Esempio n. 1
static CeditNotebook *
find_notebook_at_pointer (gint abs_x, gint abs_y)
	GdkWindow *win_at_pointer;
	GdkWindow *toplevel_win;
	gpointer toplevel = NULL;
	gint x, y;

	/* FIXME multi-head */
	win_at_pointer = gdk_window_at_pointer (&x, &y);
	if (win_at_pointer == NULL)
		/* We are outside all windows of the same application */
		return NULL;

	toplevel_win = gdk_window_get_toplevel (win_at_pointer);

	/* get the GtkWidget which owns the toplevel GdkWindow */
	gdk_window_get_user_data (toplevel_win, &toplevel);

	/* toplevel should be an CeditWindow */
	if ((toplevel != NULL) && 
	    CEDIT_IS_WINDOW (toplevel))
		return CEDIT_NOTEBOOK (_cedit_window_get_notebook
						(CEDIT_WINDOW (toplevel)));

	/* We are outside all windows containing a notebook */
	return NULL;
Esempio n. 2
static void
set_user_time (GdkWindow *window,
               GdkEvent  *event)
  g_return_if_fail (event != NULL);

  window = gdk_window_get_toplevel (event->any.window);
  g_return_if_fail (GDK_IS_WINDOW (window));

  /* If an event doesn't have a valid timestamp, we shouldn't use it
   * to update the latest user interaction time.
  if (gdk_event_get_time (event) != GDK_CURRENT_TIME)
    gdk_x11_window_set_user_time (gdk_window_get_toplevel (window),
                                  gdk_event_get_time (event));
Esempio n. 3
	JNIEnv* env,
	jclass cls,
	jlong _self
	GdkWindow* result;
	jlong _result;
	GdkWindow* self;

	// convert parameter self
	self = (GdkWindow*) _self;

	// call function
	result = gdk_window_get_toplevel(self);

	// cleanup parameter self

	// translate return value to JNI type
	_result = (jlong) result;

	// cleanup return value
	if (result != NULL) {
		bindings_java_memory_cleanup((GObject*)result, FALSE);

	// and finally
	return _result;
Esempio n. 4
 * Change current cursor to a animated watch (if animation supported
 * by environment).
 * \param force_update		Call a gtk iteration to ensure cursor
 *				is updated.  May cause trouble if
 *				called from some signal handlers.
void gsb_status_wait ( gboolean force_update )
    GdkWindow * current_window;

    gdk_window_set_cursor ( run.window -> window,
			    gdk_cursor_new_for_display ( gdk_display_get_default ( ),
							 GDK_WATCH ) );

    current_window = gdk_display_get_window_at_pointer ( gdk_display_get_default ( ),
							 NULL, NULL );

    if ( current_window && GDK_IS_WINDOW ( current_window )
	 current_window != run.window -> window )
	GdkWindow * parent = gdk_window_get_toplevel ( current_window );

	if ( parent && parent != current_window )
	    current_window = parent;

	gdk_window_set_cursor ( current_window,
				gdk_cursor_new_for_display ( gdk_display_get_default ( ),
							     GDK_WATCH ) );

	tracked_window = current_window;

    if ( force_update )
	update_gui ( );
/* FIXME remove when gtknotebook's func for this becomes public, bug #.... */
static EphyNotebook *
find_notebook_at_pointer (gint abs_x, gint abs_y)
    GdkWindow *win_at_pointer, *toplevel_win;
    gpointer toplevel = NULL;
    gint x, y;

    /* FIXME multi-head */
    win_at_pointer = gdk_window_at_pointer (&x, &y);
    if (win_at_pointer == NULL)
        /* We are outside all windows containing a notebook */
        return NULL;

    toplevel_win = gdk_window_get_toplevel (win_at_pointer);

    /* get the GtkWidget which owns the toplevel GdkWindow */
    gdk_window_get_user_data (toplevel_win, &toplevel);

