Esempio n. 1
* Save the current JPG into a file.
* @param filename The name of the file.
* @throw FileException If the image cannot be saved.
void JPGImage::saveToFile(string filename) throw (artemis::FileException*){

    CvScalar s;
    IplImage *image = cvCreateImage(cvSize(getWidth(), getHeight()), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 0);

    int div;
    if ((getBitsPerPixel() > 8) && (getBitsPerPixel() <= 16))
        div = 16;
        div = 1;

    for(int x = 0; x < getWidth(); x++){
        for(int y = 0; y < getHeight(); y++){
            s.val[0] = (getPixel(x, y).getGrayPixelValue()/div);
            cvSet2D(image, y, x, s);


    if (!cvSaveImage(filename.c_str(), image)){
        throw new artemis::FileException(0, "This file cannot been created!", filename);
IplImage* Zooming::SobelEnergy::GetEnergyImage(IplImage* input)
	IplImage* dstX = cvCloneImage(input);	
	IplImage* dstY = cvCloneImage(input);
	cvSobel(input, dstY, 0, _yOrder);
	cvSobel(input, dstX, 1, _xOrder);

	int width = input->width;
	int height = input->height;

	// average 3 channels to 1
	IplImage* energy = cvCreateImage(cvSize(width, height), IPL_DEPTH_16U, 1);
	//char* dstData = dstX->imageData;
	//short* energyData = (short*)energy->imageData;

	for(int i = 0; i < height; i++)
		for(int j = 0; j < width; j++)
			CvScalar inputPixelX = cvGet2D(dstX, i, j); 
			CvScalar inputPixelY = cvGet2D(dstY, i, j);
			CvScalar outputX = cvScalar( abs(inputPixelX.val[0] + inputPixelX.val[1] + inputPixelX.val[2]) / 3);
			CvScalar outputY = cvScalar( abs(inputPixelY.val[0] + inputPixelY.val[1] + inputPixelY.val[2]) / 3);
			CvScalar output;
			output.val[0] = outputX.val[0] + outputY.val[0];

			cvSet2D(energy, i, j, output);
		//dstData += dst->widthStep;
		//energyData += energy->width;
	return energy;
Esempio n. 3
void hue_horiz_project(IplImage* src, IplImage* proj_image)
	IplImage* hsv = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(src), 8, 3 ); 
	cvCvtColor( src, hsv, CV_BGR2HSV );

	IplImage* h_plane  = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(src), 8, 1 );
	IplImage* s_plane  = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(src), 8, 1 );
	IplImage* v_plane  = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(src), 8, 1 );
	IplImage* planes[] = { h_plane, s_plane };
	cvCvtPixToPlane( hsv, h_plane, s_plane, v_plane, 0 );

	int* v=new int[src->width];

	int x,y;
	CvScalar s,t;

Esempio n. 4
//void DlIntegral(IplImage *source, CvMat *result) {
//    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
//        for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
//            printf("%.0f ",cvGet2D(source, i, j).val[0]);
//        }
//        printf("\n");
//    }
//    printf("///////////\n"); 
//    cvSet2D(result, 0, 0, cvScalarAll(cvGet2D(source, 0, 0).val[0]));
//    for (int x = 1; x < source->width; x++) {
//        double sum = cvGet2D(source, x, 0).val[0] + cvGet2D(result, x-1, 0).val[0];
//        cvSet2D(result, x, 0, cvScalarAll(sum));
//    }
//        for (int y = 1; y < 360/*img_hsv->height*/; y++) {
//            double sum = cvGet2D(source, 0, y).val[0] + cvGet2D(result, 0, y-1).val[0];
//            cvSet2D(result, 0, y, cvScalarAll(sum));
//        }
//       for (int y = 1; y <360/*img_hsv->height*/; y++) {
//            for (int x = 1; x<source->width; x++) {
//                double sum = cvGet2D(source, x, y).val[0] + cvGet2D(result, x-1, y).val[0] +
//                cvGet2D(source, x, y-1).val[0] - cvGet2D(result, x-1, y-1).val[0];
//                cvSet2D(result, x, y, cvScalarAll(sum));
//            }
//        }
//        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
//            for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
//                printf("%.0f ",cvGet2D(result, i, j).val[0]);
//            }
//            printf("\n");
//        }
void AdaptiveThreshold(IplImage *source, IplImage *result, int size) {
    CvScalar pixel;
    IplImage *img_gray = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(source),IPL_DEPTH_8U,1);
    cvCvtColor(source, img_gray, CV_RGB2GRAY);
    for (int i = 0; i < img_gray->height; i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < img_gray->width; j++) {
            int threshold = 0;
            for (int n = i - size/2; n < i + size/2; n++) {
                for (int m = j - size/2; m < j + size/2; m++) {
                    if (n>=0 && m>=0 && m < img_gray->width - size/2 && n < img_gray->height - size/2) {
                        pixel = cvGet2D(img_gray, n, m);
                        threshold += pixel.val[0];
            threshold /= size*size;
            pixel = cvGet2D(img_gray, i, j);
            pixel.val[0] = pixel.val[0] > threshold ? 255 : 0; 
            cvSet2D(result, i, j, pixel);
Esempio n. 5
void on_tracker(int thresh){
	int mosaic_num = 0;
	IplImage *pColor = cvCreateImage(cvSize(pImage->width, pImage->height), 8, 3);
	cvCvtColor(pImage, pColor, CV_GRAY2BGR);
	for (int i = 0; i < h16; i++){
		for (int j = 0; j < w16; j++){
			int n_edges = 0;
			for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++){
				if (mb[i*w16+j][k] >= thresh){
					n_edges ++;

			int top = i*16;
			int left = j*16;
			int bottom = top+15;
			int right = left+15;

			if (n_edges >= 2){
				mosaic_num ++;
				cvRectangle(pColor, cvPoint(left, top), cvPoint(left+15, top+15), CV_RGB(255, 0, 0), 1, CV_AA, 0);
				cvSet2D(pColor, top, left, CV_RGB(255, 0, 0));


	printf("mosaic number = %d\n" , mosaic_num);
	cvShowImage("image", pColor);
	char filename[64];
	sprintf(filename, "mosaic-%d-%d.jpg", thresh, mosaic_num);
	cvSaveImage(filename, pColor);
void CvFunctionPlot::PlotFunction(const std::vector<unsigned int>& FunctionData,const CvScalar& PlotColour,const CvRect& ROI,float ScaleFactor)
    if (Canvas == 0) return;    // No canvas

    const unsigned int WidthFunction = (unsigned int) FunctionData.size();
    if (WidthFunction == 0) return;     // nothing to plot ...
    CvSize SizeCanvas = cvGetSize(Canvas);

    // Check location of ROI

    if (ROI.x < 0) return;                                  // invalid ROI
    if ((ROI.x + ROI.width) >= SizeCanvas.width) return;    // invalid ROI
    if (ROI.width < 1) return;                  // invalid ROI
    if (ROI.y < 0) return;                                  // invalid ROI
    if (ROI.height < 1) return;                             // invalid ROI
    if ((ROI.y + ROI.height) >= SizeCanvas.height) return;  // invalid ROI

    // Scale-factor

    unsigned int PlotWidth = WidthFunction;
    if (PlotWidth > (unsigned int)ROI.width) PlotWidth = ROI.width;

    // Draw the function

    for (unsigned int i=0; i < PlotWidth;++i)
        unsigned int Value = FunctionData[i];
        unsigned int ValuePixels = cvRound(ScaleFactor*Value);
        if (ValuePixels > (unsigned int)ROI.height) ValuePixels = ROI.height;

        CvPoint PlotPoint;
        PlotPoint.x = ROI.x + i;
        PlotPoint.y = ROI.y + ROI.height - 1 - ValuePixels;
Esempio n. 7
int hist2sig(CvHistogram* hist1,CvHistogram* hist2,int h_bins, int s_bins) {
	int numrows = h_bins*s_bins;

	// Create matrices to store the signature in 
	CvMat* sig1 = cvCreateMat(numrows, 3, CV_32FC1);//1 count + 2 coords = 3
	CvMat* sig2 = cvCreateMat(numrows, 3, CV_32FC1);//sigs are of type float

	// Fill signatures for the two histograms
	for (int h = 0; h < h_bins; h++) {
		for (int s = 0; s < s_bins; s++) {
			float bin_val = cvQueryHistValue_2D(hist1, h, s);
			cvSet2D(sig1, h*s_bins + s, 0, cvScalar(bin_val));// bin value
			cvSet2D(sig1, h*s_bins + s, 1, cvScalar(h));//Coord 1
			cvSet2D(sig1, h*s_bins + s, 2, cvScalar(s));
			bin_val = cvQueryHistValue_2D(hist2, h, s);
			cvSet2D(sig2, h*s_bins + s, 0, cvScalar(bin_val));//bin value
			cvSet2D(sig2, h*s_bins + s, 1, cvScalar(h));//Coord 1
			cvSet2D(sig2, h*s_bins + s, 2, cvScalar(s));//Coord 2

	return 0;
Esempio n. 8
void display()
	glClearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);

/*	glPushMatrix();


//	data=cvGet2D(captured,240,320);
//	printf("%f,%f,%f\n",data.val[0],data.val[1],data.val[2]);



			{	goto donetop;
			{	goto doneleft;
	if(inclination<0)	inclination+=60;

    	glColor3f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);

		drawmodel_box5();									//remove this
Esempio n. 9
void CreateMask(IplImage* input, IplImage* mask, CvPoint shift, CvSize outputSize, IplImage* outputMask, IplImage* outputData)
	// check size
	if(outputMask->width != outputSize.width || outputMask->height != outputSize.height)
	if(outputData->width != outputSize.width || outputData->height != outputSize.height)
	for(int i = 0; i < outputMask->width; i++)
		for(int j = 0; j < outputMask->height; j++)
			CvPoint inputPixel;
			inputPixel.x = shift.x + i;
			inputPixel.y = shift.y + j;
			if(!IsOutside(inputPixel, cvSize(input->width, input->height)))
				cvSet2D(outputMask, j, i, cvGet2D(mask, inputPixel.y, inputPixel.x)); 
				cvSet2D(outputMask, j, i, cvScalar(255));				 
	for(int i = 0; i < outputSize.width; i++)
		for(int j = 0; j < outputSize.height; j++)
			cvSet2D(outputData,j,i, cvScalar(231,233,233));	
	for(int i = 0; i < outputSize.width; i++)
		for(int j = 0; j < outputSize.height; j++)
			if(IsMaskedPixel(i, j, outputMask))
				// check neighbor
				CvPoint inputPixel;
				inputPixel.x = shift.x + i;
				inputPixel.y = shift.y + j;
				CvScalar value;
				CvSize inputSize = cvSize(input->width, input->height);
				if(!IsOutside(cvPoint(inputPixel.x, inputPixel.y), inputSize) && 
					!IsOutside(cvPoint(i,j),  outputSize))
					value = cvGet2D(input, inputPixel.y, inputPixel.x);
					cvSet2D(outputData, j, i, value);

				if(!IsOutside(cvPoint(inputPixel.x+1, inputPixel.y), inputSize) && 
					!IsOutside(cvPoint(i+1,j),  outputSize))
					value = cvGet2D(input, inputPixel.y, inputPixel.x + 1);
					cvSet2D(outputData, j, i+1, value);

				if(!IsOutside(cvPoint(inputPixel.x - 1, inputPixel.y), inputSize) && 
					!IsOutside(cvPoint(i-1,j),  outputSize))
					value = cvGet2D(input, inputPixel.y, inputPixel.x - 1);
					cvSet2D(outputData, j, i-1, value);
				if(!IsOutside(cvPoint(inputPixel.x, inputPixel.y+1), inputSize) && 
					!IsOutside(cvPoint(i,j+1),  outputSize))
					value = cvGet2D(input, inputPixel.y + 1, inputPixel.x);
					cvSet2D(outputData, j+1, i, value);

				if(!IsOutside(cvPoint(inputPixel.x, inputPixel.y-1), inputSize) && 
					!IsOutside(cvPoint(i,j-1),  outputSize))
					value = cvGet2D(input, inputPixel.y - 1, inputPixel.x);
					cvSet2D(outputData, j-1, i, value);
		for(int i = 0; i < outputSize.width - 1; i++)
		for(int j = 0; j < outputSize.height - 1; j++)
			if(IsMaskedPixel(i, j, outputMask))
				// check neighbor
				CvScalar value;
				value = cvGet2D(outputData, j, i);
				if(value.val[0] == 231 && value.val[1] == 233 && value.val[2] == 233)
				value = cvGet2D(outputData, j+1, i);
				if(value.val[0] == 231 && value.val[1] == 233 && value.val[2] == 233)
				value = cvGet2D(outputData, j-1, i);
				if(value.val[0] == 231 && value.val[1] == 233 && value.val[2] == 233)
				value = cvGet2D(outputData, j, i+1);
				if(value.val[0] == 231 && value.val[1] == 233 && value.val[2] == 233)
				value = cvGet2D(outputData, j, i-1);
				if(value.val[0] == 231 && value.val[1] == 233 && value.val[2] == 233)

