uint32_t dj_run()
    // find thread to schedule

    if (dj_exec_getCurrentThread()!=NULL)
        if (dj_exec_getCurrentThread()->status==THREADSTATUS_RUNNING) {
    return dj_vm_getVMSleepTime(dj_exec_getVM());

// java.lang.Thread javax.darjeeling.Darjeeling.getThread(short)
void javax_darjeeling_Darjeeling_java_lang_Thread_getThread_short()
	dj_thread *thread;
	int index = dj_exec_stackPopShort();

	// check for out of bounds
	if ( (index<0) || (index>=dj_vm_countThreads(dj_exec_getVM())) )
		dj_exec_throwHere(dj_vm_createSysLibObject(dj_exec_getVM(), BASE_CDEF_java_lang_IndexOutOfBoundsException));
		thread = dj_vm_getThread(dj_exec_getVM(), index);
void dj_init()
    //before anything starts, define global variables
    struct tossim_global_variables* global_variables = malloc(sizeof(struct tossim_global_variables));
    struct tossim_UGLY_global_variables* UGLY_global_variables = malloc(sizeof(struct tossim_UGLY_global_variables));

    dj_vm *vm;
    unsigned char *mem = malloc(HEAPSIZE);
    // initialise memory manager
    dj_mem_init(mem, HEAPSIZE);
    _global_ref_t_base_address = (char*)mem - 42;

    // initialise timer

    // create a new VM
    vm = dj_vm_create();
    if (vm == nullref) {
        //fail with a unknown type exception

    // tell the execution engine to use the newly created VM instance

    // load the embedded infusions

    dj_named_native_handler handlers[] = {
        { "base", &base_native_handler },
        { "darjeeling", &darjeeling_native_handler }
        ,{ "radio", &radio_native_handler }

    int length = sizeof(handlers)/ sizeof(handlers[0]);
    archive.start = (dj_di_pointer)di_archive_data;
    archive.end = (dj_di_pointer)(di_archive_data + di_archive_size);

    dj_vm_loadInfusionArchive(vm, &archive, handlers, length);      // load the embedded infusions

    DARJEELING_PRINTF("%d infusions loaded\n", dj_vm_countInfusions(dj_exec_getVM()));

    // pre-allocate an OutOfMemoryError object
    dj_object *obj = dj_vm_createSysLibObject(dj_exec_getVM(), BASE_CDEF_java_lang_OutOfMemoryError);
inline dj_global_id dj_vm_resolveRuntimeClass(dj_vm *vm, runtime_id_t id)
	dj_global_id ret;
	dj_infusion *infusion = vm->infusions;
	runtime_id_t base = 0;

	// TODO: optimize this! (binary search?)
	// TODO: test for multiple loaded infusions
	while (infusion!=NULL)
		base = infusion->class_base;
		PRINTF("Comparing with infusion %d having base id %d\n",dj_vm_getInfusionId(dj_exec_getVM(), infusion), infusion->class_base);
		if ((id>=base)&&(id<base + dj_di_parentElement_getListSize(infusion->classList)))
			ret.infusion = infusion;
			ret.entity_id = id - base;

			return ret;
		infusion = infusion->next;

	// TODO raise error, class not found
	printf("error: class not found: %d\n", id);
    // dead code to make compiler happy
    return ret;
// void java.lang.Object.notifyAll()
void java_lang_Object_void_notifyAll()
    // Don't pop, just peek the object reference off the runtime stack,
    // because it's cleared by the VM's frame management.
    dj_object * object = (dj_object*)REF_TO_VOIDP(dj_exec_stackPeekRef());
    dj_vm_notify(dj_exec_getVM(), object, false);
void javax_virtualsense_network_Packet_javax_virtualsense_network_Packet_createPacket_byte__(){
	uint8_t i = 0;
	dj_object* ret = NULL;
	dj_int_array * byteArray = REF_TO_VOIDP(dj_exec_stackPopRef());
	// create an object or allocate the chunk as is ?
	//heap_chunk * chk = (heap_chunk *)byteArray;
	PRINTF("array size is %d\n", byteArray->array.length);

