// Redraw everything on the screen. Does not flip pages. // Should only be called with updateMutex locked. void ScreenRecoveryUI::draw_screen_locked() { if (!show_text) { draw_background_locked(currentIcon); draw_progress_locked(); } else { gr_color(0, 0, 0, 255); gr_clear(); int y = 0; if (show_menu) { char recovery_fingerprint[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX]; property_get("ro.bootimage.build.fingerprint", recovery_fingerprint, ""); SetColor(INFO); DrawTextLine(&y, "Android Recovery", true); for (auto& chunk : android::base::Split(recovery_fingerprint, ":")) { DrawTextLine(&y, chunk.c_str(), false); } DrawTextLines(&y, HasThreeButtons() ? REGULAR_HELP : LONG_PRESS_HELP); SetColor(HEADER); DrawTextLines(&y, menu_headers_); SetColor(MENU); DrawHorizontalRule(&y); y += 4; for (int i = 0; i < menu_items; ++i) { if (i == menu_sel) { // Draw the highlight bar. SetColor(IsLongPress() ? MENU_SEL_BG_ACTIVE : MENU_SEL_BG); gr_fill(0, y - 2, gr_fb_width(), y + char_height + 2); // Bold white text for the selected item. SetColor(MENU_SEL_FG); gr_text(4, y, menu_[i], true); SetColor(MENU); } else { gr_text(4, y, menu_[i], false); } y += char_height + 4; } DrawHorizontalRule(&y); } // display from the bottom up, until we hit the top of the // screen, the bottom of the menu, or we've displayed the // entire text buffer. SetColor(LOG); int row = (text_top_ + text_rows_ - 1) % text_rows_; size_t count = 0; for (int ty = gr_fb_height() - char_height; ty >= y && count < text_rows_; ty -= char_height, ++count) { gr_text(0, ty, text_[row], false); --row; if (row < 0) row = text_rows_ - 1; } } }
// Redraw everything on the screen. Does not flip pages. // Should only be called with updateMutex locked. void ScreenRecoveryUI::draw_screen_locked() { if (!show_text) { draw_background_locked(currentIcon); draw_progress_locked(); // MStar Android Patch Begin draw_top_title_locked(); draw_tip_title_locked(currentTip); draw_exit_recovery_tip_title_locked(currentExitRecoveryTip); // MStar Android Patch End } else { gr_color(0, 0, 0, 255); gr_clear(); int y = 0; int i = 0; if (show_menu) { SetColor(HEADER); for (; i < menu_top + menu_items; ++i) { if (i == menu_top) SetColor(MENU); if (i == menu_top + menu_sel) { // draw the highlight bar SetColor(MENU_SEL_BG); gr_fill(0, y-2, gr_fb_width(), y+char_height+2); // white text of selected item SetColor(MENU_SEL_FG); if (menu[i][0]) gr_text(4, y, menu[i], 1); SetColor(MENU); } else { if (menu[i][0]) gr_text(4, y, menu[i], i < menu_top); } y += char_height+4; } SetColor(MENU); y += 4; gr_fill(0, y, gr_fb_width(), y+2); y += 4; ++i; } SetColor(LOG); // display from the bottom up, until we hit the top of the // screen, the bottom of the menu, or we've displayed the // entire text buffer. int ty; int row = (text_top+text_rows-1) % text_rows; for (int ty = gr_fb_height() - char_height, count = 0; ty > y+2 && count < text_rows; ty -= char_height, ++count) { gr_text(4, ty, text[row], 0); --row; if (row < 0) row = text_rows-1; } } }
// Updates only the progress bar, if possible, otherwise redraws the screen. // Should only be called with updateMutex locked. void ScreenRecoveryUI::update_progress_locked() { if (show_text || !pagesIdentical) { draw_screen_locked(); // Must redraw the whole screen pagesIdentical = true; } else { draw_progress_locked(); // Draw only the progress bar and overlays } gr_flip(); }
// Updates only the progress bar, if possible, otherwise redraws the screen. // Should only be called with gUpdateMutex locked. static void update_progress_locked(void) { if (show_text || !gPagesIdentical) { draw_screen_locked(); // Must redraw the whole screen gPagesIdentical = 1; } else { draw_progress_locked(); // Draw only the progress bar } gr_flip(); }
