Esempio n. 1
 * NonThread version of cdbdisp_appendMessage.
 * It's safe to use palloc/pfree or elog/ereport.
cdbdisp_appendMessageNonThread(CdbDispatchResult * dispatchResult,
							   int elevel, const char *fmt, ...)
	va_list	args;
	int	msgoff;

	 * Remember first error.
	cdbdisp_seterrcode(ERRCODE_GP_INTERCONNECTION_ERROR, -1, dispatchResult);

	 * Allocate buffer if first message.
	 * Insert newline between previous message and new one.
	Assert(dispatchResult->error_message != NULL);

	msgoff = dispatchResult->error_message->len;

	 * Format the message and append it to the buffer.
	va_start(args, fmt);
	appendPQExpBufferVA(dispatchResult->error_message, fmt, args);

	 * Display the message on stderr for debugging, if requested.
	 * This helps to clarify the actual timing of threaded events.
	if (elevel >= log_min_messages)
		elog(LOG, "%s", dispatchResult->error_message->data + msgoff);

	 * In case the caller wants to hand the buffer to ereport(),
	 * follow the ereport() convention of not ending with a newline.
Esempio n. 2
static bool
processResults(CdbDispatchResult * dispatchResult)
	SegmentDatabaseDescriptor *segdbDesc = dispatchResult->segdbDesc;
	char *msg;
	int	rc;

	 * PQisBusy() has side-effects
	if (DEBUG5 >= log_min_messages)
		write_log("processResults.  isBusy = %d", PQisBusy(segdbDesc->conn));

		if (PQstatus(segdbDesc->conn) == CONNECTION_BAD)
			goto connection_error;

	 * Receive input from QE.
	rc = PQconsumeInput(segdbDesc->conn);

	 * If PQconsumeInput fails, we're hosed. 
	if (rc == 0)
	{							/* handle PQconsumeInput error */
		goto connection_error;

	 * PQisBusy() has side-effects
	if (DEBUG4 >= log_min_messages && PQisBusy(segdbDesc->conn))

	 * If we have received one or more complete messages, process them.
	while (!PQisBusy(segdbDesc->conn))
		/* loop to call PQgetResult; won't block */
		PGresult *pRes;
		ExecStatusType resultStatus;
		int	resultIndex;

		 * PQisBusy() does some error handling, which can
		 * cause the connection to die -- we can't just continue on as
		 * if the connection is happy without checking first.
		 * For example, cdbdisp_numPGresult() will return a completely
		 * bogus value!
		if (PQstatus(segdbDesc->conn) == CONNECTION_BAD
			|| segdbDesc->conn->sock == -1)
			goto connection_error;

		resultIndex = cdbdisp_numPGresult(dispatchResult);

		if (DEBUG4 >= log_min_messages)
		 * Get one message.
		pRes = PQgetResult(segdbDesc->conn);

		CollectQEWriterTransactionInformation(segdbDesc, dispatchResult);

		 * Command is complete when PGgetResult() returns NULL. It is critical
		 * that for any connection that had an asynchronous command sent thru
		 * it, we call PQgetResult until it returns NULL. Otherwise, the next
		 * time a command is sent to that connection, it will return an error
		 * that there's a command pending.
		if (!pRes)
			if (DEBUG4 >= log_min_messages)
				 * Don't use elog, it's not thread-safe
				write_log("%s -> idle", segdbDesc->whoami);
			/* this is normal end of command */
			return true;
		} /* end of results */

		 * Attach the PGresult object to the CdbDispatchResult object.
		cdbdisp_appendResult(dispatchResult, pRes);

		 * Did a command complete successfully?
		resultStatus = PQresultStatus(pRes);
		if (resultStatus == PGRES_COMMAND_OK ||
			resultStatus == PGRES_TUPLES_OK ||
			resultStatus == PGRES_COPY_IN || resultStatus == PGRES_COPY_OUT)

			 * Save the index of the last successful PGresult. Can be given to
			 * cdbdisp_getPGresult() to get tuple count, etc.
			dispatchResult->okindex = resultIndex;

			if (DEBUG3 >= log_min_messages)
				 * Don't use elog, it's not thread-safe
				char	   *cmdStatus = PQcmdStatus(pRes);

				write_log("%s -> ok %s",
						  cmdStatus ? cmdStatus : "(no cmdStatus)");

			 * SREH - get number of rows rejected from QE if any
			if (pRes->numRejected > 0)
				dispatchResult->numrowsrejected += pRes->numRejected;

			if (resultStatus == PGRES_COPY_IN ||
				resultStatus == PGRES_COPY_OUT)
				return true;

		 * Note QE error. Cancel the whole statement if requested.
			/* QE reported an error */
			char	   *sqlstate = PQresultErrorField(pRes, PG_DIAG_SQLSTATE);
			int			errcode = 0;

			msg = PQresultErrorMessage(pRes);

			if (DEBUG2 >= log_min_messages)
				 * Don't use elog, it's not thread-safe
				write_log("%s -> %s %s  %s",
						  sqlstate ? sqlstate : "(no SQLSTATE)",
						  msg ? msg : "");

