void InflationLayer::onFootprintChanged()
  inscribed_radius_ = layered_costmap_->getInscribedRadius();
  cell_inflation_radius_ = cellDistance( inflation_radius_ );
  need_reinflation_ = true;

  ROS_DEBUG( "InflationLayer::onFootprintChanged(): num footprint points: %lu, inscribed_radius_ = %.3f, inflation_radius_ = %.3f",
             layered_costmap_->getFootprint().size(), inscribed_radius_, inflation_radius_ );
Esempio n. 2
void InflationLayer::matchSize()
  costmap_2d::Costmap2D* costmap = layered_costmap_->getCostmap();
  resolution_ = costmap->getResolution();
  cell_inflation_radius_ = cellDistance(inflation_radius_);

  unsigned int size_x = costmap->getSizeInCellsX(), size_y = costmap->getSizeInCellsY();
  if (seen_)
    delete seen_;
  seen_ = new bool[size_x * size_y];
void InflationLayer::matchSize()
  boost::unique_lock < boost::recursive_mutex > lock(*inflation_access_);
  costmap_2d::Costmap2D* costmap = layered_costmap_->getCostmap();
  resolution_ = costmap->getResolution();
  cell_inflation_radius_ = cellDistance(inflation_radius_);

  unsigned int size_x = costmap->getSizeInCellsX(), size_y = costmap->getSizeInCellsY();
  if (seen_)
    delete[] seen_;
  seen_size_ = size_x * size_y;
  seen_ = new bool[seen_size_];
void InflationLayer::setInflationParameters(double inflation_radius, double cost_scaling_factor)
  if (weight_ != cost_scaling_factor || inflation_radius_ != inflation_radius)
    // Lock here so that reconfiguring the inflation radius doesn't cause segfaults
    // when accessing the cached arrays
    boost::unique_lock < boost::recursive_mutex > lock(*inflation_access_);

    inflation_radius_ = inflation_radius;
    cell_inflation_radius_ = cellDistance(inflation_radius_);
    weight_ = cost_scaling_factor;
    need_reinflation_ = true;
void InflationLayer::reconfigureCB(costmap_2d::InflationPluginConfig &config, uint32_t level)
  if (weight_ != config.cost_scaling_factor || inflation_radius_ != config.inflation_radius)
    inflation_radius_ = config.inflation_radius;
    cell_inflation_radius_ = cellDistance(inflation_radius_);
    weight_ = config.cost_scaling_factor;
    need_reinflation_ = true;

  if (enabled_ != config.enabled) {
    enabled_ = config.enabled;
    need_reinflation_ = true;
  void Costmap2D::raytraceFreespace(const Observation& clearing_observation){
    //create the functor that we'll use to clear cells from the costmap
    ClearCell clearer(costmap_);

    double ox = clearing_observation.origin_.x;
    double oy = clearing_observation.origin_.y;
    sensor_msgs::PointCloud cloud = clearing_observation.cloud_;

    //get the map coordinates of the origin of the sensor 
    unsigned int x0, y0;
    if(!worldToMap(ox, oy, x0, y0)){
      ROS_WARN("The origin for the sensor at (%.2f, %.2f) is out of map bounds. So, the costmap cannot raytrace for it.", ox, oy);

    //we can pre-compute the enpoints of the map outside of the inner loop... we'll need these later
    double map_end_x = origin_x_ + getSizeInMetersX();
    double map_end_y = origin_y_ + getSizeInMetersY();

    //for each point in the cloud, we want to trace a line from the origin and clear obstacles along it
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < cloud.points.size(); ++i){
      double wx = cloud.points[i].x;
      double wy = cloud.points[i].y;

      //now we also need to make sure that the enpoint we're raytracing 
      //to isn't off the costmap and scale if necessary
      double a = wx - ox;
      double b = wy - oy;

      //the minimum value to raytrace from is the origin
      if(wx < origin_x_){
        double t = (origin_x_ - ox) / a;
        wx = origin_x_;
        wy = oy + b * t;
      if(wy < origin_y_){
        double t = (origin_y_ - oy) / b;
        wx = ox + a * t;
        wy = origin_y_;

      //the maximum value to raytrace to is the end of the map
      if(wx > map_end_x){
        double t = (map_end_x - ox) / a;
        wx = map_end_x;
        wy = oy + b * t;
      if(wy > map_end_y){
        double t = (map_end_y - oy) / b;
        wx = ox + a * t;
        wy = map_end_y;