void ScreenRecoveryUI::progress_loop() { double interval = 1.0 / animation_fps; for (;;) { pthread_mutex_lock(&updateMutex); if (progressBarType == EMPTY && !update_waiting) pthread_cond_wait(&progressCondition, &updateMutex); bool redraw = false; double start = now(); LOGV("loop %f show_text=%d progressBarType=%d waiting=%d\n", start, show_text, progressBarType, update_waiting ); // update the installation animation, if active // skip this if we have a text overlay (too expensive to update) if ((currentIcon == INSTALLING_UPDATE || currentIcon == ERASING) && installing_frames > 0) { installingFrame = (installingFrame + 1) % installing_frames; redraw = true; } // move the progress bar forward on timed intervals, if configured int duration = progressScopeDuration; if (progressBarType == DETERMINATE && duration > 0) { double elapsed = now() - progressScopeTime; float p = 1.0 * elapsed / duration; if (p > 1.0) p = 1.0; if (p > progress) { progress = p; redraw = true; } } if (update_waiting || !pagesIdentical) { LOGV("call draw_screen_locked\n"); draw_screen_locked(); if (!update_waiting) pagesIdentical = true; } if (redraw) { LOGV("call draw_progress_locked\n"); draw_progress_locked(); } gr_flip(); update_waiting = false; pthread_mutex_unlock(&updateMutex); double end = now(); // minimum of 20ms delay between frames double delay = interval - (end-start); if (delay < 0.02) delay = 0.02; usleep((long)(delay * 1000000)); } }
// Updates only the progress bar, if possible, otherwise redraws the screen. // Should only be called with gUpdateMutex locked. static void update_progress_locked(void) { if (!ui_has_initialized) return; if (show_text || !gPagesIdentical) { draw_screen_locked(); // Must redraw the whole screen gPagesIdentical = 1; } else { draw_progress_locked(); // Draw only the progress bar and overlays } gr_flip(); }
// Redraw everything on the screen. Does not flip pages. // Should only be called with updateMutex locked. void ScreenRecoveryUI::draw_screen_locked() { draw_background_locked(currentIcon); draw_progress_locked(); if (show_text) { gr_color(0, 0, 0, 160); gr_fill(0, 0, gr_fb_width(), gr_fb_height()); int i = 0; if (show_menu) { #ifndef VENDOR_EDIT //[email protected], 2012/06/11, Modify for recovery font color gr_color(64, 96, 255, 255); #else /* VENDOR_EDIT */ gr_color(41, 198, 255, 255); #endif /* VENDOR_EDIT */ gr_fill(0, (menu_top+menu_sel) * CHAR_HEIGHT, gr_fb_width(), (menu_top+menu_sel+1)*CHAR_HEIGHT+1); for (; i < menu_top + menu_items; ++i) { if (i == menu_top + menu_sel) { #ifndef VENDOR_EDIT //[email protected], 2012/06/11, Modify for recovery font color gr_color(255, 140, 0, 255); draw_text_line(i, menu[i]); gr_color(64, 96, 255, 255); #else /* VENDOR_EDIT */ gr_color(255, 255, 255, 255); draw_focus_text_line(i, menu[i]); gr_color(255, 255, 60, 255); #endif /* VENDOR_EDIT */ } else { #ifndef VENDOR_EDIT //[email protected], 2012/06/11, Modify for recovery font color gr_color(255, 140, 0, 255); #else /* VENDOR_EDIT */ gr_color(255, 230, 120, 255); #endif /* VENDOR_EDIT */ draw_text_line(i, menu[i]); } } gr_fill(0, i*CHAR_HEIGHT+CHAR_HEIGHT/2-1, gr_fb_width(), i*CHAR_HEIGHT+CHAR_HEIGHT/2+1); ++i; } gr_color(240, 255, 240, 255); //wschen 2012-07-11 for (; i < text_rows; ++i) { draw_text_line(i, text[(i+text_top) % text_rows]); } } }
// Redraw everything on the screen. Does not flip pages. // Should only be called with gUpdateMutex locked. static void draw_screen_locked(void) { if (!ui_has_initialized) return; draw_background_locked(gCurrentIcon); draw_progress_locked(); if (show_text) { gr_color(0, 0, 0, 160); gr_fill(0, 0, gr_fb_width(), gr_fb_height()); int i = 0; int j = 0; int row = 0; // current row that we are drawing on if (show_menu) { gr_color(MENU_TEXT_COLOR); gr_fill(0, (menu_top + menu_sel - menu_show_start) * CHAR_HEIGHT, gr_fb_width(), (menu_top + menu_sel - menu_show_start + 1)*CHAR_HEIGHT+1); gr_color(HEADER_TEXT_COLOR); for (i = 0; i < menu_top; ++i) { draw_text_line(i, menu[i]); row++; } if (menu_items - menu_show_start + menu_top >= MAX_ROWS) j = MAX_ROWS - menu_top; else j = menu_items - menu_show_start; gr_color(MENU_TEXT_COLOR); for (i = menu_show_start + menu_top; i < (menu_show_start + menu_top + j); ++i) { if (i == menu_top + menu_sel) { gr_color(255, 255, 255, 255); draw_text_line(i - menu_show_start , menu[i]); gr_color(MENU_TEXT_COLOR); } else { gr_color(MENU_TEXT_COLOR); draw_text_line(i - menu_show_start, menu[i]); } row++; } gr_fill(0, row*CHAR_HEIGHT+CHAR_HEIGHT/2-1, gr_fb_width(), row*CHAR_HEIGHT+CHAR_HEIGHT/2+1); } gr_color(NORMAL_TEXT_COLOR); for (; row < text_rows; ++row) { draw_text_line(row, text[(row+text_top) % text_rows]); } } }
// Redraw everything on the screen. Does not flip pages. // Should only be called with gUpdateMutex locked. static void draw_screen_locked(void) { int cRv = 54; int cGv = 74; int cBv = 255; draw_background_locked(gCurrentIcon); draw_progress_locked(); if (show_text) { gr_color(0, 0, 0, 160); gr_fill(0, 0, gr_fb_width(), gr_fb_height()); int i = 0; if (show_menu) { gr_color(cRv,cGv,cBv,255); gr_fill(0, (menu_top+menu_sel) * CHAR_HEIGHT, gr_fb_width(), (menu_top+menu_sel+1)*CHAR_HEIGHT+1); for (; i < menu_top + menu_items; ++i) { if (i == menu_top + menu_sel) { gr_color(255, 255, 255, 255); draw_text_line(i, menu[i]); gr_color(cRv,cGv,cBv,255); } else { draw_text_line(i, menu[i]); } } gr_fill(0, i*CHAR_HEIGHT+CHAR_HEIGHT/2-1, gr_fb_width(), i*CHAR_HEIGHT+CHAR_HEIGHT/2+1); ++i; } TEXTCOLOR for (; i < text_rows; ++i) { draw_text_line(i, text[(i+text_top) % text_rows]); } } }
// Updates only the progress bar, if possible, otherwise redraws the screen. // Should only be called with gUpdateMutex locked. static void update_progress_locked(void) { if (!ui_has_initialized) return; // set minimum delay between progress updates if we have a text overlay // exception: gProgressScopeDuration != 0: to keep zip installer refresh behavior struct timeval curtime; gettimeofday(&curtime, NULL); long delta_ms = delta_milliseconds(lastprogupd, curtime); if (show_text && gProgressScopeDuration == 0 && lastprogupd.tv_sec > 0 && delta_ms < UI_MIN_PROG_DELTA_MS) { return; } if (show_text || !gPagesIdentical) { draw_screen_locked(); // Must redraw the whole screen gPagesIdentical = 1; } else { draw_progress_locked(); // Draw only the progress bar and overlays } gr_flip(); }
// Redraw everything on the screen. Does not flip pages. // Should only be called with updateMutex locked. void ScreenRecoveryUI::draw_screen_locked() { draw_background_locked(currentIcon); draw_progress_locked(); if (show_text) { gr_color(0, 0, 0, 160); gr_fill(0, 0, gr_fb_width(), gr_fb_height()); int i = 0; if (show_menu) { gr_color(64, 96, 255, 255); gr_fill(0, (menu_top+menu_sel) * CHAR_HEIGHT, gr_fb_width(), (menu_top+menu_sel+1)*CHAR_HEIGHT+1); for (; i < menu_top + menu_items; ++i) { if (i == menu_top + menu_sel) { gr_color(255, 255, 255, 255); draw_text_line(i, menu[i]); gr_color(64, 96, 255, 255); } else { draw_text_line(i, menu[i]); } } gr_fill(0, i*CHAR_HEIGHT+CHAR_HEIGHT/2-1, gr_fb_width(), i*CHAR_HEIGHT+CHAR_HEIGHT/2+1); ++i; } gr_color(255, 255, 0, 255); for (; i < text_rows; ++i) { draw_text_line(i, text[(i+text_top) % text_rows]); } } }
