void print_graph(unsigned int log_level, crm_graph_t *graph) { if(graph == NULL || graph->num_actions == 0) { if(log_level > LOG_DEBUG) { crm_debug("## Empty transition graph ##"); } return; } do_crm_log(log_level, "Graph %d (%d actions in %d synapses):" " batch-limit=%d jobs, network-delay=%dms", graph->id, graph->num_actions, graph->num_synapses, graph->batch_limit, graph->network_delay); slist_iter( synapse, synapse_t, graph->synapses, lpc, do_crm_log(log_level, "Synapse %d %s (priority: %d)", synapse->id, synapse->confirmed?"was confirmed": synapse->executed?"was executed": "is pending", synapse->priority); if(synapse->confirmed == FALSE) { slist_iter( action, crm_action_t, synapse->actions, lpc2, print_elem(log_level, " ", FALSE, action); );
void abort_transition_graph( int abort_priority, enum transition_action abort_action, const char *abort_text, crm_data_t *reason, const char *fn, int line) { int log_level = LOG_DEBUG; /* if(abort_priority >= INFINITY) { log_level = LOG_INFO; } */ update_abort_priority( transition_graph, abort_priority, abort_action, abort_text); do_crm_log(log_level, "%s:%d - Triggered graph processing : %s", fn, line, abort_text); if(reason != NULL) { const char *magic = crm_element_value( reason, XML_ATTR_TRANSITION_MAGIC); if(magic) { do_crm_log(log_level, "Caused by update to %s: %s", ID(reason), magic); } else { crm_log_xml(log_level, "Cause", reason); } } if(transition_graph->complete) { notify_crmd(transition_graph); } else { G_main_set_trigger(transition_trigger); } }
static void attrd_cib_callback(xmlNode * msg, int call_id, int rc, xmlNode * output, void *user_data) { int level = LOG_ERR; GHashTableIter iter; const char *peer = NULL; attribute_value_t *v = NULL; char *name = user_data; attribute_t *a = g_hash_table_lookup(attributes, name); if(a == NULL) { crm_info("Attribute %s no longer exists", name); goto done; } a->update = 0; if (rc == pcmk_ok && call_id < 0) { rc = call_id; } switch (rc) { case pcmk_ok: level = LOG_INFO; last_cib_op_done = call_id; break; case -pcmk_err_diff_failed: /* When an attr changes while the CIB is syncing */ case -ETIME: /* When an attr changes while there is a DC election */ case -ENXIO: /* When an attr changes while the CIB is syncing a * newer config from a node that just came up */ level = LOG_WARNING; break; } do_crm_log(level, "Update %d for %s: %s (%d)", call_id, name, pcmk_strerror(rc), rc); g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, a->values); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, (gpointer *) & peer, (gpointer *) & v)) { do_crm_log(level, "Update %d for %s[%s]=%s: %s (%d)", call_id, a->id, peer, v->requested, pcmk_strerror(rc), rc); if(rc == pcmk_ok) { free(v->stored); v->stored = v->requested; v->requested = NULL; } else { free(v->requested); v->requested = NULL; a->changed = TRUE; /* Attempt write out again */ } } done: free(name); if(a && a->changed && election_state(writer) == election_won) { write_attribute(a); } }
static void log_hash_entry(int level, attr_hash_entry_t * entry, const char *text) { do_crm_log(level, "%s", text); do_crm_log(level, "Set: %s", entry->section); do_crm_log(level, "Name: %s", entry->id); do_crm_log(level, "Value: %s", entry->value); do_crm_log(level, "Timeout: %s", entry->dampen); }
