Esempio n. 1
static int Load_LP_File_(CSOUND *csound, const char *filnam,
                          char **allocp, int32 *len)
    FILE *f;
    int length = 4096;
    unsigned int i = 0;
    int          j = 0;
    MYFLT x;
    char *all, *p;
    LPHEADER lph = {0,0,0,0,0.0,0.0,0.0,{0}};
    char buff[120];

    f = fopen(filnam, "r");
    csoundNotifyFileOpened(csound, filnam, CSFTYPE_LPC, 0, 0);
    all = (char *)csound->Malloc(csound, (size_t) length);
    for (i=0; i<6; i++) fgetc(f); /* Skip LPANAL */
    if (4!=fscanf(f, "%d %d %d %d\n",
                  &lph.headersize, &lph.lpmagic, &lph.npoles, &lph.nvals))
      return csound->InitError(csound, Str("Ill-formed LPC file\n"));
    fgets(buff, 120, f);
    lph.framrate = (MYFLT)cs_strtod(buff, &p);
    lph.srate = (MYFLT)cs_strtod(p, &p);
    lph.duration = (MYFLT)cs_strtod(p, &p);
    /* lph.text[0] = (char)strtol(p, &p, 0); */
    /* lph.text[1] = (char)strtol(p, &p, 0); */
    /* lph.text[2] = (char)strtol(p, &p, 0); */
    /* lph.text[3] = (char)strtol(p, &p, 0); */
    /* printf("LPHeader %d %d %d %d\n%f %f %f\n", */
    /*        lph.headersize, lph.lpmagic, lph.npoles, lph.nvals, */
    /*        lph.framrate, lph.srate, lph.duration); */
    /* fscanf(f, "%f %f %f %.2x %.2x %.2x %.2x\n", */
    /*        &lph.framrate, &lph.srate, &lph.duration, */
    /*        &lph.text[0], &lph.text[1], &lph.text[2], &lph.text[3]); */
    // This needs surgery if in/out different MYFLT sizes *** FIX ME ***
    lph.headersize = sizeof(int32)*4+sizeof(MYFLT)*3;
    memcpy(&all[0], &lph, lph.headersize);

    /* Read data until end, pack as MYFLTs */
    for (i=lph.headersize;;i+=sizeof(MYFLT)) {
      /* Expand as necessary */
      if (i>=length-sizeof(MYFLT)-8) {
        //printf("expanding from %p[%d] to\n", all, length);
        all = csound->ReAlloc(csound, all, length+=4096);
        //printf("i=%d                     %p[%d]\n", i, all, length);
      x = read_ieee(f, &j);
      if (j) break;
      memcpy(&all[i], &x, sizeof(MYFLT));
    fclose(f);                                  /*   and close it      */
    printf("length=%d i=%u\n", length, i);
    *len = i;
    all = csound->ReAlloc(csound, all, i);
    *allocp = all;
    return 0;                                   /*   return 0 for OK   */
Esempio n. 2
static int Load_File_(CSOUND *csound, const char *filnam,
                       char **allocp, int32 *len, int csFileType)
    FILE *f;
    *allocp = NULL;
    f = fopen(filnam, "rb");
    if (UNLIKELY(f == NULL))                    /* if cannot open the file */
      return 1;                                 /*    return 1             */
    if (csFileType==CSFTYPE_HETRO) {
      char buff[8];
      fgets(buff, 6, f);
      if (strcmp(buff, "HETRO")==0) {
        return Load_Het_File_(csound, filnam, allocp, len);
    else if (csFileType==CSFTYPE_CVANAL) {
      char buff[8];
      fgets(buff, 7, f);
      if (strcmp(buff, "CVANAL")==0) {
        return Load_CV_File_(csound, filnam, allocp, len);
    else if (csFileType==CSFTYPE_LPC) {
      char buff[8];
      fgets(buff, 7, f);
      if (strcmp(buff, "LPANAL")==0) {
        return Load_LP_File_(csound, filnam, allocp, len);
    /* notify the host if it asked */
    csoundNotifyFileOpened(csound, filnam, csFileType, 0, 0);
    fseek(f, 0L, SEEK_END);                     /* then get its length     */
    *len = (int32) ftell(f);
    fseek(f, 0L, SEEK_SET);
    if (UNLIKELY(*len < 1L))
      goto err_return;
    *allocp = csound->Malloc(csound, (size_t) (*len)); /*   alloc as reqd     */
    if (UNLIKELY(fread(*allocp, (size_t) 1,     /*   read file in      */
                       (size_t) (*len), f) != (size_t) (*len)))
      goto err_return;
    fclose(f);                                  /*   and close it      */
    return 0;                                   /*   return 0 for OK   */

