Esempio n. 1
byte MAX3421E::IntHandler()
    byte HIRQ;
    byte HIRQ_sendback = 0x00;
    HIRQ = regRd( rHIRQ );                  //determine interrupt source
    //if( HIRQ & bmFRAMEIRQ ) {               //->1ms SOF interrupt handler
    //    HIRQ_sendback |= bmFRAMEIRQ;
    //}//end FRAMEIRQ handling
    if( HIRQ & bmCONDETIRQ ) {
        HIRQ_sendback |= bmCONDETIRQ;
    /* End HIRQ interrupts handling, clear serviced IRQs    */
    regWr( rHIRQ, HIRQ_sendback );
    return( HIRQ_sendback );
Esempio n. 2
/* MAX3421E initialization after power-on   */
void MAX3421E::powerOn()
    /* Configure full-duplex SPI, interrupt pulse   */
    regWr( rPINCTL,( bmFDUPSPI + bmINTLEVEL + bmGPXB ));    //Full-duplex SPI, level interrupt, GPX
    if( reset() == false ) {                                //stop/start the oscillator
        Serial.println("Error: OSCOKIRQ failed to assert");

    /* configure host operation */
    regWr( rMODE, bmDPPULLDN|bmDMPULLDN|bmHOST|bmSEPIRQ );      // set pull-downs, Host, Separate GPIN IRQ on GPX
    regWr( rHIEN, bmCONDETIE|bmFRAMEIE );                                             //connection detection
    /* check if device is connected */
    regWr( rHCTL,bmSAMPLEBUS );                                             // sample USB bus
    while(!(regRd( rHCTL ) & bmSAMPLEBUS ));                                //wait for sample operation to finish
    busprobe();                                                             //check if anything is connected
    regWr( rHIRQ, bmCONDETIRQ );                                            //clear connection detect interrupt                 
    regWr( rCPUCTL, 0x01 );                                                 //enable interrupt pin
Esempio n. 3
/* MAX3421E initialization after power-on   */
void MAX3421E::powerOn()
    /* Configure full-duplex SPI, interrupt pulse   */
    regWr( rPINCTL,( bmFDUPSPI + bmINTLEVEL + bmGPXB ));    //Full-duplex SPI, level interrupt, GPX
    if( reset() == false ) {                                //stop/start the oscillator
        Serial.println("Error: OSCOKIRQ failed to assert");
//    /* configure power switch   */
//    vbusPwr( OFF );                                         //turn Vbus power off
//    regWr( rGPINIEN, bmGPINIEN7 );                          //enable interrupt on GPIN7 (power switch overload flag)
//    if( vbusPwr( ON  ) == false ) {
//        Serial.println("Error: Vbus overload");
//    }
    /* configure host operation */
    regWr( rMODE, bmDPPULLDN|bmDMPULLDN|bmHOST|bmSEPIRQ );      // set pull-downs, Host, Separate GPIN IRQ on GPX
    regWr( rHIEN, bmCONDETIE|bmFRAMEIE );                                             //connection detection
    regWr(rHCTL,bmSAMPLEBUS);                                               // update the JSTATUS and KSTATUS bits
    busprobe();                                                             //check if anything is connected
    regWr( rHIRQ, bmCONDETIRQ );                                            //clear connection detect interrupt                 
    regWr( rCPUCTL, 0x01 );                                                 //enable interrupt pin