Esempio n. 1
 * @brief Creates and returns the information on the solution in the form of a node's item in the AVL tree.
static logger_biobj_avl_item_t* logger_biobj_node_create(const double *x,
                                                         const double *y,
                                                         const size_t time_stamp,
                                                         const size_t dim,
                                                         const size_t num_obj) {

  size_t i;

  /* Allocate memory to hold the data structure logger_biobj_node_t */
  logger_biobj_avl_item_t *item = (logger_biobj_avl_item_t*) coco_allocate_memory(sizeof(*item));

  /* Allocate memory to store the (copied) data of the new node */
  item->x = coco_allocate_vector(dim);
  item->y = coco_allocate_vector(num_obj);

  /* Copy the data */
  for (i = 0; i < dim; i++)
    item->x[i] = x[i];
  for (i = 0; i < num_obj; i++)
    item->y[i] = y[i];
  item->time_stamp = time_stamp;
    item->indicator_contribution[i] = 0;
  item->within_ROI = 0;
  return item;
Esempio n. 2
 * A random search optimizer.
void my_optimizer(coco_problem_t *problem) {

  const size_t budget = 2;
  coco_random_state_t *rng = coco_random_new(0xdeadbeef);
  const double *lbounds = coco_problem_get_smallest_values_of_interest(problem);
  const double *ubounds = coco_problem_get_largest_values_of_interest(problem);
  size_t dimension = coco_problem_get_dimension(problem);
  size_t number_of_objectives = coco_problem_get_number_of_objectives(problem);
  double *x = coco_allocate_vector(dimension);
  double *y = coco_allocate_vector(number_of_objectives);
  double range;
  size_t i, j;

  for (i = 0; i < budget; ++i) {

    for (j = 0; j < dimension; ++j) {
      range = ubounds[j] - lbounds[j];
      x[j] = lbounds[j] + coco_random_uniform(rng) * range;

    coco_evaluate_function(problem, x, y);


Esempio n. 3
 * coco_problem_allocate(number_of_variables):
 * Allocate and pre-populate a new coco_problem_t for a problem with
 * ${number_of_variables}.
coco_problem_t *coco_problem_allocate(const size_t number_of_variables,
                                      const size_t number_of_objectives,
                                      const size_t number_of_constraints) {
  coco_problem_t *problem;
  problem = (coco_problem_t *) coco_allocate_memory(sizeof(*problem));
  /* Initialize fields to sane/safe defaults */
  problem->initial_solution = NULL;
  problem->evaluate_function = NULL;
  problem->evaluate_constraint = NULL;
  problem->recommend_solutions = NULL;
  problem->free_problem = NULL;
  problem->number_of_variables = number_of_variables;
  problem->number_of_objectives = number_of_objectives;
  problem->number_of_constraints = number_of_constraints;
  problem->smallest_values_of_interest = coco_allocate_vector(number_of_variables);
  problem->largest_values_of_interest = coco_allocate_vector(number_of_variables);
  problem->best_parameter = coco_allocate_vector(number_of_variables);
  problem->best_value = coco_allocate_vector(number_of_objectives);
  problem->problem_name = NULL;
  problem->problem_id = NULL;
  problem->evaluations = 0;
  problem->final_target_delta[0] = 1e-8; /* in case to be modified by the benchmark */
  problem->best_observed_fvalue[0] = DBL_MAX;
  problem->best_observed_evaluation[0] = 0;
  problem->suite_dep_index = 0;
  problem->suite_dep_function_id = 0;
  problem->suite_dep_instance_id = 0;
  problem->data = NULL;
  return problem;
Esempio n. 4
static coco_problem_t *f_weierstrass_bbob_problem_allocate(const size_t function,
                                                           const size_t dimension,
                                                           const size_t instance,
                                                           const long rseed,
                                                           const char *problem_id_template,
                                                           const char *problem_name_template) {
  double *xopt, fopt;
  coco_problem_t *problem = NULL;
  size_t i, j, k;
  double *M = coco_allocate_vector(dimension * dimension);
  double *b = coco_allocate_vector(dimension);
  double *current_row, **rot1, **rot2;

  const double condition = 100.0;
  const double penalty_factor = 10.0 / (double) dimension;

  xopt = coco_allocate_vector(dimension);
  fopt = bbob2009_compute_fopt(function, instance);
  bbob2009_compute_xopt(xopt, rseed, dimension);