    if (*allocp != NULL) {
      csound->Free(csound, *allocp);
      *allocp = NULL;
    return 1;
Esempio n. 3
static int Load_CV_File_(CSOUND *csound, const char *filnam,
                          char **allocp, int32 *len)
    FILE *f;
    int length = 4096;
    unsigned int i = 0;
    int          j = 0;
    MYFLT x;
    char *all;
    CVSTRUCT cvh = {0,0,0,0,0.0,0,0,0,0,{0}};
    char buff[120];
    char *p;

    f = fopen(filnam, "r");
    csoundNotifyFileOpened(csound, filnam, CSFTYPE_CVANAL, 0, 0);
    all = (char *)csound->Malloc(csound, (size_t) length);
    (void)fgets(buff, 120, f); /* Skip CVANAL */
    cvh.magic = CVMAGIC;
    p = fgets(buff, 120, f);
    if (p==NULL) return csoundInitError(csound, Str("Ill-formed CV file\n"));
    cvh.headBsize = strtol(p, &p, 10);
    cvh.dataBsize = strtol(p, &p, 10);
    cvh.dataFormat = strtol(p, &p, 10);
    cvh.samplingRate = (MYFLT)cs_strtod(p, &p);
    cvh.src_chnls = strtol(p, &p, 10); = strtol(p, &p, 10);
    cvh.Hlen = strtol(p, &p, 10);
    cvh.Format = strtol(p, &p, 10);
    /* fscanf(f, "%d %d %d %g %d %d %d %d\n",  */
    /*        &cvh.headBsize, &cvh.dataBsize, &cvh.dataFormat, */
    /*        &cvh.samplingRate, &cvh.src_chnls, &, */
    /*        &cvh.Hlen, &cvh.Format); */
    cvh.headBsize = sizeof(int32)*8 + sizeof(MYFLT);
    memcpy(&all[0], &cvh, sizeof(CVSTRUCT));

    /* Read data until end, pack as MYFLTs */
    for (i=sizeof(CVSTRUCT);;i+=sizeof(MYFLT)) {
      /* Expand as necessary */
      if (i>=length-sizeof(MYFLT)-4) {
        //printf("expanding from %p[%d] to\n", all, length);
        all = csound->ReAlloc(csound, all, length+=4096);
        //printf("i=%d                     %p[%d]\n", i, all, length);
      }      x = read_ieee(f, &j);
      if (j) break;
      memcpy(&all[i], &x, sizeof(MYFLT));
    fclose(f);                                  /*   and close it      */
    //printf("length=%d i=%d\n", length, i);
    *len = i;
    all = csound->ReAlloc(csound, all, i);
    *allocp = all;
    return 0;                                   /*   return 0 for OK   */
Esempio n. 4
static int Load_Het_File_(CSOUND *csound, const char *filnam,
                          char **allocp, int32 *len)
    FILE *f;
    int length = 1024;
    int i = 0;
    int cc;
    int16 x;
    char *all;
    char buffer[16];
    f = fopen(filnam, "r");
    csoundNotifyFileOpened(csound, filnam, CSFTYPE_HETRO, 0, 0);
    all = (char *)csound->Malloc(csound, (size_t) length);
    for (i=0; i<6; i++) fgetc(f); /* Skip HETRO */
    fgets(buffer, 10, f);         /* number of partials */
    x = atoi(buffer);
    memcpy(&all[0], &x, sizeof(int16));
    /* Read data until end, pack as int16 */
    for (i=sizeof(int16);;i+=sizeof(int16)) {
      int p = 0;
      while ((cc=getc(f))!=',' && cc!='\n' && p<15) {
        if (cc == EOF) {
          goto out;
        buffer[p++] = cc;
      /* Expand as necessary */
      if (i>=length-4) all = csound->ReAlloc(csound, all, length+=1024);
      x = atoi(buffer);
      memcpy(&all[i], &x, sizeof(int16));
    fclose(f);                                  /*   and close it      */
    *len = i;
    all = csound->ReAlloc(csound, all, i);
    *allocp = all;
    return 0;                                   /*   return 0 for OK   */
Esempio n. 5
void sfopenout(CSOUND *csound)                  /* init for sound out       */
{                                               /* (not called if nosound)  */
    OPARMS  *O = csound->oparms;
    char    *s, *fName, *fullName;
    SF_INFO sfinfo;
    int     osfd = 1;   /* stdout */

