static int add_ca_cert_to_store(CRYPT_KEYSET store, const char *dn, CRYPT_CERTIFICATE cert) { int status; CRYPT_CERTIFICATE pki_user; status = cryptCreateCert(&pki_user, CRYPT_UNUSED, CRYPT_CERTTYPE_PKIUSER); WARN_AND_RETURN_IF(status); status = cryptSetAttributeString(pki_user, CRYPT_CERTINFO_DN, dn, strlen(dn)); WARN_AND_RETURN_IF(status); status = cryptSetAttribute(pki_user, CRYPT_CERTINFO_CA, 1); WARN_AND_RETURN_IF(status); status = cryptCAAddItem(store, pki_user); WARN_AND_RETURN_IF(status); status = cryptDestroyCert(pki_user); WARN_AND_RETURN_IF(status); status = cryptCAAddItem(store, cert); if (!cryptStatusOK(status)) { int errorLocus; int errorType; cryptGetAttribute(store, CRYPT_ATTRIBUTE_ERRORLOCUS, &errorLocus); cryptGetAttribute(store, CRYPT_ATTRIBUTE_ERRORTYPE, &errorType); fprintf(stderr, "locus %d type %d\n", errorLocus, errorType); cryptGetAttribute(cert, CRYPT_ATTRIBUTE_ERRORLOCUS, &errorLocus); cryptGetAttribute(cert, CRYPT_ATTRIBUTE_ERRORTYPE, &errorType); fprintf(stderr, "locus %d type %d\n", errorLocus, errorType); } WARN_AND_RETURN_IF(status); return CRYPT_OK; }
void check( int n, CRYPT_HANDLE c, char *s ) { int status; int locus = 0; int type = 0; int length = 0; if ( n == CRYPT_OK ) return; cryptGetAttribute( c, CRYPT_ATTRIBUTE_ERRORLOCUS, &locus ); cryptGetAttribute( c, CRYPT_ATTRIBUTE_ERRORTYPE, &type ); fprintf( stderr, "%s failed.\n", s ); fprintf( stderr, "\tError code: %d\n", n ); if ( locus != 0 ) fprintf( stderr, "\tError locus: %d\n", locus ); if ( type != 0 ) fprintf( stderr, "\tError type: %d\n", type ); status = cryptGetAttributeString( c, CRYPT_ATTRIBUTE_ERRORMESSAGE, 0, &length ); if ( cryptStatusOK( status ) ) { char * err = malloc( length ); if ( !err ) exit( -1 ); status = cryptGetAttributeString( c, CRYPT_ATTRIBUTE_ERRORMESSAGE, err, &length ); if ( cryptStatusOK( status ) ) fprintf( stderr, "\tError message: %s\n", err ); } exit( -1 ); }
static int checkKeysetCRL( const CRYPT_KEYSET cryptKeyset, const CRYPT_CERTIFICATE cryptCert, const BOOLEAN isCertChain ) { int errorLocus, status; /* Perform a revocation check against the CRL in the keyset */ printf( "Checking certificate%s against CRL.\n", isCertChain ? " chain" : "" ); status = cryptCheckCert( cryptCert, cryptKeyset ); if( cryptStatusOK( status ) ) return( TRUE ); if( isCertChain ) { /* Checking a chain against a keyset doesn't really make sense, so this should be rejected */ if( status == CRYPT_ERROR_PARAM2 ) return( TRUE ); printf( "Check of certificate chain against keyset returned %d, " "should have been %d.\n", status, CRYPT_ERROR_PARAM2 ); return( FALSE ); } if( status != CRYPT_ERROR_INVALID ) { return( extErrorExit( cryptKeyset, "cryptCheckCert() (for CRL in " "keyset)", status, __LINE__ ) ); } /* If the certificate has expired then it'll immediately be reported as invalid without bothering to check the CRL, so we have to perform the check in oblivious mode to avoid the expiry check */ status = cryptGetAttribute( cryptCert, CRYPT_ATTRIBUTE_ERRORLOCUS, &errorLocus ); if( cryptStatusOK( status ) && errorLocus == CRYPT_CERTINFO_VALIDTO ) { int complianceValue; puts( " (Certificate has already expired, re-checking in oblivious " "mode)." ); ( void ) cryptGetAttribute( CRYPT_UNUSED, CRYPT_OPTION_CERT_COMPLIANCELEVEL, &complianceValue ); cryptSetAttribute( CRYPT_UNUSED, CRYPT_OPTION_CERT_COMPLIANCELEVEL, CRYPT_COMPLIANCELEVEL_OBLIVIOUS ); status = cryptCheckCert( cryptCert, cryptKeyset ); cryptSetAttribute( CRYPT_UNUSED, CRYPT_OPTION_CERT_COMPLIANCELEVEL, complianceValue ); } if( cryptStatusError( status ) ) return( extErrorExit( cryptKeyset, "cryptCheckCert() (for CRL in " "keyset)", status, __LINE__ ) ); return( TRUE ); }
static void smokeTestAttributes( const CRYPT_HANDLE cryptHandle ) { int attribute; printf( "." ); for( attribute = CRYPT_ATTRIBUTE_NONE; attribute < 8000; attribute++ ) { char buffer[ 1024 ]; int value; cryptGetAttribute( cryptHandle, attribute, &value ); cryptGetAttributeString( cryptHandle, attribute, buffer, &value ); } cryptDestroyObject( cryptHandle ); }
static int connectRTCS( const CRYPT_SESSION_TYPE sessionType, const BOOLEAN multipleCerts, const BOOLEAN localSession ) { CRYPT_SESSION cryptSession; CRYPT_CERTIFICATE cryptRTCSRequest; char filenameBuffer[ FILENAME_BUFFER_SIZE ]; #ifdef UNICODE_STRINGS wchar_t wcBuffer[ FILENAME_BUFFER_SIZE ]; #endif /* UNICODE_STRINGS */ void *fileNamePtr = filenameBuffer; const BOOLEAN isServer = ( sessionType == CRYPT_SESSION_RTCS_SERVER ) ? \ TRUE : FALSE; int status; printf( "%sTesting %sRTCS session...\n", isServer ? "SVR: " : "", localSession ? "local " : "" ); /* If we're the client, wait for the server to finish initialising */ if( localSession && !isServer && waitMutex() == CRYPT_ERROR_TIMEOUT ) { printf( "Timed out waiting for server to initialise, line %d.\n", __LINE__ ); return( FALSE ); } /* Create the RTCS session */ status = cryptCreateSession( &cryptSession, CRYPT_UNUSED, sessionType ); if( status == CRYPT_ERROR_PARAM3 ) /* RTCS session access not available */ return( CRYPT_ERROR_NOTAVAIL ); if( cryptStatusError( status ) ) { printf( "cryptCreateSession() failed with error code %d, line %d.\n", status, __LINE__ ); return( FALSE ); } if( isServer ) { CRYPT_CONTEXT cryptPrivateKey; CRYPT_KEYSET cryptCertStore; if( !setLocalConnect( cryptSession, 80 ) ) return( FALSE ); /* Add the responder private key */ filenameFromTemplate( filenameBuffer, SERVER_PRIVKEY_FILE_TEMPLATE, 1 ); #ifdef UNICODE_STRINGS mbstowcs( wcBuffer, filenameBuffer, strlen( filenameBuffer ) + 1 ); fileNamePtr = wcBuffer; #endif /* UNICODE_STRINGS */ status = getPrivateKey( &cryptPrivateKey, fileNamePtr, USER_PRIVKEY_LABEL, TEST_PRIVKEY_PASSWORD ); if( cryptStatusOK( status ) ) { status = cryptSetAttribute( cryptSession, CRYPT_SESSINFO_PRIVATEKEY, cryptPrivateKey ); cryptDestroyContext( cryptPrivateKey ); } if( cryptStatusError( status ) ) return( attrErrorExit( cryptSession, "SVR: cryptSetAttribute()", status, __LINE__ ) ); /* Add the certificate store that we'll be using to provide revocation information */ status = cryptKeysetOpen( &cryptCertStore, CRYPT_UNUSED, DATABASE_KEYSET_TYPE, CERTSTORE_KEYSET_NAME, CRYPT_KEYOPT_READONLY ); if( status == CRYPT_ERROR_PARAM3 ) { /* This type of keyset access isn't available, return a special error code to indicate that the test wasn't performed, but that this isn't a reason to abort processing */ puts( "SVR: No certificate store available, aborting RTCS " "responder test.\n" ); cryptDestroySession( cryptSession ); return( CRYPT_ERROR_NOTAVAIL ); } if( status == CRYPT_ERROR_OPEN ) { /* The keyset is available, but it hasn't been created yet by an earlier self-test, this isn't a reason to abort processing */ puts( "SVR: Certificate store hasn't been created yet by " "earlier tests, aborting\n RTCS responder test.\n" ); cryptDestroySession( cryptSession ); return( CRYPT_ERROR_NOTAVAIL ); } if( cryptStatusOK( status ) ) { status = cryptSetAttribute( cryptSession, CRYPT_SESSINFO_KEYSET, cryptCertStore ); cryptKeysetClose( cryptCertStore ); } if( cryptStatusError( status ) ) return( attrErrorExit( cryptSession, "SVR: cryptSetAttribute()", status, __LINE__ ) ); /* Tell the client that we're ready to go */ if( localSession ) releaseMutex(); } else { CRYPT_KEYSET cryptKeyset; CRYPT_CERTIFICATE cryptCert = DUMMY_INIT; /* Get the certificate whose status we're checking */ status = cryptKeysetOpen( &cryptKeyset, CRYPT_UNUSED, DATABASE_KEYSET_TYPE, CERTSTORE_KEYSET_NAME, CRYPT_KEYOPT_READONLY ); if( cryptStatusOK( status ) ) { status = cryptGetPublicKey( cryptKeyset, &cryptCert, CRYPT_KEYID_NAME, TEXT( "Test user 1" ) ); cryptKeysetClose( cryptKeyset ); } if( cryptStatusError( status ) ) { printf( "Couldn't read certificate for RTCS status check, error " "code %d, line %d.\n", status, __LINE__ ); return( FALSE ); } /* Create the RTCS request */ if( !initRTCS( &cryptRTCSRequest, cryptCert, localSession ? \ 1 : RTCS_SERVER_NO, multipleCerts ) ) return( FALSE ); cryptDestroyCert( cryptCert ); /* Set up the server information and activate the session. In theory the RTCS request will contain all the information needed for the session so there'd be nothing else to add before we activate it, however many certs contain incorrect server URLs so we set the server name manually if necessary, overriding the value present in the RTCS request (via the certificate) */ status = cryptSetAttribute( cryptSession, CRYPT_SESSINFO_REQUEST, cryptRTCSRequest ); if( cryptStatusError( status ) ) return( attrErrorExit( cryptSession, "cryptSetAttribute()", status, __LINE__ ) ); cryptDestroyCert( cryptRTCSRequest ); if( localSession && !setLocalConnect( cryptSession, 80 ) ) return( FALSE ); #ifdef RTCS_SERVER_NAME if( !localSession ) { printf( "Setting RTCS server to %s.