  rot1 = bbob2009_allocate_matrix(dimension, dimension);
  rot2 = bbob2009_allocate_matrix(dimension, dimension);
  bbob2009_compute_rotation(rot1, rseed + 1000000, dimension);
  bbob2009_compute_rotation(rot2, rseed, dimension);
  for (i = 0; i < dimension; ++i) {
    b[i] = 0.0;
    current_row = M + i * dimension;
    for (j = 0; j < dimension; ++j) {
      current_row[j] = 0.0;
      for (k = 0; k < dimension; ++k) {
        const double base = 1.0 / sqrt(condition);
        const double exponent = 1.0 * (int) k / ((double) (long) dimension - 1.0);
        current_row[j] += rot1[i][k] * pow(base, exponent) * rot2[k][j];

  problem = f_weierstrass_allocate(dimension);
  problem = f_transform_obj_shift(problem, fopt);
  problem = f_transform_vars_affine(problem, M, b, dimension);
  problem = f_transform_vars_oscillate(problem);
  bbob2009_copy_rotation_matrix(rot1, M, b, dimension);
  problem = f_transform_vars_affine(problem, M, b, dimension);
  problem = f_transform_vars_shift(problem, xopt, 0);
  problem = f_transform_obj_penalize(problem, penalty_factor);

  bbob2009_free_matrix(rot1, dimension);
  bbob2009_free_matrix(rot2, dimension);

  coco_problem_set_id(problem, problem_id_template, function, instance, dimension);
  coco_problem_set_name(problem, problem_name_template, function, instance, dimension);
  coco_problem_set_type(problem, "4-multi-modal");

  return problem;
Esempio n. 5
 * @brief Creates the BBOB Lunacek bi-Rastrigin problem.
 * @note There is no separate basic allocate function.
static coco_problem_t *f_lunacek_bi_rastrigin_bbob_problem_allocate(const size_t function,
                                                                    const size_t dimension,
                                                                    const size_t instance,
                                                                    const long rseed,
                                                                    const char *problem_id_template,
                                                                    const char *problem_name_template) {

  f_lunacek_bi_rastrigin_data_t *data;
  coco_problem_t *problem = coco_problem_allocate_from_scalars("Lunacek's bi-Rastrigin function",
      f_lunacek_bi_rastrigin_evaluate, f_lunacek_bi_rastrigin_free, dimension, -5.0, 5.0, 0.0);

  const double mu0 = 2.5;

  double fopt, *tmpvect;
  size_t i;

  data = (f_lunacek_bi_rastrigin_data_t *) coco_allocate_memory(sizeof(*data));
  /* Allocate temporary storage and space for the rotation matrices */
  data->x_hat = coco_allocate_vector(dimension);
  data->z = coco_allocate_vector(dimension);
  data->xopt = coco_allocate_vector(dimension);
  data->rot1 = bbob2009_allocate_matrix(dimension, dimension);
  data->rot2 = bbob2009_allocate_matrix(dimension, dimension);
  data->rseed = rseed;

  data->fopt = bbob2009_compute_fopt(24, instance);
  bbob2009_compute_xopt(data->xopt, rseed, dimension);
  bbob2009_compute_rotation(data->rot1, rseed + 1000000, dimension);
  bbob2009_compute_rotation(data->rot2, rseed, dimension);

  problem->data = data;

  /* Compute best solution */
  tmpvect = coco_allocate_vector(dimension);
  bbob2009_gauss(tmpvect, dimension, rseed);
  for (i = 0; i < dimension; ++i) {
    data->xopt[i] = 0.5 * mu0;
    if (tmpvect[i] < 0.0) {
      data->xopt[i] *= -1.0;
    problem->best_parameter[i] = data->xopt[i];
  f_lunacek_bi_rastrigin_evaluate(problem, problem->best_parameter, problem->best_value);

  fopt = bbob2009_compute_fopt(function, instance);
  problem = transform_obj_shift(problem, fopt);

  coco_problem_set_id(problem, problem_id_template, function, instance, dimension);
  coco_problem_set_name(problem, problem_name_template, function, instance, dimension);
  coco_problem_set_type(problem, "5-weakly-structured");

  return problem;
Esempio n. 6
 * @brief Creates the transformation.
static coco_problem_t *transform_vars_affine(coco_problem_t *inner_problem,
                                             const double *M,
                                             const double *b,
                                             const size_t number_of_variables) {
   * TODO:
   * - Calculate new smallest/largest values of interest?
   * - Resize bounds vectors if input and output dimensions do not match

  coco_problem_t *problem;
  transform_vars_affine_data_t *data;
  size_t entries_in_M;