    if (O->outfilename == NULL) {
      switch (O->filetyp) {
      case TYP_WAV:
      case TYP_W64:
      case TYP_WAVEX:
      case TYP_RF64:
        O->outfilename = "test.wav";
      case TYP_AIFF:
        O->outfilename = "test.aif";
      case TYP_AU:
        O->outfilename = "";
      case TYP_PAF:
        O->outfilename = "test.paf";
      case TYP_SVX:
        O->outfilename = "test.svx";
      case TYP_NIST:
        O->outfilename = "test.sph";
      case TYP_VOC:
        O->outfilename = "test.voc";
      /* case TYP_IRCAM: */
      /*   O->outfilename = ""; */
      /*   break; */
      /* case TYP_MAT4: */
      /*   O->outfilename = ""; */
      /*   break;  */
      /* case TYP_MAT5: */
      /*   O->outfilename = ""; */
      /*   break;  */
      /* case TYP_PVF: */
      /*   O->outfilename = ""; */
      /*   break;   */
      case TYP_XI:
        O->outfilename = "test.xi";
      /* case TYP_HTK: */
      /*   O->outfilename = ""; */
      /*   break;   */
      /* case TYP_SDS: */
      /*   O->outfilename = "test.sds"; */
      /*   break;   */
      case TYP_AVR:
        O->outfilename = "test.avr";
      case TYP_SD2:
        O->outfilename = "test.sd2";
      case TYP_FLAC:
        O->outfilename = "test.flac";
      case TYP_CAF:
        O->outfilename = "test.caf";
      case TYP_OGG:
        O->outfilename = "test.ogg";
      /* case TYP_MPC2K: */
      /*   O->outfilename = ""; */
      /*   break; */
        O->outfilename = "test";
    STA(sfoutname) = fName = O->outfilename;

