/** ========================================================================
 * The 'dispatch' function of GSourceFuncs
 * @param base
 * @param opaqueCb @see GSourceFuncs
 * @param userData @see GSourceFuncs
 * @return gboolean @see GSourceFuncs
 * =========================================================================
static gboolean
multi_fd_watch_dispatch(GSource* const base,
                        GSourceFunc opaqueCb,
                        gpointer userData)
    PslMultiFdWatchSource* const source = (PslMultiFdWatchSource*)base;
    PslMultiFdWatchSourceCb* const cb = (PslMultiFdWatchSourceCb*)opaqueCb;

    source->restartTimer = true; ///< so it will restart at next poll prepare
    if (!cb) {
        PSL_LOG_ERROR("%s (watch=%p): ERROR: multi-fd watch dispatch with " \
                      "NULL user callback ptr: did you forget to call " \
                      "g_source_set_callback()?", __func__, base);
        return false;

    PSL_LOG_DEBUGLOW("%s (watch=%p): preparing to call user's callback",
                     __func__, base);

    /// Construct an array of ready PollFD's
    if (source->cachedReadyPollFdArray->len > 0) {
        g_array_set_size(source->cachedReadyPollFdArray, 0);

    gpointer key, value;
    GHashTableIter iter;
    g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, source->descTable);
    while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, &key, &value)) {
        const GPollFD* const pollFd = &((PslMultiFdDescriptor*)value)->pollFd;

            "%s (watch=%p): iter: table=%p, desc=%p, fd=%d, " \
            "GIOCondition=(mon:0x%lX, ind:0x%lX)",
            __func__, source, source->descTable, value, (int)pollFd->fd,
            (unsigned long)pollFd->events, (unsigned long)pollFd->revents);

        if ((pollFd->revents & MULTI_FD_WATCH_PERM_FAILURE_IO_CONDS) != 0) {
            PSL_LOG_ERROR("%s: (watch=%p): I/O FAILURE on fd=%d: indicated " \
                          "GIOCondition=0x%lX", __func__, source,
                          (int)pollFd->fd, (unsigned long)pollFd->revents);

        const GIOCondition currentCondition = pollFd->revents &
            (pollFd->events | MULTI_FD_WATCH_PERM_FAILURE_IO_CONDS);
        if (currentCondition) {
            const PslMultiFdPollRec pollRec = {
                .fd = pollFd->fd,
                .reqEvents = pollFd->events,
                .indEvents = currentCondition

            g_array_append_vals(source->cachedReadyPollFdArray, &pollRec, 1);

    /// Dispatch the callback
    const gint numrecs = source->cachedReadyPollFdArray->len;
    const PslMultiFdPollRec* const pollrecs  =
        ((numrecs > 0)
         ? (PslMultiFdPollRec*)source->cachedReadyPollFdArray->data
         : NULL);

    PSL_LOG_DEBUGLOW("%s (watch=%p): Calling user's callback: " \
                     "pollrec array=%p, numelts=%d",
                     __func__, base, pollrecs, (int)numrecs);

    const gboolean stayAttached = cb(userData, pollrecs, numrecs);

    if (!stayAttached) {
        PSL_LOG_DEBUG("%s (watch=%p): user cb requested removal of source",
                      __func__, base);
    return stayAttached;
} //multi_fd_watch_dispatch

/** ========================================================================
 * The 'finalize' function of GSourceFuncs
 * @param base
 * =========================================================================
static void
multi_fd_watch_finalize(GSource* base)
    PSL_LOG_DEBUG("%s (watch=%p)", __func__, base);

    PslMultiFdWatchSource* const source = (PslMultiFdWatchSource*)base;

     * @note We may be called with our own data members in a
     *       partially-constructed (but initialized) state if
     *       psl_multi_fd_watch_new failed part way through and
     *       called g_source_unref.

    if (source->descTable) {
         * @note our "superclass" GSource takes care of removing
         *       our pollFds record pointers from the source's and the
         *       gmain context's pollFd lists when the GSource instance
         *       is being detached from the gmain context, so we don't
         *       need to do it ourselves.