    /* toplevel should be an EphyWindow */
    if (toplevel != NULL && EPHY_IS_WINDOW (toplevel))
        return EPHY_NOTEBOOK (ephy_window_get_notebook
                              (EPHY_WINDOW (toplevel)));

    return NULL;
GdkWindow *
do_find_current_window (void)
  GdkWindow *current_window;
  GdkDeviceManager *manager;
  GdkDevice *device;

  current_window = screenshot_find_active_window ();
  manager = gdk_display_get_device_manager (gdk_display_get_default ());
  device = gdk_device_manager_get_client_pointer (manager);
  /* If there's no active window, we fall back to returning the
   * window that the cursor is in.
  if (!current_window)
    current_window = gdk_device_get_window_at_position (device, NULL, NULL);

  if (current_window)
      if (screenshot_window_is_desktop (current_window))
	/* if the current window is the desktop (e.g. nautilus), we
	 * return NULL, as getting the whole screen makes more sense.
        return NULL;

      /* Once we have a window, we take the toplevel ancestor. */
      current_window = gdk_window_get_toplevel (current_window);

  return current_window;
/* FIXME remove when gtknotebook's func for this becomes public, bug #.... */
static NautilusNotebook *
find_notebook_at_pointer (gint abs_x, gint abs_y)
	GdkWindow *win_at_pointer, *toplevel_win;
	gpointer toplevel = NULL;
	gint x, y;

	/* FIXME multi-head */
	win_at_pointer = gdk_window_at_pointer (&x, &y);
	if (win_at_pointer == NULL)
		/* We are outside all windows containing a notebook */
		return NULL;

	toplevel_win = gdk_window_get_toplevel (win_at_pointer);

	/* get the GtkWidget which owns the toplevel GdkWindow */
	gdk_window_get_user_data (toplevel_win, &toplevel);

	/* toplevel should be an NautilusWindow */
	if (toplevel != NULL && NAUTILUS_IS_NAVIGATION_WINDOW (toplevel))

	return NULL;
Esempio n. 8
/* FIXME remove when gtknotebook's func for this becomes public, bug #.... */
static NautilusNotebook *
find_notebook_at_pointer (gint abs_x, gint abs_y)
	GdkDeviceManager *manager;
	GdkDevice *pointer;
	GdkWindow *win_at_pointer, *toplevel_win;
	gpointer toplevel = NULL;
	gint x, y;

	/* FIXME multi-head */
	manager = gdk_display_get_device_manager (gdk_display_get_default ());
	pointer = gdk_device_manager_get_client_pointer (manager);
	win_at_pointer = gdk_device_get_window_at_position (pointer, &x, &y);

	if (win_at_pointer == NULL)
		/* We are outside all windows containing a notebook */
		return NULL;

	toplevel_win = gdk_window_get_toplevel (win_at_pointer);

	/* get the GtkWidget which owns the toplevel GdkWindow */
	gdk_window_get_user_data (toplevel_win, &toplevel);

	/* toplevel should be an NautilusWindow */
	if (toplevel != NULL && NAUTILUS_IS_WINDOW (toplevel))
		return NAUTILUS_NOTEBOOK (NAUTILUS_WINDOW (toplevel)->details->notebook);

	return NULL;
NS_IMETHODIMP Icon::Init(nsIDOMWindow *aWindow, const nsString& aTitle)
  nsresult rv;
  nsCOMPtr<nsIBaseWindow> baseWindow;
  rv = GetBaseWindow(aWindow, getter_AddRefs(baseWindow));

  nativeWindow native = 0;
  rv = baseWindow->GetParentNativeWindow(&native);

  // Get the window
  mGdkWindow = gdk_window_get_toplevel(reinterpret_cast<GdkWindow*>(native));
  if (!mGdkWindow) {

  // Get the widget and gtk window
  GtkWidget *widget;
  gdk_window_get_user_data(mGdkWindow, reinterpret_cast<gpointer*>(&widget));
  widget = gtk_widget_get_toplevel(widget);
  mGtkWindow = reinterpret_cast<GtkWindow*>(widget);

  // Set up tray icon
  mStatusIcon = gtk_status_icon_new();