    if (strcmp(fName, "stdout") == 0) {
      STA(pipdevout) = 1;
#ifdef PIPES
    else if (fName[0] == '|') {
      STA(pout) = _popen(fName+1, "w");
      osfd = fileno(STA(pout));
      STA(pipdevout) = 1;
      if (O->filetyp == TYP_AIFF || O->filetyp == TYP_WAV) {
        char fmt_name[6];
        if (O->sfsampsize == 8) {
          strcpy(fmt_name, "AU");
          O->filetyp = TYP_AU;
        else {
          strcpy(fmt_name, "IRCAM");
          O->filetyp = TYP_IRCAM;
        csound->Message(csound, Str("Output file type changed to %s "
                                    "for use in pipe\n"), fmt_name);
    else {
      csRtAudioParams   parm;
      /* check for real time audio output, and get device name/number */
      parm.devNum = check_rtaudio_name(fName, &(parm.devName), 1);
      if (parm.devNum >= 0) {
        /* set device parameters */
        parm.bufSamp_SW   = (unsigned int) O->outbufsamps / csound->nchnls;
        parm.bufSamp_HW   = O->oMaxLag;
        parm.nChannels    = csound->nchnls;
        parm.sampleFormat = O->outformat;
        parm.sampleRate   = (float) csound->esr;
        csound->spoutran  = spoutsf;
        /* open devaudio for output */
        if (UNLIKELY(csound->playopen_callback(csound, &parm) != 0))
          csoundDie(csound, Str("Failed to initialise real time audio output"));
        /*  & redirect audio puts  */
        csound->audtran = csound->rtplay_callback;
        STA(outbufrem)  = parm.bufSamp_SW * parm.nChannels;
        STA(pipdevout)  = 2;      /* no backward seeks !   */
        if (O->realtime == 1)     /* set realtime priority mode */
          csound->realtime_audio_flag = 1;
        goto outset;              /* no header needed      */
      else if (strcmp(fName, "null") == 0) {
        STA(outfile) = NULL;
        if (csound->dither_output && csound->oparms->outformat!=AE_FLOAT &&
            csound->oparms->outformat!=AE_DOUBLE) {
          if (csound->oparms->outformat==AE_SHORT)
            if (csound->dither_output==1)
              csound->audtran = writesf_dither_16;
              csound->audtran = writesf_dither_u16;
          else if (csound->oparms->outformat==AE_CHAR)
            if (csound->dither_output==1)
              csound->audtran = writesf_dither_8;
              csound->audtran = writesf_dither_u8;
            csound->audtran = writesf;
          csound->audtran = writesf;
        goto outset;
    /* set format parameters */
    memset(&sfinfo, 0, sizeof(SF_INFO));
    //sfinfo.frames     = 0;
    sfinfo.samplerate = (int) MYFLT2LRND(csound->esr);
    sfinfo.channels   = csound->nchnls;
    sfinfo.format     = TYPE2SF(O->filetyp) | FORMAT2SF(O->outformat);
    /* open file */
    if (STA(pipdevout)) {
      STA(outfile) = sf_open_fd(osfd, SFM_WRITE, &sfinfo, 0);
#ifdef PIPES
      if (STA(outfile) == NULL) {
        char fmt_name[6];
        if (O->sfsampsize == 8) {
          if (UNLIKELY(O->filetyp == TYP_AU))
            csoundDie(csound, Str("sfinit: cannot open fd %d\n%s"), osfd,
          strcpy(fmt_name, "AU");
          O->filetyp = TYP_AU;
        else {
          if (UNLIKELY(O->filetyp == TYP_IRCAM))
            csoundDie(csound, Str("sfinit: cannot open fd %d\n%s"), osfd,
          strcpy(fmt_name, "IRCAM");
          O->filetyp = TYP_IRCAM;
        csound->Message(csound, Str("Output file type changed to %s "
                                    "for use in pipe\n"), fmt_name);
        sfinfo.format = TYPE2SF(O->filetyp) | FORMAT2SF(O->outformat);
        STA(outfile) = sf_open_fd(osfd, SFM_WRITE, &sfinfo, 0);
      if (UNLIKELY(STA(outfile) == NULL))
        csoundDie(csound, Str("sfinit: cannot open fd %d\n%s"), osfd,
      sf_command(STA(outfile), SFC_SET_VBR_ENCODING_QUALITY,
                 &O->quality, sizeof(double));
    else {
      fullName = csoundFindOutputFile(csound, fName, "SFDIR");
      if (UNLIKELY(fullName == NULL))
        csoundDie(csound, Str("sfinit: cannot open %s"), fName);
      STA(sfoutname) = fullName;
      STA(outfile)   = sf_open(fullName, SFM_WRITE, &sfinfo);
      if (UNLIKELY(STA(outfile) == NULL))
        csoundDie(csound, Str("sfinit: cannot open %s\n%s"),
                  fullName, sf_strerror (NULL));
      sf_command(STA(outfile), SFC_SET_VBR_ENCODING_QUALITY,
                 &O->quality, sizeof(double));
      /* only notify the host if we opened a real file, not stdout or a pipe */
      csoundNotifyFileOpened(csound, fullName,
                              type2csfiletype(O->filetyp, O->outformat), 1, 0);
    /* IV - Feb 22 2005: clip integer formats */
    if (O->outformat != AE_FLOAT && O->outformat != AE_DOUBLE)
      sf_command(STA(outfile), SFC_SET_CLIPPING, NULL, SF_TRUE);
    sf_command(STA(outfile), SFC_SET_ADD_PEAK_CHUNK,
               NULL, (csound->peakchunks ? SF_TRUE : SF_FALSE));
    if (csound->dither_output) {        /* This may not be written yet!! */
      SF_DITHER_INFO  ditherInfo;
      memset(&ditherInfo, 0, sizeof(SF_DITHER_INFO));
      ditherInfo.type  = SFD_TRIANGULAR_PDF | SFD_DEFAULT_LEVEL;
      ditherInfo.level = 1.0;  = (char*) NULL;
      sf_command(STA(outfile), SFC_SET_DITHER_ON_WRITE,
                 &ditherInfo, sizeof(SF_DITHER_INFO));
    if (!(O->outformat == AE_FLOAT || O->outformat == AE_DOUBLE) ||
        (O->filetyp == TYP_WAV || O->filetyp == TYP_AIFF ||
         O->filetyp == TYP_W64))
      csound->spoutran = spoutsf;       /* accumulate output */
      csound->spoutran = spoutsf_noscale;
    if (csound->dither_output && csound->oparms->outformat!=AE_FLOAT &&
        csound->oparms->outformat!=AE_DOUBLE) {
      if (csound->oparms->outformat==AE_SHORT)
        csound->audtran = writesf_dither_16;
      else if (csound->oparms->outformat==AE_CHAR)
        csound->audtran = writesf_dither_8;
        csound->audtran = writesf;
      csound->audtran = writesf;
    /* Write any tags. */
    if ((s = csound->SF_id_title) != NULL && *s != '\0')
      sf_set_string(STA(outfile), SF_STR_TITLE, s);
    if ((s = csound->SF_csd_licence) == NULL || *s == '\0')
      s = csound->SF_id_copyright;
    if (s != NULL && *s != '\0')
      sf_set_string(STA(outfile), SF_STR_COPYRIGHT, s);
    else if (csound->SF_id_scopyright>=0) {
      char buff[256];
      time_t tt = time(NULL);
      strftime(buff, 256, "Copyright %Y: ", gmtime(&tt));
      strncat(buff,copyrightcode(csound->SF_id_scopyright), 255);
      buff[255] = '\0';
      sf_set_string(STA(outfile), SF_STR_COPYRIGHT, buff);
    if ((s = csound->SF_id_software) != NULL && *s != '\0')
      sf_set_string(STA(outfile), SF_STR_SOFTWARE, s);
    if ((s = csound->SF_id_artist) != NULL && *s != '\0')
      sf_set_string(STA(outfile), SF_STR_ARTIST, s);
    if ((s = csound->SF_id_comment) != NULL && *s != '\0')
      sf_set_string(STA(outfile), SF_STR_COMMENT, s);
    if ((s = csound->SF_id_date) != NULL && *s != '\0')
      sf_set_string(STA(outfile), SF_STR_DATE, s);
    /* file is now open */
    STA(osfopen) = 1;