    if (source->cachedReadyPollFdArray) {
Esempio n. 2
static void build_append_array(GArray *array, GArray *val)
    g_array_append_vals(array, val->data, val->len);
Esempio n. 3
gboolean uat_save(uat_t* uat, const char** error) {
    guint i;
    gchar* fname = uat_get_actual_filename(uat,TRUE);
    FILE* fp;

    if (! fname ) return FALSE;

    fp = ws_fopen(fname,"w");

    if (!fp && errno == ENOENT) {
        /* Parent directory does not exist, try creating first */
        gchar *pf_dir_path = NULL;
        if (create_persconffile_dir(&pf_dir_path) != 0) {
            *error = ep_strdup_printf("uat_save: error creating '%s'", pf_dir_path);
            g_free (pf_dir_path);
            return FALSE;
        fp = ws_fopen(fname,"w");

    if (!fp) {
        *error = ep_strdup_printf("uat_save: error opening '%s': %s",fname,g_strerror(errno));
        return FALSE;

    *error = NULL;
    g_free (fname);

    /* Ensure raw_data is synced with user_data and all "good" entries have been accounted for */

    /* Start by clearing current user_data */
    for ( i = 0 ; i < uat->user_data->len ; i++ ) {
        if (uat->free_cb) {

    *((uat)->user_ptr) = NULL;
    *((uat)->nrows_p) = 0;

    /* Now copy "good" raw_data entries to user_data */
    for ( i = 0 ; i < uat->raw_data->len ; i++ ) {
        void* rec = uat->raw_data->data + (uat->record_size * i);
        gboolean* valid = (gboolean*)(uat->valid_data->data + sizeof(gboolean)*i);
        if (*valid) {
            g_array_append_vals(uat->user_data, rec, 1);
            if (uat->copy_cb) {
                uat->copy_cb(UAT_USER_INDEX_PTR(uat,i), rec, (unsigned int) uat->record_size);


    fprintf(fp,"# This file is automatically generated, DO NOT MODIFY.\n");

    for ( i = 0 ; i < uat->user_data->len ; i++ ) {
        void* rec = uat->user_data->data + (uat->record_size * i);
        uat_field_t* f;
        guint j;

        f = uat->fields;

        for( j=0 ; j < uat->ncols ; j++ ) {
            putfld(fp, rec, &(f[j]));
            fputs((j == uat->ncols - 1) ? "\n" : "," ,fp);



    uat->changed = FALSE;

    return TRUE;
Esempio n. 4
// chain function - this function does the actual processing
static GstFlowReturn
gst_bgfg_acmmm2003_chain(GstPad *pad, GstBuffer *buf)
    GstBgFgACMMM2003 *filter;

    // sanity checks
    g_return_val_if_fail(pad != NULL, GST_FLOW_ERROR);
    g_return_val_if_fail(buf != NULL, GST_FLOW_ERROR);

    filter = GST_BGFG_ACMMM2003(GST_OBJECT_PARENT(pad));

    filter->image->imageData = (gchar*) GST_BUFFER_DATA(buf);

    // the bg model must be initialized with a valid image; thus we delay its
    // creation until the chain function
    if (filter->model == NULL) {
        filter->model = cvCreateFGDStatModel(filter->image, NULL);

        ((CvFGDStatModel*)filter->model)->params.minArea           = filter->min_area;
        ((CvFGDStatModel*)filter->model)->params.erode_iterations  = filter->n_erode_iterations;
        ((CvFGDStatModel*)filter->model)->params.dilate_iterations = filter->n_dilate_iterations;

        return gst_pad_push(filter->srcpad, buf);

    cvUpdateBGStatModel(filter->image, filter->model, -1);

    // send mask event, if requested
    if (filter->send_mask_events) {
        GstStructure *structure;
        GstEvent     *event;
        GArray       *data_array;
        IplImage     *mask;

        // prepare and send custom event with the mask surface
        mask = filter->model->foreground;
        data_array = g_array_sized_new(FALSE, FALSE, sizeof(mask->imageData[0]), mask->imageSize);
        g_array_append_vals(data_array, mask->imageData, mask->imageSize);

        structure = gst_structure_new("bgfg-mask",
                                      "data",      G_TYPE_POINTER, data_array,
                                      "width",     G_TYPE_UINT,    mask->width,
                                      "height",    G_TYPE_UINT,    mask->height,
                                      "depth",     G_TYPE_UINT,    mask->depth,
                                      "channels",  G_TYPE_UINT,    mask->nChannels,
                                      "timestamp", G_TYPE_UINT64,  GST_BUFFER_TIMESTAMP(buf),

        event = gst_event_new_custom(GST_EVENT_CUSTOM_DOWNSTREAM, structure);
        gst_pad_push_event(filter->srcpad, event);

        if (filter->display) {
            // shade the regions not selected by the acmmm2003 algorithm
            cvXorS(mask,          CV_RGB(255, 255, 255), mask,          NULL);
            cvSubS(filter->image, CV_RGB(191, 191, 191), filter->image, mask);
            cvXorS(mask,          CV_RGB(255, 255, 255), mask,          NULL);

    if (filter->send_roi_events) {
        CvSeq        *contour;
        CvRect       *bounding_rects;
        guint         i, j, n_rects;