			 * Convert SQLSTATE to an error code (ERRCODE_xxx). Use a generic
			 * nonzero error code if no SQLSTATE.
			if (sqlstate && strlen(sqlstate) == 5)
				errcode = sqlstate_to_errcode(sqlstate);

			 * Save first error code and the index of its PGresult buffer
			 * entry.
			cdbdisp_seterrcode(errcode, resultIndex, dispatchResult);

	return false; /* we must keep on monitoring this socket */

	msg = PQerrorMessage(segdbDesc->conn);

	if (msg)
		write_log("Dispatcher encountered connection error on %s: %s",
				  segdbDesc->whoami, msg);

	 * Save error info for later.
	cdbdisp_appendMessage(dispatchResult, LOG,
						  "Error on receive from %s: %s",
						  segdbDesc->whoami, msg ? msg : "unknown error");

	 * Can't recover, so drop the connection. 
	segdbDesc->conn = NULL;
	dispatchResult->stillRunning = false;

	return true; /* connection is gone! */
Esempio n. 3
static void
thread_DispatchWaitSingle(DispatchCommandParms * pParms)
	SegmentDatabaseDescriptor *segdbDesc;
	CdbDispatchResult *dispatchResult;
	char *msg = NULL;

	 * Assert() cannot be used in threads
	if (pParms->db_count != 1)
		write_log("Bug... thread_dispatchWaitSingle called with db_count %d",

	dispatchResult = pParms->dispatchResultPtrArray[0];
	segdbDesc = dispatchResult->segdbDesc;

	if (PQstatus(segdbDesc->conn) == CONNECTION_BAD)
		msg = PQerrorMessage(segdbDesc->conn);

		 * Save error info for later.
		cdbdisp_appendMessage(dispatchResult, DEBUG1,
							  "Lost connection to %s.  %s",
							  segdbDesc->whoami, msg ? msg : "");

		 * Free the PGconn object.
		segdbDesc->conn = NULL;
		dispatchResult->stillRunning = false;
		PQsetnonblocking(segdbDesc->conn, FALSE);

		for (;;)
			PGresult *pRes;
			ExecStatusType resultStatus;
			int	resultIndex = cdbdisp_numPGresult(dispatchResult);

			if (DEBUG4 >= log_min_messages)
				write_log("PQgetResult, resultIndex = %d", resultIndex);
			 * Get one message.
			pRes = PQgetResult(segdbDesc->conn);

			CollectQEWriterTransactionInformation(segdbDesc, dispatchResult);

			 * Command is complete when PGgetResult() returns NULL. It is critical
			 * that for any connection that had an asynchronous command sent thru
			 * it, we call PQgetResult until it returns NULL. Otherwise, the next
			 * time a command is sent to that connection, it will return an error
			 * that there's a command pending.
			if (!pRes)
				if (DEBUG4 >= log_min_messages)
					 * Don't use elog, it's not thread-safe
					write_log("%s -> idle", segdbDesc->whoami);

			 * Attach the PGresult object to the CdbDispatchResult object.
			cdbdisp_appendResult(dispatchResult, pRes);

			 * Did a command complete successfully?
			resultStatus = PQresultStatus(pRes);
			if (resultStatus == PGRES_COMMAND_OK ||
				resultStatus == PGRES_TUPLES_OK ||
				resultStatus == PGRES_COPY_IN ||
				resultStatus == PGRES_COPY_OUT)
				 * Save the index of the last successful PGresult. Can be given to
				 * cdbdisp_getPGresult() to get tuple count, etc.
				dispatchResult->okindex = resultIndex;

				if (DEBUG3 >= log_min_messages)
					 * Don't use elog, it's not thread-safe
					char *cmdStatus = PQcmdStatus(pRes);

					write_log("%s -> ok %s",
							  cmdStatus ? cmdStatus : "(no cmdStatus)");

				if (resultStatus == PGRES_COPY_IN ||
					resultStatus == PGRES_COPY_OUT)

			 * Note QE error.  Cancel the whole statement if requested.
				char *sqlstate = PQresultErrorField(pRes, PG_DIAG_SQLSTATE);
				int	errcode = 0;

				msg = PQresultErrorMessage(pRes);

				if (DEBUG2 >= log_min_messages)
					 * Don't use elog, it's not thread-safe
					write_log("%s -> %s %s  %s",
							  sqlstate ? sqlstate : "(no SQLSTATE)",
							  msg ? msg : "");

				 * Convert SQLSTATE to an error code (ERRCODE_xxx). Use a generic
				 * nonzero error code if no SQLSTATE.
				if (sqlstate && strlen(sqlstate) == 5)
					errcode = sqlstate_to_errcode(sqlstate);

