Esempio n. 1
/* Reverse the values of the gen whose table number is given in p0. */
m_reversegen(float p[], int n_args, double pp[])
   int   i, j, slot, size;
   double *srctable, *desttable;

   slot = (int) p[0];
   srctable = floc(slot);
   if (srctable == NULL)
      return die("reversegen", "No function table defined for slot %d.", slot);
   size = fsize(slot);
   desttable = new_table(size);
   if (desttable == NULL)
      return die("reversegen", "No memory for new function table.");
   if (!install_gen(slot, size, desttable))
      return die("reversegen", "No more function tables available.");

   for (i = 0, j = size - 1; i < size; i++, j--)
      desttable[i] = srctable[j];

   return (double) size;
Esempio n. 2
//		ファイルからメモリへの簡易読み込み
// input
//		szFile	: ファイル名
//		saDest	: 出力先
//		dwSize	: 読み込むサイズ。ファイルサイズがこれに満たなければエラー
//				  0(省略時)の時はとりあえず全部読み込んでおく
//		bError	: ファイルサイズがdwSizeに足りない時の挙動
//				  true:エラーを返す  false:その分だけ読み込む(エラーにしない)
// return
//		読み込み成功したかどうか
bool File2Memory(const char* szFile, smart_array< char >& saDest, DWORD dwSize, bool bError)
	DWORD filesize = fsize(szFile);
	if(filesize==0)								return false;	// ファイルサイズ取得失敗
	else if(dwSize>0 && filesize<dwSize){
		if(bError)	return false;		// ファイルサイズが小さすぎ
		else		dwSize = filesize;
	else if(dwSize==0 || dwSize>filesize)	dwSize = filesize;	// 引数省略時とかはファイルを全部読み込む

	FILE* fp = fopen(szFile, "rb");
	if(!fp)				return false;	// ファイル開けない

	saDest.Reset(new char[dwSize], dwSize);

	// ファイル読み込み
	fread(saDest.GetPtr(), saDest.GetSize(), 1, fp);


	return true;
Esempio n. 3
 * Pipe the message through the command.
 * Old message is on stdin of command;
 * New message collected from stdout.
 * Sh -c must return 0 to accept the new message.
mespipe(FILE *fp, char *cmd)
	FILE *nf;
	int fd;
	sig_t sigint = signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN);
	char *sh, tempname[PATHSIZE];

	snprintf(tempname, sizeof(tempname), "%s/mail.ReXXXXXXXXXX", tmpdir);
	if ((fd = mkstemp(tempname)) == -1 ||
	    (nf = Fdopen(fd, "w+")) == NULL) {
		warn("%s", tempname);
		goto out;
	 * stdin = current message.
	 * stdout = new message.
	if ((sh = value("SHELL")) == NULL)
		sh = _PATH_CSHELL;
	if (run_command(sh, 0, fileno(fp), fileno(nf), "-c", cmd, NULL) < 0) {
		goto out;
	if (fsize(nf) == 0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "No bytes from \"%s\" !?\n", cmd);
		goto out;
	 * Take new files.
	fseeko(nf, (off_t)0, SEEK_END);
	collf = nf;
	signal(SIGINT, sigint);
Esempio n. 4
/* Invert the values of the gen whose table number is given in p0.  The
   y-axis center of symmetry is a point halfway between the min and max
   table values; inversion is performed around this center of symmetry.
m_invertgen(float p[], int n_args, double pp[])
   int   i, slot, size;
   double min, max, center, *srctable, *desttable;

   slot = (int) p[0];
   srctable = floc(slot);
   if (srctable == NULL)
      return die("invertgen", "No function table defined for slot %d.", slot);
   size = fsize(slot);
   desttable = new_table(size);
   if (desttable == NULL)
      return die("invertgen", "No memory for new function table.");
   if (!install_gen(slot, size, desttable))
      return die("invertgen", "No more function tables available.");

   /* determine central y-axis value */
   min = DBL_MAX;
   max = -DBL_MAX;
   for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
      if (srctable[i] < min)
         min = srctable[i];
      if (srctable[i] > max)
         max = srctable[i];
   center = min + ((max - min) / 2.0);

//advise("invertgen", "min: %f, max: %f, center: %f", min, max, center);

   /* invert values around center */
   for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
      double diff = srctable[i] - center;
      desttable[i] = center - diff;

   return (double) size;
Esempio n. 5
/* Quantize the values of the gen whose table number is given in p0 to the
   quantum given in p1.
m_quantizegen(float p[], int n_args, double pp[])
   int      i, slot, size;
   double   quantum, *srctable, *desttable;

   slot = (int) p[0];
   srctable = floc(slot);
   if (srctable == NULL)
      return die("quantizegen", "No function table defined for slot %d.", slot);
   size = fsize(slot);
   quantum = p[1];
   if (quantum <= 0.0)
      return die("quantizegen", "Quantum must be greater than zero.");
   desttable = new_table(size);
   if (desttable == NULL)
      return die("quantizegen", "No memory for new function table.");
   if (!install_gen(slot, size, desttable))
      return die("quantizegen", "No more function tables available.");

   /* It'd be nice to let the C library do the rounding, but rintf rounds
      to the nearest even integer, and round and roundf don't even work
      on my Slackware 8.1 system.  Screw it, we'll roll our own.  -JGG
   for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
      double quotient = fabs(srctable[i] / quantum);
      int floor = (int) quotient;
      double remainder = quotient - (double) floor;
      if (remainder >= 0.5)   /* round to nearest */
      if (srctable[i] < 0.0)
         desttable[i] = -floor * quantum;
         desttable[i] = floor * quantum;

   return (double) size;
Esempio n. 6
/* Add a constant, given in p1, to the values of the gen whose table number
   is given in p0.  Note that no rescaling of the resulting table is done,
   so that values outside [-1, 1] are possible.
m_offsetgen(float p[], int n_args, double pp[])
   int   i, slot, size;
   double *srctable, *desttable, offset;

   slot = (int) p[0];
   srctable = floc(slot);
   if (srctable == NULL)
      return die("offsetgen", "No function table defined for slot %d.", slot);
   size = fsize(slot);
   offset = p[1];
   desttable = new_table(size);
   if (desttable == NULL)
      return die("offsetgen", "No memory for new function table.");
   if (!install_gen(slot, size, desttable))
      return die("offsetgen", "No more function tables available.");

   for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
      desttable[i] = srctable[i] + offset;

   return (double) size;
Esempio n. 7
bool CameraMetaData::addCamera( Camera* cam )
  string id = getId(cam);
  if (cameras.end() != cameras.find(id)) {
    writeLog(DEBUG_PRIO_WARNING, "CameraMetaData: Duplicate entry found for camera: %s %s, Skipping!\n", cam->make.c_str(), cam->model.c_str());
    return false;
  } else {
    cameras[id] = cam;
  if (string::npos != cam->mode.find("chdk")) {
    if (cam->hints.find("filesize") == cam->hints.end()) {
      writeLog(DEBUG_PRIO_WARNING, "CameraMetaData: CHDK camera: %s %s, no \"filesize\" hint set!\n", cam->make.c_str(), cam->model.c_str());
    } else {
      uint32 size;
      stringstream fsize(cam->hints.find("filesize")->second);
      fsize >> size;
      chdkCameras[size] = cam;
      // writeLog(DEBUG_PRIO_WARNING, "CHDK camera: %s %s size:%u\n", cam->make.c_str(), cam->model.c_str(), size);
  return true;
Esempio n. 8
static void zynqmpimage_pmufw(struct zynqmp_header *zynqhdr,
			      const char *filename)
	uint32_t size;