	// resolve runtime class
	dj_global_id refClass = dj_vm_resolveRuntimeClass(dj_exec_getVM(), byteArray->data.bytes[4]);
	if(refClass.infusion != NULL){
		ret = (dj_object*)dj_mem_alloc((byteArray->array.length - sizeof(heap_chunk)), byteArray->data.bytes[4]);

		heap_chunk  * chk = getChunk(ret);
		PRINTF("BEFORE W Created object id %d s %d\n", chk->id, chk->size);
		memcpy((char*)ret, (char*)(byteArray->data.bytes+sizeof(heap_chunk)), byteArray->array.length- sizeof(heap_chunk));

		chk = getChunk(ret);
		PRINTF("Created object id %d s %d\n", chk->id, chk->size);

		for(i = 0; i < byteArray->array.length; i++)
			PRINTF("%x-", byteArray->data.bytes[i]);
	}else {
		PRINTF("Packet not created\n");
	// crete a new object from array
// void java.lang.Object.notify()
void java_lang_Object_void_notify()
    // Don't pop, just peek the object reference off the runtime stack,
    // because it's cleared by the VM's frame management.
    dj_object * object = (dj_object*)REF_TO_VOIDP(dj_exec_stackPeekRef());

    // make sure the thread owns the lock
    // TODO implement this check

    dj_vm_notify(dj_exec_getVM(), object, false);
void notify_serial_sendDone()
    dj_thread * thread = NULL;
    if (printfTheadId!=-1) thread = dj_vm_getThreadById(dj_exec_getVM(), printfTheadId);

    if (thread!=NULL)
        if (thread->status==THREADSTATUS_BLOCKED_FOR_IO)
            thread->status = THREADSTATUS_RUNNING;
        printfTheadId = -1;

void notify_radio_sendDone()
	dj_thread * sendThread = NULL;
	if (_global_radio_sendThreadId!=-1) sendThread = dj_vm_getThreadById(dj_exec_getVM(), _global_radio_sendThreadId);
	// unblock the thread that was waiting for send
	if (sendThread!=NULL)
		if (sendThread->status==THREADSTATUS_BLOCKED_FOR_IO){
			DEBUG_LOG(DBG_DARJEELING, DARJEELING, "sendDone runs \t\tthread[%p]\n", sendThread);
			sendThread->status = THREADSTATUS_RUNNING;
		_global_radio_sendThreadId = -1;
void java_lang_Object_java_lang_String_toString()
    // Don't pop, just peek the object reference off the runtime stack,
    // because it's cleared by the VM's frame management.
    dj_object * obj = REF_TO_VOIDP(dj_exec_stackPeekRef());

    // Get class definition
    runtime_id_t classRuntimeId = dj_mem_getChunkId(obj);
    dj_global_id classGlobalId = dj_vm_getRuntimeClass(dj_exec_getVM(), classRuntimeId);

    // Get class name
    dj_di_pointer classDefinition = dj_global_id_getClassDefinition(classGlobalId);
    dj_local_id classNameLocalId = dj_di_classDefinition_getClassName(classDefinition);
    dj_global_id classNameGlobalId = dj_global_id_resolve(classGlobalId.infusion, classNameLocalId);

    dj_object * string = dj_jstring_createFromGlobalId(dj_exec_getVM(), classNameGlobalId);

    if (string==NULL)

Esempio n. 11
// void javax.radio.Radio._waitForMessage()
void javax_radio_Radio_void__waitForMessage()
//	while (receiveThreadId != -1);
	dj_thread * currentThread = dj_exec_getCurrentThread();

	if (tossim_getNrMessages()==0)
		DEBUG_LOG(DBG_DARJEELING, DARJEELING, "vm[%p]\n", dj_exec_getVM());
		DEBUG_LOG(DBG_DARJEELING, DARJEELING, "waitFor\t\tthread[%p]->status from %d to %d\n", currentThread, currentThread->status, THREADSTATUS_BLOCKED_FOR_IO);
		// block the current thread for IO
		currentThread->status = THREADSTATUS_BLOCKED_FOR_IO;
		currentThread->scheduleTime = 0;
		_global_radio_receiveThreadId = currentThread->id;
Esempio n. 12
// void javax.radio.Radio._broadcast(byte[])
void javax_radio_Radio_void__broadcast_byte__()
	dj_thread * currentThread = dj_exec_getCurrentThread();