\n", RTCS_SERVER_NAME ); cryptDeleteAttribute( cryptSession, CRYPT_SESSINFO_SERVER_NAME ); status = cryptSetAttributeString( cryptSession, CRYPT_SESSINFO_SERVER_NAME, RTCS_SERVER_NAME, paramStrlen( RTCS_SERVER_NAME ) ); if( cryptStatusError( status ) ) return( attrErrorExit( cryptSession, "cryptSetAttributeString()", status, __LINE__ ) ); } #endif /* Kludges for incorrect/missing authorityInfoAccess values */ /* Wait for the server to finish initialising */ if( localSession && waitMutex() == CRYPT_ERROR_TIMEOUT ) { printf( "Timed out waiting for server to initialise, line %d.\n", __LINE__ ); return( FALSE ); } } status = cryptSetAttribute( cryptSession, CRYPT_SESSINFO_ACTIVE, TRUE ); if( isServer ) printConnectInfo( cryptSession ); if( cryptStatusError( status ) ) { printExtError( cryptSession, isServer ? \ "SVR: Attempt to activate RTCS server session" : \ "Attempt to activate RTCS client session", status, __LINE__ ); if( !isServer && isServerDown( cryptSession, status ) ) { puts( " (Server could be down, faking it and continuing...)\n" ); cryptDestroySession( cryptSession ); return( CRYPT_ERROR_FAILED ); } cryptDestroySession( cryptSession ); return( FALSE ); } /* Obtain the response information */ if( !isServer ) { CRYPT_CERTIFICATE cryptRTCSResponse; status = cryptGetAttribute( cryptSession, CRYPT_SESSINFO_RESPONSE, &cryptRTCSResponse ); if( cryptStatusError( status ) ) { printf( "cryptGetAttribute() failed with error code %d, line " "%d.\n", status, __LINE__ ); return( FALSE ); } printCertInfo( cryptRTCSResponse ); cryptDestroyCert( cryptRTCSResponse ); } /* Clean up */ status = cryptDestroySession( cryptSession ); if( cryptStatusError( status ) ) { printf( "cryptDestroySession() failed with error code %d, line %d.\n", status, __LINE__ ); return( FALSE ); } puts( isServer ? "SVR: RTCS server session succeeded.\n" : \ "RTCS client session succeeded.\n" ); return( TRUE ); }
static int connectTSP( const CRYPT_SESSION_TYPE sessionType, const CRYPT_HANDLE externalCryptContext, const BOOLEAN persistentConnection, const BOOLEAN localSession ) { CRYPT_SESSION cryptSession; const BOOLEAN isServer = ( sessionType == CRYPT_SESSION_TSP_SERVER ) ? \ TRUE : FALSE; const BOOLEAN useAltHash = ( !isServer && 0 ) ? TRUE : FALSE; int status; printf( "%sTesting %sTSP session...\n", isServer ? "SVR: " : "", localSession ? "local " : "" ); /* Acquire the init mutex if we're the server */ if( localSession && isServer ) waitMutex(); /* Create the TSP session */ status = cryptCreateSession( &cryptSession, CRYPT_UNUSED, sessionType ); if( status == CRYPT_ERROR_PARAM3 ) /* TSP session access not available */ return( CRYPT_ERROR_NOTAVAIL ); if( cryptStatusError( status ) ) { printf( "%scryptCreateSession() failed with error code %d, line " "%d.\n", isServer ? "SVR: " : "", status, __LINE__ ); return( FALSE ); } /* Set up the server information and activate the session. Since this test explicitly tests the ability to handle persistent connections, we don't use the general-purpose request/response server wrapper, which only uses persistent connections opportunistically */ if( isServer ) { CRYPT_CONTEXT privateKey = externalCryptContext; if( !setLocalConnect( cryptSession, 318 ) ) return( FALSE ); if( externalCryptContext == CRYPT_UNUSED ) status = getPrivateKey( &privateKey, TSA_PRIVKEY_FILE, USER_PRIVKEY_LABEL, TEST_PRIVKEY_PASSWORD ); if( cryptStatusOK( status ) ) { status = cryptSetAttribute( cryptSession, CRYPT_SESSINFO_PRIVATEKEY, privateKey ); if( externalCryptContext == CRYPT_UNUSED ) cryptDestroyContext( privateKey ); } } else { if( localSession ) { if( !setLocalConnect( cryptSession, 318 ) ) return( FALSE ); } else { status = cryptSetAttributeString( cryptSession, CRYPT_SESSINFO_SERVER_NAME, TSP_SERVER_NAME, paramStrlen( TSP_SERVER_NAME ) ); } } if( cryptStatusError( status ) ) { printf( "cryptSetAttribute/cryptSetAttributeString() failed with " "error code %d, line %d.\n", status, __LINE__ ); return( FALSE ); } status = testTSP( cryptSession, isServer, FALSE, useAltHash, localSession ); if( status <= 0 ) return( status ); /* Check whether the session connection is still open */ if( persistentConnection ) { int connectionActive; status = cryptGetAttribute( cryptSession, CRYPT_SESSINFO_CONNECTIONACTIVE, &connectionActive ); if( cryptStatusError( status ) || !connectionActive ) { printExtError( cryptSession, isServer ? \ "SVR: Persistent connection has been closed, " "operation" : \ "Persistent connection has been closed, operation", status, __LINE__ ); return( FALSE ); } /* Activate the connection to handle two more requests */ status = testTSP( cryptSession, isServer, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE ); if( status <= 0 ) return( status ); status = testTSP( cryptSession, isServer, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE ); if( status <= 0 ) return( status ); } /* Clean up */ status = cryptDestroySession( cryptSession ); if( cryptStatusError( status ) ) { printf( "cryptDestroySession() failed with error code %d, line %d.\n", status, __LINE__ ); return( FALSE ); } printf( isServer ? "SVR: %sTSP server session succeeded.\n\n" : \ "%sTSP client session succeeded.\n\n", persistentConnection ? "Persistent " : "" ); return( TRUE ); }
static int testTSP( const CRYPT_SESSION cryptSession, const BOOLEAN isServer, const BOOLEAN isRecycledConnection, const BOOLEAN useAltHash, const BOOLEAN localSession ) { int status; /* If we're the client, wait for the server to finish initialising */ if( localSession && !isServer && waitMutex() == CRYPT_ERROR_TIMEOUT ) { printf( "Timed out waiting for server to initialise, line %d.\n", __LINE__ ); return( FALSE ); } /* If we're the client, create a message imprint to timestamp */ if( !isServer ) { CRYPT_CONTEXT hashContext; /* Create the hash value to add to the TSP request */ status = cryptCreateContext( &hashContext, CRYPT_UNUSED, useAltHash ? CRYPT_ALGO_SHA256 : \ CRYPT_ALGO_SHA1 ); if( cryptStatusError( status ) ) return( FALSE ); cryptEncrypt( hashContext, "12345678", 8 ); cryptEncrypt( hashContext, "", 0 ); if( isRecycledConnection ) { /* If we're moving further data over an existing connection, delete the message imprint from the previous run */ status = cryptDeleteAttribute( cryptSession, CRYPT_SESSINFO_TSP_MSGIMPRINT ); if( cryptStatusError( status ) ) { printf( "cryptDeleteAttribute() failed with error code %d, " "line %d.\n", status, __LINE__ ); return( FALSE ); } } status = cryptSetAttribute( cryptSession, CRYPT_SESSINFO_TSP_MSGIMPRINT, hashContext ); if( cryptStatusError( status ) ) { printf( "cryptSetAttribute() failed with error code %d, line " "%d.\n", status, __LINE__ ); return( FALSE ); } cryptDestroyContext( hashContext ); /* If it's a local session, wait for the server to finish initialising */ if( localSession && waitMutex() == CRYPT_ERROR_TIMEOUT ) { printf( "Timed out waiting for server to initialise, line %d.\n", __LINE__ ); return( FALSE ); } } else { /* We're the server, if this is the first connect tell the client that we're ready to go */ if( localSession && !isRecycledConnection ) releaseMutex(); } /* Activate the session and timestamp the message */ #if TSP_SERVER_NO == 11 cryptSetAttribute( cryptSession, CRYPT_OPTION_NET_READTIMEOUT, 30 ); #endif /* Very slow TSP */ status = cryptSetAttribute( cryptSession, CRYPT_SESSINFO_ACTIVE, TRUE ); if( isServer ) printConnectInfo( cryptSession ); if( cryptStatusError( status ) ) { printExtError( cryptSession, isServer ? \ "SVR: Attempt to activate TSP server session" : \ "Attempt to activate TSP client session", status, __LINE__ ); if( !isServer && isServerDown( cryptSession, status ) ) { puts( " (Server could be down, faking it and continuing...)\n" ); cryptDestroySession( cryptSession ); return( CRYPT_ERROR_FAILED ); } cryptDestroySession( cryptSession ); return( FALSE ); } /* There's not much more we can do in the client at this point since the TSP data is only used internally by cryptlib, OTOH if we get to here then we've received a valid response from the TSA so all is OK */ if( !isServer ) { CRYPT_ENVELOPE cryptEnvelope; BYTE buffer[ BUFFER_SIZE ]; int bytesCopied; status = cryptGetAttribute( cryptSession, CRYPT_SESSINFO_RESPONSE, &cryptEnvelope ); if( cryptStatusError( status ) ) { printExtError( cryptSession, "Attempt to process returned " "timestamp", status, __LINE__ ); return( FALSE ); } status = cryptPopData( cryptEnvelope, buffer, BUFFER_SIZE, &bytesCopied ); if( cryptStatusError( status ) ) { printf( "cryptPopData() failed with error code %d, line %d.\n", status, __LINE__ ); return( FALSE ); } printf( "Timestamp data size = %d bytes.\n", bytesCopied ); debugDump( "tstinfo", buffer, bytesCopied ); cryptDestroyEnvelope( cryptEnvelope ); } return( TRUE ); }