      //now that the vector is scaled correctly... we'll get the map coordinates of its endpoint
      unsigned int x1, y1;

      //check for legality just in case
      if(!worldToMap(wx, wy, x1, y1))

      unsigned int cell_raytrace_range = cellDistance(clearing_observation.raytrace_range_);

      //and finally... we can execute our trace to clear obstacles along that line
      raytraceLine(clearer, x0, y0, x1, y1, cell_raytrace_range);
  Costmap2D::Costmap2D(unsigned int cells_size_x, unsigned int cells_size_y, 
      double resolution, double origin_x, double origin_y, double inscribed_radius,
      double circumscribed_radius, double inflation_radius, double max_obstacle_range,
      double max_obstacle_height, double max_raytrace_range, double weight,
      const std::vector<unsigned char>& static_data, unsigned char lethal_threshold, bool track_unknown_space, unsigned char unknown_cost_value) : size_x_(cells_size_x),
  size_y_(cells_size_y), resolution_(resolution), origin_x_(origin_x), origin_y_(origin_y), static_map_(NULL),
  costmap_(NULL), markers_(NULL), max_obstacle_range_(max_obstacle_range), 
  max_obstacle_height_(max_obstacle_height), max_raytrace_range_(max_raytrace_range), cached_costs_(NULL), cached_distances_(NULL), 
  inscribed_radius_(inscribed_radius), circumscribed_radius_(circumscribed_radius), inflation_radius_(inflation_radius),
  weight_(weight), lethal_threshold_(lethal_threshold), track_unknown_space_(track_unknown_space), unknown_cost_value_(unknown_cost_value), inflation_queue_(){
    //creat the costmap, static_map, and markers
    costmap_ = new unsigned char[size_x_ * size_y_];
    static_map_ = new unsigned char[size_x_ * size_y_];
    markers_ = new unsigned char[size_x_ * size_y_];
    memset(markers_, 0, size_x_ * size_y_ * sizeof(unsigned char));

    //convert our inflations from world to cell distance
    cell_inscribed_radius_ = cellDistance(inscribed_radius);
    cell_circumscribed_radius_ = cellDistance(circumscribed_radius);
    cell_inflation_radius_ = cellDistance(inflation_radius);

    //set the cost for the circumscribed radius of the robot
    circumscribed_cost_lb_ = computeCost(cell_circumscribed_radius_);

    //based on the inflation radius... compute distance and cost caches
    cached_costs_ = new unsigned char*[cell_inflation_radius_ + 2];
    cached_distances_ = new double*[cell_inflation_radius_ + 2];
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i <= cell_inflation_radius_ + 1; ++i){
      cached_costs_[i] = new unsigned char[cell_inflation_radius_ + 2];
      cached_distances_[i] = new double[cell_inflation_radius_ + 2];
      for(unsigned int j = 0; j <= cell_inflation_radius_ + 1; ++j){
        cached_distances_[i][j] = sqrt(i*i + j*j);
        cached_costs_[i][j] = computeCost(cached_distances_[i][j]);

      ROS_ASSERT_MSG(size_x_ * size_y_ == static_data.size(), "If you want to initialize a costmap with static data, their sizes must match.");

      //make sure the inflation queue is empty at the beginning of the cycle (should always be true)
      ROS_ASSERT_MSG(inflation_queue_.empty(), "The inflation queue must be empty at the beginning of inflation");

      unsigned int index = 0;
      unsigned char* costmap_index = costmap_;
      std::vector<unsigned char>::const_iterator static_data_index =  static_data.begin();

      //initialize the costmap with static data
      for(unsigned int i = 0; i < size_y_; ++i){
        for(unsigned int j = 0; j < size_x_; ++j){
          //check if the static value is above the unknown or lethal thresholds
          if(track_unknown_space_ && unknown_cost_value_ > 0 && *static_data_index == unknown_cost_value_)
            *costmap_index = NO_INFORMATION;
          else if(*static_data_index >= lethal_threshold_)
            *costmap_index = LETHAL_OBSTACLE;
            *costmap_index = FREE_SPACE;

          if(*costmap_index == LETHAL_OBSTACLE){
            unsigned int mx, my;
            indexToCells(index, mx, my);
            enqueue(index, mx, my, mx, my, inflation_queue_);