        // count # of contours, allocate array to store the bounding rectangles
        for (contour = filter->model->foreground_regions, n_rects = 0;
             contour != NULL;
             contour = contour->h_next, ++n_rects);

        bounding_rects = g_new(CvRect, n_rects);

        for (contour = filter->model->foreground_regions, i = 0; contour != NULL; contour = contour->h_next, ++i)
            bounding_rects[i] = cvBoundingRect(contour, 0);

        for (i = 0; i < n_rects; ++i) {
            // skip collapsed rectangles
            if ((bounding_rects[i].width == 0) || (bounding_rects[i].height == 0)) continue;

            for (j = (i + 1); j < n_rects; ++j) {
                // skip collapsed rectangles
                if ((bounding_rects[j].width == 0) || (bounding_rects[j].height == 0)) continue;

                if (rect_overlap(bounding_rects[i], bounding_rects[j])) {
                    bounding_rects[i] = rect_collapse(bounding_rects[i], bounding_rects[j]);
                    bounding_rects[j] = NULL_RECT;

        for (i = 0; i < n_rects; ++i) {
            GstEvent     *event;
            GstStructure *structure;
            CvRect        r;

            // skip collapsed rectangles
            r = bounding_rects[i];
            if ((r.width == 0) || (r.height == 0)) continue;

            structure = gst_structure_new("bgfg-roi",
                                          "x",         G_TYPE_UINT,   r.x,
                                          "y",         G_TYPE_UINT,   r.y,
                                          "width",     G_TYPE_UINT,   r.width,
                                          "height",    G_TYPE_UINT,   r.height,
                                          "timestamp", G_TYPE_UINT64, GST_BUFFER_TIMESTAMP(buf),

            event = gst_event_new_custom(GST_EVENT_CUSTOM_DOWNSTREAM, structure);
            gst_pad_send_event(filter->sinkpad, event);

            if (filter->verbose)
                GST_INFO("[roi] x: %d, y: %d, width: %d, height: %d\n",
                         r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height);

            if (filter->display)
                cvRectangle(filter->image, cvPoint(r.x, r.y), cvPoint(r.x + r.width, r.y + r.height),
                            CV_RGB(0, 0, 255), 1, 0, 0);


    if (filter->display)
        gst_buffer_set_data(buf, (guchar*) filter->image->imageData, filter->image->imageSize);

    return gst_pad_push(filter->srcpad, buf);
Esempio n. 5
/*! \brief Draw a page.
 * \par Function Description
 * Draws the \a page on the Cairo context \a cr, which should have
 * dimensions \a cr_width and \a cr_height.  If the Pango context \a
 * pc is provided, it is used for rendering of text.  The parameter \a
 * is_color controls whether to enable color printing, and \a
 * is_raster should be set if drawing to a raster surface such as an
 * image.
 * \param toplevel A #TOPLEVEL structure.
 * \param page     The #PAGE to be rendered.
 * \param cr       The Cairo context to render to.
 * \param pc       A Pango context for text rendering, or NULL.
 * \param cr_width The width of the drawing area.
 * \param cr_height The height of the drawing area.
 * \param is_color TRUE if drawing should be in color; FALSE otherwise.
 * \param is_raster TRUE if drawing to a raster image surface; FALSE otherwise.
static void
x_print_draw_page (TOPLEVEL *toplevel, PAGE *page,
                   cairo_t *cr, PangoContext *pc,
                   double cr_width, double cr_height,
                   gboolean is_color, gboolean is_raster)
  EdaRenderer *renderer;
  cairo_matrix_t mtx;
  GArray *color_map;
  int status, wx_min, wy_min, wx_max, wy_max;
  double w_width, w_height, scale;
  GList *iter;

  /* First, calculate a transformation matrix for the cairo
   * context. We want to center the extents of the page in the
   * available page area. */
  status = world_get_object_glist_bounds (toplevel, s_page_objects (page),
                                          &wx_min, &wy_min, &wx_max, &wy_max);
  /* If there are no printable objects, draw nothing. */
  if (!status) return;

  w_width = wx_max - wx_min;
  w_height = wy_max - wy_min;
  scale = fmin (cr_width / w_width, cr_height / w_height);
  cairo_matrix_init (&mtx,
                     scale, 0,
                     0, -scale,
                     - (wx_min + 0.5*w_width) * scale + 0.5*cr_width,
                     (wy_min + 0.5*w_height) * scale + 0.5*cr_height);

