static gboolean im_spinning_around (ClutterTimeline *time) { if (!clutter_timeline_is_playing (timeline)) clutter_timeline_start (timeline); return TRUE; }
static void foreach_running_timeline (gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data) { ClutterScoreEntry *entry = value; gint action = GPOINTER_TO_INT (user_data); switch (action) { case ACTION_START: clutter_timeline_start (entry->timeline); break; case ACTION_PAUSE: clutter_timeline_pause (entry->timeline); break; case ACTION_STOP: if (entry->complete_id) { g_signal_handler_disconnect (entry->timeline, entry->complete_id); entry->complete_id = 0; } clutter_timeline_stop (entry->timeline); break; } }
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { ClutterActor *stage; ClutterActor *coglbox; ClutterTimeline *tl; clutter_init(&argc, &argv); tl = clutter_timeline_new (G_N_ELEMENTS (paint_func) * 1000); clutter_timeline_set_loop (tl, TRUE); clutter_timeline_start (tl); stage = clutter_stage_get_default (); clutter_actor_set_size (stage, 400, 400); clutter_stage_set_title (CLUTTER_STAGE (stage), "Cogl Test"); coglbox = clutter_group_new (); clutter_container_add_actor (CLUTTER_CONTAINER (stage), coglbox); g_signal_connect (coglbox, "paint", G_CALLBACK (paint_cb), tl); /* Redraw every frame of the timeline */ g_signal_connect_swapped (tl, "new-frame", G_CALLBACK (clutter_actor_queue_redraw), coglbox); clutter_actor_set_rotation (coglbox, CLUTTER_Y_AXIS, -30, 200, 0, 0); clutter_actor_set_position (coglbox, 0, 100); clutter_actor_show (stage); clutter_main (); g_object_unref (tl); return 0; }
gboolean gb_player_show_controls (GbPlayer *self) { ClutterEffectTemplate *effect_template; gint x, y; ClutterKnot t_knot[2]; ClutterKnot b_knot[2]; ClutterKnot c_knot[2]; if ((!self->priv->playing) || (clutter_timeline_is_playing (self->priv->show_hide_timeline))) return FALSE; clutter_timeline_start(self->priv->show_hide_timeline); effect_template = clutter_effect_template_new (self->priv->show_hide_timeline, &on_alpha); clutter_actor_get_position (self->priv->title_group, &x, &y); t_knot[0].x = x; t_knot[0].y = y; t_knot[1].x= -20; t_knot[1].y= 20; clutter_actor_get_position (self->priv->window_buttons_group, &x, &y); b_knot[0].x = x; b_knot[0].y = y; b_knot[1].x= 640 - 200; b_knot[1].y= 20; clutter_actor_get_position (self->priv->window_buttons_group, &x, &y); c_knot[0].x = x; c_knot[0].y = y; c_knot[1].x= ((640 / 2) - (400 / 2)); c_knot[1].y= 480 - 70 - 30; clutter_effect_fade (effect_template, self->priv->title_group, 0xff, NULL, NULL); clutter_effect_fade (effect_template, self->priv->window_buttons_group, 0xff, NULL, NULL); clutter_effect_fade (effect_template, self->priv->controls_group, 0xff, NULL, NULL); g_object_unref (effect_template); return FALSE; }
static void on_key_press_event (ClutterStage *stage, ClutterKeyEvent *event, gpointer user_data) { TestThreadData *data; switch (clutter_key_event_symbol (event)) { case CLUTTER_s: clutter_label_set_text (CLUTTER_LABEL (help_label), "Press 'q' to quit"); clutter_timeline_start (timeline); data = test_thread_data_new (); data->stage = g_object_ref (stage); data->label = g_object_ref (count_label); data->progress = g_object_ref (progress_rect); data->timeline = g_object_ref (timeline); g_thread_create (test_thread_func, data, FALSE, NULL); break; case CLUTTER_q: clutter_main_quit (); break; } }