	/* Setup PMU fw size */
	zynqhdr->pfw_image_length = fsize(fpmu);
	zynqhdr->total_pfw_image_length = zynqhdr->pfw_image_length;

	zynqhdr->image_size -= zynqhdr->pfw_image_length;
	zynqhdr->image_stored_size -= zynqhdr->total_pfw_image_length;

	/* Read the whole PMUFW to the header */
	size = fread(&zynqhdr->__reserved4[66], 1,
		     zynqhdr->pfw_image_length, fpmu);
	if (size != zynqhdr->pfw_image_length) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Cannot read PMUFW file: %s\n", filename);

 std::vector<int64_t> DiskIOThread::get_all_sizes(std::string _basename){
   DIR *dir;
    struct dirent *fent;
    dir = opendir(datapath.c_str());
    if(dir == NULL) return std::vector<int64_t>();
    int num_files = 0;
    while((fent = readdir(dir)) != NULL){
      int cmp = strncmp(fent->d_name, _basename.c_str(), _basename.size());
      if(cmp == 0) ++num_files;

    std::vector<int64_t> fsize(num_files);
    int i;
    for(i = 0; i < num_files; ++i){
      struct stat fstat;
      int fstat_suc = stat(build_filename(datapath, _basename, i).c_str(), &fstat);
      if(fstat_suc < 0) return std::vector<int64_t>();
      int64_t fs = fstat.st_size;
      fsize[i] = fs;
    return fsize;
Esempio n. 10
char *read_buf (FILE *f)
	long s = fsize(f);
	char *buf;

#ifndef HAVE_MMAP
	if (! (buf = (char*) malloc(s + 1)))
		return NULL;

#ifdef HAVE_MMAP
	buf = (char*) mmap(0, s, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, f->_fileno, 0);
	if (buf == MAP_FAILED) {
		perror("Unable map file to memory\n");
	fread((void*)buf, s, 1, f);
	buf[s] = '\0';

	return buf;
Esempio n. 11
/* ------------------------------------------------------------- post_init -- */
int FOLLOWBUTTER :: post_init(double p[], int n_args)
   type = getFiltType(true);
   if (type == FiltInvalid)
      return die(instname(), "Filter type must be \"lowpass\", \"highpass\", "
                             "\"bandpass\", or \"bandreject\".");

   for (int i = 0; i < nfilts; i++)
      filt[i] = new Butter(SR);

   if (type == BandPass || type == BandReject) {
      if (n_args < 13) {   // no p12 filter bandwidth PField, must use gen table
         double *function = floc(2);
         if (function == NULL)
            return die(instname(), "Either use the filter bandwidth pfield "
                        "(p12) or make an old-style gen function in slot 2.");
         int len = fsize(2);
         bwtable = new TableL(SR, getdur(), function, len);

   return 0;
int REVMIX::init(double p[], int n_args)
   nargs = n_args;

   float outskip = p[0];
   float inskip = p[1];
   float dur = p[2];
   inchan = n_args > 4 ? (int) p[4] : 0;        // default is chan 0

   if (inskip == 0)
      return die("REVMIX", "Input start time must be greater than zero.");

   if (dur > inskip) {
      rtcmix_warn("REVMIX", "Duration must be greater than input start time. "
      dur = inskip;

   if (rtsetoutput(outskip, dur, this) == -1)
   if (rtsetinput(inskip, this) == -1)
		return DONT_SCHEDULE;  // no input

   if (inchan >= inputChannels())
      return die("REVMIX", "You asked for channel %d of a %d-channel file.",
                                                      inchan, inputChannels());

   amparray = floc(1);
   if (amparray) {
      int amplen = fsize(1);
      tableset(SR, dur, amplen, amptabs);

   skip = (int) (SR / (float) resetval);

   return nSamps();
int TRANS3 :: init(double p[], int n_args)
   nargs = n_args;
   if (nargs < 5)
      return die("TRANS3",
                 "Usage: TRANS3(start, inskip, dur, amp, trans[, inchan, pan])");

   const float outskip = p[0];
   const float inskip = p[1];
   float dur = p[2];
   if (dur < 0.0)
      dur = -dur - inskip;
   inchan = (nargs > 5) ? (int) p[5] : 0;

   if (rtsetoutput(outskip, dur, this) == -1)
   if (rtsetinput(inskip, this) == -1)

   if (inchan >= inputChannels()) {
      return die("TRANS3", "You asked for channel %d of a %d-channel file.",
												   inchan, inputChannels());

   // to trigger first read in run()
   inframe = RTBUFSAMPS;

   oneover_cpsoct10 = 1.0 / cpsoct(10.0);

	amptable = floc(1);
	if (amptable) {
		int amplen = fsize(1);
		tableset(SR, dur, amplen, amptabs);

   return nSamps();
Esempio n. 14
int DELAY::init(double p[], int n_args)
	float outskip = p[0];
	float inskip = p[1];
	float dur = p[2];
	float deltime = p[4];
	float ringdur = p[6];
	inchan = n_args > 7 ? (int) p[7] : 0;

	if (rtsetinput(inskip, this) == -1)
		return DONT_SCHEDULE;	// no input

	if (inchan >= inputChannels())
		return die("DELAY", "You asked for channel %d of a %d-channel file.",
												inchan, inputChannels());

	if (rtsetoutput(outskip, dur + ringdur, this) == -1)
	insamps = (int) (dur * SR + 0.5);

	if (deltime <= 0.0)
		return die("DELAY", "Invalid delay time (%g)", deltime);

	long defaultDelay = MAX(100L, long(deltime * SR + 0.5));
	delay = new Odelayi(defaultDelay);
	// This is how we check for memory failure.
	if (delay->length() == 0)
		return die("DELAY", "Can't allocate delay line memory.");

	amptable = floc(1);
	if (amptable) {
		int amplen = fsize(1);
		tableset(SR, dur, amplen, amptabs);

	return nSamps();
Esempio n. 15
static void WriteIndexToFile(Access* index, const wxString filename) {
	if (wxFileName::FileExists(filename)) {
		Console.Warning(L"WARNING: Won't write index - file name exists (please delete it manually): '%s'", WX_STR(filename));

	std::ofstream outfile(PX_wfilename(filename), std::ofstream::binary);
	outfile.write(GZIP_ID, GZIP_ID_LEN);

	Point* tmp = index->list;
	index->list = 0; // current pointer is useless on disk, normalize it as 0.
	outfile.write((char*)index, sizeof(Access));
	index->list = tmp;

	outfile.write((char*)index->list, sizeof(Point) * index->have);

	// Verify
	if (fsize(filename) != (s64)GZIP_ID_LEN + sizeof(Access) + sizeof(Point) * index->have) {
		Console.Warning(L"Warning: Can't write index file to disk: '%s'", WX_STR(filename));
	} else {
		Console.WriteLn(Color_Green, L"OK: Gzip quick access index file saved to disk: '%s'", WX_STR(filename));
Esempio n. 16
int init_allocator(ALLOC * a, int fd, int oflag)
	a->fd = fd;
	if ((a->lru = calloc(LRU_NSLOT, sizeof(struct lru_node *))) == NULL) {
		xerrno = FATAL_NOMEM;
		return -1;
	a->lru_head = a->lru_tail = NULL;
	a->lru_size = 0;
	bzero(a->flt, FLT_LEN);
	if ((oflag & O_TRUNC) || fsize(fd) == 0) {
		if (fshrink(fd, 0) == -1)
			return -1;
		if (alloc(fd, 0, FLT_LEN) == -1)
			return -1;
		if (writeat(fd, a->flt, FLT_LEN, 0) != FLT_LEN)
			return -1;
		return 0;
	/* open an existing allocator */
	if (readat(fd, a->flt, FLT_LEN, 0) != FLT_LEN)
		return -1;
	return 0;
Esempio n. 17
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    int i, msinfo = 0;

    if (argc > 1) {
        for(i = 1 ; i < argc ; i++) {
            msinfo = msinfo + (fsize(argv[i]) / AUDIO_BLOCK_SIZE) + 2;
            if (i < argc - 1) // pas la dernière piste
                msinfo = msinfo + TAO_OFFSET;
        msinfo = msinfo + MSINFO_OFFSET;

        if (msinfo == 0) {
            printf("error: audio session is empty !");
            return 1;
        } else
            printf("%d", msinfo);