Esempio n. 10
// mask is of the same size as input
MaskShift* CreateMaskShift(IplImage* input, IplImage* mask, CvPoint shift, CvSize outputSize)
	IplImage* outputMask = cvCreateImage(outputSize, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3);

	IplImage* outputTest = cvCreateImage(outputSize, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3);
	IplImage* outputData = cvCreateImage(outputSize, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3);
	for(int i = 0; i < outputMask->width; i++)
		for(int j = 0; j < outputMask->height; j++)
			CvPoint inputPixel;
			inputPixel.x = shift.x + i;
			inputPixel.y = shift.y + j;
			if(!IsOutside(inputPixel, cvSize(input->width, input->height)))
				cvSet2D(outputMask, j, i, cvGet2D(mask, inputPixel.y, inputPixel.x)); 
				cvSet2D(outputMask, j, i, cvScalar(255));				 
	for(int i = 0; i < outputSize.width; i++)
		for(int j = 0; j < outputSize.height; j++)
			cvSet2D(outputData,j,i, cvScalar(231,233,233));	
	for(int i = 0; i < outputSize.width; i++)
		for(int j = 0; j < outputSize.height; j++)
			if(IsMaskedPixel(i, j, outputMask))
				// check neighbor
				CvPoint inputPixel;
				inputPixel.x = shift.x + i;
				inputPixel.y = shift.y + j;
				CvScalar value;
				CvSize inputSize = cvSize(input->width, input->height);
				if(!IsOutside(cvPoint(inputPixel.x, inputPixel.y), inputSize) && 
					!IsOutside(cvPoint(i,j),  outputSize))
					value = cvGet2D(input, inputPixel.y, inputPixel.x);
					cvSet2D(outputData, j, i, value);

				if(!IsOutside(cvPoint(inputPixel.x+1, inputPixel.y), inputSize) && 
					!IsOutside(cvPoint(i+1,j),  outputSize))
					value = cvGet2D(input, inputPixel.y, inputPixel.x + 1);
					cvSet2D(outputData, j, i+1, value);

				if(!IsOutside(cvPoint(inputPixel.x - 1, inputPixel.y), inputSize) && 
					!IsOutside(cvPoint(i-1,j),  outputSize))
					value = cvGet2D(input, inputPixel.y, inputPixel.x - 1);
					cvSet2D(outputData, j, i-1, value);
				if(!IsOutside(cvPoint(inputPixel.x, inputPixel.y+1), inputSize) && 
					!IsOutside(cvPoint(i,j+1),  outputSize))
					value = cvGet2D(input, inputPixel.y + 1, inputPixel.x);
					cvSet2D(outputData, j+1, i, value);

				if(!IsOutside(cvPoint(inputPixel.x, inputPixel.y-1), inputSize) && 
					!IsOutside(cvPoint(i,j-1),  outputSize))
					value = cvGet2D(input, inputPixel.y - 1, inputPixel.x);
					cvSet2D(outputData, j-1, i, value);

		int j2 =21;
		int i2 = 5;	 
		CvScalar value2 = cvGet2D(outputData, j2+1, i2);
	for(int i = 0; i < outputSize.width; i++)
		for(int j = 0; j < outputSize.height; j++)
			if(IsMaskedPixel(i, j, outputMask))
				// check neighbor
				CvScalar value;
				value = cvGet2D(outputData, j, i);
				if(value.val[0] == 231 && value.val[1] == 233 && value.val[2] == 233)
				value = cvGet2D(outputData, j+1, i);
				if(value.val[0] == 231 && value.val[1] == 233 && value.val[2] == 233)
				value = cvGet2D(outputData, j-1, i);
				if(value.val[0] == 231 && value.val[1] == 233 && value.val[2] == 233)
				value = cvGet2D(outputData, j, i+1);
				if(value.val[0] == 231 && value.val[1] == 233 && value.val[2] == 233)
				value = cvGet2D(outputData, j, i-1);
				if(value.val[0] == 231 && value.val[1] == 233 && value.val[2] == 233)
	//	cvShowImage("Test", outputData);
	//	cvWaitKey(100);
	MaskShift* maskShift = new MaskShift(outputMask, input);
	return maskShift;
void BlobDetectionEngine::pixelClassEvaluate(bool **mask, int ***bins)
	float shellRad;
	int r,g,b, cInd;
	set<int>::iterator it;
	for(int row = 0; row < preHypNum; row++){
		//CvScalar color = CV_RGB( rand()&255, rand()&255, rand()&255 );
		int roi = ( hyp_t[row].innerShellRadius * 1.25 ) ;
		int xSum = 0, ySum = 0, numPt = 0;
		int yLim, xLim, yStart, xStart;
		float dist;
		float prior,likelihood, posterior;

		//Boundary Checks
		if ( hyp_t[row].y0  - roi <= 0 )
			yStart = 0;
			yStart = hyp_t[row].y0 - roi;

		if ( hyp_t[row].y0 + roi >= Hypothesis::img_height - 1)
			yLim = Hypothesis::img_height - 1;
			yLim = hyp_t[row].y0  + roi;

		if ( hyp_t[row].x0  - roi < 0 )
			xStart = 0;
			xStart = hyp_t[row].x0  - roi;

		if ( hyp_t[row].x0  + roi >= Hypothesis::img_width - 1 )
			xLim = Hypothesis::img_width - 1;
			xLim = hyp_t[row].x0  + roi;
		//Boundary Checks

		//Implementation of argmax c
		hyp_t[row].classUnionSet.insert( hyp_t[row].intEvtSet.begin(), hyp_t[row].intEvtSet.end() );
		hyp_t[row].classUnionSet.insert( hyp_t[row].merEvtSet.begin(), hyp_t[row].merEvtSet.end() );
		//cout << "Gonna search from {"<<yStart<<","<<xStart<<"} to {"<<yLim << "," << xLim << "} . " << endl;
		//cout << "ActualImageLimits {"<<0<<","<<0<<"} to {"<<Hypothesis::img_height << "," << Hypothesis::img_width << "} . " << endl;	
		//cvRectangle(visualImg, cvPoint( xStart, yStart ), cvPoint( xLim , yLim ), CV_RGB(0,255,0), 1);

		/*int step      = visualImg->widthStep;
		int channels  = visualImg->nChannels;
		uchar *data   = (uchar *)visualImg->imageData;*/
		for(int y = yStart ; y < yLim; y++){
			for(int x = xStart ; x < xLim ; x++){
				if ( mask[y][x] ){
					//Ask whether inside shell?
					dist = find_eu_distance( cvPoint( hyp_t[row].x0, hyp_t[row].y0), cvPoint(x,y) ) / (roi);
					//Ask whether inside shell?
					if ( dist > 1 )
					b = bins[y][x][0];
					g = bins[y][x][1];
					r = bins[y][x][2];
					cInd = b + g*16 + r*256;
					//Find max matched class
					int biggestIdx = hyp_t[row].id;
					//float priorDef = (float)(1.00 - (find_eu_distance( cvPoint( hyp_t[row].x0, hyp_t[row].y0), cvPoint(x,y) ) / (roi))) ;
					float priorDef = (float)(1 - pow( find_eu_distance( cvPoint( hyp_t[row].x0, hyp_t[row].y0), cvPoint(x,y) ) / (roi) , 2.0 ));
					float LikelihoodDef = (hyp_t[row].histogram[ cInd ]+ 1e-6) / hyp_t[row].pxInHistogram ;
					float biggestPost;
					biggestPost = LikelihoodDef * priorDef;

					for(int clas = 0; clas < preHypNum; clas++ ){
						it = hyp_t[row].classUnionSet.find( hyp_t[clas].id );
						if ( it != hyp_t[row].classUnionSet.end() ){ //Implementation of Index and C_i
							//Get pixel likelihood
							//cout <<"lulz " << endl;
							shellRad = hyp_t[clas].innerShellRadius * 1.25;
							likelihood = (hyp_t[clas].histogram[ cInd ]+ 1e-6) / hyp_t[clas].pxInHistogram;
							//prior = (float)(1.00 - find_eu_distance( cvPoint( hyp_t[clas].x0, hyp_t[clas].y0), cvPoint(x,y) ) / (shellRad)) ;
							prior = (float)(1 - pow( find_eu_distance( cvPoint( hyp_t[clas].x0, hyp_t[clas].y0), cvPoint(x,y) ) / (shellRad) , 2.0 ));

							//if (prior > 2.00 )
							//cout << "prior: " << prior << endl;

							if ( prior < 0)
								prior = 0;

							//posterior = likelihood ;
							//cout << "likelihood: " << likelihood << endl;
							posterior = likelihood * prior;
							if ( posterior > biggestPost ){
								biggestPost = posterior;
								biggestIdx = hyp_t[clas].id;
					if ( biggestIdx == hyp_t[row].id ){
						//cout << "pix : {"<<y<<","<<x<<"} is class " << biggestIdx << " prob: " << LikelihoodDef <<  endl;
						//cvSet2D( visualImg, y , x, color);
						xSum += (x);		// multiply with mask to prevent if check.
						ySum += (y);
						numPt += (1);								
					if (biggestIdx == 0)
						cvSet2D( visualImg, y , x, cvScalar(255,0,0,0));
					if (biggestIdx == 1)
						cvSet2D( visualImg, y , x, cvScalar(0,0,255,0));
					if (biggestIdx == 2)
						cvSet2D( visualImg, y , x, cvScalar(0,255,0,0));
					if (biggestIdx == 3)
						cvSet2D( visualImg, y , x, cvScalar(255,0,255,0));
					if (biggestIdx == 4)
						cvSet2D( visualImg, y , x, cvScalar(255,255,0,0));
					if (biggestIdx == 5)
						cvSet2D( visualImg, y , x, cvScalar(0,255,255,0));

		hyp_t[row].ex_x0 = hyp_t[row].x0;
		hyp_t[row].ex_y0 = hyp_t[row].y0;
		if ( numPt != 0){
			hyp_t[row].x0 = xSum / numPt;
			hyp_t[row].y0 = ySum / numPt;


Esempio n. 12
bool ColorImageSegmentByKMeans2 ( const   IplImage *  img ,  IplImage *  pResult, int nClusters,  int   sortFlag )

        assert ( img  !=  NULL &&  pResult  !=  NULL );

        assert ( img -> nChannels == 3 &&  pResult -> nChannels  == 1);

        int   i , j ;

        CvMat * samples = cvCreateMat (( img -> width )*( img -> height ),1, CV_32FC3 ); // 创建样本矩阵, CV_32FC3 代表位浮点通道(彩色图像)