static void crm_glib_handler(const gchar *log_domain, GLogLevelFlags flags, const gchar *message, gpointer user_data) { int log_level = LOG_WARNING; GLogLevelFlags msg_level = (flags & G_LOG_LEVEL_MASK); switch(msg_level) { case G_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL: /* log and record how we got here */ crm_abort(__FILE__,__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,__LINE__, message, TRUE, TRUE); return; case G_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR: log_level = LOG_ERR; break; case G_LOG_LEVEL_MESSAGE: log_level = LOG_NOTICE; break; case G_LOG_LEVEL_INFO: log_level = LOG_INFO; break; case G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG: log_level = LOG_DEBUG; break; case G_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING: case G_LOG_FLAG_RECURSION: case G_LOG_FLAG_FATAL: case G_LOG_LEVEL_MASK: log_level = LOG_WARNING; break; } do_crm_log(log_level, "%s: %s", log_domain, message); }
static void pcmk_child_exit(mainloop_child_t * p, pid_t pid, int core, int signo, int exitcode) { pcmk_child_t *child = mainloop_child_userdata(p); const char *name = mainloop_child_name(p); if (signo) { crm_notice("Child process %s terminated with signal %d (pid=%d, core=%d)", name, signo, pid, core); } else { do_crm_log(exitcode == 0 ? LOG_INFO : LOG_ERR, "Child process %s (%d) exited: %s (%d)", name, pid, pcmk_strerror(exitcode), exitcode); } if (exitcode == 100) { crm_warn("Pacemaker child process %s no longer wishes to be respawned. " "Shutting ourselves down.", name); child->respawn = FALSE; fatal_error = TRUE; pcmk_shutdown(15); } pcmk_process_exit(child); }
void crmd_join_phase_log(int level) { crm_node_t *peer; GHashTableIter iter; g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, crm_peer_cache); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, (gpointer *) &peer)) { const char *state = "unknown"; switch(peer->join) { case crm_join_nack: state = "nack"; break; case crm_join_none: state = "none"; break; case crm_join_welcomed: state = "welcomed"; break; case crm_join_integrated: state = "integrated"; break; case crm_join_finalized: state = "finalized"; break; case crm_join_confirmed: state = "confirmed"; break; } do_crm_log(level, "join-%d: %s=%s", current_join_id, peer->uname, state); } }
void finalize_sync_callback(xmlNode * msg, int call_id, int rc, xmlNode * output, void *user_data) { CRM_LOG_ASSERT(-EPERM != rc); clear_bit(fsa_input_register, R_CIB_ASKED); if (rc != pcmk_ok) { do_crm_log((rc == -pcmk_err_old_data ? LOG_WARNING : LOG_ERR), "Sync from %s failed: %s", (char *)user_data, pcmk_strerror(rc)); /* restart the whole join process */ register_fsa_error_adv(C_FSA_INTERNAL, I_ELECTION_DC, NULL, NULL, __FUNCTION__); } else if (AM_I_DC && fsa_state == S_FINALIZE_JOIN) { set_bit(fsa_input_register, R_HAVE_CIB); clear_bit(fsa_input_register, R_CIB_ASKED); /* make sure dc_uuid is re-set to us */ if (check_join_state(fsa_state, __FUNCTION__) == FALSE) { crm_debug("Notifying %d clients of join-%d results", crmd_join_phase_count(crm_join_integrated), current_join_id); g_hash_table_foreach(crm_peer_cache, finalize_join_for, NULL); } } else { crm_debug("No longer the DC in S_FINALIZE_JOIN: %s/%s", AM_I_DC ? "DC" : "CRMd", fsa_state2string(fsa_state)); } }
/* frees msg */ gboolean send_ipc_message(IPC_Channel *ipc_client, xmlNode *msg) { gboolean all_is_good = TRUE; int fail_level = LOG_WARNING; if(ipc_client != NULL && ipc_client->conntype == IPC_CLIENT) { fail_level = LOG_ERR; } if (msg == NULL) { crm_err("cant send NULL message"); all_is_good = FALSE; } else if (ipc_client == NULL) { crm_err("cant send message without an IPC Channel"); all_is_good = FALSE; } else if(ipc_client->ops->get_chan_status(ipc_client) != IPC_CONNECT) { do_crm_log(fail_level, "IPC Channel to %d is not