StThemeNodeTransition * st_theme_node_transition_new (StThemeNode *from_node, StThemeNode *to_node, guint duration) { StThemeNodeTransition *transition; g_return_val_if_fail (ST_IS_THEME_NODE (from_node), NULL); g_return_val_if_fail (ST_IS_THEME_NODE (to_node), NULL); duration = st_theme_node_get_transition_duration (to_node); transition = g_object_new (ST_TYPE_THEME_NODE_TRANSITION, NULL); transition->priv->old_theme_node = g_object_ref (from_node); transition->priv->new_theme_node = g_object_ref (to_node); transition->priv->timeline = clutter_timeline_new (duration); transition->priv->timeline_completed_id = g_signal_connect (transition->priv->timeline, "completed", G_CALLBACK (on_timeline_completed), transition); transition->priv->timeline_new_frame_id = g_signal_connect (transition->priv->timeline, "new-frame", G_CALLBACK (on_timeline_new_frame), transition); clutter_timeline_set_progress_mode (transition->priv->timeline, CLUTTER_EASE_IN_OUT_QUAD); clutter_timeline_start (transition->priv->timeline); return transition; }
static void mx_expander_update (MxExpander *expander) { MxExpanderPrivate *priv = expander->priv; if (priv->expanded) { clutter_actor_set_name (priv->arrow, "mx-expander-arrow-open"); mx_stylable_set_style_class (MX_STYLABLE (expander), "open-expander"); } /* closed state is set when animation is finished */ if (!priv->child) return; /* setup and start the expansion animation */ if (!priv->expanded) { clutter_actor_hide (priv->child); clutter_timeline_set_direction (priv->timeline, CLUTTER_TIMELINE_BACKWARD); } else { clutter_timeline_set_direction (priv->timeline, CLUTTER_TIMELINE_FORWARD); } if (!clutter_timeline_is_playing (priv->timeline)) clutter_timeline_rewind (priv->timeline); clutter_timeline_start (priv->timeline); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { TestState state; clutter_init(&argc, &argv); state.timeline = clutter_timeline_new (TEST_TIMELINE_FRAME_COUNT, TEST_TIMELINE_FPS); clutter_timeline_set_loop (state.timeline, TRUE); g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT(state.timeline), "new-frame", G_CALLBACK(new_frame_cb), &state); g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT(state.timeline), "completed", G_CALLBACK(completed_cb), &state); state.prev_frame = -1; state.completion_count = 0; state.passed = TRUE; clutter_timeline_start (state.timeline); clutter_main(); return EXIT_FAILURE; }
static void stepper_move_on (StScrollBarPrivate *priv, gint mode) { ClutterAnimation *a; ClutterTimeline *t; GValue v = { 0, }; double value, inc; a = g_object_new (CLUTTER_TYPE_ANIMATION, "object", priv->adjustment, "duration", (guint)(PAGING_SUBSEQUENT_REPEAT_TIMEOUT * st_slow_down_factor), "mode", mode, NULL); g_signal_connect (a, "completed", G_CALLBACK (stepper_animation_completed_cb), NULL); g_object_get (priv->adjustment, "step-increment", &inc, "value", &value, NULL); if (priv->stepper_forward) value = value + inc; else value = value - inc; g_value_init (&v, G_TYPE_DOUBLE); g_value_set_double (&v, value); clutter_animation_bind (a, "value", &v); t = clutter_animation_get_timeline (a); clutter_timeline_start (t); }
static void start_entry (ClutterScoreEntry *entry) { ClutterScorePrivate *priv = entry->score->priv; /* timelines attached to a marker might already be playing when we * end up here from the ::completed handler, so we need to perform * this check to avoid restarting those timelines */ if (clutter_timeline_is_playing (entry->timeline)) return; entry->complete_id = g_signal_connect (entry->timeline, "completed", G_CALLBACK (on_timeline_completed), entry); CLUTTER_NOTE (SCHEDULER, "timeline [%p] ('%lu') started", entry->timeline, entry->id); if (G_UNLIKELY (priv->running_timelines == NULL)) priv->running_timelines = g_hash_table_new (NULL, NULL); g_hash_table_insert (priv->running_timelines, GUINT_TO_POINTER (entry->id), entry); clutter_timeline_start (entry->timeline); g_signal_emit (entry->score, score_signals[TIMELINE_STARTED], 0, entry->timeline); }