main(int argc, char **argv){ int ret; /* Return code */ int i; /* Loop iterator */ int bytesCopied; /* Bytes output by cryptlib enc/dec ops */ int reqAttrib; /* Crypt required attributed */ CRYPT_ENVELOPE dataEnv; /* Envelope for enc/dec */ CRYPT_KEYSET keyset; /* GPG keyset */ CRYPT_CONTEXT symContext; /* Key context */ char *keyPtr; /* Pointer to key */ char label[100]; /* Private key label */ int labelLength; /* Length of label */ char passbuf[1024]; /* Buffer for GPG key passphrase */ struct termios ts, ots; /* Strutures for saving/modifying term attribs */ char *clrDataPtr; /* Pointer to clear text */ int clrDataSize; /* Size of clear text */ int clrDataFd; /* Pointer to clear text file */ char *encDataPtr; /* Pointer to encrypted data */ int encDataSize; /* Size of encrypted data */ int encDataFd; /* Pointer to encrypted text file */ struct stat encDataFileInfo; /* fstat return for encrypted data file */ struct passwd *userInfo; /* Password info for input user */ char *keyFile; /* GPG key ring file name */ uid_t ownerID = getuid(); struct passwd *owner_pws = getpwuid(ownerID); char* owner_pwname = owner_pws->pw_name;//get the user login name; char* owner_pwdir = owner_pws->pw_dir; char *fileKeyName; *fileKeyName = malloc(strlen(owner_pwname)+strlen(argv[2]+10)); strcpy(fileKeyName,argv[2]); strcat(fileKeyName,".enc."); strcat(fileKeyName,owner_pwname); strcat(fileKeyName,".key"); printf("%s\n",fileKeyName); char *outputFileKeyName = malloc(strlen(argv[1])+strlen(argv[2])+20); strcpy(outputFileKeyName,argv[2]); strcat(outputFileKeyName,".enc."); strcat(outputFileKeyName,argv[1]); strcat(outputFileKeyName,".key"); printf("%s\n",outputFileKeyName); /*============================================== Check Check Check Check Check Check ============================================== */ if (argc!=3) {printf("Wrong number of arguments\n");exit(1);} char *fileName = malloc(strlen(argv[2])+5); strcpy(fileName,argv[2]); strcat(fileName,".enc"); fileChecker(fileName); /*============================================= Open DATAFILE and get data ============================================= */ encDataFd=open(fileKeyName,O_RDONLY); if (encDataFd<=0){perror("open encData1");exit(encDataFd);} ret=fstat(encDataFd,&encDataFileInfo); if (ret!=0){perror("fstat encDataFd");exit(ret);} encDataSize=encDataFileInfo.st_size; encDataPtr=malloc(encDataFileInfo.st_size); if (encDataPtr==NULL){perror("malloc encData");exit(__LINE__);} ret=read(encDataFd,encDataPtr,encDataSize); if (ret!=encDataSize){perror("read encData");exit(ret);} close(encDataFd); /*============================================== Cryptlib initialization ============================================== */ //cryptInit(); //ret=cryptAddRandom( NULL , CRYPT_RANDOM_SLOWPOLL); //checkCryptNormal(ret,"cryptAddRandom",__LINE__); /*================================================= Decrypt the key ================================================= */ keyFile=malloc( strlen(owner_pwdir ) + strlen("/.gnupg/secring.gpg") + 1); if (keyFile==NULL){perror("malloc");exit(__LINE__);} strcpy(keyFile,owner_pwdir); strcat(keyFile,"/.gnupg/secring.gpg"); printf("Getting secret key from <%s>\n",keyFile); //Decrypt key cryptInit(); ret=cryptAddRandom( NULL , CRYPT_RANDOM_SLOWPOLL); checkCryptNormal(ret,"cryptAddRandom",__LINE__); ret=cryptKeysetOpen(&keyset, CRYPT_UNUSED, CRYPT_KEYSET_FILE, keyFile, CRYPT_KEYOPT_READONLY); free(keyFile); checkCryptNormal(ret,"cryptKeysetOpen",__LINE__); ret=cryptCreateEnvelope(&dataEnv, CRYPT_UNUSED, CRYPT_FORMAT_AUTO); checkCryptNormal(ret,"cryptCreateEnvelope",__LINE__); ret=cryptSetAttribute(dataEnv, CRYPT_ENVINFO_KEYSET_DECRYPT, keyset); checkCryptNormal(ret,"cryptSetAttribute",__LINE__); ret=cryptPushData(dataEnv,encDataPtr,encDataSize,&bytesCopied); /* Expect non-zero return -- indicates need private key */ ret=cryptGetAttribute(dataEnv, CRYPT_ATTRIBUTE_CURRENT, &reqAttrib); if (reqAttrib != CRYPT_ENVINFO_PRIVATEKEY) {printf("Decrypt error\n");exit(ret);} ret=cryptGetAttributeString(dataEnv, CRYPT_ENVINFO_PRIVATEKEY_LABEL, label, &labelLength); label[labelLength]='\0'; checkCryptNormal(ret,"cryptGetAttributeString",__LINE__); /*=============================================== Get the passphrase =============================================== */ tcgetattr(STDIN_FILENO, &ts); ots = ts; ts.c_lflag &= ~ECHO; ts.c_lflag |= ECHONL; tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSAFLUSH, &ts); tcgetattr(STDIN_FILENO, &ts); if (ts.c_lflag & ECHO) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to turn off echo\n"); tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSANOW, &ots); exit(1); } printf("Enter password for <%s>: ",label); fflush(stdout); fgets(passbuf, 1024, stdin); tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSANOW, &ots); ret=cryptSetAttributeString(dataEnv, CRYPT_ENVINFO_PASSWORD, passbuf, strlen(passbuf)-1); if (ret != CRYPT_OK) { if (ret=CRYPT_ERROR_WRONGKEY) { printf("Wrong Key\n"); exit(ret); }else{ printf("cryptSetAttributeString line %d returned <%d>\n",__LINE__,ret); exit(ret); } } ret=cryptFlushData(dataEnv); checkCryptNormal(ret,"cryptFlushData",__LINE__); clrDataSize=KEYSIZE; clrDataPtr=malloc(clrDataSize); if (clrDataPtr==NULL){perror("malloc");exit(__LINE__);} bzero(clrDataPtr,clrDataSize); ret=cryptPopData(dataEnv,clrDataPtr,clrDataSize,&bytesCopied); checkCryptNormal(ret,"cryptPopData",__LINE__); ret=cryptDestroyEnvelope(dataEnv); checkCryptNormal(ret,"cryptDestroyEnvelope",__LINE__); cryptKeysetClose(keyset); checkCryptNormal(ret,"cryptKeysetClose",__LINE__); printf("Bytes decrypted <%d>\n",bytesCopied); for (i=0;i<bytesCopied;i++){printf("%c",clrDataPtr[i]);} ret=cryptEnd(); checkCryptNormal(ret,"cryptEnd",__LINE__); /*==================================================== Part2 Encrypt the key with user's private key ==================================================== */ /*============================================== Cryptlib initialization ============================================== */ cryptInit(); ret=cryptAddRandom( NULL , CRYPT_RANDOM_SLOWPOLL); checkCryptNormal(ret,"cryptAddRandom",__LINE__); /*==================================================== Get key file name ==================================================== */ keyFile=malloc( strlen(owner_pwdir ) + strlen("/.gnupg/pubring.gpg") + 1); if (keyFile==NULL){perror("malloc");exit(__LINE__);} strcpy(keyFile,owner_pwdir); strcat(keyFile,"/.gnupg/pubring.gpg"); printf("Getting secret key from <%s>\n",keyFile); /*==================================================== Encrypt key with GPG public key Email address is for recipient =================================================== */ ret=cryptKeysetOpen(&keyset, CRYPT_UNUSED, CRYPT_KEYSET_FILE, keyFile, CRYPT_KEYOPT_READONLY); free(keyFile); checkCryptNormal(ret,"cryptKeysetOpen",__LINE__); ret=cryptCreateEnvelope(&dataEnv, CRYPT_UNUSED, CRYPT_FORMAT_PGP); checkCryptNormal(ret,"cryptCreateEnvelope",__LINE__); ret=cryptSetAttribute(dataEnv, CRYPT_ENVINFO_KEYSET_ENCRYPT, keyset); checkCryptNormal(ret,"cryptSetAttribute",__LINE__); ret=cryptSetAttributeString(dataEnv, CRYPT_ENVINFO_RECIPIENT, argv[1],strlen(argv[1])); checkCryptNormal(ret,"cryptSetAttributeString",__LINE__); ret=cryptSetAttribute(dataEnv, CRYPT_ENVINFO_DATASIZE, KEYSIZE); ret=cryptPushData(dataEnv,clrDataPtr,KEYSIZE,&bytesCopied); checkCryptNormal(ret,"cryptPushData",__LINE__); ret=cryptFlushData(dataEnv); checkCryptNormal(ret,"cryptFlushData",__LINE__); encDataSize=strlen(clrDataPtr)+1+1028; encDataPtr=malloc(encDataSize); if (encDataPtr==NULL){perror("malloc");exit(__LINE__);} ret=cryptPopData(dataEnv,encDataPtr,encDataSize,&bytesCopied); printf("cryptPopData returned <%d> bytes of encrypted data\n",bytesCopied); encDataSize=bytesCopied; ret=cryptDestroyEnvelope(dataEnv); checkCryptNormal(ret,"cryptDestroyEnvelope",__LINE__); cryptKeysetClose(keyset); checkCryptNormal(ret,"cryptKeysetClose",__LINE__); /*============================================== write it to output file. ============================================== */ printf("%s\n",outputFileKeyName); encDataFd=open(outputFileKeyName,O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC,S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR); if (encDataFd<=0){perror("open encDataFd");exit(encDataFd);} ret=write(encDataFd,encDataPtr,bytesCopied); if (ret!=bytesCopied){perror("write encData");exit(ret);} close(encDataFd); int chmodStat = chmod (outputFileKeyName, S_IWRITE| S_IREAD| S_IRGRP | S_IWGRP); if(chmodStat<0){ perror("failed to chmod"); exit(-1); } free(encDataPtr); }