        CvMat * clusters = cvCreateMat (( img -> width )*( img -> height ),1, CV_32SC1 ); // 创建类别标记矩阵, CV_32SF1 代表位整型通道

        int   k =0;

        for  ( i =0; i < img -> width ; i ++)


               for ( j =0; j < img -> height ; j ++)


                      CvScalar s ;

                      // 获取图像各个像素点的三通道值( RGB )

                      s . val [0]=( float ) cvGet2D ( img , j , i ). val [0];

                      s . val [1]=( float ) cvGet2D ( img , j , i ). val [1];

                      s . val [2]=( float ) cvGet2D ( img , j , i ). val [2];

                      cvSet2D ( samples , k ++,0, s ); // 将像素点三通道的值按顺序排入样本矩阵



        cvKMeans2 ( samples , nClusters , clusters , cvTermCriteria ( CV_TERMCRIT_ITER ,50,1.0)); // 开始聚类,迭代次,终止误差 .0

        k =0;

        int   val =0;

        float   step =255/( nClusters -1);

        for  ( i =0; i < img -> width ; i ++)


               for ( j =0; j < img -> height ; j ++)


                      val =( int ) clusters -> data . i [ k ++];

                      CvScalar s ;

                      s . val [0]=255- val * step ; // 这个是将不同类别取不同的像素值,

                      cvSet2D ( pResult , j , i , s );         // 将每个像素点赋值       



        cvReleaseMat (& samples );

        cvReleaseMat (& clusters );

        return   true ;

Esempio n. 13
bool GrayImageSegmentByKMeans2 ( const   IplImage *  pImg ,  IplImage * pResult , int nClusters, int sortFlag )


        assert ( pImg  !=  NULL &&  pImg -> nChannels == 1);

        // 创建样本矩阵, CV_32FC1 代表位浮点通道(灰度图像)

        CvMat * samples  =  cvCreateMat (( pImg -> width )* ( pImg -> height ),1,  CV_32FC1 );

        // 创建类别标记矩阵, CV_32SF1 代表位整型通道

        CvMat * clusters  =  cvCreateMat (( pImg -> width )* ( pImg -> height ),1,  CV_32SC1 );

        // 创建类别中心矩阵

        CvMat * centers  =  cvCreateMat ( nClusters , 1,  CV_32FC1 );

        //  将原始图像转换到样本矩阵


               int k  = 0;

               CvScalar s ;

               for ( int   i  = 0;  i  <  pImg -> width ;  i ++)


                      for ( int   j =0; j  <  pImg -> height ;  j ++)


                             s . val [0] = ( float ) cvGet2D ( pImg ,  j ,  i ). val [0];

                             cvSet2D ( samples , k ++, 0,  s );




        // 开始聚类,迭代次,终止误差 .0

       cvKMeans2 ( samples ,  nClusters , clusters ,  cvTermCriteria ( CV_TERMCRIT_ITER  +  CV_TERMCRIT_EPS ,50, 1.0), 1, 0, 0, centers );

        //  无需排序直接输出时

        if  ( sortFlag  == 0)


               int k  = 0;

               int val  = 0;

               float step  = 255 / (( float ) nClusters  - 1);

               CvScalar s ;

               for ( int   i  = 0;  i  <  pImg -> width ;  i ++)


                      for ( int   j  = 0; j  <  pImg -> height ;  j ++)


                             val  = ( int ) clusters -> data . i [ k ++];

                             s . val [0] = 255-  val  *  step ; // 这个是将不同类别取不同的像素值,

                             cvSet2D ( pResult , j ,  i ,  s );   // 将每个像素点赋值



               return true ;

lfError cLightFieldViewGenerator_AllInFocus::generate(void *raw_image, void *depth_image, lfCalibrationParameter_t* cparams, lfViewGeneratorParameter_t* vparams)
  IplImage* img = static_cast<IplImage*> (raw_image);
  IplImage* depthImg = static_cast<IplImage*> (depth_image);
  IplImage* view = CREATE_IMAGE(img);
  _lens_mask = cparams->createLensMask();
  IplImage* mask = (IplImage*) _lens_mask;
  RETURN_IF_NULL(img && view && depthImg && mask);


  unsigned int numLenses; // number of lenses in the neighborhood
  unsigned int numUsedLenses = 0; // number of lenses used for the projection
  int xLens, yLens, xImg, yImg; // projected point in lens coordinates
  double depth; // virtual depth at current image point
  lfPoint2Dd_t lens_centers[100]; // storage for the lens centers of the neighboring lenses
  lfPoint2Dd_t image_point; // projected point in image coordinates
  lfPoint2Dd_t lens_center; // current used lens center
  CvScalar s = cvScalar(0); // color value of the final pixel
  const int r = (int) (cparams->diameter / 2 - cparams->lens_border); // radius with integer resolution

  //showImage(mask,"Lens mask");

  for (int y=0; y < img->height; y++) {
    for (int x=0; x < img->width; x++) {
      depth = cvGetReal2D(depthImg, y, x);
      numLenses = sizeof(lens_centers) / sizeof(*lens_centers);
      cparams->findCloseLensCenters(lfPoint2D(x, y), 2, depth, &numLenses, lens_centers);

        //IplImage *temp_img = cvCloneImage(img);

        //for(unsigned int l = 0; l < numLenses; l++) {
        //  lens_center = lens_centers[l];
        //  cvCircle(temp_img, cvPoint((int) lens_center.x, (int) lens_center.y), r, gColors[0], 1);
        //cvCircle(temp_img, cvPoint(x,y), 5, gColors[1], 2);
        //showImage(temp_img, "Debug Image");
      for(unsigned int l = 0; l < numLenses; l++) {
        lens_center = lens_centers[l];
        image_point = lens_center - (1/depth * (lfPoint2D(x,y) - lens_center));
        // point in image coordinate system
        xImg = cvFloor(image_point.x);
        yImg = cvFloor(image_point.y);
        // point in corresponding lens coordinate system
        xLens = (int) (mask->width / 2 - lens_center.x + image_point.x);
        yLens = (int) (mask->height / 2 - lens_center.y + image_point.y);
        // only if projected image point is at a valid lense position
        if(IS_POINT_IN_IMAGE(mask, xLens, yLens)) {
          if(cvGetReal2D(mask,yLens,xLens)) {
            if(IS_POINT_IN_IMAGE(img, xImg, yImg) && IS_POINT_IN_IMAGE(img, xImg+1, yImg+1)) {
              s = s + get2DInterpolated(img, image_point.x, image_point.y);
      if(numUsedLenses == 0)
      // compute mean value over all found pixels
      s =  (1/(double)numUsedLenses) * s;
      cvSet2D(view, y, x, s);
      // reset variables
      numUsedLenses = 0;
      s = cvScalar(0);

  _view = view;

Esempio n. 15
 * Extract the DC terms from the specified component.
IplImage *
extract_dc(j_decompress_ptr cinfo, jvirt_barray_ptr *coeffs, int ci)
    jpeg_component_info *ci_ptr = &cinfo->comp_info[ci];
    CvSize size = cvSize(ci_ptr->width_in_blocks, ci_ptr->height_in_blocks);
    IplImage *dc = cvCreateImage(size, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
    assert(dc != NULL);

    JQUANT_TBL *tbl = ci_ptr->quant_table;
    UINT16 dc_quant = tbl->quantval[0];

    printf("DCT method: %x\n", cinfo->dct_method);
        "component: %d (%d x %d blocks) sampling: (%d x %d)\n", 

    printf("quantization table: %d\n", ci);
    for (int i = 0; i < DCTSIZE2; ++i)
        printf("% 4d ", (int)(tbl->quantval[i]));
        if ((i + 1) % 8 == 0)

    printf("raw DC coefficients:\n");

    for (int sf = 0; (JDIMENSION)sf < ci_ptr->height_in_blocks; ++sf)
        for (JDIMENSION b = 0; b < ci_ptr->width_in_blocks; ++b)
            int intensity = 0;

            intensity = buf[sf][b][0]*dc_quant/DCTSIZE + 128;
            intensity = MAX(0,   intensity);
            intensity = MIN(255, intensity);

            cvSet2D(dc, sf, (int)b, cvScalar(intensity));

            printf("% 2d ", buf[sf][b][0]);                        

    return dc;
Esempio n. 16
// Convert Python lists to CvMat *
CvArr * PySequence_to_CvArr (PyObject * obj)
  int        dims     [CV_MAX_DIM]   = {   1,    1,    1};
  PyObject * container[CV_MAX_DIM+1] = {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL};
  int        ndim                    = 0;
  PyObject * item                    = Py_None;
  // TODO: implement type detection - currently we create CV_64F only
  // scan full array to
  // - figure out dimensions
  // - check consistency of dimensions
  // - find appropriate data-type and signedness
  //  NEEDED_DATATYPE needed_datatype = NEEDS_CHAR;
  //  bool            needs_sign      = false;
  // scan first entries to find out dimensions
  for (item = obj, ndim = 0; PySequence_Check (item) && ndim <= CV_MAX_DIM; ndim++)
    dims [ndim]      = PySequence_Size    (item);
    container [ndim] = PySequence_GetItem (item, 0); 
    item             = container[ndim];
  // in contrast to PyTuple_GetItem, PySequence_GetItame returns a NEW reference
  if (container[0])
    Py_DECREF (container[0]);
  if (container[1])
    Py_DECREF (container[1]);
  if (container[2])
    Py_DECREF (container[2]);
  if (container[3])
    Py_DECREF (container[3]);
  // it only makes sense to support 2 and 3 dimensional data at this time
  if (ndim < 2 || ndim > 3)
    PyErr_SetString (PyExc_TypeError, "Nested sequences should have 2 or 3 dimensions");
    return NULL;
  // also, the number of channels should match what's typical for OpenCV
  if (ndim == 3  &&  (dims[2] < 1  ||  dims[2] > 4))
    PyErr_SetString (PyExc_TypeError, "Currently, the third dimension of CvMat only supports 1 to 4 channels");
    return NULL;
  // CvMat
  CvMat * matrix = cvCreateMat (dims[0], dims[1], CV_MAKETYPE (CV_64F, dims[2]));
  for (int y = 0; y < dims[0]; y++)
    PyObject * rowobj = PySequence_GetItem (obj, y);
    // double check size
    if (PySequence_Check (rowobj)  &&  PySequence_Size (rowobj) == dims[1])
      for (int x = 0; x < dims[1]; x++)
        PyObject * colobj = PySequence_GetItem (rowobj, x);
        if (dims [2] > 1)
          if (PySequence_Check (colobj)  &&  PySequence_Size (colobj) == dims[2])
            PyObject * tuple = PySequence_Tuple (colobj);
            double  a, b, c, d;
            if (PyArg_ParseTuple (colobj, "d|d|d|d", &a, &b, &c, &d))
              cvSet2D (matrix, y, x, cvScalar (a, b, c, d));
              PyErr_SetString (PyExc_TypeError, "OpenCV only accepts numbers that can be converted to float");
              cvReleaseMat (& matrix);
              Py_DECREF (tuple);
              Py_DECREF (colobj);
              Py_DECREF (rowobj);
              return NULL;

