Esempio n. 1
 *                        conn_create								*
DESCRIPTION: Connection module creation function, called by the config mgr in creation phase 
				performs the following:
				-	Allocate the connection handle
				-	Create the connection timer
				-	Create the connection state machine
INPUT:      hOs -			Handle to OS		


RETURN:     Handle to the connection module on success, NULL otherwise

TI_HANDLE conn_create(TI_HANDLE hOs)
	conn_t			   *pConn;
	fsm_stateMachine_t *pFsm;
	TI_STATUS status;

	pConn = os_memoryAlloc(hOs, sizeof(conn_t));
	if (pConn == NULL)
		return NULL;
	os_memoryZero (pConn->hOs, pConn, sizeof(conn_t));

	/* Creating connection Ibss SM */
    status = fsm_Create(hOs, &pFsm, CONN_IBSS_NUM_STATES, CONN_IBSS_NUM_EVENTS);
	if (status != TI_OK)
		return NULL;
	pConn->ibss_pFsm = pFsm;

    /* Creating connection Infra SM */
   	status = fsm_Create(hOs, &pFsm, CONN_INFRA_NUM_STATES, CONN_INFRA_NUM_EVENTS);
	if (status != TI_OK)
		return NULL;
	pConn->infra_pFsm = pFsm;

	pConn->hOs = hOs;

Esempio n. 2
 * \\n
 * \date 08-November-2005\n
 * \brief Creates the measurement SRV object
 * Function Scope \e Public.\n
 * \param hOS - handle to the OS object.\n
 * \return a handle to the measurement SRV object, NULL if an error occurred.\n
TI_HANDLE MacServices_measurementSRV_create( TI_HANDLE hOS )
	measurementSRV_t* pMeasurementSRV;

	/* allocate the measurement SRV object */
	pMeasurementSRV = os_memoryAlloc( hOS, sizeof(measurementSRV_t));
	if ( NULL == pMeasurementSRV ) {
		WLAN_OS_REPORT( ("ERROR: Failed to create measurement SRV object."));
		return NULL;

	/* nullify the object */
	os_memoryZero( hOS, pMeasurementSRV, sizeof(measurementSRV_t));

	/* store OS handle */
	pMeasurementSRV->hOS = hOS;

	/* allocate the SM */
	if ( TI_OK != fsm_Create( hOS, &(pMeasurementSRV->SM), MSR_SRV_NUM_OF_STATES, MSR_SRV_NUM_OF_EVENTS )) {
		pMeasurementSRV->SM = NULL;
		WLAN_OS_REPORT(("Failed to create measurement SRV state machine.\n"));
		MacServices_measurementSRV_destroy( pMeasurementSRV );
		return NULL;

	return (TI_HANDLE)pMeasurementSRV;
Esempio n. 3
* assoc_create - allocate memory for association SM
* \b Description: 
* Allocate memory for association SM. \n
*       Allocates memory for Association context. \n
*       Allocates memory for association SM matrix. \n
* \b ARGS:
*  I   - hOs - OS context  \n
*  TI_OK if successful, TI_NOK otherwise.
* \sa rsn_mainSecSmKeysOnlyStop()
TI_HANDLE assoc_create(TI_HANDLE hOs)
    assoc_t     *pHandle;
    TI_STATUS       status;

    /* allocate association context memory */
    pHandle = (assoc_t*)os_memoryAlloc(hOs, sizeof(assoc_t));
    if (pHandle == NULL)
        return NULL;

    os_memoryZero(hOs, pHandle, sizeof(assoc_t));

    pHandle->hOs = hOs;

    /* allocate memory for association state machine */
    status = fsm_Create(hOs, &pHandle->pAssocSm, ASSOC_SM_NUM_STATES, ASSOC_SM_NUM_EVENTS);
    if (status != TI_OK)
        os_memoryFree(hOs, pHandle, sizeof(assoc_t));
        return NULL;

    return pHandle;
Esempio n. 4
* Function  - externalSec_create.
* \b Description: 
* Called by mainSecSM (mainSec_create). 
* Registers the function 'rsn_UnicastKeyRecv()' at the distributor to receive KEY frames upon receiving a KEY_RECV event.
* \b ARGS:
*  TI_STATUS - 0 on success, any other value on failure. 
struct externalSec_t *externalSec_create(TI_HANDLE hOs)
	struct externalSec_t *pHandle;
	TI_STATUS status;

	/* allocate association context memory */
	pHandle =
	    (struct externalSec_t *)os_memoryAlloc(hOs,
	if (pHandle == NULL) {
		return NULL;

	os_memoryZero(hOs, pHandle, sizeof(struct externalSec_t));

	/* allocate memory for association state machine */
	status =
	    fsm_Create(hOs, &pHandle->pExternalSecSm, EXTERNAL_SEC_NUM_STATES,

	if (status != TI_OK) {
		os_memoryFree(hOs, pHandle, sizeof(struct externalSec_t));
		return NULL;

	return pHandle;
Esempio n. 5
 * Creates the Measurement Manager moodule.
 * @param hOs A handle to the OS object.
 * @date 16-Dec-2005
TI_HANDLE measurementMgr_create(TI_HANDLE hOs)
    measurementMgr_t * pMeasurementMgr = NULL;
    TI_STATUS status;

