Esempio n. 1
bool ownCloudFolder::init()
    QString url = replaceScheme(ownCloudInfo::instance()->webdavUrl() + secondPath());
    QString localpath = path();

    if( csync_create( &_csync_ctx, localpath.toUtf8().data(), url.toUtf8().data() ) < 0 ) {
        qDebug() << "Unable to create csync-context!";
        slotCSyncError(tr("Unable to create csync-context"));
        _csync_ctx = 0;
    } else {
        csync_set_log_callback(   _csync_ctx, csyncLogCatcher );
        csync_set_log_verbosity(_csync_ctx, 11);

        MirallConfigFile cfgFile;
        csync_set_config_dir( _csync_ctx, cfgFile.configPath().toUtf8() );

        QString excludeList = cfgFile.excludeFile();
        if( !excludeList.isEmpty() ) {
            qDebug() << "==== added CSync exclude List: " << excludeList.toUtf8();
            csync_add_exclude_list( _csync_ctx, excludeList.toUtf8() );
        csync_set_auth_callback( _csync_ctx, getauth );

        if( csync_init( _csync_ctx ) < 0 ) {
            qDebug() << "Could not initialize csync!" << csync_get_error(_csync_ctx) << csync_get_error_string(_csync_ctx);
            slotCSyncError(CSyncThread::csyncErrorToString(csync_get_error(_csync_ctx), csync_get_error_string(_csync_ctx)));
            _csync_ctx = 0;
    return _csync_ctx;
Esempio n. 2
void TokenCredentials::syncContextPreInit (CSYNC* ctx)
    csync_set_auth_callback (ctx, getauth);
Esempio n. 3
void CSyncThread::startSync()
    if (!_syncMutex.tryLock()) {
        qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "WARNING: Another sync seems to be running. Not starting a new one.";

    qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Sync started";

    qDebug() << "starting to sync " << qApp->thread() << QThread::currentThread();
    CSYNC *csync;
    int proxyPort = _proxy.port();

    _needsUpdate = false;

    if( csync_create(&csync,
                     _target.toUtf8().data()) < 0 ) {
        emit csyncError( tr("CSync create failed.") );
    csync_set_log_verbosity(csync, 11);

    MirallConfigFile cfg;
    csync_set_config_dir( csync, cfg.configPath().toUtf8() );

    _csyncConfigDir = cfg.configPath();

    QString excludeList = cfg.excludeFile();
    if( !excludeList.isEmpty() ) {
        qDebug() << "==== added CSync exclude List: " << excludeList.toUtf8();
        csync_add_exclude_list( csync, excludeList.toUtf8() );

    // cleans up behind us and emits finished() to ease error handling
    CSyncRunScopeHelper helper(csync, this);

    csync_set_userdata(csync, this);

    csync_set_log_callback( csync, csyncLogCatcher );
    csync_set_auth_callback( csync, getauth );
    csync_set_progress_callback( csync, progress );

    if( csync_init(csync) < 0 ) {
        handleSyncError(csync, "csync_init");

    // set module properties, mainly the proxy information.
    // do not use QLatin1String here because that has to be real const char* for C.
    csync_set_module_property(csync, "csync_context", csync);
    csync_set_module_property(csync, "proxy_type", (char*) proxyTypeToCStr(_proxy.type()) );
    csync_set_module_property(csync, "proxy_host", _proxy.hostName().toUtf8().data() );
    csync_set_module_property(csync, "proxy_port", &proxyPort );
    csync_set_module_property(csync, "proxy_user", _proxy.user().toUtf8().data()     );
    csync_set_module_property(csync, "proxy_pwd" , _proxy.password().toUtf8().data() );

    qDebug() << "#### Update start #################################################### >>";
    if( csync_update(csync) < 0 ) {
        handleSyncError(csync, "csync_update");
    qDebug() << "<<#### Update end ###########################################################";

    if( csync_reconcile(csync) < 0 ) {
        handleSyncError(csync, "cysnc_reconcile");

    bool walkOk = true;
    if( csync_walk_local_tree(csync, &treewalkLocal, 0) < 0 ) {
        qDebug() << "Error in local treewalk.";
        walkOk = false;
    if( walkOk && csync_walk_remote_tree(csync, &treewalkRemote, 0) < 0 ) {
        qDebug() << "Error in remote treewalk.";

    if (_needsUpdate)

    if( csync_propagate(csync) < 0 ) {
        handleSyncError(csync, "cysnc_reconcile");

