Esempio n. 1
bool Director::mousePressed(ofPoint _mouse){
    if (inside(_mouse)){
        //  Is over one dot?
        bool overDot = false;
        for(int i=1;i<points.size()-1;i++){
            ofPoint pos = toScreen(points[i]);
                overDot = true;
        if (!overDot){
            lastCLick = _mouse;
        if(!ofGetKeyPressed() && !overDot){
            float lenghtToClosest = 1000;
            int closest = -1;
            for (int i=0;i<points.size()-1;i++){
                int next=i+1;
                ofVec2f AtoM = _mouse - toScreen(points[i]);
                ofVec2f AtoB = toScreen(points[next]) - toScreen(points[i]);
                float a = atan2f(AtoM.x, AtoM.y);
                float b = atan2f(AtoB.x, AtoB.y);
                if (abs(a - b) <= 0.05 &&               //  1. Is over the line
                    AtoM.length() < lenghtToClosest &&  //  2. Is the closest one
                    AtoM.length() < AtoB.length() ){    //  3. Is between those two points
                    lenghtToClosest = AtoM.length();
                    closest = next;
                points.insert(points.begin()+closest, fromScreen(_mouse));
        } else if (ofGetKeyPressed('a') && !overDot){
            points.insert(points.end()-1, fromScreen(_mouse));
        } else if( ( ofGetKeyPressed('d') || ofGetKeyPressed(OF_KEY_BACKSPACE) || ofGetKeyPressed(OF_KEY_DEL) )&& overDot){
            for(int i=1;i<points.size()-1;i++){
                ofPoint pos = toScreen(points[i]);
Esempio n. 2
QUndoCommand* Navigator::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent* e)
  switch (m_currentAction) {
    case Rotation: {
      QPoint delta = e->pos() - m_lastMousePosition;
      rotate(m_renderer->scene().center(), delta.y(), delta.x(), 0);
    case Translation: {
      Vector2f fromScreen(m_lastMousePosition.x(), m_lastMousePosition.y());
      Vector2f toScreen(e->localPos().x(), e->localPos().y());
      translate(m_renderer->scene().center(), fromScreen, toScreen);
    case ZoomTilt: {
      QPoint delta = e->pos() - m_lastMousePosition;
      // Tilt
      rotate(m_renderer->scene().center(), 0, 0, delta.x());
      // Zoom
      zoom(m_renderer->scene().center(), delta.y());

  m_lastMousePosition = e->pos();

  if (e->isAccepted())
    emit updateRequested();

  return nullptr;
// static
void ScreenWakeLock::setKeepAwake(Screen& screen, bool keepAwake)
    ScreenWakeLock* screenWakeLock = fromScreen(screen);
    if (!screenWakeLock)

// static
bool ScreenWakeLock::keepAwake(Screen& screen)
    ScreenWakeLock* screenWakeLock = fromScreen(screen);
    if (!screenWakeLock)
        return false;

    return screenWakeLock->keepAwake();
Esempio n. 5
QVector< Vector2f > EquirectangularProjector::groundPoly(SkyPoint* labelpoint, bool* drawLabel) const
    float x0 = m_vp.width/2.;
    float y0 = m_vp.width/2.;
    if( m_vp.useAltAz ) {
        float dX = m_vp.zoomFactor*M_PI;
        float dY = m_vp.zoomFactor*M_PI;
        SkyPoint belowFocus;
        belowFocus.setAz( m_vp.focus->az().Degrees() );
        belowFocus.setAlt( 0.0 );

        Vector2f obf = toScreenVec( &belowFocus, false );

        //If the horizon is off the bottom edge of the screen,
        //we can return immediately
        if ( obf.y() > m_vp.height ) {
            if( drawLabel )
                *drawLabel = false;
            return QVector<Vector2f>();

        //We can also return if the horizon is off the top edge,
        //as long as the ground poly is not being drawn
        if ( obf.y() < 0. && m_vp.fillGround == false ) {
            if( drawLabel )
                *drawLabel = false;
            return QVector<Vector2f>();