    /* allocating the MeasurementMgr object */
    pMeasurementMgr = os_memoryAlloc(hOs, sizeof(measurementMgr_t));

    if (pMeasurementMgr == NULL)
        return NULL;

    os_memoryZero(hOs, pMeasurementMgr, sizeof(measurementMgr_t));
    pMeasurementMgr->hOs = hOs;

    /* creating the Measurement SM */
    status = fsm_Create(pMeasurementMgr->hOs, &(pMeasurementMgr->pMeasurementMgrSm), 
    if(status != TI_OK)
        return NULL;

    /* creating the sub modules of measurement module */
    /* creating Request Handler sub module */
    if( (pMeasurementMgr->hRequestH = requestHandler_create(hOs)) == NULL)
        return NULL;

* mlme_Create - allocate memory for MLME SM
* \b Description:
* Allocate memory for MLME SM. \n
*       Allocates memory for MLME context. \n
*       Allocates memory for MLME timer. \n
*       Allocates memory for MLME SM matrix. \n
* \b ARGS:
*  I   - pOs - OS context  \n
*  TI_OK if successful, TI_NOK otherwise.
* \sa rsn_mainSecSmKeysOnlyStop()
TI_HANDLE mlme_create(TI_HANDLE hOs)
	mlme_t  *pHandle;
	TI_STATUS       status;

	/* allocate MLME context memory */
	pHandle = (mlme_t*)os_memoryAlloc(hOs, sizeof(mlme_t));
	if (pHandle == NULL) {
		return NULL;

	/* zero all MLME context */
	os_memoryZero(hOs, pHandle, sizeof(mlme_t));

	pHandle->hOs = hOs;

	/* allocate memory for MLME state machine */
	status = fsm_Create(hOs, &pHandle->pMlmeSm, MLME_SM_NUM_STATES, MLME_SM_NUM_EVENTS);
	if (status != TI_OK) {
		os_memoryFree(hOs, pHandle, sizeof(mlme_t));
		return NULL;

	return pHandle;
Esempio n. 7
broadcastKey_t* broadcastKey_create(TI_HANDLE hOs)
	TI_STATUS				status;
	broadcastKey_t 		*pBroadcastKey;

	/* allocate key parser context memory */
	pBroadcastKey = (broadcastKey_t*)os_memoryAlloc(hOs, sizeof(broadcastKey_t));
	if (pBroadcastKey == NULL)
		return NULL;

	os_memoryZero(hOs, pBroadcastKey, sizeof(broadcastKey_t));

	/* allocate memory for association state machine */
	status = fsm_Create(hOs, &pBroadcastKey->pBcastKeySm, BCAST_KEY_MAX_NUM_STATES, BCAST_KEY_MAX_NUM_EVENTS);
	if (status != TI_OK)
		os_memoryFree(hOs, pBroadcastKey, sizeof(broadcastKey_t));
		return NULL;

	pBroadcastKey->pKeyDerive = keyDerive_create(hOs);
	if (pBroadcastKey->pKeyDerive == NULL)
		fsm_Unload(hOs, pBroadcastKey->pBcastKeySm);
		os_memoryFree(hOs, pBroadcastKey, sizeof(broadcastKey_t));
		return NULL;

	pBroadcastKey->hOs = hOs;

	return pBroadcastKey;
Esempio n. 8
* \b Description:
* This procedure is called by the config manager when the driver is created.
* It creates the SwitchChannel object.
* \b ARGS:
*  I - hOs - OS context \n
*  Handle to the SwitchChannel object.
* \sa
TI_HANDLE switchChannel_create(TI_HANDLE hOs)
	switchChannel_t           *pSwitchChannel = NULL;
	TI_UINT32          initVec = 0;
	TI_STATUS       status;

	/* allocating the SwitchChannel object */
	pSwitchChannel = os_memoryAlloc(hOs,sizeof(switchChannel_t));

	if (pSwitchChannel == NULL)
		return NULL;

	initVec |= (1 << SC_INIT_BIT);

	os_memoryZero(hOs, pSwitchChannel, sizeof(switchChannel_t));

	pSwitchChannel->hOs = hOs;

	status = fsm_Create(hOs, &pSwitchChannel->pSwitchChannelSm, SC_NUM_STATES, SC_NUM_EVENTS);
	if (status != TI_OK) {
		release_module(pSwitchChannel, initVec);
		WLAN_OS_REPORT(("FATAL ERROR: switchChannel_create(): Error Creating pSwitchChannelSm - Aborting\n"));
		return NULL;
	initVec |= (1 << SC_SM_INIT_BIT);

 * \author Yuval Adler\n
 * \date 16-Oct-2004\n
 * \brief Creates the scan SRV object
 * Function Scope \e Public.\n
 * \param hOS - handle to the OS object.\n
 * \return a handle to the scan SRV object, NULL if an error occurred.\n
TI_HANDLE MacServices_scanSRV_create( TI_HANDLE hOS )
    /* allocate the scan SRV object */
    scanSRV_t *pScanSRV = os_memoryAlloc( hOS, sizeof(scanSRV_t) );
    if ( NULL == pScanSRV )
        WLAN_OS_REPORT( ("ERROR: Failed to create scan SRV module") );
        return NULL;