  entries_in_M = inner_problem->number_of_variables * number_of_variables;
  data = (transform_vars_affine_data_t *) coco_allocate_memory(sizeof(*data));
  data->M = coco_duplicate_vector(M, entries_in_M);
  data->b = coco_duplicate_vector(b, inner_problem->number_of_variables);
  data->x = coco_allocate_vector(inner_problem->number_of_variables);
  problem = coco_problem_transformed_allocate(inner_problem, data, transform_vars_affine_free, "transform_vars_affine");
  problem->evaluate_function = transform_vars_affine_evaluate;
  if (coco_problem_best_parameter_not_zero(inner_problem)) {
    coco_debug("transform_vars_affine(): 'best_parameter' not updated, set to NAN");
    coco_vector_set_to_nan(inner_problem->best_parameter, inner_problem->number_of_variables);
  return problem;
Esempio n. 7
static coco_problem_t *f_weierstrass_allocate(const size_t number_of_variables) {

  f_weierstrass_data_t *data;
  size_t i;
  double *non_unique_best_value;
  coco_problem_t *problem = coco_problem_allocate_from_scalars("Weierstrass function",
      f_weierstrass_evaluate, NULL, number_of_variables, -5.0, 5.0, NAN);
  coco_problem_set_id(problem, "%s_d%02lu", "weierstrass", number_of_variables);

  data = coco_allocate_memory(sizeof(*data));
  data->f0 = 0.0;
  for (i = 0; i < WEIERSTRASS_SUMMANDS; ++i) {
    data->ak[i] = pow(0.5, (double) i);
    data->bk[i] = pow(3., (double) i);
    data->f0 += data->ak[i] * cos(2 * coco_pi * data->bk[i] * 0.5);
  problem->data = data;

  /* Compute best solution */
  non_unique_best_value = coco_allocate_vector(number_of_variables);
  for (i = 0; i < number_of_variables; i++)
    non_unique_best_value[i] = 0.0;
  f_weierstrass_evaluate(problem, non_unique_best_value, problem->best_value);
  return problem;
 * Class:     CocoJNI
 * Method:    cocoEvaluateConstraint
 * Signature: (J[D)[D
JNIEXPORT jdoubleArray JNICALL Java_org_moeaframework_problem_BBOB2016_CocoJNI_cocoEvaluateConstraint
(JNIEnv *jenv, jclass interface_cls, jlong jproblem_pointer, jdoubleArray jx) {

  coco_problem_t *problem = NULL;
  double *y = NULL;
  double *x = NULL;
  int number_of_objectives;
  jdoubleArray jy;

  /* This test is both to prevent warning because interface_cls was not used and to check for exceptions */
  if (interface_cls == NULL) {
    jclass Exception = (*jenv)->FindClass(jenv, "java/lang/Exception");
    (*jenv)->ThrowNew(jenv, Exception, "Exception in cocoEvaluateConstraint\n");

  problem = (coco_problem_t *) jproblem_pointer;
  number_of_objectives = (int) coco_problem_get_number_of_objectives(problem);

  /* Call coco_evaluate_constraint */
  x = (*jenv)->GetDoubleArrayElements(jenv, jx, NULL);
  y = coco_allocate_vector(number_of_objectives);
  coco_evaluate_constraint(problem, x, y);

  /* Prepare the return value */
  jy = (*jenv)->NewDoubleArray(jenv, number_of_objectives);
  (*jenv)->SetDoubleArrayRegion(jenv, jy, 0, number_of_objectives, y);

  /* Free resources */
  (*jenv)->ReleaseDoubleArrayElements(jenv, jx, x, JNI_ABORT);
  return jy;
Esempio n. 9
 * @brief Creates the BBOB Rastrigin problem.
static coco_problem_t *f_rastrigin_bbob_problem_allocate(const size_t function,
                                                         const size_t dimension,
                                                         const size_t instance,
                                                         const long rseed,
                                                         const char *problem_id_template,
                                                         const char *problem_name_template) {

  double *xopt, fopt;
  coco_problem_t *problem = NULL;

  xopt = coco_allocate_vector(dimension);
  fopt = bbob2009_compute_fopt(function, instance);
  bbob2009_compute_xopt(xopt, rseed, dimension);

  problem = f_rastrigin_allocate(dimension);
  problem = transform_vars_conditioning(problem, 10.0);
  problem = transform_vars_asymmetric(problem, 0.2);
  problem = transform_vars_oscillate(problem);
  problem = transform_vars_shift(problem, xopt, 0);
  problem = transform_obj_shift(problem, fopt);