    O->sfsampsize = (int) sfsampsize(FORMAT2SF(O->outformat));
    /* calc outbuf size & alloc bufspace */
    STA(outbufsiz) = O->outbufsamps * sizeof(MYFLT);
    STA(outbufp)   = STA(outbuf) = csound->Malloc(csound, STA(outbufsiz));
    if (STA(pipdevout) == 2)
                      Str("writing %d sample blks of %lu-bit floats to %s\n"),
                      O->outbufsamps, (unsigned long) sizeof(MYFLT)*8,
    else {
     csound->Message(csound, Str("writing %d-byte blks of %s to %s"),
                    O->outbufsamps * O->sfsampsize,
                    getstrformat(O->outformat), STA(sfoutname));

    if (O->sfheader == 0)
      csound->Message(csound, Str(" (raw)\n"));
      csound->Message(csound, " (%s)\n", type2string(O->filetyp));
    STA(osfopen)   = 1;
    STA(outbufrem) = O->outbufsamps;
Esempio n. 6
void sfopenin(CSOUND *csound)           /* init for continuous soundin */
    OPARMS  *O = csound->oparms;
    char    *sfname, *fullName;
    SF_INFO sfinfo;
    int     fileType = (int) TYP_RAW;
    int     isfd = 0;   /* stdin */

    STA(inbufrem) = (uint32) 0;    /* start with empty buffer */
    sfname = O->infilename;
    if (UNLIKELY(sfname == NULL || sfname[0] == '\0'))
      csound->Die(csound, Str("error: no input file name"));