  // Get the window icon and set it
  GdkPixbuf *buf = gtk_window_get_icon(mGtkWindow);
  if (buf) {
    gtk_status_icon_set_from_pixbuf(mStatusIcon, buf);
  } else {
    const gchar *iconname = gtk_window_get_icon_name(mGtkWindow);
    if (iconname)
      gtk_status_icon_set_from_icon_name(mStatusIcon, iconname);

  // Get and set the title
  if (aTitle.IsEmpty()) {
    gtk_status_icon_set_tooltip_text(mStatusIcon, gtk_window_get_title(mGtkWindow));
    gtk_widget_add_events(widget, GDK_PROPERTY_CHANGE_MASK);
    propertyEventId = g_signal_connect(mGtkWindow, "property-notify-event", G_CALLBACK(gtkPropertyEvent), this);
  else {
    NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8 titleUTF8(aTitle);
    gtk_status_icon_set_tooltip_text(mStatusIcon, reinterpret_cast<const char*>(titleUTF8.get()));
    propertyEventId = 0;

  // Add signals
  g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(mStatusIcon), "button-press-event", G_CALLBACK(gtkButtonEvent), this);
  g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(mStatusIcon), "button-release-event", G_CALLBACK(gtkButtonEvent), this);

  // Make visible
  gtk_status_icon_set_visible(mStatusIcon, 1);
  return NS_OK;
Esempio n. 10
static gint
gtk_label_accessible_get_offset_at_point (AtkText      *atk_text,
                                          gint          x,
                                          gint          y,
                                          AtkCoordType  coords)
  GtkWidget *widget;
  GtkLabel *label;
  const gchar *text;
  gint index, x_layout, y_layout;
  gint x_window, y_window;
  gint x_local, y_local;
  GdkWindow *window;

  widget = gtk_accessible_get_widget (GTK_ACCESSIBLE (atk_text));
  if (widget == NULL)
    return -1;

  label = GTK_LABEL (widget);

  gtk_label_get_layout_offsets (label, &x_layout, &y_layout);

  window = gtk_widget_get_window (widget);
  gdk_window_get_origin (window, &x_window, &y_window);

  x_local = x - x_layout - x_window;
  y_local = y - y_layout - y_window;

  if (coords == ATK_XY_WINDOW)
      window = gdk_window_get_toplevel (window);
      gdk_window_get_origin (window, &x_window, &y_window);

      x_local += x_window;
      y_local += y_window;

  if (!pango_layout_xy_to_index (gtk_label_get_layout (label),
                                 x_local * PANGO_SCALE,
                                 y_local * PANGO_SCALE,
                                 &index, NULL))
      if (x_local < 0 || y_local < 0)
        index = 0;
        index = -1;

  if (index != -1)
      text = gtk_label_get_text (label);
      return g_utf8_pointer_to_offset (text, text + index);

  return -1;
Esempio n. 11
gdk_keyboard_grab (GdkWindow *	   window,
		   gboolean	   owner_events,
		   guint32	   time)
  gint return_val;
  unsigned long serial;
  GdkDisplay *display;
  GdkDisplayX11 *display_x11;
  GdkWindow *native;

  g_return_val_if_fail (window != NULL, 0);
  g_return_val_if_fail (GDK_IS_WINDOW (window), 0);

  native = gdk_window_get_toplevel (window);

  /* TODO: What do we do for offscreens and  children? We need to proxy the grab somehow */
  if (!GDK_IS_WINDOW_IMPL_X11 (GDK_WINDOW_OBJECT (native)->impl))
    return GDK_GRAB_SUCCESS;

  display = GDK_WINDOW_DISPLAY (native);
  display_x11 = GDK_DISPLAY_X11 (display);

  serial = NextRequest (GDK_WINDOW_XDISPLAY (native));