	// get byte array to send
	dj_int_array * arr = REF_TO_VOIDP(dj_exec_stackPopRef());
	if (tossim_send((char*)arr->data.bytes, 0xffff, arr->array.length)==0)
		// block the current thread for IO
		dj_vm* vm = dj_exec_getVM();
		DEBUG_LOG(DBG_DARJEELING, DARJEELING, "broadcast stops\t\tthread[%p]\n", currentThread);
		currentThread->status = THREADSTATUS_BLOCKED_FOR_IO;
		_global_radio_sendThreadId = currentThread->id;

Esempio n. 13
void notify_radio_receive()
	// unblock the thread that was waiting for send
	dj_thread * receiveThread = NULL;
	if (_global_radio_receiveThreadId!=-1) receiveThread = dj_vm_getThreadById(dj_exec_getVM(), _global_radio_receiveThreadId);

	if (receiveThread!=NULL)
		if (receiveThread->status==THREADSTATUS_BLOCKED_FOR_IO){
			DEBUG_LOG(DBG_DARJEELING, DARJEELING, "notifyReceive runs \tthread[%p]\n", receiveThread);
			receiveThread->status = THREADSTATUS_RUNNING;

		_global_radio_receiveThreadId = -1;

// short javax.darjeeling.Darjeeling.getNrThreads()
void javax_darjeeling_Darjeeling_short_getNrThreads()
Esempio n. 15
// TODO niels clean up this function
dj_infusion* dj_vm_runClassInitialisers(dj_vm *vm, dj_infusion *infusion)
	int i, threadId;
	dj_thread * thread;
	dj_frame * frame;
	dj_global_id methodImplId;
	uint8_t infusionId;

	// store infusion ID so that we can get an up-to-date infusion pointer later
	infusionId = dj_vm_getInfusionId(vm, infusion);

	// create a new thread object to run the <CLINIT> methods in
	thread = dj_thread_create();

	infusion = dj_vm_getInfusion(vm, infusionId);

	if (thread == NULL)
		DARJEELING_PRINTF("Not enough space for class initializer in infusion %s\n", (char *) dj_di_header_getInfusionName(infusion->header));

	dj_vm_addThread(dj_exec_getVM(), thread);
	threadId = thread->id;

	// iterate over the class list and execute any class initialisers that are encountered
	int size = dj_di_parentElement_getListSize(infusion->classList);
	for (i=0; i<size; i++)
		infusion = dj_vm_getInfusion(dj_exec_getVM(), infusionId);

		dj_di_pointer classDef = dj_di_parentElement_getChild(infusion->classList, i);
		methodImplId.entity_id = dj_di_classDefinition_getCLInit(classDef);
		methodImplId.infusion = infusion;

		if (methodImplId.entity_id!=255)
			// create a frame to run the initialiser in
			methodImplId.infusion = infusion;
			frame = dj_frame_create(methodImplId);

			// if we're out of memory, panic
		    if (frame==NULL)
		        DEBUG_LOG(DBG_DARJEELING, "dj_vm_runClassInitialisers: could not create frame. Panicking\n");
		        DARJEELING_PRINTF("Not enough space to create a frame\n");

		    // the thread we're running the class initialisers in.
		    thread = dj_vm_getThreadById(dj_exec_getVM(), threadId);
		    thread->frameStack = frame;
		    thread->status = THREADSTATUS_RUNNING;

			// execute the method
			while (dj_vm_getThreadById(dj_exec_getVM(), threadId)->status!=THREADSTATUS_FINISHED)
				// running the CLINIT method may trigger garbage collection

	// clean up the thread
	thread = dj_vm_getThreadById(dj_exec_getVM(), threadId);
	dj_vm_removeThread(vm, thread);
	vm->currentThread = NULL;
	return infusion;
void javax_wukong_wkpf_WKPF_void_appInitCreateLocalObjectAndInitValues() {
	dj_vm *vm = dj_exec_getVM();
void javax_wukong_wkpf_WKPF_void_appLoadInitLinkTableAndComponentMap() {
	dj_vm *vm = dj_exec_getVM();