Esempio n. 1
void filledElli (COORDS figure, HDC hdc, COLORREF color) {
	HBRUSH hBrush = CreateSolidBrush (color);
	HGDIOBJ orig = SelectObject (hdc, hBrush);
	elli (figure, hdc);
	deleteFilledObjetFigure (orig, hdc, hBrush);
Esempio n. 2
void normalElli (COORDS figure, HDC hdc, HPEN& hPen) {
	HGDIOBJ orig = SelectObject (hdc, hPen);
	elli (figure, hdc);
	deleteNormalObjetFigure (orig, hdc, hPen);
/*! \brief Computes filter coefficients from user specifications and returns the global scale factor.
 * Inputs are:
 * \arg fe :  sampling frequency [Hz]
 * \arg at :  attenuation [dB]
 * \arg bp :  oscillations in bandwidth [dB]
 * \arg fb :  low transition frequency [Hz]
 * \arg fa :  high transition frequency [Hz]
 * \arg NCellMax : maximum number of cells
 * Outputs are :
 * \arg FilterCellsOut : cells
 * \arg NCellsOut : number of cells
 * #elli function is called and its outputs are NCellsOut, Poles, Zeros, CoefA, CoefB, CoefC, CoefD.\n
 * For all cells (index i=0,...,NCells-1), FilterCellsOut[i] are filled :
 * \f[   u = (0,0) \f]
 * \f[   a0 = 1 \f]
 * \f[   a1 = CoefB[i] \f]
 * \f[   b1 = CoefD[i] \f]
 * \f[   b2 = CoefC[i] \f]
 * \f[   zero = Zeros[i] \f]
 * \f[   pole = Poles[i] \f]
 * #PoleMatching, then #OrderCellMaxNorm and #CalcScalingFact functions are called using NCells and FilterCells arguments.\n
 * #CalcScalingFact result is returned.
double CalcEllipticFilter(double fe,    // sampling frequency [Hz]
			  double at,    // attenuation [dB]
			  double bp,    // oscillations in bandwidth [dB]
			  double fb,    // low transition frequency [Hz]
			  double fa,    // high transition frequency [Hz]
			  int NCellMax, // maximum number of cells
			  QuadCell **FilterCellsOut,  // Output cells
			  int *NCellsOut   // output number of cells
			  ) {
  double A, T, eps;
  double wc,wr;
  double *CoefA, *CoefB;
  double *CoefC, *CoefD;
  std::complex<double> *Poles, *Zeros;
  int NCells;
  QuadCell *FilterCells;
  double ag;
  int i;

  eps = sqrtl(exp(log(10.)*bp/10.)-1.);
  A = exp(log(10.)*at/20.);
  T = 1./fe;

  wc = fb*2*M_PI;
  wr = fa*2*M_PI;

  CoefA = (double*)malloc(NCellMax * sizeof(double));
  CoefB = (double*)malloc(NCellMax * sizeof(double));
  CoefC = (double*)malloc(NCellMax * sizeof(double));
  CoefD = (double*)malloc(NCellMax * sizeof(double));
  Poles = (std::complex<double>*)malloc(NCellMax * sizeof(std::complex<double>));
  Zeros = (std::complex<double>*)malloc(NCellMax * sizeof(std::complex<double>));
       Poles, Zeros,
       CoefA, CoefB, CoefC, CoefD);
  *NCellsOut = NCells;

  FilterCells = (QuadCell*)malloc(NCells*sizeof(QuadCell));
  *FilterCellsOut = FilterCells;
  for (i=0;i<NCells;i++) {
    (FilterCells[i]).u[0] = (FilterCells[i]).u[1] = 0;
    (FilterCells[i]).a0 = 1.0;
    (FilterCells[i]).a1 = CoefB[i];

    (FilterCells[i]).b1 = CoefD[i];
    (FilterCells[i]).b2 = CoefC[i];

    (FilterCells[i]).zero = Zeros[i];
    (FilterCells[i]).pole = Poles[i];
   for (i=0;i<NCells;i++) {
	  cout << "  Cells " << i << " : (FilterCells[i]).a0   = " << (FilterCells[i]).a0 << Endl;
	  cout << "  Cells " << i << " : (FilterCells[i]).a1   = " << (FilterCells[i]).a1 << Endl;
	  cout << "  Cells " << i << " : (FilterCells[i]).b1   = " << (FilterCells[i]).b1 << Endl;
	  cout << "  Cells " << i << " : (FilterCells[i]).b2   = " << (FilterCells[i]).b2 << Endl;
	  cout << "  Cells " << i << " : (FilterCells[i]).zero = " << (FilterCells[i]).zero << Endl;
	  cout << "  Cells " << i << " : (FilterCells[i]).pole = " << (FilterCells[i]).pole << Endl;
  ag = CalcScalingFact(NCells,FilterCells);


  return ag;