  if (!GDK_WINDOW_DESTROYED (native))
      if (_gdk_debug_flags & GDK_DEBUG_NOGRABS)
	return_val = GrabSuccess;
	return_val = XGrabKeyboard (GDK_WINDOW_XDISPLAY (native),
				    GDK_WINDOW_XID (native),
				    GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync,
	if (G_UNLIKELY (!display_x11->trusted_client && 
			return_val == AlreadyGrabbed))
	  /* we can't grab the keyboard, but we can do a GTK-local grab */
	  return_val = GrabSuccess;
    return_val = AlreadyGrabbed;

  if (return_val == GrabSuccess)
    _gdk_display_set_has_keyboard_grab (display,
					window,	native,
					serial, time);

  return gdk_x11_convert_grab_status (return_val);
Esempio n. 12
static void
goo_canvas_item_accessible_get_extents (AtkComponent *component,
					gint         *x,
					gint         *y,
					gint         *width,
					gint         *height,
					AtkCoordType  coord_type)
  GooCanvasItem *item;
  GooCanvas *canvas;
  GObject *object;
  gint window_x, window_y;
  gint toplevel_x, toplevel_y;
  GdkRectangle rect;
  GdkWindow *window;

  g_return_if_fail (GOO_IS_CANVAS_ITEM_ACCESSIBLE (component));

  *x = *y = G_MININT;

  object = atk_gobject_accessible_get_object (ATK_GOBJECT_ACCESSIBLE (component));
  if (!object)

  item = GOO_CANVAS_ITEM (object);

  canvas = goo_canvas_item_get_canvas (item);
  if (!canvas || !GTK_WIDGET (canvas)->window)

  goo_canvas_item_accessible_get_item_extents (item, &rect);
  *width = rect.width;
  *height = rect.height;

  if (!goo_canvas_item_accessible_is_item_in_window (item, &rect))

  gdk_window_get_origin (GTK_WIDGET (canvas)->window,
			 &window_x, &window_y);
  *x = rect.x + window_x;
  *y = rect.y + window_y;

  if (coord_type == ATK_XY_WINDOW)
      window = gdk_window_get_toplevel (GTK_WIDGET (canvas)->window);
      gdk_window_get_origin (window, &toplevel_x, &toplevel_y);
      *x -= toplevel_x;
      *y -= toplevel_y;
Esempio n. 13
static GdkDrawable* rootWindowForFrame(Frame* frame)
    if (!frame)
        return 0;
    FrameView* frameView = frame->view();
    if (!frameView)
        return 0;
    GdkDrawable* drawable = frameView->drawable();
    if (!drawable)
        return 0;
    if (!GDK_WINDOW(drawable))
        return drawable;
    GdkWindow* window = GDK_WINDOW(drawable);
    return gdk_window_get_toplevel(window);
Esempio n. 14
static void
gtk_label_accessible_get_character_extents (AtkText      *text,
                                            gint          offset,
                                            gint         *x,
                                            gint         *y,
                                            gint         *width,
                                            gint         *height,
                                            AtkCoordType  coords)
  GtkWidget *widget;
  GtkLabel *label;
  PangoRectangle char_rect;
  const gchar *label_text;
  gint index, x_layout, y_layout;
  GdkWindow *window;
  gint x_window, y_window;

  widget = gtk_accessible_get_widget (GTK_ACCESSIBLE (text));
  if (widget == NULL)

  label = GTK_LABEL (widget);

  gtk_label_get_layout_offsets (label, &x_layout, &y_layout);
  label_text = gtk_label_get_text (label);
  index = g_utf8_offset_to_pointer (label_text, offset) - label_text;
  pango_layout_index_to_pos (gtk_label_get_layout (label), index, &char_rect);
  pango_extents_to_pixels (&char_rect, NULL);

  window = gtk_widget_get_window (widget);
  gdk_window_get_origin (window, &x_window, &y_window);

  *x = x_window + x_layout + char_rect.x;
  *y = x_window + y_layout + char_rect.y;
  *width = char_rect.width;
  *height = char_rect.height;

  if (coords == ATK_XY_WINDOW)
      window = gdk_window_get_toplevel (window);
      gdk_window_get_origin (window, &x_window, &y_window);