// Redraw everything on the screen. Does not flip pages. // Should only be called with gUpdateMutex locked. static void draw_screen_locked(void) { if (!ui_has_initialized) return; draw_background_locked(gCurrentIcon); draw_progress_locked(); if (show_text) { int total_rows = (gr_fb_height() - virtualkey_h) / CHAR_HEIGHT; int i = 0; int j = 0; int row = 0; // current row that we are drawing on if (show_menu) { int batt_level = 0; char batt_text[40]; batt_level = get_batt_stats(); /*struct tm *current; time_t now; now = time(NULL); // add 2 hours current = localtime(&now); sprintf(batt_text, "[%d%% %02D:%02D]", batt_level, current->tm_hour, current->tm_min); if (now == NULL)*/ sprintf(batt_text, " [%d%%]", batt_level); gr_color(menuTextColor[0], menuTextColor[1], menuTextColor[2], menuTextColor[3]); //gr_color(0, 255, 0, 255); if (batt_level < 21) gr_color(255, 0, 0, 255); draw_text_line(0, batt_text, RIGHT_ALIGN); gr_color(menuTextColor[0], menuTextColor[1], menuTextColor[2], menuTextColor[3]); gr_fill(0, (menu_top + menu_sel - menu_show_start) * CHAR_HEIGHT, gr_fb_width(), (menu_top + menu_sel - menu_show_start + 1)*CHAR_HEIGHT+1); gr_color(HEADER_TEXT_COLOR); for (i = 0; i < menu_top; ++i) { draw_text_line(i, menu[i], LEFT_ALIGN); row++; } if (menu_items - menu_show_start + menu_top >= max_menu_rows) j = max_menu_rows - menu_top; else j = menu_items - menu_show_start; gr_color(menuTextColor[0], menuTextColor[1], menuTextColor[2], menuTextColor[3]); for (i = menu_show_start + menu_top; i < (menu_show_start + menu_top + j); ++i) { if (i == menu_top + menu_sel) { gr_color(255, 255, 255, 255); draw_text_line(i - menu_show_start , menu[i], LEFT_ALIGN); gr_color(menuTextColor[0], menuTextColor[1], menuTextColor[2], menuTextColor[3]); } else { gr_color(menuTextColor[0], menuTextColor[1], menuTextColor[2], menuTextColor[3]); draw_text_line(i - menu_show_start, menu[i], LEFT_ALIGN); } row++; if (row >= max_menu_rows) break; } gr_fill(0, row*CHAR_HEIGHT+CHAR_HEIGHT/2-1, gr_fb_width(), row*CHAR_HEIGHT+CHAR_HEIGHT/2+1); } gr_color(NORMAL_TEXT_COLOR); int cur_row = text_row; int available_rows = total_rows - row - 1; int start_row = row + 1; if (available_rows < MAX_ROWS) cur_row = (cur_row + (MAX_ROWS - available_rows)) % MAX_ROWS; else start_row = total_rows - MAX_ROWS; int r; for (r = 0; r < (available_rows < MAX_ROWS ? available_rows : MAX_ROWS); r++) { draw_text_line(start_row + r, text[(cur_row + r) % MAX_ROWS], LEFT_ALIGN); } } #ifdef USE_VIRTUAL_KEY draw_virtualkeys_locked(); #endif }
// Redraw everything on the screen. Does not flip pages. // Should only be called with gUpdateMutex locked. static void draw_screen_locked(void) { if (!ui_has_initialized) return; draw_background_locked(gCurrentIcon); draw_progress_locked(); if (show_text) { // don't "disable" the background anymore with this... // gr_color(0, 0, 0, 160); // gr_fill(0, 0, gr_fb_width(), gr_fb_height()); int total_rows = gr_fb_height() / CHAR_HEIGHT; int i = 0; int j = 0; int row = 0; // current row that we are drawing on if (show_menu) { #ifndef BOARD_TOUCH_RECOVERY gr_color(MENU_TEXT_COLOR); gr_fill(0, (menu_top + menu_sel - menu_show_start) * CHAR_HEIGHT, gr_fb_width(), (menu_top + menu_sel - menu_show_start + 1)*CHAR_HEIGHT+1); gr_color(HEADER_TEXT_COLOR); for (i = 0; i < menu_top; ++i) { draw_text_line(i, menu[i]); row++; } if (menu_items - menu_show_start + menu_top >= max_menu_rows) j = max_menu_rows - menu_top; else j = menu_items - menu_show_start; gr_color(MENU_TEXT_COLOR); for (i = menu_show_start + menu_top; i < (menu_show_start + menu_top + j); ++i) { if (i == menu_top + menu_sel) { gr_color(255, 255, 255, 255); draw_text_line(i - menu_show_start , menu[i]); gr_color(MENU_TEXT_COLOR); } else { gr_color(MENU_TEXT_COLOR); draw_text_line(i - menu_show_start, menu[i]); } row++; if (row >= max_menu_rows) break; } gr_fill(0, row*CHAR_HEIGHT+CHAR_HEIGHT/2-1, gr_fb_width(), row*CHAR_HEIGHT+CHAR_HEIGHT/2+1); #else row = draw_touch_menu(menu, menu_items, menu_top, menu_sel, menu_show_start); #endif } gr_color(NORMAL_TEXT_COLOR); int cur_row = text_row; int available_rows = total_rows - row - 1; int start_row = row + 1; if (available_rows < MAX_ROWS) cur_row = (cur_row + (MAX_ROWS - available_rows)) % MAX_ROWS; else start_row = total_rows - MAX_ROWS; int r; for (r = 0; r < (available_rows < MAX_ROWS ? available_rows : MAX_ROWS); r++) { draw_text_line(start_row + r, text[(cur_row + r) % MAX_ROWS]); } } }