    } else

    return 0;
int START::init(double p[], int n_args)
	float outskip = p[0];
	float dur = p[1];
	float pitch = p[2];
	float fdecay = p[3];
	float nydecay = p[4];
	float amp = p[5];
	int squish = (int)p[6];
	spread = p[7];
	deleteflag = (int)p[8];

	if (rtsetoutput(outskip, dur, this) == -1)

	strumq1 = new StrumQueue;
	curstrumq[0] = strumq1;
	float freq = cpspch(pitch);
	sset(SR, freq, fdecay, nydecay, strumq1);
	randfill(amp, squish, strumq1);

   amptable = floc(1);
	if (amptable) {
		int amplen = fsize(1);
		tableset(SR, dur, amplen, amptabs);
	else {
		rtcmix_advise("START", "Setting phrase curve to all 1's.");
		aamp = 1.0;

	skip = (int)(SR / (float)resetval);

	return nSamps();
Esempio n. 19
int main(void)
    FILE *f = tmpfile();
    assert(f != NULL);
    int fd = fileno(f);
    ALLOC allocator;
    ALLOC *a = &allocator;
    assert(init_allocator(a, fd, 0) != 0);
    assert(init_allocator(a, fd, O_CREAT) == 0);
    assert(fsize(fd) == FLT_LEN);
    BTree bt;
    handle_t root = CreateBTree(&bt, a, 1, 4, cmpInt);
    int i;
    for(i = 1; i <= 100000; i++) {
        SetKey(&bt, &i, i);
    return 0;
    for(i = 1; i <= 10000; i++) {
        DeleteKey(&bt, &i, 100000-i+1);
    return 0;
Esempio n. 20
File: put.c Progetto: kevinms/cu-cam
put_request(struct net_t *n, struct list_t *userName, char *fileName, char *saveLoc) 
	int filesize;
	FILE *f;
	char buf[RCVBUFSIZE];
	char *inBuf;
	int dataSize = 0;
	struct link_t *templink;
	struct command_t * cmd;
	char *filedata;

	// Setup packet header
	buf[0] = CMD_PUT;
	buf[1] = STAT_OK;
	dataSize += 2;

	// Add all usernames and filename to packet
	templink = userName->head;
	while(templink != NULL){
		strncpy(buf + dataSize, templink->item, strlen(templink->item));
		dataSize += (strlen(templink->item));

		if(templink != userName->tail) {
			buf[dataSize] = ',';
			dataSize ++;
		templink = templink->next;
	buf[dataSize] = ':';
	dataSize ++;

	strncpy(buf + dataSize, fileName, strlen(fileName));
	dataSize += (strlen(fileName));

	// Sending request packet to the server
	net_send_tcp(n->sock, buf, dataSize);

	// Recieve reply from server
	inBuf = net_recv_tcp(n->sock);

	// Make sure that packet type is CMD_PUT
	if(inBuf[0] != CMD_PUT) {
		printf("Error: Recieved unexpected packet type\n");
		return -1;

	// Check for errors in the packet status
	if(inBuf[1] == STAT_BAD_PERM) {
		printf("Error: Improper permissions, now quitting\n");
		return -1;
	}else if(inBuf[1] == STAT_MALF_REQ) {
		printf("Error: Malformed request, now quitting\n");
		return -1;
	}else if(inBuf[1] == STAT_NOS_FILE) {
		printf("Error: No such file, now quitting\n");
		return -1;
	}else if(inBuf[1] == STAT_NOS_USER) {
		printf("Error: No such user, now quitting\n");
		return -1;
	}else if(inBuf[1] == STAT_UNK_STAT) {
		printf("Error: Unknown responce from server, now quitting\n");
		return -1;
	}else if(inBuf[1] == STAT_ERROR) {
		printf("Error: General error has occured, now quitting\n");
		return -1;
	}else if(inBuf[1] != STAT_OK) {
		printf("Error: An unknown error has occured %d, now quiting\n",inBuf[1]);
		return -1;

	// Set the packet type
	int size = 0;
	buf[0] = CMD_PUT;
	buf[1] = STAT_OK;

	// Make sure file exists
	if(fcheck_for_file(fileName) < 0) {
		printf("Error: bad filename: %s\n",fileName);
		return -1;

	// Open file???? WHY????
	f = fopen(fileName, "rb");
	if(f == NULL) {
		printf("Error: Could not open file\n");
		return -1;

	// Get file size and store it in packet
	filesize = fsize(fileName);
	*(int*)(buf+size) = htonl(filesize);
	size += 4;
	if(filesize <= 0) {
		fprintf(stderr,"Error: bad file size, %d", filesize);
		return -1;

	// Send packet with STAT_OK and file size
	net_send_tcp(n->sock, buf, size);

	// Recieve a reply from the server
	inBuf = net_recv_tcp(n->sock);
	cmd = command_parse(inBuf);

	// Make sure it is a CMD_GET type
	if(cmd->type != CMD_PUT) {
		fprintf(stderr,"Error: Unexpected packet type\n");
		return -1;

	// Make sure the client status is STAT_OK
	if(cmd->status != STAT_OK) {
		fprintf(stderr,"Error: Unexpected packet status, %d\n",cmd->status);
		return -1;

	// Reset buf and size;
	memset(buf, 0, RCVBUFSIZE);
	size = 0;

	// Setup packet header
	buf[0] = CMD_GET;
	buf[1] = STAT_MF;
	size += 2;

	// Read in and store all the file data
	filedata = (char *)malloc(filesize);
	if(fread(filedata, 1, filesize, f) != filesize) {
		fprintf(stderr,"Error: Could not read all the data in file\n");
		return -1;

	// Actually send the file!!
	//TODO: make the blocksize a config file option
	net_send_fragments_tcp(n->sock, filedata, filesize, 400);