    if( walkOk ) {
        if( csync_walk_local_tree(csync, &walkFinalize, 0) < 0 ||
            csync_walk_remote_tree( csync, &walkFinalize, 0 ) < 0 ) {
          qDebug() << "Error in finalize treewalk.";
        } else {
        // emit the treewalk results.
            emit treeWalkResult(_syncedItems);
    qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Sync finished";
Esempio n. 4
ownCloudFolder::ownCloudFolder(const QString &alias,
                               const QString &mpath,
                               const QString &secondPath,
                               QObject *parent)
    : Folder(alias, mpath, secondPath, parent)
    , _thread(0)
    , _csync(0)
    , _csyncError(false)
    , _csyncUnavail(false)
    , _wipeDb(false)
    ServerActionNotifier *notifier = new ServerActionNotifier(this);
    connect(notifier, SIGNAL(guiLog(QString,QString)), Logger::instance(), SIGNAL(guiLog(QString,QString)));
    connect(this, SIGNAL(syncFinished(SyncResult)), notifier, SLOT(slotSyncFinished(SyncResult)));
    qDebug() << "****** ownCloud folder using watcher *******";
    // The folder interval is set in the folder parent class.

    QString url = replaceScheme(secondPath);
    QString localpath = path();

    if( csync_create( &_csync_ctx, localpath.toUtf8().data(), url.toUtf8().data() ) < 0 ) {
        qDebug() << "Unable to create csync-context!";
        _csync_ctx = 0;
    } else {
        csync_set_log_callback(   _csync_ctx, csyncLogCatcher );
        csync_set_log_verbosity(_csync_ctx, 11);

        MirallConfigFile cfgFile;
        csync_set_config_dir( _csync_ctx, cfgFile.configPath().toUtf8() );

        QString excludeList = cfgFile.excludeFile();
        if( !excludeList.isEmpty() ) {
            qDebug() << "==== added CSync exclude List: " << excludeList.toUtf8();
            csync_add_exclude_list( _csync_ctx, excludeList.toUtf8() );
        csync_set_auth_callback( _csync_ctx, getauth );

        if( csync_init( _csync_ctx ) < 0 ) {
            qDebug() << "Could not initialize csync!";
            _csync_ctx = 0;

        if( _csync_ctx ) {
            /* Store proxy */
            QList<QNetworkProxy> proxies = QNetworkProxyFactory::proxyForQuery(QUrl(cfgFile.ownCloudUrl()));
            // We set at least one in Application
            Q_ASSERT(proxies.count() > 0);
            QNetworkProxy proxy = proxies.first();
            int proxyPort = proxy.port();

            csync_set_module_property(_csync_ctx, "proxy_type", (char*) proxyTypeToCStr(proxy.type()) );
            csync_set_module_property(_csync_ctx, "proxy_host", proxy.hostName().toUtf8().data() );
            csync_set_module_property(_csync_ctx, "proxy_port", &proxyPort );
            csync_set_module_property(_csync_ctx, "proxy_user", proxy.user().toUtf8().data()     );
            csync_set_module_property(_csync_ctx, "proxy_pwd" , proxy.password().toUtf8().data() );

            csync_set_module_property(_csync_ctx, "csync_context", _csync_ctx);
Esempio n. 5
void CSyncThread::run()
    CSYNC *csync;
    WalkStats *wStats = new WalkStats;
    QTime walkTime;

    wStats->sourcePath = 0;
    wStats->errorType  = 0;
    wStats->eval       = 0;
    wStats->removed    = 0;
    wStats->renamed    = 0;
    wStats->newFiles   = 0;
    wStats->ignores    = 0;
    wStats->sync       = 0;
    wStats->seenFiles  = 0;
    wStats->conflicts  = 0;
    wStats->error      = 0;
    wStats->dirPermErrors = 0;

    ProxyInfo *proxyInfo  = new ProxyInfo;

    proxyInfo->proxyType = qstrdup( _proxyType.toAscii().constData() );
    proxyInfo->proxyHost = qstrdup( _proxyHost.toAscii().constData() );
    proxyInfo->proxyPort = qstrdup( _proxyPort.toAscii().constData() );
    proxyInfo->proxyUser = qstrdup( _proxyUser.toAscii().constData() );
    proxyInfo->proxyPwd  = qstrdup( _proxyPwd.toAscii().constData() );

    if( csync_create(&csync,
                     _target.toUtf8().data()) < 0 ) {
        emit csyncError( tr("CSync create failed.") );
    // FIXME: Check if we really need this stringcopy!
    wStats->sourcePath = qstrdup( _source.toUtf8().constData() );
    _csyncConfigDir = QString::fromUtf8( csync_get_config_dir( csync ));

    qDebug() << "## CSync Thread local only: " << _localCheckOnly;
    csync_set_auth_callback( csync, getauth );