      *x -= x_window;
      *y -= y_window;
Esempio n. 15
static void
get_origins (GtkWidget *widget,
             gint      *x_window,
             gint      *y_window,
             gint      *x_toplevel,
             gint      *y_toplevel)
  GdkWindow *window;

  if (GTK_IS_TREE_VIEW (widget))
    window = gtk_tree_view_get_bin_window (GTK_TREE_VIEW (widget));
    window = gtk_widget_get_window (widget);

  gdk_window_get_origin (window, x_window, y_window);
  window = gdk_window_get_toplevel (gtk_widget_get_window (widget));
  gdk_window_get_origin (window, x_toplevel, y_toplevel);
NS_IMETHODIMP UnwatchWindow(nsIDOMWindow *aWindow)
  nsresult rv;

  nsCOMPtr<nsIBaseWindow> baseWindow;
  rv = GetBaseWindow(aWindow, getter_AddRefs(baseWindow));

  nativeWindow native = 0;
  rv = baseWindow->GetParentNativeWindow(&native);

  GdkWindow *gdkWindow = gdk_window_get_toplevel(reinterpret_cast<GdkWindow*>(native));
  if (!gdkWindow) {
  gdk_window_remove_filter(gdkWindow, reinterpret_cast<GdkFilterFunc>(filterWindows), aWindow);

  return NS_OK;
Esempio n. 17
/* FIXME remove when gtknotebook's func for this becomes public, bug #.... */
static CajaNotebook *
find_notebook_at_pointer (gint abs_x, gint abs_y)
#if GTK_CHECK_VERSION(3, 0, 0)
    GdkDeviceManager *manager;
    GdkDevice *pointer;
    GdkWindow *win_at_pointer, *toplevel_win;
    gpointer toplevel = NULL;
    gint x, y;

    /* FIXME multi-head */
#if GTK_CHECK_VERSION(3, 0, 0)
    manager = gdk_display_get_device_manager (gdk_display_get_default ());
    pointer = gdk_device_manager_get_client_pointer (manager);
    win_at_pointer = gdk_device_get_window_at_position (pointer, &x, &y);
    win_at_pointer = gdk_window_at_pointer (&x, &y);

    if (win_at_pointer == NULL)
        /* We are outside all windows containing a notebook */
        return NULL;

    toplevel_win = gdk_window_get_toplevel (win_at_pointer);

    /* get the GtkWidget which owns the toplevel GdkWindow */
    gdk_window_get_user_data (toplevel_win, &toplevel);

    /* toplevel should be an CajaWindow */
    if (toplevel != NULL && CAJA_IS_NAVIGATION_WINDOW (toplevel))
        return CAJA_NOTEBOOK (CAJA_NAVIGATION_WINDOW_PANE (CAJA_WINDOW (toplevel)->details->active_pane)->notebook);

    return NULL;
/* a helper function to return our toplevel GDK window given a Mozilla window. */
static nsresult
GetToplevelGdkWindow(nsISupports* aWindow, GdkWindow** aToplevelWindow) {
  GdkWindow* window;

  /* we need somewhere to put the result */
  if (!aToplevelWindow) {
    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

  /* find the window that was passed in */
  window = NativeWindowFromNode::get(aWindow);
  if (!GDK_IS_WINDOW(window)) {
    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

  /* no, actually we want the top-level window since we're doing a resize */
  window = gdk_window_get_toplevel(window);
  if (!GDK_IS_WINDOW(window)) {
    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