            Py_DECREF (tuple);
            PyErr_SetString (PyExc_TypeError, "All sub-sequences must have the same number of entries");
            cvReleaseMat (& matrix);
            Py_DECREF (colobj);
            Py_DECREF (rowobj);
            return NULL;
          if (PyFloat_Check (colobj) || PyInt_Check (colobj))
            cvmSet (matrix, y, x, PyFloat_AsDouble (colobj));
            PyErr_SetString (PyExc_TypeError, "OpenCV only accepts numbers that can be converted to float");
            cvReleaseMat (& matrix);
            Py_DECREF (colobj);
            Py_DECREF (rowobj);
            return NULL;
        Py_DECREF (colobj);
      PyErr_SetString (PyExc_TypeError, "All sub-sequences must have the same number of entries");
      cvReleaseMat (& matrix);
      Py_DECREF (rowobj);
      return NULL;
    Py_DECREF (rowobj);
  return matrix;
Esempio n. 17
int main()
	pImage = cvLoadImage("./frame.jpg", 0);
	if (pImage == NULL)
		return -1;	
	int width = pImage->width;
	int height = pImage->height;
	w16     = width/BLOCK_SIZE;
	h16     = height/BLOCK_SIZE;
	mb   = new microblock[w16*h16];
	// 计算图像的x-梯度和y-梯度值(1阶, 2阶)
	// fx'(x,y) = abs(f(x+1, y) - f(x, y))
	// fx"(x,y) = min{fx'(x,y)-f'(x-1,y), fx'(x,y)-f'(x+1,y)}
	//          = min{abs(f(x+1,y) - f(x,y)) - abs(f(x,y) - f(x-1,y)),
	//                abs(f(x+1,y) - f(x,y)) - abs(f(x+2,y) - f(x+1,y))}
	// fy'(x,y) = abs(f(x, y+1) - f(x, y))
	// fy"(x,y) = min(fy'(x, y)-fy'(x, y-1), fy'(x,y)-fy'(x,y-1)
	//          = min{abs(f(x,y+1) - f(x,y)) - abs(f(x,y) - f(x,y-1)),
	//                abs(f(x,y+1) - f(x,y)) - abs(f(x,y+2) - f(x,y+1))}
	IplImage *pDiff = cvCreateImage(cvSize(pImage->width, pImage->height), 8, 3);
	IplImage *p2Diff = cvCreateImage(cvSize(pImage->width, pImage->height), 8, 3); 
	for (int i = 0; i < h16; i++){
		for (int j = 0; j < w16; j++){
			int top = i ? (i*16-1) : 0;
			int left = j ? (j*16-1) : 0;

			double ddy = 0;
			for (int k = 0; i > 0 && k < 16; k++){
				double y[4];
				y[0] = cvGetReal2D(pImage, top-1, left+k);	
				y[1] = cvGetReal2D(pImage, top, left+k);
				y[2] = cvGetReal2D(pImage, top+1, left+k);
				y[3] = cvGetReal2D(pImage, top+2, left+k);

				double dy[3];
				dy[0] = abs(y[1] - y[0]);
				dy[1] = abs(y[2] - y[1]);  
				dy[2] = abs(y[3] - y[2]);
				cvSet2D(pDiff, top-1,left+k,  CV_RGB(0, dy[0]*5, 0));
				cvSet2D(pDiff, top,left+k,  CV_RGB(0, dy[1]*5, 0));
				cvSet2D(pDiff,top+1, left+k,  CV_RGB(0, dy[2]*5, 0));

				ddy += min(dy[1] - dy[0], dy[1] - dy[2]);
			ddy /= 16;
			mb[i*w16+j][TOP] = ddy; 
			if (i > 0){
				mb[(i-1)*w16+j][BOTTOM] = ddy;

			double ddx = 0;
			for (int k = 0; j > 0 && k < 16; k++){
				double x[4];
				x[0] = cvGetReal2D(pImage, top+k, left-1);	
				x[1] = cvGetReal2D(pImage, top+k, left);
				x[2] = cvGetReal2D(pImage, top+k, left+1);
				x[3] = cvGetReal2D(pImage, top+k, left+2);

				double dx[3];
				dx[0] = abs(x[1] - x[0]);
				dx[1] = abs(x[2] - x[1]);
				dx[2] = abs(x[3] - x[2]);
				cvSet2D(pDiff,  top+k,left-1, CV_RGB(0, dx[0]*5, 0));
				cvSet2D(pDiff,  top+k,left, CV_RGB(0, dx[0]*5, 0));
				cvSet2D(pDiff, top+k,left+1,  CV_RGB(0, dx[0]*5, 0));
				ddx += min(dx[1] - dx[0], dx[1] - dx[2]);

			ddx /= 16;
			mb[i*w16+j][LEFT] = ddx;
			if (j > 0){
				mb[i*w16+j-1][RIGHT] = ddx;

			cvLine(p2Diff, cvPoint(left, top), cvPoint(left+15, top),   CV_RGB(0, ddy*10, 0), 1, CV_AA, 0);
			cvLine(p2Diff, cvPoint(left, top), cvPoint(left, top+15), CV_RGB(0, ddx*10, 0), 1, CV_AA, 0);

	cvShowImage("1-degree gradient", pDiff);
	cvShowImage("2-degree gradient", p2Diff);

	cvSaveImage("1-degree-gradient.jpg", pDiff);
	cvSaveImage("2-degree-gradient.jpg", p2Diff);

	int val = 10;
	cvCreateTrackbar("tracker", "image", &val, 50, on_tracker);
	return 0;
Esempio n. 18
int image_analysis(const int argc, const char * argv[])
#define NUM 5

	char fname[4096];
	unsigned u, v, q, vec_per_class, vec_num, cl_ind, yes, res, vec_class[5], max_iter[NUM], * d, * test_d;
	double C[NUM], tau[NUM], epsilon[NUM], ** x, ** test_x;
	double (* K[NUM])(const double *, const double *, unsigned);
	int (* selector[NUM])(const fmll_svm *, const double **, const char *, const unsigned, int *, int *, const double, const double, const double, const double *, const double *, const double **);
	IplImage * src_teach, * src_test, * dst;
	CvSize size_teach, size_test;
	CvScalar pixel, pixel_white, pixel_red, pixel_green, pixel_blue, pixel_violet, pixel_black, pixel_yellow;
	fmll_svm_net * svm_net;

	/* ############################################################################ */

	if(argc != 3)
		/* У C90 "проблемы" с максимальной длиной строки кода */

		printf("\nДемонстрация нейронной сети, состоящей из нескольких машин опорных векторов.\n\n");
		printf("Запуск программы:\n\n");
		printf("ex_svm_net DIR IMAGE_1\n\n");
		printf("\tDIR - путь и имя каталога, в котором должны содержаться следующие файлы:\n\n");
		printf("\t\tteach.png - файл с изображением, на основании которого будет составлена обучающая выборка;\n");
		printf("\t\ttest.png - файл с изображением, классификация пикселей которого будет выполнена;\n\n");
		printf("\tIMAGE_1 - путь и имя файла, в который будет сохранено результирующее изображение ");
		printf("(белый, красный, зеленый, синий, фиолетовый - правильно классифицированные пиксели; черный - неправильно классифицированные пиксели; ");
		printf("желтый - неклассифицированные пиксели).\n\n");

		return -1;

	/* ############################################################################ */

	memset(vec_class, 0, sizeof(unsigned) * 5);

	sprintf(fname, "%s/teach.png", argv[1]);
	src_teach = cvLoadImage(fname, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR);
	size_teach = cvGetSize(src_teach);

	sprintf(fname, "%s/test.png", argv[1]);
	src_test = cvLoadImage(fname, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR);
	size_test = cvGetSize(src_test);

	dst = cvCreateImage(size_test, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3);

	pixel_white.val[0] = 255;
	pixel_white.val[1] = 255;
	pixel_white.val[2] = 255;
	pixel_white.val[3] = 0;

	pixel_red.val[0] = 0;
	pixel_red.val[1] = 0;
	pixel_red.val[2] = 255;
	pixel_red.val[3] = 0;

	pixel_green.val[0] = 0;
	pixel_green.val[1] = 255;
	pixel_green.val[2] = 0;
	pixel_green.val[3] = 0;

	pixel_black.val[0] = 0;
	pixel_black.val[1] = 0;
	pixel_black.val[2] = 0;
	pixel_black.val[3] = 0;

	pixel_blue.val[0] = 255;
	pixel_blue.val[1] = 0;
	pixel_blue.val[2] = 0;
	pixel_blue.val[3] = 0;
	pixel_violet.val[0] = 255;
	pixel_violet.val[1] = 0;
	pixel_violet.val[2] = 255;
	pixel_violet.val[3] = 0;

	pixel_yellow.val[0] = 0;
	pixel_yellow.val[1] = 255;
	pixel_yellow.val[2] = 255;
	pixel_yellow.val[3] = 0;

	vec_per_class = size_teach.height * size_teach.width / 2000;
	vec_num = vec_per_class * 5;

	x = (double **) fmll_alloc(sizeof(double), 2, vec_num, 3);
	d = fmll_alloc(sizeof(unsigned), 1, vec_num);

	test_x = (double **) fmll_alloc(sizeof(double), 2, size_test.height * size_test.width, 3);
	test_d = fmll_alloc(sizeof(unsigned), 1, size_test.height * size_test.width);

	for(v = 0, q = 0; v < size_teach.height; v++)
		for(u = 0; u < size_teach.width; u++)
			pixel = cvGet2D(src_teach, v, u);

			if(pixel.val[0] == 0 && pixel.val[1] == 237 && pixel.val[2] == 95)
				cl_ind = 0;
			else if(pixel.val[0] == 10 && pixel.val[1] == 169 && pixel.val[2] == 203)
				cl_ind = 1;
			else if(pixel.val[0] == 0 && pixel.val[1] == 255 && pixel.val[2] == 255)
				cl_ind = 2;
			else if(pixel.val[0] == 255 && pixel.val[1] == 0 && pixel.val[2] == 12)
				cl_ind = 3;
				cl_ind = 4;

			if(vec_class[cl_ind] < vec_per_class)
				x[q][0] = pixel.val[0];
				x[q][1] = pixel.val[1];
				x[q][2] = pixel.val[2];
				d[q] = cl_ind;


	for(v = 0, q = 0; v < size_test.height; v++)
		for(u = 0; u < size_test.width; u++, q++)
			pixel = cvGet2D(src_test, v, u);

			if(pixel.val[0] == 0 && pixel.val[1] == 237 && pixel.val[2] == 95)
				test_d[q] = 0;
			else if(pixel.val[0] == 10 && pixel.val[1] == 169 && pixel.val[2] == 203)
				test_d[q] = 1;
			else if(pixel.val[0] == 0 && pixel.val[1] == 255 && pixel.val[2] == 255)
				test_d[q] = 2;
			else if(pixel.val[0] == 255 && pixel.val[1] == 0 && pixel.val[2] == 12)
				test_d[q] = 3;
				test_d[q] = 4;

			test_x[q][0] = pixel.val[0];
			test_x[q][1] = pixel.val[1];
			test_x[q][2] = pixel.val[2];

	cvReleaseImage(& src_teach);
	cvReleaseImage(& src_test);

	/* ############################################################################ */
	for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++)
		K[u] = & fmll_kernel_radial;

	svm_net = fmll_svm_net_init(NUM, 3, K);

	/* ############################################################################ */

	for(u = 0; u < NUM; u++)
		C[u] = 1;
		tau[u] = 1E-12;
		selector[u] = & fmll_svm_teach_smo_selector_fan_chen_lin;
		max_iter[u] = 10000;
		epsilon[u] = 1E-3;

	fmll_svm_net_teach_smo(svm_net, (const double **) x, d, vec_num, C, tau, selector, max_iter, epsilon);

	/* ############################################################################ */

	yes = fmll_svm_net_test(svm_net, (const double **) test_x, test_d, size_test.width * size_test.height, NULL, NULL);
	printf("\nВерно классифицированных пикселей: %u из %u (%.7f %%)\n",
			yes, (size_test.width * size_test.height), (100.0 * yes) / (size_test.width * size_test.height));