connected", (int)ipc_client->farside_pid); all_is_good = FALSE; } if(all_is_good && xml2ipcchan(msg, ipc_client) != HA_OK) { do_crm_log(fail_level, "Could not send IPC message to %d", (int)ipc_client->farside_pid); all_is_good = FALSE; if(ipc_client->ops->get_chan_status(ipc_client) != IPC_CONNECT) { do_crm_log(fail_level, "IPC Channel to %d is no longer connected", (int)ipc_client->farside_pid); } else if(ipc_client->conntype == IPC_CLIENT) { if(ipc_client->send_queue->current_qlen >= ipc_client->send_queue->max_qlen) { crm_err("Send queue to %d (size=%d) full.", ipc_client->farside_pid, (int)ipc_client->send_queue->max_qlen); } } } /* crm_log_xml(all_is_good?LOG_MSG:LOG_WARNING,"IPC[outbound]",msg); */ return all_is_good; }
void print_graph(unsigned int log_level, crm_graph_t * graph) { GListPtr lpc = NULL; if (graph == NULL || graph->num_actions == 0) { if (log_level > LOG_DEBUG) { crm_debug("## Empty transition graph ##"); } return; } do_crm_log(log_level, "Graph %d (%d actions in %d synapses):" " batch-limit=%d jobs, network-delay=%dms", graph->id, graph->num_actions, graph->num_synapses, graph->batch_limit, graph->network_delay); for (lpc = graph->synapses; lpc != NULL; lpc = lpc->next) { synapse_t *synapse = (synapse_t *) lpc->data; do_crm_log(log_level, "Synapse %d %s (priority: %d)", synapse->id, synapse->confirmed ? "was confirmed" : synapse->executed ? "was executed" : "is pending", synapse->priority); if (synapse->confirmed == FALSE) { GListPtr lpc2 = NULL; for (lpc2 = synapse->actions; lpc2 != NULL; lpc2 = lpc2->next) { crm_action_t *action = (crm_action_t *) lpc2->data; print_elem(log_level, " ", FALSE, action); } } if (synapse->executed == FALSE) { GListPtr lpc2 = NULL; for (lpc2 = synapse->inputs; lpc2 != NULL; lpc2 = lpc2->next) { crm_action_t *input = (crm_action_t *) lpc2->data; print_elem(log_level, " * ", TRUE, input); } } } }
void cib_diff_notify( int options, const char *client, const char *call_id, const char *op, crm_data_t *update, enum cib_errors result, crm_data_t *diff) { int add_updates = 0; int add_epoch = 0; int add_admin_epoch = 0; int del_updates = 0; int del_epoch = 0; int del_admin_epoch = 0; int log_level = LOG_DEBUG_2; if(diff == NULL) { return; } if(result != cib_ok) { log_level = LOG_WARNING; } cib_diff_version_details( diff, &add_admin_epoch, &add_epoch, &add_updates, &del_admin_epoch, &del_epoch, &del_updates); if(add_updates != del_updates) { do_crm_log(log_level, "Update (client: %s%s%s): %d.%d.%d -> %d.%d.%d (%s)", client, call_id?", call:":"", call_id?call_id:"", del_admin_epoch, del_epoch, del_updates, add_admin_epoch, add_epoch, add_updates, cib_error2string(result)); } else if(diff != NULL) { do_crm_log(log_level, "Local-only Change (client:%s%s%s): %d.%d.%d (%s)", client, call_id?", call: ":"", call_id?call_id:"", add_admin_epoch, add_epoch, add_updates, cib_error2string(result)); } do_cib_notify(options, op, update, result, diff, T_CIB_DIFF_NOTIFY); }
void cibmon_diff(const char *event, xmlNode * msg) { int rc = -1; const char *op = NULL; unsigned int log_level = LOG_INFO; xmlNode *diff = NULL; xmlNode *cib_last = NULL; xmlNode *update = get_message_xml(msg, F_CIB_UPDATE); if (msg == NULL) { crm_err("NULL update"); return; } crm_element_value_int(msg, F_CIB_RC, &rc); op = crm_element_value(msg, F_CIB_OPERATION); diff = get_message_xml(msg, F_CIB_UPDATE_RESULT); if (rc < pcmk_ok) { log_level = LOG_WARNING; do_crm_log(log_level, "[%s] %s ABORTED: %s", event, op, pcmk_strerror(rc)); return; } if (log_diffs) { xml_log_patchset(log_level, op, diff); } if (log_updates && update != NULL) { crm_log_xml_trace(update, "raw_update"); } if (cib_copy != NULL) { cib_last = cib_copy; cib_copy = NULL; rc = cib_process_diff(op, cib_force_diff, NULL, NULL, diff, cib_last, &cib_copy, NULL); if (rc != pcmk_ok) { crm_debug("Update didn't apply, requesting full copy: %s", pcmk_strerror(rc)); free_xml(cib_copy); cib_copy = NULL; } } if (cib_copy == NULL) { rc = cib->cmds->query(cib, NULL, &cib_copy, cib_scope_local | cib_sync_call); } if(rc == -EACCES) { crm_exit(CRM_EX_INSUFFICIENT_PRIV); } free_xml(cib_last); }
void log_date(int log_level, const char *prefix, ha_time_t * date_time, int flags) { char *date_s = date_to_string(date_time, flags); do_crm_log(log_level, "%s%s%s", prefix ? prefix : "", prefix ? ": " : "", date_s ? date_s : "__invalid_date__"); crm_free(date_s); }
ssize_t crm_ipcs_send(qb_ipcs_connection_t *c, xmlNode *message, enum ipcs_send_flags flags) { int rc; int lpc = 0; struct iovec iov[2]; static uint32_t id = 0; const char *type = "Response"; struct qb_ipc_response_header header; char *buffer = dump_xml_unformatted(message); iov[0].iov_len = sizeof(struct qb_ipc_response_header); iov[0].iov_base = &header; iov[1].iov_len = 1 + strlen(buffer); iov[1].iov_base = buffer; header.id = id++; /* We don't really use it, but doesn't hurt to set one */ header.error = 0; /* unused */ header.size = iov[0].iov_len + iov[1].iov_len; do { if(flags & ipcs_send_event) { rc = qb_ipcs_event_sendv(c, iov, 2); type = "Event"; } else { rc = qb_ipcs_response_sendv(c, iov, 2); } if(rc != -EAGAIN) { break; } else if(lpc > 3 && (flags & ipcs_send_error)) { break; } crm_debug("Attempting resend %d of %s %d (%d bytes) to %p[%d]: %.120s", ++lpc, type, header.id, header.size, c, crm_ipcs_client_pid(c), buffer); sleep(1); /* Only retry for important stuff, and even then only a limited amount for ipcs_send_error * Unless ipcs_send_info or ipcs_send_error is specified, we block by default */ } while((flags & ipcs_send_info) == 0); if(rc < header.size) { do_crm_log((flags & ipcs_send_error)?LOG_ERR:LOG_INFO, "%s %d failed, size=%d, to=%p[%d], rc=%d: %.120s", type, header.id, header.size, c, crm_ipcs_client_pid(c), rc, buffer); } else { crm_trace("%s %d sent, %d bytes to %p: %.120s", type, header.id, rc, c, buffer); } free(buffer); return rc; }
static void crm_dump_peer_hash(int level, const char *caller) { GHashTableIter iter; const char *id = NULL; crm_node_t *node = NULL; g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, crm_peer_cache); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, (gpointer *) &id, (gpointer *) &node)) { do_crm_log(level, "%s: Node %u/%s = %p - %s", caller, node->id, node->uname, node, id); } }
void crmd_join_phase_log(int level) { crm_node_t *peer; GHashTableIter iter; g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, crm_peer_cache); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, (gpointer *) &peer)) { do_crm_log(level, "join-%d: %s=%s", current_join_id, peer->uname, crm_join_phase_str(peer->join)); } }
void crm_log_message_adv(int level, const char *prefix, const HA_Message *msg) { if((int)crm_log_level >= level) { do_crm_log(level, "#========= %s message start ==========#", prefix?prefix:""); if(level > LOG_DEBUG) { cl_log_message(LOG_DEBUG, msg); } else { cl_log_message(level, msg); } } }