  coco_problem_set_id(problem, problem_id_template, function, instance, dimension);
  coco_problem_set_name(problem, problem_name_template, function, instance, dimension);
  coco_problem_set_type(problem, "1-separable");

  return problem;
Esempio n. 10
 * @brief Creates a rounded normalized version of the given solution w.r.t. the given ROI.
 * If the solution seems to be better than the extremes it is corrected (2 objectives are assumed).
 * The caller is responsible for freeing the allocated memory using coco_free_memory().
static double *mo_normalize(const double *y, const double *ideal, const double *nadir, const size_t num_obj) {

  size_t i;
  double *normalized_y = coco_allocate_vector(num_obj);

  for (i = 0; i < num_obj; i++) {
    assert((nadir[i] - ideal[i]) > mo_discretization);
    normalized_y[i] = (y[i] - ideal[i]) / (nadir[i] - ideal[i]);
    normalized_y[i] = coco_double_round(normalized_y[i] / mo_discretization) * mo_discretization;
    if (normalized_y[i] < 0) {
      coco_debug("Adjusting %.15e to %.15e", y[i], ideal[i]);
      normalized_y[i] = 0;

  for (i = 0; i < num_obj; i++) {
    assert(num_obj == 2);
    if (coco_double_almost_equal(normalized_y[i], 0, mo_precision) && (normalized_y[1-i] < 1)) {
      coco_debug("Adjusting %.15e to %.15e", y[1-i], nadir[1-i]);
      normalized_y[1-i] = 1;

  return normalized_y;
Esempio n. 11
 * @brief Creates the BBOB Griewank-Rosenbrock problem.
static coco_problem_t *f_griewank_rosenbrock_bbob_problem_allocate(const size_t function,
                                                                   const size_t dimension,
                                                                   const size_t instance,
                                                                   const long rseed,
                                                                   const char *problem_id_template,
                                                                   const char *problem_name_template) {
  double fopt;
  coco_problem_t *problem = NULL;
  size_t i, j;

  double *M = coco_allocate_vector(dimension * dimension);
  double *b = coco_allocate_vector(dimension);
  double *shift = coco_allocate_vector(dimension);
  double scales, **rot1;

  fopt = bbob2009_compute_fopt(function, instance);
  for (i = 0; i < dimension; ++i) {
    shift[i] = -0.5;

  rot1 = bbob2009_allocate_matrix(dimension, dimension);
  bbob2009_compute_rotation(rot1, rseed, dimension);
  scales = coco_double_max(1., sqrt((double) dimension) / 8.);
  for (i = 0; i < dimension; ++i) {
    for (j = 0; j < dimension; ++j) {
      rot1[i][j] *= scales;

  problem = f_griewank_rosenbrock_allocate(dimension);
  problem = transform_obj_shift(problem, fopt);
  problem = transform_vars_shift(problem, shift, 0);
  bbob2009_copy_rotation_matrix(rot1, M, b, dimension);
  problem = transform_vars_affine(problem, M, b, dimension);

  bbob2009_free_matrix(rot1, dimension);

  coco_problem_set_id(problem, problem_id_template, function, instance, dimension);
  coco_problem_set_name(problem, problem_name_template, function, instance, dimension);
  coco_problem_set_type(problem, "4-multi-modal");

  return problem;
Esempio n. 12
 * @brief Implements the Lunacek bi-Rastrigin function without connections to any COCO structures.
static double f_lunacek_bi_rastrigin_raw(const double *x,
                                         const size_t number_of_variables,
                                         f_lunacek_bi_rastrigin_data_t *data) {
  double result;
  static const double condition = 100.;
  size_t i, j;
  double penalty = 0.0;
  static const double mu0 = 2.5;
  static const double d = 1.;
  const double s = 1. - 0.5 / (sqrt((double) (number_of_variables + 20)) - 4.1);
  const double mu1 = -sqrt((mu0 * mu0 - d) / s);
  double *tmpvect, sum1 = 0., sum2 = 0., sum3 = 0.;

  assert(number_of_variables > 1);

  for (i = 0; i < number_of_variables; ++i) {
    double tmp;
    tmp = fabs(x[i]) - 5.0;
    if (tmp > 0.0)
      penalty += tmp * tmp;

