Esempio n. 1
    static void _logOpOld(OperationContext* txn,
                          const char *opstr,
                          const char *ns,
                          const char *logNS,
                          const BSONObj& obj,
                          BSONObj *o2,
                          bool *bb,
                          bool fromMigrate ) {
        Lock::DBWrite lk(txn->lockState(), "local");
        WriteUnitOfWork wunit(txn);
        static BufBuilder bufbuilder(8*1024); // todo there is likely a mutex on this constructor

        if ( strncmp(ns, "local.", 6) == 0 ) {
            if ( strncmp(ns, "local.slaves", 12) == 0 ) {

        mutex::scoped_lock lk2(newOpMutex);

        OpTime ts(getNextGlobalOptime());

        /* we jump through a bunch of hoops here to avoid copying the obj buffer twice --
           instead we do a single copy to the destination position in the memory mapped file.

        BSONObjBuilder b(bufbuilder);
        b.appendTimestamp("ts", ts.asDate());
        b.append("op", opstr);
        b.append("ns", ns);
        if (fromMigrate) 
            b.appendBool("fromMigrate", true);
        if ( bb )
            b.appendBool("b", *bb);
        if ( o2 )
            b.append("o2", *o2);
        BSONObj partial = b.done(); // partial is everything except the o:... part.

        if( logNS == 0 ) {
            logNS = "local.oplog.$main";

        if ( localOplogMainCollection == 0 ) {
            Client::Context ctx(txn, logNS);
            localDB = ctx.db();
            verify( localDB );
            localOplogMainCollection = localDB->getCollection(txn, logNS);
            verify( localOplogMainCollection );

        Client::Context ctx(txn, logNS , localDB);
        OplogDocWriter writer( partial, obj );
        checkOplogInsert( localOplogMainCollection->insertDocument( txn, &writer, false ) );

        ctx.getClient()->setLastOp( ts );
Esempio n. 2
    /** write an op to the oplog that is already built.
        todo : make _logOpRS() call this so we don't repeat ourself?
    void _logOpObjRS(OperationContext* txn, const BSONObj& op) {
        Lock::DBWrite lk(txn->lockState(), "local");
        // XXX soon this needs to be part of an outer WUOW not its own.
        // We can't do this yet due to locking limitations.
        WriteUnitOfWork wunit(txn);

        const OpTime ts = op["ts"]._opTime();
        long long h = op["h"].numberLong();

            if ( localOplogRSCollection == 0 ) {
                Client::Context ctx(txn, rsoplog);

                localDB = ctx.db();
                verify( localDB );
                localOplogRSCollection = localDB->getCollection(txn, rsoplog);
                        " missing. did you drop it? if so restart server",
            Client::Context ctx(txn, rsoplog, localDB);
            checkOplogInsert(localOplogRSCollection->insertDocument(txn, op, false));

            /* todo: now() has code to handle clock skew.  but if the skew server to server is large it will get unhappy.
                     this code (or code in now() maybe) should be improved.
            if( theReplSet ) {
                if( !(theReplSet->lastOpTimeWritten<ts) ) {
                    log() << "replication oplog stream went back in time. previous timestamp: "
                          << theReplSet->lastOpTimeWritten << " newest timestamp: " << ts
                          << ". attempting to sync directly from primary." << endl;
                    BSONObjBuilder result;
                    Status status =
                    if (!status.isOK()) {
                        log() << "Can't sync from primary: " << status;
                theReplSet->lastOpTimeWritten = ts;
                theReplSet->lastH = h;
                ctx.getClient()->setLastOp( ts );


Esempio n. 3
    /** write an op to the oplog that is already built.
        todo : make _logOpRS() call this so we don't repeat ourself?
    void _logOpObjRS(const BSONObj& op) {
        OperationContextImpl txn;
        Lock::DBWrite lk(txn.lockState(), "local");

        const OpTime ts = op["ts"]._opTime();
        long long h = op["h"].numberLong();

            if ( localOplogRSCollection == 0 ) {
                Client::Context ctx(rsoplog, storageGlobalParams.dbpath);
                localDB = ctx.db();
                verify( localDB );
                localOplogRSCollection = localDB->getCollection( &txn, rsoplog );
                        " missing. did you drop it? if so restart server",
            Client::Context ctx(rsoplog, localDB);
            checkOplogInsert( localOplogRSCollection->insertDocument( &txn, op, false ) );

