(struct unit_head) - sizeof(long) + i] != 0xfd )
				if( head->line != 0xfdfd )
					ShowError("Memory manager: freed-data is changed. (freed in %s line %d)\n", head->file,head->line);
					ShowError("Memory manager: not-allocated-data is changed.\n");
		memset( (char *)head + sizeof(struct unit_head) - sizeof(long), 0xcd, sz );

	head->block = block;
	head->file  = file;
	head->line  = line;
	head->size  = (unsigned short)size;
	*(long*)((char*)head + sizeof(struct unit_head) - sizeof(long) + size) = 0xdeadbeaf;
	return (char *)head + sizeof(struct unit_head) - sizeof(long);
Esempio n. 4
void* _mmalloc(size_t size, const char *file, int line, const char *func )
	struct block *block;
	short size_hash = size2hash( size );
	struct unit_head *head;

	if (((long) size) < 0) {
		ShowError("_mmalloc: %d\n", size);
		return NULL;
	if(size == 0) {
		return NULL;
	memmgr_usage_bytes += size;

	/* ブロック長を超える領域の確保には、malloc() を用いる */
	/* その際、unit_head.block に NULL を代入して区別する */
	if(hash2size(size_hash) > BLOCK_DATA_SIZE - sizeof(struct unit_head)) {
		struct unit_head_large* p = (struct unit_head_large*)MALLOC(sizeof(struct unit_head_large)+size,file,line,func);
		if(p != NULL) {
			p->size            = size;
			p->unit_head.block = NULL;
			p->unit_head.size  = 0;
			p->unit_head.file  = file;
			p->unit_head.line  = line;
			p->prev = NULL;
			if (unit_head_large_first == NULL)
				p->next = NULL;
			else {
				unit_head_large_first->prev = p;
				p->next = unit_head_large_first;
			unit_head_large_first = p;
			*(long*)((char*)p + sizeof(struct unit_head_large) - sizeof(long) + size) = 0xdeadbeaf;
			return (char *)p + sizeof(struct unit_head_large) - sizeof(long);
		} else {
			ShowFatalError("Memory manager::memmgr_alloc failed (allocating %d+%d bytes at %s:%d).\n", sizeof(struct unit_head_large), size, file, line);

	/* 同一サイズのブロックが確保されていない時、新たに確保する */
	if(hash_unfill[size_hash]) {
		block = hash_unfill[size_hash];
	} else {
		block = block_malloc(size_hash);

	if( block->unit_unfill == 0xFFFF ) {
		// free済み領域が残っていない
		memmgr_assert(block->unit_used <  block->unit_count);
		memmgr_assert(block->unit_used == block->unit_maxused);
		head = block2unit(block, block->unit_maxused);
	} else {
		head = block2unit(block, block->unit_unfill);
		block->unit_unfill = head->size;

	if( block->unit_unfill == 0xFFFF && block->unit_maxused >= block->unit_count) {
		// ユニットを使い果たしたので、unfillリストから削除
		if( block->unfill_prev == &block_head) {
			hash_unfill[ size_hash ] = block->unfill_next;
		} else {
			block->unfill_prev->unfill_next = block->unfill_next;
		if( block->unfill_next ) {
			block->unfill_next->unfill_prev = block->unfill_prev;
		block->unfill_prev = NULL;

		size_t i, sz = hash2size( size_hash );
		for( i=0; i<sz; i++ )
			if( ((unsigned char*)head)[ sizeof(struct unit_head) - sizeof(long) + i] != 0xfd )
				if( head->line != 0xfdfd )
					ShowError("Memory manager: freed-data is changed. (freed in %s line %d)\n", head->file,head->line);
					ShowError("Memory manager: not-allocated-data is changed.\n");
		memset( (char *)head + sizeof(struct unit_head) - sizeof(long), 0xcd, sz );