  *aToplevelWindow = window;
  return NS_OK;
Esempio n. 19
static void
gdk_device_win32_set_window_cursor (GdkDevice *device,
                                    GdkWindow *window,
                                    GdkCursor *cursor)
    GdkWin32Cursor *cursor_private;
    GdkWindow *parent_window;
    GdkWindowImplWin32 *impl;
    HCURSOR hcursor;
    HCURSOR hprevcursor;

    impl = GDK_WINDOW_IMPL_WIN32 (window->impl);
    cursor_private = (GdkWin32Cursor*) cursor;

    hprevcursor = impl->hcursor;

    if (!cursor)
        hcursor = NULL;
        hcursor = cursor_private->hcursor;

    if (hcursor != NULL)
        /* If the pointer is over our window, set new cursor */
        GdkWindow *curr_window = gdk_window_get_pointer (window, NULL, NULL, NULL);

        if (curr_window == window ||
                (curr_window && window == gdk_window_get_toplevel (curr_window)))
            SetCursor (hcursor);
            /* Climb up the tree and find whether our window is the
             * first ancestor that has cursor defined, and if so, set
             * new cursor.
            while (curr_window && curr_window->impl &&
                    !GDK_WINDOW_IMPL_WIN32 (curr_window->impl)->hcursor)
                curr_window = curr_window->parent;
                if (curr_window == GDK_WINDOW (window))
                    SetCursor (hcursor);

    /* Unset the previous cursor: Need to make sure it's no longer in
     * use before we destroy it, in case we're not over our window but
     * the cursor is still set to our old one.
    if (hprevcursor != NULL &&
            GetCursor () == hprevcursor)
        /* Look for a suitable cursor to use instead */
        hcursor = NULL;
        parent_window = GDK_WINDOW (window)->parent;

        while (hcursor == NULL)
            if (parent_window)
                impl = GDK_WINDOW_IMPL_WIN32 (parent_window->impl);
                hcursor = impl->hcursor;
                parent_window = parent_window->parent;
                hcursor = LoadCursor (NULL, IDC_ARROW);

        SetCursor (hcursor);
Esempio n. 20
static VALUE
gdkwin_get_toplevel(VALUE self)
    return GOBJ2RVAL(gdk_window_get_toplevel(_SELF(self)));
Esempio n. 21
File: dnd.c Progetto: ayyi/samplecat
drag_received (GtkWidget* widget, GdkDragContext* drag_context, gint x, gint y, GtkSelectionData* data, guint info, guint time, gpointer user_data)
	// this receives drops for the whole window.

	if(!data || data->length < 0){ perr("no data!\n"); return -1; }

	dbg(1, "%s", data->data);

	if(g_str_has_prefix((char*)data->data, "colour:")){

		char* colour_string = (char*)data->data + 7;
		unsigned colour_index = atoi(colour_string) ? atoi(colour_string) - 1 : 0;

		// which row are we on?
		GtkTreePath* path;
		GtkTreeIter iter;
		gint tx, treeview_top;
		gdk_window_get_position(app->libraryview->widget->window, &tx, &treeview_top);
		dbg(2, "treeview_top=%i", y);

#ifdef HAVE_GTK_2_12
		gint bx, by;
		gtk_tree_view_convert_widget_to_bin_window_coords(GTK_TREE_VIEW(app->libraryview->widget), x, y - treeview_top, &bx, &by);
		dbg(2, "coords: %dx%d => %dx%d", x, y, bx, by);

		gint by = y - treeview_top - 20;

#ifdef USE_GDL
		GdkWindow* top_window = gdk_window_get_toplevel(gtk_widget_get_toplevel(app->libraryview->widget)->window);
		GdkWindow* window = app->libraryview->widget->window;
		while((window = gdk_window_get_parent(window)) != top_window){
			gint x0, y0;
			gdk_window_get_position(window, &x0, &y0);
			by -= y0;

    if(gtk_tree_view_get_path_at_pos(GTK_TREE_VIEW(app->libraryview->widget), x, by, &path, NULL, NULL, NULL)){

      gtk_tree_model_get_iter(GTK_TREE_MODEL(, &iter, path);
      gchar* path_str = gtk_tree_model_get_string_from_iter(GTK_TREE_MODEL(, &iter);
      dbg(2, "path=%s y=%i final_y=%i", path_str, y, y - treeview_top);

      listview_item_set_colour(path, colour_index);

    else dbg(0, "path not found.");

    return FALSE;

  if(info == GPOINTER_TO_INT(GDK_SELECTION_TYPE_STRING)) printf(" type=string.\n");