  /* x_hat */
  for (i = 0; i < number_of_variables; ++i) {
    data->x_hat[i] = 2. * x[i];
    if (data->xopt[i] < 0.) {
      data->x_hat[i] *= -1.;

  tmpvect = coco_allocate_vector(number_of_variables);
  /* affine transformation */
  for (i = 0; i < number_of_variables; ++i) {
    double c1;
    tmpvect[i] = 0.0;
    c1 = pow(sqrt(condition), ((double) i) / (double) (number_of_variables - 1));
    for (j = 0; j < number_of_variables; ++j) {
      tmpvect[i] += c1 * data->rot2[i][j] * (data->x_hat[j] - mu0);
  for (i = 0; i < number_of_variables; ++i) {
    data->z[i] = 0;
    for (j = 0; j < number_of_variables; ++j) {
      data->z[i] += data->rot1[i][j] * tmpvect[j];
  /* Computation core */
  for (i = 0; i < number_of_variables; ++i) {
    sum1 += (data->x_hat[i] - mu0) * (data->x_hat[i] - mu0);
    sum2 += (data->x_hat[i] - mu1) * (data->x_hat[i] - mu1);
    sum3 += cos(2 * coco_pi * data->z[i]);
  result = coco_double_min(sum1, d * (double) number_of_variables + s * sum2)
      + 10. * ((double) number_of_variables - sum3) + 1e4 * penalty;

  return result;
Esempio n. 13
 * @brief Creates the transformation.
static coco_problem_t *transform_vars_brs(coco_problem_t *inner_problem) {
  transform_vars_brs_data_t *data;
  coco_problem_t *problem;
  data = (transform_vars_brs_data_t *) coco_allocate_memory(sizeof(*data));
  data->x = coco_allocate_vector(inner_problem->number_of_variables);
  problem = coco_problem_transformed_allocate(inner_problem, data, transform_vars_brs_free, "transform_vars_brs");
  problem->evaluate_function = transform_vars_brs_evaluate;
  return problem;
Esempio n. 14
 * Perform monotone oscillation transformation on input variables.
static coco_problem_t *f_transform_vars_brs(coco_problem_t *inner_problem) {
  transform_vars_brs_data_t *data;
  coco_problem_t *self;
  data = coco_allocate_memory(sizeof(*data));
  data->x = coco_allocate_vector(inner_problem->number_of_variables);
  self = coco_transformed_allocate(inner_problem, data, transform_vars_brs_free);
  self->evaluate_function = transform_vars_brs_evaluate;
  return self;
Esempio n. 15
 * Perform monotone oscillation transformation on input variables.
static coco_problem_t *brs_transform(coco_problem_t *inner_problem) {
  _brs_data_t *data;
  coco_problem_t *self;
  data = coco_allocate_memory(sizeof(*data));
  data->x = coco_allocate_vector(inner_problem->number_of_variables);
  self = coco_allocate_transformed_problem(inner_problem, data, _brs_free_data);
  self->evaluate_function = _brs_evaluate_function;
  return self;
Esempio n. 16
 * @brief Creates the transformation.
static coco_problem_t *transform_vars_asymmetric(coco_problem_t *inner_problem, const double beta) {
  transform_vars_asymmetric_data_t *data;
  coco_problem_t *problem;
  data = (transform_vars_asymmetric_data_t *) coco_allocate_memory(sizeof(*data));
  data->x = coco_allocate_vector(inner_problem->number_of_variables);
  data->beta = beta;
  problem = coco_problem_transformed_allocate(inner_problem, data, transform_vars_asymmetric_free, "transform_vars_asymmetric");
  problem->evaluate_function = transform_vars_asymmetric_evaluate;
  return problem;
 * Perform monotone oscillation transformation on input variables.
static coco_problem_t *f_transform_vars_asymmetric(coco_problem_t *inner_problem, const double beta) {
  transform_vars_asymmetric_data_t *data;
  coco_problem_t *self;
  data = coco_allocate_memory(sizeof(*data));
  data->x = coco_allocate_vector(inner_problem->number_of_variables);
  data->beta = beta;
  self = coco_transformed_allocate(inner_problem, data, transform_vars_asymmetric_free);
  self->evaluate_function = transform_vars_asymmetric_evaluate;
  return self;
 * @brief Creates the transformation.
static coco_problem_t *transform_vars_conditioning(coco_problem_t *inner_problem, const double alpha) {
  transform_vars_conditioning_data_t *data;
  coco_problem_t *problem;
  data = (transform_vars_conditioning_data_t *) coco_allocate_memory(sizeof(*data));
  data->x = coco_allocate_vector(inner_problem->number_of_variables);
  data->alpha = alpha;
  problem = coco_problem_transformed_allocate(inner_problem, data, transform_vars_conditioning_free);
  problem->evaluate_function = transform_vars_conditioning_evaluate;
  return problem;
Esempio n. 19
 * Perform monotone oscillation transformation on input variables.
static coco_problem_t *condition_variables(coco_problem_t *inner_problem,
                                    const double alpha) {
  _cv_data_t *data;
  coco_problem_t *self;
  data = coco_allocate_memory(sizeof(*data));
  data->x = coco_allocate_vector(inner_problem->number_of_variables);
  data->alpha = alpha;
  self = coco_allocate_transformed_problem(inner_problem, data, _cv_free_data);
  self->evaluate_function = _cv_evaluate_function;
  return self;
Esempio n. 20
static double f_gallagher_raw(const double *x, const size_t number_of_variables, f_gallagher_data_t *data) {
  size_t i, j; /* Loop over dim */
  double *tmx;
  double a = 0.1;
  double tmp2, f = 0., Fadd, tmp, Fpen = 0., Ftrue = 0.;
  double fac;
  double result;