	head->block = block;
	head->file  = file;
	head->line  = line;
	head->size  = (unsigned short)size;
	*(long*)((char*)head + sizeof(struct unit_head) - sizeof(long) + size) = 0xdeadbeaf;
	return (char *)head + sizeof(struct unit_head) - sizeof(long);
Esempio n. 5
void* AdrenoMM_Alloc(unsigned int size, const char *file, int line, const char *func )
	struct block *block;
	short size_hash = size2hash( size );
	struct unit_head *head;

	if(size == 0) {
		return NULL;
	memmgr_usage_bytes += size;
	if (memmgr_usage_bytes > memmgr_max_used_bytes)
		memmgr_max_used_bytes = memmgr_usage_bytes;

	/* �u���b�N���𒴂���̈�̊m�ۂɂ́Amalloc() ��p���� */
	/* ���̍ہAunit_head.block �� NULL �������ċ�ʂ��� */
	if(hash2size(size_hash) > BLOCK_DATA_SIZE - sizeof(struct unit_head)) {
		struct unit_head_large* p = (struct unit_head_large*)MALLOC(sizeof(struct unit_head_large)+size,file,line,func);
		if(p != NULL) {
			p->size            = size;
			p->unit_head.block = NULL;
			p->unit_head.size  = 0;
			p->unit_head.file  = file;
			p->unit_head.line  = line;
			p->prev = NULL;
			if (unit_head_large_first == NULL)
				p->next = NULL;
			else {
				unit_head_large_first->prev = p;
				p->next = unit_head_large_first;
			unit_head_large_first = p;
			*(long*)((char*)p + sizeof(struct unit_head_large) - sizeof(long) + size) = 0xdeadbeaf;
			return (char *)p + sizeof(struct unit_head_large) - sizeof(long);
		} else {
			printf("Memory manager::memmgr_alloc failed (allocating %ld+%d bytes at %s:%d).\n", sizeof(struct unit_head_large), size, file, line);

	/* ����T�C�Y�̃u���b�N���m�ۂ���Ă��Ȃ����A�V���Ɋm�ۂ��� */
	if(hash_unfill[size_hash]) {
		block = hash_unfill[size_hash];
	} else {
		block = block_malloc(size_hash);

	if( block->unit_unfill == 0xFFFF ) {
		// free�ςݗ̈悪�c���Ă��Ȃ�
		memmgr_assert(block->unit_used <  block->unit_count);
		memmgr_assert(block->unit_used == block->unit_maxused);
		head = block2unit(block, block->unit_maxused);
	} else {
		head = block2unit(block, block->unit_unfill);
		block->unit_unfill = head->size;

	if( block->unit_unfill == 0xFFFF && block->unit_maxused >= block->unit_count) {
		// ���j�b�g���g���ʂ������̂ŁAunfill���X�g����폜
		if( block->unfill_prev == &block_head) {
			hash_unfill[ size_hash ] = block->unfill_next;
		} else {
			block->unfill_prev->unfill_next = block->unfill_next;
		if( block->unfill_next ) {
			block->unfill_next->unfill_prev = block->unfill_prev;
		block->unfill_prev = NULL;

		unsigned int i, sz = hash2size( size_hash );
		for( i=0; i<sz; i++ )
			if( ((unsigned char*)head)[ sizeof(struct unit_head) - sizeof(long) + i] != 0xfd )
				if( head->line != 0xfdfd )
					printf("Memory manager: freed-data is changed. (freed in %s line %d)\n", head->file,head->line);
					printf("Memory manager: not-allocated-data is changed.\n");
		memset( (char *)head + sizeof(struct unit_head) - sizeof(long), 0xcd, sz );

	head->block = block;
	head->file  = file;
	head->line  = line;
	head->size  = (unsigned short)size;
	*(long*)((char*)head + sizeof(struct unit_head) - sizeof(long) + size) = 0xdeadbeaf;
	return (char *)head + sizeof(struct unit_head) - sizeof(long);