	/* ############################################################################ */

	fmll_svm_net_save(svm_net, "svm_net");
	svm_net = fmll_svm_net_load("svm_net", K);

	for(v = 0, q = 0, yes = 0; v < size_test.height; v++)
		for(u = 0; u < size_test.width; u++, q++)
			res = fmll_svm_net_run(svm_net, test_x[q], NULL);

			if(res >= 0)
				if(res == test_d[q])

						case 0:
							cvSet2D(dst, v, u, pixel_white);
						case 1:
							cvSet2D(dst, v, u, pixel_red);
						case 2:
							cvSet2D(dst, v, u, pixel_green);
						case 3:
							cvSet2D(dst, v, u, pixel_blue);
						case 4:
							cvSet2D(dst, v, u, pixel_violet);
					cvSet2D(dst, v, u, pixel_black);
			else if(res == -1)
				cvSet2D(dst, v, u, pixel_yellow);
				cvSet2D(dst, v, u, pixel_black);

	printf("Верно классифицированных пикселей: %u из %u (%.7f %%)\n",
			yes, (size_test.width * size_test.height), (100.0 * yes) / (size_test.width * size_test.height));

	/* ############################################################################ */

	cvSaveImage(argv[2], dst, NULL);
	cvReleaseImage(& dst);

	return 0;
Esempio n. 19
ImageRAII hysteresis( IplImage * image, IplImage * orientation, std::pair< int, int > thresh )
	const char * WINDOW_NAME = "Hysteresis Threshold";

	CvSize image_size = cvGetSize( image );
	ImageRAII hysteresis_image( cvCreateImage( image_size, image->depth, image->nChannels ) );
	// key: pixel position
	// value: visited = true, unvisited = false
	std::map< CvPoint, bool, classcomp > pixels;
	std::map< CvPoint, bool, classcomp >::iterator it;
	std::vector< std::vector< CvPoint > > edges;

	// initialize map
	for( int i = 0; i < image_size.width; i++ )
		for( int j = 0; j < image_size.height; j++ )
			pixels[cvPoint( i, j )] = false;

	// visit all pixels
	for( it = pixels.begin(); it != pixels.end(); it++ )
		std::vector< CvPoint > edge;
		// find next unvisited edge pixel
		bool run = true;
		while( run  )
			if( it->second == false && check_boundaries( image, it->first ) && cvGet2D( image, it->first.y, it->first.x ).val[0] > thresh.second  )
				run = false;
			if( it == pixels.end() )
				run = false;

		// mark pixel as visited
		CvPoint current_pixel = it->first;
		it->second = true;
		edge.push_back( current_pixel );

		// follow links forward
		std::pair< CvPoint, CvPoint > positions = get_edge_positions( orientation, current_pixel.x, current_pixel.y );

		// go forward
		CvPoint forward = positions.first;
		while( check_boundaries( image, forward ) && cvGet2D( image, forward.y, forward.x ).val[0] > thresh.first )
			// mark pixel as visited
			edge.push_back( forward );
			pixels.find( forward )->second = true;
			std::pair< CvPoint, CvPoint > forward_positions = get_edge_positions( orientation, forward.x, forward.y );
			forward = forward_positions.first;

		// go backward
		CvPoint backward = positions.second;
		while( check_boundaries( image, backward ) && cvGet2D( image, backward.y, backward.x ).val[0] > thresh.first )
			// mark pixel as visited
			edge.push_back( backward );
			pixels.find( backward )->second = true;

			std::pair< CvPoint, CvPoint > backward_positions = get_edge_positions( orientation, backward.x, backward.y );
			backward = backward_positions.second;

		// store this edge
		edges.push_back( edge );

	int size = 0;
	// set the edges in the image
	std::vector< std::vector< CvPoint > >::iterator edges_iterator;
	for( edges_iterator = edges.begin(); edges_iterator < edges.end(); edges_iterator++ )
		std::vector< CvPoint >::iterator edge_iterator;
		std::vector< CvPoint > edge = *edges_iterator;
		for( edge_iterator = edge.begin(); edge_iterator < edge.end(); edge_iterator++ )
			CvPoint pixel = *edge_iterator;
			CvScalar e;
			e.val[0] = GRAY;
			cvSet2D( hysteresis_image.image, pixel.y, pixel.x, e );

	cvNamedWindow( WINDOW_NAME );
	cvShowImage( WINDOW_NAME, hysteresis_image.image );
	cvMoveWindow( WINDOW_NAME, image_size.width * 3, 0 );

	return hysteresis_image;
Esempio n. 20
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    int height,width,n;
    int len;
        cerr<<"No file name found. Please pass a file name as a parameter."<<endl;

    IplImage *img,*scrambled;

    CvScalar pix;
        cerr<<argv[1]<<": File not found."<<endl;

    cout<<"Image dimensions: "<<img->height<<" "<<img->width<<endl;
    cout<<"Enter side length of square piece: ";
        cerr<<"Invalid side length."<<endl;

    n = min(img->height/len,img->width/len);
    height = width = len;


    vector<Block> permuted = permute(n*n);


    for(int i=0;i<n*n;i++)
        char filename[50]="./generated_pieces/",fileid[10];
        for(int j=0;j<height;j++)
            for(int k=0;k<width;k++)
                for(int h=0;h<3;h++)
        printf("Generated %s\n",fileid);
    cout<<"Picture Broken into total "<<n*n<<" pieces."<<endl<<endl;
    cout<<"N = "<<n<<endl<<endl;
    return 0;
Esempio n. 21
int color_cluster(char *filename,int nCuster )
	IplImage* img=cvLoadImage(filename);

	int i,j;
	CvMat *samples=cvCreateMat((img->width)*(img->height),1,CV_32FC3);//创建样本矩阵,CV_32FC3代表32位浮点3通道(彩色图像)
	CvMat *clusters=cvCreateMat((img->width)*(img->height),1,CV_32SC1);//创建类别标记矩阵,CV_32SF1代表32位整型1通道

	int k=0;
	for (i=0;i<img->width;i++)
		for (j=0;j<img->height;j++)
			CvScalar s;


	IplImage *binimg=cvCreateImage(cvSize(img->width,img->height),IPL_DEPTH_8U,1);
	IplImage *cluster_img0=cvCreateImage(cvSize(img->width,img->height),IPL_DEPTH_8U,1);
	IplImage *cluster_img1=cvCreateImage(cvSize(img->width,img->height),IPL_DEPTH_8U,1);
	IplImage *cluster_img2=cvCreateImage(cvSize(img->width,img->height),IPL_DEPTH_8U,1);

	int val=0;
	float step=255/(nCuster-1);

	CvScalar bg={255,0,0,0};//背景设置为白色
	for (i=0;i<img->width;i++)
		for (j=0;j<img->height;j++)
	for (i=0;i<img->width;i++)
		for (j=0;j<img->height;j++)
			CvScalar s;

				case 0:
				case 1:
				case 2:


	cvNamedWindow( "原始图像", 1 ); 
	cvShowImage( "原始图像", img  );

	cvNamedWindow( "聚类图像", 1 ); 
	cvShowImage( "聚类图像", binimg  );
	cvWaitKey(0); //等待按键

	cvDestroyWindow( "原始图像" );
	cvDestroyWindow( "聚类图像" );

	cvReleaseImage( &img ); 
	cvReleaseImage( &binimg );

	return 0;

Esempio n. 22
void adjust_bodybbox_w_clusters(CvMat* mask, IplImage* cluster, int numclusters, CvRect facebox )
  double a=1.15;  //extra growing of body box region
  double A=1.00;  // body bbox is lower than face bbox (neck)
  double b=1+a;

  int bodyx0 = ((facebox.x-facebox.width*   a) < 0 ) ? 0 : (facebox.x-facebox.width* a);
  int bodyy0 = ((facebox.y+facebox.height * A) > cluster->height) ? cluster->height : (facebox.y+facebox.height*A );
  int bodyx1 = ((facebox.x+facebox.width*   b) > cluster->width) ? cluster->width : (facebox.x+facebox.width*b);
  int bodyy1 = (cluster->height);

  int x,y, i=0;
  int *accu;
  int eqclass_1st;      // equivalence class chosen as most populated
  int tmp_eqclass;      // temp, to hold the equivalence class associated to a pixel
  int eqclass_2nd;      // equivalence class chosen as 2nd most populated

  accu = (int*)malloc( numclusters*sizeof(int));
  bzero( accu, numclusters*sizeof(int));
  eqclass_1st = 0;
  eqclass_2nd = numclusters-1; // just initialised to sth != eqclass_1st

  // 1st: get to know the amount of pixels per equivalence class ("cluster")
  // but not blindly: only those in the FG mask already
  for( x = 0; x < cluster->width; x++ ){
    for( y = 0; y < cluster->height; y++ ){      
      // filter the equ_classes using the mask
      if( ( x >= bodyx0)  && ( x <= bodyx1) && ( y >= bodyy0)  && ( y <= bodyy1)){
        tmp_eqclass = (int) ( round(cvGet2D( cluster, y, x).val[1]*numclusters/255.0) -1);
        accu[ tmp_eqclass ] ++;

  // 2nd: get the most populated and the 2nd most populated cluster
  for( i = 0; i< numclusters; i++ ){
    eqclass_1st = ( accu[i] > accu[eqclass_1st] ) ? i : eqclass_1st;
    eqclass_2nd = ( accu[i] > accu[eqclass_2nd] ) ? ((accu[i] < accu[eqclass_1st]) ? i : eqclass_2nd ): eqclass_2nd;
    printf(" %.8d ", accu[i]);
  printf(" (eqclass_1st %d  2nd %d) \n", eqclass_1st, eqclass_2nd);

  // 3rd: Using the pixels inside of a seed of the body bbox, calculated from the face box,
  // we calculate the (minx,miny)-(maxx,maxy) bounding rectangle due to the largest cluster
  int minx=10000, miny=10000, maxx=0, maxy=0;
  for( x = 0; x < cluster->width; x++ ){
    for( y = 0; y < cluster->height; y++ ){      

      if(!( ( x >= bodyx0)  && ( x <= bodyx1) && ( y >= bodyy0)  && ( y <= bodyy1) )){
        cvSet2D(cluster, y, x, cvScalar(0, 0, 0 ) );

      tmp_eqclass = (int) ( round(cvGet2D( cluster, y, x).val[1]*numclusters/255.0) -1);

      if(tmp_eqclass == eqclass_1st){
        cvSet2D(cluster, y, x, cvScalar(255, 0, 0 ) ); // for display purposes
        maxx = ( maxx > x ) ? maxx : x;
        maxy = ( maxy > y ) ? maxy : y;
        minx = ( minx < x ) ? minx : x;
        miny = ( miny < y ) ? miny : y;
      else if (tmp_eqclass == eqclass_2nd) {
        cvSet2D(cluster, y, x, cvScalar(100, 0, 0 ) ); // for display purposes
        cvSet2D(cluster, y, x, cvScalar(10, 0, 0 ) );  // for display purposes

  cvRectangle(cluster, cvPoint(minx, miny), cvPoint(maxx, maxy), cvScalar(255, 0, 255), 1);
  // Last: compose in the mask a body-box based on the largest cluster bbox
  // the rectangle is needed otherwise the largest cluster has loads of holes
  cvRectangle(mask, cvPoint(minx, miny), cvPoint(maxx, cluster->height), cvScalar(GC_PR_FGD, 0, 0), CV_FILLED);

  free( accu );