int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) { struct passwd *pws; /* info for input user */ char *pwname; /* username */ char *pwdir; /* home directory */ char *encFile; char *encKey; int encKeyFd; //file state char *encKeyPtr; /* Pointer to encrypted data */ int encKeySize; /* Buffer bytes availble for decrypt */ struct stat fileStat; /* Struce for checking file attributes */ char *keyFile; /* GPG key ring file name */ char *gpgPrivateKeyPtr; int ret; /* Return code */ int i; /* Loop iterator */ int bytesCopied; /* Bytes output by cryptlib enc/dec ops */ int reqAttrib; /* Crypt required attributed */ CRYPT_ENVELOPE dataEnv; /* Envelope for enc/dec */ CRYPT_KEYSET keyset; /* GPG keyset */ CRYPT_CONTEXT symContext; /* Key context */ char label[100]; /* Private key label */ int labelLength; /* Length of label */ char passbuf[1024]; /* Buffer for GPG key passphrase */ struct termios ts, ots; /* Strutures for saving/modifying term attribs */ char *encDataPtr; /* Pointer to encrypted data */ int encDataSize; /* Size of encrypted data */ struct passwd *userInfo; /* Password info for input user */ int encFileFd; /* Destination (Encrypted) File Descriptor */ int encFileSize; /* Bytes of encrypted data */ char * encFilePtr; /* Pointer to enc text */ char *clrFilePtr; /* Pointer to clear text */ int clrFileSize; /* Bytes of clear text */ char *clrKeyPtr; int clrKeySize; struct stat encFileInfo; uid = getuid(); pws = getpwuid(uid); pwname = pws->pw_name;//get the user login name; pwdir = pws->pw_dir;//get the user dir path //Check arguments number if (argc!=2) { printf("slient exit\n"); exit (1); } //Get encrepted file encFile = malloc(strlen(argv[1]) + 4); strcpy(encFile, argv[1]); strcat(encFile, ".enc"); //Get gpg encrepted key name encKey = malloc(strlen(encFile) + strlen(pwname) +5 ); strcpy(encKey,encFile); strcat(encKey, "."); strcat(encKey, pwname); strcat(encKey, ".key"); //Open gpg encrepted key encKeyFd=open(encKey, O_RDONLY); if (encKeyFd<=0){perror("(2) open encKeyFd2");exit(encKeyFd);} ret=fstat(encKeyFd,&fileStat); if (ret!=0){perror("fstat encKeyFd");exit(ret);} encKeySize=fileStat.st_size; encKeyPtr=malloc(encKeySize); if (encKeyPtr==NULL){perror("malloc encData");exit(__LINE__);} ret=read(encKeyFd,encKeyPtr,encKeySize); if (ret!=encKeySize){perror("read encData");exit(ret);} close(encKeyFd); //Get the private key name gpgPrivateKeyPtr=malloc(strlen(pwdir) + strlen("/.gnupg/secring.gpg") + 1); getPrivateKeyName(gpgPrivateKeyPtr,uid); //Decrypt key cryptInit(); ret=cryptAddRandom( NULL , CRYPT_RANDOM_SLOWPOLL); checkCryptNormal(ret,"cryptAddRandom",__LINE__); ret=cryptKeysetOpen(&keyset, CRYPT_UNUSED, CRYPT_KEYSET_FILE, gpgPrivateKeyPtr, CRYPT_KEYOPT_READONLY); free(gpgPrivateKeyPtr); checkCryptNormal(ret,"cryptKeysetOpen",__LINE__); ret=cryptCreateEnvelope(&dataEnv, CRYPT_UNUSED, CRYPT_FORMAT_AUTO); checkCryptNormal(ret,"cryptCreateEnvelope",__LINE__); ret=cryptSetAttribute(dataEnv, CRYPT_ENVINFO_KEYSET_DECRYPT, keyset); checkCryptNormal(ret,"cryptSetAttribute",__LINE__); ret=cryptPushData(dataEnv,encKeyPtr,encKeySize,&bytesCopied); /* Expect non-zero return -- indicates need private key */ ret=cryptGetAttribute(dataEnv, CRYPT_ATTRIBUTE_CURRENT, &reqAttrib); if (reqAttrib != CRYPT_ENVINFO_PRIVATEKEY) {printf("Decrypt error\n");exit(ret);} ret=cryptGetAttributeString(dataEnv, CRYPT_ENVINFO_PRIVATEKEY_LABEL, label, &labelLength); label[labelLength]='\0'; checkCryptNormal(ret,"cryptGetAttributeString",__LINE__); /*=============================================== Get the passphrase =============================================== */ tcgetattr(STDIN_FILENO, &ts); ots = ts; ts.c_lflag &= ~ECHO; ts.c_lflag |= ECHONL; tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSAFLUSH, &ts); tcgetattr(STDIN_FILENO, &ts); if (ts.c_lflag & ECHO) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to turn off echo\n"); tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSANOW, &ots); exit(1); } printf("Enter password for <%s>: ",label); fflush(stdout); fgets(passbuf, 1024, stdin); tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSANOW, &ots); ret=cryptSetAttributeString(dataEnv, CRYPT_ENVINFO_PASSWORD, passbuf, strlen(passbuf)-1); if (ret != CRYPT_OK) { if (ret=CRYPT_ERROR_WRONGKEY) { printf("Wrong Key\n"); exit(ret); }else{ printf("cryptSetAttributeString line %d returned <%d>\n",__LINE__,ret); exit(ret); } } ret=cryptFlushData(dataEnv); checkCryptNormal(ret,"cryptFlushData",__LINE__); clrKeySize=KEYSIZE; clrKeyPtr=malloc(clrKeySize); if (clrKeyPtr==NULL){perror("malloc");exit(__LINE__);} bzero(clrKeyPtr,clrKeySize); ret=cryptPopData(dataEnv,clrKeyPtr,clrKeySize,&bytesCopied); checkCryptNormal(ret,"cryptPopData",__LINE__); ret=cryptDestroyEnvelope(dataEnv); checkCryptNormal(ret,"cryptDestroyEnvelope",__LINE__); cryptKeysetClose(keyset); checkCryptNormal(ret,"cryptKeysetClose",__LINE__); printf("Bytes decrypted <%d>\n",bytesCopied); // for (i=0;i<bytesCopied;i++){printf("%c",clrKeyPtr[i]);} ret=cryptEnd(); checkCryptNormal(ret,"cryptEnd",__LINE__); //read enc file encFileFd=open(encFile, O_RDONLY); if (encFileFd<=0){perror("(2) open encFileFd1");exit(encFileFd);} ret=fstat(encFileFd,&encFileInfo); if (ret!=0){perror("fstat encFileFd");exit(ret);} encFileSize=encFileInfo.st_size; encFilePtr=malloc(encFileSize); if (encFilePtr==NULL){perror("malloc encData");exit(__LINE__);} ret=read(encFileFd,encFilePtr,encFileSize); if (ret!=encFileSize){perror("read encData");exit(ret);} close(encFileFd); //Decrypt and get the content of decrepted file cryptInit(); ret=cryptAddRandom( NULL , CRYPT_RANDOM_SLOWPOLL); checkCryptNormal(ret,"cryptAddRandom",__LINE__); cryptCreateEnvelope(&dataEnv, CRYPT_UNUSED, CRYPT_FORMAT_AUTO); checkCryptNormal(ret,"cryptCreateEnvelope",__LINE__); cryptPushData(dataEnv,encFilePtr,encFileSize,&bytesCopied); checkCryptNormal(ret,"cryptPushData",__LINE__); cryptCreateContext(&symContext,CRYPT_UNUSED,SYMMETRIC_ALG); checkCryptNormal(ret,"cryptCreateContext",__LINE__); cryptSetAttributeString(symContext, CRYPT_CTXINFO_KEY,clrKeyPtr,clrKeySize); checkCryptNormal(ret,"cryptSetAttributeString",__LINE__); cryptSetAttribute(dataEnv,CRYPT_ENVINFO_SESSIONKEY,symContext); checkCryptNormal(ret,"cryptSetAttribute",__LINE__); ret=cryptDestroyContext(symContext); checkCryptNormal(ret,"cryptDestroyContext",__LINE__); cryptFlushData(dataEnv); clrFileSize=KEYSIZE+1028; clrFilePtr=malloc(encDataSize); ret=cryptPopData(dataEnv,clrFilePtr,clrFileSize,&bytesCopied); checkCryptNormal(ret,"cryptPopData",__LINE__); ret=cryptDestroyEnvelope(dataEnv); checkCryptNormal(ret,"cryptDestroyEnvelope",__LINE__); printf("<%d> bytes of decrypted data\n",bytesCopied); for (i=0;i<bytesCopied;i++){printf("%c",clrFilePtr[i]);} printf("\n"); fflush(stdout); ret=cryptEnd(); checkCryptNormal(ret,"cryptEnd",__LINE__); return 0; }
