Esempio n. 1
void SkOpSegment::dumpContour(int firstID, int lastID) const {
    if (debugID() < 0) {
    const SkOpSegment* test = this - (debugID() - 1);
    test += (firstID - 1);
    const SkOpSegment* last = test + (lastID - firstID);
    while (test <= last) {
Esempio n. 2
void SkOpContour::dumpAngles() const {
    int segmentCount = fSegments.count();
    SkDebugf("((SkOpContour*) 0x%p) [%d]\n", this, debugID());
    for (int test = 0; test < segmentCount; ++test) {
        SkDebugf("  [%d] ", test);
Esempio n. 3
void SkOpSegment::dumpSpans() const {
    int count = this->count();
    SkDebugf("((SkOpSegment*) 0x%p) [%d]\n", this, debugID());
    for (int index = 0; index < count; ++index) {
        const SkOpSpan& span = this->span(index);
        SkDebugf("  [%d] ", index);
Esempio n. 4
void SkOpSegment::dumpPts() const {
    int last = SkPathOpsVerbToPoints(fVerb);
    SkDebugf("((SkOpSegment*) 0x%p) [%d] {{", this, debugID());
    int index = 0;
    do {
        SkDebugf(", ");
    } while (++index < last);
Esempio n. 5
void SkOpSegment::dumpDPts() const {
    int count = SkPathOpsVerbToPoints(fVerb);
    SkDebugf("((SkOpSegment*) 0x%p) [%d] {{", this, debugID());
    int index = 0;
    do {
        SkDPoint dPt = {fPts[index].fX, fPts[index].fY};
        if (index != count) {
            SkDebugf(", ");
    } while (++index <= count);
Esempio n. 6
void SkOpSegment::dumpAngles() const {
    SkDebugf("((SkOpSegment*) 0x%p) [%d]\n", this, debugID());
    int fromIndex = -1, toIndex = -1;
    for (int index = 0; index < count(); ++index) {
        int fIndex = fTs[index].fFromAngleIndex;
        int tIndex = fTs[index].fToAngleIndex;
        if (fromIndex == fIndex && tIndex == toIndex) {
        if (fIndex >= 0) {
            SkDebugf("  [%d] from=%d ", index, fIndex);
            const SkOpAngle& angle = this->angle(fIndex);
            angle.dumpFromTo(this, fIndex, tIndex);
        if (tIndex >= 0) {
            SkDebugf("  [%d] to=%d   ", index, tIndex);
            const SkOpAngle& angle = this->angle(tIndex);
            angle.dumpFromTo(this, fIndex, tIndex);
        fromIndex = fIndex;
        toIndex = tIndex;
Esempio n. 7
// return true if lh < this < rh
bool SkOpAngle::after(const SkOpAngle* test) const {
    const SkOpAngle& lh = *test;
    const SkOpAngle& rh = *lh.fNext;
    SkASSERT(&lh != &rh);
    SkString bugOut;
    bugOut.printf("%s [%d/%d] %d/%d tStart=%1.9g tEnd=%1.9g"
                  " < [%d/%d] %d/%d tStart=%1.9g tEnd=%1.9g"
                  " < [%d/%d] %d/%d tStart=%1.9g tEnd=%1.9g ", __FUNCTION__,
            lh.fSegment->debugID(), lh.debugID(), lh.fSectorStart, lh.fSectorEnd,
            lh.fSegment->t(lh.fStart), lh.fSegment->t(lh.fEnd),
            fSegment->debugID(), debugID(), fSectorStart, fSectorEnd, fSegment->t(fStart),
            rh.fSegment->debugID(), rh.debugID(), rh.fSectorStart, rh.fSectorEnd,
            rh.fSegment->t(rh.fStart), rh.fSegment->t(rh.fEnd));
    if (lh.fComputeSector && !const_cast<SkOpAngle&>(lh).computeSector()) {
        return COMPARE_RESULT(1, true);
    if (fComputeSector && !const_cast<SkOpAngle*>(this)->computeSector()) {
        return COMPARE_RESULT(2, true);
    if (rh.fComputeSector && !const_cast<SkOpAngle&>(rh).computeSector()) {
        return COMPARE_RESULT(3, true);
#if DEBUG_ANGLE  // reset bugOut with computed sectors
    bugOut.printf("%s [%d/%d] %d/%d tStart=%1.9g tEnd=%1.9g"
                  " < [%d/%d] %d/%d tStart=%1.9g tEnd=%1.9g"
                  " < [%d/%d] %d/%d tStart=%1.9g tEnd=%1.9g ", __FUNCTION__,