    if (strcmp(sfname, "stdin") == 0) {
      STA(pipdevin) = 1;
#ifdef PIPES
    else if (sfname[0] == '|') {
      STA(pin) = _popen(sfname + 1, "r");
      isfd = fileno(STA(pin));
      STA(pipdevin) = 1;
    else {
      csRtAudioParams   parm;
      /* check for real time audio input, and get device name/number */
      parm.devNum = check_rtaudio_name(sfname, &(parm.devName), 0);
      if (parm.devNum >= 0) {
        /* set device parameters */
        parm.bufSamp_SW   =
          (unsigned int) O->inbufsamps / (unsigned int) csound->inchnls;
        parm.bufSamp_HW   = O->oMaxLag;
        parm.nChannels    = csound->inchnls;
        parm.sampleFormat = O->informat;
        parm.sampleRate   = (float) csound->esr;
        /* open devaudio for input */
        if (UNLIKELY(csound->recopen_callback(csound, &parm) != 0))
          csoundDie(csound, Str("Failed to initialise real time audio input"));
        /*  & redirect audio gets  */
        csound->audrecv = csound->rtrecord_callback;
        STA(pipdevin) = 2;       /* no backward seeks !     */
        goto inset;             /* no header processing    */
    /* open file */
    memset(&sfinfo, 0, sizeof(SF_INFO));
    if (STA(pipdevin)) {
      STA(infile) = sf_open_fd(isfd, SFM_READ, &sfinfo, 0);
      if (UNLIKELY(STA(infile) == NULL)) {
        /* open failed: possibly raw file, but cannot seek back to try again */
        const char *sfError = Str(sf_strerror(NULL));
        csoundDie(csound, Str("isfinit: cannot open %s -- %s"), sfname, sfError);
    else {
      fullName = csoundFindInputFile(csound, sfname, "SFDIR;SSDIR");
      if (UNLIKELY(fullName == NULL))                     /* if not found */
        csoundDie(csound, Str("isfinit: cannot open %s"), sfname);
      STA(infile) = sf_open(fullName, SFM_READ, &sfinfo);
      if (STA(infile) == NULL) {
        /* open failed: maybe raw file ? */
        memset(&sfinfo, 0, sizeof(SF_INFO));
        sfinfo.samplerate = (int) MYFLT2LRND(csound->esr);
        sfinfo.channels = csound->nchnls;
        /* FIXME: assumes input sample format is same as output */
        sfinfo.format = TYPE2SF(TYP_RAW) | FORMAT2SF(O->outformat);
        STA(infile) = sf_open(fullName, SFM_READ, &sfinfo);  /* try again */
      if (UNLIKELY(STA(infile) == NULL)) {
        const char *sfError = Str(sf_strerror(NULL));
        csoundDie(csound, Str("isfinit: cannot open %s -- %s"), fullName, sfError);
      /* only notify the host if we opened a real file, not stdin or a pipe */
      csoundNotifyFileOpened(csound, fullName,
                              sftype2csfiletype(sfinfo.format), 0, 0);
      sfname = fullName;
    /* chk the hdr codes  */
    if (sfinfo.samplerate != (int) MYFLT2LRND(csound->esr)) {
      csound->Warning(csound, Str("audio_in %s has sr = %d, orch sr = %d"),
                              sfname, (int) sfinfo.samplerate,
                              (int) MYFLT2LRND(csound->esr));
    if (sfinfo.channels != csound->inchnls) {
      csound->Warning(csound, Str("audio_in %s has %d chnls, orch %d chnls_i"),
                              sfname, (int) sfinfo.channels, csound->inchnls);
    /* Do we care about the format?  Can assume float?? */
    O->informat = SF2FORMAT(sfinfo.format);
    fileType = (int) SF2TYPE(sfinfo.format);
    csound->audrecv = readsf;           /* will use standard audio gets  */
    if ((O->informat == AE_FLOAT || O->informat == AE_DOUBLE) &&
        !(fileType == TYP_WAV || fileType == TYP_AIFF || fileType == TYP_W64)) {
      /* do not scale "raw" floating point files */
      csound->spinrecv = sndfilein_noscale;

    /* calc inbufsize reqd */
    STA(inbufsiz) = (unsigned) (O->inbufsamps * sizeof(MYFLT));
    STA(inbuf) = (MYFLT*) csound->Calloc(csound,
                                         STA(inbufsiz)); /* alloc inbuf space */
    if (STA(pipdevout) == 2)
                      Str("reading %d sample blks of %lu-bit floats from %s\n"),
                      O->inbufsamps * O->sfsampsize,
                      (unsigned long) sizeof(MYFLT)*8, sfname);
    else {
                      Str("reading %d-byte blks of %s from %s (%s)\n"),
                      O->inbufsamps * (int) sfsampsize(FORMAT2SF(O->informat)),
                      getstrformat(O->informat), sfname, type2string(fileType));
    STA(isfopen) = 1;
Esempio n. 7
PUBLIC int csoundCompileArgs(CSOUND *csound, int argc, char **argv)
    OPARMS  *O = csound->oparms;
    char    *s;
    FILE    *xfile = NULL;
    int     n;
    int     csdFound = 0;
    char    *fileDir;