Esempio n. 23
void detectAndDisplay(IplImage *frame)
    IplImage *frame_gray;
    int ForCount1, ForCount2;
    ForCount1 = ForCount2 = 0;

    memset(pointXY, 0, sizeof(char)*column*row);

    frame_gray = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(frame),IPL_DEPTH_8U,1);
    //frame_gray = cvCreateImage( cvSize(column, row),IPL_DEPTH_8U,1);
    dst = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(frame),IPL_DEPTH_8U,1);
    //dst = cvCreateImage(cvSize(column,row),IPL_DEPTH_8U,1);
#ifdef showXY
    showSumX = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(frame),IPL_DEPTH_8U,1);
    showSumY = cvCreateImage(cvSize(row,column),IPL_DEPTH_8U,1);

    cvCvtColor(frame, frame_gray, CV_BGR2GRAY);
    //cvCanny(frame_gray, dst, 40, 40*3, 3);
    cvThreshold(frame_gray, dst, Threshold, 255, CV_THRESH_BINARY);
    for(ForCount1 = 0; ForCount1 < column; ForCount1++)
        for(ForCount2 = 0; ForCount2 < row; ForCount2++)
            CvScalar s = cvGet2D(dst,ForCount2,ForCount1); 
            //char s = ((uchar *)(dst->imageData + ForCount1*dst->widthStep))[ForCount2];
#ifdef Detail
            printf("%3d %3d %f\n",ForCount1,ForCount2, s.val[0]);
            /*if( s.val[0] <= Threshold)
                pointXY[ForCount1][ForCount2] = 1; 
            if(s.val[0] <= Threshold)
                pointXY[ForCount1][ForCount2] = 0;
                pointXY[ForCount1][ForCount2] = 1;



#ifdef Detail
    for(ForCount1 = 0; ForCount1 < column; ForCount1++)
        printf("x[%3d]:%d\n", ForCount1, SumX[ForCount1]);
    for(ForCount1 = 0; ForCount1 < row; ForCount1++)
        printf("y[%3d]:%d\n", ForCount1, SumY[ForCount1]);

#ifdef showXY
    for(ForCount1 = 0; ForCount1 < column; ForCount1++)
        for(ForCount2 = 0; ForCount2 < (int)SumX[ForCount1]; ForCount2++)
            CvScalar s = cvGet2D(showSumX,ForCount2,ForCount1); 
            s.val[0] = 255;
            cvSet2D(showSumX, ForCount2, ForCount1, s);
    cvShowImage("SumX", showSumX);

    for(ForCount1 = 0; ForCount1 < row; ForCount1++)
        for(ForCount2 = 0; ForCount2 < (int)SumY[ForCount1]; ForCount2++)
            CvScalar s = cvGet2D(showSumY,ForCount2,ForCount1); 
            s.val[0] = 255;
            cvSet2D(showSumY, ForCount2, ForCount1, s);


    //cvShowImage("SumY", showSumY);
    cvReleaseImage( &dst );
    cvReleaseImage( &frame_gray );
#ifdef showXY
    cvReleaseImage( &showSumX );
    cvReleaseImage( &showSumY );
Esempio n. 24
void cveSet2D(CvArr* arr, int idx0, int idx1, CvScalar* value)
   cvSet2D(arr, idx0, idx1, *value);
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
	int i, j, n, m;
	CvScalar tempValue;
	double S= 0.0;
	double Mask[3][3] = {{255., 255., 255.}, {255., 255., 255.}, {255., 255., 255.}};
	//침식 연산을 위한 마스크

	IplImage *inputImage = cvLoadImage("lena.bmp", CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);
	IplImage *binaryImage = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(inputImage), 8, 1);
	IplImage *tempImage = cvCreateImage(cvSize(inputImage->width+2, inputImage->height+2), 8, 1);
	IplImage *outputImage = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(inputImage), 8, 1);

	for(i=0; i<inputImage->height; i++){ //원본영상의 이진화
		for(j=0; j<inputImage->width; j++){
			tempValue = cvGet2D(inputImage, i, j);
			if(tempValue.val[0] > THRESHOLD) {
				cvSet2D(binaryImage, i, j, cvScalar(255));
			}	else	{
				cvSet2D(binaryImage, i, j, cvScalar(0));

	for(i=0; i<binaryImage->height; i++) {
		for(j=0; j<binaryImage->width; j++){
			cvSet2D(tempImage, i+1, j+1, cvGet2D(binaryImage, i, j));

	for(i=0; i<binaryImage->height; i++){
		for(j=0; j<binaryImage->width; j++){
			for(n=0; n<3; n++){
				for(m=0; m<3; m++){
					tempValue = cvGet2D(tempImage, i+n, j+m);
					if(Mask[n][m] == tempValue.val[0]){
						//마스크와 같은 값이 있는지 조사
						S += 1.0;
				cvSet2D(outputImage, i, j, cvScalar(255));
				//값이 모두 일치하면 출력 값은 255
			}	else {
				cvSet2D(outputImage, i, j, cvScalar(0));
				//모두 일치하지 않으면 출력 값은 0
			S =0.0; // reset

	cvShowImage("Input Image", inputImage);
	cvShowImage("Binary Image", binaryImage);
	cvShowImage("Output Image", outputImage);



	return 0;
Esempio n. 26
void Error1()
    int ForCount1 = 0;
    int ForCount2 = 0;
    memset(SumX1, 0, sizeof(short)*column);
/*    for(ForCount1 = 0; ForCount1 < column; ForCount1++)
        for(ForCount2 = YUpperBoundPos -1; ForCount2 >= (YUpperBoundPos/2); ForCount2--)
            SumX1[ForCount1] = SumX1[ForCount1] + pointXY[ForCount1][ForCount1];
        if(ForCount1 > 3 || SumX1[ForCount1] > 4 && SumX1[ForCount1-1] > 4 && SumX1[ForCount1-2] > 4 && SumX1[ForCount1-3] >4 )
            for(ForCount2 = YUpperBoundPos -1; ForCount2 >= (YUpperBoundPos/2); ForCount2--)
                if(pointXY[ForCount1][ForCount2] == 1)
                    CvScalar s = cvGet2D(dst,ForCount2,ForCount1); 
                    s.val[0] = 150;
                    cvSet2D(dst, ForCount2, ForCount1, s);

                if(pointXY[ForCount1-1][ForCount2] == 1)
                    CvScalar s = cvGet2D(dst,ForCount2,ForCount1-1); 
                    s.val[0] = 150;
                    cvSet2D(dst, ForCount2, ForCount1-1, s);

                if(pointXY[ForCount1-2][ForCount2] == 1)
                    CvScalar s = cvGet2D(dst,ForCount2,ForCount1-2); 
                    s.val[0] = 150;
                    cvSet2D(dst, ForCount2, ForCount1-2, s);

                if(pointXY[ForCount1-3][ForCount2] == 1)
                    CvScalar s = cvGet2D(dst,ForCount2,ForCount1-3); 
                    s.val[0] = 150;
                    cvSet2D(dst, ForCount2, ForCount1-3, s);


    for(ForCount1 = YUpperBoundPos-1; ForCount1 >= (YUpperBoundPos/2); ForCount1--)
        if(SumY[ForCount1] > Error1YThreshold && SumY[ForCount1-1] > Error1YThreshold && SumY[ForCount1-2] > Error1YThreshold )
            for(ForCount2 = 0; ForCount2 < column; ForCount2++)
                if(pointXY[ForCount2][ForCount1] == 1)
                    CvScalar s = cvGet2D(dst,ForCount1,ForCount2); 
                    s.val[0] = 150;
                    cvSet2D(dst, ForCount1, ForCount2, s);
                    cvSet2D(dst, ForCount1-1, ForCount2, s);
                    cvSet2D(dst, ForCount1-2, ForCount2, s);
Esempio n. 27
int opticaltri( CvMat * &clean_texture, int verts )
	char * im1fname = "conhull-dirty-thresh.jpg";
	char * im2fname = "conhull-clean-thresh.jpg";

	int count = MAX_COUNT;
	char * status;
	CvPoint2D32f * source_points;
	CvPoint2D32f * dest_points;
	CvPoint2D32f * delaunay_points = (CvPoint2D32f*)cvAlloc(MAX_COUNT*sizeof(CvPoint2D32f));

	// count = opticalflow( im1fname, im2fname, source_points, dest_points, status ); 
	count = findsiftpoints( "conhull-dirty.jpg", "conhull-clean.jpg", source_points, dest_points, status ); 

	IplImage * image1 = cvLoadImage(im1fname, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR);

	CvMemStorage * storage = cvCreateMemStorage(0);
	CvSubdiv2D * delaunay = cvCreateSubdivDelaunay2D( cvRect(0,0,image1->width,image1->height), storage);

	IplImage * image2 = cvLoadImage(im2fname, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR);

	cvSet( image1, cvScalarAll(255) );

	std::map<CvPoint, CvPoint> point_lookup_map;
	std::vector<std::pair<CvPoint, CvPoint> > point_lookup;

	int num_matches = 0;
	int num_out_matches = 0;
	int max_dist = 50;
	int offset = 200;	

	// put corners in the point lookup as going to themselves
	point_lookup_map[cvPoint(0,0)] = cvPoint(0,0);
	point_lookup_map[cvPoint(0,image1->height-1)] = cvPoint(0,image1->height-1);
	point_lookup_map[cvPoint(image1->width-1,0)] = cvPoint(image1->width-1,0);
	point_lookup_map[cvPoint(image1->width-1,image1->height-1)] = cvPoint(image1->width-1,image1->height-1);

	point_lookup.push_back(std::pair<CvPoint,CvPoint>(cvPoint(0,0), cvPoint(0,0)));
	point_lookup.push_back(std::pair<CvPoint,CvPoint>(cvPoint(0,image1->height-1), cvPoint(0,image1->height-1)));
	point_lookup.push_back(std::pair<CvPoint,CvPoint>(cvPoint(image1->width-1,0), cvPoint(image1->width-1,0)));
	point_lookup.push_back(std::pair<CvPoint,CvPoint>(cvPoint(image1->width-1,image1->height-1), cvPoint(image1->width-1,image1->height-1)));

	printf("Inserting corners...");
	// put corners in the Delaunay subdivision
	for(unsigned int i = 0; i < point_lookup.size(); i++) {
		cvSubdivDelaunay2DInsert( delaunay, cvPointTo32f(point_lookup[i].first) );

	CvSubdiv2DEdge proxy_edge;
	for(int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
		if(status[i]) {
			CvPoint source = cvPointFrom32f(source_points[i]);
			CvPoint dest = cvPointFrom32f(dest_points[i]);
			if((((int)fabs((double)(source.x - dest.x))) > max_dist) ||
				 (((int)fabs((double)(source.y - dest.y))) > max_dist)) {	
			else if((dest.x >= 0) && (dest.y >= 0) && (dest.x < (image1->width)) && (dest.y < (image1->height))) {
				if(point_lookup_map.find(source) == point_lookup_map.end()) {
					point_lookup_map[source] = dest;
					// delaunay_points[i] = 
					(cvSubdivDelaunay2DInsert( delaunay, cvPointTo32f(source) ))->pt;
					cvSetImageROI( image1, cvRect(source.x-8,source.y-8,8*2,8*2) );
					cvResetImageROI( image2 );
					cvGetRectSubPix( image2, image1, dest_points[i] );
				cvSet2D( image1, source.y, source.x, cvGet2D( image2, dest.y, dest.x ) );
				cvSet2D( image1, source.y, source.x+1, cvGet2D( image2, dest.y, dest.x+1 ) );
				cvSet2D( image1, source.y, source.x-1, cvGet2D( image2, dest.y, dest.x-1 ) );
				cvSet2D( image1, source.y+1, source.x, cvGet2D( image2, dest.y+1, dest.x ) );
				cvSet2D( image1, source.y-1, source.x, cvGet2D( image2, dest.y-1, dest.x ) );
				cvSet2D( image1, source.y+1, source.x+1, cvGet2D( image2, dest.y+1, dest.x+1 ) );
				cvSet2D( image1, source.y-1, source.x-1, cvGet2D( image2, dest.y-1, dest.x-1 ) );
				cvSet2D( image1, source.y+1, source.x-1, cvGet2D( image2, dest.y+1, dest.x-1 ) );
				cvSet2D( image1, source.y-1, source.x+1, cvGet2D( image2, dest.y-1, dest.x+1 ) );