            lh.fSegment->debugID(), lh.debugID(), lh.fSectorStart, lh.fSectorEnd,
            lh.fSegment->t(lh.fStart), lh.fSegment->t(lh.fEnd),
            fSegment->debugID(), debugID(), fSectorStart, fSectorEnd, fSegment->t(fStart),
            rh.fSegment->debugID(), rh.debugID(), rh.fSectorStart, rh.fSectorEnd,
            rh.fSegment->t(rh.fStart), rh.fSegment->t(rh.fEnd));
    bool ltrOverlap = (lh.fSectorMask | rh.fSectorMask) & fSectorMask;
    bool lrOverlap = lh.fSectorMask & rh.fSectorMask;
    int lrOrder;  // set to -1 if either order works
    if (!lrOverlap) {  // no lh/rh sector overlap
        if (!ltrOverlap) {  // no lh/this/rh sector overlap
            return COMPARE_RESULT(4,  (lh.fSectorEnd > rh.fSectorStart)
                    ^ (fSectorStart > lh.fSectorEnd) ^ (fSectorStart > rh.fSectorStart));
        int lrGap = (rh.fSectorStart - lh.fSectorStart + 32) & 0x1f;
        /* A tiny change can move the start +/- 4. The order can only be determined if
           lr gap is not 12 to 20 or -12 to -20.
               -31 ..-21      1
               -20 ..-12     -1
               -11 .. -1      0
                 0          shouldn't get here
                11 ..  1      1
                12 .. 20     -1
                21 .. 31      0
        lrOrder = lrGap > 20 ? 0 : lrGap > 11 ? -1 : 1;
    } else {
        lrOrder = (int) lh.orderable(rh);
        if (!ltrOverlap) {
            return COMPARE_RESULT(5, !lrOrder);
    int ltOrder;
    SkASSERT((lh.fSectorMask & fSectorMask) || (rh.fSectorMask & fSectorMask));
    if (lh.fSectorMask & fSectorMask) {
        ltOrder = (int) lh.orderable(*this);
    } else {
        int ltGap = (fSectorStart - lh.fSectorStart + 32) & 0x1f;
        ltOrder = ltGap > 20 ? 0 : ltGap > 11 ? -1 : 1;
    int trOrder;
    if (rh.fSectorMask & fSectorMask) {
        trOrder = (int) orderable(rh);
    } else {
        int trGap = (rh.fSectorStart - fSectorStart + 32) & 0x1f;
        trOrder = trGap > 20 ? 0 : trGap > 11 ? -1 : 1;
    if (lrOrder >= 0 && ltOrder >= 0 && trOrder >= 0) {
        return COMPARE_RESULT(7, lrOrder ? (ltOrder & trOrder) : (ltOrder | trOrder));
    SkASSERT(lrOrder >= 0 || ltOrder >= 0 || trOrder >= 0);
// There's not enough information to sort. Get the pairs of angles in opposite planes.
// If an order is < 0, the pair is already in an opposite plane. Check the remaining pairs.
    // FIXME : once all variants are understood, rewrite this more simply
    if (ltOrder == 0 && lrOrder == 0) {
        SkASSERT(trOrder < 0);
        // FIXME : once this is verified to work, remove one opposite angle call
        SkDEBUGCODE(bool lrOpposite = lh.oppositePlanes(rh));
        bool ltOpposite = lh.oppositePlanes(*this);
        SkASSERT(lrOpposite != ltOpposite);
        return COMPARE_RESULT(8, ltOpposite);
    } else if (ltOrder == 1 && trOrder == 0) {
        SkASSERT(lrOrder < 0);
        SkDEBUGCODE(bool ltOpposite = lh.oppositePlanes(*this));
        bool trOpposite = oppositePlanes(rh);
        SkASSERT(ltOpposite != trOpposite);
        return COMPARE_RESULT(9, trOpposite);
    } else if (lrOrder == 1 && trOrder == 1) {
        SkASSERT(ltOrder < 0);
        SkDEBUGCODE(bool trOpposite = oppositePlanes(rh));
        bool lrOpposite = lh.oppositePlanes(rh);
        SkASSERT(lrOpposite != trOpposite);
        return COMPARE_RESULT(10, lrOpposite);
    if (lrOrder < 0) {
        if (ltOrder < 0) {
            return COMPARE_RESULT(11, trOrder);
        return COMPARE_RESULT(12, ltOrder);
    return COMPARE_RESULT(13, !lrOrder);