/* Function: free_DnaProfileMatchPair(obj) * * Descrip: Free Function: removes the memory held by obj * Will chain up to owned members and clear all lists * * * Arg: obj [UNKN ] Object that is free'd [DnaProfileMatchPair *] * * Return [UNKN ] Undocumented return value [DnaProfileMatchPair *] * */ DnaProfileMatchPair * free_DnaProfileMatchPair(DnaProfileMatchPair * obj) { int return_early = 0; if( obj == NULL) { warn("Attempting to free a NULL pointer to a DnaProfileMatchPair obj. Should be trappable"); return NULL; } #ifdef PTHREAD assert(pthread_mutex_lock(&(obj->dynamite_mutex)) == 0); #endif if( obj->dynamite_hard_link > 1) { return_early = 1; obj->dynamite_hard_link--; } #ifdef PTHREAD assert(pthread_mutex_unlock(&(obj->dynamite_mutex)) == 0); #endif if( return_early == 1) return NULL; if( obj->query != NULL) free_DnaProfile(obj->query); if( obj->target != NULL) free_DnaProfile(obj->target); if( obj->alb != NULL) free_AlnBlock(obj->alb); ckfree(obj); return NULL; }
boolean free_temporary_objects(void) { alb = free_AlnBlock(alb); pal = free_PackAln(pal); mss = free_MatchSummarySet(mss); gr = free_GenomicRegion(gr); return TRUE; }
boolean show_output(void) { int i,k; ThreeStateModel * temptsm; AlnBlock * alb; PackAln * pal; MatchSummarySet * mss; Protein * ps; cDNA * cdna; double bits; boolean fitted_res = FALSE; AlnBlockList * alist; AlnBlock * anchored; SequenceSet * set; AlnColumn * alt; Protein * trans; /* sort by bit score first */ sort_Hscore_by_score(hs); if( search_mode == PC_SEARCH_S2DB ) { if( hs->his == NULL || hs->his->total < 1000 ) { info("Cannot fit histogram to a db smaller than 1,000"); fprintf(ofp,"[Warning: Can't fit histogram to a db smaller than 1,000]\n\n"); show_histogram = FALSE; } else { fitted_res = TRUE; fit_Hscore_to_EVD(hs,20); } } /* deal with initialising anchored alignment. * Could be done for either single HMMs or single proteins, * but we will only do it for HMMs at the moment */ if( make_anchored_aln == TRUE ) { if( tsm == NULL ) { warn("Attempting to make an achored alignment without a HMM. impossible!"); make_anchored_aln = FALSE; } else { anchored = single_unit_AlnBlock(tsm->len,"MATCH_STATE"); set = SequenceSet_alloc_std(); } } /* dofus catcher */ if( aln_alg != alg ) { fprintf(ofp,"\n#\n#WARNING!\n#\n# Your alignment algorithm is different from your search algorithm.\n# This is probably quite sensible but will lead to differing scores.\n# Use the search score as an indicator of the significance of the match\n# Read the docs for more information\n#\n"); } fprintf(ofp,"\n\n#High Score list\n"); fprintf(ofp,"#Protein ID DNA Str ID Bits Evalue\n"); fprintf(ofp,"--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); for(i=0;i<hs->len;i++) { bits = Score2Bits(hs->ds[i]->score); if( bits < search_cutoff ) { break; } if( fitted_res == TRUE && evalue_search_str != NULL ) { if( hs->ds[i]->evalue > evalue_search_cutoff ) break; } if( fitted_res == TRUE) fprintf(ofp,"Protein %-20sDNA [%c] %-24s %.2f %.2g\n",hs->ds[i]->query->name,hs->ds[i]->target->is_reversed == TRUE ? '-' : '+',hs->ds[i]->target->name,bits,hs->ds[i]->evalue); else fprintf(ofp,"Protein %-20sDNA [%c] %-24s %.2f\n",hs->ds[i]->query->name,hs->ds[i]->target->is_reversed == TRUE ? '-' : '+',hs->ds[i]->target->name,bits); } if( search_mode == PC_SEARCH_S2DB && show_histogram == TRUE ) { fprintf(ofp,"\n\n#Histogram\n"); fprintf(ofp,"-----------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); PrintASCIIHistogram(hs->his,ofp); } fprintf(ofp,"\n\n#Alignments\n"); fprintf(ofp,"-----------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); for(i=0;i<hs->len;i++) { bits = Score2Bits(hs->ds[i]->score); if( bits < search_cutoff ) { break; } if( i >= aln_number ) { break; } if( fitted_res == TRUE && evalue_search_str != NULL ) { if( hs->ds[i]->evalue > evalue_search_cutoff ) break; } fprintf(ofp,"\n\n>Results for %s vs %s (%s) [%d]\n",hs->ds[i]->query->name,hs->ds[i]->target->name,hs->ds[i]->target->is_reversed == TRUE ? "reverse" : "forward",i+1 ); cdna = get_cDNA_from_cDNADB(cdb,hs->ds[i]->target); temptsm = indexed_ThreeStateModel_ThreeStateDB(tsmdb,hs->ds[i]->query); alb = AlnBlock_from_TSM_estwise_wrap(temptsm,cdna,cps,cm,ct,rmd,aln_alg,use_syn,allN,flat_insert,dpri,&pal); if( alb == NULL ) { warn("Got a NULL alignment. Exiting now due to presumed problems"); fprintf(ofp,"\n\n*Got a NULL alignment. Exiting now due to presumed problems*\n\n"); return FALSE; } if( use_single_pro == FALSE) mss = MatchSummarySet_from_AlnBlock_genewise(alb,temptsm->name,1,cdna->baseseq); else mss = MatchSummarySet_from_AlnBlock_genewise(alb,pro->baseseq->name,pro->baseseq->offset,cdna->baseseq); if( show_pretty == TRUE ) { fprintf(ofp,"\n%s output\nScore %4.2f bits over entire alignment.\nThis will be different from per-alignment scores. See manual for details\nFor computer parsable output, try %s -help or read the manual\n",program_name,Score2Bits(pal->score),program_name); if( use_syn == FALSE ) { fprintf(ofp,"Scores as bits over a flat simple random model\n\n"); } else { fprintf(ofp,"Scores as bits over a synchronous coding model\n\n"); } ps = pseudo_Protein_from_ThreeStateModel(temptsm); protcdna_ascii_display(alb,ps->baseseq->seq,ps->baseseq->name,ps->baseseq->offset,cdna,ct,15,main_block,TRUE,ofp); free_Protein(ps); fprintf(ofp,"%s\n",divide_str); } if( show_match_sum == TRUE ) { show_MatchSummary_genewise_header(ofp); show_MatchSummarySet_genewise(mss,ofp); fprintf(ofp,"%s\n",divide_str); } if( show_pep == TRUE ) { alt = alb->start; for(;alt != NULL;) { trans = Protein_from_GeneWise_AlnColumn(cdna->baseseq,alt,1,&alt,ct,is_random_AlnColumn_genewise); if ( trans == NULL ) break; write_fasta_Sequence(trans->baseseq,ofp); free_Protein(trans); } fprintf(ofp,"%s\n",divide_str); } if( show_AlnBlock == TRUE ) { mapped_ascii_AlnBlock(alb,Score2Bits,0,ofp); fprintf(ofp,"%s\n",divide_str); } if( show_PackAln == TRUE ) { show_simple_PackAln(pal,ofp); fprintf(ofp,"%s\n",divide_str); } /* * This goes at the end because it destroys the alb structure */ if( make_anchored_aln == TRUE ) { /* attach sequence to als in alb, so we have it for later use */ alb->seq[1]->data = (void *) cdna->baseseq; /* add to SequenceSet so we can destroy the memory */ add_SequenceSet(set,hard_link_Sequence(cdna->baseseq)); alist = split_AlnBlock(alb,is_random_AlnColumn_genewise); for(k=0;k<alist->len;k++) { /* actually produce the anchored alignment */ /*mapped_ascii_AlnBlock(alist->alb[k],Score2Bits,stderr);*/ add_to_anchored_AlnBlock(anchored,alist->alb[k]); /* dump_ascii_AlnBlock(anchored,stderr);*/ } } alb = free_AlnBlock(alb); pal = free_PackAln(pal); mss = free_MatchSummarySet(mss); cdna = free_cDNA(cdna); temptsm = free_ThreeStateModel(temptsm); } if( do_complete_analysis == TRUE ) { fprintf(ofp,"\n\n#Complete Analysis\n"); fprintf(ofp,"-------------------------------------------------------------\n\n"); /* ok - end of loop over relevant hits. If we have an * anchored alignment, print it out! */ if( make_anchored_aln == TRUE ) { /*dump_ascii_AlnBlock(anchored,stderr);*/ write_mul_estwise_AlnBlock(anchored,ct,ofp); fprintf(ofp,"%s\n",divide_str); } } return TRUE; }