void cibmon_diff(const char *event, xmlNode * msg) { int rc = -1; const char *op = NULL; unsigned int log_level = LOG_INFO; xmlNode *diff = NULL; xmlNode *cib_last = NULL; xmlNode *update = get_message_xml(msg, F_CIB_UPDATE); if (msg == NULL) { crm_err("NULL update"); return; } crm_element_value_int(msg, F_CIB_RC, &rc); op = crm_element_value(msg, F_CIB_OPERATION); diff = get_message_xml(msg, F_CIB_UPDATE_RESULT); if (rc < cib_ok) { log_level = LOG_WARNING; do_crm_log(log_level, "[%s] %s ABORTED: %s", event, op, cib_error2string(rc)); return; } if (log_diffs) { log_cib_diff(log_level, diff, op); } if (log_updates && update != NULL) { do_crm_log_xml(log_level + 2, "raw_update", update); } if (cib_copy != NULL) { cib_last = cib_copy; cib_copy = NULL; rc = cib_process_diff(op, cib_force_diff, NULL, NULL, diff, cib_last, &cib_copy, NULL); if (rc != cib_ok) { crm_debug("Update didn't apply, requesting full copy: %s", cib_error2string(rc)); free_xml(cib_copy); cib_copy = NULL; } } if (cib_copy == NULL) { cib_copy = get_cib_copy(cib); } free_xml(cib_last); }
/* A_LOG, A_WARN, A_ERROR */ void do_log(long long action, enum crmd_fsa_cause cause, enum crmd_fsa_state cur_state, enum crmd_fsa_input current_input, fsa_data_t * msg_data) { unsigned log_type = LOG_TRACE; if (action & A_LOG) { log_type = LOG_INFO; } else if (action & A_WARN) { log_type = LOG_WARNING; } else if (action & A_ERROR) { log_type = LOG_ERR; } do_crm_log(log_type, "Input %s received in state %s from %s", fsa_input2string(msg_data->fsa_input), fsa_state2string(cur_state), msg_data->origin); if (msg_data->data_type == fsa_dt_ha_msg) { ha_msg_input_t *input = fsa_typed_data(msg_data->data_type); crm_log_xml_debug(input->msg, __FUNCTION__); } else if (msg_data->data_type == fsa_dt_xml) { xmlNode *input = fsa_typed_data(msg_data->data_type); crm_log_xml_debug(input, __FUNCTION__); } else if (msg_data->data_type == fsa_dt_lrm) { lrmd_event_data_t *input = fsa_typed_data(msg_data->data_type); do_crm_log(log_type, "Resource %s: Call ID %d returned %d (%d)." " New status if rc=0: %s", input->rsc_id, input->call_id, input->rc, input->op_status, (char *)input->user_data); } }
void fsa_dump_queue(int log_level) { if(log_level < (int)crm_log_level) { return; } slist_iter( data, fsa_data_t, fsa_message_queue, lpc, do_crm_log(log_level, "queue[%d(%d)]: input %s raised by %s()\t(cause=%s)", lpc, data->id, fsa_input2string(data->fsa_input), data->origin, fsa_cause2string(data->fsa_cause)); );
void * fsa_typed_data_adv(fsa_data_t * fsa_data, enum fsa_data_type a_type, const char *caller) { void *ret_val = NULL; if (fsa_data == NULL) { do_crm_log(LOG_ERR, "%s: No FSA data available", caller); } else if (fsa_data->data == NULL) { do_crm_log(LOG_ERR, "%s: No message data available. Origin: %s", caller, fsa_data->origin); } else if (fsa_data->data_type != a_type) { do_crm_log(LOG_CRIT, "%s: Message data was the wrong type! %d vs. requested=%d." " Origin: %s", caller, fsa_data->data_type, a_type, fsa_data->origin); CRM_ASSERT(fsa_data->data_type == a_type); } else { ret_val = fsa_data->data; } return ret_val; }
static void crm_glib_handler(const gchar * log_domain, GLogLevelFlags flags, const gchar * message, gpointer user_data) { int log_level = LOG_WARNING; GLogLevelFlags msg_level = (flags & G_LOG_LEVEL_MASK); static struct qb_log_callsite *glib_cs = NULL; if (glib_cs == NULL) { glib_cs = qb_log_callsite_get(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __FILE__, "glib-handler", LOG_DEBUG, __LINE__, crm_trace_nonlog); } switch (msg_level) { case G_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL: log_level = LOG_CRIT; if (crm_is_callsite_active(glib_cs, LOG_DEBUG, 0) == FALSE) { /* log and record how we got here */ crm_abort(__FILE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __LINE__, message, TRUE, TRUE); } break; case G_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR: log_level = LOG_ERR; break; case G_LOG_LEVEL_MESSAGE: log_level = LOG_NOTICE; break; case G_LOG_LEVEL_INFO: log_level = LOG_INFO; break; case G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG: log_level = LOG_DEBUG; break; case G_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING: case G_LOG_FLAG_RECURSION: case G_LOG_FLAG_FATAL: case G_LOG_LEVEL_MASK: log_level = LOG_WARNING; break; } do_crm_log(log_level, "%s: %s", log_domain, message); }
void fsa_dump_queue(int log_level) { int offset = 0; GListPtr lpc = NULL; if (log_level < (int)get_crm_log_level()) { return; } for (lpc = fsa_message_queue; lpc != NULL; lpc = lpc->next) { fsa_data_t *data = (fsa_data_t *) lpc->data; do_crm_log(log_level, "queue[%d(%d)]: input %s raised by %s()\t(cause=%s)", offset++, data->id, fsa_input2string(data->fsa_input), data->origin, fsa_cause2string(data->fsa_cause)); } }
/* CIBへのsync_from処理のコールバック処理 CRM_OP_JOIN_ACKNAKメッセージを送信する */ void finalize_sync_callback(xmlNode *msg, int call_id, int rc, xmlNode *output, void *user_data) { CRM_DEV_ASSERT(cib_not_master != rc); clear_bit_inplace(fsa_input_register, R_CIB_ASKED); if(rc != cib_ok) { do_crm_log((rc==cib_old_data?LOG_WARNING:LOG_ERR), "Sync from %s resulted in an error: %s", (char*)user_data, cib_error2string(rc)); /* restart the whole join process */ /* コールバックがcib_okではない場合は、I_ELECTION_DCに戻る */ register_fsa_error_adv( C_FSA_INTERNAL, I_ELECTION_DC,NULL,NULL,__FUNCTION__); } else if(AM_I_DC && fsa_state == S_FINALIZE_JOIN) { /* 自ノードがDCノードで、fsa_stateがS_FINALIZE_JOINの場合 */ set_bit_inplace(fsa_input_register, R_HAVE_CIB); clear_bit_inplace(fsa_input_register, R_CIB_ASKED); /* make sure dc_uuid is re-set to us */ /* JOIN状態チェック処理 */ if(check_join_state(fsa_state, __FUNCTION__) == FALSE) { crm_debug("Notifying %d clients of join-%d results", g_hash_table_size(integrated_nodes), current_join_id); /* ノードをCIBのnodeエントリに追加して、CRM_OP_JOIN_ACKNAKメッセージを送信する また、クラスタメンバーとして認識したノードは、finalized_nodesハッシュテーブルに追加する そして、integrated_nodesハッシュテーブルから削除する */ g_hash_table_foreach_remove( integrated_nodes, finalize_join_for, NULL); } } else { crm_debug("No longer the DC in S_FINALIZE_JOIN: %s/%s", AM_I_DC?"DC":"CRMd", fsa_state2string(fsa_state)); } crm_free(user_data); }
void crmd_ha_msg_filter(xmlNode * msg) { if (AM_I_DC) { const char *sys_from = crm_element_value(msg, F_CRM_SYS_FROM); if (safe_str_eq(sys_from, CRM_SYSTEM_DC)) { const char *from = crm_element_value(msg, F_ORIG); if (safe_str_neq(from, fsa_our_uname)) { int level = LOG_INFO; const char *op = crm_element_value(msg, F_CRM_TASK); /* make sure the election happens NOW */ if (fsa_state != S_ELECTION) { ha_msg_input_t new_input; level = LOG_WARNING; new_input.msg = msg; register_fsa_error_adv(C_FSA_INTERNAL, I_ELECTION, NULL, &new_input, __FUNCTION__); } do_crm_log(level, "Another DC detected: %s (op=%s)", from, op); goto done; } } } else { const char *sys_to = crm_element_value(msg, F_CRM_SYS_TO); if (safe_str_eq(sys_to, CRM_SYSTEM_DC)) { return; } } /* crm_log_xml_trace("HA[inbound]", msg); */ route_message(C_HA_MESSAGE, msg); done: trigger_fsa(fsa_source); }
static void crmdManagedChildDied(GPid pid, gint status, gpointer user_data) { struct crm_subsystem_s *the_subsystem = user_data; if(WIFSIGNALED(status)) { int signo = WTERMSIG(status); int core = WCOREDUMP(status); crm_notice("Child process %s terminated with signal %d (pid=%d, core=%d)", the_subsystem->name, signo, the_subsystem->pid, core); } else if(WIFEXITED(status)) { int exitcode = WEXITSTATUS(status); do_crm_log(exitcode == 0 ? LOG_INFO : LOG_ERR, "Child process %s exited (pid=%d, rc=%d)", the_subsystem->name, the_subsystem->pid, exitcode); } else { crm_err("Process %s:[%d] exited?", the_subsystem->name, the_subsystem->pid); } }