static void show_helper_text_title (CalibArea *area) { ClutterTransition *transition; gfloat height = clutter_actor_get_height (area->helper_text_title); clutter_actor_set_y (area->helper_text_title, - clutter_actor_get_height (area->helper_text_title)); clutter_actor_show (area->helper_text_title); transition = clutter_property_transition_new ("y"); clutter_timeline_set_progress_mode (CLUTTER_TIMELINE (transition), CLUTTER_EASE_OUT); clutter_timeline_set_duration (CLUTTER_TIMELINE (transition), HELP_TEXT_ANIMATION_DURATION); clutter_transition_set_animatable (transition, CLUTTER_ANIMATABLE (area->helper_text_title)); clutter_transition_set_from (transition, G_TYPE_FLOAT, -height); clutter_transition_set_to (transition, G_TYPE_FLOAT, 0.0); g_signal_connect (CLUTTER_TIMELINE (transition), "completed", G_CALLBACK (on_helper_text_title_shown), area); clutter_timeline_start (CLUTTER_TIMELINE (transition)); g_clear_object (&area->helper_msg_timeline); area->helper_msg_timeline = transition; }
void test_timeline_interpolate (TestConformSimpleFixture *fixture, gconstpointer data) { TestState state; state.timeline = clutter_timeline_new (TEST_TIMELINE_DURATION); clutter_timeline_set_loop (state.timeline, TRUE); g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT(state.timeline), "new-frame", G_CALLBACK(new_frame_cb), &state); g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT(state.timeline), "completed", G_CALLBACK(completed_cb), &state); state.completion_count = 0; state.new_frame_counter = 0; state.passed = TRUE; state.expected_frame = 0; g_get_current_time (&state.start_time); clutter_timeline_start (state.timeline); clutter_main(); g_object_unref (state.timeline); }
static void mex_content_box_toggle_open (MexContentBox *box) { MexContentBoxPrivate *priv = box->priv; gboolean close_notified, next_is_open; const gchar *mimetype; /* search history items should not appear in the "open" state */ mimetype = mex_content_get_metadata (priv->content, MEX_CONTENT_METADATA_MIMETYPE); if (!g_strcmp0 (mimetype, "x-mex/search")) return; /* if the close animation was cancelled then no notify for the closed state * will have been sent, therefore notify for the opened state does not need * to be emitted */ close_notified = (!priv->is_open && !clutter_timeline_is_playing (priv->timeline)); next_is_open = !priv->is_open; if (next_is_open) { /* opening */ clutter_timeline_set_direction (priv->timeline, CLUTTER_TIMELINE_FORWARD); mx_stylable_set_style_class (MX_STYLABLE (box), "open"); /* refresh the action list */ mex_content_view_set_content (MEX_CONTENT_VIEW (priv->action_list), priv->content); priv->extras_visible = TRUE; if (close_notified) g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (box), properties[PROP_OPEN]); mex_push_focus (MX_FOCUSABLE (priv->action_list)); } else { priv->is_closing = TRUE; /* closing */ mex_push_focus (MX_FOCUSABLE (priv->tile)); clutter_timeline_set_direction (priv->timeline, CLUTTER_TIMELINE_BACKWARD); priv->is_closing = FALSE; priv->extras_visible = TRUE; } if (!clutter_timeline_is_playing (priv->timeline)) clutter_timeline_rewind (priv->timeline); clutter_timeline_start (priv->timeline); priv->is_open = next_is_open; }
G_MODULE_EXPORT gint test_texture_quality_main (int argc, char *argv[]) { ClutterTimeline *timeline; ClutterAlpha *alpha; ClutterBehaviour *depth_behavior; ClutterActor *stage; ClutterActor *image; ClutterColor stage_color = { 0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0xff }; ClutterFog stage_fog = { 10.0, -50.0 }; GError *error; clutter_init (&argc, &argv); stage = clutter_stage_get_default (); clutter_stage_set_color (CLUTTER_STAGE (stage), &stage_color); clutter_stage_set_use_fog (CLUTTER_STAGE (stage), TRUE); clutter_stage_set_fog (CLUTTER_STAGE (stage), &stage_fog); g_signal_connect (stage, "button-press-event", G_CALLBACK (clutter_main_quit), NULL); error = NULL; image = clutter_texture_new_from_file (argv[1]?argv[1]:"redhand.png", &error); if (error) g_error ("Unable to load image: %s", error->message); if (!argv[1]) g_print ("Hint: the redhand.png isn't a good test image for this test.