      //now... let's inflate the obstacles

      //we also want to keep a copy of the current costmap as the static map
      memcpy(static_map_, costmap_, size_x_ * size_y_ * sizeof(unsigned char));
      //everything is unknown initially if we don't have a static map unless we aren't tracking unkown space in which case it is free
Esempio n. 8
void VoxelLayer::raytraceFreespace(const Observation& clearing_observation, double* min_x, double* min_y,
                                           double* max_x, double* max_y)
  if (clearing_observation.cloud_->points.size() == 0)

  double sensor_x, sensor_y, sensor_z;
  double ox = clearing_observation.origin_.x;
  double oy = clearing_observation.origin_.y;
  double oz = clearing_observation.origin_.z;

  if (!worldToMap3DFloat(ox, oy, oz, sensor_x, sensor_y, sensor_z))
        "The origin for the sensor at (%.2f, %.2f, %.2f) is out of map bounds. So, the costmap cannot raytrace for it.",
        ox, oy, oz);

  bool publish_clearing_points = (clearing_endpoints_pub_.getNumSubscribers() > 0);
  if( publish_clearing_points )
    clearing_endpoints_.points.reserve( clearing_observation.cloud_->points.size() );

  //we can pre-compute the enpoints of the map outside of the inner loop... we'll need these later
  double map_end_x = origin_x_ + getSizeInMetersX();
  double map_end_y = origin_y_ + getSizeInMetersY();

  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < clearing_observation.cloud_->points.size(); ++i)
    double wpx = clearing_observation.cloud_->points[i].x;
    double wpy = clearing_observation.cloud_->points[i].y;
    double wpz = clearing_observation.cloud_->points[i].z;

    double distance = dist(ox, oy, oz, wpx, wpy, wpz);
    double scaling_fact = 1.0;
    scaling_fact = std::max(std::min(scaling_fact, (distance - 2 * resolution_) / distance), 0.0);
    wpx = scaling_fact * (wpx - ox) + ox;
    wpy = scaling_fact * (wpy - oy) + oy;
    wpz = scaling_fact * (wpz - oz) + oz;

    double a = wpx - ox;
    double b = wpy - oy;
    double c = wpz - oz;
    double t = 1.0;

    //we can only raytrace to a maximum z height
    if (wpz > max_obstacle_height_)
      //we know we want the vector's z value to be max_z
      t = std::max(0.0, std::min(t, (max_obstacle_height_ - 0.01 - oz) / c));
    //and we can only raytrace down to the floor
    else if (wpz < origin_z_)
      //we know we want the vector's z value to be 0.0
      t = std::min(t, (origin_z_ - oz) / c);

    //the minimum value to raytrace from is the origin
    if (wpx < origin_x_)
      t = std::min(t, (origin_x_ - ox) / a);
    if (wpy < origin_y_)
      t = std::min(t, (origin_y_ - oy) / b);

    //the maximum value to raytrace to is the end of the map
    if (wpx > map_end_x)
      t = std::min(t, (map_end_x - ox) / a);
    if (wpy > map_end_y)
      t = std::min(t, (map_end_y - oy) / b);

    wpx = ox + a * t;
    wpy = oy + b * t;
    wpz = oz + c * t;

    double point_x, point_y, point_z;
    if (worldToMap3DFloat(wpx, wpy, wpz, point_x, point_y, point_z))
      unsigned int cell_raytrace_range = cellDistance(clearing_observation.raytrace_range_);

      //voxel_grid_.markVoxelLine(sensor_x, sensor_y, sensor_z, point_x, point_y, point_z);
      voxel_grid_.clearVoxelLineInMap(sensor_x, sensor_y, sensor_z, point_x, point_y, point_z, costmap_,
                                      unknown_threshold_, mark_threshold_, FREE_SPACE, NO_INFORMATION,

      updateRaytraceBounds(ox, oy, wpx, wpy, clearing_observation.raytrace_range_, min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y);

      if( publish_clearing_points )
        geometry_msgs::Point32 point;
        point.x = wpx;
        point.y = wpy;
        point.z = wpz;
        clearing_endpoints_.points.push_back( point );

  if( publish_clearing_points )
    clearing_endpoints_.header.frame_id = global_frame_;
    clearing_endpoints_.header.stamp = pcl_conversions::fromPCL(clearing_observation.cloud_->header).stamp;
    clearing_endpoints_.header.seq = clearing_observation.cloud_->header.seq;

    clearing_endpoints_pub_.publish( clearing_endpoints_ );