  /* Second, build the color map.  If no color printing is desired,
   * transform the print color map into a black-and-white color map by
   * making the background color transparent and replacing all other
   * enabled colors with solid black. */
  color_map = g_array_sized_new (FALSE, FALSE, sizeof(GedaColor), MAX_COLORS);
  color_map = g_array_append_vals (color_map, print_colors, MAX_COLORS);
  if (!is_color) {
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < MAX_COLORS; i++) {
      GedaColor *c = &g_array_index (color_map, GedaColor, i);
      if (!c->enabled) continue;

      /* Disable background color & fully-transparent colors */
      if (c->a == 0 || i == BACKGROUND_COLOR) {
        c->enabled = FALSE;

      /* Set any remaining colors solid black */
      c->r = 0;
      c->g = 0;
      c->b = 0;
      c->a = ~0;

  /* Thirdly, create and initialise a renderer */
  renderer = g_object_new (EDA_TYPE_RENDERER,
                           "cairo-context", cr,
                           "pango-context", pc,
                           "color-map", color_map,
                           "render-flags", is_raster ? EDA_RENDERER_FLAG_HINTING : 0,

  /* Finally, actually do drawing */
  cairo_save (cr);
  cairo_transform (cr, &mtx);

  /* Draw background */
  eda_cairo_set_source_color (cr, BACKGROUND_COLOR, color_map);
  cairo_paint (cr);

  /* Draw all objects and cues */
  for (iter = (GList *) s_page_objects (page);
       iter != NULL;
       iter = g_list_next (iter)) {
    eda_renderer_draw (renderer, (OBJECT *) iter->data);
  for (iter = (GList *) s_page_objects (page);
       iter != NULL;
       iter = g_list_next (iter)) {
    eda_renderer_draw_cues (renderer, (OBJECT *) iter->data);

  cairo_restore (cr);

  g_object_unref (renderer);
  g_array_free (color_map, TRUE);
Esempio n. 6
static GError*
_cache_load_from_m0(struct meta1_prefixes_set_s *m1ps,
		const gchar *ns_name,
		const struct addr_info_s *local_addr,
		struct addr_info_s *m0_addr,
		GArray **updated_prefixes,
		gboolean *meta0_ok)
	GError *err = NULL;
	GSList *m0info_list = NULL;

	GRID_TRACE2("%s(%p,%s,%p,%p)", __FUNCTION__, m1ps, ns_name, local_addr,

	grid_addrinfo_to_string (m0_addr, m0, sizeof(m0));
	err = meta0_remote_get_meta1_all(m0, &m0info_list);
	if (err) {
		g_prefix_error(&err, "Remote error: ");
		return err;
	if (!m0info_list) {
		GRID_DEBUG("META0 has no prefix configured!");
		return NULL;

	*meta0_ok = TRUE;
	guint8 *cache = _cache_from_m0l(m0info_list, local_addr);
	GPtrArray *by_prefix = meta0_utils_list_to_array(m0info_list);

	GRID_DEBUG("Got %u prefixes from M0, %u in place",
			by_prefix->len, m1ps->by_prefix ? m1ps->by_prefix->len : 0);

	if ( m1ps->by_prefix ) {
		guint prefix;
		*updated_prefixes = g_array_new(FALSE, FALSE, sizeof(guint16));
		for( prefix=0 ; prefix <65536 ;prefix++) {
			if ( _cache_is_managed(m1ps->cache,(guint8 *)&prefix) != _cache_is_managed( cache,(guint8 *)&prefix)) {
				g_array_append_vals(*updated_prefixes, &prefix, 1);

	SWAP_PTR(m1ps->by_prefix, by_prefix);
	SWAP_PTR(m1ps->cache, cache);

	if (by_prefix)
	by_prefix = NULL;

	if (cache)
	cache = NULL;

	g_slist_foreach(m0info_list, meta0_info_gclean, NULL);
	return NULL;
Esempio n. 7
// Store (key,value) pairs from a GHashTable in the kwallet.
// Every 'slot' has to take care of it's own data.
gboolean dt_pwstorage_kwallet_set(const backend_kwallet_context_t *context, const gchar* slot, GHashTable* table)
  printf("slot %s\n", slot);