            /* todo: now() has code to handle clock skew.  but if the skew server to server is large it will get unhappy.
                     this code (or code in now() maybe) should be improved.
            if( theReplSet ) {
                if( !(theReplSet->lastOpTimeWritten<ts) ) {
                    log() << "replication oplog stream went back in time. previous timestamp: "
                          << theReplSet->lastOpTimeWritten << " newest timestamp: " << ts
                          << ". attempting to sync directly from primary." << endl;
                    std::string errmsg;
                    BSONObjBuilder result;
                    if (!theReplSet->forceSyncFrom(theReplSet->box.getPrimary()->fullName(),
                                                   errmsg, result)) {
                        log() << "Can't sync from primary: " << errmsg << endl;
                theReplSet->lastOpTimeWritten = ts;
                theReplSet->lastH = h;
                ctx.getClient()->setLastOp( ts );


Esempio n. 4
    /** write an op to the oplog that is already built.
        todo : make _logOpRS() call this so we don't repeat ourself?
    OpTime _logOpObjRS(OperationContext* txn, const BSONObj& op) {
        Lock::DBLock lk(txn->lockState(), "local", newlm::MODE_X);
        // XXX soon this needs to be part of an outer WUOW not its own.
        // We can't do this yet due to locking limitations.
        WriteUnitOfWork wunit(txn);

        const OpTime ts = op["ts"]._opTime();
        long long hash = op["h"].numberLong();

            if ( localOplogRSCollection == 0 ) {
                Client::Context ctx(txn, rsoplog);

                localDB = ctx.db();
                verify( localDB );
                localOplogRSCollection = localDB->getCollection(txn, rsoplog);
                        " missing. did you drop it? if so restart server",
            Client::Context ctx(txn, rsoplog, localDB);
            checkOplogInsert(localOplogRSCollection->insertDocument(txn, op, false));

            ReplicationCoordinator* replCoord = getGlobalReplicationCoordinator();
            OpTime myLastOptime = replCoord->getMyLastOptime();
            if (!(myLastOptime < ts)) {
                severe() << "replication oplog stream went back in time. previous timestamp: "
                         << myLastOptime << " newest timestamp: " << ts;
            BackgroundSync* bgsync = BackgroundSync::get();
            // Keep this up-to-date, in case we step up to primary.

            ctx.getClient()->setLastOp( ts );
            replCoord->setMyLastOptime(txn, ts);

        return ts;
Esempio n. 5
    static void _logOpRS(OperationContext* txn,
                         const char *opstr,
                         const char *ns,
                         const char *logNS,
                         const BSONObj& obj,
                         BSONObj *o2,
                         bool *bb,
                         bool fromMigrate ) {
        Lock::DBWrite lk1(txn->lockState(), "local");
        WriteUnitOfWork wunit(txn);

        if ( strncmp(ns, "local.", 6) == 0 ) {
            if ( strncmp(ns, "local.slaves", 12) == 0 )

        mutex::scoped_lock lk2(newOpMutex);

        OpTime ts(getNextGlobalOptime());

        long long hashNew;
        if( theReplSet ) {
            if (!theReplSet->box.getState().primary()) {
                log() << "replSet error : logOp() but not primary";
            hashNew = (theReplSet->lastH * 131 + ts.asLL()) * 17 + theReplSet->selfId();
        else {
            // must be initiation
            verify( *ns == 0 );
            hashNew = 0;

        /* we jump through a bunch of hoops here to avoid copying the obj buffer twice --
           instead we do a single copy to the destination position in the memory mapped file.