    MirallConfigFile cfg;
    QString excludeList = cfg.excludeFile();

    if( !excludeList.isEmpty() ) {
        qDebug() << "==== added CSync exclude List: " << excludeList.toAscii();
        csync_add_exclude_list( csync, excludeList.toAscii() );

    QTime t;

    if( _localCheckOnly ) {
        csync_set_local_only( csync, true );
    csync_set_userdata(csync, (void*) proxyInfo);

    if( csync_init(csync) < 0 ) {
        CSYNC_ERROR_CODE err = csync_get_error( csync );
        QString errStr;

        switch( err ) {
        case CSYNC_ERR_LOCK:
            errStr = tr("CSync failed to create a lock file.");
            errStr = tr("CSync failed to load the state db.");
        case CSYNC_ERR_TIMESKEW:
            errStr = tr("The system time on this client is different than the system time on the server. "
                        "Please use a time synchronization service (NTP) on the server and client machines "
                        "so that the times remain the same.");
            errStr = tr("CSync could not detect the filesystem type.");
        case CSYNC_ERR_TREE:
            errStr = tr("CSync got an error while processing internal trees.");
            errStr = tr("<p>The target directory %1 does not exist.</p><p>Please check the sync setup.</p>").arg(_target);
            // this is critical. The database has to be removed.
            emitStateDb(csync); // to make the name of the csync db known.
            emit wipeDb();
        case CSYNC_ERR_MODULE:
            errStr = tr("<p>The ownCloud plugin for csync could not be loaded.<br/>Please verify the installation!</p>");
        case CSYNC_ERR_LOCAL_STAT:
            errStr = tr("The local filesystem can not be written. Please check permissions.");
            errStr = tr("A remote file can not be written. Please check the remote access.");
            errStr = tr("An internal error number %1 happend.").arg( (int) err );
        qDebug() << " #### ERROR String emitted: " << errStr;
        emit csyncError(errStr);
        goto cleanup;


    qDebug() << "#### Update start #################################################### >>";
    if( csync_update(csync) < 0 ) {
        CSYNC_ERROR_CODE err = csync_get_error( csync );
        QString errStr;

        switch( err ) {
        case CSYNC_ERR_PROXY:
            errStr = tr("CSync failed to reach the host. Either host or proxy settings are not valid.");
            errStr = tr("CSync Update failed.");
        emit csyncError( errStr );
        goto cleanup;
    qDebug() << "<<#### Update end ###########################################################";

    csync_set_userdata(csync, wStats);

    if( csync_walk_local_tree(csync, &checkPermissions, 0) < 0 ) {
        qDebug() << "Error in treewalk.";
        if( wStats->errorType == WALK_ERROR_WALK ) {
            emit csyncError(tr("CSync encountered an error while examining the file system.\n"
                               "Syncing is not possible."));
        } else if( wStats->errorType == WALK_ERROR_INSTRUCTIONS ) {
            emit csyncError(tr("CSync update generated a strange instruction.\n"
                               "Please write a bug report."));
        emit csyncError(tr("Local filesystem problems. Better disable Syncing and check."));
        goto cleanup;
    } else {
        // only warn, do not stop the sync process.
        if( wStats->errorType == WALK_ERROR_DIR_PERMS ) {
            emit csyncError(tr("The local filesystem has %1 write protected directories."
                               "That can hinder successful syncing.<p/>"
                               "Please make sure that all local directories are writeable.").arg(wStats->dirPermErrors));

    // emit the treewalk results. Do not touch the wStats after this.
    emit treeWalkResult(wStats);

    if( _localCheckOnly ) {
        qDebug() << " ..... Local only walk finished: " << walkTime.elapsed();
        // we have to go out here as its local check only.
        goto cleanup;
    } else {
        // check if we can write all over.

        if( csync_reconcile(csync) < 0 ) {
            emit csyncError(tr("CSync reconcile failed."));
            goto cleanup;
        if( csync_propagate(csync) < 0 ) {
            emit csyncError(tr("CSync propagate failed."));
            goto cleanup;

    if( proxyInfo->proxyType ) free( proxyInfo->proxyType );
    if( proxyInfo->proxyHost ) free( proxyInfo->proxyHost );
    if( proxyInfo->proxyPort ) free( proxyInfo->proxyPort );
    if( proxyInfo->proxyUser ) free( proxyInfo->proxyUser );
    if( proxyInfo->proxyPwd  ) free( proxyInfo->proxyPwd  );

    free( proxyInfo );