  GArray* byte_array = g_array_new(FALSE, FALSE, sizeof(gchar));

  GHashTableIter iter;
  g_hash_table_iter_init (&iter, table);
  gpointer key, value;

  guint size = g_hash_table_size(table);

  size = GINT_TO_BE(size);

  g_array_append_vals(byte_array, &size, sizeof(guint)/sizeof(gchar));

  while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&iter, &key, &value))
    dt_print(DT_DEBUG_PWSTORAGE,"[pwstorage_kwallet_set] storing (%s, %s)\n",(gchar*)key, (gchar*)value);
    gsize length;
    gchar* new_key = char2qstring(key, &length);
    if(new_key == NULL)
      g_free(g_array_free(byte_array, FALSE));
      return FALSE;
    g_array_append_vals(byte_array, new_key, length);

    gchar* new_value = char2qstring(value, &length);
    if(new_value == NULL)
      g_free(g_array_free(byte_array, FALSE));
      return FALSE;
    g_array_append_vals(byte_array, new_value, length);

  int wallet_handle = get_wallet_handle(context);
  GError* error = NULL;

  /* signature:
   * in  i handle,
   * in  s folder,
   * in  s key,
   * in  ay value,
   * in  s appid,
   * out i arg_0
  GVariant *ret = g_dbus_proxy_call_sync(context->proxy,
                                         g_variant_new("(iss@ays)", wallet_handle, kwallet_folder, slot,

  g_array_free(byte_array, FALSE);

    return FALSE;

  GVariant *child = g_variant_get_child_value(ret, 0);
  int return_code = g_variant_get_int32(child);

  if (return_code != 0)
    dt_print(DT_DEBUG_PWSTORAGE,"[pwstorage_kwallet_set] Warning: bad return code %d from kwallet\n", return_code);

  return return_code == 0;
Esempio n. 8
static Aml *aml_gpio_connection(AmlGpioConnectionType type,
                                AmlConsumerAndProducer con_and_pro,
                                uint8_t flags, AmlPinConfig pin_config,
                                uint16_t output_drive,
                                uint16_t debounce_timeout,
                                const uint32_t pin_list[], uint32_t pin_count,
                                const char *resource_source_name,
                                const uint8_t *vendor_data,
                                uint16_t vendor_data_len)
    Aml *var = aml_alloc();
    const uint16_t min_desc_len = 0x16;
    uint16_t resource_source_name_len, length;
    uint16_t pin_table_offset, resource_source_name_offset, vendor_data_offset;
    uint32_t i;

    resource_source_name_len = strlen(resource_source_name) + 1;
    length = min_desc_len + resource_source_name_len + vendor_data_len;
    pin_table_offset = min_desc_len + 1;
    resource_source_name_offset = pin_table_offset + pin_count * 2;
    vendor_data_offset = resource_source_name_offset + resource_source_name_len;

    build_append_byte(var->buf, 0x8C);  /* GPIO Connection Descriptor */
    build_append_int_noprefix(var->buf, length, 2); /* Length */
    build_append_byte(var->buf, 1);     /* Revision ID */
    build_append_byte(var->buf, type);  /* GPIO Connection Type */
    /* General Flags (2 bytes) */
    build_append_int_noprefix(var->buf, con_and_pro, 2);
    /* Interrupt and IO Flags (2 bytes) */
    build_append_int_noprefix(var->buf, flags, 2);
    /* Pin Configuration 0 = Default 1 = Pull-up 2 = Pull-down 3 = No Pull */
    build_append_byte(var->buf, pin_config);
    /* Output Drive Strength (2 bytes) */
    build_append_int_noprefix(var->buf, output_drive, 2);
    /* Debounce Timeout (2 bytes) */
    build_append_int_noprefix(var->buf, debounce_timeout, 2);
    /* Pin Table Offset (2 bytes) */
    build_append_int_noprefix(var->buf, pin_table_offset, 2);
    build_append_byte(var->buf, 0);     /* Resource Source Index */
    /* Resource Source Name Offset (2 bytes) */
    build_append_int_noprefix(var->buf, resource_source_name_offset, 2);
    /* Vendor Data Offset (2 bytes) */
    build_append_int_noprefix(var->buf, vendor_data_offset, 2);
    /* Vendor Data Length (2 bytes) */
    build_append_int_noprefix(var->buf, vendor_data_len, 2);
    /* Pin Number (2n bytes)*/
    for (i = 0; i < pin_count; i++) {
        build_append_int_noprefix(var->buf, pin_list[i], 2);