int main(int argc,char ** argv) { Sequence * query; Sequence * target; CompMat * comp; char * comp_file; int gap = (12); int ext = (2); int a = 120; int b = 10; int c = 3; ComplexSequence * query_cs; ComplexSequence * target_cs; ComplexSequenceEvalSet * evalfunc; boolean show_label_output = FALSE; boolean show_fancy_output = FALSE; boolean use_abc = FALSE; PackAln * pal; AlnBlock * alb; DPRunImpl * dpri = NULL; /* * Process command line options * -h or -help gives us help * -g for gap value (an int) - rely on commandline error processing * -e for ext value (an int) - rely on commandline error processing * -m for matrix (a char) * -l - label output * -f - fancy output * * * Use calls to commandline.h functions * */ if( strip_out_boolean_argument(&argc,argv,"h") == TRUE || strip_out_boolean_argument(&argc,argv,"-help") == TRUE) { show_help(stdout); exit(1); } dpri = new_DPRunImpl_from_argv(&argc,argv); if( dpri == NULL ) { fatal("Unable to build DPRun implementation. Bad arguments"); } show_label_output = strip_out_boolean_argument(&argc,argv,"l"); show_fancy_output = strip_out_boolean_argument(&argc,argv,"f"); /** if all FALSE, set fancy to TRUE **/ if( show_label_output == FALSE ) show_fancy_output = TRUE; (void) strip_out_integer_argument(&argc,argv,"g",&gap); (void) strip_out_integer_argument(&argc,argv,"e",&ext); (void) strip_out_integer_argument(&argc,argv,"a",&a); (void) strip_out_integer_argument(&argc,argv,"b",&b); (void) strip_out_integer_argument(&argc,argv,"c",&c); use_abc = strip_out_boolean_argument(&argc,argv,"abc"); comp_file = strip_out_assigned_argument(&argc,argv,"m"); if( comp_file == NULL) comp_file = "blosum62.bla"; if( argc != 3 ) { warn("Must have two arguments for sequence 1 and sequence 2 %d",argc); show_help(stdout); exit(1); } /* * Read in two sequences */ if( (query=read_fasta_file_Sequence(argv[1])) == NULL ) { fatal("Unable to read the sequence in file %s",argv[1]); } if( (target=read_fasta_file_Sequence(argv[2])) == NULL ) { fatal("Unable to read the sequence in file %s",argv[2]); } /* * Open a blosum matrix. This will be opened from WISECONFIGDIR * or WISEPERSONALDIR if it is not present in the current directory. */ comp = read_Blast_file_CompMat(comp_file); if( comp == NULL ) { fatal("unable to read file %s",comp_file); } /* if abc - factor up matrix! */ if( use_abc == TRUE ) { factor_CompMat(comp,10); } /* * Make an alignment. I don't care about the implementation: * hand it over to sw_wrap function to do it * */ if( use_abc ) { evalfunc = default_aminoacid_ComplexSequenceEvalSet(); query_cs = new_ComplexSequence(query,evalfunc); if( query_cs == NULL ) fatal("Cannot build cs objects!"); target_cs = new_ComplexSequence(target,evalfunc); if( target_cs == NULL ) fatal("Cannot build cs objects!"); pal = PackAln_bestmemory_abc(query_cs,target_cs,comp,-a,-b,-c,NULL,dpri); alb = convert_PackAln_to_AlnBlock_abc(pal); free_ComplexSequence(query_cs); free_ComplexSequence(target_cs); } else { alb = Align_Sequences_ProteinSmithWaterman(query,target,comp,-gap,-ext,dpri); } /* * show output. If multiple outputs, divide using // */ if( show_label_output == TRUE ) { show_flat_AlnBlock(alb,stdout); puts("//\n"); } if( show_fancy_output == TRUE ) { write_pretty_seq_align(alb,query,target,15,50,stdout); puts("//\n"); } /* * Destroy the memory. */ free_Sequence(query); free_Sequence(target); free_CompMat(comp); free_AlnBlock(alb); return 0; }