     * Attention: do not delete the wStat memory here. it is deleted in the
     * slot catching the signel treeWalkResult because this thread can faster
     * die than the slot has read out the data.
    qDebug() << "CSync run took " << t.elapsed() << " Milliseconds";
Esempio n. 6
void CSyncThread::run()
    CSYNC *csync;

    WalkStats *wStats = new WalkStats;
    QTime walkTime;

    wStats->sourcePath = 0;
    wStats->errorType  = 0;
    wStats->eval       = 0;
    wStats->removed    = 0;
    wStats->renamed    = 0;
    wStats->newFiles   = 0;
    wStats->ignores    = 0;
    wStats->sync       = 0;
    wStats->seenFiles  = 0;
    wStats->conflicts  = 0;
    wStats->error      = 0;

    if( csync_create(&csync,
                          _target.toLocal8Bit().data()) < 0 ) {
        emit csyncError( tr("CSync create failed.") );
    // FIXME: Check if we really need this stringcopy!
    wStats->sourcePath = qstrdup( _source.toLocal8Bit().constData() );

    qDebug() << "## CSync Thread local only: " << _localCheckOnly;
    csync_set_auth_callback( csync, getauth );

    MirallConfigFile cfg;
    QString excludeList = cfg.excludeFile();

    if( !excludeList.isEmpty() ) {
        qDebug() << "==== added CSync exclude List: " << excludeList.toAscii();
        csync_add_exclude_list( csync, excludeList.toAscii() );

    QTime t;

    if( _localCheckOnly ) {
        csync_set_local_only( csync, true );

    if( csync_init(csync) < 0 ) {
        CSYNC_ERROR_CODE err = csync_errno();
        QString errStr;

        switch( err ) {
        case CSYNC_ERR_LOCK:
            errStr = tr("CSync failed to create a lock file.");
            errStr = tr("CSync failed to load the state db.");
        case CSYNC_ERR_MODULE:
            errStr = tr("CSync failed to load the ownCloud module.");
        case CSYNC_ERR_TIMESKEW:
            errStr = tr("The system time between the local machine and the server differs "
                        "too much. Please use a time syncronization service (ntp) on both machines.");
            errStr = tr("CSync could not detect the filesystem type.");
        case CSYNC_ERR_TREE:
            errStr = tr("CSync got an error while processing internal trees.");
            errStr = tr("An internal error number %1 happend.").arg( (int) err );
        qDebug() << " #### ERROR String emitted: " << errStr;
        emit csyncError(errStr);
        goto cleanup;

    qDebug() << "############################################################### >>";
    if( csync_update(csync) < 0 ) {
        emit csyncError(tr("CSync Update failed."));
        goto cleanup;
    qDebug() << "<<###############################################################";

    csync_set_userdata(csync, wStats);

    if( csync_walk_local_tree(csync, &checkPermissions, 0) < 0 ) {
        qDebug() << "Error in treewalk.";
        if( wStats->errorType == WALK_ERROR_DIR_PERMS ) {
            emit csyncError(tr("The local filesystem has directories which are write protected.\n"
                               "That prevents ownCloud from successful syncing.\n"
                               "Please make sure that all directories are writeable."));
        } else if( wStats->errorType == WALK_ERROR_WALK ) {
            emit csyncError(tr("CSync encountered an error while examining the file system.\n"
                               "Syncing is not possible."));
        } else if( wStats->errorType == WALK_ERROR_INSTRUCTIONS ) {
            emit csyncError(tr("CSync update generated a strange instruction.\n"
                               "Please write a bug report."));
        emit csyncError(tr("Local filesystem problems. Better disable Syncing and check."));
        goto cleanup;
    qDebug() << " ..... Local walk finished: " << walkTime.elapsed();

    // emit the treewalk results. Do not touch the wStats after this.
    emit treeWalkResult(wStats);

    if( _localCheckOnly ) {
        // we have to go out here as its local check only.
        goto cleanup;
    } else {
        // check if we can write all over.

        if( csync_reconcile(csync) < 0 ) {
            emit csyncError(tr("CSync reconcile failed."));
            goto cleanup;
        if( csync_propagate(csync) < 0 ) {
            emit csyncError(tr("CSync propagate failed."));
            goto cleanup;
     * Attention: do not delete the wStat memory here. it is deleted in the
     * slot catching the signel treeWalkResult because this thread can faster
     * die than the slot has read out the data.
    qDebug() << "CSync run took " << t.elapsed() << " Milliseconds";