  fac = -0.5 / (double) number_of_variables;

  /* Boundary handling */
  for (i = 0; i < number_of_variables; ++i) {
    tmp = fabs(x[i]) - 5.;
    if (tmp > 0.) {
      Fpen += tmp * tmp;
  Fadd = Fpen;
  /* Transformation in search space */
  /* TODO: this should rather be done in f_gallagher */
  tmx = coco_allocate_vector(number_of_variables);
  for (i = 0; i < number_of_variables; i++) {
    tmx[i] = 0;
    for (j = 0; j < number_of_variables; ++j) {
      tmx[i] += data->rotation[i][j] * x[j];
  /* Computation core*/
  for (i = 0; i < data->number_of_peaks; ++i) {
    tmp2 = 0.;
    for (j = 0; j < number_of_variables; ++j) {
      tmp = (tmx[j] - data->x_local[j][i]);
      tmp2 += data->arr_scales[i][j] * tmp * tmp;
    tmp2 = data->peak_values[i] * exp(fac * tmp2);
    f = coco_max_double(f, tmp2);

  f = 10. - f;
  if (f > 0) {
    Ftrue = log(f) / a;
    Ftrue = pow(exp(Ftrue + 0.49 * (sin(Ftrue) + sin(0.79 * Ftrue))), a);
  } else if (f < 0) {
    Ftrue = log(-f) / a;
    Ftrue = -pow(exp(Ftrue + 0.49 * (sin(0.55 * Ftrue) + sin(0.31 * Ftrue))), a);
  } else
    Ftrue = f;

  Ftrue *= Ftrue;
  Ftrue += Fadd;
  result = Ftrue;
  return result;
Esempio n. 21
 * @brief Creates the transformation.
static coco_problem_t *transform_vars_z_hat(coco_problem_t *inner_problem, const double *xopt) {
  transform_vars_z_hat_data_t *data;
  coco_problem_t *problem;

  data = (transform_vars_z_hat_data_t *) coco_allocate_memory(sizeof(*data));
  data->xopt = coco_duplicate_vector(xopt, inner_problem->number_of_variables);
  data->z = coco_allocate_vector(inner_problem->number_of_variables);

  problem = coco_problem_transformed_allocate(inner_problem, data, transform_vars_z_hat_free, "transform_vars_z_hat");
  problem->evaluate_function = transform_vars_z_hat_evaluate;
  return problem;
Esempio n. 22
 * @brief Creates the transformation.
static coco_problem_t *transform_vars_z_hat(coco_problem_t *inner_problem, const double *xopt) {
  transform_vars_z_hat_data_t *data;
  coco_problem_t *problem;
  data = (transform_vars_z_hat_data_t *) coco_allocate_memory(sizeof(*data));
  data->xopt = coco_duplicate_vector(xopt, inner_problem->number_of_variables);
  data->z = coco_allocate_vector(inner_problem->number_of_variables);

  problem = coco_problem_transformed_allocate(inner_problem, data, transform_vars_z_hat_free, "transform_vars_z_hat");
  problem->evaluate_function = transform_vars_z_hat_evaluate;
  /* TODO: When should this warning be output?
   coco_warning("transform_vars_z_hat(): 'best_parameter' not updated"); */
  return problem;
 * @brief Creates the transformation.
static coco_problem_t *transform_vars_asymmetric(coco_problem_t *inner_problem, const double beta) {
  transform_vars_asymmetric_data_t *data;
  coco_problem_t *problem;