	return 0;
Esempio n. 21
void Snippet(char*  x0) {
  int32_t x5 = 0;
  int32_t x2 = open(x0,0);
  int32_t x3 = fsize(x2);
  char* x4 = mmap(0, x3, PROT_READ, MAP_FILE | MAP_SHARED, x2, 0);
  for (;;) {
    int32_t x6 = x5;
    bool x7 = x6 < x3;
    if (!x7) break;
    int32_t x9 = x5;
    for (;;) {
      int32_t x10 = x5;
      char x11 = x4[x10];
      bool x12 = x11 != '\t';
      if (!x12) break;
      x5 += 1;
    int32_t x17 = x5;
    x5 += 1;
    int32_t x21 = x5;
    for (;;) {
      int32_t x22 = x5;
      char x23 = x4[x22];
      bool x24 = x23 != '\t';
      if (!x24) break;
      x5 += 1;
    int32_t x29 = x5;
    x5 += 1;
    int32_t x33 = x5;
    for (;;) {
      int32_t x34 = x5;
      char x35 = x4[x34];
      bool x36 = x35 != '\t';
      if (!x36) break;
      x5 += 1;
    int32_t x41 = x5;
    x5 += 1;
    int32_t x45 = x5;
    for (;;) {
      int32_t x46 = x5;
      char x47 = x4[x46];
      bool x48 = x47 != '\n';
      if (!x48) break;
      x5 += 1;
    int32_t x53 = x5;
    x5 += 1;
    char* x20 = x4+x9;
    int32_t x57 = printll(x20);
    char* x32 = x4+x21;
    int32_t x59 = printll(x32);
    char* x44 = x4+x33;
    int32_t x61 = printll(x44);
    char* x56 = x4+x45;
    int32_t x63 = printll(x56);
Esempio n. 22
void Snippet(char*  x0) {
  int32_t x5 = 0;
  int32_t x2 = open(x0,0);
  int32_t x3 = fsize(x2);
  char* x4 = mmap(0, x3, PROT_READ, MAP_FILE | MAP_SHARED, x2, 0);
  for (;;) {
    int32_t x6 = x5;
    bool x7 = x6 < x3;
    if (!x7) break;
    int32_t x9 = x5;
    for (;;) {
      int32_t x10 = x5;
      char x11 = x4[x10];
      bool x12 = x11 != '\t';
      if (!x12) break;
      x5 += 1;
    int32_t x17 = x5;
    x5 += 1;
    int32_t x21 = x5;
    for (;;) {
      int32_t x22 = x5;
      char x23 = x4[x22];
      bool x24 = x23 != '\t';
      if (!x24) break;
      x5 += 1;
    int32_t x29 = x5;
    x5 += 1;
    int32_t x33 = x5;
    for (;;) {
      int32_t x34 = x5;
      char x35 = x4[x34];
      bool x36 = x35 != '\t';
      if (!x36) break;
      x5 += 1;
    int32_t x41 = x5;
    x5 += 1;
    int32_t x45 = x5;
    for (;;) {
      int32_t x46 = x5;
      char x47 = x4[x46];
      bool x48 = x47 != '\n';
      if (!x48) break;
      x5 += 1;
    int32_t x53 = x5;
    x5 += 1;
    int32_t x18 = x17 - x9;
    bool x58 = x18 == 12;
    bool x73;
    if (x58) {
      int32_t x59 = 0;
      char* x20 = x4+x9;
      for (;;) {
        int32_t x60 = x59;
        bool x61 = x60 < x18;
        char x62 = x20[x60];
        char x63 = "Auswanderung"[x60];
        bool x64 = x62 == x63;
        bool x65 = x61 && x64;
        if (!x65) break;
        x59 += 1;
      int32_t x70 = x59;
      bool x71 = x70 == x18;
      x73 = x71;
    } else {
      x73 = false;
    if (x73) {
      char* x20 = x4+x9;
      int32_t x74 = printll(x20);
      char* x32 = x4+x21;
      int32_t x76 = printll(x32);
      char* x44 = x4+x33;
      int32_t x78 = printll(x44);
      char* x56 = x4+x45;
      int32_t x80 = printll(x56);
    } else {
Esempio n. 23
int WIGGLE::init(double p[], int n_args)
   const float outskip = p[0];
   const float dur = p[1];
   depth_type = (n_args > 4) ? getDepthType(p[4]) : NoModOsc;
   filter_type = (n_args > 5) ? getFiltType(p[5]) : NoFilter;

   float ringdur;
   if (filter_type == NoFilter) {
      nfilts = 0;
      ringdur = 0.0f;
   else {
      if (filter_type != LowPass && filter_type != HighPass)
         return die("WIGGLE", "Filter type (p5) must be 0, 1, or 2.");
      nfilts = (n_args > 6) ? int(p[6]) : 1;
      if (nfilts < 1 || nfilts > MAXFILTS)
         return die("WIGGLE",
                    "Steepness (p6) must be an integer between 1 and %d.",
      if (n_args > 7)
         do_balance = bool(p[7]);
      if (do_balance) {
         balancer = new Balance(SR);
      ringdur = 0.1f;

   if (rtsetoutput(outskip, dur + ringdur, this) == -1)
      return DONT_SCHEDULE;
   if (outputChannels() < 1 || outputChannels() > 2)
      return die("WIGGLE", "Output must be mono or stereo.");

   for (int i = 0; i < nfilts; i++)
      filt[i] = new Butter(SR);

   double *array = floc(AMP_FUNC);
   if (array) {
      int len = fsize(AMP_FUNC);
      amp_table = new TableL(SR, dur, array, len);

   int len;
   if (n_args > 8)
      carwave_array = (double *) getPFieldTable(8, &len);
   if (carwave_array == NULL) {
      carwave_array = floc(CAR_WAVE_FUNC);
      if (carwave_array == NULL)
         return die("WIGGLE", "Either use the carrier wavetable pfield (p8), "
                              "or make an old-style gen function in slot %d.",
      len = fsize(CAR_WAVE_FUNC);
   carrier = new OscilL(SR, 0.0, carwave_array, len);

   array = floc(CAR_GLISS_FUNC);
   if (array) {
      len = fsize(CAR_GLISS_FUNC);
      cargliss_table = new TableN(SR, dur, array, len);

   if (depth_type != NoModOsc) {
      if (n_args > 9)
         modwave_array = (double *) getPFieldTable(9, &len);
      if (modwave_array == NULL) {
         modwave_array = floc(MOD_WAVE_FUNC);
         if (modwave_array == NULL)
            return die("WIGGLE", "Either use the modulator wavetable pfield "
                                 "(p9), or make an old-style gen function "
                                 "in slot %d.", MOD_WAVE_FUNC);
         len = fsize(MOD_WAVE_FUNC);
      modulator = new OscilL(SR, 0.0, modwave_array, len);

      array = floc(MOD_FREQ_FUNC);
      if (array) {
         len = fsize(MOD_FREQ_FUNC);
         modfreq_table = new TableL(SR, dur, array, len);
      else if (n_args < 11)    // no p10 mod freq
         return die("WIGGLE", "Either use the modulator frequency pfield "
                              "(p10), or make an old-style gen function in "
                              "slot %d.", MOD_FREQ_FUNC);

      array = floc(MOD_DEPTH_FUNC);
      if (array) {
         len = fsize(MOD_DEPTH_FUNC);
         moddepth_table = new TableL(SR, dur, array, len);
      else if (n_args < 12)    // no p11 mod depth
         return die("WIGGLE", "Either use the modulator depth pfield "
                              "(p11), or make an old-style gen function in "
                              "slot %d.", MOD_DEPTH_FUNC);

   if (filter_type != NoFilter) {
      array = floc(FILTER_CF_FUNC);
      if (array) {
         len = fsize(FILTER_CF_FUNC);
         filtcf_table = new TableL(SR, dur, array, len);
      else if (n_args < 13)    // no p12 filter cf
         return die("WIGGLE", "Either use the filter cutoff frequency pfield "
                              "(p12), or make an old-style gen function in "
                              "slot %d.", FILTER_CF_FUNC);

   if (outputChannels() == 2) {
      array = floc(PAN_FUNC);
      if (array) {
         len = fsize(PAN_FUNC);
         pan_table = new TableL(SR, dur, array, len);
      else if (n_args < 14)    // no p13 pan
         return die("WIGGLE", "Either use the pan pfield (p13), or make an "
                              "old-style gen function in slot %d.", PAN_FUNC);

   cpsoct10 = cpsoct(10.0);

   return nSamps();
Esempio n. 24
collect(struct header *hp, int printheaders)
	FILE *fbuf;
	int lc, cc, escape, eofcount, fd, c, t;
	char linebuf[LINESIZE], tempname[PATHSIZE], *cp, getsub;
	sigset_t nset;
	int longline, lastlong, rc;	/* So we don't make 2 or more lines
					   out of a long input line. */

	collf = NULL;
	 * Start catching signals from here, but we're still die on interrupts
	 * until we're in the main loop.
	(void)sigaddset(&nset, SIGINT);
	(void)sigaddset(&nset, SIGHUP);
	(void)sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &nset, NULL);
	if ((saveint = signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN)) != SIG_IGN)
		(void)signal(SIGINT, collint);
	if ((savehup = signal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN)) != SIG_IGN)
		(void)signal(SIGHUP, collhup);
	savetstp = signal(SIGTSTP, collstop);
	savettou = signal(SIGTTOU, collstop);
	savettin = signal(SIGTTIN, collstop);
	if (setjmp(collabort) || setjmp(colljmp)) {
		goto err;
	(void)sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, &nset, NULL);