				// cvCircle( image1, source, 4, CV_RGB(255,0,0), 2, CV_AA );
				// cvCircle( image2, dest, 4, CV_RGB(255,0,0), 2, CV_AA );

			cvSetImageROI( image1, cvRect(source.x-offset,source.y-offset,offset*2,offset*2) );
			cvSetImageROI( image2, cvRect(dest.x-offset,dest.y-offset,offset*2,offset*2) );
			printf("%d,%d -> %d,%d\n",source.x,source.y,dest.x,dest.y);
	printf("%d %d\n",num_matches,num_out_matches);
	printf("%d lookups\n",point_lookup_map.size());

	cvResetImageROI( image1 );

	cvSaveImage("sparse.jpg", image1);

	image1 = cvLoadImage(im1fname, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR);
	cvSet( image1, cvScalarAll(255) );
	printf("Warping image...");

	CvSeqReader  reader;
	int total = delaunay->edges->total;
	int elem_size = delaunay->edges->elem_size;

	std::vector<Triangle> trivec;
	std::vector<CvMat *> baryinvvec;

	for( int i = 0; i < total*2; i++ ) {
		if((i == 0) || (i == total)) {
			cvStartReadSeq( (CvSeq*)(delaunay->edges), &reader, 0 );
		CvQuadEdge2D* edge = (CvQuadEdge2D*)(reader.ptr);

		if( CV_IS_SET_ELEM( edge ))	{
			CvSubdiv2DEdge curedge = (CvSubdiv2DEdge)edge;
			CvSubdiv2DEdge t = curedge;
			Triangle temptri;
			int count = 0;
			// construct a triangle from this edge
			do {
				CvSubdiv2DPoint* pt = cvSubdiv2DEdgeOrg( t );
				if(count < 3) {
					pt->pt.x = pt->pt.x >= image1->width ? image1->width-1 : pt->pt.x;
					pt->pt.y = pt->pt.y >= image1->height ? image1->height-1 : pt->pt.y;
					pt->pt.x = pt->pt.x < 0 ? 0 : pt->pt.x;
					pt->pt.y = pt->pt.y < 0 ? 0 : pt->pt.y;

					temptri.points[count] = cvPointFrom32f( pt->pt );
				else {
					printf("More than 3 edges\n");
				if(i < total)
					t = cvSubdiv2DGetEdge( t, CV_NEXT_AROUND_LEFT );
					t = cvSubdiv2DGetEdge( t, CV_NEXT_AROUND_RIGHT );
			} while( t != curedge );
			// check that triangle is not already in
			if( std::find(trivec.begin(), trivec.end(), temptri) == trivec.end() ) {
				// push triangle in and draw
				cvLine( image1, temptri.points[0], temptri.points[1], CV_RGB(255,0,0), 1, CV_AA, 0 );
				cvLine( image1, temptri.points[1], temptri.points[2], CV_RGB(255,0,0), 1, CV_AA, 0 );
				cvLine( image1, temptri.points[2], temptri.points[0], CV_RGB(255,0,0), 1, CV_AA, 0 );

				// compute barycentric computation vector for this triangle
				CvMat * barycen = cvCreateMat( 3, 3, CV_32FC1 );
				CvMat * baryceninv = cvCreateMat( 3, 3, CV_32FC1 );

				barycen->data.fl[3*0+0] = temptri.points[0].x;
				barycen->data.fl[3*0+1] = temptri.points[1].x;
				barycen->data.fl[3*0+2] = temptri.points[2].x;
				barycen->data.fl[3*1+0] = temptri.points[0].y;
				barycen->data.fl[3*1+1] = temptri.points[1].y;
				barycen->data.fl[3*1+2] = temptri.points[2].y;
				barycen->data.fl[3*2+0] = 1;
				barycen->data.fl[3*2+1] = 1;
				barycen->data.fl[3*2+2] = 1;

				cvInvert( barycen, baryceninv, CV_LU );

				cvReleaseMat( &barycen );

		CV_NEXT_SEQ_ELEM( elem_size, reader );
	printf("%d triangles...", trivec.size());
	cvSaveImage("triangles.jpg", image1);
	cvSet( image1, cvScalarAll(255) );
	IplImage * clean_nonthresh = cvLoadImage( "conhull-clean.jpg", CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR );

	// for each triangle
	for(unsigned int i = 0; i < trivec.size(); i++) {
		Triangle curtri = trivec[i];
		CvMat * curpoints = cvCreateMat( 1, 3, CV_32SC2 );
		Triangle target;
		std::map<CvPoint,CvPoint>::iterator piter[3];
		printf("Triangle %d / %d\n",i,trivec.size());
		int is_corner = 0;
		for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
			curpoints->data.i[2*j+0] = curtri.points[j].x;
			curpoints->data.i[2*j+1] = curtri.points[j].y;
			CV_MAT_ELEM( *curpoints, CvPoint, 0, j ) = curtri.points[j];
			if((curtri.points[j] == cvPoint(0,0)) ||  (curtri.points[j] == cvPoint(0,image1->height - 1)) ||(curtri.points[j] == cvPoint(image1->width - 1,0)) ||(curtri.points[j] == cvPoint(image1->width - 1,image1->height - 1))) {

			for(unsigned int k = 0; k < point_lookup.size(); k++) {
				std::pair<CvPoint,CvPoint> thispair = point_lookup[k];
				if(thispair.first == curtri.points[j]) {
					target.points[j] = thispair.second;

			piter[j] = point_lookup_map.find(curtri.points[j]);
			if(piter[j] != point_lookup_map.end() ) {
				target.points[j] = piter[j]->second;
		// if((piter[0] != point_lookup_map.end()) && (piter[1] != point_lookup_map.end()) && (piter[2] != point_lookup_map.end())) {
		if(is_corner < 3) {
			CvMat * newcorners = cvCreateMat( 3, 3, CV_32FC1 );
			newcorners->data.fl[3*0+0] = target.points[0].x;
			newcorners->data.fl[3*0+1] = target.points[1].x;
			newcorners->data.fl[3*0+2] = target.points[2].x;
			newcorners->data.fl[3*1+0] = target.points[0].y;
			newcorners->data.fl[3*1+1] = target.points[1].y;
			newcorners->data.fl[3*1+2] = target.points[2].y;
			newcorners->data.fl[3*2+0] = 1;
			newcorners->data.fl[3*2+1] = 1;
			newcorners->data.fl[3*2+2] = 1;

			CvContour hdr;
			CvSeqBlock blk;
			CvRect trianglebound = cvBoundingRect( cvPointSeqFromMat(CV_SEQ_KIND_CURVE+CV_SEQ_FLAG_CLOSED, curpoints, &hdr, &blk), 1 );
			printf("Bounding box: %d,%d,%d,%d\n",trianglebound.x,trianglebound.y,trianglebound.width,trianglebound.height);
			for(int y = trianglebound.y; (y < (trianglebound.y + trianglebound.height)) && ( y < image1->height); y++) {
				for(int x = trianglebound.x; (x < (trianglebound.x + trianglebound.width)) && (x < image1->width); x++) {
					// check to see if we're inside this triangle
					CvPoint v0 = cvPoint( curtri.points[2].x - curtri.points[0].x, curtri.points[2].y - curtri.points[0].y );
					CvPoint v1 = cvPoint( curtri.points[1].x - curtri.points[0].x, curtri.points[1].y - curtri.points[0].y );
					CvPoint v2 = cvPoint( x - curtri.points[0].x, y - curtri.points[0].y );
					int dot00 = v0.x * v0.x + v0.y * v0. y;
					int dot01 = v0.x * v1.x + v0.y * v1. y;
					int dot02 = v0.x * v2.x + v0.y * v2. y;
					int dot11 = v1.x * v1.x + v1.y * v1. y;
					int dot12 = v1.x * v2.x + v1.y * v2. y;

					double invDenom = 1.0 / (double)(dot00 * dot11 - dot01 * dot01);
					double u = (double)(dot11 * dot02 - dot01 * dot12) * invDenom;
					double v = (double)(dot00 * dot12 - dot01 * dot02) * invDenom;

					CvMat * curp = cvCreateMat(3, 1, CV_32FC1);
					CvMat * result = cvCreateMat(3, 1, CV_32FC1);
					curp->data.fl[0] = x;
					curp->data.fl[1] = y;
					curp->data.fl[2] = 1;
					cvMatMul( baryinvvec[i], curp, result );
					// double u = result->data.fl[0]/result->data.fl[2];
					// double v = result->data.fl[1]/result->data.fl[2];

					if((i == 3019) && (y == 1329) && (x > 2505) && (x < 2584)) {
						printf("Range %d: %f, %f, %f\t%f, %f, %f\n",x,result->data.fl[0],result->data.fl[1],result->data.fl[2],

					if( (result->data.fl[0] > MIN_VAL) && (result->data.fl[1] > MIN_VAL) && (result->data.fl[2] > MIN_VAL) && (fabs(1.0 - (result->data.fl[0]+result->data.fl[1]+result->data.fl[2])) <= 0.01) ) {
					// if((u > 0) || (v > 0) /*&& ((u +v) < 1)*/ )
						// printf("Barycentric: %f %f %f\n", result->data.fl[0], result->data.fl[1], result->data.fl[2]);
						// this point is inside this triangle
						// printf("Point %d,%d inside %d,%d %d,%d %d,%d\n",x,y,trivec[i].points[0].x,trivec[i].points[0].y,
						//	trivec[i].points[1].x,trivec[i].points[1].y,trivec[i].points[2].x,trivec[i].points[2].y);
						CvMat * sourcepoint = cvCreateMat(3, 1, CV_32FC1);
						cvMatMul( newcorners, result, sourcepoint );	
						double sourcex = sourcepoint->data.fl[0]/*/sourcepoint->data.fl[2]*/;
						double sourcey = sourcepoint->data.fl[1]/*/sourcepoint->data.fl[2]*/;
						if((sourcex >= 0) && (sourcey >= 0) && (sourcex < (image1->width)) && (sourcey < (image1->height))) {
							// printf("%d,%d %d,%d\n",x,y,(int)sourcex,(int)sourcey);
							cvSet2D( image1, y, x, cvGet2D( clean_nonthresh, (int)sourcey, (int)sourcex ) );
						// printf("Point %d,%d inside %d,%d %d,%d %d,%d\n",x,y,trivec[i].points[0].x,trivec[i].points[0].y,
						//		trivec[i].points[1].x,trivec[i].points[1].y,trivec[i].points[2].x,trivec[i].points[2].y);

						cvReleaseMat( &sourcepoint );
					cvReleaseMat( &result );
					cvReleaseMat( &curp );
			for(int k = 0; k < verts; k++) {
				double x = clean_texture->data.fl[2*k+0];
				double y = clean_texture->data.fl[2*k+1];
				// check to see if we're inside this triangle
				CvMat * curp = cvCreateMat(3, 1, CV_32FC1);
				CvMat * result = cvCreateMat(3, 1, CV_32FC1);
				curp->data.fl[0] = x;
				curp->data.fl[1] = y;
				curp->data.fl[2] = 1;
				cvMatMul( baryinvvec[i], curp, result );
				if( (result->data.fl[0] > MIN_VAL) && (result->data.fl[1] > MIN_VAL) && (result->data.fl[2] > MIN_VAL) && (fabs(1.0 - (result->data.fl[0]+result->data.fl[1]+result->data.fl[2])) <= 0.01) ) {
					CvMat * sourcepoint = cvCreateMat(3, 1, CV_32FC1);
					cvMatMul( newcorners, result, sourcepoint );	
					double sourcex = sourcepoint->data.fl[0]/*/sourcepoint->data.fl[2]*/;
					double sourcey = sourcepoint->data.fl[1]/*/sourcepoint->data.fl[2]*/;
					if((sourcex >= 0) && (sourcey >= 0) && (sourcex < (image1->width)) && (sourcey < (image1->height))) {
						clean_texture->data.fl[2*k+0] = sourcex;
						clean_texture->data.fl[2*k+1] = sourcey;
						// cvSet2D( image1, y, x, cvGet2D( clean_nonthresh, (int)sourcey, (int)sourcex ) );

					cvReleaseMat( &sourcepoint );
				cvReleaseMat( &result );
				cvReleaseMat( &curp );
			cvReleaseMat( &newcorners );
		cvReleaseMat( &curpoints );

	cvReleaseImage( &clean_nonthresh );


	cvSaveImage("fullwarp.jpg", image1);

	printf("Drawing subdivisions on warped image...");
	draw_subdiv( image1, delaunay, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL );
	// draw_subdiv( image1, delaunay, delaunay_points, source_points, count, status );
	cvSaveImage("edgeswarp.jpg", image1);


	image2 = cvLoadImage(im2fname, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR);
	// cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(image2), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3 );