  data = (transform_vars_asymmetric_data_t *) coco_allocate_memory(sizeof(*data));
  data->x = coco_allocate_vector(inner_problem->number_of_variables);
  data->beta = beta;
  problem = coco_problem_transformed_allocate(inner_problem, data, transform_vars_asymmetric_free, "transform_vars_asymmetric");
  problem->evaluate_function = transform_vars_asymmetric_evaluate;
  if (coco_problem_best_parameter_not_zero(inner_problem)) {
    coco_warning("transform_vars_asymmetric(): 'best_parameter' not updated, set to NAN");
    coco_vector_set_to_nan(inner_problem->best_parameter, inner_problem->number_of_variables);
  return problem;
Esempio n. 24
 * Shift all variables of ${inner_problem} by ${offset}.
static coco_problem_t *f_transform_vars_shift(coco_problem_t *inner_problem,
                                              const double *offset,
                                              const int shift_bounds) {
  transform_vars_shift_data_t *data;
  coco_problem_t *self;
  if (shift_bounds)
    coco_error("shift_bounds not implemented.");

  data = coco_allocate_memory(sizeof(*data));
  data->offset = coco_duplicate_vector(offset, inner_problem->number_of_variables);
  data->shifted_x = coco_allocate_vector(inner_problem->number_of_variables);

  self = coco_transformed_allocate(inner_problem, data, transform_vars_shift_free);
  self->evaluate_function = transform_vars_shift_evaluate;
  return self;
Esempio n. 25
static coco_problem_t *logger_bbob2009(coco_problem_t *inner_problem, const char *alg_name) {
  logger_bbob2009_t *data;
  coco_problem_t *self;
  data = coco_allocate_memory(sizeof(*data));
  data->alg_name = coco_strdup(alg_name);
  if (bbob2009_logger_is_open)
    coco_error("The current bbob2009_logger (observer) must be closed before a new one is opened");
  /* This is the name of the folder which happens to be the algName */
  data->path = coco_strdup(alg_name);
  data->index_file = NULL;
  data->fdata_file = NULL;
  data->tdata_file = NULL;
  data->rdata_file = NULL;
  data->number_of_variables = inner_problem->number_of_variables;
  if (inner_problem->best_value == NULL) {
    /* coco_error("Optimal f value must be defined for each problem in order for the logger to work properly"); */
    /* Setting the value to 0 results in the assertion y>=optimal_fvalue being susceptible to failure */
    coco_warning("undefined optimal f value. Set to 0");
    data->optimal_fvalue = 0;
  } else {
    data->optimal_fvalue = *(inner_problem->best_value);
  bbob2009_raisedOptValWarning = 0;

  data->idx_f_trigger = INT_MAX;
  data->idx_t_trigger = 0;
  data->idx_tdim_trigger = 0;
  data->f_trigger = DBL_MAX;
  data->t_trigger = 0;
  data->number_of_evaluations = 0;
  data->best_solution = coco_allocate_vector(inner_problem->number_of_variables);
  /* TODO: the following inits are just to be in the safe side and
   * should eventually be removed. Some fields of the bbob2009_logger struct
   * might be useless
  data->function_id = coco_problem_get_suite_dep_function_id(inner_problem);
  data->instance_id = coco_problem_get_suite_dep_instance_id(inner_problem);
  data->written_last_eval = 1;
  data->last_fvalue = DBL_MAX;
  data->is_initialized = 0;

  self = coco_transformed_allocate(inner_problem, data, logger_bbob2009_free);
  self->evaluate_function = logger_bbob2009_evaluate;
  bbob2009_logger_is_open = 1;
  return self;
Esempio n. 26
 * Perform an affine transformation of the variable vector:
 *   x |-> Mx + b
 * The matrix M is stored in row-major format.
static coco_problem_t *f_transform_vars_affine(coco_problem_t *inner_problem,
                                               const double *M,
                                               const double *b,
                                               const size_t number_of_variables) {
  coco_problem_t *self;
  transform_vars_affine_data_t *data;
  size_t entries_in_M;

  entries_in_M = inner_problem->number_of_variables * number_of_variables;
  data = coco_allocate_memory(sizeof(*data));
  data->M = coco_duplicate_vector(M, entries_in_M);
  data->b = coco_duplicate_vector(b, inner_problem->number_of_variables);
  data->x = coco_allocate_vector(inner_problem->number_of_variables);