        BSONObjBuilder b(logopbufbuilder);
        b.appendTimestamp("ts", ts.asDate());
        b.append("h", hashNew);
        b.append("v", OPLOG_VERSION);
        b.append("op", opstr);
        b.append("ns", ns);
        if (fromMigrate) 
            b.appendBool("fromMigrate", true);
        if ( bb )
            b.appendBool("b", *bb);
        if ( o2 )
            b.append("o2", *o2);
        BSONObj partial = b.done();

        DEV verify( logNS == 0 ); // check this was never a master/slave master

        if ( localOplogRSCollection == 0 ) {
            Client::Context ctx(txn, rsoplog);
            localDB = ctx.db();
            verify( localDB );
            localOplogRSCollection = localDB->getCollection( txn, rsoplog );
            massert(13347, " missing. did you drop it? if so restart server", localOplogRSCollection);

        Client::Context ctx(txn, rsoplog, localDB);
        OplogDocWriter writer( partial, obj );
        checkOplogInsert( localOplogRSCollection->insertDocument( txn, &writer, false ) );

        /* todo: now() has code to handle clock skew.  but if the skew server to server is large it will get unhappy.
           this code (or code in now() maybe) should be improved.
        if( theReplSet ) {
            if( !(theReplSet->lastOpTimeWritten<ts) ) {
                log() << "replication oplog stream went back in time. previous timestamp: "
                      << theReplSet->lastOpTimeWritten << " newest timestamp: " << ts
                      << ". attempting to sync directly from primary." << endl;
                BSONObjBuilder result;
                Status status = theReplSet->forceSyncFrom(theReplSet->box.getPrimary()->fullName(),
                if (!status.isOK()) {
                    log() << "Can't sync from primary: " << status;
            theReplSet->lastOpTimeWritten = ts;
            theReplSet->lastH = hashNew;
            ctx.getClient()->setLastOp( ts );

Esempio n. 6
    static void _logOpRS(OperationContext* txn,
                         const char *opstr,
                         const char *ns,
                         const char *logNS,
                         const BSONObj& obj,
                         BSONObj *o2,
                         bool *bb,
                         bool fromMigrate ) {
        Lock::DBLock lk1(txn->lockState(), "local", newlm::MODE_X);
        WriteUnitOfWork wunit(txn);

        if ( strncmp(ns, "local.", 6) == 0 ) {
            if ( strncmp(ns, "local.slaves", 12) == 0 )
        ReplicationCoordinator* replCoord = getGlobalReplicationCoordinator();

        mutex::scoped_lock lk2(newOpMutex);

        OpTime ts(getNextGlobalOptime());

        long long hashNew = BackgroundSync::get()->getLastAppliedHash();

        // Check to make sure logOp() is legal at this point.
        if (*opstr == 'n') {
            // 'n' operations are always logged
            invariant(*ns == '\0');

            // 'n' operations do not advance the hash, since they are not rolled back
        else {
            if (!replCoord->canAcceptWritesForDatabase(nsToDatabaseSubstring(ns))) {
                severe() << "replSet error : logOp() but can't accept write to collection " << ns;

            // Advance the hash
            hashNew = (hashNew * 131 + ts.asLL()) * 17 + replCoord->getMyId();

        /* we jump through a bunch of hoops here to avoid copying the obj buffer twice --
           instead we do a single copy to the destination position in the memory mapped file.

        BSONObjBuilder b(logopbufbuilder);
        b.appendTimestamp("ts", ts.asDate());
        b.append("h", hashNew);
        b.append("v", OPLOG_VERSION);
        b.append("op", opstr);
        b.append("ns", ns);
        if (fromMigrate) 
            b.appendBool("fromMigrate", true);
        if ( bb )
            b.appendBool("b", *bb);
        if ( o2 )
            b.append("o2", *o2);
        BSONObj partial = b.done();

        DEV verify( logNS == 0 ); // check this was never a master/slave master

        if ( localOplogRSCollection == 0 ) {
            Client::Context ctx(txn, rsoplog);
            localDB = ctx.db();
            verify( localDB );
            localOplogRSCollection = localDB->getCollection( txn, rsoplog );
            massert(13347, " missing. did you drop it? if so restart server", localOplogRSCollection);

        Client::Context ctx(txn, rsoplog, localDB);
        OplogDocWriter writer( partial, obj );
        checkOplogInsert( localOplogRSCollection->insertDocument( txn, &writer, false ) );

        ctx.getClient()->setLastOp( ts );
        replCoord->setMyLastOptime(txn, ts);