	// cvCalcSubdivVoronoi2D( delaunay );
	printf("Drawing subdivisions on unwarped image...");
	// draw_subdiv( image2, delaunay, delaunay_points, dest_points, count, status );
	// draw_subdiv( image2, delaunay, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL );




	return 0;
void compresie_decompresie_cu_DCT( IplImage* image )
    int		w, h;
    int		i, j;
    int     k, l;
    double	pi = 3.1415926;
    CvScalar   pixel;
    CvScalar   valoare;
    IplImage   *imagine_rezultat;
    IplImage   *imagine_diferenta;
    IplImage   *cosinus;

	int	    N, nivel;
	double  max = 0, min = 10000;
	double  value;
	CvMat	*C;	//matricea transformarii cosinus
	CvMat	*U;	//matricea imaginii in spatiul original
	CvMat	*V;	//matricea imaginii in spatiul transformatei
	CvMat   *AUX; //matrice auxiliara pentru rezultatul partial

    double m, M;
    double prag;
    int    nr;  //numarul de coeficienti anulati in spatiul transformatei

    w = image->width;
    h = image->height;

    if( w == h )
        imagine_rezultat = cvCreateImage( cvSize( w, h ), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1 );    
        N = w;
        C = cvCreateMat( N, N, CV_32FC1 );
        U = cvCreateMat( N, N, CV_32FC1 );
        V = cvCreateMat( N, N, CV_32FC1 );
        AUX = cvCreateMat( N, N, CV_32FC1 );
        //formarea matricii C a transformarii cosinus discreta
        for( i = 0; i < N; i++ )
             cvmSet( C, 0, i, 1. / sqrt( (float)N ) );
        for( i = 1; i < N; i++ )
             for( j = 0; j < N; j++ )
                  value = sqrt( 2./N ) * cos( pi * ( 2*j + 1 ) * i / ( 2*N ) );
                  cvmSet( C, i, j, value );
                  if( value > max )
                      max = value;
        //popularea matricei U cu valorile pixelilor imaginii
        for( i = 0; i < N; i++ )
             for( j = 0; j < N; j++ )
                  pixel = cvGet2D( image, i, j );
                  cvmSet( U, i, j, pixel.val[ 0 ] );
        //V = C*U*Ct
        //mai intii vom calcula AUX = C * U
        for( i = 0; i < N; i++ )
             for( j = 0; j < N; j++ )
                  value = 0;	
                  for( k = 0; k < N; k++ )
                       value += cvmGet( C, i, k ) * cvmGet( U, k, j );
                  cvmSet( AUX, i, j, value );
        //apoi V = AUX * Ct
        max = 0;
        for( i = 0; i < N; i++ )
             for( j = 0; j < N; j++ )
                  value = 0;	
                  for( k = 0; k < N; k++ )
                       value += cvmGet( AUX, i, k ) * cvmGet( C, j, k );
	              cvmSet( V, i, j, value );
                  if( value > max )
                      max = value;
                      if( value < min )
                          min = value;    

// /*
        //anularea coeficientilor de energie mica
        prag = 800;
        nr = 0;
        for( i = 0; i < N; i++ )
             for( j = 0; j < N; j++ )
                  value = fabs( cvmGet( V, i, j ) );
                  if( value < prag )
                      cvmSet( V, i, j, 0 );
        printf( "Procentul de valori retinute in spatiul transformatei = %5.2lf%%\n", 100.*(N*N - nr) / (N*N) );
        if( nr != 0 )
            printf( "Factorul de compresie obtinut = %5.2lf\n", 1. * (N * N) / (N*N - nr) );        
// */
        //U = Ct * V * C
        //AUX = Ct * V
        for( i = 0; i < N; i++ )
             for( j = 0; j < N; j++ )
                  value = 0;
                  for( k = 0; k < N; k++ )
                       value += cvmGet( C, k, i ) * cvmGet( V, k, j );
     		      cvmSet( AUX, i, j, value );	
        //apoi U = AUX * C
        for( i = 0; i < N; i++ )
             for( j = 0; j < N; j++ )
                  value = 0;
                  for( k = 0; k < N; k++ )
                       value += cvmGet( AUX, i, k ) * cvmGet( C, k, j );
                  cvmSet( U, i, j, value );
                  pixel.val[ 0 ] = value;
                  cvSet2D( imagine_rezultat, i, j, pixel );

        cvNamedWindow( "Imaginea dupa decompresie", 1 );
        cvShowImage( "Imaginea dupa decompresie", imagine_rezultat );

        //calcul pseudo-imagine diferenta (zgomot cauzat de compresia cu pierderi)     
        imagine_diferenta = cvCreateImage( cvSize( w, h ), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1 );  
        for( i = 0; i < N; i++ )
             for( j = 0; j < N; j++ )
                  pixel = cvGet2D( image, i, j );
                  value = (int)( fabs( pixel.val[ 0 ] - cvmGet( U, i, j ) ) );
                  valoare.val[ 0 ] = value;
                  cvSet2D( imagine_diferenta, i, j, valoare );
        cvNamedWindow( "Pseudo-imaginea diferenta", 1 );
        cvShowImage( "Pseudo-imaginea diferenta", imagine_diferenta );        
        cvReleaseImage( &imagine_rezultat );
        cvReleaseImage( &imagine_diferenta );
        cvDestroyWindow( "Imaginea dupa decompresie" );
        cvDestroyWindow( "Pseudo-imaginea diferenta" );
        cvReleaseMat( &C );
        cvReleaseMat( &U );        
        cvReleaseMat( &V );
        cvReleaseMat( &AUX );
        printf( "Imaginea de intrare nu este patrata! (w != h)\n" );
Esempio n. 29
void Breadth::buildInitialMap(){
	cout<<"Started Breadth"<<endl;
	//grab the position of the robot
	CvPoint robot;
	robot.x = (int)(model->state.crioPosition.x*(1.0/model->meterToPixel)) + model->translation.x;
   	robot.y = (int)(model->state.crioPosition.y*-(1.0/model->meterToPixel)) + model->translation.y;
	cout<<"Grabbed robot position\n";
	//stores the current point to check
	CvPoint current, next;
	int values[4];
	//create the queue of points to check
	queue <CvPoint> points;
	//create the cost map
	model->costMap = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(model->worldModel), IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1);
	cvSet(model->costMap, cvScalar(10000));
	int floatstep = model->costMap->widthStep/sizeof(float);
  	int floatchannels = model->costMap->nChannels;
	cout<<"Created cost map\n";
	//store the pointer to the data
	int* costdata = (int *)model->costMap->imageData;
	//set the region of interest
	CvRect roi = cvRect(robot.x - width/2., robot.y - height/2., width, height);
	roi = model->correctROI(roi);
	cvSetImageROI(model->costMap, roi);
	//grab a copy of the combined image
	open = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(model->worldModel), 8, 1);
	int intstep = open->widthStep/sizeof(int);
	int intchannels = open->nChannels/sizeof(int);
	int* opendata = (int*)open->imageData;
	//push the first point into the queue
	cout<<"Initialize everything and starting loop\n";
		cout<<"Queue Size: "<< points.size()<<endl;
		//read in the current front point
		current = points.front();
		//pop the point from the list
		//check four neighbors for the lowest value
		values[0] = costdata[(current.y-1)*floatstep+(current.x)*floatchannels+0];
		values[1] = costdata[(current.y)*floatstep+(current.x-1)*floatchannels+0];
		values[2] = costdata[(current.y+1)*floatstep+(current.x)*floatchannels+0];
		values[3] = costdata[(current.y)*floatstep+(current.x+1)*floatchannels+0];
		for(int i=0; i<4; i++){
			//check to see if the neighbor is less than the current
				costdata[(current.y)*floatstep+(current.x)*floatchannels+0] = values[i];
			//check to see if neighbor should be added to list
			case 0:
				next.x = current.x;
				next.y = current.y-1;
			case 1:
				next.x = current.x-1;
				next.y = current.y;
			case 2:
				next.x = current.x;
				next.y = current.y+1;
			case 3:
				next.x = current.x+1;
				next.y = current.y;
			if(opendata[next.y*intstep+next.x+1*intchannels+0] < model->neutral_knowledge){
				//push value into queue
				//close the value on the image
				opendata[next.y*intstep+next.x+1*floatchannels+0] = 255;
void CTWithWater::imageAndDepthToWorld(double u, double v, double d,
                                       double* x, double* y, double* z,
                                       bool undistort)
    double xx, yy, t;
    CvMat* r = cvCreateMat(3, 1, CV_32FC1);

        CvMat* I = cvCreateMat(1, 1, CV_32FC2);
        CvMat* Io = cvCreateMat(1, 1, CV_32FC2);
        cvSet2D(I, 0, 0, cvScalar(u,v));
        cvUndistortPoints(I, Io, m_CameraMatrix, m_DistCoeffs, NULL, m_CameraMatrixNorm);
        CvScalar s = cvGet2D(Io, 0, 0);
        xx = s.val[0];//cvGetReal1D(Io, 0);
        yy = s.val[1];//cvGetReal1D(Io, 1);
        xx = u;
        yy = v;

    xx = (xx - cvGetReal2D(m_CameraMatrixNorm, 0, 2))/cvGetReal2D(m_CameraMatrixNorm, 0, 0);
    yy = (yy - cvGetReal2D(m_CameraMatrixNorm, 1, 2))/cvGetReal2D(m_CameraMatrixNorm, 1, 1);

    cvSetReal1D(r, 0, xx); 
    cvSetReal1D(r, 1, yy);
    cvSetReal1D(r, 2, 1.0);

    /* Rt_(3,:)*r = sum of third column of R times elements of r */
    t = xx*cvGetReal2D(m_R, 0, 2) + yy*cvGetReal2D(m_R, 1, 2) + cvGetReal2D(m_R, 2, 2);
    if(t == 0)
        t = 1.0;

    if(d <= 0)
        /* d<= 0 => above water surface */
        t = (-m_dCameraHeightAboveWater-d)/t;

        /* r = t*R'*r + C */
        cvGEMM(m_R, r, t, m_CameraWorld, 1.0, r, CV_GEMM_A_T);
        /* d > 0 => below water surface */

        t = -m_dCameraHeightAboveWater/t;
        /* S = t*R'*r */
        cvGEMM(m_R, r, t, NULL, 0, m_S, CV_GEMM_A_T);

        double Sx = cvGetReal1D(m_S, 0);
        double Sy = cvGetReal1D(m_S, 1);    
        double phi = atan2(Sy, Sx);
        double rS = sqrt(Sx*Sx + Sy*Sy);

        double rP = calculateRpFromRs(rS, d, m_dCameraHeightAboveWater);
        cvSetReal1D(r, 0, rP*cos(phi));
        cvSetReal1D(r, 1, rP*sin(phi));
        cvSetReal1D(r, 2, -m_dCameraHeightAboveWater-d);

        cvAdd(r, m_CameraWorld, r);

    *x = cvGetReal1D(r, 0);
    *y = cvGetReal1D(r, 1);
    *z = cvGetReal1D(r, 2);    
