PointDensity *BKE_add_pointdensity(void) { PointDensity *pd; pd = MEM_callocN(sizeof(PointDensity), "pointdensity"); pd->flag = 0; pd->radius = 0.3f; pd->falloff_type = TEX_PD_FALLOFF_STD; pd->falloff_softness = 2.0; pd->source = TEX_PD_PSYS; pd->point_tree = NULL; pd->point_data = NULL; pd->noise_size = 0.5f; pd->noise_depth = 1; pd->noise_fac = 1.0f; pd->noise_influence = TEX_PD_NOISE_STATIC; pd->coba = add_colorband(true); pd->speed_scale = 1.0f; pd->totpoints = 0; pd->object = NULL; pd->psys = 0; pd->psys_cache_space = TEX_PD_WORLDSPACE; pd->falloff_curve = curvemapping_add(1, 0, 0, 1, 1); pd->falloff_curve->preset = CURVE_PRESET_LINE; pd->falloff_curve->cm->flag &= ~CUMA_EXTEND_EXTRAPOLATE; curvemap_reset(pd->falloff_curve->cm, &pd->falloff_curve->clipr, pd->falloff_curve->preset, CURVEMAP_SLOPE_POSITIVE); curvemapping_changed(pd->falloff_curve, FALSE); return pd; }
/** * Library Operations * \param preset CurveMappingPreset */ void BKE_brush_curve_preset(Brush *b, int preset) { CurveMap *cm = NULL; if (!b->curve) b->curve = curvemapping_add(1, 0, 0, 1, 1); cm = b->curve->cm; cm->flag &= ~CUMA_EXTEND_EXTRAPOLATE; b->curve->preset = preset; curvemap_reset(cm, &b->curve->clipr, b->curve->preset, CURVEMAP_SLOPE_NEGATIVE); curvemapping_changed(b->curve, false); }
static void node_composit_init_huecorrect(bNodeTree *UNUSED(ntree), bNode *node) { CurveMapping *cumapping = node->storage = curvemapping_add(1, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); int c; cumapping->preset = CURVE_PRESET_MID9; for (c = 0; c < 3; c++) { CurveMap *cuma = &cumapping->cm[c]; curvemap_reset(cuma, &cumapping->clipr, cumapping->preset, CURVEMAP_SLOPE_POSITIVE); } /* default to showing Saturation */ cumapping->cur = 1; }
static void hue_correct_init_data(SequenceModifierData *smd) { HueCorrectModifierData *hcmd = (HueCorrectModifierData *) smd; int c; curvemapping_set_defaults(&hcmd->curve_mapping, 1, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); hcmd->curve_mapping.preset = CURVE_PRESET_MID9; for (c = 0; c < 3; c++) { CurveMap *cuma = &hcmd->curve_mapping.cm[c]; curvemap_reset(cuma, &hcmd->curve_mapping.clipr, hcmd->curve_mapping.preset, CURVEMAP_SLOPE_POSITIVE); } /* default to showing Saturation */ hcmd->curve_mapping.cur = 1; }
/** * Update defaults in startup.blend, without having to save and embed the file. * This function can be emptied each time the startup.blend is updated. */ void BLO_update_defaults_startup_blend(Main *bmain, const char *app_template) { /* For all builtin templates shipped with Blender. */ const bool builtin_template = (!app_template || STR_ELEM(app_template, "2D_Animation", "Sculpting", "VFX", "Video_Editing")); /* For all startup.blend files. */ for (bScreen *screen = bmain->screens.first; screen; screen = screen->id.next) { for (ScrArea *sa = screen->areabase.first; sa; sa = sa->next) { for (ARegion *ar = sa->regionbase.first; ar; ar = ar->next) { /* Remove all stored panels, we want to use defaults * (order, open/closed) as defined by UI code here! */ BKE_area_region_panels_free(&ar->panels); /* some toolbars have been saved as initialized, * we don't want them to have odd zoom-level or scrolling set, see: T47047 */ if (ELEM(ar->regiontype, RGN_TYPE_UI, RGN_TYPE_TOOLS, RGN_TYPE_TOOL_PROPS)) { ar->v2d.flag &= ~V2D_IS_INITIALISED; } } for (SpaceLink *sl = sa->spacedata.first; sl; sl = sl->next) { switch (sl->spacetype) { case SPACE_VIEW3D: { View3D *v3d = (View3D *)sl; v3d->overlay.texture_paint_mode_opacity = 1.0f; v3d->overlay.weight_paint_mode_opacity = 1.0f; v3d->overlay.vertex_paint_mode_opacity = 1.0f; /* grease pencil settings */ v3d->vertex_opacity = 1.0f; v3d->gp_flag |= V3D_GP_SHOW_EDIT_LINES; /* Skip startups that use the viewport color by default. */ if (v3d->shading.background_type != V3D_SHADING_BACKGROUND_VIEWPORT) { copy_v3_fl(v3d->shading.background_color, 0.05f); } break; } case SPACE_FILE: { SpaceFile *sfile = (SpaceFile *)sl; if (sfile->params) { const char *dir_default = BKE_appdir_folder_default(); if (dir_default) { STRNCPY(sfile->params->dir, dir_default); sfile->params->file[0] = '\0'; } } break; } } } } } if (builtin_template) { /* Name all screens by their workspaces (avoids 'Default.