int main(void)
	// We can't listen on a port lower than 1024 unless we are root.
	char *port = "8080"; // can also be a name in /etc/services.

	// getaddrinfo(): network address and service translation:
	struct addrinfo *socketaddrinfo = example_getaddrinfo(NULL, port);

	// socket(): create an endpoint for communication
	int sock = example_socket(socketaddrinfo);

	example_bind(sock, socketaddrinfo);
	example_listen(sock, 128);
	freeaddrinfo(socketaddrinfo); // done with socketaddrinfo

	printf("Press Ctrl+C to exit server.\n");
	printf("Point your web browser to:\n", port);
		// Get a socket for a particular incoming connection.
		int newsock = accept(sock, NULL, NULL);
		if(newsock == -1)
			perror("accept(): ");
			continue; // try again if accept failed.

		char http_body[] = "hello world";
		char http_headers[1024];
		snprintf(http_headers, 1024,
		         "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n"
		         "Content-Length: %zu\r\n"
		         "Content-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n",
		         strlen(http_body)); // should check return value

		/* Note: send() does not guarantee that it will send all of
		 * the data that we ask it too. To reliably send data, we
		 * should inspect the return value from send() and then call
		 * send() again on any bytes did not get sent. */
		// Send the HTTP headers
		if(send(newsock, http_headers, strlen(http_headers), 0) == -1)

		// Send the HTTP body
		if(send(newsock, http_body, strlen(http_body), 0) == -1)

		/* shutdown() (see "man 2 shutdown") can be used before
		   close(). It allows you to partially close a socket (i.e.,
		   indicate that we are done sending data but still could
		   receive). This could allow us to signal to a peer that we
		   are done sending data while still allowing us to receive
		   data. SHUT_RD will disallow reads from the socket, SHUT_WR
		   will disallow writes, and SHUT_RDWR will disallow read and
		   write. Also, unlike close(), shutdown() will affect all
		   processes that are sharing the socket---while close() only
		   affects the process that calls it. */
#if 0
		if(shutdown(newsock, SHUT_RDWR) == -1)

		if(close(newsock) == -1)
Esempio n. 2
int main(int argc, char* argv[])

        // args should only be the port number and the name
        // of the program running
        if (argc != 2) {
            printf("Usage Error - provide port number\n");

	char *port = argv[1];

        // create the ./files dir

	// getaddrinfo(): network address and service translation:
	struct addrinfo *socketaddrinfo = example_getaddrinfo(NULL, port);

	// socket(): create an endpoint for communication
	int sock = example_socket(socketaddrinfo);

	example_bind(sock, socketaddrinfo);
	example_listen(sock, 128);
	freeaddrinfo(socketaddrinfo); // done with socketaddrinfo

	//printf("Press Ctrl+C to exit server.\n");
	//printf("Run a web browser on the same computer as you run the server and point it to:\n");
	//printf("\n", port);

                printf("Waiting for connections...\n");
		// Get a socket for a particular incoming connection.
		int newsock = accept(sock, NULL, NULL);
		if(newsock == -1)
			perror("accept(): ");
			continue; // try again if accept failed.
                printf("Client connected\n");

                // Check the password of the client
                if (checkPass(newsock) == -1) {
                    printf("Incorrect password - Connection aborted\n");
                } else {
                    printf("Password accepted - Continuing connection\n");

	        sendBytes(newsock, "You connected!\n", strlen("You connected!\n"));

                char cmd[1024];
                memset(cmd, 0, 1024);
                recvBytes(newsock, cmd, 1024);

                printf("Received command: %s\n", cmd);

                if (strcmp(cmd, "list") == 0) {
                    sendBytes(newsock, "File listing:\n", strlen("File listing:\n"));

                    // Scan the dirextory and send the file list

                if (strcmp(cmd, "get") == 0) {
                    char retBuf[1024];
                    memset(retBuf, 0, 1024);

                    // Read the name of the file
                    recvBytes(newsock, retBuf, 1024);

                    // Check if the file exists and send it
                    getFile(newsock, retBuf);

                if (strcmp(cmd, "put") == 0) {
                    char retBuf[1024];
                    memset(retBuf, 0, 1024);

                    // Read the name of the file
                    getLine(newsock, retBuf);

                    // Check if the file exists and send it
                    putFile(newsock, retBuf);

//		char http_body[] = "hello world";
//		char http_headers[1024];
//		snprintf(http_headers, 1024,
//		         "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n"
//		         "Content-Length: %zu\r\n"
//		         "Content-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n",
//		         strlen(http_body)); // should check return value

		/* Note: send() does not guarantee that it will send all of
		 * the data that we ask it too. To reliably send data, we
		 * should inspect the return value from send() and then call
		 * send() again on any bytes did not get sent. */

		// Send the HTTP headers
		//if(send(newsock, http_headers, strlen(http_headers), 0) == -1)
		//	perror("send");
		//	close(newsock);
		//	exit(EXIT_FAILURE);

		//// Send the HTTP body
		//if(send(newsock, http_body, strlen(http_body), 0) == -1)
		//	perror("send");
		//	close(newsock);
		//	exit(EXIT_FAILURE);

		/* shutdown() (see "man 2 shutdown") can be used before
		   close(). It allows you to partially close a socket (i.e.,
		   indicate that we are done sending data but still could
		   receive). This could allow us to signal to a peer that we
		   are done sending data while still allowing us to receive
		   data. SHUT_RD will disallow reads from the socket, SHUT_WR
		   will disallow writes, and SHUT_RDWR will disallow read and
		   write. Also, unlike close(), shutdown() will affect all
		   processes that are sharing the socket---while close() only
		   affects the process that calls it. */
#if 0
		if(shutdown(newsock, SHUT_RDWR) == -1)