static void do_fsa_action(fsa_data_t * fsa_data, long long an_action, void (*function) (long long action, enum crmd_fsa_cause cause, enum crmd_fsa_state cur_state, enum crmd_fsa_input cur_input, fsa_data_t * msg_data)) { int action_log_level = LOG_DEBUG; /* The calls to fsa_action2string() is expensive, * only make it if we will use the result */ if (an_action & A_MSG_ROUTE) { action_log_level = LOG_DEBUG_2; } fsa_actions &= ~an_action; do_crm_log(action_log_level, DOT_PREFIX "\t// %s", fsa_action2string(an_action)); function(an_action, fsa_data->fsa_cause, fsa_state, fsa_data->fsa_input, fsa_data); }
void print_graph(unsigned int log_level, crm_graph_t * graph) { GListPtr lpc = NULL; if (graph == NULL || graph->num_actions == 0) { if (log_level > LOG_DEBUG) { crm_debug("Empty transition graph"); } return; } do_crm_log(log_level, "Graph %d with %d actions:" " batch-limit=%d jobs, network-delay=%dms", graph->id, graph->num_actions, graph->num_synapses, graph->batch_limit, graph->network_delay); for (lpc = graph->synapses; lpc != NULL; lpc = lpc->next) { synapse_t *synapse = (synapse_t *) lpc->data; print_synapse(log_level, graph, synapse); } }
static void print_elem(int log_level, const char *prefix, gboolean as_input, crm_action_t *action) { int priority = 0; const char *key = NULL; const char *host = NULL; const char *class = "Action"; const char *state = "Pending"; if(action->failed) { state = "Failed"; } else if(action->confirmed) { state = "Completed"; } else if(action->executed) { state = "In-flight"; } else if(action->sent_update) { state = "Update sent"; } if(as_input) { class = "Input"; } if(as_input == FALSE) { priority = action->synapse->priority; } key = crm_element_value(action->xml, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK_KEY); host = crm_element_value(action->xml, XML_LRM_ATTR_TARGET); switch(action->type) { case action_type_pseudo: do_crm_log(log_level, "%s[%s %d]: %s (id: %s, type: %s, priority: %d)", prefix, class, action->id, state, key, actiontype2text(action->type), priority); break; case action_type_rsc: do_crm_log(log_level, "%s[%s %d]: %s (id: %s, loc: %s, priority: %d)", prefix, class, action->id, state, key, host, priority); break; case action_type_crm: do_crm_log(log_level, "%s[%s %d]: %s (id: %s, loc: %s, type: %s, priority: %d)", prefix, class, action->id, state, key, host, actiontype2text(action->type), priority); break; default: crm_err("%s[%s %d]: %s (id: %s, loc: %s, type: %s (unhandled), priority: %d)", prefix, class, action->id, state, key, host, actiontype2text(action->type), priority); } if(as_input == FALSE) { return; } if(action->timer) { do_crm_log(log_level, "%s\ttimeout=%d, timer=%d", prefix, action->timeout, action->timer->source_id); } if(action->confirmed == FALSE) { crm_log_xml(LOG_DEBUG_3, "\t\t\tRaw xml: ", action->xml); } }