int main(int argc,char ** argv) { Sequence * query; Sequence * target; ComplexSequence * query_cs; ComplexSequence * target_cs; ComplexSequenceEvalSet * evalfunc; CompMat * comp; char * comp_file; int gap = (12); int ext = (2); boolean show_raw_output = FALSE; boolean show_label_output = FALSE; boolean show_fancy_output = FALSE; boolean has_outputted = FALSE; PackAln * pal; AlnBlock * alb; /* * Process command line options * -h or -help gives us help * -g for gap value (an int) - rely on commandline error processing * -e for ext value (an int) - rely on commandline error processing * -m for matrix (a char) * -r - raw matrix output * -l - label output * -f - fancy output * * * Use calls to commandline.h functions * */ if( strip_out_boolean_argument(&argc,argv,"h") == TRUE || strip_out_boolean_argument(&argc,argv,"-help") == TRUE) { show_help(stdout); exit(1); } show_raw_output = strip_out_boolean_argument(&argc,argv,"r"); show_label_output = strip_out_boolean_argument(&argc,argv,"l"); show_fancy_output = strip_out_boolean_argument(&argc,argv,"f"); /** if all FALSE, set fancy to TRUE **/ if( show_raw_output == FALSE && show_label_output == FALSE ) show_fancy_output = TRUE; (void) strip_out_integer_argument(&argc,argv,"g",&gap); (void) strip_out_integer_argument(&argc,argv,"e",&ext); comp_file = strip_out_assigned_argument(&argc,argv,"m"); if( comp_file == NULL) comp_file = "blosum62.bla"; if( argc != 3 ) { warn("Must have two arguments for sequence 1 and sequence 2 %d",argc); show_help(stdout); exit(1); } /* * Read in two sequences */ if( (query=read_fasta_file_Sequence(argv[1])) == NULL ) { fatal("Unable to read the sequence in file %s",argv[1]); } if( (target=read_fasta_file_Sequence(argv[2])) == NULL ) { fatal("Unable to read the sequence in file %s",argv[2]); } /* * Open a blosum matrix. This will be opened from WISECONFIGDIR * or WISEPERSONALDIR if it is not present in the current directory. */ comp = read_Blast_file_CompMat(comp_file); if( comp == NULL ) { fatal("unable to read file %s",comp_file); } /* * Convert sequences to ComplexSequences: * To do this we need an protein ComplexSequenceEvalSet * */ evalfunc = default_aminoacid_ComplexSequenceEvalSet(); query_cs = new_ComplexSequence(query,evalfunc); if( query_cs == NULL ) { fatal("Unable to make a protein complex sequence from %s",query->name); } target_cs = new_ComplexSequence(target,evalfunc); if( target_cs == NULL ) { fatal("Unable to make a protein complex sequence from %s",target->name); } /* * Make an alignment. I don't care about the implementation: * If the sequences are small enough then it should use explicit memory. * Long sequences should use divide and conquor methods. * * Calling PackAln_bestmemory_ProteinSW is the answer * This function decides on the best method considering the * memory and changes accordingly. It frees the matrix memory * at the end as well. * */ pal = PackAln_bestmemory_ProteinSW(query_cs,target_cs,comp,-gap,-ext,NULL); if( pal == NULL ) { fatal("Unable to make an alignment from %s and %s",query->name,target->name); } /* * ok, make other alignment forms, and be ready to show */ alb = convert_PackAln_to_AlnBlock_ProteinSW(pal); /* * show output. If multiple outputs, divide using // */ if( show_raw_output == TRUE ) { show_simple_PackAln(pal,stdout); puts("//\n"); } if( show_label_output == TRUE ) { show_flat_AlnBlock(alb,stdout); } if( show_fancy_output == TRUE ) { write_pretty_seq_align(alb,query,target,15,50,stdout); puts("//\n"); } /* * Destroy the memory. */ free_Sequence(query); free_Sequence(target); free_CompMat(comp); free_ComplexSequence(query_cs); free_ComplexSequence(target_cs); free_PackAln(pal); free_AlnBlock(alb); return 0; }