    /* Resource Source Name */
    build_append_namestring(var->buf, "%s", resource_source_name);
    build_append_byte(var->buf, '\0');

    /* Vendor-defined Data */
    if (vendor_data != NULL) {
        g_array_append_vals(var->buf, vendor_data, vendor_data_len);

    return var;
Esempio n. 9
static gboolean
panel_multiscreen_get_randr_monitors_for_screen (GdkScreen     *screen,
						 int           *monitors_ret,
						 GdkRectangle **geometries_ret)
	Display            *xdisplay;
	Window              xroot;
	XRRScreenResources *resources;
	RROutput            primary;
	GArray             *geometries;
	int                 i;

	if (!have_randr)
		return FALSE;

	/* GTK+ 2.14.x uses the Xinerama API, instead of RANDR, to get the
	 * monitor geometries. It does this to avoid calling
	 * XRRGetScreenResources(), which is slow as it re-detects all the
	 * monitors --- note that XRRGetScreenResourcesCurrent() had not been
	 * introduced yet.  Using Xinerama in GTK+ has the bad side effect that
	 * gdk_screen_get_monitor_plug_name() will return NULL, as Xinerama
	 * does not provide that information, unlike RANDR.
	 * Here we need to identify the output names, so that we can put the
	 * built-in LCD in a laptop *before* all other outputs.  This is so
	 * that mate-panel will normally prefer to appear on the "native"
	 * display rather than on an external monitor.
	 * To get the output names and geometries, we will not use
	 * gdk_screen_get_n_monitors() and friends, but rather we will call
	 * XRR*() directly.
	 * See https://bugzilla.novell.com/show_bug.cgi?id=479684 for this
	 * particular bug, and and
	 * http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=562944 for a more
	 * long-term solution.

	xdisplay = GDK_SCREEN_XDISPLAY (screen);
	xroot = GDK_WINDOW_XID (gdk_screen_get_root_window (screen));

	resources = XRRGetScreenResourcesCurrent (xdisplay, xroot);
	if (resources->noutput == 0) {
		/* This might happen if nothing tried to get randr
		 * resources from the server before, so we need an
		 * active probe. See comment #27 in
		 * https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=597101 */
		XRRFreeScreenResources (resources);
		resources = XRRGetScreenResources (xdisplay, xroot);

	if (!resources)
		return FALSE;

	primary = XRRGetOutputPrimary (xdisplay, xroot);

	geometries = g_array_sized_new (FALSE, FALSE,
					sizeof (GdkRectangle),

	for (i = 0; i < resources->noutput; i++) {
		XRROutputInfo *output;

		output = XRRGetOutputInfo (xdisplay, resources,

		if (output->connection != RR_Disconnected &&
		    output->crtc != 0) {
			XRRCrtcInfo  *crtc;
			GdkRectangle  rect;

			crtc = XRRGetCrtcInfo (xdisplay, resources,

			rect.x	    = crtc->x;
			rect.y	    = crtc->y;
			rect.width  = crtc->width;
			rect.height = crtc->height;

			XRRFreeCrtcInfo (crtc);

			if (_panel_multiscreen_output_should_be_first (xdisplay,
								       output, primary))
				g_array_prepend_vals (geometries, &rect, 1);
				g_array_append_vals (geometries, &rect, 1);

		XRRFreeOutputInfo (output);

	XRRFreeScreenResources (resources);

	if (geometries->len == 0) {
		/* This can happen in at least one case:
		 * https://bugzilla.novell.com/show_bug.cgi?id=543876 where all
		 * monitors appear disconnected (possibly because the  screen
		 * is behing a KVM switch) -- see comment #8.
		 * There might be other cases too, so we stay on the safe side.
		g_array_free (geometries, TRUE);
		return FALSE;

	*monitors_ret = geometries->len;
	*geometries_ret = (GdkRectangle *) g_array_free (geometries, FALSE);

	return TRUE;
	return FALSE;
Esempio n. 10
 * Attempts to query sample data from the oscilloscope in order to send it
 * to the session bus for further processing.
 * @param fd The file descriptor used as the event source.
 * @param revents The received events.
 * @param cb_data Callback data, in this case our device instance.
 * @return TRUE in case of success or a recoverable error,
 *         FALSE when a fatal error was encountered.
SR_PRIV int dlm_data_receive(int fd, int revents, void *cb_data)
	struct sr_dev_inst *sdi;
	struct scope_state *model_state;
	struct dev_context *devc;
	struct sr_channel *ch;
	struct sr_datafeed_packet packet;
	int chunk_len, num_bytes;
	static GArray *data = NULL;


	if (!(sdi = cb_data))
		return FALSE;

	if (!(devc = sdi->priv))
		return FALSE;

	if (!(model_state = (struct scope_state*)devc->model_state))
		return FALSE;