void abort_transition_graph(int abort_priority, enum transition_action abort_action, const char *abort_text, xmlNode * reason, const char *fn, int line) { int add[] = { 0, 0, 0 }; int del[] = { 0, 0, 0 }; int level = LOG_INFO; xmlNode *diff = NULL; xmlNode *change = NULL; CRM_CHECK(transition_graph != NULL, return); switch (fsa_state) { case S_STARTING: case S_PENDING: case S_NOT_DC: case S_HALT: case S_ILLEGAL: case S_STOPPING: case S_TERMINATE: crm_info("Abort %s suppressed: state=%s (complete=%d)", abort_text, fsa_state2string(fsa_state), transition_graph->complete); return; default: break; } /* Make sure any queued calculations are discarded ASAP */ free(fsa_pe_ref); fsa_pe_ref = NULL; if (transition_graph->complete == FALSE) { if(update_abort_priority(transition_graph, abort_priority, abort_action, abort_text)) { level = LOG_NOTICE; } } if(reason) { xmlNode *search = NULL; for(search = reason; search; search = search->parent) { if (safe_str_eq(XML_TAG_DIFF, TYPE(search))) { diff = search; break; } } if(diff) { xml_patch_versions(diff, add, del); for(search = reason; search; search = search->parent) { if (safe_str_eq(XML_DIFF_CHANGE, TYPE(search))) { change = search; break; } } } } if(reason == NULL) { do_crm_log(level, "Transition aborted: %s (source=%s:%d, %d)", abort_text, fn, line, transition_graph->complete); } else if(change == NULL) { char *local_path = xml_get_path(reason); do_crm_log(level, "Transition aborted by %s.%s: %s (cib=%d.%d.%d, source=%s:%d, path=%s, %d)", TYPE(reason), ID(reason), abort_text, add[0], add[1], add[2], fn, line, local_path, transition_graph->complete); free(local_path); } else { const char *kind = NULL; const char *op = crm_element_value(change, XML_DIFF_OP); const char *path = crm_element_value(change, XML_DIFF_PATH); if(change == reason) { if(strcmp(op, "create") == 0) { reason = reason->children; } else if(strcmp(op, "modify") == 0) { reason = first_named_child(reason, XML_DIFF_RESULT); if(reason) { reason = reason->children; } } } kind = TYPE(reason); if(strcmp(op, "delete") == 0) { const char *shortpath = strrchr(path, '/'); do_crm_log(level, "Transition aborted by deletion of %s: %s (cib=%d.%d.%d, source=%s:%d, path=%s, %d)", shortpath?shortpath+1:path, abort_text, add[0], add[1], add[2], fn, line, path, transition_graph->complete); } else if (safe_str_eq(XML_CIB_TAG_NVPAIR, kind)) { do_crm_log(level, "Transition aborted by %s, %s=%s: %s (%s cib=%d.%d.%d, source=%s:%d, path=%s, %d)", crm_element_value(reason, XML_ATTR_ID), crm_element_value(reason, XML_NVPAIR_ATTR_NAME), crm_element_value(reason, XML_NVPAIR_ATTR_VALUE), abort_text, op, add[0], add[1], add[2], fn, line, path, transition_graph->complete); } else if (safe_str_eq(XML_LRM_TAG_RSC_OP, kind)) { const char *magic = crm_element_value(reason, XML_ATTR_TRANSITION_MAGIC); do_crm_log(level, "Transition aborted by %s '%s' on %s: %s (magic=%s, cib=%d.%d.%d, source=%s:%d, %d)", crm_element_value(reason, XML_LRM_ATTR_TASK_KEY), op, crm_element_value(reason, XML_LRM_ATTR_TARGET), abort_text, magic, add[0], add[1], add[2], fn, line, transition_graph->complete); } else if (safe_str_eq(XML_CIB_TAG_STATE, kind) || safe_str_eq(XML_CIB_TAG_NODE, kind)) { const char *uname = crm_peer_uname(ID(reason)); do_crm_log(level, "Transition aborted by %s '%s' on %s: %s (cib=%d.%d.%d, source=%s:%d, %d)", kind, op, uname ? uname : ID(reason), abort_text, add[0], add[1], add[2], fn, line, transition_graph->complete); } else { do_crm_log(level, "Transition aborted by %s.%s '%s': %s (cib=%d.%d.%d, source=%s:%d, path=%s, %d)", TYPE(reason), ID(reason), op?op:"change", abort_text, add[0], add[1], add[2], fn, line, path, transition_graph->complete); } } if (transition_graph->complete) { if (transition_timer->period_ms > 0) { crm_timer_stop(transition_timer); crm_timer_start(transition_timer); } else { register_fsa_input(C_FSA_INTERNAL, I_PE_CALC, NULL); } return; } mainloop_set_trigger(transition_trigger); }