    if ((n = setjmp(csound->exitjmp)) != 0) {

    if(csound->engineStatus & CS_STATE_COMP){
      csound->Message(csound, Str("Csound is already started, call csoundReset()\n"
                                  "before starting again \n"));
       return CSOUND_ERROR;

    if (--argc <= 0) {
      dieu(csound, Str("insufficient arguments"));
    /* command line: allow orc/sco/csd name */
    csound->orcname_mode = 0;   /* 0: normal, 1: ignore, 2: fail */
    if (argdecode(csound, argc, argv) == 0)
      csound->LongJmp(csound, 1);
    /* do not allow orc/sco/csd name in .csound6rc */
    csound->orcname_mode = 2;
    if (csound->delayederrormessages) {
      if (O->msglevel>8)
        csound->Warning(csound, csound->delayederrormessages);
      csound->delayederrormessages = NULL;
    /* check for CSD file */
    if (csound->orchname == NULL) {
      if(csound->info_message_request) {
        csound->info_message_request = 0;
        csound->LongJmp(csound, 1);
      else if(csound->oparms->daemon == 0)
         dieu(csound, Str("no orchestra name"));

    else if (csound->use_only_orchfile == 0
             && (csound->scorename == NULL || csound->scorename[0] == (char) 0)
             && csound->orchname[0] != '\0') {
      /* FIXME: allow orc/sco/csd name in CSD file: does this work ? */
      csound->orcname_mode = 0;
      csound->Message(csound, "UnifiedCSD:  %s\n", csound->orchname);

      /* Add directory of CSD file to search paths before orchname gets
       * replaced with temp orch name if default paths is enabled */
      if (!O->noDefaultPaths) {
        fileDir = csoundGetDirectoryForPath(csound, csound->orchname);
        csoundAppendEnv(csound, "SADIR", fileDir);
        csoundAppendEnv(csound, "SSDIR", fileDir);
        csoundAppendEnv(csound, "INCDIR", fileDir);
        csoundAppendEnv(csound, "MFDIR", fileDir);
        csound->Free(csound, fileDir);

      if(csound->orchname != NULL) {
      csound->csdname = csound->orchname; /* save original CSD name */
      if (!read_unified_file(csound, &(csound->orchname),
                                       &(csound->scorename))) {
        csound->Die(csound, Str("Reading CSD failed ... stopping"));
      csdFound = 1;

    /* IV - Feb 19 2005: run a second pass of argdecode so that */
    /* command line options override CSD options */
    /* this assumes that argdecode is safe to run multiple times */
    csound->orcname_mode = 1;           /* ignore orc/sco name */
    argdecode(csound, argc, argv);      /* should not fail this time */
    /* some error checking */
    if (csound->stdin_assign_flg &&
        (csound->stdin_assign_flg & (csound->stdin_assign_flg - 1)) != 0) {
      csound->Die(csound, Str("error: multiple uses of stdin"));
    if (csound->stdout_assign_flg &&
        (csound->stdout_assign_flg & (csound->stdout_assign_flg - 1)) != 0) {
      csound->Die(csound, Str("error: multiple uses of stdout"));
    /* done parsing csound6rc, CSD, and command line options */

    if (csound->scorename == NULL && csound->scorestr==NULL) {
      /* No scorename yet */
      csound->scorestr = corfile_create_r("f0 800000000000.0\n");
      if (O->RTevents)
        csound->Message(csound, Str("realtime performance using dummy "
                                    "numeric scorefile\n"));
    else if (!csdFound && !O->noDefaultPaths){
      /* Add directory of SCO file to search paths*/
      fileDir = csoundGetDirectoryForPath(csound, csound->scorename);
      csoundAppendEnv(csound, "SADIR", fileDir);
      csoundAppendEnv(csound, "SSDIR", fileDir);
      csoundAppendEnv(csound, "MFDIR", fileDir);
      csound->Free(csound, fileDir);