static int testKeysetRead( const CRYPT_KEYSET_TYPE keysetType, const C_STR keysetName, const CRYPT_KEYID_TYPE keyType, const C_STR keyName, const CRYPT_CERTTYPE_TYPE type, const int option ) { CRYPT_KEYSET cryptKeyset; CRYPT_CERTIFICATE cryptCert; BOOLEAN isCertChain = FALSE; int value, status; /* Open the keyset with a check to make sure this access method exists so we can return an appropriate error message */ status = cryptKeysetOpen( &cryptKeyset, CRYPT_UNUSED, keysetType, keysetName, CRYPT_KEYOPT_READONLY ); if( status == CRYPT_ERROR_PARAM3 ) { /* This type of keyset access not available */ return( CRYPT_ERROR_NOTAVAIL ); } if( cryptStatusError( status ) ) { printf( "cryptKeysetOpen() failed with error code %d, line %d.\n", status, __LINE__ ); return( CRYPT_ERROR_FAILED ); } /* Read the certificate from the keyset */ status = cryptGetPublicKey( cryptKeyset, &cryptCert, keyType, keyName ); if( cryptStatusError( status ) ) { /* The access to network-accessible keysets can be rather temperamental and can fail at this point even though it's not a fatal error. The calling code knows this and will continue the self-test with an appropriate warning, so we explicitly clean up after ourselves to make sure we don't get a CRYPT_ORPHAN on shutdown */ if( keysetType == CRYPT_KEYSET_HTTP && \ status == CRYPT_ERROR_NOTFOUND ) { /* 404's are relatively common, and non-fatal */ extErrorExit( cryptKeyset, "cryptGetPublicKey()", status, __LINE__ ); puts( " (404 is a common HTTP error, and non-fatal)." ); return( TRUE ); } return( extErrorExit( cryptKeyset, "cryptGetPublicKey()", status, __LINE__ ) ); } /* Make sure that we got what we were expecting */ status = cryptGetAttribute( cryptCert, CRYPT_CERTINFO_CERTTYPE, &value ); if( cryptStatusError( status ) || ( value != type ) ) { printf( "Expecting certificate object type %d, got %d, line %d.", type, value, __LINE__ ); return( FALSE ); } if( value == CRYPT_CERTTYPE_CERTCHAIN ) isCertChain = TRUE; if( value == CRYPT_CERTTYPE_CERTCHAIN || value == CRYPT_CERTTYPE_CRL ) { value = 0; cryptSetAttribute( cryptCert, CRYPT_CERTINFO_CURRENT_CERTIFICATE, CRYPT_CURSOR_FIRST ); do value++; while( cryptSetAttribute( cryptCert, CRYPT_CERTINFO_CURRENT_CERTIFICATE, CRYPT_CURSOR_NEXT ) == CRYPT_OK ); printf( isCertChain ? "Certificate chain length = %d.\n" : \ "CRL has %d entries.\n", value ); } /* Check the certificate against the CRL. Any kind of error is a failure since the certificate isn't in the CRL */ if( keysetType != CRYPT_KEYSET_LDAP && \ keysetType != CRYPT_KEYSET_HTTP ) { if( !checkKeysetCRL( cryptKeyset, cryptCert, isCertChain ) ) return( FALSE ); } cryptDestroyCert( cryptCert ); /* If we're reading multiple certs using the same (cached) query type, try re-reading the certificate. This can't be easily tested from the outside because it's database back-end specific, so it'll require attaching a debugger to the read code to make sure that the cacheing is working as required */ if( option == READ_OPTION_MULTIPLE ) { int i; for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { status = cryptGetPublicKey( cryptKeyset, &cryptCert, keyType, keyName ); if( cryptStatusError( status ) ) { printf( "cryptGetPublicKey() with cached query failed with " "error code %d, line %d.\n", status, __LINE__ ); return( FALSE ); } cryptDestroyCert( cryptCert ); } } /* Close the keyset */ status = cryptKeysetClose( cryptKeyset ); if( cryptStatusError( status ) ) { printf( "cryptKeysetClose() failed with error code %d, line %d.\n", status, __LINE__ ); return( FALSE ); } return( TRUE ); }
int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { int n; FILE *f; char *buf[8]; char *outFile; char *keyFile; char *certFile; char *certData; char *label; char *secret; struct stat st; int usage; RSA *key; EVP_PKEY *evp; CRYPT_KEYSET keyset; CRYPT_CONTEXT pKey; CRYPT_PKCINFO_RSA rsa; CRYPT_CERTIFICATE cert; CRYPT_KEYOPT_TYPE opt; if ( argc != 6 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Syntax: %s <key> <cert> <out> <label> <secret>\n", argv[0] ); exit( -1 ); } keyFile = argv[1]; certFile = argv[2]; outFile = argv[3]; label = argv[4]; secret = argv[5]; if ( ( f = fopen( keyFile, "r" ) ) == NULL || ( evp = PEM_read_PrivateKey( f, NULL, NULL, NULL ) ) == NULL || ( key = EVP_PKEY_get1_RSA( evp ) ) == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "Couldn't load private key from '%s'\n", keyFile ); if ( f ) { ERR_print_errors_fp( stderr ); fclose( f ); } if ( evp ) EVP_PKEY_free( evp ); exit( -1 ); } if ( ( f = fopen( certFile, "r" ) ) == NULL || fstat( fileno( f ), &st ) < 0 || ( certData = malloc( st.st_size ) ) == NULL || fread( certData, 1, st.st_size, f ) < st.st_size ) { fprintf( stderr, "Couldn't load certificate from '%s'\n", certFile ); if ( f ) fclose( f ); free( certData ); exit( -1 ); } /* Should we create a keyset, or append to an existing one? */ opt = CRYPT_KEYOPT_CREATE; f = fopen( outFile, "r" ); if ( f != NULL ) { opt = CRYPT_KEYOPT_NONE; fclose( f ); } cryptInit(); cryptInitComponents( &rsa, CRYPT_KEYTYPE_PRIVATE ); if ( ( buf[0] = malloc( BN_num_bytes( key->n ) ) ) != NULL && ( buf[1] = malloc( BN_num_bytes( key->e ) ) ) != NULL && ( buf[2] = malloc( BN_num_bytes( key->d ) ) ) != NULL && ( buf[3] = malloc( BN_num_bytes( key->p ) ) ) != NULL && ( buf[4] = malloc( BN_num_bytes( key->q ) ) ) != NULL && ( buf[5] = malloc( BN_num_bytes( key->iqmp ) ) ) != NULL && ( buf[6] = malloc( BN_num_bytes( key->dmp1 ) ) ) != NULL && ( buf[7] = malloc( BN_num_bytes( key->dmq1 ) ) ) != NULL ) { int i; BN_bn2bin( key->n, buf[0] ); BN_bn2bin( key->e, buf[1] ); BN_bn2bin( key->d, buf[2] ); BN_bn2bin( key->p, buf[3] ); BN_bn2bin( key->q, buf[4] ); BN_bn2bin( key->iqmp, buf[5] ); BN_bn2bin( key->dmp1, buf[6] ); BN_bn2bin( key->dmq1, buf[7] ); cryptSetComponent( (&rsa)->n, buf[0], BN_num_bits( key->n ) ); cryptSetComponent( (&rsa)->e, buf[1], BN_num_bits( key->e ) ); cryptSetComponent( (&rsa)->d, buf[2], BN_num_bits( key->d ) ); cryptSetComponent( (&rsa)->p, buf[3], BN_num_bits( key->p ) ); cryptSetComponent( (&rsa)->q, buf[4], BN_num_bits( key->q ) ); cryptSetComponent( (&rsa)->u, buf[5], BN_num_bits( key->iqmp ) ); cryptSetComponent( (&rsa)->e1, buf[6], BN_num_bits( key->dmp1 ) ); cryptSetComponent( (&rsa)->e2, buf[7], BN_num_bits( key->dmq1 ) ); i = 0; while ( i < 8 ) free( buf[i++] ); } else { fprintf( stderr, "Couldn't initialise PKCINFO_RSA data.\n" ); exit( -1 ); } n = cryptCreateContext( &pKey, CRYPT_UNUSED, CRYPT_ALGO_RSA ); check( n, pKey, "cryptCreateContext" ); n = cryptSetAttributeString( pKey, CRYPT_CTXINFO_LABEL, label, strlen( label ) ); check( n, pKey, "cryptSetAttributeString(LABEL)" ); n = cryptSetAttributeString( pKey, CRYPT_CTXINFO_KEY_COMPONENTS, &rsa, sizeof( CRYPT_PKCINFO_RSA ) ); check( n, pKey, "cryptSetAttributeString(KEY_COMPONENTS)" ); n = cryptImportCert( certData, st.st_size, CRYPT_UNUSED, &cert ); check( n, cert, "cryptImportCert" ); n = cryptGetAttribute( cert, CRYPT_CERTINFO_KEYUSAGE, &usage ); if ( n != CRYPT_OK ) { fprintf( stderr, "Warning: The certificate specifies no KEYUSAGE.\n" "Cryptlib may not permit its use. See " "<>.\n" ); } n = cryptKeysetOpen( &keyset, CRYPT_UNUSED, CRYPT_KEYSET_FILE, outFile, opt ); check( n, keyset, "cryptKeysetOpen" ); n = cryptAddPrivateKey( keyset, pKey, secret ); check( n, keyset, "cryptAddPrivateKey" ); n = cryptAddPublicKey( keyset, cert ); check( n, keyset, "cryptAddPublicKey" ); cryptKeysetClose( keyset ); cryptDestroyComponents( &rsa ); cryptDestroyContext( pKey ); cryptDestroyCert( cert ); exit( 0 ); }
