Esempio n. 1
int					/* O - Number of jobs */
cupsGetJobs(cups_job_t **jobs,		/* O - Job data */
            const char *mydest,		/* I - NULL = all destinations,       *
	                                 *     otherwise show jobs for mydest */
            int        myjobs,		/* I - 0 = all users, 1 = mine */
            int        completed)	/* I - -1 = show all, 0 = active, *
	                                 *     1 = completed jobs         */
    _cups_globals_t *cg = _cupsGlobals();	/* Pointer to library globals */

     * Try to connect to the server...

    if (!cups_connect("default", NULL, NULL))
        DEBUG_puts("Unable to connect to server!");

        return (-1);

     * Return the jobs...

    return (cupsGetJobs2(cg->http, jobs, mydest, myjobs, completed));
Esempio n. 2
int					/* O - Number of jobs */
cupsGetJobs(cups_job_t **jobs,		/* O - Job data */
            const char *name,		/* I - @code NULL@ = all destinations, otherwise show jobs for named destination */
            int        myjobs,		/* I - 0 = all users, 1 = mine */
	    int        whichjobs)	/* I - @code CUPS_WHICHJOBS_ALL@, @code CUPS_WHICHJOBS_ACTIVE@, or @code CUPS_WHICHJOBS_COMPLETED@ */
  * Return the jobs...

  return (cupsGetJobs2(CUPS_HTTP_DEFAULT, jobs, name, myjobs, whichjobs));