Esempio n. 1
// -----------------------------------------------------
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
const double fromHwNsec = pow(2,30)/1e9;

if (argc != 2)
    printf("%s error, need device file\n", argv[0]);
    printf("%s /dev/ptpHwP1000LinuxDr\n", argv[0]);
    return -1;

 char *devFile = argv[1];

 // Open the fpga device
 int fd = open(devFile, O_RDWR);
 if (fd < 0)
         printf("Error opening device file \"%s\"\n", devFile);

 // Read the current time from the IEEE1588 clock
 FPGA_GET_TIME fpgaGetTime;
 int rtn = ioctl(fd,  FPGA_IOC_GET_TIME, &fpgaGetTime);
 if (rtn)
         fprintf(stderr, "ioctl to get time failed: %d, %d\n", rtn, errno);
         perror("error from ioctl");

 // Scale from HW to TAI nsec
 unsigned int secs;
 unsigned int nsecs;
 decodeHwNsec( &fpgaGetTime.timeVal, &secs, &nsecs);
 printf("Get Time: %.9d.%9.9d\n", secs, nsecs);
 // Clear the timestamp log
 FPGA_CLEAR_TIMESTAMP fpgaClearTimestamp; // no data needed at this time;
 rtn = ioctl(fd,  FPGA_IOC_CLEAR_TIMESTAMP, &fpgaClearTimestamp);
 if (rtn)
         fprintf(stderr, "ioctl to clear timestamp log failed: %d, %d\n", rtn, errno);
         perror("error from ioctl");

 // Set a time trigger five seconds from now
 secs += 5;
 nsecs = 0;
 FPGA_SET_TIMETRIGGER fpgaSetTimetrigger;

 fpgaSetTimetrigger.num = 0;   // Only single timetrigger supported, numbered '0'
 fpgaSetTimetrigger.force = 0; // Don't force
    encodeHwNsec( &fpgaSetTimetrigger.timeVal, secs, nsecs);

 rtn = ioctl(fd,  FPGA_IOC_SET_TIMETRIGGER, &fpgaSetTimetrigger);
 if (rtn)
         fprintf(stderr, "ioctl to set timetrigger failed: %d, %d\n", rtn, errno);
         perror("error from ioctl");

 // Block until the next interrupt
 unsigned int status;
         int num = read( fd, &status, sizeof(status));
         if (num != sizeof( status))
                 fprintf(stderr, "Error reading status, %d\n", num);

     } while ((status & TIMEBOMB_0_FIRE) == 0); // Got it!

 // Read all available timestamps
 FPGA_GET_TIMESTAMP fpgaGetTimestamp;
 int lastSeqNum = -1;
         // Read a timestamp from the log
         rtn = ioctl(fd,  FPGA_IOC_GET_TIMESTAMP, &fpgaGetTimestamp);
         if (rtn)
                 fprintf(stderr, "ioctl to get timestamp failed: %d, %d\n", rtn, errno);
                 perror("error from ioctl");

         // Stop when empty
         if (fpgaGetTimestamp.seqNum == 0 &&
      fpgaGetTimestamp.timeVal.secs == 0 &&
                 fpgaGetTimestamp.timeVal.hwNsec == 0) break; // done

         // Decode
         decodeHwNsec( &fpgaGetTimestamp.timeVal, &secs, &nsecs);
         printf("Timestamp: %4d %.9d.%9.9d\n", fpgaGetTimestamp.seqNum, secs, nsecs);

         lastSeqNum = fpgaGetTimestamp.seqNum;

     } while (1);

 // Read the current time from the IEEE1588 clock
 rtn = ioctl(fd,  FPGA_IOC_GET_TIME, &fpgaGetTime);
 if (rtn)
         fprintf(stderr, "ioctl to get time failed: %d, %d\n", rtn, errno);
         perror("error from ioctl");

 // Scale from HW to TAI nsec
 decodeHwNsec( &fpgaGetTime.timeVal, &secs, &nsecs);
 printf("Get Time: %.9d.%9.9d\n", secs, nsecs);

 // Done
 close( fd);
 return 0;
Esempio n. 2
int xmain()
//int xmain(int argc, char* argv[])
  int        thr_id;
  pthread_t  p_thread;
  const double fromHwNsec = pow(2,30)/1e9;
  unsigned int status;
  char *hostName = "X";
  //  char *hostName = argv[2];

  char *devFile = "/dev/ptpHwP1000LinuxDr";
  //  char *devFile = argv[1];
  //if (argc != 3)
  //  {
  //    printf("%s error, need device file\n", argv[0]);
  //    printf("%s /dev/ptpHwP1000LinuxDr\n", argv[0]);
  //    return -1;
  //  }

  // Open the fpga device
  fd = open(devFile, O_RDWR);
  if (fd < 0)
         printf("Error opening device file \"%s\"\n", devFile);

  //  thr_id = pthread_create(&p_thread, NULL, read_loop, (void*)hostName);

  do {

    printf("\n%s>\n", hostName);

    unsigned int dsecs;
    unsigned int dnsecs;
    scanf("%10d %10d",&dsecs,&dnsecs);
    //    printf("%d %d\n",dsecs,dnsecs);

    // Read the current time from the IEEE1588 clock
    FPGA_GET_TIME fpgaGetTime;
    int rtn = ioctl(fd,  FPGA_IOC_GET_TIME, &fpgaGetTime);
    if (rtn)
         fprintf(stderr, "ioctl to get time failed: %d, %d\n", rtn, errno);
         perror("error from ioctl");
	 //         exit(1);

    // Scale from HW to TAI nsec
    unsigned int secs;
    unsigned int nsecs;
    decodeHwNsec( &fpgaGetTime.timeVal, &secs, &nsecs);

    // Set a time trigger from now
    secs += dsecs;
    nsecs += dnsecs;

    FPGA_SET_TIMETRIGGER fpgaSetTimetrigger;
    fpgaSetTimetrigger.num = 0;   // Only single timetrigger supported, numbered '0'
    fpgaSetTimetrigger.force = 0; // Don't force
    encodeHwNsec( &fpgaSetTimetrigger.timeVal, secs, nsecs);

    rtn = ioctl(fd,  FPGA_IOC_SET_TIMETRIGGER, &fpgaSetTimetrigger);
    if (rtn)
         fprintf(stderr, "ioctl to set timetrigger failed: %d, %d\n", rtn, errno);
         perror("error from ioctl");
	 //         exit(1);

    printf("\n     Time on %s: %.9d.%9.9d\n", hostName, secs-dsecs, nsecs-dnsecs);

    //    do
    //      {
    //         int num = read( fd, &status, sizeof(status));
    //         if (num != sizeof( status))
    //             {
    //                 fprintf(stderr, "Error reading status, %d\n", num);
    //                 exit(1);
    //             }
    //      } while ((status & TIMEBOMB_0_FIRE) == 0); // Got it!
    //	 //      } while ((status & TIMESTAMP_0_RCV) == 0); // Got it!

    //    // Read the current time from the IEEE1588 clock
    //    rtn = ioctl(fd,  FPGA_IOC_GET_TIME, &fpgaGetTime);
    //    if (rtn)
    //      {
    //         fprintf(stderr, "ioctl to get time failed: %d, %d\n", rtn, errno);
    //         perror("error from ioctl");
    //	 //         exit(1);
    //	 continue;
    //      }

    //    decodeHwNsec( &fpgaGetTime.timeVal, &secs, &nsecs);

    //    printf("\n Trig OUT on %s: %.9d.%9.9d\n", hostName, secs, nsecs);

  } while (1);

  return 0;