static int exec_cmpcli_revoke(int argc, char **argv) { CRYPT_SESSION session; CRYPT_CONTEXT privkey; CRYPT_KEYSET privkeys; CRYPT_CERTIFICATE cert, cacert, revreq; const char *cmd, *crtfilename, *cacrtfilename, *kpfilename; void *crtdata; int status, data_len; if (argc != 4) { fprintf(stderr, "cmpcli revoke argv!=4\n"); return 1; } cmd = argv[0]; crtfilename=argv[1]; cacrtfilename=argv[2]; kpfilename = argv[3]; if (strcmp(cmd, "revoke") != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "cmpcli knows revoke only\n"); return 1; } crtdata = read_full_file(crtfilename, &data_len); if (!crtdata) return 1; status = cryptImportCert(crtdata, data_len, CRYPT_UNUSED, &cert); WARN_AND_RETURN_IF(status); free(crtdata); crtdata = read_full_file(cacrtfilename, &data_len); if (!crtdata) return 1; status = cryptImportCert(crtdata, data_len, CRYPT_UNUSED, &cacert); WARN_AND_RETURN_IF(status); free(crtdata); status = cryptKeysetOpen(&privkeys, CRYPT_UNUSED, CRYPT_KEYSET_FILE, kpfilename, CRYPT_KEYOPT_NONE); WARN_AND_RETURN_IF(status); status = cryptGetPrivateKey(privkeys, &privkey, CRYPT_KEYID_NAME, DEFAULT_PRIVKEY_LABEL, DEFAULT_PASSWORD); WARN_AND_RETURN_IF(status); status = cryptKeysetClose(privkeys); WARN_AND_RETURN_IF(status); status = cryptCreateCert(&revreq, CRYPT_UNUSED, CRYPT_CERTTYPE_REQUEST_REVOCATION); WARN_AND_RETURN_IF(status); status = cryptSetAttribute(revreq, CRYPT_CERTINFO_CERTIFICATE, cert); WARN_AND_RETURN_IF(status); status = cryptSetAttribute(revreq, CRYPT_CERTINFO_CRLREASON, CRYPT_CRLREASON_AFFILIATIONCHANGED); WARN_AND_RETURN_IF(status); #if 0 status = cryptSignCert(revreq, privkey); WARN_AND_RETURN_IF(status); #endif status = cryptCreateSession(&session, CRYPT_UNUSED, CRYPT_SESSION_CMP); WARN_AND_RETURN_IF(status); status = cryptSetAttribute(session, CRYPT_SESSINFO_CMP_REQUESTTYPE, CRYPT_REQUESTTYPE_REVOCATION); WARN_AND_RETURN_IF(status); status = cryptSetAttribute(session, CRYPT_SESSINFO_PRIVATEKEY, privkey); WARN_AND_RETURN_IF(status); status = cryptSetAttribute(session, CRYPT_SESSINFO_REQUEST, revreq); WARN_AND_RETURN_IF(status); status = cryptSetAttribute(session, CRYPT_SESSINFO_CACERTIFICATE, cacert); WARN_AND_RETURN_IF(status); #if 0 status = cryptSetAttributeString(session, CRYPT_SESSINFO_USERNAME, uid, strlen(uid)); WARN_AND_RETURN_IF(status); status = cryptSetAttributeString(session, CRYPT_SESSINFO_PASSWORD, rpwd, strlen(rpwd)); WARN_AND_RETURN_IF(status); #endif status = cryptSetAttributeString(session, CRYPT_SESSINFO_SERVER_NAME, "", 9); WARN_AND_RETURN_IF(status); status = cryptSetAttribute(session, CRYPT_SESSINFO_SERVER_PORT, 65000); WARN_AND_RETURN_IF(status); status = cryptSetAttribute(session, CRYPT_SESSINFO_ACTIVE, 1); if (!cryptStatusOK(status)) { CRYPT_ERRTYPE_TYPE errtype; CRYPT_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE locus; char *errstring; int errstringlen; cryptGetAttribute(session, CRYPT_ATTRIBUTE_ERRORTYPE, (int *)&errtype); cryptGetAttribute(session, CRYPT_ATTRIBUTE_ERRORLOCUS, (int *)&locus); fprintf(stderr, "session errtype %d locus %d\n", errtype, locus); cryptGetAttribute(revreq, CRYPT_ATTRIBUTE_ERRORTYPE, (int *)&errtype); cryptGetAttribute(revreq, CRYPT_ATTRIBUTE_ERRORLOCUS, (int *)&locus); fprintf(stderr, "revreq errtype %d locus %d\n", errtype, locus); cryptGetAttribute(cert, CRYPT_ATTRIBUTE_ERRORTYPE, (int *)&errtype); cryptGetAttribute(cert, CRYPT_ATTRIBUTE_ERRORLOCUS, (int *)&locus); fprintf(stderr, "cert errtype %d locus %d\n", errtype, locus); cryptGetAttribute(cacert, CRYPT_ATTRIBUTE_ERRORTYPE, (int *)&errtype); cryptGetAttribute(cacert, CRYPT_ATTRIBUTE_ERRORLOCUS, (int *)&locus); fprintf(stderr, "cacert errtype %d locus %d\n", errtype, locus); cryptGetAttributeString(session, CRYPT_ATTRIBUTE_ERRORMESSAGE, NULL, &errstringlen); errstring = malloc(errstringlen + 10); cryptGetAttributeString(session, CRYPT_ATTRIBUTE_ERRORMESSAGE, errstring, &errstringlen); errstring[errstringlen] = 0; fprintf(stderr, "session errmsg: %s\n", errstring); free(errstring); } WARN_AND_RETURN_IF(status); status = cryptDestroyContext(privkey); WARN_AND_RETURN_IF(status); status = cryptDestroySession(session); WARN_AND_RETURN_IF(status); status = cryptDestroyCert(cacert); WARN_AND_RETURN_IF(status); status = cryptDestroyCert(cert); WARN_AND_RETURN_IF(status); status = cryptDestroyCert(revreq); WARN_AND_RETURN_IF(status); return 0; }
static int exec_cmpcli_init(int argc, char **argv) { CRYPT_SESSION session; CRYPT_CERTIFICATE cert, cacert, req; CRYPT_CONTEXT keypair; CRYPT_KEYSET privkeys; const char *cmd, *uid, *ipwd, *crtfilename, *cacrtfilename, *kpfilename; void *crtdata; int status, data_len; if (argc != 6) { fprintf(stderr, "cmpcli argv!=6\n"); return 1; } cmd = argv[0]; uid = argv[1]; ipwd = argv[2]; crtfilename=argv[3]; cacrtfilename=argv[4]; kpfilename = argv[5]; fprintf(stderr, "uid=\"%s\" ipwd=\"%s\"\n", uid, ipwd); #if 0 crtdata = read_full_file(crtfilename, &data_len); if (!crtdata) return 1; status = cryptImportCert(crtdata, data_len, CRYPT_UNUSED, &cert); WARN_AND_RETURN_IF(status); free(crtdata); #endif crtdata = read_full_file(cacrtfilename, &data_len); if (!crtdata) return 1; status = cryptImportCert(crtdata, data_len, CRYPT_UNUSED, &cacert); WARN_AND_RETURN_IF(status); free(crtdata); status = create_keypair(&keypair, DEFAULT_PRIVKEY_LABEL); WARN_AND_RETURN_IF(status); status = cryptKeysetOpen(&privkeys, CRYPT_UNUSED, CRYPT_KEYSET_FILE, kpfilename, CRYPT_KEYOPT_CREATE); WARN_AND_RETURN_IF(status); status = cryptAddPrivateKey(privkeys, keypair, DEFAULT_PASSWORD); WARN_AND_RETURN_IF(status); status = cryptCreateCert(&req, CRYPT_UNUSED, CRYPT_CERTTYPE_REQUEST_CERT); WARN_AND_RETURN_IF(status); status = cryptSetAttribute(req, CRYPT_CERTINFO_SUBJECTPUBLICKEYINFO, keypair); WARN_AND_RETURN_IF(status); status = cryptSignCert(req, keypair); WARN_AND_RETURN_IF(status); status = cryptCreateSession(&session, CRYPT_UNUSED, CRYPT_SESSION_CMP); WARN_AND_RETURN_IF(status); status = cryptSetAttribute(session, CRYPT_SESSINFO_CMP_REQUESTTYPE, CRYPT_REQUESTTYPE_INITIALIZATION); WARN_AND_RETURN_IF(status); status = cryptSetAttribute(session, CRYPT_SESSINFO_CACERTIFICATE, cacert); WARN_AND_RETURN_IF(status); status = cryptSetAttribute(session, CRYPT_SESSINFO_REQUEST, req); WARN_AND_RETURN_IF(status); status = cryptSetAttributeString(session, CRYPT_SESSINFO_USERNAME, uid, strlen(uid)); WARN_AND_RETURN_IF(status); status = cryptSetAttributeString(session, CRYPT_SESSINFO_PASSWORD, ipwd, strlen(ipwd)); WARN_AND_RETURN_IF(status); status = cryptSetAttributeString(session, CRYPT_SESSINFO_SERVER_NAME, "", 9); WARN_AND_RETURN_IF(status); status = cryptSetAttribute(session, CRYPT_SESSINFO_SERVER_PORT, 65000); WARN_AND_RETURN_IF(status); status = cryptSetAttribute(session, CRYPT_SESSINFO_ACTIVE, 1); WARN_AND_RETURN_IF(status); status = cryptGetAttribute(session, CRYPT_SESSINFO_RESPONSE, &cert); WARN_AND_RETURN_IF(status); status = export_cert(cert, crtfilename); WARN_AND_RETURN_IF(status); status = cryptAddPublicKey(privkeys, cert); WARN_AND_RETURN_IF(status); status = cryptKeysetClose(privkeys); WARN_AND_RETURN_IF(status); status = cryptDestroySession(session); WARN_AND_RETURN_IF(status); status = cryptDestroyCert(cacert); WARN_AND_RETURN_IF(status); status = cryptDestroyCert(cert); WARN_AND_RETURN_IF(status); status = cryptDestroyCert(req); WARN_AND_RETURN_IF(status); status = cryptDestroyContext(keypair); return 0; }
static int exec_cmpsvr(int argc, char **argv) { CRYPT_KEYSET cakeys, store; CRYPT_SESSION session; CRYPT_CONTEXT ca_privkey; int status; const char *dbfilename = argv[0]; char cakeysfilename[4096]; /* PATH_MAX */ if (argc < 1) { fprintf(stderr, "missing dbfilename\n"); return 1; } status = cryptCreateSession(&session, CRYPT_UNUSED, CRYPT_SESSION_CMP_SERVER); WARN_AND_RETURN_IF(status); /* open store */ status = cryptKeysetOpen(&store, CRYPT_UNUSED, CRYPT_KEYSET_DATABASE_STORE, dbfilename, CRYPT_KEYOPT_NONE); WARN_AND_RETURN_IF(status); /* get ca privkey */ snprintf(cakeysfilename, 4095, "%s.keys", dbfilename); cakeysfilename[4095] = '\0'; status = cryptKeysetOpen(&cakeys, CRYPT_UNUSED, CRYPT_KEYSET_FILE, cakeysfilename, CRYPT_KEYOPT_NONE); WARN_AND_RETURN_IF(status); status = cryptGetPrivateKey(cakeys, &ca_privkey, CRYPT_KEYID_NAME, DEFAULT_CA_PRIVKEY_LABEL, DEFAULT_PASSWORD); WARN_AND_RETURN_IF(status); status = cryptKeysetClose(cakeys); WARN_AND_RETURN_IF(status); status = cryptSetAttribute(session, CRYPT_SESSINFO_KEYSET, store); WARN_AND_RETURN_IF(status); status = cryptSetAttribute(session, CRYPT_SESSINFO_PRIVATEKEY, ca_privkey); WARN_AND_RETURN_IF(status); status = cryptSetAttributeString(session, CRYPT_SESSINFO_SERVER_NAME, "", 9); WARN_AND_RETURN_IF(status); status = cryptSetAttribute(session, CRYPT_SESSINFO_SERVER_PORT, 65000); WARN_AND_RETURN_IF(status); fprintf(stderr, "before setting ACTIVE\n"); status = cryptSetAttribute(session, CRYPT_SESSINFO_ACTIVE, 1); if (!cryptStatusOK(status)) { CRYPT_ERRTYPE_TYPE errtype; CRYPT_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE locus; char *errstring; int errstringlen; cryptGetAttribute(session, CRYPT_ATTRIBUTE_ERRORTYPE, (int *)&errtype); cryptGetAttribute(session, CRYPT_ATTRIBUTE_ERRORLOCUS, (int *)&locus); fprintf(stderr, "session errtype %d locus %d\n", errtype, locus); cryptGetAttributeString(session, CRYPT_ATTRIBUTE_ERRORMESSAGE, NULL, &errstringlen); errstring = malloc(errstringlen + 10); cryptGetAttributeString(session, CRYPT_ATTRIBUTE_ERRORMESSAGE, errstring, &errstringlen); errstring[errstringlen] = 0; fprintf(stderr, "session errmsg: %s\n", errstring); free(errstring); } WARN_AND_RETURN_IF(status); status = cryptKeysetClose(store); WARN_AND_RETURN_IF(status); status = cryptDestroyContext(ca_privkey); WARN_AND_RETURN_IF(status); status = cryptDestroySession(session); WARN_AND_RETURN_IF(status); return 0; }