	(void)snprintf(tempname, sizeof(tempname),
	    "%s/mail.RsXXXXXXXXXX", tmpdir);
	if ((fd = mkstemp(tempname)) == -1 ||
	    (collf = Fdopen(fd, "w+")) == NULL) {
		warn("%s", tempname);
		goto err;

	 * If we are going to prompt for a subject,
	 * refrain from printing a newline after
	 * the headers (since some people mind).
	getsub = 0;
	if (hp->h_subject == NULL && value("interactive") != NULL &&
	    (value("ask") != NULL || value("asksub") != NULL))
		t &= ~GNL, getsub++;
	if (printheaders) {
		puthead(hp, stdout, t);
	if ((cp = value("escape")) != NULL)
		escape = *cp;
		escape = ESCAPE;
	eofcount = 0;
	hadintr = 0;
	lastlong = 0;
	longline = 0;

	if (!setjmp(colljmp)) {
		if (getsub)
			grabh(hp, GSUBJECT);
	} else {
		 * Come here for printing the after-signal message.
		 * Duplicate messages won't be printed because
		 * the write is aborted if we get a SIGTTOU.
		if (hadintr) {
			"\n(Interrupt -- one more to kill letter)\n");
		} else {
	for (;;) {
		colljmp_p = 1;
		c = readline(stdin, linebuf, LINESIZE);
		colljmp_p = 0;
		if (c < 0) {
			if (value("interactive") != NULL &&
			    value("ignoreeof") != NULL && ++eofcount < 25) {
				printf("Use \".\" to terminate letter\n");
		lastlong = longline;
		longline = c == LINESIZE - 1;
		eofcount = 0;
		hadintr = 0;
		if (linebuf[0] == '.' && linebuf[1] == '\0' &&
		    value("interactive") != NULL && !lastlong &&
		    (value("dot") != NULL || value("ignoreeof") != NULL))
		if (linebuf[0] != escape || value("interactive") == NULL ||
		    lastlong) {
			if (putline(collf, linebuf, !longline) < 0)
				goto err;
		c = linebuf[1];
		switch (c) {
			 * On double escape, just send the single one.
			 * Otherwise, it's an error.
			if (c == escape) {
				if (putline(collf, &linebuf[1], !longline) < 0)
					goto err;
			printf("Unknown tilde escape.\n");
		case 'C':
			 * Dump core.
		case '!':
			 * Shell escape, send the balance of the
			 * line to sh -c.
		case ':':
		case '_':
			 * Escape to command mode, but be nice!
			execute(&linebuf[2], 1);
			goto cont;
		case '.':
			 * Simulate end of file on input.
			goto out;
		case 'q':
			 * Force a quit of sending mail.
			 * Act like an interrupt happened.
		case 'x':
			 * Exit, do not save in dead.letter.
			goto err;
		case 'h':
			 * Grab a bunch of headers.
			grabh(hp, GTO|GSUBJECT|GCC|GBCC);
			goto cont;
		case 't':
			 * Add to the To list.
			hp->h_to = cat(hp->h_to, extract(&linebuf[2], GTO));
		case 's':
			 * Set the Subject line.
			cp = &linebuf[2];
			while (isspace((unsigned char)*cp))
			hp->h_subject = savestr(cp);
		case 'R':
			 * Set the Reply-To line.
			cp = &linebuf[2];
			while (isspace((unsigned char)*cp))
			hp->h_replyto = savestr(cp);
		case 'c':
			 * Add to the CC list.
			hp->h_cc = cat(hp->h_cc, extract(&linebuf[2], GCC));
		case 'b':
			 * Add to the BCC list.
			hp->h_bcc = cat(hp->h_bcc, extract(&linebuf[2], GBCC));
		case 'i':
		case 'A':
		case 'a':
			 * Insert named variable in message.
			switch(c) {
				case 'i':
					cp = &linebuf[2];
					while(isspace((unsigned char)*cp))
				case 'a':
					cp = "sign";
				case 'A':
					cp = "Sign";
					goto err;

			if(*cp != '\0' && (cp = value(cp)) != NULL) {
				printf("%s\n", cp);
				if(putline(collf, cp, 1) < 0)
					goto err;

		case 'd':
			 * Read in the dead letter file.
			if (strlcpy(linebuf + 2, getdeadletter(),
				sizeof(linebuf) - 2)
			    >= sizeof(linebuf) - 2) {
				printf("Line buffer overflow\n");
		case 'r':
		case '<':
			 * Invoke a file:
			 * Search for the file name,
			 * then open it and copy the contents to collf.
			cp = &linebuf[2];
			while (isspace((unsigned char)*cp))
			if (*cp == '\0') {
				printf("Interpolate what file?\n");
			cp = expand(cp);
			if (cp == NULL)
			if (*cp == '!') {
				 * Insert stdout of command.
				char *sh;
				int nullfd, tempfd, rc;
				char tempname2[PATHSIZE];

				if ((nullfd = open(_PATH_DEVNULL, O_RDONLY, 0))
				    == -1) {

				(void)snprintf(tempname2, sizeof(tempname2),
				    "%s/mail.ReXXXXXXXXXX", tmpdir);
				if ((tempfd = mkstemp(tempname2)) == -1 ||
				    (fbuf = Fdopen(tempfd, "w+")) == NULL) {
					warn("%s", tempname2);

				if ((sh = value("SHELL")) == NULL)
					sh = _PATH_CSHELL;

				rc = run_command(sh, 0, nullfd, fileno(fbuf),
				    "-c", cp+1, NULL);


				if (rc < 0) {

				if (fsize(fbuf) == 0) {
					    "No bytes from command \"%s\"\n",

			} else if (isdir(cp)) {
				printf("%s: Directory\n", cp);
			} else if ((fbuf = Fopen(cp, "r")) == NULL) {
				warn("%s", cp);
			printf("\"%s\" ", cp);
			lc = 0;
			cc = 0;
			while ((rc = readline(fbuf, linebuf, LINESIZE)) >= 0) {
				if (rc != LINESIZE - 1)
				if ((t = putline(collf, linebuf,
					 rc != LINESIZE - 1)) < 0) {
					goto err;
				cc += t;
			printf("%d/%d\n", lc, cc);
		case 'w':
			 * Write the message on a file.
			cp = &linebuf[2];
			while (*cp == ' ' || *cp == '\t')
			if (*cp == '\0') {
				fprintf(stderr, "Write what file!?\n");
			if ((cp = expand(cp)) == NULL)
			exwrite(cp, collf, 1);
		case 'm':
		case 'M':
		case 'f':
		case 'F':
			 * Interpolate the named messages, if we
			 * are in receiving mail mode.  Does the
			 * standard list processing garbage.
			 * If ~f is given, we don't shift over.
			if (forward(linebuf + 2, collf, tempname, c) < 0)
				goto err;
			goto cont;
		case '?':
			if ((fbuf = Fopen(_PATH_TILDE, "r")) == NULL) {
				warn("%s", _PATH_TILDE);
			while ((t = getc(fbuf)) != EOF)
		case 'p':
			 * Print out the current state of the
			 * message without altering anything.
			printf("-------\nMessage contains:\n");
			puthead(hp, stdout, GTO|GSUBJECT|GCC|GBCC|GNL);
			while ((t = getc(collf)) != EOF)
			goto cont;
		case '|':
			 * Pipe message through command.
			 * Collect output as new message.
			mespipe(collf, &linebuf[2]);
			goto cont;
		case 'v':
		case 'e':
			 * Edit the current message.
			 * 'e' means to use EDITOR
			 * 'v' means to use VISUAL
			mesedit(collf, c);
			goto cont;
	goto out;
	if (collf != NULL) {
		collf = NULL;
	if (collf != NULL)
	(void)sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &nset, NULL);
	(void)signal(SIGINT, saveint);
	(void)signal(SIGHUP, savehup);
	(void)signal(SIGTSTP, savetstp);
	(void)signal(SIGTTOU, savettou);
	(void)signal(SIGTTIN, savettin);
	(void)sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, &nset, NULL);
	return (collf);
Esempio n. 25
struct message *
smime_decrypt(struct message *m, const char *to, const char *cc, int signcall)
	NSSCMSDecoderContext	*ctx;
	NSSCMSMessage	*msg;
	FILE	*op, *hp, *bp;
	char	*buf = NULL;
	size_t	bufsize = 0, buflen, count;
	char	*cp;
	struct str	in, out;
	FILE	*yp;
	long	size;
	int	i, nlevels;
	int	binary = 0;