// Redraw everything on the screen. Does not flip pages. // Should only be called with gUpdateMutex locked. static void draw_screen_locked(void) { if (!ui_has_initialized) return; draw_background_locked(gCurrentIcon); draw_progress_locked(); if (show_text) { // don't "disable" the background anymore with this... // gr_color(0, 0, 0, 160); // gr_fill(0, 0, gr_fb_width(), gr_fb_height()); int total_rows = gr_fb_height() / CHAR_HEIGHT; int i = 0; int j = 0; int row = 0; // current row that we are drawing on if (show_menu) { #ifndef BOARD_TOUCH_RECOVERY gr_color(MENU_TEXT_COLOR); int batt_level = 0; batt_level = get_batt_stats(); if(batt_level < 20) { gr_color(255, 0, 0, 255); } struct tm *current; time_t now; now = time(NULL) + (3600 * 8); // add 8 hours current = localtime(&now); char batt_text[40]; sprintf(batt_text, "[%d%% %02D:%02D]", batt_level, current->tm_hour, current->tm_min); if (now == NULL) { // just in case sprintf(batt_text, "[%d%%]", batt_level); } gr_color(MENU_TEXT_COLOR); draw_text_line(0, batt_text, RIGHT_ALIGN); gr_fill(0, (menu_top + menu_sel - menu_show_start) * CHAR_HEIGHT, gr_fb_width(), (menu_top + menu_sel - menu_show_start + 1)*CHAR_HEIGHT+1); gr_color(HEADER_TEXT_COLOR); for (i = 0; i < menu_top; ++i) { // draw_text_line(i, menu[i]); draw_text_line(i, menu[i], LEFT_ALIGN); row++; } if (menu_items - menu_show_start + menu_top >= max_menu_rows) j = max_menu_rows - menu_top; else j = menu_items - menu_show_start; gr_color(MENU_TEXT_COLOR); for (i = menu_show_start + menu_top; i < (menu_show_start + menu_top + j); ++i) { if (i == menu_top + menu_sel) { gr_color(255, 255, 255, 255); // draw_text_line(i - menu_show_start , menu[i]); draw_text_line(i - menu_show_start , menu[i], LEFT_ALIGN); gr_color(MENU_TEXT_COLOR); } else { gr_color(MENU_TEXT_COLOR); // draw_text_line(i - menu_show_start, menu[i]); draw_text_line(i - menu_show_start, menu[i], LEFT_ALIGN); } row++; if (row >= max_menu_rows) break; } gr_fill(0, row*CHAR_HEIGHT+CHAR_HEIGHT/2-1, gr_fb_width(), row*CHAR_HEIGHT+CHAR_HEIGHT/2+1); #else row = draw_touch_menu(menu, menu_items, menu_top, menu_sel, menu_show_start); #endif } gr_color(NORMAL_TEXT_COLOR); int cur_row = text_row; int available_rows = total_rows - row - 1; int start_row = row + 1; if (available_rows < MAX_ROWS) cur_row = (cur_row + (MAX_ROWS - available_rows)) % MAX_ROWS; else start_row = total_rows - MAX_ROWS; int r; for (r = 0; r < (available_rows < MAX_ROWS ? available_rows : MAX_ROWS); r++) { // draw_text_line(start_row + r, text[(cur_row + r) % MAX_ROWS]); draw_text_line(start_row + r, text[(cur_row + r) % MAX_ROWS], LEFT_ALIGN); } } }
// Redraw everything on the screen. Does not flip pages. // Should only be called with gUpdateMutex locked. void draw_screen_locked(void) { if (!ui_has_initialized) return; #ifdef BUILD_IN_LANDSCAPE //In this case MENU_SELECT icon has maximum possible height. int menu_max_height = gr_get_height(gMenuIcon[MENU_SELECT]); struct { int x; int y; } MENU_ICON[] = { { gr_fb_width() - menu_max_height, 7*gr_fb_height()/8 }, { gr_fb_width() - menu_max_height, 5*gr_fb_height()/8 }, { gr_fb_width() - menu_max_height, 3*gr_fb_height()/8 }, { gr_fb_width() - menu_max_height, 1*gr_fb_height()/8 }, #else //ToDo: Following structure should be global struct { int x; int y; int xL; int xR; } MENU_ICON[] = { { get_menu_icon_info(MENU_BACK,MENU_ICON_X), get_menu_icon_info(MENU_BACK,MENU_ICON_Y), get_menu_icon_info(MENU_BACK,MENU_ICON_XL), get_menu_icon_info(MENU_BACK,MENU_ICON_XR) }, { get_menu_icon_info(MENU_DOWN,MENU_ICON_X), get_menu_icon_info(MENU_DOWN,MENU_ICON_Y), get_menu_icon_info(MENU_DOWN,MENU_ICON_XL), get_menu_icon_info(MENU_DOWN,MENU_ICON_XR) }, { get_menu_icon_info(MENU_UP,MENU_ICON_X), get_menu_icon_info(MENU_UP,MENU_ICON_Y), get_menu_icon_info(MENU_UP,MENU_ICON_XL), get_menu_icon_info(MENU_UP,MENU_ICON_XR) }, { get_menu_icon_info(MENU_SELECT,MENU_ICON_X), get_menu_icon_info(MENU_SELECT,MENU_ICON_Y), get_menu_icon_info(MENU_SELECT,MENU_ICON_XL), get_menu_icon_info(MENU_SELECT,MENU_ICON_XR) }, #endif }; draw_background_locked(gCurrentIcon); draw_progress_locked(); if (show_text) { gr_color(0, 0, 0, 160); gr_fill(0, 0, gr_fb_width(), gr_fb_height()); int total_rows = gr_fb_height() / CHAR_HEIGHT+1; int i = 0; int j = 0; int row = 0; // current row that we are drawing on if (show_menu) { draw_icon_locked(gMenuIcon[MENU_BACK], MENU_ICON[MENU_BACK].x, MENU_ICON[MENU_BACK].y ); draw_icon_locked(gMenuIcon[MENU_DOWN], MENU_ICON[MENU_DOWN].x, MENU_ICON[MENU_DOWN].y); draw_icon_locked(gMenuIcon[MENU_UP], MENU_ICON[MENU_UP].x, MENU_ICON[MENU_UP].y ); draw_icon_locked(gMenuIcon[MENU_SELECT], MENU_ICON[MENU_SELECT].x, MENU_ICON[MENU_SELECT].y ); // Setup our text colors gr_color(UICOLOR0, UICOLOR1, UICOLOR2, 255); gr_color(UICOLOR0, UICOLOR1, UICOLOR2, 255); gr_fill(0, (menu_top + menu_sel - menu_show_start) * CHAR_HEIGHT, #ifdef BUILD_IN_LANDSCAPE gr_fb_width()-menu_max_height*2, (menu_top + menu_sel - menu_show_start + 1)*CHAR_HEIGHT+1); #else gr_fb_width(), (menu_top + menu_sel - menu_show_start + 1)*CHAR_HEIGHT+1); #endif gr_color(HEADER_TEXT_COLOR); for (i = 0; i < menu_top; ++i) { draw_text_line(i, menu[i], LEFT_ALIGN); row++; } if (menu_items - menu_show_start + menu_top >= MAX_ROWS) j = MAX_ROWS - menu_top; else j = menu_items - menu_show_start; gr_color(UICOLOR0, UICOLOR1, UICOLOR2, 255); for (i = menu_show_start + menu_top; i < (menu_show_start + menu_top + j); ++i) { if (i == menu_top + menu_sel) { gr_color(255, 255, 255, 255); draw_text_line(i - menu_show_start , menu[i], LEFT_ALIGN); gr_color(UICOLOR0, UICOLOR1, UICOLOR2, 255); } else { gr_color(UICOLOR0, UICOLOR1, UICOLOR2, 255); draw_text_line(i - menu_show_start, menu[i], LEFT_ALIGN); } row++; if (row >= max_menu_rows) break; } gr_fill(0, row*CHAR_HEIGHT+CHAR_HEIGHT/2-1, #ifdef BUILD_IN_LANDSCAPE gr_fb_width()-menu_max_height*2, row*CHAR_HEIGHT+CHAR_HEIGHT/2+1); #else gr_fb_width(), row*CHAR_HEIGHT+CHAR_HEIGHT/2+1); #endif } gr_color(NORMAL_TEXT_COLOR); for (; row < text_rows; ++row) { draw_text_line(row + 1, text[(row+text_top) % text_rows], LEFT_ALIGN); } } }
// Redraw everything on the screen. Does not flip pages. // Should only be called with gUpdateMutex locked. // joeykrim-all the LOGI help me keep my sanity static void draw_screen_locked(void) { draw_background_locked(gCurrentIcon); draw_progress_locked(); if (show_text) { gr_color(0, 0, 0, 160); gr_fill(0, 0, gr_fb_width(), gr_fb_height()); int i = 0, j = 0; int k = menu_top + 1; //counter for bottom horizontal text line location if (show_menu) { //LOGI("text_rows: %i\n", text_rows); //LOGI("menu_items: %i\n", menu_items); //LOGI("menu_top: %i\n", menu_top); //LOGI("menu_show_start: %i\n", menu_show_start); //menu line item selection highlight draws gr_color(mihc.r, mihc.g, mihc.b, mihc.a); gr_fill(0, (menu_top + menu_sel - menu_show_start+1) * CHAR_HEIGHT, gr_fb_width(), (menu_top + menu_sel - menu_show_start + 2)*CHAR_HEIGHT+1); //draw semi-static headers for (i = 0; i < menu_top; ++i) { gr_color(htc.r, htc.g, htc.b, htc.a); draw_text_line(i, menu[i]); //LOGI("Semi-static headers internal counter i: %i\n", i); } //LOGI("Drawing horizontal start bar at k and k = %i\n", k); gr_color(mhebc.r, mhebc.g, mhebc.b, mhebc.a); //draws horizontal line at bottom of the menu gr_fill(0, (k-1)*CHAR_HEIGHT+CHAR_HEIGHT/2-1, gr_fb_width(), (k-1)*CHAR_HEIGHT+CHAR_HEIGHT/2+1); //adjust counter for current position of selection and menu display starting point if (menu_items - menu_show_start + menu_top >= text_rows){ j = text_rows - menu_top; //LOGI("j = text_rows - mneu_top and j = %i\n", j); } else { j = menu_items - menu_show_start; //LOGI("j = mneu_items - menu_show_start and j = %i\n", j); } //LOGI("outside draw menu items for loop and i goes until limit. limit-menu_show_start + menu_top + j = %i\n", menu_show_start + menu_top + j); //draw menu items dynamically based on current menu starting position, menu selection point and headers for (i = menu_show_start + menu_top; i < (menu_show_start + menu_top + j); ++i) { //LOGI("inside draw menu items for loop and i = %i\n", i); if (i == menu_top + menu_sel) { gr_color(miwhc.r, miwhc.g, miwhc.b, miwhc.a); //LOGI("draw_text_line -menu_item_when_highlighted_color- at i + 1= %i\n", i+1); draw_text_line(i - menu_show_start +1, menu[i]); } else { gr_color(mtc.r, mtc.g, mtc.b, mtc.a); //LOGI("draw_text_line -menu_item_color- at i + 1= %i\n", i+1); draw_text_line(i - menu_show_start +1, menu[i]); } //LOGI("inside draw menu items for loop and k = %i\n", k); k++; } //LOGI("drawing horizontal end bar at k and k = %i\n", k); gr_color(mhebc.r, mhebc.g, mhebc.b, mhebc.a); //draws horizontal line at bottom of the menu gr_fill(0, k*CHAR_HEIGHT+CHAR_HEIGHT/2-1, gr_fb_width(), k*CHAR_HEIGHT+CHAR_HEIGHT/2+1); } k++; //keep ui_print below menu items display gr_color(upc.r, upc.g, upc.b, upc.a); //called by at least ui_print for (; k < text_rows; ++k) { draw_text_line(k, text[(k+text_top) % text_rows]); } } }
// Redraw everything on the screen. Does not flip pages. // Should only be called with gUpdateMutex locked. static void draw_screen_locked(void) { if (!ui_has_initialized) return; draw_background_locked(gCurrentIcon); draw_progress_locked(); if (show_text) { gr_color(0, 0, 0, 160); gr_fill(0, 0, gr_fb_width(), gr_fb_height()); int total_rows = gr_fb_height() / CHAR_HEIGHT; int i = 0; int j = 0; int offset = 0; // offset of separating bar under menus int row = 0; // current row that we are drawing on if (show_menu) { gr_color(MENU_TEXT_COLOR); gr_fill(0, (menu_top + menu_sel - menu_show_start) * CHAR_HEIGHT, gr_fb_width(), (menu_top + menu_sel - menu_show_start + 1)*CHAR_HEIGHT+1); gr_color(HEADER_TEXT_COLOR); for (i = 0; i < menu_top; ++i) { draw_text_line(i, menu[i]); row++; } if (menu_items - menu_show_start + menu_top >= max_menu_rows) j = max_menu_rows - menu_top; else j = menu_items - menu_show_start; gr_color(MENU_TEXT_COLOR); for (i = menu_show_start + menu_top; i < (menu_show_start + menu_top + j); ++i) { if (i == menu_top + menu_sel) { gr_color(255, 255, 255, 255); draw_text_line(i - menu_show_start , menu[i]); gr_color(MENU_TEXT_COLOR); } else { gr_color(MENU_TEXT_COLOR); draw_text_line(i - menu_show_start, menu[i]); } row++; if (row >= max_menu_rows) break; } if (menu_items <= max_menu_rows) offset = 1; gr_fill(0, (row-offset)*CHAR_HEIGHT+CHAR_HEIGHT/2-1, gr_fb_width(), (row-offset)*CHAR_HEIGHT+CHAR_HEIGHT/2+1); } gr_color(NORMAL_TEXT_COLOR); int cur_row = text_row; int available_rows = total_rows - row - 1; int start_row = row + 1; if (available_rows < MAX_ROWS) cur_row = (cur_row + (MAX_ROWS - available_rows)) % MAX_ROWS; else start_row = total_rows - MAX_ROWS; int r; for (r = 0; r < (available_rows < MAX_ROWS ? available_rows : MAX_ROWS); r++) { draw_text_line(start_row + r, text[(cur_row + r) % MAX_ROWS]); } } }
// Redraw everything on the screen. Does not flip pages. // Should only be called with gUpdateMutex locked. static void draw_screen_locked(void) { if (!ui_has_initialized) return; draw_background_locked(gCurrentIcon); draw_progress_locked(); if (show_text) { // don't "disable" the background anymore with this... // gr_color(0, 0, 0, 160); // gr_fill(0, 0, gr_fb_width(), gr_fb_height()); gr_surface surface = gVirtualKeys; int total_rows = (gr_fb_height() / CHAR_HEIGHT) - (gr_get_height(surface) / CHAR_HEIGHT) - 1; int i = 0; int j = 0; int offset = 0; // offset of separating bar under menus int row = 0; // current row that we are drawing on