Esempio n. 1
int SRLockClient::start_client () {	
	SRClientContext ctx;
	char temp_char;
	ctx.ib_port = SERVER_IB_PORT;
	srand (generate_random_seed());		// initialize random seed
	TEST_NZ (establish_tcp_connection(SERVER_ADDR.c_str(), SERVER_TCP_PORT, &(ctx.sockfd)));
	DEBUG_COUT("[Comm] Client connected to LM on sock " << ctx.sockfd);

	TEST_NZ (ctx.create_context());
	DEBUG_COUT("[Info] Context Created " << ctx.sockfd);
	TEST_NZ (RDMACommon::connect_qp (&(ctx.qp), ctx.ib_port, ctx.port_attr.lid, ctx.sockfd));	
	DEBUG_COUT("[Conn] QP connected!");
	// Sync so server will know that client is done mucking with its memory
	DEBUG_COUT("[Info] Client is done, and is ready to destroy its resources!");
	TEST_NZ (sock_sync_data (ctx.sockfd, 1, "W", &temp_char));	/* just send a dummy char back and forth */
int IPCohort::start_server () {	
	IPCohortContext ctx;
	char temp_char;
	TEST_NZ (establish_tcp_connection(TRX_MANAGER_ADDR.c_str(), TRX_MANAGER_TCP_PORT, &ctx.sockfd));
	TEST_NZ (ctx.create_context());
	srand (time(NULL));		// initialize random seed
	/* Sync so server will know that client is done mucking with its memory */
	DEBUG_COUT("[Info] Cohort client is done, and is ready to destroy its resources!");
	TEST_NZ (sock_sync_data (ctx.sockfd, 1, "W", &temp_char));	/* just send a dummy char back and forth */