	if ((yp = setinput(&mb, m, NEED_BODY)) == NULL)
		return NULL;
	if (nss_init() != OKAY)
		return NULL;
	if ((op = Ftemp(&cp, "Rp", "w+", 0600, 1)) == NULL) {
		return NULL;
	if ((ctx = NSS_CMSDecoder_Start(NULL,
					decoder_cb, op,
					password_cb, "Pass phrase:",
					NULL, NULL)) == NULL) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Cannot start decoder.\n");
		return NULL;
	size = m->m_size;
	if ((smime_split(yp, &hp, &bp, size, 1)) == STOP)
		return NULL;
	count = fsize(bp);
	while (fgetline(&buf, &bufsize, &count, &buflen, bp, 0) != NULL) {
		if (buf[0] == '\n')
		if ((cp = thisfield(buf, "content-transfer-encoding")) != NULL)
			if (ascncasecmp(cp, "binary", 7) == 0)
				binary = 1;
	while (fgetline(&buf, &bufsize, &count, &buflen, bp, 0) != NULL) {
		if (binary)
			NSS_CMSDecoder_Update(ctx, buf, buflen);
		else {
			in.s = buf;
			in.l = buflen;
			mime_fromb64_b(&in, &out, 0, bp);
			NSS_CMSDecoder_Update(ctx, out.s, out.l);
	if ((msg = NSS_CMSDecoder_Finish(ctx)) == NULL) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Failed to decode message.\n");
		return NULL;
	nlevels = NSS_CMSMessage_ContentLevelCount(msg);
	for (i = 0; i < nlevels; i++) {
		NSSCMSContentInfo	*content;
		SECOidTag	tag;

		content = NSS_CMSMessage_ContentLevel(msg, i);
		tag = NSS_CMSContentInfo_GetContentTypeTag(content);
		if (tag == SEC_OID_PKCS7_DATA) {
			const char	*fld = "X-Encryption-Cipher";
			SECOidTag	alg;
			int	keysize;