if (show_menu) { gr_color(MENU_TEXT_COLOR); int batt_level = 0; batt_level = get_batt_stats(); if (batt_level < 21) { gr_color(255, 0, 0, 255); } char batt_text[40]; sprintf(batt_text, "[%d%%]", batt_level); draw_text_line(0, batt_text, RIGHT_ALIGN); gr_color(MENU_TEXT_COLOR); gr_fill(0, (menu_top + menu_sel - menu_show_start) * CHAR_HEIGHT, gr_fb_width(), (menu_top + menu_sel - menu_show_start + 1)*CHAR_HEIGHT+1); gr_color(HEADER_TEXT_COLOR); for (i = 0; i < menu_top; ++i) { draw_text_line(i, menu[i], LEFT_ALIGN); row++; } if (menu_items - menu_show_start + menu_top >= max_menu_rows) j = max_menu_rows - menu_top; else j = menu_items - menu_show_start; gr_color(MENU_TEXT_COLOR); for (i = menu_show_start + menu_top; i < (menu_show_start + menu_top + j); ++i) { if (i == menu_top + menu_sel) { gr_color(255, 255, 255, 255); draw_text_line(i - menu_show_start , menu[i], LEFT_ALIGN); gr_color(MENU_TEXT_COLOR); } else { gr_color(MENU_TEXT_COLOR); draw_text_line(i - menu_show_start, menu[i], LEFT_ALIGN); } row++; if (row >= max_menu_rows) break; } if (menu_items <= max_menu_rows) offset = 0; gr_fill(0, (row-offset)*CHAR_HEIGHT+CHAR_HEIGHT/2-1, gr_fb_width(), (row-offset)*CHAR_HEIGHT+CHAR_HEIGHT/2+1); } gr_color(NORMAL_TEXT_COLOR); int cur_row = text_row; int available_rows = total_rows - row - 1; int start_row = row + 1; if (available_rows < MAX_ROWS) cur_row = (cur_row + (MAX_ROWS - available_rows)) % MAX_ROWS; else start_row = total_rows - MAX_ROWS; int r; for (r = 0; r < (available_rows < MAX_ROWS ? available_rows : MAX_ROWS); r++) { draw_text_line(start_row + r, text[(cur_row + r) % MAX_ROWS], LEFT_ALIGN); } } draw_virtualkeys_locked(); //added to draw the virtual keys }
// Redraw everything on the screen. Does not flip pages. // Should only be called with gUpdateMutex locked. static void draw_screen_locked(void) { if (!ui_has_initialized) return; //In this case MENU_SELECT icon has maximum possible height. int menu_max_height = gr_get_height(gMenuIcon[MENU_SELECT]); struct { int x; int y; } MENU_ICON[] = { { gr_fb_width() - menu_max_height, 7*gr_fb_height()/8 }, { gr_fb_width() - menu_max_height, 5*gr_fb_height()/8 }, { gr_fb_width() - menu_max_height, 3*gr_fb_height()/8 }, { gr_fb_width() - menu_max_height, 1*gr_fb_height()/8 }, }; draw_background_locked(gCurrentIcon); draw_progress_locked(); if (show_text) { gr_color(0, 0, 0, 160); gr_fill(0, 0, gr_fb_width(), gr_fb_height()); int i = 0; int j = 0; int row = 0; // current row that we are drawing on if (show_menu) { draw_icon_locked(gMenuIcon[MENU_BACK], MENU_ICON[MENU_BACK].x, MENU_ICON[MENU_BACK].y ); draw_icon_locked(gMenuIcon[MENU_DOWN], MENU_ICON[MENU_DOWN].x, MENU_ICON[MENU_DOWN].y); draw_icon_locked(gMenuIcon[MENU_UP], MENU_ICON[MENU_UP].x, MENU_ICON[MENU_UP].y ); draw_icon_locked(gMenuIcon[MENU_SELECT], MENU_ICON[MENU_SELECT].x, MENU_ICON[MENU_SELECT].y ); gr_color(MENU_TEXT_COLOR); gr_fill(0, (menu_top + menu_sel - menu_show_start) * CHAR_HEIGHT, gr_fb_width()-menu_max_height*2, (menu_top + menu_sel - menu_show_start + 1)*CHAR_HEIGHT+1); gr_color(HEADER_TEXT_COLOR); for (i = 0; i < menu_top; ++i) { draw_text_line(i, menu[i]); row++; } if (menu_items - menu_show_start + menu_top >= MAX_ROWS) j = MAX_ROWS - menu_top; else j = menu_items - menu_show_start; gr_color(MENU_TEXT_COLOR); for (i = menu_show_start + menu_top; i < (menu_show_start + menu_top + j); ++i) { if (i == menu_top + menu_sel) { gr_color(255, 255, 255, 255); draw_text_line(i - menu_show_start , menu[i]); gr_color(MENU_TEXT_COLOR); } else { gr_color(MENU_TEXT_COLOR); draw_text_line(i - menu_show_start, menu[i]); } row++; } gr_fill(0, row*CHAR_HEIGHT+CHAR_HEIGHT/2-1, gr_fb_width()-menu_max_height*2, row*CHAR_HEIGHT+CHAR_HEIGHT/2+1); } gr_color(NORMAL_TEXT_COLOR); for (; row < text_rows; ++row) { draw_text_line(row, text[(row+text_top) % text_rows]); } } }