\n" "This test can take any clutter loadable image as an argument\n"); /* center the image */ clutter_actor_set_position (image, (clutter_actor_get_width (stage) - clutter_actor_get_width (image))/2, (clutter_actor_get_height (stage) - clutter_actor_get_height (image))/2); clutter_container_add (CLUTTER_CONTAINER (stage), image, NULL); timeline = clutter_timeline_new (5000); g_signal_connect (timeline, "completed", G_CALLBACK (timeline_completed), NULL); alpha = clutter_alpha_new_full (timeline, CLUTTER_LINEAR); depth_behavior = clutter_behaviour_depth_new (alpha, -2500, 400); clutter_behaviour_apply (depth_behavior, image); clutter_actor_show (stage); clutter_timeline_start (timeline); g_timeout_add (10000, change_filter, image); clutter_main (); g_object_unref (depth_behavior); g_object_unref (timeline); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
G_MODULE_EXPORT int test_viewport_main (int argc, char *argv[]) { ClutterTimeline *timeline; ClutterAlpha *alpha; ClutterBehaviour *r_behave; ClutterActor *stage; ClutterActor *hand; ClutterColor stage_color = { 0xcc, 0xcc, 0xcc, 0xff }; gchar *file; clutter_init (&argc, &argv); stage = clutter_stage_get_default (); clutter_stage_set_color (CLUTTER_STAGE (stage), &stage_color); /* Make a hand */ file = g_build_filename (TESTS_DATADIR, "redhand.png", NULL); hand = clutter_texture_new_from_file (file, NULL); if (!hand) g_error("Unable to load image '%s'", file); g_free (file); clutter_actor_set_position (hand, 300, 200); clutter_actor_set_clip (hand, 20, 21, 132, 170); clutter_actor_set_anchor_point (hand, 86, 125); clutter_actor_show (hand); clutter_container_add_actor (CLUTTER_CONTAINER (stage), hand); /* Make a timeline */ timeline = clutter_timeline_new (7692); clutter_timeline_set_loop (timeline, TRUE); /* Set an alpha func to power behaviour */ alpha = clutter_alpha_new_full (timeline, CLUTTER_LINEAR); /* Create a behaviour for that alpha */ r_behave = clutter_behaviour_rotate_new (alpha, CLUTTER_Z_AXIS, CLUTTER_ROTATE_CW, 0.0, 360.0); /* Apply it to our actor */ clutter_behaviour_apply (r_behave, hand); /* start the timeline and thus the animations */ clutter_timeline_start (timeline); clutter_actor_show_all (stage); clutter_main(); g_object_unref (r_behave); return 0; }
/* each time the timeline animating the label completes, swap the direction */ static void timeline_completed (ClutterTimeline *timeline, gpointer user_data) { clutter_timeline_set_direction (timeline, !clutter_timeline_get_direction (timeline)); clutter_timeline_start (timeline); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { GstElement *pipeline, *sink; ClutterTimeline *timeline; ClutterActor *stage, *texture; /* clutter-gst takes care of initializing Clutter and GStreamer */ if (clutter_gst_init (&argc, &argv) != CLUTTER_INIT_SUCCESS) { g_error ("Failed to initialize clutter\n"); return -1; } stage = clutter_stage_get_default (); /* Make a timeline */ timeline = clutter_timeline_new (1000); g_object_set(timeline, "loop", TRUE, NULL); /* Create new texture and disable slicing so the video is properly mapped onto it */ texture = CLUTTER_ACTOR (g_object_new (CLUTTER_TYPE_TEXTURE, "disable-slicing", TRUE, NULL)); g_signal_connect (texture, "size-change", G_CALLBACK (size_change), NULL); /* Build the GStreamer pipeline */ pipeline = gst_parse_launch ("playbin2 uri=", NULL); /* Instantiate the Clutter sink */ sink = gst_element_factory_make ("autocluttersink", NULL); if (sink == NULL) { /* Revert to the older cluttersink, in case autocluttersink was not found */ sink = gst_element_factory_make ("cluttersink", NULL); } if (sink == NULL) { g_printerr ("Unable to find a Clutter sink.\n"); return -1; } /* Link GStreamer with Clutter by passing the Clutter texture to the Clutter sink*/ g_object_set (sink, "texture", texture, NULL); /* Add the Clutter sink to the pipeline */ g_object_set (pipeline, "video-sink", sink, NULL); /* Start playing */ gst_element_set_state (pipeline, GST_STATE_PLAYING); /* start the timeline */ clutter_timeline_start (timeline); /* Add texture to the stage, and show it */ clutter_group_add (CLUTTER_GROUP (stage), texture); clutter_actor_show_all (stage); clutter_main(); /* Free resources */ gst_element_set_state (pipeline, GST_STATE_NULL); gst_object_unref (pipeline); return 0; }