    dbg(1, "type=uri_list. len=%i", data->length);
    GList* list = uri_list_to_glist((char*)data->data);
    if(g_list_length(list) < 1) pwarn("drag drop: uri list parsing found no uri's.\n");
    int i = 0;
    ScanResults result = {0,};
    GList* l = list;
#ifdef __APPLE__
      char* u = l->data;

      gchar* method_string;
      vfs_get_method_string(u, &method_string);
      dbg(2, "%i: %s method=%s", i, u, method_string);

      if(!strcmp(method_string, "file")){
        //we could probably better use g_filename_from_uri() here
        //-or perhaps get_local_path() from rox/src/support.c

        char* uri_unescaped = vfs_unescape_string(u + strlen(method_string) + 1, NULL);

        char* uri = (strstr(uri_unescaped, "///") == uri_unescaped) ? uri_unescaped + 2 : uri_unescaped;

        if(do_progress(0,0)) break;
        if(is_dir(uri)) application_add_dir(uri, &result);
        else application_add_file(uri, &result);

      else pwarn("drag drop: unknown format: '%s'. Ignoring.\n", u);
#ifdef __APPLE__

    statusbar_print(1, "import complete. %i files added", result.n_added);


  return FALSE;
Esempio n. 22
static PyObject *
PyGdkWindow_GetAttr(PyGdkWindow_Object *self, char *key)
    GdkWindow *win = PyGdkWindow_Get(self);
    gint x, y;
    GdkModifierType p_mask;

    if (!strcmp(key, "__members__"))
	return Py_BuildValue("[sssssssssssss]", "children", "colormap", "depth",
			     "height", "parent", "pointer", "pointer_state",
			     "toplevel", "type", "width", "x", "xid", "y");
    if (!strcmp(key, "width")) {
	gdk_drawable_get_size(win, &x, NULL);
	return PyInt_FromLong(x);
    if (!strcmp(key, "height")) {
	gdk_drawable_get_size(win, NULL, &y);
	return PyInt_FromLong(y);
    if (!strcmp(key, "x")) {
	gdk_window_get_position(win, &x, NULL);
	return PyInt_FromLong(x);
    if (!strcmp(key, "y")) {
	gdk_window_get_position(win, NULL, &y);
	return PyInt_FromLong(y);
    if (!strcmp(key, "colormap"))
	return PyGdkColormap_New(gdk_drawable_get_colormap(win));
    if (!strcmp(key, "pointer")) {
	gdk_window_get_pointer(win, &x, &y, NULL);
	return Py_BuildValue("(ii)", x, y);
    if (!strcmp(key, "pointer_state")) {
	gdk_window_get_pointer(win, NULL, NULL, &p_mask);
	return PyInt_FromLong(p_mask);
    if (!strcmp(key, "parent")) {
	GdkWindow *par = gdk_window_get_parent(win);
	if (par)
	    return PyGdkWindow_New(par);
	return Py_None;
    if (!strcmp(key, "toplevel"))
	return PyGdkWindow_New(gdk_window_get_toplevel(win));
    if (!strcmp(key, "children")) {
	GList *children, *tmp;
	PyObject *ret;
	children = gdk_window_get_children(win);
	if ((ret = PyList_New(0)) == NULL)
	    return NULL;
	for (tmp = children; tmp != NULL; tmp = tmp->next) {
	    PyObject *win = PyGdkWindow_New(tmp->data);
	    if (win == NULL) {
		return NULL;
	    PyList_Append(ret, win);
	return ret;
    if (!strcmp(key, "type"))
	return PyInt_FromLong(gdk_drawable_get_type(win));
    if (!strcmp(key, "depth")) {
	gdk_window_get_geometry(win, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &x);
	return PyInt_FromLong(x);
    if (!strcmp(key, "xid"))
	return PyInt_FromLong(GDK_WINDOW_XWINDOW(win));

    return Py_FindMethod(PyGdkWindow_methods, (PyObject *)self, key);