###' names). */ /* Default only has one window. */ wmWindow *win = ((wmWindowManager *)bmain->wm.first)->windows.first; for (WorkSpace *workspace = bmain->workspaces.first; workspace; workspace = workspace->id.next) { WorkSpaceLayout *layout = BKE_workspace_hook_layout_for_workspace_get(win->workspace_hook, workspace); bScreen *screen = layout->screen; BLI_strncpy(screen->id.name + 2, workspace->id.name + 2, sizeof(screen->id.name) - 2); BLI_libblock_ensure_unique_name(bmain, screen->id.name); } } if (app_template == NULL) { /* 'UV Editing' should use UV mode. */ bScreen *screen = BLI_findstring(&bmain->screens, "UV Editing", offsetof(ID, name) + 2); for (ScrArea *sa = screen->areabase.first; sa; sa = sa->next) { for (SpaceLink *sl = sa->spacedata.first; sl; sl = sl->next) { if (sl->spacetype == SPACE_IMAGE) { SpaceImage *sima = (SpaceImage *)sl; if (sima->mode == SI_MODE_VIEW) { sima->mode = SI_MODE_UV; } } } } } /* For 2D animation template. */ if (app_template && STREQ(app_template, "2D_Animation")) { for (WorkSpace *workspace = bmain->workspaces.first; workspace; workspace = workspace->id.next) { const char *name = workspace->id.name + 2; if (STREQ(name, "Drawing")) { workspace->object_mode = OB_MODE_PAINT_GPENCIL; } } /* set object in drawing mode */ for (Object *object = bmain->objects.first; object; object = object->id.next) { if (object->type == OB_GPENCIL) { bGPdata *gpd = (bGPdata *)object->data; object->mode = OB_MODE_PAINT_GPENCIL; gpd->flag |= GP_DATA_STROKE_PAINTMODE; break; } } /* Be sure curfalloff and primitive are initializated */ for (Scene *scene = bmain->scenes.first; scene; scene = scene->id.next) { ToolSettings *ts = scene->toolsettings; if (ts->gp_sculpt.cur_falloff == NULL) { ts->gp_sculpt.cur_falloff = curvemapping_add(1, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); CurveMapping *gp_falloff_curve = ts->gp_sculpt.cur_falloff; curvemapping_initialize(gp_falloff_curve); curvemap_reset(gp_falloff_curve->cm, &gp_falloff_curve->clipr, CURVE_PRESET_GAUSS, CURVEMAP_SLOPE_POSITIVE); } if (ts->gp_sculpt.cur_primitive == NULL) { ts->gp_sculpt.cur_primitive = curvemapping_add(1, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); CurveMapping *gp_primitive_curve = ts->gp_sculpt.cur_primitive; curvemapping_initialize(gp_primitive_curve); curvemap_reset(gp_primitive_curve->cm, &gp_primitive_curve->clipr, CURVE_PRESET_BELL, CURVEMAP_SLOPE_POSITIVE); } } } if (builtin_template) { /* Clear all tools to use default options instead, ignore the tool saved in the file. */ for (WorkSpace *workspace = bmain->workspaces.first; workspace; workspace = workspace->id.next) { while (!BLI_listbase_is_empty(&workspace->tools)) { BKE_workspace_tool_remove(workspace, workspace->tools.first); } } for (bScreen *screen = bmain->screens.first; screen; screen = screen->id.next) { for (ScrArea *sa = screen->areabase.first; sa; sa = sa->next) { if (sa->spacetype == SPACE_ACTION) { /* Show marker lines, hide channels and collapse summary in timelines. */ SpaceAction *saction = sa->spacedata.first; saction->flag |= SACTION_SHOW_MARKER_LINES; if (saction->mode == SACTCONT_TIMELINE) { saction->ads.flag |= ADS_FLAG_SUMMARY_COLLAPSED; for (ARegion *ar = sa->regionbase.first; ar; ar = ar->next) { if (ar->regiontype == RGN_TYPE_CHANNELS) { ar->flag |= RGN_FLAG_HIDDEN; } } } } else if (sa->spacetype == SPACE_GRAPH) { SpaceGraph *sipo = sa->spacedata.first; sipo->flag |= SIPO_MARKER_LINES; } else if (sa->spacetype == SPACE_NLA) { SpaceNla *snla = sa->spacedata.first; snla->flag |= SNLA_SHOW_MARKER_LINES; } else if (sa->spacetype == SPACE_TEXT) { /* Show syntax and line numbers in Script workspace text editor. */ SpaceText *stext = sa->spacedata.first; stext->showsyntax = true; stext->showlinenrs = true; } else if (sa->spacetype == SPACE_VIEW3D) { /* Screen space cavity by default for faster performance. */ View3D *v3d = sa->spacedata.first; v3d->shading.cavity_type = V3D_SHADING_CAVITY_CURVATURE; } else if (sa->spacetype == SPACE_CLIP) { SpaceClip *sclip = sa->spacedata.first; sclip->around = V3D_AROUND_CENTER_MEDIAN; } } } /* Show toopbar for sculpt/paint modes. */ for (bScreen *screen = bmain->screens.first; screen; screen = screen->id.next) { bool show_tool_header = false; if (app_template == NULL) { if (STR_ELEM(screen->id.name + 2, "Sculpting", "Texture Paint")) { show_tool_header = true; } } else if (STREQ(app_template, "2D_Animation")) { if (STR_ELEM(screen->id.name + 2, "2D Animation", "2D Full Canvas")) { show_tool_header = true; } } else if (STREQ(app_template, "Sculpting")) { if (STR_ELEM(screen->id.name + 2, "Sculpting")) { show_tool_header = true; } } if (show_tool_header) { for (ScrArea *sa = screen->areabase.first; sa; sa = sa->next) { for (SpaceLink *sl = sa->spacedata.first; sl; sl = sl->next) { ListBase *regionbase = (sl == sa->spacedata.first) ? &sa->regionbase : &sl->regionbase; for (ARegion *ar = regionbase->first; ar; ar = ar->next) { if (ar->regiontype == RGN_TYPE_TOOL_HEADER) { ar->flag &= ~(RGN_FLAG_HIDDEN | RGN_FLAG_HIDDEN_BY_USER); } } } } } } for (Scene *scene = bmain->scenes.first; scene; scene = scene->id.next) { BLI_strncpy(scene->r.engine, RE_engine_id_BLENDER_EEVEE, sizeof(scene->r.engine)); scene->r.cfra = 1.0f; scene->r.displaymode = R_OUTPUT_WINDOW; if (app_template && STREQ(app_template, "Video_Editing")) { /* Filmic is too slow, use default until it is optimized. */ STRNCPY(scene->view_settings.view_transform, "Default"); STRNCPY(scene->view_settings.look, "None"); } else { /* AV Sync break physics sim caching, disable until that is fixed. */ scene->audio.flag &= ~AUDIO_SYNC; scene->flag &= ~SCE_FRAME_DROP; } /* Don't enable compositing nodes. */ if (scene->nodetree) { ntreeFreeNestedTree(scene->nodetree); MEM_freeN(scene->nodetree); scene->nodetree = NULL; scene->use_nodes = false; } /* Rename render layers. */ BKE_view_layer_rename(bmain, scene, scene->view_layers.first, "View Layer"); /* New EEVEE defaults. */ scene->eevee.bloom_intensity = 0.05f; scene->eevee.bloom_clamp = 0.0f; scene->eevee.motion_blur_shutter = 0.5f; } /* Rename light objects. */ rename_id_for_versioning(bmain, ID_OB, "Lamp", "Light"); rename_id_for_versioning(bmain, ID_LA, "Lamp", "Light"); for (Mesh *mesh = bmain->meshes.first; mesh; mesh = mesh->id.next) { /* Match default for new meshes. */ mesh->smoothresh = DEG2RADF(30); } } for (bScreen *sc = bmain->screens.first; sc; sc = sc->id.next) { for (ScrArea *sa = sc->areabase.first; sa; sa = sa->next) { for (SpaceLink *sl = sa->spacedata.first; sl; sl = sl->next) { if (sl->spacetype == SPACE_VIEW3D) { View3D *v3d = (View3D *)sl; v3d->shading.flag |= V3D_SHADING_SPECULAR_HIGHLIGHT; } } } } for (Scene *scene = bmain->scenes.first; scene; scene = scene->id.next) { copy_v3_v3(scene->display.light_direction, (float[3]){M_SQRT1_3, M_SQRT1_3, M_SQRT1_3}); copy_v2_fl2(scene->safe_areas.title, 0.1f, 0.05f); copy_v2_fl2(scene->safe_areas.action, 0.035f, 0.035f); }