void mx_toggle_set_active (MxToggle *toggle, gboolean active) { MxTogglePrivate *priv; g_return_if_fail (MX_IS_TOGGLE (toggle)); priv = toggle->priv; if (priv->active != active || (priv->position > 0 && priv->position < 1)) { ClutterTimeline *timeline; priv->active = active; if (active) mx_stylable_set_style_pseudo_class (MX_STYLABLE (toggle), "checked"); else mx_stylable_set_style_pseudo_class (MX_STYLABLE (toggle), NULL); g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (toggle), "active"); /* don't run an animation if the actor is not mapped */ if (!CLUTTER_ACTOR_IS_MAPPED (CLUTTER_ACTOR (toggle))) { priv->position = (active) ? 1 : 0; return; } timeline = clutter_alpha_get_timeline (priv->alpha); if (active) clutter_timeline_set_direction (timeline, CLUTTER_TIMELINE_FORWARD); else clutter_timeline_set_direction (timeline, CLUTTER_TIMELINE_BACKWARD); if (clutter_timeline_is_playing (timeline)) return; clutter_timeline_rewind (timeline); if (priv->drag_offset > -1) { clutter_alpha_set_mode (priv->alpha, CLUTTER_LINEAR); clutter_timeline_advance (timeline, priv->position * 300); } else { clutter_alpha_set_mode (priv->alpha, CLUTTER_EASE_IN_OUT_CUBIC); } clutter_timeline_start (timeline); } }
static void gesture_end (ClutterGestureAction *gesture, ClutterActor *actor) { ClutterPanAction *self = CLUTTER_PAN_ACTION (gesture); ClutterPanActionPrivate *priv = self->priv; gfloat velocity, velocity_x, velocity_y; gfloat delta_x, delta_y; gfloat tau; gint duration; clutter_gesture_action_get_release_coords (CLUTTER_GESTURE_ACTION (self), 0, &priv->release_x, &priv->release_y); if (!priv->should_interpolate) { priv->state = PAN_STATE_INACTIVE; return; } priv->state = PAN_STATE_INTERPOLATING; clutter_gesture_action_get_motion_delta (gesture, 0, &delta_x, &delta_y); velocity = clutter_gesture_action_get_velocity (gesture, 0, &velocity_x, &velocity_y); /* Exponential timing constant v(t) = v(0) * exp(-t/tau) * tau = 1000ms / (frame_per_second * - ln(decay_per_frame)) * with frame_per_second = 60 and decay_per_frame = 0.95, tau ~= 325ms * see */ tau = 1000.0f / (reference_fps * - logf (priv->deceleration_rate)); /* See where the decreasing velocity reaches $min_velocity px/ms * v(t) = v(0) * exp(-t/tau) = min_velocity * t = - tau * ln( min_velocity / |v(0)|) */ duration = - tau * logf (min_velocity / (ABS (velocity) * priv->acceleration_factor)); /* Target point: x(t) = v(0) * tau * [1 - exp(-t/tau)] */ priv->target_x = velocity_x * priv->acceleration_factor * tau * (1 - exp ((float)-duration / tau)); priv->target_y = velocity_y * priv->acceleration_factor * tau * (1 - exp ((float)-duration / tau)); if (ABS (velocity) * priv->acceleration_factor > min_velocity && duration > FLOAT_EPSILON) { priv->interpolated_x = priv->interpolated_y = 0.0f; priv->deceleration_timeline = clutter_timeline_new (duration); clutter_timeline_set_progress_mode (priv->deceleration_timeline, CLUTTER_EASE_OUT_EXPO); g_signal_connect (priv->deceleration_timeline, "new_frame", G_CALLBACK (on_deceleration_new_frame), self); g_signal_connect (priv->deceleration_timeline, "stopped", G_CALLBACK (on_deceleration_stopped), self); clutter_timeline_start (priv->deceleration_timeline); } else { emit_pan_stopped (self, actor); } }
void mnb_spinner_start (MnbSpinner *spinner) { MnbSpinnerPrivate *priv = MNB_SPINNER (spinner)->priv; priv->frame = 0; if (priv->timeline) clutter_timeline_start (priv->timeline); }