static int exec_sign(int argc, char **argv) { const char *id, *dbfilename, *certfilename; char cakeysfilename[4096]; CRYPT_KEYID_TYPE id_type; CRYPT_KEYSET store, cakeys; CRYPT_CERTIFICATE cert, csr; CRYPT_CONTEXT ca_privkey; int status; if (argc != 4) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: sign dbfile (-e email | -n name) certfile\n"); return 1; } dbfilename = argv[0]; certfilename = argv[3]; id = argv[2]; if (strcmp(argv[1], "-e") == 0) { id_type = CRYPT_KEYID_EMAIL; } else if (strcmp(argv[1], "-n") == 0) { id_type = CRYPT_KEYID_NAME; } else { fprintf(stderr, "usage: sign dbfile (-e email | -n name) certfile\n"); return 1; } status = cryptKeysetOpen(&store, CRYPT_UNUSED, CRYPT_KEYSET_DATABASE_STORE, dbfilename, CRYPT_KEYOPT_NONE); WARN_AND_RETURN_IF(status); status = cryptCAGetItem(store, &csr, CRYPT_CERTTYPE_CERTREQUEST, id_type, id); WARN_AND_RETURN_IF(status); snprintf(cakeysfilename, 4095, "%s.keys", dbfilename); status = cryptKeysetOpen(&cakeys, CRYPT_UNUSED, CRYPT_KEYSET_FILE, cakeysfilename, CRYPT_KEYOPT_NONE); WARN_AND_RETURN_IF(status); status = cryptGetPrivateKey(cakeys, &ca_privkey, CRYPT_KEYID_NAME, DEFAULT_CA_PRIVKEY_LABEL, DEFAULT_PASSWORD); WARN_AND_RETURN_IF(status); status = cryptKeysetClose(cakeys); WARN_AND_RETURN_IF(status); status = cryptCACertManagement(&cert, CRYPT_CERTACTION_ISSUE_CERT, store, ca_privkey, csr); if (!cryptStatusOK(status)) { int errorLocus; int errorType; cryptGetAttribute(store, CRYPT_ATTRIBUTE_ERRORLOCUS, &errorLocus); cryptGetAttribute(store, CRYPT_ATTRIBUTE_ERRORTYPE, &errorType); fprintf(stderr, "store: locus %d type %d\n", errorLocus, errorType); cryptGetAttribute(csr, CRYPT_ATTRIBUTE_ERRORLOCUS, &errorLocus); cryptGetAttribute(csr, CRYPT_ATTRIBUTE_ERRORTYPE, &errorType); fprintf(stderr, "csr: locus %d type %d\n", errorLocus, errorType); cryptGetAttribute(ca_privkey, CRYPT_ATTRIBUTE_ERRORLOCUS, &errorLocus); cryptGetAttribute(ca_privkey, CRYPT_ATTRIBUTE_ERRORTYPE, &errorType); fprintf(stderr, "ca_privkey: locus %d type %d\n", errorLocus, errorType); } WARN_AND_RETURN_IF(status); status = export_cert(cert, certfilename); WARN_AND_RETURN_IF(status); status = cryptDestroyCert(cert); WARN_AND_RETURN_IF(status); status = cryptDestroyCert(csr); WARN_AND_RETURN_IF(status); status = cryptDestroyContext(ca_privkey); WARN_AND_RETURN_IF(status); status = cryptKeysetClose(store); WARN_AND_RETURN_IF(status); return 0; }
static int connectCertstoreServer( void ) { CRYPT_SESSION cryptSession; CRYPT_KEYSET cryptCertStore; int connectionActive, status; puts( "Testing HTTP certstore server session..." ); /* Create the HTTP certstore session */ status = cryptCreateSession( &cryptSession, CRYPT_UNUSED, CRYPT_SESSION_CERTSTORE_SERVER ); if( status == CRYPT_ERROR_PARAM3 ) /* Certstore session access not available */ return( CRYPT_ERROR_NOTAVAIL ); if( cryptStatusError( status ) ) { printf( "cryptCreateSession() failed with error code %d, line %d.\n", status, __LINE__ ); return( FALSE ); } if( !setLocalConnect( cryptSession, 80 ) ) return( FALSE ); /* Add the certificate store that we'll be using to provide certs (it's actually just the generic database keyset and not the full certificate store, because this contains more test certs) */ status = cryptKeysetOpen( &cryptCertStore, CRYPT_UNUSED, DATABASE_KEYSET_TYPE, DATABASE_KEYSET_NAME, CRYPT_KEYOPT_READONLY ); if( status == CRYPT_ERROR_PARAM3 ) { /* This type of keyset access isn't available, return a special error code to indicate that the test wasn't performed, but that this isn't a reason to abort processing */ puts( "SVR: No certificate store available, aborting HTTP certstore " "responder test.\n" ); cryptDestroySession( cryptSession ); return( CRYPT_ERROR_NOTAVAIL ); } if( cryptStatusOK( status ) ) { status = cryptSetAttribute( cryptSession, CRYPT_SESSINFO_KEYSET, cryptCertStore ); cryptKeysetClose( cryptCertStore ); } if( cryptStatusError( status ) ) return( attrErrorExit( cryptSession, "SVR: cryptSetAttribute()", status, __LINE__ ) ); /* Activate the server */ status = cryptSetAttribute( cryptSession, CRYPT_SESSINFO_ACTIVE, TRUE ); printConnectInfo( cryptSession ); if( cryptStatusError( status ) ) { printExtError( cryptSession, "SVR: Attempt to activate HTTP " "certstore server session", status, __LINE__ ); cryptDestroySession( cryptSession ); return( FALSE ); } /* Check whether the session connection is still open */ status = cryptGetAttribute( cryptSession, CRYPT_SESSINFO_CONNECTIONACTIVE, &connectionActive ); if( cryptStatusError( status ) || !connectionActive ) { printExtError( cryptSession, "SVR: Persistent connection has been " "closed, operation", status, __LINE__ ); return( FALSE ); } /* Activate the connection to handle two more requests */ status = cryptSetAttribute( cryptSession, CRYPT_SESSINFO_ACTIVE, TRUE ); if( cryptStatusError( status ) ) { printExtError( cryptSession, "SVR: Attempt to perform second HTTP " "certstore server transaction", status, __LINE__ ); cryptDestroySession( cryptSession ); return( status ); } status = cryptSetAttribute( cryptSession, CRYPT_SESSINFO_ACTIVE, TRUE ); if( cryptStatusError( status ) ) { printExtError( cryptSession, "SVR: Attempt to perform third HTTP " "certstore server transaction", status, __LINE__ ); cryptDestroySession( cryptSession ); return( status ); } /* Clean up */ status = cryptDestroySession( cryptSession ); if( cryptStatusError( status ) ) { printf( "cryptDestroySession() failed with error code %d, line %d.\n", status, __LINE__ ); return( FALSE ); } puts( "SVR: HTTP certstore server session succeeded.\n" ); return( TRUE ); }
static int connectOCSP( const CRYPT_SESSION_TYPE sessionType, const BOOLEAN revokedCert, const BOOLEAN multipleCerts, const BOOLEAN localSession ) { CRYPT_SESSION cryptSession; CRYPT_CERTIFICATE cryptOCSPRequest; char filenameBuffer[ FILENAME_BUFFER_SIZE ]; #ifdef UNICODE_STRINGS wchar_t wcBuffer[ FILENAME_BUFFER_SIZE ]; #endif /* UNICODE_STRINGS */ void *fileNamePtr = filenameBuffer; #if OCSP_SERVER_NO == 7 int complianceValue; #endif /* OCSP servers that return broken resposnes */ const BOOLEAN isServer = ( sessionType == CRYPT_SESSION_OCSP_SERVER ) ? \ TRUE : FALSE; int status; printf( "%sTesting %sOCSP session...\n", isServer ? "SVR: " : "", localSession ? "local " : "" ); /* If we're the client, wait for the server to finish initialising */ if( localSession && !isServer && waitMutex() == CRYPT_ERROR_TIMEOUT ) { printf( "Timed out waiting for server to initialise, line %d.\n", __LINE__ ); return( FALSE ); } /* Create the OCSP session */ status = cryptCreateSession( &cryptSession, CRYPT_UNUSED, sessionType ); if( status == CRYPT_ERROR_PARAM3 ) /* OCSP session access not available */ return( CRYPT_ERROR_NOTAVAIL ); if( cryptStatusError( status ) ) { printf( "cryptCreateSession() failed with error code %d, line %d.\n", status, __LINE__ ); return( FALSE ); } if( isServer ) { CRYPT_CONTEXT cryptPrivateKey; CRYPT_KEYSET cryptCertStore; if( !setLocalConnect( cryptSession, 80 ) ) return( FALSE ); /* Add the responder private key */ filenameFromTemplate( filenameBuffer, SERVER_PRIVKEY_FILE_TEMPLATE, 1 ); #ifdef UNICODE_STRINGS mbstowcs( wcBuffer, filenameBuffer, strlen( filenameBuffer ) + 1 ); fileNamePtr = wcBuffer; #endif /* UNICODE_STRINGS */ status = getPrivateKey( &cryptPrivateKey, fileNamePtr, USER_PRIVKEY_LABEL, TEST_PRIVKEY_PASSWORD ); if( cryptStatusOK( status ) ) { status = cryptSetAttribute( cryptSession, CRYPT_SESSINFO_PRIVATEKEY, cryptPrivateKey ); cryptDestroyContext( cryptPrivateKey ); } if( cryptStatusError( status ) ) return( attrErrorExit( cryptSession, "SVR: cryptSetAttribute()", status, __LINE__ ) ); /* Add the certificate store that we'll be using to provide revocation information */ status = cryptKeysetOpen( &cryptCertStore, CRYPT_UNUSED, DATABASE_KEYSET_TYPE, CERTSTORE_KEYSET_NAME, CRYPT_KEYOPT_READONLY ); if( status == CRYPT_ERROR_PARAM3 ) { /* This type of keyset access isn't available, return a special error code to indicate that the test wasn't performed, but that this isn't a reason to abort processing */ puts( "SVR: No certificate store available, aborting OCSP " "responder test.