	/* Are we waiting for a response from the device? */
	if (!devc->data_pending)
		return TRUE;

	/* Check if a new query response is coming our way. */
	if (!data) {
		if (sr_scpi_read_begin(sdi->conn) == SR_OK)
			/* The 16 here accounts for the header and EOL. */
			data = g_array_sized_new(FALSE, FALSE, sizeof(uint8_t),
					16 + model_state->samples_per_frame);
			return TRUE;

	/* Store incoming data. */
	chunk_len = sr_scpi_read_data(sdi->conn, devc->receive_buffer,
	if (chunk_len < 0) {
		sr_err("Error while reading data: %d", chunk_len);
		goto fail;
	g_array_append_vals(data, devc->receive_buffer, chunk_len);

	/* Read the entire query response before processing. */
	if (!sr_scpi_read_complete(sdi->conn))
		return TRUE;

	/* We finished reading and are no longer waiting for data. */
	devc->data_pending = FALSE;

	/* Signal the beginning of a new frame if this is the first channel. */
	if (devc->current_channel == devc->enabled_channels) {
		packet.type = SR_DF_FRAME_BEGIN;
		sr_session_send(sdi, &packet);

	if (dlm_block_data_header_process(data, &num_bytes) != SR_OK) {
		sr_err("Encountered malformed block data header.");
		goto fail;

	if (num_bytes == 0) {
		sr_warn("Zero-length waveform data packet received. " \
				"Live mode not supported yet, stopping " \
				"acquisition and retrying.");
		/* Don't care about return value here. */
		g_array_free(data, TRUE);
		return TRUE;

	ch = devc->current_channel->data;
	switch (ch->type) {
		if (dlm_analog_samples_send(data,
				sdi) != SR_OK)
			goto fail;
		if (dlm_digital_samples_send(data, sdi) != SR_OK)
			goto fail;
		sr_err("Invalid channel type encountered.");

	g_array_free(data, TRUE);
	data = NULL;

	 * Signal the end of this frame if this was the last enabled channel
	 * and set the next enabled channel. Then, request its data.
	if (!devc->current_channel->next) {
		packet.type = SR_DF_FRAME_END;
		sr_session_send(sdi, &packet);
		devc->current_channel = devc->enabled_channels;

		 * As of now we only support importing the current acquisition
		 * data so we're going to stop at this point.
		sdi->driver->dev_acquisition_stop(sdi, cb_data);
		return TRUE;
	} else
		devc->current_channel = devc->current_channel->next;

	if (dlm_channel_data_request(sdi) != SR_OK) {
		sr_err("Failed to request acquisition data.");
		goto fail;

	return TRUE;

	if (data) {
		g_array_free(data, TRUE);
		data = NULL;

	return FALSE;
Esempio n. 11
gkm_aes_mechanism_unwrap (GkmSession *session, CK_MECHANISM_PTR mech,
                          GkmObject *wrapper, CK_VOID_PTR input, CK_ULONG n_input,
                          CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR attrs, CK_ULONG n_attrs,
                          GkmObject **unwrapped)
	gcry_cipher_hd_t cih;
	gcry_error_t gcry;
	GArray *array;
	GkmAesKey *key;
	gpointer padded, value;
	gsize n_padded, n_value;
	GkmTransaction *transaction;
	gsize block, pos;
	gboolean ret;

	g_return_val_if_fail (GKM_IS_SESSION (session), CKR_GENERAL_ERROR);
	g_return_val_if_fail (mech, CKR_GENERAL_ERROR);
	g_return_val_if_fail (mech->mechanism == CKM_AES_CBC_PAD, CKR_GENERAL_ERROR);
	g_return_val_if_fail (GKM_IS_OBJECT (wrapper), CKR_GENERAL_ERROR);

	if (!GKM_IS_AES_KEY (wrapper))
	key = GKM_AES_KEY (wrapper);

	block = gkm_aes_key_get_block_size (key);
	g_return_val_if_fail (block != 0, CKR_GENERAL_ERROR);

	if (n_input == 0 || n_input % block != 0)

	cih = gkm_aes_key_get_cipher (key, GCRY_CIPHER_MODE_CBC);
	if (cih == NULL)

	if (!mech->pParameter || gcry_cipher_setiv (cih, mech->pParameter, mech->ulParameterLen) != 0) {
		gcry_cipher_close (cih);

	padded = egg_secure_alloc (n_input);
	memcpy (padded, input, n_input);
	n_padded = n_input;