static void reverse_timeline (ClutterTimeline *timeline, gpointer data) { ClutterTimelineDirection direction = clutter_timeline_get_direction (timeline); if (direction == CLUTTER_TIMELINE_FORWARD) clutter_timeline_set_direction (timeline, CLUTTER_TIMELINE_BACKWARD); else clutter_timeline_set_direction (timeline, CLUTTER_TIMELINE_FORWARD); clutter_timeline_start (timeline); }
G_MODULE_EXPORT int test_cairo_flowers_main (int argc, char **argv) { Flower *flowers[N_FLOWERS]; ClutterTimeline *timeline; int i; srand (time (NULL)); if (clutter_init (&argc, &argv) != CLUTTER_INIT_SUCCESS) return 1; /* Create a timeline to manage animation */ timeline = clutter_timeline_new (6000); clutter_timeline_set_repeat_count (timeline, -1); stage = clutter_stage_new (); clutter_stage_set_title (CLUTTER_STAGE (stage), "Cairo Flowers"); g_signal_connect (stage, "destroy", G_CALLBACK (stop_and_quit), timeline); clutter_actor_set_background_color (stage, CLUTTER_COLOR_Black); for (i=0; i< N_FLOWERS; i++) { flowers[i] = g_new0(Flower, 1); flowers[i]->ctex = make_flower_actor(); flowers[i]->x = rand() % (int) clutter_actor_get_width (stage) - (PETAL_MIN + PETAL_VAR) * 2; flowers[i]->y = rand() % (int) clutter_actor_get_height (stage); flowers[i]->rv = rand() % 5 + 1; flowers[i]->v = rand() % 10 + 2; clutter_container_add_actor (CLUTTER_CONTAINER (stage), flowers[i]->ctex); clutter_actor_set_position (flowers[i]->ctex, flowers[i]->x, flowers[i]->y); } /* fire a callback for frame change */ g_signal_connect (timeline, "new-frame", G_CALLBACK (tick), flowers); clutter_actor_show (stage); clutter_timeline_start (timeline); g_signal_connect (stage, "key-press-event", G_CALLBACK (clutter_main_quit), NULL); clutter_main(); g_object_unref (timeline); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
static void show_error_message (CalibArea *area) { ClutterTransition *transition; clutter_actor_show (area->error_text); transition = get_error_message_transition (area); clutter_timeline_start (CLUTTER_TIMELINE (transition)); g_clear_object (&area->error_msg_timeline); area->error_msg_timeline = transition; }
static void interpolation_completed_cb (ClutterTimeline *timeline, MxAdjustment *adjustment) { MxAdjustmentPrivate *priv = adjustment->priv; if (priv->elastic && priv->clamp_value) { if (clutter_timeline_get_direction (priv->interpolation) == CLUTTER_TIMELINE_FORWARD) { clutter_timeline_set_direction (priv->interpolation, CLUTTER_TIMELINE_BACKWARD); clutter_timeline_set_duration (priv->interpolation, 250); clutter_timeline_rewind (priv->interpolation); if (priv->new_position < priv->lower) { priv->old_position = priv->lower; clutter_timeline_start (priv->interpolation); } else if (priv->new_position > (priv->upper - priv->page_size)) { priv->old_position = priv->upper - priv->page_size; clutter_timeline_start (priv->interpolation); } } else { stop_interpolation (adjustment); mx_adjustment_set_value (adjustment, priv->old_position); } } else { stop_interpolation (adjustment); mx_adjustment_set_value (adjustment, priv->new_position); } g_signal_emit (adjustment, signals[INTERPOLATION_COMPLETED], 0); }
static gboolean key_pressed_cb (ClutterActor *actor, ClutterEvent *event, gpointer user_data) { ClutterTimeline *timeline = CLUTTER_TIMELINE (user_data); if (!clutter_timeline_is_playing (timeline)) clutter_timeline_start (timeline); return TRUE; }