    /* allocate the state machine */
    if ( OK != fsm_Create( hOS, &(pScanSRV->SM), SCAN_SRV_NUM_OF_STATES, SCAN_SRV_NUM_OF_EVENTS ) )
        WLAN_OS_REPORT( ("ERROR: Failed to allocate scan SRV state machine") );
        os_memoryFree( hOS, pScanSRV, sizeof(scanSRV_t) );
        return NULL;

    /* create the timer */
    pScanSRV->timer = os_timerCreate( hOS, MacServices_scanSRV_scanTimerExpired, pScanSRV );
    if ( NULL == pScanSRV->timer )
        WLAN_OS_REPORT( ("ERROR: Failed to create timer for scan SRV module") );
        fsm_Unload( hOS, pScanSRV->SM );
        os_memoryFree( hOS, pScanSRV, sizeof(scanSRV_t) );
        return NULL;

    /* store the OS handle */
    pScanSRV->hOS = hOS;

    return pScanSRV;
Esempio n. 10
* mainKeys_create
* \b Description:
* Allocate memory for the main security context, and create all the rest of the needed contexts.
* \b ARGS:
*  I - hOs - OS handle for OS operations.
*  pointer to main security context. If failed, returns NULL.
* \sa
mainKeys_t* mainKeys_create(TI_HANDLE hOs)
	mainKeys_t 	*pHandle;
	TI_STATUS		status;

	/* allocate association context memory */
	pHandle = (mainKeys_t*)os_memoryAlloc(hOs, sizeof(mainKeys_t));
	if (pHandle == NULL)
		return NULL;

	os_memoryZero(hOs, pHandle, sizeof(mainKeys_t));

	/* allocate memory for association state machine */
	status = fsm_Create(hOs, &pHandle->pMainKeysSm, MAIN_KEYS_NUM_STATES, MAIN_KEYS_NUM_EVENTS);
	if (status != TI_OK)
		os_memoryFree(hOs, pHandle, sizeof(mainKeys_t));
		return NULL;

	pHandle->pKeyParser = keyParser_create(hOs);
	if (pHandle->pKeyParser == NULL)
		fsm_Unload(hOs, pHandle->pMainKeysSm);
		os_memoryFree(hOs, pHandle, sizeof(mainKeys_t));
		return NULL;

	pHandle->pBcastSm = broadcastKey_create(hOs);
	if (pHandle->pBcastSm == NULL)
		fsm_Unload(hOs, pHandle->pMainKeysSm);
		os_memoryFree(hOs, pHandle, sizeof(mainKeys_t));
		return NULL;

	pHandle->pUcastSm = unicastKey_create(hOs);
	if (pHandle->pBcastSm == NULL)
		fsm_Unload(hOs, pHandle->pMainKeysSm);
		os_memoryFree(hOs, pHandle, sizeof(mainKeys_t));
		return NULL;

	pHandle->hOs = hOs;

	/* At first Timeout we will send MediaSpecific Event   */
	/* At any other Timeout we will send the Timeout Event */

	pHandle->mainKeysTimeoutCounter = TI_FALSE;

	return pHandle;
Esempio n. 11
* mainSec_create
* \b Description: 
* Allocate memory for the main security context, and create all the rest of the needed contexts.
* \b ARGS:
*  I - hOs - OS handle for OS operations.
*  pointer to main security context. If failed, returns NULL.
* \sa 
mainSec_t* mainSec_create(TI_HANDLE hOs)
    mainSec_t   *pHandle;
    TI_STATUS       status;

    /* allocate association context memory */
    pHandle = (mainSec_t*)os_memoryAlloc(hOs, sizeof(mainSec_t));
    if (pHandle == NULL)
        return NULL;

    os_memoryZero(hOs, pHandle, sizeof(mainSec_t));

    /* allocate memory for association state machine */
    status = fsm_Create(hOs, &pHandle->pMainSecSm, MAIN_SEC_MAX_NUM_STATES, MAIN_SEC_MAX_NUM_EVENTS);
    if (status != TI_OK)
        os_memoryFree(hOs, pHandle, sizeof(mainSec_t));
        return NULL;

    pHandle->pMainKeys = mainKeys_create(hOs);
    if (pHandle->pMainKeys == NULL)
        fsm_Unload(hOs, pHandle->pMainSecSm);
        os_memoryFree(hOs, pHandle, sizeof(mainSec_t));
        return NULL;

    pHandle->pKeyParser = pHandle->pMainKeys->pKeyParser;
    pHandle->hOs = hOs;
    /* created only for external security mode */
    pHandle->pExternalSec = externalSec_create(hOs);

    if (pHandle->pExternalSec == NULL)
        fsm_Unload(hOs, pHandle->pMainSecSm);
        os_memoryFree(hOs, pHandle, sizeof(mainSec_t));
        return NULL;

    return pHandle;