    /* Add directory of ORC file to search paths*/
    if (!csdFound && !O->noDefaultPaths) {
      fileDir = csoundGetDirectoryForPath(csound, csound->orchname);
      csoundAppendEnv(csound, "SADIR", fileDir);
      csoundAppendEnv(csound, "SSDIR", fileDir);
      csoundAppendEnv(csound, "MFDIR", fileDir);
      csound->Free(csound, fileDir);

    if (csound->orchstr==NULL && csound->orchname) {
      /*  does not deal with search paths */
      csound->Message(csound, Str("orchname:  %s\n"), csound->orchname);
      csound->orchstr = copy_to_corefile(csound, csound->orchname, NULL, 0);
      if (csound->orchstr==NULL)
                    Str("Failed to open input file - %s\n"), csound->orchname);
      corfile_puts("\n#exit\n", csound->orchstr);
      corfile_putc('\0', csound->orchstr);
      corfile_putc('\0', csound->orchstr);
      //csound->orchname = NULL;
    if (csound->xfilename != NULL)
      csound->Message(csound, "xfilename: %s\n", csound->xfilename);

    csoundLoadExternals(csound);    /* load plugin opcodes */
     /* VL: added this also to csoundReset() in csound.c   */
    if (csoundInitModules(csound) != 0)
      csound->LongJmp(csound, 1);
     if(csoundCompileOrc(csound, NULL) != 0){
       if(csound->oparms->daemon == 0)
         csoundDie(csound, Str("cannot compile orchestra"));
       else {
         /* VL -- 21-10-13 Csound does not need to die on
          failure to compile. It can carry on, because new
          instruments can be compiled again */
       csound->Warning(csound, Str("cannot compile orchestra."));
       csound->Warning(csound, Str("Csound will start with no instruments"));
     csound->modules_loaded = 1;

    s = csoundQueryGlobalVariable(csound, "_RTMIDI");
    if (csound->enableHostImplementedMIDIIO == 1) {
        if (s == NULL) {
          s = "hostbased";
        } else {
            strcpy(s, "hostbased");
        csoundSetConfigurationVariable(csound,"rtmidi", s);

    /* IV - Jan 28 2005 */
    print_benchmark_info(csound, Str("end of orchestra compile"));
    if (!csoundYield(csound))
      return -1;
    /* IV - Oct 31 2002: now we can read and sort the score */
    if (csound->scorename != NULL &&
        (n = strlen(csound->scorename)) > 4 &&  /* if score ?.srt or ?.xtr */
        (!strcmp(csound->scorename + (n - 4), ".srt") ||
         !strcmp(csound->scorename + (n - 4), ".xtr"))) {
      csound->Message(csound, Str("using previous %s\n"), csound->scorename);
      //playscore = sortedscore = csound->scorename;   /*  use that one */
      csound->scorestr = NULL;
      csound->scorestr = copy_to_corefile(csound, csound->scorename, NULL, 1);
    else {
      //sortedscore = NULL;
      if (csound->scorestr==NULL) {
        csound->scorestr = copy_to_corefile(csound, csound->scorename, NULL, 1);
        if (csound->scorestr==NULL)
          csoundDie(csound, Str("cannot open scorefile %s"), csound->scorename);
      csound->Message(csound, Str("sorting score ...\n"));
      scsortstr(csound, csound->scorestr);
      if (csound->keep_tmp) {
        FILE *ff = fopen("", "w");
        fputs(corfile_body(csound->scstr), ff);
    if (csound->xfilename != NULL) {            /* optionally extract */
      if (!(xfile = fopen(csound->xfilename, "r")))
        csoundDie(csound, Str("cannot open extract file %s"),csound->xfilename);
      csoundNotifyFileOpened(csound, csound->xfilename,
                             CSFTYPE_EXTRACT_PARMS, 0, 0);
      csound->Message(csound, Str("  ... extracting ...\n"));
      scxtract(csound, csound->scstr, xfile);
      csound->tempStatus &= ~csPlayScoMask;
    csound->Message(csound, Str("\t... done\n"));
    /* copy sorted score name */
    O->playscore = csound->scstr;
    /* IV - Jan 28 2005 */
    print_benchmark_info(csound, Str("end of score sort"));
    if (O->syntaxCheckOnly) {
      csound->Message(csound, Str("Syntax check completed.\n"));

    /* open MIDI output (moved here from argdecode) */
    if (O->Midioutname != NULL && O->Midioutname[0] == (char) '\0')
      O->Midioutname = NULL;
    if (O->FMidioutname != NULL && O->FMidioutname[0] == (char) '\0')
      O->FMidioutname = NULL;
    if (O->Midioutname != NULL || O->FMidioutname != NULL)

    return CSOUND_SUCCESS;