void ofxUIWidget::drawPaddedOutline() { if(draw_padded_rect_outline && !embedded) { ofxUINoFill(); ofxUISetColor(color_padded_rect_outline); drawComponent(skin_padded_outline,paddedRect); } }
void ofxUIWidget::drawFillHighlight() { if(draw_fill_highlight) { ofxUIFill(); ofxUISetColor(color_fill_highlight); drawComponent(skin_fill_highlight,rect); } }
void ofxUIWidget::drawPadded() { if(draw_padded_rect && !embedded) { ofxUIFill(); ofxUISetColor(color_padded_rect); drawComponent(skin_padded,paddedRect); } }
void ofxUIWidget::drawFill() { if(draw_fill) { ofxUIFill(); ofxUISetColor(color_fill); drawComponent(skin_fill,rect); } }
void ofxUIWidget::drawOutlineHighlight() { if(draw_outline_highlight) { ofxUINoFill(); ofxUISetColor(color_outline_highlight); drawComponent(skin_outline_highlight,rect); } }
void ofxUIWidget::drawOutline() { if(draw_outline) { ofxUINoFill(); ofxUISetColor(color_outline); drawComponent(skin_outline,rect); } }
void ofxUIWidget::drawBack() { if(draw_back) { ofxUIFill(); ofxUISetColor(color_back); drawComponent(skin_back, rect); } }
void HistogramGenerator::drawComponentFull(QPainter *davinci, const int *y, const float &scaling, const QRect &rect, const QColor &color, const int &textSpace, const bool &unscaled, const uint &max) const { QImage component = drawComponent(y, rect.size() - QSize(0, textSpace), scaling, color, unscaled, max); davinci->drawImage(rect.topLeft(), component); int min = 0; for (uint x = 0; x < max; x++) { min = x; if (y[x] > 0) { break; } } int maxVal = max-1; for (int x = max-1; x >= 0; x--) { maxVal = x; if (y[x] > 0) { break; } } const int textY = rect.bottom()-textSpace+15; const int dist = 40; const int cw = component.width(); davinci->drawText(0, textY, "min"); davinci->drawText(dist, textY, QString::number(min, 'f', 0)); davinci->drawText(cw-dist-30, textY, "max"); davinci->drawText(cw-30, textY, QString::number(maxVal, 'f', 0)); }
void myRobot :: draw() { glPushMatrix(); glTranslated(x, y ,z); glRotated(teta, 0 ,1,0); glPushMatrix(); glRotated(90,0,1,0); drawComponent(2); glPopMatrix(); glPushMatrix(); glRotated(180,0,1,0); drawComponent(3); glPopMatrix(); glPushMatrix(); glRotated(-90,0,1,0); drawComponent(4); glPopMatrix(); drawComponent(1); glPushMatrix(); glRotated(180, 1,0,0); glBegin(GL_QUADS); glNormal3d(0, 1,0); glVertex3d(0.5,0,0.5); glVertex3d(0.5,0,-0.5); glVertex3d(-0.5,0,-0.5); glVertex3d(-0.5,0,0.5); glEnd(); glPopMatrix(); glPopMatrix(); }
/* Draw function of a container (window/panel) control */ int drawContainer(control* self, control* window, SDL_Rect parent) { coordinates calculated_rects; int err = OK; if (self != NULL && window != NULL) { if (self->ctrl_type == ctrl_window || self->ctrl_type == ctrl_panel) { err = drawComponent(self,window,parent); if (err == OK) { calculated_rects = calculateRectangles(parent,self->rect); drawChildren(self,window,calculated_rects.to); } } } return err; }
void CircuitsWidget::deserialize(QString fileName) { std::string fn = fileName.toUtf8().constData(); // n.b. Use this to convert QString in std::string on Windows! //std::string fn = qs.toLocal8Bit().constData(); string line; ifstream file; file.open(fn.c_str()); // test while(getline(file,line)){ if(line.compare("#") == 0){ getline(file,line); // reading type int t = atoi(line.c_str()); getline(file,line); // reading id int id = atoi(line.c_str()); getline(file,line); // reading x position int x = atoi(line.c_str()); getline(file,line); // reading y position int y = atoi(line.c_str()); getline(file,line); // reading width int w = atoi(line.c_str()); getline(file,line); // reading height int h = atoi(line.c_str()); getline(file,line); // reading value string sval = line; int val = atoi(line.c_str()); switch(t) { case(8):{ //muler Muler *m = new Muler(this); drawComponent(m); m->setId(id); m->move(x,y); m->resize(w,h); m->setValue(val); break; } case(7):{ //diver Diver *d = new Diver(this); drawComponent(d); d->setId(id); d->move(x,y); d->resize(w,h); d->setValue(val); // NOTE: this is a particular case, please see under in "restoring connections" break; } case(6):{ //noter Noter *n = new Noter(this); drawComponent(n); n->setId(id); n->move(x,y); n->resize(w,h); n->setValue(val); break; } case(5):{ //orer Orer *o = new Orer(this); drawComponent(o); o->setId(id); o->move(x,y); o->resize(w,h); o->setValue(val); break; } case(4):{ // ander Ander *a = new Ander(this); drawComponent(a); a->setId(id); a->move(x,y); a->resize(w,h); a->setValue(val); break; } case(3):{ // variable Variable *v = new Variable(this); drawComponent(v); v->setId(id); v->move(x,y); v->resize(w,h); v->setValue(val); v->var->setPlaceholderText(sval.c_str()); break; } case(2):{ // collector Collector *c = new Collector(this); drawComponent(c); c->setId(id); c->move(x,y); c->resize(w,h); c->setValue(val); break; } case(1):{ // adder Adder *a = new Adder(this); drawComponent(a); a->setId(id); a->move(x,y); a->resize(w,h); a->setValue(val); break; } default:{ printf("FATAL ERROR: bad format\n"); exit(1); } } } if(line.compare("@") == 0){ getline(file,line); // reading id int id = atoi(line.c_str()); getline(file,line); // reading incoming components number int nin = atoi(line.c_str()); getline(file,line); // reading outcoming components number int nou = atoi(line.c_str()); // restoring connections int i = 0; while(componentList[i]->getId() != id) i++; for(int j = 0; j < nin; j++){ getline(file,line); int z = atoi(line.c_str()); int q = 0; while(componentList[q]->getId() != z) q++; componentList[i]->inComponentList.append(componentList[q]); if(componentList[i]->getComponentType()==7){ // restoring correct divider if the component is a diver Diver* d = (Diver*) componentList[i].data(); // pay attenction d->setDivider(componentList[q]->getValue() / componentList[i]->getValue()); } Wire *w = new Wire(componentList[i], componentList[q]); wireList.append(w); } for(int j = 0; j < nou; j++){ getline(file,line); int z = atoi(line.c_str()); int q = 0; while(componentList[q]->getId() != z) q++; componentList[i]->outComponentList.append(componentList[q]); Wire *w = new Wire(componentList[i], componentList[q]); wireList.append(w); } } } file.close(); repaint(); setFocus(); }