        QVector<Vector2f> ground;
        //Construct the ground polygon, which is a simple rectangle in this case
        ground << Vector2f( x0 - dX, obf.y() )
               << Vector2f( x0 + dX, obf.y() )
               << Vector2f( x0 + dX, y0 + dY )
               << Vector2f( x0 - dX, y0 + dY );

        if( labelpoint ) {
            QPointF pLabel( x0 -dX -50., obf.y() );
            KStarsData *data = KStarsData::Instance();
            *labelpoint = fromScreen(pLabel, data->lst(), data->geo()->lat());
        if( drawLabel )
            *drawLabel = true;

        return ground;
    } else {
        float dX = m_vp.zoomFactor*M_PI/2;
        float dY = m_vp.zoomFactor*M_PI/2;
        QVector<Vector2f> ground;

        static const QString horizonLabel = i18n("Horizon");
        float marginLeft, marginRight, marginTop, marginBot;
        SkyLabeler::Instance()->getMargins( horizonLabel, &marginLeft, &marginRight,
                                            &marginTop, &marginBot );
        double daz = 90.;
        double faz = m_vp.focus->az().Degrees();
        double az1 = faz -daz;
        double az2 = faz +daz;

        bool allGround = true;
        bool allSky = true;

        double inc = 1.0;
        //Add points along horizon
        for(double az = az1; az <= az2 + inc; az += inc) {
            SkyPoint p = pointAt(az);
            bool visible = false;
            Vector2f o = toScreenVec(&p, false, &visible);
            if( visible ) {
                ground.append( o );
                //Set the label point if this point is onscreen
                if ( labelpoint && o.x() < marginRight && o.y() > marginTop && o.y() < marginBot )
                    *labelpoint = p;

                if ( o.y() > 0. ) allGround = false;
                if ( o.y() < m_vp.height ) allSky = false;

        if( allSky ) {
            if( drawLabel)
                *drawLabel = false;
            return QVector<Vector2f>();

        if( allGround ) {
            ground.append( Vector2f( x0 - dX, y0 - dY ) );
            ground.append( Vector2f( x0 + dX, y0 - dY ) );
            ground.append( Vector2f( x0 + dX, y0 + dY ) );
            ground.append( Vector2f( x0 - dX, y0 + dY ) );
            if( drawLabel)
                *drawLabel = false;
            return ground;

        if( labelpoint ) {
            QPointF pLabel( x0 -dX -50., ground.last().y() );
            KStarsData *data = KStarsData::Instance();
            *labelpoint = fromScreen(pLabel, data->lst(), data->geo()->lat());
        if( drawLabel )
            *drawLabel = true;

        //Now add points along the ground
        ground.append( Vector2f( x0 + dX, ground.last().y() ) );
        ground.append( Vector2f( x0 + dX, y0 + dY ) );
        ground.append( Vector2f( x0 - dX, y0 + dY ) );
        ground.append( Vector2f( x0 - dX, ground.first().y() ) );
        return ground;
Esempio n. 6
inline void Navigator::translate(const Vector3f &ref, float x, float y)
  Vector2f fromScreen(0, 0);
  Vector2f toScreen(x, y);
  translate(ref, fromScreen, toScreen);
Esempio n. 7
bool Director::mouseDragged(ofPoint _mouse){
    bool corners = false;
    ofPoint A = ofPoint(x,y);
    ofPoint B = ofPoint(x+width,y+height);
    if ( A.distance( _mouse) < 20 ){
        ofPoint disp = ofPoint(_mouse.x - x,
                               _mouse.y - y);
        x += disp.x;
        y += disp.y;
        width -= disp.x;
        height -= disp.y;
        this->set(x,y, width, height);
        corners = true;
    } else if ( B.distance( _mouse) < 20 ){
        width += _mouse.x - x - width;
        height += _mouse.y - y - height;
        this->set(x,y, width, height);
        corners = true;
            //  Is over one dot?
            bool overDot = false;
            for(int i=1;i<points.size()-1;i++){
                ofPoint pos = toScreen(points[i]);
                    overDot = true;
                for(int i=0;i<points.size();i++){
                    ofPoint pos = toScreen(points[i]);
                        points[i] = fromScreen(_mouse);
                        return true;
            } else if ( ofGetKeyPressed('a') && !overDot){
                points.insert(points.end()-1, fromScreen(_mouse));
            } else if ( ofGetKeyPressed('d') || ofGetKeyPressed(OF_KEY_BACKSPACE) || ofGetKeyPressed(OF_KEY_DEL) ){
                for(int i=1;i<points.size()-1;i++){
                    ofPoint pos = toScreen(points[i]);
                        return true;
            } else if(!overDot){
                ofPoint diff = _mouse - lastCLick;
                x += diff.x;
                y += diff.y;
                lastCLick = _mouse;
        } else {
            return false;
    } else {
        return true;