  self = coco_transformed_allocate(inner_problem, data, transform_vars_affine_free);
  self->evaluate_function = transform_vars_affine_evaluate;
  return self;
Esempio n. 27
 * @brief Creates the transformation.
static coco_problem_t *transform_vars_scale(coco_problem_t *inner_problem, const double factor) {
    transform_vars_scale_data_t *data;
    coco_problem_t *problem;
    size_t i;
    data = (transform_vars_scale_data_t *) coco_allocate_memory(sizeof(*data));
    data->factor = factor;
    data->x = coco_allocate_vector(inner_problem->number_of_variables);

    problem = coco_problem_transformed_allocate(inner_problem, data, transform_vars_scale_free, "transform_vars_scale");
    problem->evaluate_function = transform_vars_scale_evaluate;
    /* Compute best parameter */
    if (data->factor != 0.) {
        for (i = 0; i < problem->number_of_variables; i++) {
            problem->best_parameter[i] /= data->factor;
    } /* else error? */
    return problem;
 * Apply a double permuted orthogonal block-diagonal transfromation matrix to the search space
 * The matrix M is stored in row-major format.
static coco_problem_t *transform_vars_permblockdiag(coco_problem_t *inner_problem,
                                                    const double * const *B,
                                                    const size_t *P1,
                                                    const size_t *P2,
                                                    const size_t number_of_variables,
                                                    const size_t *block_sizes,
                                                    const size_t nb_blocks) {
  coco_problem_t *problem;
  transform_vars_permblockdiag_t *data;
  size_t entries_in_M, idx_blocksize, next_bs_change, current_blocksize;
  int i;
  entries_in_M = 0;
  assert(number_of_variables > 0);/*tmp*/
  for (i = 0; i < nb_blocks; i++) {
    entries_in_M += block_sizes[i] * block_sizes[i];
  data = (transform_vars_permblockdiag_t *) coco_allocate_memory(sizeof(*data));
  data->B = ls_copy_block_matrix(B, number_of_variables, block_sizes, nb_blocks);
  data->x = coco_allocate_vector(inner_problem->number_of_variables);
  data->P1 = coco_duplicate_size_t_vector(P1, inner_problem->number_of_variables);
  data->P2 = coco_duplicate_size_t_vector(P2, inner_problem->number_of_variables);
  data->block_sizes = coco_duplicate_size_t_vector(block_sizes, nb_blocks);
  data->nb_blocks = nb_blocks;
  data->block_size_map = coco_allocate_vector_size_t(number_of_variables);
  data->first_non_zero_map = coco_allocate_vector_size_t(number_of_variables);
  idx_blocksize = 0;
  next_bs_change = block_sizes[idx_blocksize];
  for (i = 0; i < number_of_variables; i++) {
    if (i >= next_bs_change) {
      next_bs_change += block_sizes[idx_blocksize];
    data->block_size_map[i] = current_blocksize;
    data->first_non_zero_map[i] = next_bs_change - current_blocksize;/* next_bs_change serves also as a cumsum for blocksizes*/
  problem = coco_problem_transformed_allocate(inner_problem, data, transform_vars_permblockdiag_free);
  problem->evaluate_function = transform_vars_permblockdiag_evaluate;
  return problem;
Esempio n. 29
 * @brief Creates the transformation.
static coco_problem_t *transform_vars_shift(coco_problem_t *inner_problem,
                                            const double *offset,
                                            const int shift_bounds) {
  transform_vars_shift_data_t *data;
  coco_problem_t *problem;
  size_t i;
  if (shift_bounds)
    coco_error("shift_bounds not implemented.");

  data = (transform_vars_shift_data_t *) coco_allocate_memory(sizeof(*data));
  data->offset = coco_duplicate_vector(offset, inner_problem->number_of_variables);
  data->shifted_x = coco_allocate_vector(inner_problem->number_of_variables);

  problem = coco_problem_transformed_allocate(inner_problem, data, transform_vars_shift_free, "transform_vars_shift");
  problem->evaluate_function = transform_vars_shift_evaluate;
  /* Compute best parameter */
  for (i = 0; i < problem->number_of_variables; i++) {
      problem->best_parameter[i] += data->offset[i];
  return problem;
Esempio n. 30
 * @brief Returns f1 and f2 in a vector of two doubles. Memory needs to be freed by the caller.
static double *coco_archive_node_item_get_vector(coco_archive_avl_item_t *item) {
  double *result = coco_allocate_vector(2);
  result[0] = item->f1;
  result[1] = item->f2;
  return result;