\n" ); cryptDestroySession( cryptSession ); return( CRYPT_ERROR_NOTAVAIL ); } if( cryptStatusOK( status ) ) { status = cryptSetAttribute( cryptSession, CRYPT_SESSINFO_KEYSET, cryptCertStore ); cryptKeysetClose( cryptCertStore ); } if( cryptStatusError( status ) ) return( attrErrorExit( cryptSession, "SVR: cryptSetAttribute()", status, __LINE__ ) ); /* Tell the client that we're ready to go */ if( localSession ) releaseMutex(); } else { /* Create the OCSP request */ if( !initOCSP( &cryptOCSPRequest, localSession ? 1 : OCSP_SERVER_NO, FALSE, revokedCert, multipleCerts, CRYPT_SIGNATURELEVEL_NONE, CRYPT_UNUSED ) ) return( FALSE ); /* Set up the server information and activate the session. In theory the OCSP request will contain all the information needed for the session so there'd be nothing else to add before we activate it, however many certs contain incorrect server URLs so we set the server name manually if necessary, overriding the value present in the OCSP request (via the certificate) */ status = cryptSetAttribute( cryptSession, CRYPT_SESSINFO_REQUEST, cryptOCSPRequest ); if( cryptStatusError( status ) ) return( attrErrorExit( cryptSession, "cryptSetAttribute()", status, __LINE__ ) ); cryptDestroyCert( cryptOCSPRequest ); if( localSession && !setLocalConnect( cryptSession, 80 ) ) return( FALSE ); #ifdef OCSP_SERVER_NAME if( !localSession ) { printf( "Setting OCSP server to %s.\n", OCSP_SERVER_NAME ); cryptDeleteAttribute( cryptSession, CRYPT_SESSINFO_SERVER_NAME ); status = cryptSetAttributeString( cryptSession, CRYPT_SESSINFO_SERVER_NAME, OCSP_SERVER_NAME, paramStrlen( OCSP_SERVER_NAME ) ); if( cryptStatusError( status ) ) return( attrErrorExit( cryptSession, "cryptSetAttributeString()", status, __LINE__ ) ); } #endif /* Kludges for incorrect/missing authorityInfoAccess values */ if( OCSP_SERVER_NO == 1 || localSession ) { /* The cryptlib server doesn't handle the weird v1 certIDs */ status = cryptSetAttribute( cryptSession, CRYPT_SESSINFO_VERSION, 2 ); if( cryptStatusError( status ) ) return( attrErrorExit( cryptSession, "cryptSetAttribute()", status, __LINE__ ) ); } #if OCSP_SERVER_NO == 7 /* Some OCSP server's responses are broken so we have to turn down the compliance level to allow them to be processed */ cryptGetAttribute( CRYPT_UNUSED, CRYPT_OPTION_CERT_COMPLIANCELEVEL, &complianceValue ); cryptSetAttribute( CRYPT_UNUSED, CRYPT_OPTION_CERT_COMPLIANCELEVEL, CRYPT_COMPLIANCELEVEL_OBLIVIOUS ); #endif /* OCSP servers that return broken resposnes */ /* Wait for the server to finish initialising */ if( localSession && waitMutex() == CRYPT_ERROR_TIMEOUT ) { printf( "Timed out waiting for server to initialise, line %d.\n", __LINE__ ); return( FALSE ); } } status = cryptSetAttribute( cryptSession, CRYPT_SESSINFO_ACTIVE, TRUE ); #if OCSP_SERVER_NO == 7 /* Restore normal certificate processing */ cryptSetAttribute( CRYPT_UNUSED, CRYPT_OPTION_CERT_COMPLIANCELEVEL, complianceValue ); #endif /* OCSP servers that return broken resposnes */ if( isServer ) printConnectInfo( cryptSession ); if( cryptStatusError( status ) ) { printExtError( cryptSession, isServer ? \ "SVR: Attempt to activate OCSP server session" : \ "Attempt to activate OCSP client session", status, __LINE__ ); #if OCSP_SERVER_NO == 5 if( status == CRYPT_ERROR_SIGNATURE ) { char errorMessage[ 512 ]; int errorMessageLength; status = cryptGetAttributeString( cryptSession, CRYPT_ATTRIBUTE_ERRORMESSAGE, errorMessage, &errorMessageLength ); if( cryptStatusOK( status ) && errorMessageLength >= 29 && \ !memcmp( errorMessage, "OCSP response doesn't contain", 29 ) ) { cryptDestroySession( cryptSession ); puts( " (Verisign's OCSP responder sends broken responses, " "continuing...)\n" ); return( CRYPT_ERROR_FAILED ); } } #endif /* Verisign's broken OCSP responder */ if( !isServer && isServerDown( cryptSession, status ) ) { puts( " (Server could be down, faking it and continuing...)\n" ); cryptDestroySession( cryptSession ); return( CRYPT_ERROR_FAILED ); } cryptDestroySession( cryptSession ); return( FALSE ); } /* Obtain the response information */ if( !isServer ) { CRYPT_CERTIFICATE cryptOCSPResponse; status = cryptGetAttribute( cryptSession, CRYPT_SESSINFO_RESPONSE, &cryptOCSPResponse ); if( cryptStatusError( status ) ) { printf( "cryptGetAttribute() failed with error code %d, line " "%d.\n", status, __LINE__ ); return( FALSE ); } printCertInfo( cryptOCSPResponse ); cryptDestroyCert( cryptOCSPResponse ); } /* There are so many weird ways to delegate trust and signing authority mentioned in the OCSP RFC without any indication of which one implementors will follow that we can't really perform any sort of automated check since every responder seems to interpret this differently, and many require manual installation of responder certs in order to function */ #if 0 status = cryptCheckCert( cryptOCSPResponse , CRYPT_UNUSED ); if( cryptStatusError( status ) ) return( attrErrorExit( cryptOCSPResponse , "cryptCheckCert()", status, __LINE__ ) ); #endif /* 0 */ /* Clean up */ status = cryptDestroySession( cryptSession ); if( cryptStatusError( status ) ) { printf( "cryptDestroySession() failed with error code %d, line %d.\n", status, __LINE__ ); return( FALSE ); } puts( isServer ? "SVR: OCSP server session succeeded.\n" : \ "OCSP client session succeeded.\n" ); return( TRUE ); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { char *host = ""; int port = 443; char *cafile; int status; char* serverName; CRYPT_CERTIFICATE cryptCert; CRYPT_SESSION cryptSession; CRYPT_CERTIFICATE trustedCert; CRYPT_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE errorLocus; CRYPT_ERRTYPE_TYPE errorType; if (argc == 4) { host = argv[1]; port = atoi(argv[2]); cafile = argv[3]; } else { printf("!!Incorrect arguments"); return -1; } memset(&cryptSession, 0, sizeof(cryptSession)); status = cryptInit(); if (status != CRYPT_OK) { TRACE("Failed to initialize library : %d\n", status); return -1; } if(add_globally_trusted_cert(&trustedCert, cafile) == FALSE) { return -1; } //Create the session status = cryptCreateSession(&cryptSession, CRYPT_UNUSED, CRYPT_SESSION_SSL ); if (status != CRYPT_OK) { TRACE("Failed to crate session : %d\n", status); return -1; } serverName = host; status = cryptSetAttributeString( cryptSession, CRYPT_SESSINFO_SERVER_NAME, serverName, paramStrlen( serverName ) ); if (status != CRYPT_OK) { TRACE("Failed cryptSetAttribute CRYPT_SESSINFO_SERVER_NAME: %d\n", status); return -1; } //Specify the Port status = cryptSetAttribute( cryptSession, CRYPT_SESSINFO_SERVER_PORT, port ); if (status != CRYPT_OK) { TRACE("Failed cryptSetAttribute CRYPT_SESSINFO_SERVER_PORT: %d\n", status); return -1; } // Activate the session status = cryptSetAttribute( cryptSession, CRYPT_SESSINFO_ACTIVE, TRUE ); if( cryptStatusError( status ) ) { if (status == CRYPT_ERROR_INVALID) { printf("%d\n",CRYPT_ERROR_INVALID); #ifdef __DETAILED__ BYTE buffer[ 1024 ]; int length; status = cryptGetAttributeString( cryptSession, CRYPT_ATTRIBUTE_ERRORMESSAGE, buffer, &length ); puts(buffer); CRYPT_CERTIFICATE cryptCertificate; status = cryptGetAttribute( cryptSession, CRYPT_SESSINFO_RESPONSE, &cryptCertificate ); if( cryptStatusError( status ) ) { TRACE( "Couldn't get certificate, status %d, line %d.\n", status, __LINE__ ); return 0; } int errorType, errorLocus; status = cryptGetAttribute( cryptCertificate, CRYPT_ATTRIBUTE_ERRORTYPE, &errorType ); printf("errorType = %d\n", errorType); if( cryptStatusError( status ) ) { status = cryptGetAttribute( cryptCertificate, CRYPT_ATTRIBUTE_ERRORLOCUS, &errorLocus ); printf("errorLocus = %d\n", errorLocus); } /*if( cryptStatusOK( status ) && \ errorType == CRYPT_ERRTYPE_CONSTRAINT && \ errorLocus == CRYPT_CERTINFO_VALIDFROM ) */ #endif return 0; } else { TRACE("Failed to setup connection : %d\n", status); return -1; } } else printf("%d\n",CRYPT_OK); delete_globally_trusted_cert(trustedCert); return CRYPT_OK; }