			alg = NSS_CMSContentInfo_GetContentEncAlgTag(content);
			keysize = NSS_CMSContentInfo_GetBulkKeySize(content);
			fseek(hp, 0L, SEEK_END);
			switch (alg) {
			case 0:
				if (signcall) {
					setinput(&mb, m, NEED_BODY);
					return (struct message *)-1;
				fprintf(hp, "%s: none\n", fld);
			case SEC_OID_RC2_CBC:
				fprintf(hp, "%s: RC2, %d bits\n", fld, keysize);
			case SEC_OID_DES_CBC:
				fprintf(hp, "%s: DES, 56 bits\n", fld);
				fprintf(hp, "%s: 3DES, 112/168 bits\n", fld);
				fprintf(hp, "%s: Fortezza\n", fld);
				fprintf(hp, "%s: unknown type %lu\n", fld,
						(unsigned long)alg);
	return smime_decrypt_assemble(m, hp, op);
Esempio n. 26
long file_size(const char *path) {
    FILE * file;
    if (!(file = fopen(path, "rb")))
        return -1;
    return fsize(file);
Esempio n. 27
void Snippet(char*  x0) {
  char** x2 = (char**)malloc(256 * sizeof(char*));
  int32_t* x3 = (int32_t*)malloc(256 * sizeof(int32_t));
  int32_t x4 = 0;
  int32_t x5 = 0;
  int32_t* x6 = (int32_t*)malloc(256 * sizeof(int32_t));
  for(int x8=0; x8 < 256; x8++) {
    x6[x8] = -1;
  char** x12 = (char**)malloc(65536 * sizeof(char*));
  int32_t* x13 = (int32_t*)malloc(65536 * sizeof(int32_t));
  int32_t* x14 = (int32_t*)malloc(65536 * sizeof(int32_t));
  char** x15 = (char**)malloc(65536 * sizeof(char*));
  int32_t* x16 = (int32_t*)malloc(65536 * sizeof(int32_t));
  int32_t x17 = 0;
  int32_t x18 = 0;
  int32_t* x19 = (int32_t*)malloc(65536 * sizeof(int32_t));
  int32_t* x20 = (int32_t*)malloc(256 * sizeof(int32_t));
  int32_t x24 = 0;
  int32_t x21 = open("src/data/t.csv",0);
  int32_t x22 = fsize(x21);
  char* x23 = mmap(0, x22, PROT_READ, MAP_FILE | MAP_SHARED, x21, 0);
  for (;;) {
    int32_t x25 = x24;
    char x26 = x23[x25];
    bool x27 = x26 != ',';
    if (!x27) break;
    x24 += 1;
  int32_t x32 = x24;
  x24 += 1;
  int32_t x35 = x24;
  int32_t x36 = 0;
  for (;;) {
    int32_t x37 = x24;
    char x38 = x23[x37];
    bool x39 = x38 != ',';
    if (!x39) break;
    int32_t x41 = x36;
    int32_t x43 = x24;
    int32_t x42 = x41 * 10;
    char x44 = x23[x43];
    char x45 = x44 - '0';
    int32_t x46 = x42 + x45;
    x36 = x46;
    x24 += 1;
  x24 += 1;
  int32_t x52 = x36;
  int32_t x53 = x24;
  for (;;) {
    int32_t x54 = x24;
    char x55 = x23[x54];
    bool x56 = x55 != '\n';
    if (!x56) break;
    x24 += 1;
  int32_t x61 = x24;
  x24 += 1;
  for (;;) {
    int32_t x65 = x24;
    bool x66 = x65 < x22;
    if (!x66) break;
    int32_t x68 = x24;
    for (;;) {
      int32_t x69 = x24;
      char x70 = x23[x69];
      bool x71 = x70 != ',';
      if (!x71) break;
      x24 += 1;
    int32_t x76 = x24;
    x24 += 1;
    int32_t x80 = x24;
    int32_t x81 = 0;
    for (;;) {
      int32_t x82 = x24;
      char x83 = x23[x82];
      bool x84 = x83 != ',';
      if (!x84) break;
      int32_t x86 = x81;
      int32_t x88 = x24;
      int32_t x87 = x86 * 10;
      char x89 = x23[x88];
      char x90 = x89 - '0';
      int32_t x91 = x87 + x90;
      x81 = x91;
      x24 += 1;
    x24 += 1;
    int32_t x97 = x81;
    int32_t x98 = x24;
    for (;;) {
      int32_t x99 = x24;
      char x100 = x23[x99];
      bool x101 = x100 != '\n';
      if (!x101) break;
      x24 += 1;
    int32_t x106 = x24;
    x24 += 1;
    int32_t x110 = x18;
    char* x79 = x23+x68;
    x12[x110] = x79;
    int32_t x77 = x76 - x68;
    x13[x110] = x77;
    x14[x110] = x97;
    char* x109 = x23+x98;
    x15[x110] = x109;
    int32_t x107 = x106 - x98;
    x16[x110] = x107;
    x18 += 1;
    int64_t x117 = hash(x79,x77);
    int32_t x118 = (int32_t)x117;
    int32_t x119 = x118 & 255;
    // generated code for hash lookup
    int32_t x120 = x119;
    for (;;) {
      int32_t x121 = x120;
      int32_t x122 = x6[x121];
      bool x124 = x122 == -1;
      bool x146;
      if (x124) {
        x146 = false;
      } else {
        char* x125 = x2[x122];
        int32_t x126 = x3[x122];
        bool x128 = x126 == x77;
        bool x143;
        if (x128) {
          int32_t x129 = 0;
          for (;;) {
            int32_t x130 = x129;
            bool x131 = x130 < x126;
            bool x135;
            if (x131) {
              char x132 = x125[x130];
              char x133 = x79[x130];
              bool x134 = x132 == x133;
              x135 = x134;
            } else {
              x135 = false;
            if (!x135) break;
            x129 += 1;
          int32_t x140 = x129;
          bool x141 = x140 == x126;
          x143 = x141;
        } else {
          x143 = false;
        bool x144 = !x143;
        x146 = x144;
      if (!x146) break;
      int32_t x148 = x120;
      int32_t x149 = x148 + 1;
      int32_t x150 = x149 & 255;
      x120 = x150;
    int32_t x154 = x120;
    int32_t x155 = x6[x154];
    bool x156 = x155 == -1;
    int32_t x164;
    if (x156) {
      int32_t x157 = x5;
      x2[x157] = x79;
      x3[x157] = x77;
      x5 += 1;
      x6[x154] = x157;
      x20[x157] = 0;
      x164 = x157;
    } else {
      x164 = x155;
    int32_t x166 = x164;
    int32_t x167 = x20[x166];
    int32_t x168 = x166 * 256;
    int32_t x169 = x168 + x167;
    x19[x169] = x110;
    int32_t x171 = x167 + 1;
    x20[x166] = x171;
  int32_t x176 = 0;
  for (;;) {
    int32_t x177 = x176;
    char x178 = x23[x177];
    bool x179 = x178 != ',';
    if (!x179) break;
    x176 += 1;
  int32_t x184 = x176;
  x176 += 1;
  int32_t x186 = x176;
  int32_t x187 = 0;
  for (;;) {
    int32_t x188 = x176;
    char x189 = x23[x188];
    bool x190 = x189 != ',';
    if (!x190) break;
    int32_t x192 = x187;
    int32_t x194 = x176;
    int32_t x193 = x192 * 10;
    char x195 = x23[x194];
    char x196 = x195 - '0';
    int32_t x197 = x193 + x196;
    x187 = x197;
    x176 += 1;
  x176 += 1;
  int32_t x203 = x187;
  int32_t x204 = x176;
  for (;;) {
    int32_t x205 = x176;
    char x206 = x23[x205];
    bool x207 = x206 != '\n';
    if (!x207) break;
    x176 += 1;
  int32_t x212 = x176;
  x176 += 1;
  for (;;) {
    int32_t x216 = x176;
    bool x217 = x216 < x22;
    if (!x217) break;
    int32_t x219 = x176;
    for (;;) {
      int32_t x220 = x176;
      char x221 = x23[x220];
      bool x222 = x221 != ',';
      if (!x222) break;
      x176 += 1;
    int32_t x227 = x176;
    x176 += 1;
    int32_t x231 = x176;
    int32_t x232 = 0;
    for (;;) {
      int32_t x233 = x176;
      char x234 = x23[x233];
      bool x235 = x234 != ',';
      if (!x235) break;
      int32_t x237 = x232;
      int32_t x239 = x176;
      int32_t x238 = x237 * 10;
      char x240 = x23[x239];
      char x241 = x240 - '0';
      int32_t x242 = x238 + x241;
      x232 = x242;
      x176 += 1;
    x176 += 1;
    int32_t x248 = x232;
    int32_t x249 = x176;
    for (;;) {
      int32_t x250 = x176;
      char x251 = x23[x250];
      bool x252 = x251 != '\n';
      if (!x252) break;
      x176 += 1;
    int32_t x257 = x176;
    x176 += 1;
    int32_t x228 = x227 - x219;
    char* x230 = x23+x219;
    int64_t x261 = hash(x230,x228);
    int32_t x262 = (int32_t)x261;
    int32_t x263 = x262 & 255;
    // generated code for hash lookup
    int32_t x264 = x263;
    for (;;) {
      int32_t x265 = x264;
      int32_t x266 = x6[x265];
      bool x268 = x266 == -1;
      bool x290;
      if (x268) {
        x290 = false;
      } else {
        char* x269 = x2[x266];
        int32_t x270 = x3[x266];
        bool x272 = x270 == x228;
        bool x287;
        if (x272) {
          int32_t x273 = 0;
          for (;;) {
            int32_t x274 = x273;
            bool x275 = x274 < x270;
            bool x279;
            if (x275) {
              char x276 = x269[x274];
              char x277 = x230[x274];
              bool x278 = x276 == x277;
              x279 = x278;
            } else {
              x279 = false;
            if (!x279) break;
            x273 += 1;
          int32_t x284 = x273;
          bool x285 = x284 == x270;
          x287 = x285;
        } else {
          x287 = false;
        bool x288 = !x287;
        x290 = x288;
      if (!x290) break;
      int32_t x292 = x264;
      int32_t x293 = x292 + 1;
      int32_t x294 = x293 & 255;
      x264 = x294;
    int32_t x298 = x264;
    int32_t x299 = x6[x298];
    int32_t x301 = x299;
    bool x303 = x301 == -1;
    if (x303) {
    } else {
      int32_t x304 = x20[x301];
      int32_t x305 = x301 * 256;
      int32_t x306 = x305 + x304;
      for(int x308=x305; x308 < x306; x308++) {
        int32_t x309 = x19[x308];
        char* x310 = x12[x309];
        int32_t x311 = x13[x309];
        int32_t x312 = x14[x309];
        char* x313 = x15[x309];
        int32_t x314 = x16[x309];
        int32_t x315 = printll(x310);
        int32_t x319 = printll(x313);
        int32_t x321 = printll(x230);
Esempio n. 28
void Snippet(char*  x0) {
  char** x2 = (char**)malloc(256 * sizeof(char*));
  int32_t* x3 = (int32_t*)malloc(256 * sizeof(int32_t));
  int32_t x4 = 0;
  int32_t x5 = 0;
  int32_t* x6 = (int32_t*)malloc(256 * sizeof(int32_t));
  for(int x8=0; x8 < 256; x8++) {
    x6[x8] = -1;
  int32_t* x12 = (int32_t*)malloc(256 * sizeof(int32_t));
  int32_t x13 = 0;
  int32_t x17 = 0;
  int32_t x14 = open("src/data/t.csv",0);
  int32_t x15 = fsize(x14);
  char* x16 = mmap(0, x15, PROT_READ, MAP_FILE | MAP_SHARED, x14, 0);
  for (;;) {
    int32_t x18 = x17;
    char x19 = x16[x18];
    bool x20 = x19 != ',';
    if (!x20) break;
    x17 += 1;
  int32_t x25 = x17;
  x17 += 1;
  int32_t x28 = x17;
  int32_t x29 = 0;
  for (;;) {
    int32_t x30 = x17;
    char x31 = x16[x30];
    bool x32 = x31 != ',';
    if (!x32) break;
    int32_t x34 = x29;
    int32_t x36 = x17;
    int32_t x35 = x34 * 10;
    char x37 = x16[x36];
    char x38 = x37 - '0';
    int32_t x39 = x35 + x38;
    x29 = x39;
    x17 += 1;
  x17 += 1;
  int32_t x45 = x29;
  int32_t x46 = x17;
  for (;;) {
    int32_t x47 = x17;
    char x48 = x16[x47];
    bool x49 = x48 != '\n';
    if (!x49) break;
    x17 += 1;
  int32_t x54 = x17;
  x17 += 1;
  for (;;) {
    int32_t x58 = x17;
    bool x59 = x58 < x15;
    if (!x59) break;
    int32_t x61 = x17;
    for (;;) {
      int32_t x62 = x17;
      char x63 = x16[x62];
      bool x64 = x63 != ',';
      if (!x64) break;
      x17 += 1;
    int32_t x69 = x17;
    x17 += 1;
    int32_t x73 = x17;
    int32_t x74 = 0;
    for (;;) {
      int32_t x75 = x17;
      char x76 = x16[x75];
      bool x77 = x76 != ',';
      if (!x77) break;
      int32_t x79 = x74;
      int32_t x81 = x17;
      int32_t x80 = x79 * 10;
      char x82 = x16[x81];
      char x83 = x82 - '0';
      int32_t x84 = x80 + x83;
      x74 = x84;
      x17 += 1;
    x17 += 1;
    int32_t x90 = x74;
    int32_t x91 = x17;
    for (;;) {
      int32_t x92 = x17;
      char x93 = x16[x92];
      bool x94 = x93 != '\n';
      if (!x94) break;
      x17 += 1;
    int32_t x99 = x17;
    x17 += 1;
    int32_t x70 = x69 - x61;
    char* x72 = x16+x61;
    int64_t x103 = hash(x72,x70);
    int32_t x104 = (int32_t)x103;
    int32_t x105 = x104 & 255;
    // generated code for hash lookup
    int32_t x106 = x105;
    for (;;) {
      int32_t x107 = x106;
      int32_t x108 = x6[x107];
      bool x110 = x108 == -1;
      bool x132;
      if (x110) {
        x132 = false;
      } else {
        char* x111 = x2[x108];
        int32_t x112 = x3[x108];
        bool x114 = x112 == x70;
        bool x129;
        if (x114) {
          int32_t x115 = 0;
          for (;;) {
            int32_t x116 = x115;
            bool x117 = x116 < x112;
            bool x121;
            if (x117) {
              char x118 = x111[x116];
              char x119 = x72[x116];
              bool x120 = x118 == x119;
              x121 = x120;
            } else {
              x121 = false;
            if (!x121) break;
            x115 += 1;
          int32_t x126 = x115;
          bool x127 = x126 == x112;
          x129 = x127;
        } else {
          x129 = false;
        bool x130 = !x129;
        x132 = x130;
      if (!x132) break;
      int32_t x134 = x106;
      int32_t x135 = x134 + 1;
      int32_t x136 = x135 & 255;
      x106 = x136;
    int32_t x140 = x106;
    int32_t x141 = x6[x140];
    bool x142 = x141 == -1;
    int32_t x150;
    if (x142) {
      int32_t x143 = x5;
      x2[x143] = x72;
      x3[x143] = x70;
      x5 += 1;
      x6[x140] = x143;
      x12[x143] = 0;
      x150 = x143;
    } else {
      x150 = x141;
    int32_t x152 = x150;
    int32_t x153 = x12[x152];
    int32_t x154 = x153 + x90;
    x12[x152] = x154;
  int32_t x159 = x5;
  for(int x161=0; x161 < x159; x161++) {
    char* x162 = x2[x161];
    int32_t x163 = x3[x161];
    int32_t x164 = x12[x161];
    int32_t x165 = printll(x162);
Esempio n. 29
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
	FILE *fh;
	HANDLE disk;
	int len_r = 0;
	DWORD len_w = 0;
	char *image_path;
	char *disk_path;

