Esempio n. 1
ed25519_sign(const unsigned char *m, size_t mlen, const ed25519_secret_key sk, const ed25519_public_key pk, ed25519_signature RS) {
	SHA512_CTX shactx;
	bignum256modm r, S, a;
	ge25519 MM16 R;
	hash_512bits extsk, hashr, hram;

	ed25519_extsk(extsk, sk);

	/* r = H(aExt[32..64], m) */
	SHA512_Update(&shactx, extsk + 32, 32);
	SHA512_Update(&shactx, m, mlen);
	SHA512_Final(hashr, &shactx);
	expand256_modm(r, hashr, 64);

	/* R = rB */
	ge25519_scalarmult_base_niels(&R, r);
	ge25519_pack(RS, &R);

	/* S = H(R,A,m).. */
	ed25519_hram(hram, RS, pk, m, mlen);
	expand256_modm(S, hram, 64);

	/* S = H(R,A,m)a */
	expand256_modm(a, extsk, 32);
	mul256_modm(S, S, a);

	/* S = (r + H(R,A,m)a) */
	add256_modm(S, S, r);

	/* S = (r + H(R,A,m)a) mod L */	
	contract256_modm(RS + 32, S);
Esempio n. 2
ED25519_FN(ed25519_sign) (const unsigned char *m, size_t mlen, const ed25519_secret_key sk, const ed25519_public_key pk, ed25519_signature RS) {
    ed25519_hash_context ctx;
    bignum256modm r, S, a;
    ge25519 MM16 R;
    hash_512bits extsk, hashr, hram;

    ed25519_extsk(extsk, sk);

    /* r = H(aExt[32..64], m) */
    ed25519_hash_update(&ctx, extsk + 32, 32);
    ed25519_hash_update(&ctx, m, mlen);
    ed25519_hash_final(&ctx, hashr);
    expand256_modm(r, hashr, 64);

    /* R = rB */
    ge25519_scalarmult_base_niels(&R, ge25519_niels_base_multiples, r);
    ge25519_pack(RS, &R);

    /* S = H(R,A,m).. */
    ed25519_hram(hram, RS, pk, m, mlen);
    expand256_modm(S, hram, 64);

    /* S = H(R,A,m)a */
    expand256_modm(a, extsk, 32);
    mul256_modm(S, S, a);

    /* S = (r + H(R,A,m)a) */
    add256_modm(S, S, r);

    /* S = (r + H(R,A,m)a) mod L */
    contract256_modm(RS + 32, S);
Esempio n. 3
ed25519_donna_sign(unsigned char *sig, const unsigned char *m, size_t mlen,
  const unsigned char *sk, const unsigned char *pk)
  ed25519_hash_context ctx;
  bignum256modm r = {0}, S, a;
  ge25519 ALIGN(16) R = {{0}, {0}, {0}, {0}};
  hash_512bits hashr, hram;

  /* This is equivalent to the removed `ED25519_FN(ed25519_sign)` routine,
   * except that the key expansion step is omitted as sk already is in expanded
   * form.

  /* r = H(aExt[32..64], m) */
  ed25519_hash_update(&ctx, sk + 32, 32);
  ed25519_hash_update(&ctx, m, mlen);
  ed25519_hash_final(&ctx, hashr);
  expand256_modm(r, hashr, 64);

  /* R = rB */
  ge25519_scalarmult_base_niels(&R, ge25519_niels_base_multiples, r);
  ge25519_pack(sig, &R);

  /* S = H(R,A,m).. */
  ed25519_hram(hram, sig, pk, m, mlen);
  expand256_modm(S, hram, 64);

  /* S = H(R,A,m)a */
  expand256_modm(a, sk, 32);
  mul256_modm(S, S, a);

  /* S = (r + H(R,A,m)a) */
  add256_modm(S, S, r);

  /* S = (r + H(R,A,m)a) mod L */
  contract256_modm(sig + 32, S);

  return 0;
Esempio n. 4
ED25519_FN(ed25519_sign_open) (const unsigned char *m, size_t mlen, const ed25519_public_key pk, const ed25519_signature RS) {
    ge25519 MM16 R, A;
    hash_512bits hash;
    bignum256modm hram, S;
    unsigned char checkR[32];

    if ((RS[63] & 224) || !ge25519_unpack_negative_vartime(&A, pk))
        return -1;

    /* hram = H(R,A,m) */
    ed25519_hram(hash, RS, pk, m, mlen);
    expand256_modm(hram, hash, 64);

    /* S */
    expand256_modm(S, RS + 32, 32);

    /* SB - H(R,A,m)A */
    ge25519_double_scalarmult_vartime(&R, &A, hram, S);
    ge25519_pack(checkR, &R);

    /* check that R = SB - H(R,A,m)A */
    return ed25519_verify(RS, checkR, 32) ? 0 : -1;