/** * mx_adjustment_interpolate: * @adjustment: A #MxAdjustment * @value: A #gdouble * @duration: duration in milliseconds * @mode: A #ClutterAnimationMode * * Interpolate #MxAdjustment:value to the new value specified by @value, using * the mode and duration given. */ void mx_adjustment_interpolate (MxAdjustment *adjustment, gdouble value, guint duration, gulong mode) { MxAdjustmentPrivate *priv = adjustment->priv; g_return_if_fail (isfinite (value)); if (duration <= 1) { stop_interpolation (adjustment); mx_adjustment_set_value (adjustment, value); return; } priv->old_position = priv->value; priv->new_position = value; if (!priv->interpolation) { priv->interpolation = clutter_timeline_new (duration); g_signal_connect (priv->interpolation, "new-frame", G_CALLBACK (interpolation_new_frame_cb), adjustment); g_signal_connect (priv->interpolation, "completed", G_CALLBACK (interpolation_completed_cb), adjustment); } else { /* Extend the animation if it gets interrupted, otherwise frequent calls * to this function will end up with no advancements until the calls * finish (as the animation never gets a chance to start). */ clutter_timeline_set_direction (priv->interpolation, CLUTTER_TIMELINE_FORWARD); clutter_timeline_rewind (priv->interpolation); clutter_timeline_set_duration (priv->interpolation, duration); } if (priv->interpolate_alpha) g_object_unref (priv->interpolate_alpha); priv->interpolate_alpha = clutter_alpha_new_full (priv->interpolation, mode); clutter_timeline_start (priv->interpolation); }
int test_cairo_flowers_main (int argc, char **argv) { int i; ClutterActor *stage; ClutterColor stage_color = { 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xff }; ClutterTimeline *timeline; Flower *flowers[N_FLOWERS]; srand (time (NULL)); if (clutter_init (&argc, &argv) != CLUTTER_INIT_SUCCESS) return 1; stage = clutter_stage_get_default (); clutter_stage_set_color (CLUTTER_STAGE (stage), &stage_color); for (i=0; i< N_FLOWERS; i++) { flowers[i] = g_new0(Flower, 1); flowers[i]->ctex = make_flower_actor(); flowers[i]->x = rand() % (int) clutter_actor_get_width (stage) - (PETAL_MIN + PETAL_VAR) * 2; flowers[i]->y = rand() % (int) clutter_actor_get_height (stage); flowers[i]->rv = rand() % 5 + 1; flowers[i]->v = rand() % 10 + 2; clutter_container_add_actor (CLUTTER_CONTAINER (stage), flowers[i]->ctex); clutter_actor_set_position (flowers[i]->ctex, flowers[i]->x, flowers[i]->y); } /* Create a timeline to manage animation */ timeline = clutter_timeline_new (6000); clutter_timeline_set_loop (timeline, TRUE); /* fire a callback for frame change */ g_signal_connect (timeline, "new-frame", G_CALLBACK (tick), flowers); clutter_actor_show (stage); clutter_timeline_start (timeline); g_signal_connect (stage, "key-press-event", G_CALLBACK (clutter_main_quit), NULL); clutter_main(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
static gboolean mouse_moved(CurrentCallView *self) { g_return_val_if_fail(IS_CURRENT_CALL_VIEW(self), FALSE); auto priv = CURRENT_CALL_VIEW_GET_PRIVATE(self); priv->time_last_mouse_motion = g_get_monotonic_time(); // since the mouse moved, make sure the controls are shown if (clutter_timeline_get_direction(CLUTTER_TIMELINE(priv->fade_info)) == CLUTTER_TIMELINE_FORWARD) { clutter_timeline_set_direction(CLUTTER_TIMELINE(priv->fade_info), CLUTTER_TIMELINE_BACKWARD); clutter_timeline_set_direction(CLUTTER_TIMELINE(priv->fade_controls), CLUTTER_TIMELINE_BACKWARD); if (!clutter_timeline_is_playing(CLUTTER_TIMELINE(priv->fade_info))) { clutter_timeline_rewind(CLUTTER_TIMELINE(priv->fade_info)); clutter_timeline_rewind(CLUTTER_TIMELINE(priv->fade_controls)); clutter_timeline_start(CLUTTER_TIMELINE(priv->fade_info)); clutter_timeline_start(CLUTTER_TIMELINE(priv->fade_controls)); } } return FALSE; // propogate event }
static void mex_grid_view_open (MexScene *actor, const ClutterActorBox *origin, ClutterCallback callback, gpointer data) { MexGridViewPrivate *priv = MEX_GRID_VIEW (actor)->priv; clutter_timeline_start (priv->timeline); priv->state = STATE_OPENING; priv->callback = callback; priv->userdata = data; }
/* a key press either starts the timeline or reverses it */ static gboolean key_pressed_cb (ClutterActor *actor, ClutterEvent *event, gpointer user_data) { State *state = (State *) user_data; if (clutter_timeline_is_playing (state->timeline)) reverse_timeline (state->timeline); else clutter_timeline_start (state->timeline); return TRUE; }