	int offset = 0;
	int size = 0;

	if (argc >= 4){
		image_path = argv[1];
		disk_path = argv[2];
		offset = atoi(argv[3]);

		printf("Image: %s\n", image_path);
		fh = fopen(image_path, "rb");
		if (fh)
			if (argc >= 5)
				size = atoi(argv[4]);
				size = fsize(fh);

			char* image = (char*)malloc(size);

			len_r = fread(image, sizeof(char), size, fh);
			printf("Read: %d bytes\n", len_r);
			printf("Disk: %s\n", disk_path);

			//fh = fopen(disk_path, "wb");
			if (disk != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE){
				//len = fwrite(image, sizeof(char), len, fh);
				DWORD seek = SetFilePointer(disk, offset, NULL, FILE_BEGIN);
					printf("Failed to set seek pointer\n");
					int written = 0;
					while (size > 0)
						int write = (size >= 512 ? 512 : size);

						if (WriteFile(disk, image + written, write, &len_w, NULL) == TRUE){
							//printf("Write: %d bytes\n", len_w);
						else {
							printf("Error writing image");

						size -= len_w;
						written += len_w;
			} else {
				printf("Could not open Disk!\n");
		} else {
			printf("Could not open Image!\n");
	} else {
		printf("No image or disk selected. Syntax: disk_write image.bin \\\\.\\disk");
	return 0;
Esempio n. 30
int TRANSBEND :: init(double p[], int n_args)
   float outskip, inskip, dur, transp, interval = 0, total_indur, dur_to_read;
   float averageInc;
   int pgen;

   if (n_args < 5) {
      die("TRANSBEND", "Wrong number of args.");

   outskip = p[0];
   inskip = p[1];
   dur = p[2];
   amp = p[3];
   pgen = (int) p[4];
   inchan = (n_args > 5) ? (int) p[5] : 0;
   pctleft = (n_args > 6) ? p[6] : 0.5;

   if (dur < 0.0)
      dur = -dur - inskip;

   if (rtsetoutput(outskip, dur, this) == -1)
   if (rtsetinput(inskip, this) == -1)

   if (inchan >= inputChannels()) {
      return die("TRANSBEND", "You asked for channel %d of a %d-channel file.",
												   inchan, inputChannels());
   pitchtable = floc(pgen);
   if (pitchtable) {
      int plen = fsize(pgen);
      float isum = 0;
      for (int loc = 0; loc < plen; loc++) {
          float pch = pitchtable[loc];
	      isum += octpch(pch);
      interval = isum / plen;
#ifdef DEBUG
      printf("average interval: %g\n", interval);
      tableset(SR, dur, plen, ptabs);
   else {
      die("TRANSBEND", "Unable to load pitch curve (table %d)!", pgen);

   averageInc = (double) cpsoct(10.0 + interval) / cpsoct(10.0);

#ifdef NOTYET
   total_indur = (float) m_DUR(NULL, 0);
   dur_to_read = dur * averageInc;
   if (inskip + dur_to_read > total_indur) {
      warn("TRANSBEND", "This note will read off the end of the input file.\n"
                    "You might not get the envelope decay you "
                    "expect from setline.\nReduce output duration.");
      /* no exit() */

   /* total number of frames to read during life of inst */
   in_frames_left = (int) (nSamps() * averageInc + 0.5);

   /* to trigger first read in run() */
   inframe = RTBUFSAMPS;

   amptable = floc(1);
   if (amptable) {
      int amplen = fsize(1);
      tableset(SR, dur, amplen, tabs);
      rtcmix_advise("TRANSBEND", "Setting phrase curve to all 1's.");

   skip = (int) (SR / (float) resetval);

   return nSamps();