	/* In place decryption */
	for (pos = 0; pos < n_padded; pos += block) {
		gcry = gcry_cipher_decrypt (cih, (guchar*)padded + pos, block, NULL, 0);
		g_return_val_if_fail (gcry == 0, CKR_GENERAL_ERROR);

	gcry_cipher_close (cih);

	/* Unpad the resulting value */
	ret = egg_padding_pkcs7_unpad (egg_secure_realloc, block, padded, n_padded, &value, &n_value);
	egg_secure_free (padded);

	/* TODO: This is dubious, there doesn't seem to be an rv for 'bad decrypt' */
	if (ret == FALSE)

	/* Now setup the attributes with our new value */
	array = g_array_new (FALSE, FALSE, sizeof (CK_ATTRIBUTE));

	/* Prepend the value */
	attr.type = CKA_VALUE;
	attr.pValue = value;
	attr.ulValueLen = n_value;
	g_array_append_val (array, attr);

	/* Add the remainder of the attributes */
	g_array_append_vals (array, attrs, n_attrs);

	transaction = gkm_transaction_new ();

	/* Now create an object with these attributes */
	*unwrapped = gkm_session_create_object_for_attributes (session, transaction,
	                                                       (CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR)array->data, array->len);

	egg_secure_free (value);
	g_array_free (array, TRUE);

	return gkm_transaction_complete_and_unref (transaction);
Esempio n. 12
// push in one Scope Id
int s_stack_push (SymbolTableStack* stack, ScopeId sid) {
    stack->stack = g_array_append_vals ( stack->stack, (gconstpointer) (&sid), 1 );
    stack->top ++;
    return 0;
Esempio n. 13
static void
collect_sessions (void)
        g_autoptr(GHashTable) names_seen_before = NULL;
        GArray     *xorg_search_array = NULL;
        GArray     *wayland_search_array = NULL;
        gchar      *session_dir = NULL;
        int         i;
        const char *xorg_search_dirs[] = {
                DMCONFDIR "/Sessions/",
                DATADIR "/gdm/BuiltInSessions/",
                DATADIR "/xsessions/",

        names_seen_before = g_hash_table_new (g_str_hash, g_str_equal);

        xorg_search_array = g_array_new (TRUE, TRUE, sizeof (char *));

        const gchar * const *system_data_dirs = g_get_system_data_dirs ();

        for (i = 0; system_data_dirs[i]; i++) {
                session_dir = g_build_filename (system_data_dirs[i], "xsessions", NULL);
                g_array_append_val (xorg_search_array, session_dir);

        g_array_append_vals (xorg_search_array, xorg_search_dirs, G_N_ELEMENTS (xorg_search_dirs));

        const char *wayland_search_dirs[] = {
                DATADIR "/wayland-sessions/",

        wayland_search_array = g_array_new (TRUE, TRUE, sizeof (char *));

        for (i = 0; system_data_dirs[i]; i++) {
                session_dir = g_build_filename (system_data_dirs[i], "wayland-sessions", NULL);
                g_array_append_val (wayland_search_array, session_dir);

        g_array_append_vals (wayland_search_array, wayland_search_dirs, G_N_ELEMENTS (wayland_search_dirs));

        if (gdm_available_sessions_map == NULL) {
                gdm_available_sessions_map = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash, g_str_equal,
                                                                    g_free, (GDestroyNotify)gdm_session_file_free);

        for (i = 0; i < xorg_search_array->len; i++) {
                collect_sessions_from_directory (g_array_index (xorg_search_array, gchar*, i));

        g_array_free (xorg_search_array, TRUE);

        if (g_getenv ("WAYLAND_DISPLAY") == NULL && g_getenv ("RUNNING_UNDER_GDM") != NULL) {
                g_array_free (wayland_search_array, TRUE);

        for (i = 0; i < wayland_search_array->len; i++) {
                collect_sessions_from_directory (g_array_index (wayland_search_array, gchar*, i));

        g_array_free (wayland_search_array, TRUE);

        g_hash_table_foreach_remove (gdm_available_sessions_map,
Esempio n. 14
ustring_append(UString* str, const UString* s)
    return g_array_append_vals(str, s->data, s->len);