				 * Save first error code and the index of its PGresult buffer
				 * entry.
				cdbdisp_seterrcode(errcode, resultIndex, dispatchResult);

		if (DEBUG4 >= log_min_messages)
			write_log("processResultsSingle says we are finished with :  %s",
		dispatchResult->stillRunning = false;
		if (DEBUG1 >= log_min_messages)
			char msec_str[32];

			switch (check_log_duration(msec_str, false))
				case 1:
				case 2:
						("duration to dispatch result received from thread (seg %d): %s ms",
						 dispatchResult->segdbDesc->segindex, msec_str);
		if (PQisBusy(dispatchResult->segdbDesc->conn))
				("We thought we were done, because finished==true, but libpq says we are still busy");
Esempio n. 4
 * Receive and process input from one QE.
 * Return true if all input are consumed or the connection went wrong.
 * Return false if there'er still more data expected.
static bool
processResults(CdbDispatchResult * dispatchResult)
	SegmentDatabaseDescriptor *segdbDesc = dispatchResult->segdbDesc;
	char *msg;

	 * Receive input from QE.
	if (PQconsumeInput(segdbDesc->conn) == 0)
		msg = PQerrorMessage(segdbDesc->conn);
		cdbdisp_appendMessageNonThread(dispatchResult, LOG,
							  "Error on receive from %s: %s",
							  segdbDesc->whoami, msg ? msg : "unknown error");
		return true;

	 * If we have received one or more complete messages, process them.
	while (!PQisBusy(segdbDesc->conn))
		/* loop to call PQgetResult; won't block */
		PGresult *pRes;
		ExecStatusType resultStatus;
		int	resultIndex;

		 * PQisBusy() does some error handling, which can
		 * cause the connection to die -- we can't just continue on as
		 * if the connection is happy without checking first.
		 * For example, cdbdisp_numPGresult() will return a completely
		 * bogus value!
		if (cdbconn_isBadConnection(segdbDesc))
			msg = PQerrorMessage(segdbDesc->conn);
			cdbdisp_appendMessageNonThread(dispatchResult, LOG,
								  "Connection lost when receiving from %s: %s",
								  segdbDesc->whoami, msg ? msg : "unknown error");
			return true;

		 * Get one message.
		pRes = PQgetResult(segdbDesc->conn);

		 * Command is complete when PGgetResult() returns NULL. It is critical
		 * that for any connection that had an asynchronous command sent thru
		 * it, we call PQgetResult until it returns NULL. Otherwise, the next
		 * time a command is sent to that connection, it will return an error
		 * that there's a command pending.
		if (!pRes)
			ELOG_DISPATCHER_DEBUG("%s -> idle", segdbDesc->whoami);
			/* this is normal end of command */
			return true;

		 * Attach the PGresult object to the CdbDispatchResult object.
		resultIndex = cdbdisp_numPGresult(dispatchResult);
		cdbdisp_appendResult(dispatchResult, pRes);

		 * Did a command complete successfully?
		resultStatus = PQresultStatus(pRes);
		if (resultStatus == PGRES_COMMAND_OK ||
			resultStatus == PGRES_TUPLES_OK ||
			resultStatus == PGRES_COPY_IN ||
			resultStatus == PGRES_COPY_OUT ||
			resultStatus == PGRES_EMPTY_QUERY)
			ELOG_DISPATCHER_DEBUG("%s -> ok %s",
								 PQcmdStatus(pRes) ? PQcmdStatus(pRes) : "(no cmdStatus)");

			if (resultStatus == PGRES_EMPTY_QUERY)
				ELOG_DISPATCHER_DEBUG("QE received empty query.");

			 * Save the index of the last successful PGresult. Can be given to
			 * cdbdisp_getPGresult() to get tuple count, etc.
			dispatchResult->okindex = resultIndex;

			 * SREH - get number of rows rejected from QE if any
			if (pRes->numRejected > 0)
				dispatchResult->numrowsrejected += pRes->numRejected;

			if (resultStatus == PGRES_COPY_IN ||
				resultStatus == PGRES_COPY_OUT)
				return true;
		 * Note QE error. Cancel the whole statement if requested.
			/* QE reported an error */
			char	   *sqlstate = PQresultErrorField(pRes, PG_DIAG_SQLSTATE);
			int			errcode = 0;

			msg = PQresultErrorMessage(pRes);

			ELOG_DISPATCHER_DEBUG("%s -> %s %s  %s",
								 sqlstate ? sqlstate : "(no SQLSTATE)",

			 * Convert SQLSTATE to an error code (ERRCODE_xxx). Use a generic
			 * nonzero error code if no SQLSTATE.
			if (sqlstate && strlen(sqlstate) == 5)
				errcode = sqlstate_to_errcode(sqlstate);

			 * Save first error code and the index of its PGresult buffer
			 * entry.
			cdbdisp_seterrcode(errcode, resultIndex, dispatchResult);

	return false; /* we must keep on monitoring this socket */